  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • V želji, da bi Ljubljana zares intenzivno doživela svoje mesto kot zeleno prestolnico, smo na Mestni občini Ljubljana
    pripravili posebno instalacijo, ki povezuje meščane in obiskovalce. Z začetkom zelenega leta smo tako pred ljubljansko Mestno hišo postavili veliko srce. To je zelo posebno, saj s stetoskopom omogoča snemanje srčnega utripa, ki se po ritmu utripa obarva zeleno. Vsi, ki si želite posneti svoj srčni utrip in sodelovati v kampanji Ljubljane - Zelene prestolnice Evrope 2016, lahko to storite vse do marca, in sicer vsak dan med 16. in 18. uro ter ob sobotah od 10. do 13. ure. Snemanje srčnega utripa izvajamo ob lepem vremenu in primernih temperaturah. Vabljeni.
    The space outside City Hall is to be enlivened by an installation of a heart with a stethoscope for the heartbeat, with which residents and other passersby will be able to record theirs. When people record their heartbeat, the heart beats to the rhythm of their pulse. And this rhythm will also be coloured green. All those that want to record their heartbeat will be able to do so as early as next week. We will let you know the schedule of recording. By submitting a recording of their heartbeat, participants confirm that they are aware and consent that the City of Ljubljana will use the recording to promote the Ljubljana - European Green Capital 2016 project