it's probably a long time and you won't see this, but I have an issue when I go into the small silk bridge, whenever i use a gcd, my character turns to boss and since i keep going forward, my character does the same but this time towards the boss and if i'm not fast enough i end up in the poison puddle... It doesn't seem to happen to you, what's you secret please ;_: Because I kind of gave up, and I just stop doing anything when I cross, or I stop > gcd > then move... kind of a waste
I did see it! The only thing I can think of is that you aren't holding left click / right click for your camera as you move, and so pressing W just takes whatever way your character is facing at that moment instead of going towards where your camera is "facing". If you play on controller, I would assume it's kind of the same issue. I'm also on legacy controls but I think this should apply whether you are on legacy or standard.
it's probably a long time and you won't see this, but I have an issue when I go into the small silk bridge, whenever i use a gcd, my character turns to boss and since i keep going forward, my character does the same but this time towards the boss and if i'm not fast enough i end up in the poison puddle... It doesn't seem to happen to you, what's you secret please ;_:
Because I kind of gave up, and I just stop doing anything when I cross, or I stop > gcd > then move... kind of a waste
I did see it! The only thing I can think of is that you aren't holding left click / right click for your camera as you move, and so pressing W just takes whatever way your character is facing at that moment instead of going towards where your camera is "facing". If you play on controller, I would assume it's kind of the same issue. I'm also on legacy controls but I think this should apply whether you are on legacy or standard.
@@blakyxd Oh haha yay! I see what you mean, I'm going to try it that way maybe that's it. Thank you for taking the time to explain this!
Hey why'd you use your 2nd pot when you did?