A Yankee Doodle Dandy

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Brian Dewan sings the uncensored "Yankee Doodle." This is the song George Washington didn't want you to hear!


  • @anableps
    @anableps  18 років тому +7

    The lyrics are from the earliest known version set to this music in 1775. This *IS* the actual song, but being a folk song the lyrics changed over time. It became a patriotic song once the Revolutionary War began.

  • @spoopysauce2456
    @spoopysauce2456 4 роки тому +5

    Full lyrics:
    Brother Ephraim sold his cow
    And bought him a commission,
    And then he went to Canada
    To fight for the nation.
    But when Ephraim he came home
    He proved and arrant coward,
    He wouldn’t fight the Frenchmen there
    For fear of being devoured.
    Sheep’s head and vinegar,
    Buttermilk and tansy,
    Boston is a Yankee town--
    Sing Hey Doodle Dandy.
    First we’ll take a pinch of snuff,
    And then a drink of water,
    And then we’ll say, “How do you do” --
    And that’s a Yankee’s supper.
    Aminadab is just come home,
    His eyes all greased with bacon,
    And all the news that he could tell
    Is Cape Breton is taken.
    Stand up, Johnathan
    Figure in thy neighbor;
    Vathen, stand a little off
    And make the room some wider.
    Christmas is a coming, boys,
    We’ll go to Mother Chase’s.
    And there we’ll get some sugar dram
    sweetened with molasses.
    Heigh ho for our Cape Cod,
    Heigh ho Nantasket,
    Do not let the Boston wags
    Feed your oyster basket.
    Pumpkin pie is very good.
    And so is apple lantern,
    Had you been whipped as oft as I
    You’d not have been so wanton.
    Uncle is a Yankee man,
    In faith, he pays us all off,
    And he as got a fiddle
    As big as Daddy’s hog trough.
    Seth’s mother went to Lynn
    To by a pair of breeches,
    The first time Vathen put them on
    He tore out all the stitches.
    Dolly Bushel let a fart.
    Jenny Jones she found it,
    Ambrose carried it to mill
    Where Doctor Warren ground it.
    Our Jemimah’s lost her mare
    And can’t tell where to find her,
    But she’ll come trotting by and by
    And bring her tail behind her.
    Two and two may go to bed,
    Two and two together;
    And if there is not room enough,
    Lie one atop a tother

  • @imthegreenfaiiry
    @imthegreenfaiiry 16 років тому +4

    for all those people who are hating on this song i hope y'all know that yankee doodle was originally a british song that insulted the colonials (

  • @tombradley
    @tombradley 17 років тому

    Wonderful. I love this song especially what Lafayette did with it at the Yorktown surrender. I never knew these lyrics.
    BTW victuals is pronounced vittles.

  • @LucyDepp24
    @LucyDepp24 15 років тому

    love this n.n

  • @motleyhar
    @motleyhar 17 років тому

    Really interesting.

  • @afrundzhyan75
    @afrundzhyan75 14 років тому

    This song is new,I never heard of this one

  • @egfigolga
    @egfigolga 16 років тому

    ROCK ON!

  • @The_Soobaroo
    @The_Soobaroo 16 років тому

    Erm, woaw I've never seen that instrument before, like some weeks ago I saw this wierd instrument you didn't touch at all and u only need to close your palm close to it and it made sound.^^

  • @ZOVXO3
    @ZOVXO3 6 років тому

    americans is amasing!

  • @Rosiercentral
    @Rosiercentral 16 років тому

    Isn't this the original Yankee Doodle, where the British were making fun of us and then, on the Battle of Lexington and Concord, the Americans did their own turn and mocked them as the Brits rushed back to Boston.
    "Upon their return to Boston [pursued by the Minutemen], one [Briton] asked his brother officer how he liked the tune now, - 'Dang them,' returned he, 'they made us dance it till we were tired' - since which Yankee Doodle sounds less sweet to their ears."

  • @Rosiercentral
    @Rosiercentral 16 років тому

    I was listening to the song again and then I heard my homecity of LYNN!!!! GaAHAHAHAHAHAH!

  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 2
    Sheep's head and vinegar
    butter milk and tansy,
    Boston is a Yankee town
    sing hey doodle dandy:
    First we'll take a pinch of snuff
    and then a drink of water,
    and then we'll say how do you do
    and that's a Yanky's supper

  • @keniichi
    @keniichi 17 років тому

    yeah lol i noticed that.

  • @vann20
    @vann20 17 років тому


  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 5
    Punk in pye is very good
    and so is apple lantern,
    had you been whipp'd as oft as I
    you'd not have been so wanton:
    Uncle is a Yankee man
    'I faith he pays us all off,
    and he has got a Fiddle
    as big as Daddy's hogs trough.

  • @Lovuschka
    @Lovuschka 16 років тому

    DragonsForces, the instrument you talk about is probably a Theremin (named after his inventor).

  • @MtgBeast69
    @MtgBeast69 13 років тому

    @Dmasterman Haha i think you might have accidently pushed the 1 while you were pushing the 2 button.

  • @keniichi
    @keniichi 18 років тому

    Ok, thanks, for replying to my comment. Um, how do you know all this?

  • @kuleczkaxD
    @kuleczkaxD 16 років тому

    good one :D 10 for You :D

  • @joseph2137
    @joseph2137 16 років тому

    this reminds me of 1 of the mods i played on steam lol

  • @pytko3
    @pytko3 16 років тому

    This then is the version of the song that sung durring the French and Indian War isn't it?

  • @qboxer
    @qboxer 16 років тому

    Ain't that the truth. :D

  • @keniichi
    @keniichi 17 років тому


  • @badboi697
    @badboi697 17 років тому

    "yankee doodle went to town
    to play a game of cricket
    a ball shot up his trouser leg
    and hit his middle wicket"

  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 4
    Christmas is a coming boys
    well go to Mother Chases,
    and there we'll get a sugar dram,
    sweeten'd with melasses:
    Heigh he for our Cape Cod,
    heigh he Nantasket,
    do not let the Boston wags,
    feel your oyster basket.

  • @Shishaohanyi
    @Shishaohanyi 16 років тому

    i got get it?

  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 3
    Aminadab is just come home
    his eyes all greas'd with bacon,
    and all the news that he cou'd tell
    is Cape Breton is taken:
    Stand up Jonathan
    Figure in by Neighbour,
    Nathen stand a little off
    and make the room some wider

  • @keniichi
    @keniichi 17 років тому


  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 7
    Our Jemima's lost her mare
    and can't tell where to find her,
    but she'll come trotting by and by
    and bring her tail behind her
    Two and two may go to bed;
    two and two together,
    and if there is not room enough,
    lie one a top o'to'ther.

  • @SaarIL
    @SaarIL 17 років тому

    LOL thhat cool
    i know how to play this on the guitar

  • @Shielah69
    @Shielah69 15 років тому

    I'm not sure of that saying so I looked it up. It is popular in gayborhoods like The Castro in San Fransisco, I guess that's where you heard it. Tell me, were you wearing a dress?

  • @keniichi
    @keniichi 18 років тому

    Where did you get this, cool song?! I know that this isn't the actural song.

  • @kool1678
    @kool1678 17 років тому

    the dutch national anthem is longer(wilhelmus)!

  • @__PatG
    @__PatG 16 років тому

    bbab bada bi ba ba barop bop bap bap barop bop
    im the scatman

  • @armenianply
    @armenianply 17 років тому

    thats hard to believe jason but if its true thats cool

  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 6
    Seth's Mother went to Lynn
    to buy a pair of breeches,
    The first time Vathen put them on
    he tore out all the stitches;
    Dolly Bushel let a fart,
    Jenny Jones she found it,
    Ambrose carried it to mill
    where Doctor Warren ground it.

  • @MtgBeast69
    @MtgBeast69 13 років тому

    @Dmasterman Haha Yeah Right.. Rofl

  • @keniichi
    @keniichi 16 років тому

    different version.

  • @stre0539
    @stre0539 15 років тому

    Verse 1
    Brother Ephraim sold his cow
    and bought him a commission,
    and then he went to Canada
    to fight for the nation;
    But when Ephraim he came home
    he pov'd an arrant coward,
    he wou'd'n't fight the Frenchmen
    for fear of being devour'd.

  • @Benjahmmin
    @Benjahmmin 15 років тому

    what mpc he use?:D

  • @CloneTrooperKieran
    @CloneTrooperKieran 14 років тому

    this is scary

  • @Dmasterman
    @Dmasterman 13 років тому

    @MtgBeast69 No it's 15 inches. you mad?

  • @Shielah69
    @Shielah69 15 років тому

    What is "anyon"? is that the way you spell in San Fransisco? Very intelligent.
    "Tons of enemies" does this mean the good citizens of The Castro are grossly overweight as you are?
    BTW, 69 is the year I was born, shielah is an acronym. (I know you'll have to wiki that word).

  • @punictunic
    @punictunic 16 років тому

    Wrong war - see comment below

  • @zzausel
    @zzausel 12 років тому

    Which instrument is this?

  • @aziangirlluv
    @aziangirlluv 13 років тому

    @MtgBeast69 i like how you laughed at what I said. it mean's you're insecure about the fact I'm right

  • @caramelizeme
    @caramelizeme 15 років тому


  • @Dmasterman
    @Dmasterman 13 років тому

    @SirConnery11 Mine is 12

  • @silver965
    @silver965 17 років тому

    is this a song about patriotism or food and spoiled attitudes?

  • @Rosiercentral
    @Rosiercentral 14 років тому

    @nilbud Prove me wrong then. Find the historical documents that support your agrument. Because I did. :P

  • @kimiakiwi
    @kimiakiwi 17 років тому

    okay wierd

  • @jebech11
    @jebech11 15 років тому

    hil US!!
    Denmark q;

  • @pytko3
    @pytko3 16 років тому

    Yeah that was funny back in the 1st grade. Grow up.

  • @mightybeeb
    @mightybeeb 14 років тому

    obviously a democrat

  • @54spiritedwill54
    @54spiritedwill54 16 років тому

    Really interesting.