I do find it a little funny that Hoku's song "Another Dumb Blonde" is the main song for the movie "Snow Day" and then "Perfect Day" becomes the main song for the movie "Legally Blonde"
Funny story, when I was a kid, I went to some Radio Disney concert-event-thingy where there were a ton of pop stars, and Hoku was one of them. There was a horrible storm and it knocked out the electronics, which meant most of the bands that relied on lip syncing were screwed and the concert was gonna be ruined. But Hoku actually gave a kick ass performance live for the audience despite the technical difficulties, and it's one of my favorite memories today. I have a lot respect for her!
Brilliant! Back when stars like her did signings and appearances at Malls, my mom pulled me and my sister into a line and we met her, shook her hand, and received an autograph. It’s hilarious because we were two kids completely aloof to the situation (nothing to say, not even sure who this is) weeks later we’re enjoying music videos🤣
So much nostalgia in the cut. I was 10 when Snow Day came out. This song takes me all the way back to Nickelodeon when they used to do commercials about that movie......my childhood was Straight up Awesome!!!!!
Oh my! This takes me back to the golden days of Radio Disney. This was part of the daily rotation, along with N Sync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, and Hanson. Really good times!
Wow this takes me back. ... haha I'm only 25 but wow I miss when music use to be as simple as this. The music industry of today seems so dark in comparison.
I was a 13 year old kid up at 1am on a school night watching MTV's block of late night, non-stop (well other than commercials) block of music videos when I first saw this video. At the time I wasn't too much into this sort of pop music, but definitely remember thinking it was catchy at the time. I actually thought of this music video almost completely out of nowhere and decided to see if it was on youtube; I am so, so happy I did. Everything from the music and movies I was into, to what video games I was playing, to my long lost middle school friends came rushing back like a huge wave just now. Funny how a song that you barely remember from long ago can have such a powerful effect on you.
Holy crap! I’m beyond happy and thrilled!! I’m meeting Hoku this June! She’s always been one of my top favorite female Singers! I still have her album Hoku! I seriously can’t wait the anticipation is killing me! It’s going to be one of the top greatest Birthday presents ever!!!
I didn't get this until now! I feel really bad and heck yea! She was amazed that I still had her album and that I knew pretty much everything about her! She signed my album and we talked for awhile like we've been friends for years and she was everything I hoped she would be and more! It was one of the top greatest moments of my entire life! I love her even more now! HOKU forever!@@mariamagdalena6413
I remember right around when this song came out, Nickelodeon played music videos and this was one of them. My 10 year old self had a huge crush on this girl. Loved the movie, too.
I love the part where she quickly sings in a higher tone. (2:46-3:01) oddly enough, even 2 decades later ill remember that one little part instantly whenever i randomly hear it...lol
Man this brings back some childhood memories. On my Birthday in 2000 I was gifted with my first CD, Hoku, and my first CD player. I remember listening to it nearly every day whenever I could. I'm surprised my parents weren't driven too breaking the CD, lol. I haven't heard any of the songs since 2003, and yet... I still remember all the songs on the Hoku album word for word.
Wow nostalgia, I was 12 when this movie and song came out I remember watching the promo. Now I'm 27...WOW time flies I miss those days it was wonderful....
I'm watching Snow Day this morning while I'm working from home. I have such a soft spot for this movie from my childhood and this music video is such nostalgic fun. The movie has a great soundtrack.
TheKingsCastlePodcast Yep she is the daughter of famous Hawaiian (Yes Hoku is Hawaiian) singer Don Ho... Although her music style was VERY different from her dads style, Don's music was more traditional where Hoku was quite obviously pop.
I was thirteen years old when this song released. Seems so long ago. I miss it. The commercials of that era, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel... I miss it all.
I still love this song im 31 rocking this never knew the name of the track till today 😁 good vibes i miss real music that had your head nodding tapping your feet
I remember when this came out and I had my parents tv volume maxxed out everytime it came on. She is one underrated artist I think I am gonna binge tonight.
"That's alright that's okay, I never loved you anyway"... Ahhh the time in music when nothing was offensive and when it was so easy to get over relationships. I miss these days.
Hearing this song make me wanna jump in the portal where it says year 2000 lol it was fun at those times when teenage school years was fun no school on a snow day watching movies play videos games it will never be like this again
This song was played on the bus a lot as I was heading home from high school. I was 17 back then.. time flies! I always sang along with it just like now! lol I watched Snow Day a lot.
i love how there's so much action going on her playing with the snow her dancing in the snow meeting her friends at the beach while dancing the night away while showing clips of the film at the same time now THAT'S what i call a music video if this video was being made now there would only be 1 thing going on while she's singing the song while showing clips of the film it would of been boring AS FUCK cause that's practically what all music videos for movies are now THANK GOD i grew up in the right generation
You really have to admire a girl who can take the whole dumb blonde shtick and turn it into such a catchy hit song. Hoku deserved SO much more attention than she got. Sadly eclipsed by the overblown shadow of Britney Spears.
@@kaisanderson9616 From what I've read, Hoku grew up Christian, and as such, she refused to dress or act provocatively the way her record label wanted her to. The way the entertainment industry treats young women is disgusting. Seeing the way the media treated young pop stars like Britney Spears (and the impact that treatment had on their mental health), I doubt she regrets her choices.
I actually went and got the whole album and listened to it all the time. It is a shame she did not get more popular. It was a really good album. Sad that there was so much pressure for her dress slutty and I'm glad she had enough integrity not to give in to that pressure. If a woman is going to dress slutty it should be a choice, just like it should be her choice to be modest, so good on her for being awesome and making her own choices.
Fun Fact: Hoku's song Another Dumb Blonde was the theme song for the movie Snow Day... Her song Perfect Day was the theme song for the movie Legally Blonde.
Watching "Snow Day" and got some flashbacks. Remember this song, but not the artist. I thought it was Mandy Moore 😅. I love the early 2000s. Such a time to be alive. Before social media ruined most things. Shout out to all the 90s babies ✊🏽❤️
damn i had a huge crush on her when i was 13 or 14 years old... video appeared in between watching episodes of figure it out and the wild thornberries. very snow storm. wow.
Man for some reason this song popped up in my head I didn't rember it all the way but I decided to research it and now I'm addicted I'm 27 now so I rember why I liked this song when I was younger , real good song
Well, that's it: I'm old. This was like, middle school for me? And I know the black kids didn't listen to this back then, so I was a rarity lololol. This reminds me of Limited Too and all those other cheesy stores at the mall. We were so cool back then. I would love to visit those times again today. It's very different from today's youth. Remember when a new video aired, we had to wait for it and plan our schedules around it? Lol haha good times.:-) This was also around the time when the term 'emoticons' preceded 'emoji'. I have no idea what an emoji is, meaning the relative difference between that and an emoticon. (And I'd just explained what emo was to my Mama the other day. Yessss! Go figure ;p)
I'm glad you had a fun high school time :) My high school years literally depressed me. But this takes me back to my elementary school days, when my life was fun and happy ^_^
oh I never said high school was that great! this just brings back a good memory, actually I think it was my first year going into high school when this came out
I do find it a little funny that Hoku's song "Another Dumb Blonde" is the main song for the movie "Snow Day" and then "Perfect Day" becomes the main song for the movie "Legally Blonde"
Kim Martin
I went there, took pictures, and came back already honey. :)
interesting lol. especially since the themes are different
The forbidden crossover
Mind blowned!😮
Legally Blonde
Hoku was ahead of her time. Sending an entire music video via e-mail. Yahoo cuts me off at 25MB
Whyyyyyy is this not at the top though!? Lmfao
Dfan46 not gonna lie....hoku seems like she's a bitch
CappsJD lol, she’s been married for 18 years now though!
saint k. Right!
Would love to know what happened to her… She had an excellent voice
Funny story, when I was a kid, I went to some Radio Disney concert-event-thingy where there were a ton of pop stars, and Hoku was one of them. There was a horrible storm and it knocked out the electronics, which meant most of the bands that relied on lip syncing were screwed and the concert was gonna be ruined. But Hoku actually gave a kick ass performance live for the audience despite the technical difficulties, and it's one of my favorite memories today. I have a lot respect for her!
Brilliant! Back when stars like her did signings and appearances at Malls, my mom pulled me and my sister into a line and we met her, shook her hand, and received an autograph. It’s hilarious because we were two kids completely aloof to the situation (nothing to say, not even sure who this is) weeks later we’re enjoying music videos🤣
What expect from her, she rocks. Her father taught her well
So much nostalgia in the cut. I was 10 when Snow Day came out. This song takes me all the way back to Nickelodeon when they used to do commercials about that movie......my childhood was Straight up Awesome!!!!!
I was 8 and I didn’t get to see it until it was out on video and I was 9. I wish I had seen Snow Day in the theater because I loved it as a kid.
KaEdw1400 I was 9 years old man have time went by
Yeah it was
Same! I was 10 when this came out! One of my fav movies and songs of all-time! 😂
Bruhhhhhhhhh hell YES!
This chorus has been stuck in my head off and on for the last ten years
Try 22
oh shit you wrote that 10 years ago lol
23 years now...
It just randomly pops in my head every now and then...
This is so 2000's. Which is GREAT, because I swear the 2000's brought with it some of the happiest songs. Whatever happened to songs like this?
You have a pretty hair color btw. Wish I could pull that color off.
9/11 happened.
The year 2000 was such an amazing year in my opinion...
13CrazyDaisies We were all blissful, optimistic, and happy about the new millennium. But now....
I miss these days. Kids today don't know what they missed.
That's alright, that's ok...Ha!
Cory Wright - EXACTLY. I wish I could show them how life was :(
They have no idea .... i wish i could take MY KIDS back .....
Damn right. This song brings me back to those days riding razor scooters with my crew
I'm barely a teen and I think these times were better than today's.
I was so obsessed over this song back in 2000...............................................still am. :)
Oh my! This takes me back to the golden days of Radio Disney. This was part of the daily rotation, along with N Sync, Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Backstreet Boys, and Hanson. Really good times!
this is when music rock coming from a black man
@@willieriley1241 I’m black as well and I wholeheartedly agree.
All we got now is stupid ass rap never like rap this generation is ass
Yoooooooooooooooo, OOF this borught back memories good lawd. That and Zoog disney SON.
The beginning of the 2000s still had that 90s feel.
Technically 2000 was the 90s too.
Funny! When I listen to an all-1990s marathon on the radio, I sometimes hear songs that came out in 1989 and/or 2000.
@@screenwriterjohn we regret to inform you that this pedantry went out of style over 20 years ago
@@ARSZLB obviously. Can millennials have some nostalgic memories.
Time go fast
It's songs like this that make me glad I grew up during this time
I used to always want those mac computers back then. I wanted it in purple or green lol. This song still never gets old to me lol
Me toooooo! I wanted one so badly I would have liked any color! Actually, I still want one, lol.
I know... right?!!!!
Oh yeah i liked the blue one. Remember snowday?
Omg I watched this video on one of those purple macs back in the day. You just brought back so many memories lol
If it makes you feel any better, those Macs were terrible...
Wow this takes me back. ... haha I'm only 25 but wow I miss when music use to be as simple as this. The music industry of today seems so dark in comparison.
ali N And at the time, I remember my folks saying that they were too scandalous.
i know what you mean, unfortunately its by design :/
I've been thinking about this song for awhile, but I finally remember the singer.
Good ol' Nick days.
I was a 13 year old kid up at 1am on a school night watching MTV's block of late night, non-stop (well other than commercials) block of music videos when I first saw this video. At the time I wasn't too much into this sort of pop music, but definitely remember thinking it was catchy at the time. I actually thought of this music video almost completely out of nowhere and decided to see if it was on youtube; I am so, so happy I did. Everything from the music and movies I was into, to what video games I was playing, to my long lost middle school friends came rushing back like a huge wave just now. Funny how a song that you barely remember from long ago can have such a powerful effect on you.
It's been almost 20 years and I still get goosebumps hearing this song. We love you, Hoku! ❤
wait until that Netflix and Nickelodeon collab..
2000- I love this song 💙
2024- I still love this song 💙
Snow Day is one of my favorite movies as a kid. 💙
Who’s here in 2020 jamming out while quarantined from the Rona?
Yeh we need a blizzard of 2020 up here in ohio lol
Just watched Snow Day!
@Paulo Ravinski me too. LoL.
Loved her back in the day. I still have the cd. I listen to it every now and then.
Holy crap! I’m beyond happy and thrilled!! I’m meeting Hoku this June! She’s always been one of my top favorite female Singers! I still have her album Hoku! I seriously can’t wait the anticipation is killing me! It’s going to be one of the top greatest Birthday presents ever!!!
Omg how was your birthday? Did you get to meet Hoku??
@@mariamagdalena6413 Hey Sexy it's a pleasure to meet you! Do you have Instagram. I'll show you
How was it?
I didn't get this until now! I feel really bad and heck yea! She was amazed that I still had her album and that I knew pretty much everything about her! She signed my album and we talked for awhile like we've been friends for years and she was everything I hoped she would be and more! It was one of the top greatest moments of my entire life! I love her even more now! HOKU forever!@@mariamagdalena6413
This is like the definition of early 2000s in a song
The clothes are so fun to see again
Stupid blonde👩🏼💥 girl
Belly shirts. Belly shirts everywhere lol
@@zeus982 why were they a thing in the 2000’s anyway?
I remember right around when this song came out, Nickelodeon played music videos and this was one of them. My 10 year old self had a huge crush on this girl. Loved the movie, too.
I remember when this song premiered on Snick some years ago. I miss that feeling
+voltron5 DUDE ME TOO!!!!!
Me too. This brings back so many memories
Those were good times I remember
My gosh me too!
yooooooo me too that movie snow day was a big deal
Can’t believe this movie and this song are 20 years old!
The movie I barely remember but this song stuck with me for life
Still got my single cassette of this! 😊
Such a great theme for _Snow Day_
Omg still here this song came into mind idk why
I love the part where she quickly sings in a higher tone. (2:46-3:01) oddly enough, even 2 decades later ill remember that one little part instantly whenever i randomly hear it...lol
This song randomly popped into my head, so I found this video... brought me back to pre-teen days. hah!
I never knew that Hoku was the daughter of the late Don Ho. Great voice, and drop dead gorgeous!!
I know!! She’s absolutely beautiful
Tiny Bubbles Don Ho?
@@VidWatcher01 Google.
Man this brings back some childhood memories.
On my Birthday in 2000 I was gifted with my first CD, Hoku, and my first CD player. I remember listening to it nearly every day whenever I could. I'm surprised my parents weren't driven too breaking the CD, lol. I haven't heard any of the songs since 2003, and yet... I still remember all the songs on the Hoku album word for word.
This was definitely before sept. 11 2001
Why do you say that?
@@DianaLeighWarner the mood was definitely different pre 9/11
@@ZacSaleski good point that is kind of true..
It's weird that you say that
Still so good! ❤
I HAD to look this up! Childhood memories on REPEAT! Lol
Kim Martin It's a habit now! Yeahh, I know! Sad, really!
Kim Martin True! Sometimes I wish the sound for music would go back to the 90's and older! Easier times! Me too! 27!
Me too 26
Kim Martin EXACTLY!
Wow nostalgia, I was 12 when this movie and song came out I remember watching the promo. Now I'm 27...WOW time flies
I miss those days it was wonderful....
Omg it's 2016 and I ended up here watching this video by accident.
+roxygurl202 It is really hard for me to find this music video!
+roxygurl202 me too.
It's Christmas eve 2016, and I always will love HOKU.
Song is actually 🔥 and Snow Day is lowkey one of Nickelodeons best films I watch it every January..man I miss the world pre 9/11
I miss the 90s and the early 2000s. The music, movies and the quality of everything was dope compared to what we have in 2020.
I can't believe 2020 was already 3 years ago
I'm watching Snow Day this morning while I'm working from home. I have such a soft spot for this movie from my childhood and this music video is such nostalgic fun. The movie has a great soundtrack.
Good times!!! 🥺
Bummer her career didn't take off. I liked her
I have always loved her, and I always will
Julian Aguilar me too
She don't need your money lol. She's Don Ho's daughter.
Rob Ramirez what
TheKingsCastlePodcast Yep she is the daughter of famous Hawaiian (Yes Hoku is Hawaiian) singer Don Ho... Although her music style was VERY different from her dads style, Don's music was more traditional where Hoku was quite obviously pop.
OMG... I had this cassette. No I still have this cassette.
i bought the cd single. ha...good ole days! #90s
Anyone who remembers this song is a LEGEND! 2024 🔥 🥂
Hey yo!
Me!!! 🎉🎉🎉
will never forget this song
Definitely and excellent song and the song was on the movie snow day
Omg that iMac in the beginning lol so early 2000s.
I was thirteen years old when this song released. Seems so long ago. I miss it. The commercials of that era, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, Disney Channel... I miss it all.
Time flies doesn’t it!
I still love this song im 31 rocking this never knew the name of the track till today 😁 good vibes i miss real music that had your head nodding tapping your feet
I remember when this came out and I had my parents tv volume maxxed out everytime it came on. She is one underrated artist I think I am gonna binge tonight.
Dec 2 2009 this was put on UA-cam... the day before I was born
Love Hoku. Lov3 this song nearly as much as I do "Perfect Day." This is Dan Ho's talented daughter and as a dude from the 1970s, I love'm both...
This song pretty much sucks and the singing is lame.
@@melissasmith6762 "There's no accounting for taste."
SNOW DAY!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
Catchy lol I was in 6th grade n loving this movie n song. Nice n simple
This is a really good song 8/2/2024, I just discovered her, She is really good.
Discovered her November 2024. She is _sooooo_ good.
"That's alright that's okay, I never loved you anyway"... Ahhh the time in music when nothing was offensive and when it was so easy to get over relationships. I miss these days.
Corijuan Reese YESSS
I miss it too!
It wasn’t easy lol. They’re just trying to be strong in these songs. It always hurts like hell.
Hearing this song make me wanna jump in the portal where it says year 2000 lol it was fun at those times when teenage school years was fun no school on a snow day watching movies play videos games it will never be like this again
This song brings me back when I was in junior high school at the age of 12/13 in 2000.
Omg me too 😢
@@alexisarrizon6083 that's what's up. I'm glad to hear . This was good ol memories from our adolescence time and wish to rewind back.
I was just 9 years old in the third grade in 2000. Much purer times back then and that is a fact, you can agree or disagree with me, I don’t care!
I haven't heard this song in years!!! Sweet nostalgia!! 😊❤
Me: "My sister had that CD."
My friend: "Everybody's sister had that CD."
That's true.
Truest statement ever lol
My "sister" was me
Branch and I had this song on this thing from when I was a toddler, called "Hit Clips," and we listened to it all the time.
My sister also had this cd! 😂
I had the *cassette
Omg memories I wanna cry
Thumbs up if you were a preteen when this movie came out
I'm still trying to find the DVD.
@@corynielsen516 don't you mean the VHS ? Great movie , always tried to recreate their snow fort in the movie.
@@kevinn1312 what movie is this from
@@kevinn1312 No, probably still means DVD. This movie was released on DVD years ago and I own a copy of it.
Alexander Rivera I was 9
omfg i remember having that computer and this song reminds me of the movie snow day and those early 2000's days ugh the best time
This song came out when I was 40, but that's alright. That's ok.
OMG Memories!!! I forgot about this one. Awesome.
A flash down memory lane! Those were the days!
Movie came on TV and I had to look up this song!! 💙
This song was played on the bus a lot as I was heading home from high school. I was 17 back then.. time flies! I always sang along with it just like now! lol I watched Snow Day a lot.
The feels that this song brings back!
I had her album and adored it, especially this song. She had such a cute look and great voice. I wish she could have gone further! This song is a BOP!
She was a great singer. I don't know why she never continued.
This song takes me back in time to the good ol days lol!
im rewatching Gilmore Girls and then i suddenly remember this artist and her song Perfect Day.. Wanna go back to those days.
2020 and still an american classic.
omg... finally found this back!
SNOWDAY song that I loved so much.
Every few months or so, I'll get these lyrics stuck in my head, and today I searched the lyrics. Ah this song is just like I remebered!
The Mac at the beginning says it all.
i love how there's so much action going on her playing with the snow her dancing in the snow meeting her friends at the beach while dancing the night away while showing clips of the film at the same time now THAT'S what i call a music video if this video was being made now there would only be 1 thing going on while she's singing the song while showing clips of the film it would of been boring AS FUCK cause that's practically what all music videos for movies are now THANK GOD i grew up in the right generation
True. Nothing is original or unique anymore. Bland ass decade
so glad I can always come back to these songs and live
Such a great song!!! I could listen to this all the time
I totally forgot about this song ... Crazy dude .... This came out when I was 13 .... Lol
You really have to admire a girl who can take the whole dumb blonde shtick and turn it into such a catchy hit song. Hoku deserved SO much more attention than she got. Sadly eclipsed by the overblown shadow of Britney Spears.
Ikr?! I had a huge crush on Hoku as a kid! She had a talented father (Don Ho) to thank for her musical talent!
There were just too many blondes out there in pop around that time, britney, xtina, jessica simpson, mandy moore it became oversaturated.
@@kaisanderson9616 From what I've read, Hoku grew up Christian, and as such, she refused to dress or act provocatively the way her record label wanted her to. The way the entertainment industry treats young women is disgusting. Seeing the way the media treated young pop stars like Britney Spears (and the impact that treatment had on their mental health), I doubt she regrets her choices.
I didn't even know she existed..... :(
I actually went and got the whole album and listened to it all the time. It is a shame she did not get more popular. It was a really good album. Sad that there was so much pressure for her dress slutty and I'm glad she had enough integrity not to give in to that pressure. If a woman is going to dress slutty it should be a choice, just like it should be her choice to be modest, so good on her for being awesome and making her own choices.
I had this playing on repeat with my HitClip.
Geeze... I was 11 when this came out and I still remember every word.
I have no idea why - out of nowhere this song popped into my head this morning, so here I am! Haha
Fun Fact: Hoku's song Another Dumb Blonde was the theme song for the movie Snow Day... Her song Perfect Day was the theme song for the movie Legally Blonde.
I miss Hoku; she is so cool.
+Martin Nguyen she does have some new songs that she released in 2007 but nothing I could find after that
me too the movie snow day brought me here it was great movie on nickelodeon.
+Martin Nguyen where is she now ?
+Jerry Skyknight This will answer your question:
Martin Nguyen yes she is very cool I'm her nanny
Holy. Cow. The memories! I had a huge crush on Hoku when I was younger. Wow 😍
Me, as well.
Had to look this great memory up. I just put on movie Snow Day for my girls. This song is in it
Watching "Snow Day" and got some flashbacks. Remember this song, but not the artist.
I thought it was Mandy Moore 😅. I love the early 2000s. Such a time to be alive. Before social media ruined most things.
Shout out to all the 90s babies ✊🏽❤️
Amazing that I can still listen to hoku after 20 years!
damn i had a huge crush on her when i was 13 or 14 years old... video appeared in between watching episodes of figure it out and the wild thornberries. very snow storm. wow.
oh my god this played on radio disney alllll the time this was THE SONG in grade school
This brings back so many memories.
2000 was a different vibe
Man for some reason this song popped up in my head I didn't rember it all the way but I decided to research it and now I'm addicted I'm 27 now so I rember why I liked this song when I was younger , real good song
song still pops up in my head sometimes
This is a very catchy song. damn I miss the early 2000s!
Crazy to think she was 19 in this video. I thought she was younger. I was also 19 at the time. Now were both 41. Dang how time flies.
Happy 15th anniversary to Snow Day!
Indeed, classic
Well, that's it: I'm old. This was like, middle school for me? And I know the black kids didn't listen to this back then, so I was a rarity lololol. This reminds me of Limited Too and all those other cheesy stores at the mall. We were so cool back then. I would love to visit those times again today. It's very different from today's youth. Remember when a new video aired, we had to wait for it and plan our schedules around it? Lol haha good times.:-) This was also around the time when the term 'emoticons' preceded 'emoji'. I have no idea what an emoji is, meaning the relative difference between that and an emoticon. (And I'd just explained what emo was to my Mama the other day. Yessss! Go figure ;p)
Ike N I'm black too, and I used to love this!
+yaphace I'm black and I was in third grade when I heard this song and saw snow day. Matter afact this song made me wanna watch snow day
lol I thought I was the only black person who bumped this
❤️🥰 Miss the old days
I am so happy when I watch this and sing along. I'm in high school again! Yay Hoku!!! This is my favorite! =D
I'm glad you had a fun high school time :) My high school years literally depressed me. But this takes me back to my elementary school days, when my life was fun and happy ^_^
oh I never said high school was that great! this just brings back a good memory, actually I think it was my first year going into high school when this came out
yep back to being a teen miss it.
Do other 90s kids also cry watching this era of music videos? Childhood nostalgic memories man