Amherst, NY Including Amherst Police and CRIMINAL MJ Peterson Corruption Targeted Me

  • Опубліковано 26 тра 2024
  • MJ Peterson should lose their right to be a landlord in New York after this is exposed. Federal authorities should be after them and the Town of Amherst for the RICO act. They think they can get away with anything when their target is poor just like when the Amherst cops came to my door and told me i need to walk to the courthouse and get the judge to change a order of protection against me so i could stay in my apartment of 18 years. The cops assumed i didn't even have a car. This is how Amherst cops treat some people. Did the cops really think i could stroll in the courthouse and talk to a judge. The order of protection should have been put on my accuser, Adam Flynn, in the first place for lying to the police to get me arrested and making a fake call on me on 1/24/24 along with probably at least 100 other documented lies which the cops just ignore. He is one extremely sick and dangerous individual that you can see on the linked facebook page since youtube won't let me show him.
    The Town of Amherst prosecuted me for over 4 months and initiated torture that has lasted over a year now and all this to please their neighbor MJ Peterson. They used a seriously mentally ill tenant's sole statement to target me. I am now 69 years old and have a bachelors of science degree from UB in Mechanical Engineering in 1998 so i was 43 when i was graduated and within a month i had a job as a design engineer for a aerospace controls company in Ohio. We did work for major aerospace companies such as Lockheed Martin. After becoming disabled and unable to work as a engineer i ended up at Pepper Tree Heights which was not a bad place to live initially. Little by little it became less seniors and more tenants with other issues like alcohol and drug and mental issues. On 5/22/23 two mentally ill tenants changed my life forever when one that frequently leaves notes at tenants doorsteps got in trouble when he blew up at a extremely mentally ill tenant who had been here for less then 6 months. The new tenant was evidently getting nasty notes left at his door after the verbal fight. On 5/22/23 the frequent note leaver did get in trouble with the building manager as he told me in a text. Earlier on 5/22/23 the new tenant that was getting notes must have been trying to figure out who left him the notes so he asked me if i was mad at him. I told him i was a little mad at him because he had gotten the frequent note leaver in trouble. That was a huge mistake because the new tenant then figured i left him the nasty notes so he did like i'm sure he had done many times before, lied to them. He called them and told them he witnessed me leave him a note. The police came and talked to him and someone on the phone before they came in to talk to me. My guess is they were given their orders from MJ Peterson to come in and do whatever it took to arrest me so for the first time in my life that is what they did.
    The police and court did everything they could do to harass me and extend their torture as long as they could. They withheld the police report for 54 days and no one got the MJ Peterson security camera video that proved i was innocent and my neighbor lied. I documented many requests for the video and all went unanswered. My railroading was extended over 4 months when it mysteriously got dismissed. After a year my torture by the police and the mentally ill tenants has not stopped. I constantly get blamed for stuff i didn't do and my neighbor gets away with lying to the Amherst Police even when i prove he lied. The Town of Amherst thinks they can get away with everything they do to me but i am documenting everything for a future lawsuit. Amherst Police even tried blaming me for all the fake welfare calls for my accuser. I have documented around 80 fake police calls in less then a year and usually there are 2 or 3 cars that show up at 285 Peppertree Drive in Amherst, NY. That is a lot of wasted police resources but then they owe him because they used him to target me.
    The Amherst PD knew very well of my accuser's serious mental issues before they ever arrested on his statement alone and absolutely no investigation was ever done. It was all a planned use of their power to harass me and try to get me evicted for the puppet masters in corporate controlled Amherst, NY. The retaliation reasons for me being a target will come out in the legal process and documentation of the abuse of power will also come out.
    See this facebook page for videos youtube will not show:
    Accusers redacted welfare calls:
    A very nasty call was today wasting 3 cops time and it was totally fabricated. There was no aid even involved as the police call said. Here he is saying hello to me and anyone else watching the view of the camera at the entrance.