Hi, below is the approach, i tried. with cte_endDate as ( Select distinct A.EmpID, A.EndDate from DimEmployee A LEFT JOIN DimEmployee B ON A.EmpID = B.EmpID AND A.EndDate >= B.StartDate AND A.EndDate < B.EndDate WHERE B.EmpID IS NULL ) , cte_startDate as ( select distinct EmpID, StartDate from DimEmployee ) , cte_Min as ( Select SD.EmpID, SD.StartDate, MIN(ED.EndDate) as EndDate from cte_startDate SD INNER JOIN cte_endDate ED ON SD.EmpID = ED.EmpID AND SD.StartDate < ED.EndDate group by SD.EmpID, SD.StartDate ) Select EmpID, MIN(StartDate) as StartDate, EndDate from cte_Min group by EmpID, EndDate Order by 1,2;
Well explained!!
Thank You!
Hi, below is the approach, i tried.
with cte_endDate as (
Select distinct A.EmpID, A.EndDate
from DimEmployee A
LEFT JOIN DimEmployee B
ON A.EmpID = B.EmpID
AND A.EndDate >= B.StartDate AND A.EndDate < B.EndDate
, cte_startDate as (
select distinct EmpID, StartDate
from DimEmployee
, cte_Min as (
Select SD.EmpID, SD.StartDate, MIN(ED.EndDate) as EndDate
from cte_startDate SD
INNER JOIN cte_endDate ED
AND SD.StartDate < ED.EndDate
group by SD.EmpID, SD.StartDate
Select EmpID, MIN(StartDate) as StartDate, EndDate
from cte_Min
group by EmpID, EndDate
Order by 1,2;