Playing Iowa To See How Good Wisconsin Really Is

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @PotatoQuality
    @PotatoQuality  5 місяців тому +53

    I probably just have too high expectations for Wisconsin. I'd love to hear your experiences with Wisconsin if you have it already, how good is the dispersion for you?

    • @chukov2352
      @chukov2352 5 місяців тому +1

      Missouri better😊

    • @vitezslavlorenc3479
      @vitezslavlorenc3479 5 місяців тому +4

      @@chukov2352 Missouri and Iowa suffers from T9 pain. You pretty much better with any T10 BB cos you will mostly play againts other T10. Also Iowa is like million years old without any buffs so it will just suffer in play with other much better and newer ships like St. Vincent line or Bungo line.

    • @theoyansen8267
      @theoyansen8267 5 місяців тому +1

      Whiskey has amazing dispersion and immune to citadels for me

    • @LordMephiston40k
      @LordMephiston40k 5 місяців тому +1

      I will go for Wisconsin even I already have both Mo and Iowa. I think I rather use Mo than Whisky.

    • @gblowe62
      @gblowe62 5 місяців тому

      View my reply below. Check aft of Whiskey superstructure for easy citadels.

  • @sonnenwende5508
    @sonnenwende5508 5 місяців тому +88

    6:21 that is "How was Joker born", just a bad RNG.

  • @JC-xz4ec
    @JC-xz4ec 5 місяців тому +118

    I think your issue is that you think having improved dispersion is going to mean every salvo is going to punish something every time you feel like you deserve it and in the end, math couldn't care less about your feelings. It's still going to run its calculations and you are going to miss the target quite often in a BB. All it means is that when you get those good rolls, they are going to be extra good. It doesn't mean that the bad rolls are going to be all that much less likely. That isn't mentioning the massive aim bugs in the game. As soon as you start having to aim above or below the actual ship hull...well, it has issues. To put it mildly. Basically, you're just hyping them up far too much in your mind (We all do it man) and nothing is going to ever come close to your hopes until they release Russian rail gun BBs that don't even have to leave port to win the game.

    • @TaskForce-ql3bx
      @TaskForce-ql3bx 5 місяців тому +5

      I plead guilty to this exact problem too.

    • @vtr0104
      @vtr0104 5 місяців тому +4

      The thing about the dispersion is that some ships seems to have random values allocated to them, which makes BBs in particular very frustrating to deal with. A while back I just gave up on PvP and play Co-Op where I can get closer to things to somewhat mitigate this, but even shooting at the Bots it's clear WG is doing SOMETHING wrong. I main USN BBs and found discrepancies even between the same class of ship, not just between gun types:
      - The New York is more accurate than the Texas in spite of being, supposedly, the same;
      - The Florida is more accurate than the New Mexico even though they both use the same 50 caliber 356mm guns;
      - The Arizona is more accurate than the New Mexico even though it uses 45 caliber 356mm guns;
      - The Colorado is more accurate than the West Virginia, even though they're the same ship;
      - The Constellation is more accurate than the Colorado even though they have the same 45 caliber 406mm guns and even turrets;
      - The North Carolina is more accurate than the Massachusets or Alabama, even though it uses the same turrets and, allegedly, has an older type of fire control system;
      - The North Carolina is more accurate than the Iowa or Montana, which are supposed to be historically much better ships.
      I have no idea how all this was decided or what balance it's supposed to cater to, though I'll agree with you on the Russian thing. I only have one Russian BB, from some event a while back, the Novorossisk, which is essentially a Giulio Cesare / Andrea Doria. But even though it's supposed to be a handed-down version of these, it's more accurate than the original... How, and why?
      Unfortunately I have no way to check for other nations yet as I've not unlocked many things, though I will say, for example, that Iwami and Hizen use the same guns with Hizen being awful (in spite of having literally 4 more guns) and Iwami being accurate, or the P.E. Friedrich being more accurate than the Mackensen even though it's a Mackensen itself with just a different bow.

    • @DFens66688
      @DFens66688 5 місяців тому

      @@vtr0104 The balancing is because they are different tiers. You cant compare a Florida against a New Mex if one is T7 and the other is T6. You compare Florida against other T7 BBs and NM against other T6 BBs like Fuso.
      btw NY and Texas have same Dispersion and sigma so they are the same.
      The same reason you cant compare NC to Massa, as they have completely different roles. Massa with NC dispersion would be completely bonkers. And NC vs Iowa/Montana: NC doesnt have the 6th slot dispersion module like the higher tiers. For most players NC is much harder to use as the shells are slower, thus taking lead and prediction makes you hit less often.

    • @GaryJones69420
      @GaryJones69420 5 місяців тому +3

      -In the case of New York and Texas thats you having bad rng in one perticular ship.
      -Florida has Battlecruiser Dispersion and 1.7 sigma while New Mex has BB Dispersion and 1.5 sigma.
      -Arizona has 1.8 sigma compared to New Mex 1.5.
      -Colorado has 2.0 sigma meanwhile both West Virginas have 1.8.
      -Constellation has 1.9 Sigma and Battlecruiser dispersion.
      -NC has 2.05 Sigma, more than Alabamas 1.9 and Massas 1.7.
      -NC has 2.05 Sigma while Iowa and Montana have 1.9.
      -Guilio Cesare has 1.9 Sigma and Ita BB Dispersion while Novorossiysk has RU BB Dispersion and 1.4 sigma, which is why Casare is less accurate but more consistent.
      -Hizen has a 36s reload and 1.7 Sigma meanwhile Iwami has a 26s Reload and 2.1 (Yamato) Sigma
      -Mackensen is less accurate in trade for better secondaries.
      All of this info is from the wows wiki.

    • @marcb.4387
      @marcb.4387 5 місяців тому

      That's my thoughts too. It needs fixing so badly, sometimes it's just ridiculously bad.😅

  • @MihaiD259
    @MihaiD259 5 місяців тому +25

    Idea: REVERSE Asymmetric: tier 6 ships controlled by players against random bot tier 10's :D
    For the next patch/update

    @ExTrEmEBOMBZ 5 місяців тому +6

    I felt that laugh at 6:34

  • @siindree
    @siindree 5 місяців тому +1

    just before the 7 minute mark, can just feel PQ's joker ark starting up

  • @OcedarMopzar
    @OcedarMopzar 5 місяців тому +3

    Have you been measuring the citadel rates per salvo in training room? Maybe some objectivity would do you good.

  • @AaronBaecker
    @AaronBaecker 5 місяців тому +1

    I think the expectation that every ship needs to be awesome or it’s bad is the problem here. WG can’t release ships that are increasingly powerful without wrecking the balance of the game (some would say they do this anyway).
    Ideally, they occasionally release an OP ship, but most of the time they release an average ship with an interesting feature that makes it fun to play. So something like the Wisconsin SHOULD be average and the funny button is the twist that makes you want to play it every-so-often. There’s nothing wrong with that and it’s a good value for a T10 premium.

  • @SkyRaider-31
    @SkyRaider-31 5 місяців тому +5

    I suppose it could be worse.
    You could be fighting horrific RNG on wows legends. Poltava is absolutely abysmal despite its supposed impressive accuracy
    (1.9 sigma USN dispersion on legends. Struggles to hit broadside battleships at 8km+ even with MULTIPLE accuracy buffs)

  • @ViktorAndy
    @ViktorAndy 5 місяців тому +8

    Remember, no video game or game in general is worth being frustrated over. It’s just a game.

  • @marcb.4387
    @marcb.4387 5 місяців тому +1

    Hi PQ.✌️ Watching your stuff quite a time now. Sometimes i wonder, if you forgot the core mechanics off World of Warships, because it's a luck game rolling the dice every time you shoot something. It's a rather poor gamedesign imho, but it's the way it's made.🤷‍♂️
    Imho if you compare Wisconsin with Iowa, please compare it with Georgia too. I got the Georgia ingame and hell, she's a Funship. I would recommend her any day the week, she gets a nice speedboost, awesome secondaries and 30mm overmatching, harthitting AP and decent HE. And she's a beauty with better income.👍
    Just my homble opinion and some thoughts. Have a great rest of your day yourself, sir.🤠
    PS: Your selfquestioning still very refreshing.

  • @brianbalcer
    @brianbalcer Місяць тому

    I think dispersion is so random that it's hard to Judge. Over a thousand shots, the Wisconsin probably has on average, a little better accuracy but it's so random that it's hard to judge when playing.

  • @Lex_Morich
    @Lex_Morich 5 місяців тому

    Compensation (refund) in doubloons is good, but personally I would choose coal simply because coal cannot be bought at any time, unlike doubloons.
    Why did they make it so that combat missions unlock gradually rather than all at once? What's the point?

  • @gblowe62
    @gblowe62 5 місяців тому

    Got my Whiskey last night. Played 1st battle in randoms. My first salvo that contacted a ship was 18km from enemy Wisconsin. 18 km. Shells landed aft of superstructure and I got 1 citadel. Looks like broadside Wisconsin as a weakness under or near rear turret for a citadel hit. I took several hits broadside and received zero citadels.

    • @eiresby2344
      @eiresby2344 5 місяців тому

      Iowa class and montana class have similar weakness, even tho its lowered citadel for some ships (like illinois and wisky, i forget ohio lowered citadel or not).
      And yes all of it around turrets (front and near). Since iowa, missouri and montana (maybe ohio too) has normal citadel, it was easier to citadel when broadside at some range

  • @PiousSlayer
    @PiousSlayer 5 місяців тому

    Balance puts Battleships at odds with how the developers want the game to be played. The Battleship feels good when you delete/massively damage other ships with massive single salvos, but the developers don't want to punish players too much for their mistakes. This is why so many battleships feel at odds in my opinion, because the developers essentially make you do a series of dice rolls to see how effective a shot is. Cruisers seem to be the best ship type (or at least the basis for basing balance around) from an observer's perspective, just because they can dakadaka without getting too heavily punished, unless the player makes an obscene error and the punisher gets a good dice roll.

  • @old_guard2431
    @old_guard2431 5 місяців тому

    Salvo @ 6:02. . . It looks like a vertical dispersion problem. Against the target angled (on or out) bad vertical dispersion is not as much of a problem. Flat broadside, particularly at a distance, vertical dispersion is really going to mess up the salvo, misses, overpens, etc.
    I have been messing with the Japanese battleships recently, which classically have good horizontal/bad vertical dispersion. And have been very, very frustrated. Particularly since other players do well with these boats.
    I think maybe the solution is to just shoot angled targets. But the flat broadside targets are so tempting. . .

  • @robertkincaid3558
    @robertkincaid3558 5 місяців тому

    6:27 PQ and his fake laugh. Yeah... that isn't getting old.

  • @SuperDeadlypenguin
    @SuperDeadlypenguin 5 місяців тому

    I've never had good dispersion with any American battleship: until I put the range mod on. Now I consistently hit citadels in Alabama/North Carolina and Iowa. Why? I don't know but it was a sobering experience for me.

  • @thegreatdodo5092
    @thegreatdodo5092 5 місяців тому +4

    12:24 oh wow, you finally realised what "tendency" means? Like statistically 2.0 sigma will have more better salvos - doesnt mean your 10n tests failing to show that equalls that it is not as good as it is supposed to be. PQ really is the perfect live example of humans mostly unable to understand what "chance" really means and is.

  • @cameronlea7633
    @cameronlea7633 5 місяців тому

    I find that supposed accurate ships sometimes are worse with the accuracy upgrades. Like the game just only allows for a certain level of by ship class. Then Slava proves me wrong…. IDK maybe try it with reload instead of accuracy.

  • @reapening1959
    @reapening1959 5 місяців тому

    I whaled for wisconsin and out of 20 first games i won 15, average 160k damage. Is it op, can be in the right time and place. Does the accuracy troll you sometimes? Yes, like every salvo does every once in awhile.

  • @temery94
    @temery94 5 місяців тому +1

    The days of guaranteed kills is over i swear the rng is rigged sometimes

  • @temery94
    @temery94 5 місяців тому

    I question why I’m getting max dispersion at short range

  • @thegiantmoose
    @thegiantmoose 5 місяців тому +1

    Play some DD's for a bit and foeget about dispersion 😊 have a good day dude. Keep on keeping on.

  • @deepdragon2
    @deepdragon2 5 місяців тому

    Gads what are doing to that poor ship!!!! I have fantastic games with that thing...

  • @magnus_bd6185
    @magnus_bd6185 5 місяців тому

    Wisconsin is just an improved Iowa due to funny button but Montana at Tier 10 feels more consistent and powerful.

  • @ElvroomGames
    @ElvroomGames 5 місяців тому +2

    Phew that was fast!!!

  • @anubhavdassarma7230
    @anubhavdassarma7230 5 місяців тому

    want a laser accurate BB, just play Elbing

    @R4ZORLIGHT 5 місяців тому

    I can understand the disappointment, however i am quite happy, that the shipyard reward (Wisconsin) isn't another super overpowered ship.
    Still don't know if i invest the 3200 dubloons though.

    • @balverine07
      @balverine07 5 місяців тому

      Between what is given out in christmas time and what you get monthly for log in rewards its about 6-8 months of playtime to be gifted that many dubs. For a t10 ship thats above average if you dont have a dockyard full of t10s already id say thats a steal for price (feel free to look at store prices for ships but i dont think thats a fair comparison if im being honest)

  • @roachbugging7201
    @roachbugging7201 5 місяців тому

    Asymetric are back :o

  • @michaellemmer2966
    @michaellemmer2966 5 місяців тому

    5:02 PQ I think you need to reevaluate something with your aim. The salvo dispersion wasn't great but you pulled the trigger high on his belt while he was turning in, instead of down and to the left where his superstructure would be when the shells landed. I see a lot of other examples like this in your videos, where I'm able to reliably see the bad shot before you call it. If you're making the commentary just to drive engagement that's fine too.
    Other example I can think of off the top of my head was blaming the island bug on a shot that was too high yet again on a guy who wasnt behind an island yet a few weeks ago. Can find that specific if you want.
    Dont want to sound too critical, but theres been times when its obviously been shells landing short and other shitty aiming bugs, and a fair few times where it hasnt been that

  • @gamingbattlegames1225
    @gamingbattlegames1225 5 місяців тому

    For me the doubloons for the golden pack

  • @timknight68
    @timknight68 5 місяців тому

    WeeGee math is not human math. I bet dollars to doughnuts that each ship has hidden modifiers hard coded into the ship's performance parameters.

  • @ObedLed
    @ObedLed 5 місяців тому

    maybe you need to try with Missouri

  • @Rayechel
    @Rayechel 5 місяців тому

    confirmed, PQ HAAATES battleships

  • @ItsMrChewy
    @ItsMrChewy 5 місяців тому

    I have doubloons in my slot

  • @tomriley5790
    @tomriley5790 5 місяців тому

    You cut the Midway getting sunk.... 😞

  • @doubleutubefan5
    @doubleutubefan5 5 місяців тому +1

    Bro I got Montana as my first ship in tier 10. I have less than 800 battles. I consider 50k a great game in the Monty. How you EXPECT 200k plus is baffling to me, idk how that possible. I average like 30k a match. most everything I shoot at doesn't hit. im usually lucky if a full broadside salvo gets 1 hit

  • @revamp2245
    @revamp2245 5 місяців тому

    You might find that both of these hulls are better for ops than pvp

  • @Cpt_DoDo
    @Cpt_DoDo 5 місяців тому

    i did the first part in a few hours. Easy grind

  • @issacfoster1113
    @issacfoster1113 5 місяців тому

    I think you just need to take it easy man.

  • @gamingbattlegames1225
    @gamingbattlegames1225 5 місяців тому

    Looked like you were aiming to high from far off

  • @PrinzEugen39
    @PrinzEugen39 5 місяців тому

    Hello another video from high expectations NA cc strimmer guy

  • @roachbugging7201
    @roachbugging7201 5 місяців тому

    Wisconsin 9:26 feel just so weak. Sure its a Bc but compared to the other BC lines its so much worse. I mean Ger Bc have amazing speed, sec, torp and still bigger main guns. The Japanese have nice trajectory and good guns but this line even with the better shell alpha still can’t hit cit reliably compare it to the Dreadnought class (Vermont) her probably would have pen thar side.

  • @chaselaird7314
    @chaselaird7314 5 місяців тому

    This man needs mental help so he doesn’t go insane

  • @bill5982
    @bill5982 5 місяців тому

    The question is not whether it is better than Iowa but whether it is better than Missouri. Iowa fires faster than Missouri but Missouri guns are far more accurate.

  • @thesaltysergeant4103
    @thesaltysergeant4103 5 місяців тому

    Well you are a CC, I would think many people focus you regardless of your name.

  • @clavish_1360
    @clavish_1360 5 місяців тому

    120k is good damage though...

  • @veugeler72
    @veugeler72 5 місяців тому

    Battleships are unplayable

  • @gotlowfunds
    @gotlowfunds 5 місяців тому

    I have way more fun playing the Rhode Island

  • @mazgazine1
    @mazgazine1 5 місяців тому

    Dude maybe just take a break from the game... Seeing these volleys vs wisconsin, Wis is way better.

  • @TolegenX
    @TolegenX 5 місяців тому

    What a weird laugh...

  • @GRAFE55
    @GRAFE55 5 місяців тому


  • @schinbone0
    @schinbone0 5 місяців тому

    If they could manage to balance/remove subs and CV there might be players on this server. People are over them.

  • @DefinitelyEllie
    @DefinitelyEllie 5 місяців тому

    They need to do something about the servers. My account is NA, I live and play from the UK, WG refused to change my account to EU like they have in the past for others :/

  • @Sollve
    @Sollve 5 місяців тому

    Well I have “whaled” it cause ai had a 100% doubloons doubled and it is a lot more consistant then the Iowa, I mean yeah it can be trolly but nowhere near iowa level and a lot more tankier with the funny button 2x 17 k in a minute resored and reload and can be pretty surprising

  • @F_Around_and_find_out
    @F_Around_and_find_out 5 місяців тому +131

    6:20 bro is not even mad, he is just losing his mind.

    • @theoyansen8267
      @theoyansen8267 5 місяців тому +1


    • @vitezslavlorenc3479
      @vitezslavlorenc3479 5 місяців тому +2

      Too much wows :D

    • @aritramandal1761
      @aritramandal1761 5 місяців тому +1

      Not gonna lie it scared me a little

    • @peepsy1528
      @peepsy1528 5 місяців тому +1

      We all know fun isn't allowed in WG titles.

    • @CMDRFandragon
      @CMDRFandragon Місяць тому

      YEAH, OMFG SO MUCH THAT. THAT is the kinda shit that GENUINELY makes me HATE this fucking game. Sub 10km ranges, where in this game is basically point blank kissing range, FULL fucking broadside ship, and you get a couple bullshit overpens when it should be LOLDELETED....OMFG.....Im not even the one playing the game in this video and it legit makes my blood boil watching it.......its such bullshit the degree of RNG in Wargaming games and honestly, what keeps them from being as enjoyable as they could be. Theres no fucking reason to make shit that goddamn awful;

  • @tevaleberga8235
    @tevaleberga8235 5 місяців тому +42

    6:20 PQ start his villain arc.

    • @wojtek4p4
      @wojtek4p4 5 місяців тому

      Straight up Agent Smith laugh

  • @igromov
    @igromov 5 місяців тому +63

    I gotta be honest PQ, I’m worried for you with this game lol. I can’t fathom seeing somebody have 260k and still be mad at Wisconsin. Anyway, I got Wisconsin and it quickly became one of my favorite ships. The funny button is amazing, I can get my heal and DP up so quickly with it not to mention a 10s reload. And fact that it can be brought back pretty much always is way cooler than on something like Bourgogne. It’s not a ship I’d full send to brawl due to armor and even though it’s harder to cit, I still take a lot of damage. Overall, dispersion has been good and I’ve had some salvos I was very impressed by. However, I can’t say that it’s been an experience where it’s that much better of a dispersion. Lately, I’ve really liked Sicilia and I’d still say it’s punishing more broadsides consistently than Wisky.

    • @DarthVader_DK
      @DarthVader_DK 5 місяців тому +1

      Dude.. 9 guns vs 16 isen’t really a fair Comparison…

    • @igromov
      @igromov 5 місяців тому

      @@DarthVader_DK that is true, but battlecruiser dispersion vs what Sicilia has. I was more so looking at it from the PQ perspective too. Some salvos look good and tight, others feel like old Colombo in terms of dispersion.

    • @IvanSkaro86
      @IvanSkaro86 5 місяців тому

      Some people say Missouri is better than Wisco, and I believe them.
      btw Wisco reload is 15 sec not 10 with booster.

    • @igromov
      @igromov 5 місяців тому +1

      @@IvanSkaro86at full health, with right commander skills you can get it to 10s towards end of battle if you’ve been tanking.

    • @IvanSkaro86
      @IvanSkaro86 5 місяців тому +1

      @@igromov Still, Missouri have radar and one of best credit earnings.

  • @vampirecount3880
    @vampirecount3880 5 місяців тому +11

    Ok that was hilarious.
    Sad, but hilarious

  • @TheKillcamOne
    @TheKillcamOne 5 місяців тому +9

    6:22 He is slowly but surely losing his marbles xD

  • @ishaanthadani7100
    @ishaanthadani7100 5 місяців тому +164

    Day 35 of asking pq to play Worcester

    • @syedushherahmad311
      @syedushherahmad311 5 місяців тому +13

      Spotter plane worcester

    • @Aquarium_Fantasy-HF
      @Aquarium_Fantasy-HF 5 місяців тому +5

      It's feels like he will keep ignoring Worcester request 😢. What is he afraid of, overmatched by 18-inch shells 😮

    • @deagle666
      @deagle666 5 місяців тому +3


    • @Mike-bc7xv
      @Mike-bc7xv 5 місяців тому +7

      day 2 of asking you to seek employment

    • @Carlos-fo6jv
      @Carlos-fo6jv 5 місяців тому +2

      Dang bro, ishaan high maintenance...

  • @kape2978
    @kape2978 5 місяців тому +3

    One thing I don't get here is the definition of bad. Is it required to get 200k every game to be considered decent these days?

  • @AlexThompson
    @AlexThompson 5 місяців тому +7

    Given there is zero change in horizontal disp. between range mod and non-range mod Wisconsin and only 4 meters vertical difference it might not be worth running range mod with WG spaghetti coding there is probably more being effected than what we can see in ballistic charts. However at 16km Whisky shows nearly 50 meter vertical and 80 meter horizontal advantage over Iowa and Missouri w/ standard builds. Not a ton but not small either. Keep in mind only 50% of your shells fired are coded to land based off the sigma value.

  • @jonathanslater5643
    @jonathanslater5643 5 місяців тому +2

    I'm a longtime fan PQ but I really think you're getting way too hung up on this. A lot of your Wisconsin games are north of 150k damage and you clearly had good battle impact, but you're hung up on cherry-picked bad dispersion salvoes. I think it's pretty clear this is not at all a bad ship like the Ushakov or Daisen.

  • @joedoe6444
    @joedoe6444 5 місяців тому +5

    the difference in the event pass is PURELY to see how many players they can get to pay for the coal reward and accept it. in no way is 12k coal equal to 1k dubs. this is just to see how far they can lower the rewards for future event passes. they have already gone back to the 2500 dubs for the pay line, down from the 3000 they were getting, and this is due to the players not caving in and paying for the new event pass. the only way they will change is if their income goes down, keep up the pressure on WG any chance you get to tell them to bring back the old battle pass.

  • @zb10948
    @zb10948 5 місяців тому +22

    Nope on 6:20 it's a bug when the target is too close to an island, vertical dispersion is shafted. Only one turret hits on mark with normal dispersion between its shells, the other two go short or far, out of standard vertical boundary for dispersion at that range.
    WG does this intentionally because years back when there was no turtleback and lowered citadels, a BB that beached semi-broadside was as good as dead.

    • @IceQueenNL
      @IceQueenNL 5 місяців тому +13

      If someone beaches he made a big mistake and should be punished for it. Why should the other player get punished by intentional bad aim by the game because the other one made a mistake? That makes zero sense.

    • @eiresby2344
      @eiresby2344 5 місяців тому

      Yeah, this stupid bug still here even now you stay behind island and enemy open water then the bug is activate. Stupid bug

    • @zb10948
      @zb10948 5 місяців тому +2

      @@IceQueenNL Noob protection. It's easier to protect noobs than to set them on a learning curve path. Large majority of the playerbase aren't even aware of the mechanics, or how bad they perform under those mechanics, they think the game is RNG. How can you milk playerbase for cash if a bunch of unicums hanging on the server just send them to port each game.
      Didn't PQ had an Izumo that ranted because he got punished full broadside on short-mid range? That's WG's average customer, and they serve him with visible and hidden mechanics, not us.

  • @newcomerj3095
    @newcomerj3095 5 місяців тому +4

    I was checking the vertical dispersion coefficient for Iowa, Montana, Wisconsin, Alaska and DM, and they are all the same. I suspect what happened is horizontal spread is better, but the vertical dispersion is similar or even worse for Wisconsin compare to Iowa, because of the higher shell velocity in ranges.

    • @xxxthwagdrakexxx4672
      @xxxthwagdrakexxx4672 5 місяців тому

      It's not directly because of the higher shell velocity but you can tell it slightly throws off his aim

  • @janis6623
    @janis6623 5 місяців тому +4

    It feels like a dice roll because it is. The dispersion is literally RNG, which is so frustrating because you can't do a thing about it.

    • @jebbyc6419
      @jebbyc6419 5 місяців тому +1

      This, it's designed to be addictive, you chase that devstrike triple cit salvo like a slot machine jackpot.

  • @nunyabiznesssame2371
    @nunyabiznesssame2371 5 місяців тому +1

    RNG has killed the game for me. I love this game but, I can't play this game anymore. I play a couple of hours per week now.
    And before every one says all games have RNG, they are wrong, go play DCS.

  • @seductive_fishstick8961
    @seductive_fishstick8961 5 місяців тому +3

    i really wish modes like airship, piñata, and asym where around for longer, randoms is genuinely so unfun but i have a blast with the limited time modes

  • @kenzovermandel9590
    @kenzovermandel9590 5 місяців тому +1

    Just hop in a roma or something if inconsistancy brings you down when you expect something else happening from a supposedly accurate ship haha.

  • @CaptainSpud88
    @CaptainSpud88 5 місяців тому +1

    Battle ships are to much rng in the game today used to be better now it’s all over pens … sucks

  • @waffle3632
    @waffle3632 5 місяців тому +7

    I look at it like I look at Yamato ledge mod, or Shikishima. The guns are very accurate sure but they are almost never precise. Only through the blessing of RNG do you get nice juicy salvos. Otherwise just chip damage
    Also people forget but Stalingrad also has similar salvo patterns. So even with battle cruiser dispersion you can get some weird salvos.

  • @tegli4
    @tegli4 5 місяців тому +1

    Even with Zao I don't always hit where I aim, and it has DD dispersion, which is "allegedly" the best in game. Battle-cruiser dispersion has alwasy been a "gimmick" to me. Graff Spee has it and I think that is a good ship to use as basis when thinking about that. It feels more like a battleship than a cruiser. And it has 1.9 sigma. Surprisingly close to Wisconsin.

  • @Just_A_Random_Desk
    @Just_A_Random_Desk 5 місяців тому +1

    both Iowa and Missouri need updated models

  • @ryanbrochu3336
    @ryanbrochu3336 5 місяців тому +1

    If you go to Shiptool, you can directly compare Iowa and Wisconsin dispersion. While Battlecruiser dispersion is better than BB, it's not as dramatic as some might think. At 12km, Whisky has a 30m advantage over Iowa. At 15km its 35m. At 18km its 40m. At 21km its 45m. And that is horizontal values. The vertical difference was about half of the horizontal values.

  • @ILoveforGames
    @ILoveforGames 5 місяців тому +2

    Day 22 waiting for Patrie secondary build.

  • @pratiknath1712
    @pratiknath1712 5 місяців тому +1

    Bro. I feel for u . U should take a break for sometime. I feel u worn out.

  • @CMDRFandragon
    @CMDRFandragon Місяць тому

    NGL, BBs should just get a uniform buff to Battle Cruiser Dispersion. This bullshit dispersion so wild it covers the entire enemy ship and beyond is just beyond infuriating BS. Game already is going to make your shells overpen, ricochet and shatter without dispersion only allowing 1 out of 9 shells to hit.
    And the absolute MINIMUM bottom of the barrel dispersion should be like 1.9. 1.7, 1.5, thats just unuseable garbage that is entirely up to the whims of RNG and not at all anything player skill related.....its frankly infuriating and actively drains one's desire to play this game, as you watch salvo after salvo land perfectly center on the ship, but straddle both sides of it with no effect. Or, you get a nice tight grouping, thinking: "Oh, hey, this is gunna be good", only to get a single over pen and a buncha misses.
    The assinine degree of RNG on BBs has forever been my biggest problem with this game. Im not looking for pint point sniper accuracy, but FFS, watching my MAssachusetts spend a whole game unable to do more than 1310 overpens simply because RNG says so is literally punch my monitor out infuriating. STATIONARY ships, like the Gneis on Operation Killer Whale, I put like 6 salvos into that yesterday and the best hit I got was like 2620. Not a single salvo landed more than 2 shells....that is absolutely absurd and unacceptable....Playing a BB is nothing but a glorified game of rage inducing yahtzee, its time it changes...lets make WOWS actually fun and not so goddamn annoying.
    I always hear players talk about risk and reward, well, if I aim half decently, then I expect a half decent salvo, ngl.....if I potato my shot, ok, w/e, but FFS, when shells are fucking HITTING the goddamn waterline and literally, I can see the shells actively hitting the fucking waterline, then bitch, give me a citadel.....
    Its high time BBs get A LITTLE bit of goddamn consistency....

  • @xdtechniker2554
    @xdtechniker2554 5 місяців тому +1

    Hey PQ, could be you are burned out by WoWs? In like the last 3 months you get 1 not perfect salvo, and I can feel you are cooking inside. Your aim after this is noticably worse and the following plays too.
    Maybe it´s time to play some other games? Enjoy other things then trying to find fun in WoWs. I know it´s hard. I am mad a lot at the game too, but I often just play one game and leave. Maybe you can try to make other videos. I know they will be worse engagement wise, so many other people told that too.
    I am just worried because I can feel, hear and see you just (and I am only partially sorry for saying it this way) malding and seething the second something doesn´t go well. That cannot be healthy.
    Anyways, try to have a good day :3

  • @hagostaeldmann
    @hagostaeldmann 5 місяців тому

    I really don't know how to say anything other than this is serious cope. The amount of shots I've had from my Wisconsin where I almost yell "LOOK at that DISPERSION" because I'm astonished how good it is...IDK man.

  • @RaphaelMustang
    @RaphaelMustang 5 місяців тому +1

    hey PQ! love your content been watching your videos and streams for awhile and I have to say you make good content for sure but sometimes you are missing some points, yes you are not wrong that Wisconsin is not that much better it is totally believable but the point that you are missing out is this time, unlike the previous times, the ship is both T 10 and cheaper, this is a budget edition premium ship that we are getting so it is understandable that quality is also budget edition as well! and I believe this is a patch of "tests" for WG, they are testing to see if they make the Dockyard cheaper but also lower the quality would more players buy it and participate to get more active players as well? or... same for battlepass I believe.
    The least we can say is we get a cheap T10 premium which at least adds to the collection for events like Xmas, and at worse, we are playing a T9 ship in T10 matches... correct me if I'm wrong but from observing alone this is how I feel about this ship.

  • @barrypeters4433
    @barrypeters4433 5 місяців тому

    Your not going mad and your not the only player having dispersion problems, I have found in the last month or so that BB's hit rate has got a lot worse, shells that look like they hit just dont. The other part of this puzzel is that queing for battles I notice the vast majority of players queing with BB's, now I know how sneeky WG can be and if they want to balance the ratios of ship types they may make one type, say BB's for instance, uncomfortable and frustrating to play forcing players to move to other ship types. Now I know WG would'nt do something that underhanded, but just saying....

  • @Strykenine
    @Strykenine 5 місяців тому

    I think it's unquestionably better than Iowa, save for the fact it's a T10 and not 9. Granted, at 9 it might be op, but it's an Iowa with better everything. Better guns, better reload, more HP. It's the BB experience these days. The Whiskey may not feel great, but I am back playing WoWs just for this dockyard event. I guess I'll know for sure when I get mine.
    Have fun out there.

  • @joshtheking1772
    @joshtheking1772 5 місяців тому

    Look, they really need to do something about Battleships across the board. I say nerf all Battleship damage by 15% and increase the amount of hits by 25%. I would rather hit more often and do less damage rather than hit 4 or 5 overpens for only 10% damage of what this ship can actually dish out per salvo. If they arent willing to make a small change like that, then I have a feeling that the future Tier 8 and 9 ships they said they wanted to bring into the game won't be that much better. They really need to buck up and start realigning the Power Creep in this game.

  • @paddington1670
    @paddington1670 5 місяців тому

    Back in beta i used to consider 5k damage salvos really good, then as i got better and better at the game, the threshold for being satisfied with salvos increased, now im at the point where 10k is acceptable but not happy with it, I want 20k salvos, but then again not every ship is capable of that at range; look at GK for example. It would need to be within 15 or fewer kms to get big salvo numbers. Wisconsin is just capable of more damage, more often and i hope PQ understands 10k is ok, those are good hits, just nothing to write home about.

  • @gamingbattlegames1225
    @gamingbattlegames1225 5 місяців тому

    Wargaming created the dock yard and made theses ships out to be the best ship of their tier and to mostly to get player's to buy a insane amount of doubloon's to hurry up and just right out buy the ship plus most player's can't play this game hours on end like some can we do have our lives to live but you go ahead and you pay $600 for doubloons to buy this ship and to only find out that the Iowa BB is pretty much the same ship and people call this hook and reel on what wargaming is doing here and this and many other reasons is the reason why the NA server has dropped big time the only way to have good ships in this game is to pay real money the tech tree ships a lone will not get you that far in this game and i am just as guilty paying a lot of money into this game and now i buy premium time cause if i don't i will run out of coins and i tested it and i was coming out of a random battle with 5 kills 187k damage and medals including first blood i was having a good day and i played for 2 hours and after more wins high damage battles i lost almost 1 million in coins because i didn't have premium time and yes they say it's free to play but only for so long then you will either create another account or start paying wargaming money and the price's are going up.HOOK AND REEL!

  • @danielfisher9344
    @danielfisher9344 5 місяців тому

    The problem with playing battleships is everything is against the battleship. Dispersion sucks, DD's and cruisers can shoot farther and faster than BB's can, subs, CV's.... Now WG has cursed your acct. because you bad mouthed their baby Wisconsin. lol

  • @bugycowboy7172
    @bugycowboy7172 5 місяців тому

    playin battleship is like playin a slot machine and even a tempered slot machine can troll you , cuz thats what they desinged for
    they are the perfect bait for naive people so they can be addicted , they can think of getting better but its a lie to keep them in the game
    well if you want to get the results that you anticipate then play anything but battleship or battleship wannabe cruisers unless they are truly blessed by wargambling to be a better slot machine
    like cvs , they reworked them to remove cross drop but they still cross drop and they can do that without worrying about depleting their planes
    if you can't beat them , you join them
    btw i quit long time ago cuz i didn't wanna do the same thing i did in wot
    in wot i joined the dark side , the arty boys and we destroyed poor mauses with a single 240mm ap shot
    poor tiger enjoyers penned by lef105's he shells , 3 shots and they are dead , some of them couldn't even fire a shot to enemy target
    they were firing their guns aimlessly to show their rage but we didn't show mercy and for that i am sorry

  • @destructorzz7197
    @destructorzz7197 5 місяців тому

    PQ is becoming way too negative IMO. Stop playing this game if its that much of a big deal to you man. Ships IRL aren't super accurate either. I forget how many shells it took on average for one to hit it's target at sea, but i know it was a hell of a lot.

  • @pimler1114
    @pimler1114 5 місяців тому

    With time ive come to accept that gunnery in this game will never be as accurate as i would like. Ive felt alot better about it since ive started counting hits and normal pens which accuracy does help with, atleast on average. Citadels are a nice bonus but especially with how protected citadells are now they will never be concistent.

  • @thejumboboi2213
    @thejumboboi2213 5 місяців тому

    Im honestly so glad im not the only one that thinks BB dispersion is trash lately. I have missed a broadside bb at like 7km away more than 3 times, it is honestly extremely infuriating

  • @wastelander89
    @wastelander89 5 місяців тому

    Maybe u just have to throw out your expectations out the window b4 u play it again and give it another try after a small break. Maybe the small break with give u better rng

  • @wernervandermerwe8422
    @wernervandermerwe8422 5 місяців тому

    day 3 of saying this. Disable the X aimpoint on the minimap and use the default aimpoint. I swear that was the root of most of my aiming bugs!

  • @Creamypie626
    @Creamypie626 5 місяців тому

    Odin is a battlecruiser. Also Odin has 2.0 sigma and look at how bad it is. A scharnhorst 43 can give it a padling.

  • @jacksonevoX20S
    @jacksonevoX20S 5 місяців тому

    Hey PQ, why not pit wisconsin with other BB with 2.0 sigma or close to it and see how accurate the ship actually is? :v

  • @andyrondeau5364
    @andyrondeau5364 5 місяців тому

    Yeah, I got screwed with coal instead of doubloons on the Battlepass and was pretty pissed off about it. Still am.

  • @Mikejones17369
    @Mikejones17369 5 місяців тому

    PQ - the game just fuckin sucks. Plain and simple. The game is absolute shambles and is just a dice roll

  • @berserker4940
    @berserker4940 5 місяців тому

    Wisconsin is great, it's just a different type of ship. It had different strengths and weaknesses than the Iowa