Same sex marriage and blessings in the Church of England: Update Sept 2023

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • The Reverend Robert Stanier considers recent developments in the Church of England about same sex relationships, the February 2023 General Synod and the fallout.
    He attempts to understand routes of opposition to blessings, the loss of chance for actual marriage and how the Church of England may go forward.


  • @teresagillmer9464
    @teresagillmer9464 Рік тому +14

    I'm sorry the bible says marriage is only between a man and a woman.You can't bless a same sex relationship

    • @keswickcaravan
      @keswickcaravan Рік тому

      Obviously you have never lent or borrowed money, have no mortgage and would never have a credit card.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 Рік тому

      with knowledge & not stupidity you can If you are gay or transgender or know someone who is, this is important information! It has been determined that sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetal development. Various hormones such as testosterone are introduced at specific times & amounts which determine physical, biological & psychologic features of the fetus. It is, therefore, not a choice by the fetus or mother & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of life’s evolution & found commonplace in nature. Extensive medical research clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. I totally accept that this is their right to believe this and I understand. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, facts & research, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had, unfortunately, no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book if you want solid factual understanding. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section beforehand. I do not want to waste your or my time if your claim to understanding is based on religion. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance & intolerence. Peace

    • @arnoeeuwigheid4499
      @arnoeeuwigheid4499 Рік тому

      God HIMSELF is stating in the Bible that he considers these so called "partnerships" ABOMINATIONS!!!

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      No it doesn't, in the OT it also says marriage is 1 man and many wives in the OT or did God lie?

    • @arnoeeuwigheid4499
      @arnoeeuwigheid4499 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbri Because in those day there were MORE WOMEN than MEN, MR. WISEGUY!!!

  • @kennethmiller4083
    @kennethmiller4083 Рік тому +4

    The House of Bishops is promoting the blessing of sin! What could go wrong? I suggest every member of the C of E studies Romans Chapter One.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      but homophobia is a sin u want blessed and romans 1 if u bothered to read it all is paul condemning the heterosexuals he knew who used same sex acts in their idolotry cults. Nothing to do with LGBT issues.

    • @sklenars
      @sklenars 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbri Homophobia is a word contrived by an American psychologist in the 1970's as an LGBT name calling weapon to demonise those who do not approve of homosexual acts which are in themselves contrary to Gods law as in the OT book Liviticus. "A man who lies with a man as with a woman is an abomination". Hate and unforgiveness on the other hand are Mortal sins.

  • @sklenars
    @sklenars Рік тому +4

    Sorry to say but the C of E doesn't have a valid priesthood so don't have the power to bless anything. They can either approve or disapprove.

    • @candyclews4047
      @candyclews4047 Рік тому

      Presumably you are Catholic. I would concentrate on the huge number of pedophile and predatory priests in your denomination. Same sex marriage would be the least of your problems in the RCC.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      only God can and God has blessed many same sex marriages

    • @sklenars
      @sklenars 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbri Jesus told the 14th century mystic St Catherine of Siena that homosexuality is from the devil. Once the demons have inflicted this cursed sin on their victim they flee as they cannot bear to be near such a disgusting creature.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      @@sklenars so? mystics say all kinds of crap. Its lies u made up We now are better educated enough to know homophobia is from the Devil and he loves homophobia. Once the homophobic demons have inflicted this cursed sin on their victim they flee as they cannot bear to be near such a disgusting creature.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      do u often make up lies and fibs in Jesus name? @@sklenars

  • @danielfarbisz8758
    @danielfarbisz8758 Рік тому +19

    Jesus Christ said the only blessing you can have is marriedge between the two a man and a woman.

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 Рік тому

      truth If you are gay or transgender or know someone who is, this is important information! It has been determined that sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetal development. Various hormones such as testosterone are introduced at specific times & amounts which determine physical, biological & psychologic features of the fetus. It is, therefore, not a choice by the fetus or mother & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of life’s evolution & found commonplace in nature. Extensive medical research clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. I totally accept that this is their right to believe this and I understand. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, facts & research, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had, unfortunately, no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book if you want solid factual understanding. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section beforehand. I do not want to waste your or my time if your claim to understanding is based on religion. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance & intolerence. Peace

    • @arnoeeuwigheid4499
      @arnoeeuwigheid4499 Рік тому

      EXACTLY!!! The other ones are ABOMINATIONS in the eyes of God!!!!

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      and Jesus is also God no? And in the OT God showed us marriage was 1 man and many wives which shows there is no one definition of marriage or did God lie?

  • @steved7961
    @steved7961 Рік тому +8

    Do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may prove what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      But homophobics love the world and hate God.

  • @pikespeak8669
    @pikespeak8669 Рік тому +6

    God made adam and eve .
    God will judge them😮 lucifer has taken over in same churche's.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      God made many more than just Adam n Eve...did u not know??????

  • @candyclews4047
    @candyclews4047 Рік тому +7

    I'm wondering if Jesus "tried to find a middle ground and avoid levels of disunity?"

    • @dan69052
      @dan69052 Рік тому

      knowledge & truth will remove disunity If you are gay or transgender or know someone who is, this is important information! It has been determined that sexual orientation is determined in the womb during fetal development. Various hormones such as testosterone are introduced at specific times & amounts which determine physical, biological & psychologic features of the fetus. It is, therefore, not a choice by the fetus or mother & consequently not a sin & not immoral. It is a natural path of life’s evolution & found commonplace in nature. Extensive medical research clearly explains this process. Those who believe it is an abomination do so based not on facts but on religious authority. I totally accept that this is their right to believe this and I understand. It must be made clear however, it is based on religion not science. If you are truly interested in the truth based on knowledge, facts & research, the book Gay, Straight & the Reason Why by Dr. Simon Levay explains this with numerous research articles. If you want to understand the truth & have respect for others & yourself, this book will help. It also has, unlike the bible written over 2000 years ago by men that had, unfortunately, no understanding of science, an extensive bibliography. I strongly recommend the book if you want solid factual understanding. If you chose to respond to me, please read this book &/or the numerous articles referred to in the reference section beforehand. I do not want to waste your or my time if your claim to understanding is based on religion. The public must be exposed to facts & knowledge. It is an obligation for those who know the truth & defend it. Don’t let the religious pull you down to their level of ignorance & intolerence. Peace

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      he never condemned LGBT folk as the homophobics do

  • @iMilhouse
    @iMilhouse Рік тому +5

    How can the church bless biblical sin? May God have mercy.....

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      homophobia is a sin and u want it to bless that, may God have mercy

    • @iMilhouse
      @iMilhouse 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbriexcuse me, but where is that supported biblically/ theologically? Accepting sin is a sin - that IS supported biblically and so I do believe you’re mistaken

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      @@iMilhouse Homophobia is a chosen lifestyle of hate, lies and excuse me, but where is these things supported biblically/ theologically? Accepting sin is a sin - that IS supported biblically and so I do believe you’re mistaken, but do u care now I proved u wrong??????

    • @iMilhouse
      @iMilhouse 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbri homosexuality is a sin. A couple of examples are Sodom & Gomorrah, plus also stated in Leviticus (18: 22 I believe). Aggression is also a sin (Jesus’ arrest etc) and so please mind your tone when messaging.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      @@iMilhouse No homophobia is a sin and u just proved my point. Sodom was wiped out because they did not help the poor n needy (ezek 16;49) no mention of homosexuality there and the NT says almost 40 times the old law is dead so why mention leviticus which never even condemns lesbians. Aggression is also a sin against Gods word u just did (Jesus’ arrest etc) and so please mind your tone when messaging.

  • @retribution999
    @retribution999 Рік тому +6

    Are you going to bless heterosexual fornication? Couples living in sin? Its not very inclusive if you only bless sexual immorality when it's gay.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      it already does, so let LGBT couples.

    • @retribution999
      @retribution999 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbri not in my experience. The church has always condemned sex outside marriage. It has never blessed a heterosexual couple living in sin and celebrated that relationship.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      @@retribution999 Its also never condemned people who were born differently either, as it does now, but do u care?

    • @retribution999
      @retribution999 11 місяців тому

      @@pastorbri born differently like child molesters you mean? I'm not sinning, I was just born differently not knowing right from wrong.

    • @pastorbri
      @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

      @@retribution999 No as no one is born to rape and abuse children, are u a bit simple me 'owd cocker? If u knew right from wrong u would KNOW homophobia AND child abuse are wrong so try again.

  • @paulsmith3966
    @paulsmith3966 Рік тому +1

    A priest can issue a blessing on behalf of the whole Church, but does not have the power or authority to do so as an individual. I think that is the C of E's official position; if it isn't please say when individuals were given that power and authority). Also, the C of E doesn't teach that a blessing is necessary in marriage; it recognises civil registry office weddings, without any sort of blessing involved. So, what's proposed is a sham, an unnecessary piece of window dressing by someone who isn't entitled to perform it!

  • @keithfernandes7350
    @keithfernandes7350 Місяць тому

    How can a breakaway use the word Church..... Henry the VIII couldn't get a divorce so formed his own. Let the queers have their own and not use the Roman Catholic Church to try to belong. Not wanted

  • @pastorbri
    @pastorbri 11 місяців тому

    Homophobia is a we should let same sex marriages......

  • @teresagillmer9464
    @teresagillmer9464 11 місяців тому

    As a Pastor you should know that God doesn't lie. Things changed in the New testament God put behind eating pigs.His son who saved us died for our sins

  • @Pro-j4q
    @Pro-j4q Рік тому +2

    Matthew 10:34-35 that says “Do not think that I came to bring peace to the Earth. I came not to bring peace but a sword. For I have come to turn a son against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law”.