SouthPAN can take you there

  • Опубліковано 16 чер 2024
  • SouthPAN (Southern Positioning Augmentation Network) will improve the accuracy and reliability of satellite-based positioning systems across New Zealand and Australia. When using SouthPAN, position accuracy will improve from 5-10 metres, down to less than a metre, and in some cases, as little as 10 centimetres. Industries across New Zealand and Australia will be empowered by SouthPAN to optimise operations, improve productivity and efficiency, maintain high health and safety standards, and drive innovation at scale to compete with global capabilities. SouthPAN is a joint initiative between Geoscience Australia and Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. Early SouthPAN services are available, open-access and free. Visit to learn more. Image credit: Inmarsat I-8 satellite image, based upon the SWISSto12 HummingSat platform. Courtesy SWISSto12.