🐻愛と平和の、愛しくも尊き指揮系統、指示基盤が、【We Are The World】には確かに存在すると思います。 1985年からやって来たこの【We Are The World】の歌の宇宙飛行士達の、ハートとボイスの団結力を礎(いしづえ)にして、今も平和への願いや、平和の祈りは絶える事が無いのを確かに感じます。 1985年からのこの歌の活躍は、既に36年以上の時を経てきているようですね。 掛け替えの無いこの地球の為に、心温(あたた)かき友情の精神には、目を見張るものがあります。 現在、世界は 目の前のウクライナ危機に遭遇して、私は自然とこの歌に吸い寄せられて、そして有名なこの歌の呼吸を、改めて厳粛に確かめさせられた気がします。 此処へ来て、私にも慎重な言葉運びが要求されている気がします。 本当に人命は尊いものだと改めて感じさせられます。 取り分け知る人ぞ知る人の良い民間人の犠牲には、言葉を失い掛けます。 そうした方々へ、 哀悼の意を表したいと思います。 ウクライナ危機が、微妙に慎重な時間経過をする中で、ウクライナを取り巻く人々の気持ちや行動に、柔軟な変化が見られ、微妙な推移を垣間見せられますね。 粘り強い牛歩にせよ、感慨深げな地球規模のヒューマニティーを感じさせます。 本当に ウクライナにその危機が進行する中で、私の体質が気を揉みます。 現在、私はウクライナ情勢を断腸の思いで見つめる中で、軈(やが)てウクライナに掛け替えの無い日常生活が戻ってこられるように、神聖な気持ちを持って、切にお祈り申し上げたいと思います。 【We Are The World】には、確かに地球を優しく包み込む、グローバルな地球愛を感じます。 【We Are The World】の精神は、現在の地球の危機に際して、健在である事を信じたいものです。 ❗何と、記念すべき、1人目でのコメントでした。 🌸ハートの桜便り。 個人的に、神聖なる誓願播粒(願い事の種を蒔く)時刻に。 🌸2022(卍)年3月3日(木曜日)pm11:46(仏心)
🐻 I think that 【We Are The World】 certainly has a dear and precious chain of command and instruction base for love and peace. Based on the unity of the hearts and voices of the astronauts in the song 【We Are The World】that came from 1985, I certainly feel that the wishes for peace and the prayers for peace are uninterrupted. It seems that the activity of this song since 1985 has already passed more than 36 years. For this irreplaceable earth, the spirit of warm heart-warming friendship is amazing. Now that the world has encountered the Ukrainian crisis in front of me, I feel naturally drawn to this song and reaffirmed the breath of this famous song solemnly. When I come here, I feel that I am also required to carry my words carefully. It makes me feel once again that human life is truly precious. The sacrifice of a good civilian, as far as the person knows, is almost speechless. I would like to express my condolences to those people. As the Ukrainian crisis goes through a delicately cautious time, flexible changes can be seen in the feelings and behaviors of the people surrounding Ukraine, giving a glimpse of subtle changes. Even if it's a tenacious and slow walk, it makes us feel a deep emotional global humanity. As the crisis really progresses in Ukraine, my constitution(genetic makeup)was anxious. Now, as I look at the situation in Ukraine with the heartrending grief, I would like to pray with a sacred feeling so that Ukraine will soon be able to return to its irreplaceable daily life. In 【We Are The World】, I certainly feel the global love of the earth that gently envelops the earth. The spirit of 【We Are The World】is to believe that we are alive and well in the current crisis of the earth. ❗ What a memorable comment from the first person. 🌸 For more information, it's highly probable that Google Translate isn't always correctly converted to "English" based on my "Japanese". In that case, please forgive me that there are some points that do not reach my point. With the help of a special winner, I hope that someday, in a more epoch-making world, I will be able to translate and interpret correctly into "English" based on my "Japanese". We are very much looking forward to it. Thank you for your cooperation. Well then. 🌸 Heart cherry blossom news, from Japan. Personally, at the time of sacred vow sowing (sowing the seeds of the wish).
🐻愛と平和の、愛しくも尊き指揮系統、指示基盤が、【We Are The World】には確かに存在すると思います。 1985年からやって来たこの【We Are The World】の歌の宇宙飛行士達の、ハートとボイスの団結力を礎(いしづえ)にして、今も平和への願いや、平和の祈りは絶える事が無いのを確かに感じます。 1985年からのこの歌の活躍は、既に36年以上の時を経てきているようですね。 掛け替えの無いこの地球の為に、心温(あたた)かき友情の精神には、目を見張るものがあります。 現在、世界は 目の前のウクライナ危機に遭遇して、私は自然とこの歌に吸い寄せられて、そして有名なこの歌の呼吸を、改めて厳粛に確かめさせられた気がします。 此処へ来て、私にも慎重な言葉運びが要求されている気がします。 本当に人命は尊いものだと改めて感じさせられます。 取り分け知る人ぞ知る人の良い民間人の犠牲には、言葉を失い掛けます。 そうした方々へ、 哀悼の意を表したいと思います。 ウクライナ危機が、微妙に慎重な時間経過をする中で、ウクライナを取り巻く人々の気持ちや行動に、柔軟な変化が見られ、微妙な推移を垣間見せられますね。 粘り強い牛歩にせよ、感慨深げな地球規模のヒューマニティーを感じさせます。 本当に ウクライナにその危機が進行する中で、私の体質が気を揉みます。 現在、私はウクライナ情勢を断腸の思いで見つめる中で、軈(やが)てウクライナに掛け替えの無い日常生活が戻ってこられるように、神聖な気持ちを持って、切にお祈り申し上げたいと思います。 【We Are The World】には、確かに地球を優しく包み込む、グローバルな地球愛を感じます。 【We Are The World】の精神は、現在の地球の危機に際して、健在である事を信じたいものです。
🌸ハートの桜便り。 個人的に、神聖なる誓願播粒(願い事の種を蒔く)時刻に。
🐻 I think that 【We Are The World】 certainly has a dear and precious chain of command and instruction base for love and peace. Based on the unity of the hearts and voices of the astronauts in the song 【We Are The World】that came from 1985, I certainly feel that the wishes for peace and the prayers for peace are uninterrupted. It seems that the activity of this song since 1985 has already passed more than 36 years. For this irreplaceable earth, the spirit of warm heart-warming friendship is amazing. Now that the world has encountered the Ukrainian crisis in front of me, I feel naturally drawn to this song and reaffirmed the breath of this famous song solemnly. When I come here, I feel that I am also required to carry my words carefully. It makes me feel once again that human life is truly precious. The sacrifice of a good civilian, as far as the person knows, is almost speechless. I would like to express my condolences to those people. As the Ukrainian crisis goes through a delicately cautious time, flexible changes can be seen in the feelings and behaviors of the people surrounding Ukraine, giving a glimpse of subtle changes. Even if it's a tenacious and slow walk, it makes us feel a deep emotional global humanity. As the crisis really progresses in Ukraine, my constitution(genetic makeup)was anxious. Now, as I look at the situation in Ukraine with the heartrending grief, I would like to pray with a sacred feeling so that Ukraine will soon be able to return to its irreplaceable daily life. In 【We Are The World】, I certainly feel the global love of the earth that gently envelops the earth. The spirit of 【We Are The World】is to believe that we are alive and well in the current crisis of the earth.
❗ What a memorable comment from the first person.
🌸 For more information, it's highly probable that Google Translate isn't always correctly converted to "English" based on my "Japanese". In that case, please forgive me that there are some points that do not reach my point. With the help of a special winner, I hope that someday, in a more epoch-making world, I will be able to translate and interpret correctly into "English" based on my "Japanese". We are very much looking forward to it. Thank you for your cooperation. Well then.
🌸 Heart cherry blossom news, from Japan. Personally, at the time of sacred vow sowing (sowing the seeds of the wish).