what was this time capsule???? - Subnautica

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @hampterman7
    @hampterman7 Рік тому +370

    A bioreactor fuel capsule

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +70


    • @hampterman7
      @hampterman7 Рік тому +16

      @@spudato64 wdym i always do that

    • @Mankeyzz
      @Mankeyzz Рік тому +8

      @@hampterman7 legend

    • @AssortedGarbage23
      @AssortedGarbage23 Рік тому +25

      Whoa. Slow down, Satan.

    • @MrAdamjb
      @MrAdamjb Рік тому +8

      The devil here

  • @dizzylilthing
    @dizzylilthing Рік тому +101

    I hate that I have to escape on the ship to release my time capsules. I have a capsule that encourages you to not turn off the quarantine field so the two of us can live on the planet. I don't want to leave, Altera wants to charge me for all the materials I used to make the rocket! The time capsule I want to release shows my void base and encourages the finder to come find me in my Leviathan riddled turbo science mansion

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +19

      Alterra ended up being the bad guys in the end.. if only you could sit on the planet and wait for the events of subnautica below zero to happen while you're still on the planet

    • @cmudd9788
      @cmudd9788 Рік тому +9

      I delayed launching the rocket for days just because I didn’t want the game to end.

    • @dizzylilthing
      @dizzylilthing Рік тому

      @@cmudd9788 I haven't finished the game, not technically. I cured the virus and said goodbye to my big pretty friend, If there's anything plot wise before constructing my rocket and escaping then it will never get finished. I cured the virus, now this planet is mine to wander freely.

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +5

      ​@@cmudd9788at least you can come back to the same save file after launching

  • @wolfzul1
    @wolfzul1 Рік тому +52

    i got a cuddlefish egg from a time capsule and now I have 2 cuddlefish in my world rather then one.

    • @wobblymichal3102
      @wobblymichal3102 Рік тому +22

      You know there is 4 or 5 altogether you can find all over the map

    • @wolfzul1
      @wolfzul1 Рік тому +5

      @@wobblymichal3102 damn i didnt know that

    • @bobZfish
      @bobZfish Рік тому +7

      ⁠@@wolfzul1there’s one in the large mushroom forest, one in the degasi base in the deep grand reef, another one in the lost river and one in the dunes if I remember correctly

    • @wolfzul1
      @wolfzul1 Рік тому +1

      oh w@@bobZfish

    • @bobZfish
      @bobZfish Рік тому +1

      @@wolfzul1 there might be one more in forgetting

  • @andyblood5771
    @andyblood5771 Рік тому +59

    nice friend u got there hope hes/shes ok with the fall that happened when someone dispatched the capsule
    BTW That could've been mark i put him in a time capsule but could also be someone else's

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +13

      I'm sure the cuddlefish was alright! The funny thing is when I tried to put my own cuddlefish in a time capsule, it gave me an error message so idk if it was a person who made that capsule or an AI generated one.

    • @jocularscarf968
      @jocularscarf968 Рік тому +8

      Bros scared of misgendering a subnautica cuddlefish lmfao

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +9

      ​@@jocularscarf968 hey don't hurt the cuddlefish's feelings 😭

    • @Terratomere
      @Terratomere Рік тому

      @@spudato64 i think you just got a super rare time capsule

    • @snakey1573
      @snakey1573 Рік тому +1

      @@spudato64 confused bc i put an already hatched cuddlefish into a time capsule bc i left him in the aquarium and picked him up and put him in there. no error message

  • @fish168
    @fish168 Рік тому +51

    I also got this time capsule. I got 2 in one playthrough and each had a cuddle fish egg. I have 3 cuddle fish eggs sitting in a locker waiting for my bioreactor to be empty

    • @VonWasHere13
      @VonWasHere13 Рік тому


    • @Jomthetoejameater
      @Jomthetoejameater Місяць тому

      Come on man! You can’t just waste fuel like that! They’ll grow and give more fuel once they hatch!

  • @TheRandomGuy12-s2l
    @TheRandomGuy12-s2l Рік тому +16

    Wait... It means you can technically have 6 cuddlefish eggs.
    If you collect all of the eggs, and then you put it all of them in a time capsule, it means one day someone will find a time capsule with 6 cuddlefish eggs, so he will have a total of 11 cuddlefish
    Infinite cuddles!!!

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +5

      I tried to do this! But for some reason when I tried putting the other eggs in a time capsule I got an error message 😕

    • @TheRandomGuy12-s2l
      @TheRandomGuy12-s2l Рік тому +1

      @@spudato64 it's kinda strange, since I did the same (using a cheat to give me the eggs) and the game accepted it.

    • @nightowl6055
      @nightowl6055 Рік тому

      After launching the time capsule, the game deletes certain items you put in it, including cuddlefish eggs. I think that the time capsule shown in the video was made in an older version of the game when it didn't delete them.

  • @VonWasHere13
    @VonWasHere13 Рік тому +4

    A Capsule With A Pet

  • @half8n191
    @half8n191 Рік тому +9

    It'll feel right at home in my nuclear waste disposal

  • @lukas5975
    @lukas5975 6 місяців тому +1

    The most W time capsule a person can get, No exceptions.

  • @GavinDiercks-im3sw
    @GavinDiercks-im3sw Рік тому

    That's my capsule that says good luck kid or this should make it easier

  • @charonseyes4128
    @charonseyes4128 6 місяців тому

    yeah i found 2 cuddle fish time capsules so now i have 7 cuddle fish in my world

  • @thomaswilliams3836
    @thomaswilliams3836 Рік тому +1

    A cute pet

  • @Average_NZ_Brony
    @Average_NZ_Brony Рік тому

    nice a cuddlefish

  • @ConorFitzpatrick-x9w
    @ConorFitzpatrick-x9w Рік тому

    Your best friend.

  • @PaperBagEntertainment
    @PaperBagEntertainment 4 місяці тому +1

    It’s fuel

  • @thefunfish-ih8wr
    @thefunfish-ih8wr Місяць тому

    I got the same one or one just like it in my playthrough

  • @phoebewright8029
    @phoebewright8029 Рік тому +14

    Was he ok in there😢

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +8

      I mean... He was only literally thrown out of a rocket, trapped inside a metal cylinder, potentially batted around by nearby stalker fish for potentially 100s of years... Hes fine! 🤪

  • @GoingtoHecq
    @GoingtoHecq Рік тому +1

    Uh, I think that was mine lol. Ur welcome.

  • @cat4515
    @cat4515 Рік тому +6

    That was mine I forgot to mention u need to put it in a bioreactor (it's not mine I just want it to suffer)

  • @LordDemetrius
    @LordDemetrius Рік тому +3


    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому +1

      Mate I dunno, when I tried to put a cuddlefish in my own time capsule it wouldn't let me

  • @MrKrabs1928
    @MrKrabs1928 6 місяців тому

    Why can’t I get game clips in subnautica

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  3 місяці тому

      If you're on windows you can enable game bar in settings which is what I use
      Or you can install obs or GeForce experience

  • @paidodamasths7067
    @paidodamasths7067 Рік тому +4

    I think thats mine

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому

      Could be

    • @paidodamasths7067
      @paidodamasths7067 Рік тому +1

      ​@@spudato64 just checked and it is actually mine lol

    • @e-musicstudio903
      @e-musicstudio903 Рік тому

      @@paidodamasths7067 how to tell if your got pickuped tho?

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому

      ​@@paidodamasths7067 how did you get the cuddlefish in the time capsule? When I tried I got an error code

  • @erikpinoza
    @erikpinoza 10 місяців тому

    What does the message says

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  9 місяців тому

      I completely forgot it was a while ago 😅

  • @razora3
    @razora3 Рік тому

    bro how do i hatch this

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому

      You just need to put the egg inside one of the big alien containment units that you can find the blueprint for either as a databox in the crag fields or, (the more reliable location) in the degasi base in the deep grand reef

    • @razora3
      @razora3 Рік тому

      @@spudato64it worked thanks

    • @spudato64
      @spudato64  Рік тому


    • @razora3
      @razora3 Рік тому

      @@spudato64 🤝

  • @efthimid09
    @efthimid09 Рік тому +2

    Amogus egg 🤣

  • @Raw_Combat
    @Raw_Combat 6 місяців тому

    Some of these comments made me laugh, I have never once thought about the morality of my choices in subnautica.