Light Novel Deep Dive: Ascendance of a Bookworm Part 5 Vol. 2

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TheDarkrider551
    @TheDarkrider551 11 місяців тому +41

    Rozemyne talking about the divine chalices to Anastasias
    Prince " Where did you learn that?!?"
    Roze "Uuuughh...Internet(books)?"
    Prince (confused and alarmed face)

  • @oserus999
    @oserus999 11 місяців тому +83

    "We heard yelling. What's happening and why is it Wilfried's fault?"... I don't know why but this had me cracking up far more than it should. Thank you.

  • @killjoy1887
    @killjoy1887 11 місяців тому +43

    In one of the untranslated web novel short stories Anastasius figures out that Ferdi was the breaks on the crazy train after the first week of the third year so he already knows it is their own fault and on top of that after the second year Hildebrand didnt want to loose his duties at the RA so they put Anastasius on standby in case things start to go sideways again, so naturally Rozemyne is automatically put in the sideways category so everything she does or says is automatically elevated to Anastasius' problem hence he is always the one who replies to her.

  • @mcecil73
    @mcecil73 11 місяців тому +64

    Lueuradi is my favorite tertiary side character. Especially how she's slightly intimidated by Philline, despite her being a laynoble while Lueuradi is an archnoble. Also, Charlotte's repeated "is this normal?"

    • @HumanIsMeself
      @HumanIsMeself 11 місяців тому +4

      Cant wait to read more about her book and her marriage!

  • @Ersterde
    @Ersterde 11 місяців тому +92

    The "Don't fuck with the White Mage" trully comes full circle in light of recent events (on pre-pub). Rozemyne is a monster

    • @Norbert_Sattler
      @Norbert_Sattler 11 місяців тому +20

      Considering she just one-shot an incredibly powerful heirloom shield of Dunkelfelger, she's already a monster right in this very book. ;)
      Also that part where multiple Sovereign Knights, including the second highest knight in the entire kindom, exhausted and hurt themselves from throwing themselves at her shield, with her barely flinching.

    • @TheEclipse5
      @TheEclipse5 11 місяців тому

      I disagree, always aim for the white mage...... Just beware of their burly friends around them...... But never fuck with your OWN White Mage..... Unless you are an idiot of course.

    • @heysiri3327
      @heysiri3327 11 місяців тому +7

      For future viewers of this comment, we're talking about P5V8's pre-pub (two days before it is released in English in e-book format).

    • @KitsunenoHibi
      @KitsunenoHibi 11 місяців тому +5

      I am so stoked to read this in a couple days; it's time to unleash the beast!!! And considering she has knowledge from a world with machine guns, biological warfare, and nukes .. I can just imagine some of the shit she could do.

    • @KitsunenoHibi
      @KitsunenoHibi 11 місяців тому +6

      ​@@Norbert_Sattler she actually felt bad for them and awkward seeing them being made to look like scrubs in front of all those people...

  • @lockskelington314
    @lockskelington314 11 місяців тому +65

    "The Royal Family thought Ferdinand was pulling Rozemyne's strings but in actuality it was her leash." That made me laugh!
    Edit: as much as I loved this I just can't wait when you review the 'Merchant Saint' where Rozemyne goes full Gremlin!

    • @greenhat8978
      @greenhat8978 10 місяців тому +3

      That was my favorite part in the whole book

  • @lpemkz
    @lpemkz 11 місяців тому +20

    My favorite part is “Or fight Angelica for her door guarding duty.” All I could think was they are stuck with scholar work since there is no way they can win against her.

  • @mcecil73
    @mcecil73 11 місяців тому +44

    That scene where Rozemyne explains how she made two divine instruments: Yeah, so I read in the underground archive - where space is limited so only the most notable events are recorded - that an ancient, powerful Zent was able to do it, so I figured I could too.
    She's basically announcing that she is more Zent-like than the Zent; to the royal family (royal shamly?) no less. No wonder they were all so uncomfortable.
    Thanks for the great video!

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому +2

      I mean, Ana COULD've have said "yeah ok, u read it and tried it without thinking twice about it" cuz he knows she works like that.
      That would've smoothed things over a bit.

    • @neilkurzman4907
      @neilkurzman4907 9 місяців тому +3

      The Nobles are limited by Noble common sense. She isn’t.
      Because she doesn’t know what it is because she never learned it. She’s always made what she needed for the task at hand. Either with things from earth, or things she observed.
      Hey, Ferdinand, did it, maybe I can make a second stop too, and then, if I can do that why not make a second divine instrument.
      Hey, I wonder if this water pistol can shoot arrows.

  • @rezonpokemon3854
    @rezonpokemon3854 11 місяців тому +8

    The fact you said that Ferdinand isn't pulling Rozemyne's strings but instead is holding her leash is so accurate.
    This gremlin is so hard to keep under control, and the only person who can do it is no longer around for it lol.

    • @Kyla-Stormhazard
      @Kyla-Stormhazard 8 місяців тому

      Tfw you realize that it's up to Anastius to hold onto her reigns now. Poor guy's getting dragfed along with absolutely no idea.

  • @LukasJampen
    @LukasJampen 11 місяців тому +21

    I really respect and feel for the Zent. He was pushed into the most important role in the country despite not being educated to do so, without the tool that legitimizes his rule and allows him to do his job better, his family is too weak in mana and protections to supply the country all while trying to keep the country stable. He would also be willing to hand over the throne without issue if a true zent comes from outside his family which isn't that obvious a thing to do as that would demote his entire family. Over all while he might not have the tools to be as good a zent as he could be he is definitely a good interim zent in terms of personality. Sigiswald is the exact opposite as he is a brat who thinks he deserves everything and everybody is just going to do what he says.

    • @KitsunenoHibi
      @KitsunenoHibi 11 місяців тому +10

      Traurquarl is actually a very good Zent. Especially considering how little preparation he had for the role and how grueling it is to keep the country alive without a guttrussheit. The king is literally killing himself to prevent the country from falling. It's why he was so grateful and touched when Rozemyne healed him and provided the mana. That mana infusion will be a huge bulwark to preventing Yurgenschmidt from returning into a wasteland.

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому +3

      That's my headcanon tbh. I hope it's the canon-canon, but i doubt it, i think he's too overworked to be egotistical, but he would've been if he had just a little leeway. Or else, how the fuck did he got two brats and a brat-to-be as sons oO

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 11 місяців тому +5

      @@MyaMore-cb7zb not really his fault considering how little parents actually have influence on their children but more of the retainers. Also try growing up as the highest person in the whole country aside from your father with all the money you could ever need and not turn into a spoiled brat. I'd say we can be glad that Hildebrand turned out as well as he did (mostly because he was raised to support the next Zent) and Anastasius is way more reasonable than Sigiswald as long as Eglantine isn't involved. So I'd say 2 out of 3 isn't too bad.

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому +1

      @@LukasJampen A lot of ppl tried and a lot of ppl were decent human beings. :/
      But i understand that he's totally surrounded by bigger idiots. Still not an excuse to stay at the bottom with them.
      And Ana isn't that much more reasonnable, he's just more open minded. (or just had the fear of starting a war with his older brother over anything if he wasn't careful, thus he questions things more idk)
      I still count 3 brats out of 3 tho. Biggest brat, lesser brat, smol' brat.

  • @ChosenAiiR
    @ChosenAiiR 11 місяців тому +28


  • @darkglass3011
    @darkglass3011 11 місяців тому +20

    Lestilaut: If Dunkelfelger wins, Rozemyne will become my 1st wife.
    Everyone: *Stunned Silence...*
    Rozemyne: and if Ehrenfest wins, Hannelore will become Wilfried's 2nd wife.
    Everyone: *GASP!!!*

    • @Dante190186
      @Dante190186 5 місяців тому

      seriously this Lestilaut and his Takeshi Gouda attitude/audacity. . . .
      RM being Schwartz and Weiss Master.
      Les : Ehrenfest is trying to steal these severeign magic tools. better to be Dunkelfelger to be the master of the magics tools as the one in the higher duchy.
      Les : RM is not suitable for Ehrenfest, it's better for her come into Dunkelfelger, the higher duchy.
      .. . .
      Why don't he just say blatantly : "what's yours is mine"

  • @mcecil73
    @mcecil73 11 місяців тому +24

    But... Swartz and Weiss aren't speaking to Hortencia after Rozemyne donates the mana to the library. Their allegiance has already been switched back to Rozemyne by that very act. Rozemyne only assumes they are addressing Hortencia because of the 'milady'.

    • @linkofdoom24
      @linkofdoom24 11 місяців тому +5

      Yeah thats how I saw it also. And considering later, yeah it makes sense. The monster strikes again.

    • @bbd121
      @bbd121 11 місяців тому +1

      You're indeed right. I was typing it out when I saw this. I think this was in the webnovel too.

    • @TrashTierWaifu
      @TrashTierWaifu  11 місяців тому +14

      To be fair, Rozemyne attributes them speaking to Hortensia in that scene. It's not until they return to the library when preparing for bride-taking ditter that Rozemyne notices they're calling her milady again, a scene I admittedly forgot to include.

    • @mcecil73
      @mcecil73 11 місяців тому

      @@TrashTierWaifu And it's never explicitly stated that this was when the switch occurred. I think. The webnovel can be difficult to parse at points.
      But yeah, I don't envy you having to synopsis something with such a sporadically unreliable narrator.

    • @daedalron
      @daedalron 11 місяців тому +1

      @@mcecil73 It's not explicitely stated, but Rozemyne didn't give any mana to the schumils or the library that year apart from that moment, so it is clear in retrospect that it is that act which made her their "milady" again

  • @daedalron
    @daedalron 11 місяців тому +5

    1:23:20 I'm not sure that Charlotte is *lying* when she says Rozemyne has 21 divine protections. For all we know, Ehrenfest may not know how many Rozemyne got, and Rozemyne may have told them she only got 21.

    • @echthros91
      @echthros91 9 місяців тому +1

      Wasn't it 43? I think she just cut it in half.

    • @nektarsolne4niy804
      @nektarsolne4niy804 7 місяців тому

      ​@@echthros91She has 43, but she lied to her siblings saying she only has 21. And then everyone else learned about 21.

  • @clintcarpentier2424
    @clintcarpentier2424 11 місяців тому +9

    "Greetings Aub Dunkelfelgar. It has come to my attention that we have missed our annual ditter match. I have called to rectify this shameless oversight..."

  • @brunosalezze
    @brunosalezze 7 місяців тому +2

    This ditter match was alto Judithe's time to shine. During the match, she even got a 'kill the f## sniper'.

  • @col_big_jo6051
    @col_big_jo6051 11 місяців тому +10

    Lol loved the plug to buy the books. You are correct totally worth it.

  • @Tentites
    @Tentites 11 місяців тому +16

    You skipped over Lestilaut's speech to try and convince Rozemyne to willingly leave and join him, and how much he actually bought into all the rumors about her being abused in Ehrenfest. He truly believed she would willingly and happily join him. He had convinced himself that he was the brave knight rescuing her from cruel Aub Ehrenfest and the Temple, and it's why he was so utterly shocked when she drank what looked like poison to him. She broke his misconceptions, while wounding his pride and spirit.

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому

      Yeeep, but in the same time, i think that helped him grow and be less.. less Lesti-charge / Ditter-Laut than if it happened differently.

  • @Karasaph
    @Karasaph 11 місяців тому +5

    So much setup for the ritual and the book is going through all of it. So much politics, so many intrigues, other characters that are really characters and have their own lives, and so much story at once. This is incredible!

    • @MysticLuka
      @MysticLuka 11 місяців тому +2

      In a lot of stories I'd find this level of detail and buildup to be excessive and boring, but in Bookworm it's somehow incredibly interesting. I have no idea how Kasuki does it, but her writing style is perfect for this type of story, and she does an amazing job with it. Also props to the translators for making it fun to read in English.

    • @chuckysmaria6466
      @chuckysmaria6466 11 місяців тому +2

      What i like with AoB is that the world is alive. Things move whether the mc is there or not. Unlike other isekai stories that the background character only acts because of mc.

  • @gerardmanvussa501
    @gerardmanvussa501 9 місяців тому +4

    Sure, poor Wildumb, if only he realized that taking classes with Archnobles, being an honor student isn't an accomplishment but the bare minimum... all the more since he's blessed by the very best education system in the whole country. " Wow, I drive a Ferrari and I'm not falling behind in a straight line against those driving a Lada, how impressive I am ! "
    And poor Rozemyne who's delusional, still thinking she couldn't fit in Dunkelfelger. My Lady, you're already a freaking rock-star there ( and already are one of the best when it comes to handle their Ditter-crazy hot-headed knights, which seems to be the most important skill for any Lady Dunkelfelger to begin with :p ) and both Aub Dunkelfelger and Lady Sieglinde would welcome you with open arms without thinking twice ^^.

    • @neilkurzman4907
      @neilkurzman4907 9 місяців тому

      It’s not that she can’t fit in in another Dutchie she doesn’t want to. Everything she wants is an Erinfest. Sure promises of libraries books will temp her. But her Urono days are in the past. There’s also the issue that she was born a commoner. And is an alien from the planet earth.

  • @Norbert_Sattler
    @Norbert_Sattler 11 місяців тому +9

    At some point after pouring the chalice over the central library magic tool, Schwartz and Weiss call Hortensia by her name, rather than Milady, meaning that Hortensia lost mastership again. I wonder who might have put more mana into the library magic tools than Hortensia for that to happen. ^^
    I never considered it, until you mentioned it with Lestilaut, but yeah, when we think of the age of characters in their world as the same as ours, that's wrong. The Yurgenschmidt year has 420 days (Fanbook 2 information), not 356. So when a Yurgenschmidt citizen comes of age at 16, by the number of days, that's the equivalent of a more than 18 years and 8 months, over here on Earth, lining up pretty well with the legal threshold of adulthood in many of our real world countries.

    • @TrashTierWaifu
      @TrashTierWaifu  11 місяців тому +4

      I overlooked that when scripting, but it first happens when they go back to the archive before the ditter game.

    • @chuckysmaria6466
      @chuckysmaria6466 11 місяців тому +3

      Personally, i don't sweat over the age issue. After all they are living in a medievaleque world were people get married and have children younger than today.

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому

      Sure, but our gremlin still looks like a just baptized child btw. No matter the age diff with our world, still an issue (and i blame the author and japanese culture for that one)

    • @Norbert_Sattler
      @Norbert_Sattler 11 місяців тому

      @@MyaMore-cb7zb What is there to blame over though? While her future fiancé is a hot topic, even the actual engagement (as in exchanging engagement feystones) won't happen until shortly before she graduates and comes of age at 16, or in her case, since she's summer-born, that'll happen a couple month after turning 16. And the actual marriage only happens after at least a full year, though usually more, of being engaged, unless it's something exceptionally unusual. With archduke candidate level marriages always being done at the archduke conference, that means at the earliest, Rozemyne will marry at 17 years and 8 or so month, Yurgenschmidt time, which gives her plenty of time to catch up on physical growth, now that her mana clumps are dissolved.
      On top of that, with Rozemyne's stunted growth being obvious to anyone with eyes and her poor health being common knowledge among the nobility, I strongly suspect her future husband's family would be more than happy to keep the engagement period on the longer side, rather than trying to push for the minimum of one year.

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому

      ​@@Norbert_Sattler Nah, i don't really care about yogurt-land culture, i can understand that.
      I mean it as the story the author chose to write.
      The years being longer is to me still a way out as the typical "nah but she's legal" from all the other stories borderline creepy.
      Yes, they would've waited so she could actually bear children. Still creepy

  • @rebeccab719
    @rebeccab719 11 місяців тому +16

    I knew a new video would be coming out soon! Yay! Also, I’ve bought all the books available to me because of these videos, and I’m thoroughly enjoying reading them. My wallet is crying because I bought them all so quickly, but I’m not regretting it one bit.

    • @Damonnanashi
      @Damonnanashi 11 місяців тому +2

      Magpi's volume 7 chitchat is today, too. Full day of bookworm.

    • @LukasJampen
      @LukasJampen 11 місяців тому

      Yeah they are just a fun read. It's also quite interesting to go back with later knowledge and see all the things mentioned earlier on that we were missing context at the time.

    • @Damonnanashi
      @Damonnanashi 11 місяців тому +1

      @@LukasJampen It's insane how much is foreshadowed. Every single new volume is loaded with "holy shit, I knew it!" moments. Especially with part 5. I didn't think they could push the gas pedal even further from vol 5.

    • @forgethewild6478
      @forgethewild6478 10 місяців тому

      Where did you get the books?
      I would like to get them if it’s a online store.
      Or do you know where I could read them?

    • @TrashTierWaifu
      @TrashTierWaifu  10 місяців тому +1

      @forgethewild6478 I bought my copies of Amazon, but the digital preorders on j-novel's website get you access to the book as it's being translated. Which is currently P5V9.

  • @baguette08ajt74
    @baguette08ajt74 11 місяців тому +11

    The wait is always worth it, Keep it up.

  • @Cybrid324
    @Cybrid324 11 місяців тому +7

    The way you put this together is absolutely amazing. Thanks for this.

  • @adamjenkins7653
    @adamjenkins7653 11 місяців тому +5

    Whilst F Detlinde is indeed the way to go, I pity her less for her and more for Wilfried. They were both raised by the single worst pair of mentors to ever exist. Neither of them able to plan beyond their own lifespan, or acknowledge just how big of a mess their victories would leave behind.
    Aside from that Detlinde is in fact a pretty good mirror of Wilfried. The idiots both were raised poorly, and thought themselves superior than they actually were due to their extreemly poor retainers. Indeed Detlinde is perhaps a scarily accurate view of what Wilfried might have become had Rosemyne not nuked his grandmothers plans from orbit, although given what happens later, the rug would have been pulled out from under him no matter what happened. Rosemyne is probably the kindest of the 3 things that would have ruined his life. She at least tried to correct him.

  • @Baneuva
    @Baneuva 10 місяців тому +2

    Re-watching until the next part comes out.

  • @mbos14
    @mbos14 9 місяців тому +1

    11:00 seeing whats implied later in the same book they where very close that that then.

  • @bbd121
    @bbd121 11 місяців тому +6

    It's always a joy getting one of your Honzuki deep dives. I like your videos more than Magpie's and I continually look forward to them.

    • @renemuller7383
      @renemuller7383 11 місяців тому +1

      if only i wouldn't have to pause the vid all the time to read his visual commentary which in turn interrupts the flow of his audio commentary

  • @sanchez6194
    @sanchez6194 11 місяців тому +12

    I have the impression that Wilfried is only an idiot in the content of Jürgenschmidt. Him approaching Hannelore to protect her reads to me that under the sky-high naivete of his, he is someone who cares about the well-being of others and tries to be a leader amongst people who are either more powerful and/or more manipulative than he is. In a vacuum, he could be a powerful and virtuous hero, provided the right people would have given him the trust and guidance. Yes, he is an Idiot in the story. Honestly, though, I rather like an honest idiot than the barrage of plotting nobles this shithole of a country has. Also, if he keeps up his integrity, Hannelore and him would actually be a good match.
    I just wish Charlotte wasn't suffering as much as she does due to Ehrenfest's circumstances...

    • @linkofdoom24
      @linkofdoom24 11 місяців тому +1

      Yeah I could see them being together. But also doubt it happening since they don’t want another of what made there duchy have issues in the first place.

  • @linkofdoom24
    @linkofdoom24 11 місяців тому +4

    Its always fun rereading the book and realizing what some events is foreshadowing. Gonna be interesting to see what happens in a few days when the next book comes for ebooks.

  • @Ask3lad
    @Ask3lad 11 місяців тому +3

    My favourite day of the month is here. Time to free up the schedule for this banger video.

  • @YLTxoxo
    @YLTxoxo 11 місяців тому +7

    WOOP WOOPPPPP CAN’T WAIT TO HEAR MORE!! Always worth waiting for! Great start to start the second week of the new year!!!

  • @catloverk1642
    @catloverk1642 11 місяців тому +4

    I never really comment but I adore this series. I’m so excited to watch this. I’ve rewatching some of the older parts

  • @p4z9m
    @p4z9m 11 місяців тому +3

    What a treat to get this video already so early in the month.

  • @jomomma7616
    @jomomma7616 11 місяців тому +2

    Well you finally did it. You got me to go out and start buying the books

  • @benpalmer1583
    @benpalmer1583 11 місяців тому +3

    1:15:20 I have some different interpretations of the Schutzaria's shield magic -- Rozemyne wouldn't get flung out as the caster, but otherwise malice against anyone within the shield will expel those from within. We knew it protected other people in the shield because it was used to root out malice against the royals, and in part 2, it protected the carriage without Myne inside it, and when the high bishop's shrine maidens were barred from entry, it was mentioned that their malice could have been for Gunter or Delia

    • @greenhat8978
      @greenhat8978 Місяць тому

      That was my interpretation as well

  • @HumanIsMeself
    @HumanIsMeself 11 місяців тому +3

    This volume is probably my favorite yet! Thanks for the visuals! Truly a rollercoaster of a book

  • @greenhat8978
    @greenhat8978 10 місяців тому +1

    I truly appreciate you posting these videos... They're certain aspects of the story that I don't always understand, and I get a clearer picture of things when I hear your video after reading the volume

  • @peacefulwarrior9518
    @peacefulwarrior9518 11 місяців тому +3

    One of the best UA-camr's out there. It's amazing how much you have grown from the beginning. Keep up the good work my friend I see great success in your future.

  • @110gotrek
    @110gotrek 11 місяців тому +2

    HELL YEAHH!!!! Been waiting for this last 2 weeks every day.

  • @Szystedt
    @Szystedt 11 місяців тому +5

    Wooo!! I absolutely love these videos!

  • @Symbol117
    @Symbol117 11 місяців тому +2

    Whoo! Another video, and it's my day off! What a special day this is. ^_^

  • @Mike96342
    @Mike96342 11 місяців тому +1


  • @timefortims6410
    @timefortims6410 11 місяців тому +2

    Got my notification on release day instead of a week late 🎉

  • @Starryflame
    @Starryflame 11 місяців тому +3

    I'm always so happy when I see these pop up. I love the work you do on Ascendance, thankyou for all these videos :D

  • @SheetMan
    @SheetMan 11 місяців тому +3

    Another great vid... can't wait for the next deep dive tomorrow.

  • @Gemoron
    @Gemoron 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for making these videos. They are great to get to get a reminder of previous books now 5/8 is going to be released on friday.
    Also, from what I have interpreted, Myne got the double schtappe from knights forming a shield and a weapon at the same time which is not exclusive to Ferdinand.

  • @rpkemm
    @rpkemm 11 місяців тому +2

    Comment for the algorithm, thanks for the great video

  • @N0b0dy1.0
    @N0b0dy1.0 11 місяців тому +9

    Looks like they are a society of clerics that forgot how to cleric properly, time for our main girl to show them how to play dnd properly.😜

  • @ladwigs
    @ladwigs 11 місяців тому +3

    I can hardly wait, for this to be animated, & wonder how hard, it would translate, to live

    • @jenmoulard
      @jenmoulard 11 місяців тому +1

      I would love a live version but I think it would be hard because there’s so much details and characters… It would be a nightmare to select what part to keep. Miya Kazuki put so much Easter eggs and foreshadowing in her work, it’s mind boggling.

  • @Drachnon
    @Drachnon 11 місяців тому +1

    I've got the first 12 books now, can't wait for the rest to come out to finish my collection.

  • @chris-yv7hp
    @chris-yv7hp 11 місяців тому +2

    Welcome back!! Great job!

  • @davidbowen9596
    @davidbowen9596 11 місяців тому +1

    Thanks again for all the hard work. You always point something out with your insights that I missed even with rereading.

  • @coetzeejrc
    @coetzeejrc 11 місяців тому +1

    I have been checking your page religiously for this. 😂🎉

  • @daedalron
    @daedalron 11 місяців тому

    48:00 Rozemyne *thinks* that it is taught in the knight's class, but from the reaction of everyone present, it seems clear she's wrong, knights are NOT taught to make 2 schtappes.
    My understanding is that the "sword + shield" that knights make is not 2 weapons, but considered a set. So you can cast a spell to have a sword (schwert), another to cast a shield (geteilt), or a third spell to get a sword+shield. But if you use that 3rd spell, you can't have just the sword, or just the shield. Nor can you cast Schwert twice to get 2 swords.

    • @TrashTierWaifu
      @TrashTierWaifu  11 місяців тому +1

      Anastasius says that making two weapons is taught in the knights course. She says she's seen knights create two things, which is where Sigiswald asks if the divine instruments are the same as weapons the knights create to her. The breakdown in communication is she doesn't tell them she made a second schtappe. They're focused on her creating two divine instruments. So she simply says she saw someone (Ferdinand) create multiple shields of wind before and that she read a zent used Schutzaria's shield and Leidenschaft's spear at the same time in the past. She's talking schtappe and they assume she just used the divine instruments as a weapon for the spell. Next book is where it's more heavily implied she's mistaken, and that is when I will be addressing the issue.
      I realized I did make a mistake and put it in the written text. That was an oversight on my part. The text comments are usually written on the fly and that's my bad. But as far as P5V8, we have zero confirmation if knights can create two schtappes or it's a single spell to create two weapons.

    • @neilkurzman4907
      @neilkurzman4907 9 місяців тому +1

      That’s a common issue rosemyne. She tries the impossible because she doesn’t realize it’s impossible.
      Because she doesn’t have noble common sense to know what is, and is not possible.
      Possibly the author injecting in comment advice that people are often the ones standing in their own way. Being afraid to try things or not trying things because you think you can’t.

  • @FluffyFailure0
    @FluffyFailure0 11 місяців тому +1

    I like how this story is developing into a car crash in slow motion. :3

  • @col_big_jo6051
    @col_big_jo6051 11 місяців тому +2

    Need more books!!!!

  • @-kenik9629
    @-kenik9629 11 місяців тому +1

    I noticed I start Jonesing for more bookworm content about halfway between releases. So I wated 16 days to view this video.

  • @Gumcanon
    @Gumcanon 11 місяців тому

    Whelp, I watched this video 4 times after its release yesterday to notice as much as possible. Thank you very much for your work. Now its back to waiting for the next masterpiece.

  • @unrealkestrel7560
    @unrealkestrel7560 11 місяців тому +2

    Wool. I love this series😊

  • @wlliamcleary4891
    @wlliamcleary4891 11 місяців тому +1

    Love love love this series

  • @hiddenunderhatse8094
    @hiddenunderhatse8094 11 місяців тому +1

    Thei series is the best tldr that you could ever get

  • @superbatzbatazr7723
    @superbatzbatazr7723 2 місяці тому

    You know, I look at the tanya, the evil book and I just think to myself.D*** i*I wish you continued it

  • @videosthatwhatever
    @videosthatwhatever 11 місяців тому +1

    Just a few days for the new book

  • @cjoy413
    @cjoy413 11 місяців тому +1

    New Year. More Ascendance of a Bookworm Deep Dives

  • @shionobu2321
    @shionobu2321 11 місяців тому

    There's also a large magical tool that Rozemyne saw before the start of the Ditter Match, it's a contraption to record the battle.

  • @fauxvier8519
    @fauxvier8519 11 місяців тому +1

    Nice background!

  • @hewstonwehaveaproblem
    @hewstonwehaveaproblem 11 місяців тому +2


  • @forgethewild6478
    @forgethewild6478 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for making these videos. I truly enjoy listening to them and have enjoyed this series very much! Can’t wait for the next part.

  • @RbDaP
    @RbDaP 11 місяців тому +6

    Not sure if TTW was being subtle or if he just made a minor mistake but afaik the 2 schtappe thing came to Roz from both Ferdi holding those feybeasts in the volcano AND a history in a chronicle of a very old Zent she found in the hidden archive saying that it was possible to dual wield schtappes
    Edit: he adresses this further in this video series

    • @daedalron
      @daedalron 11 місяців тому

      Yes, it was from the volcano, not Hasse.

  • @Circle14
    @Circle14 11 місяців тому +1

    Thumbs up 👍 #20. Just marathon watched prior episodes yesterday

  • @stephenirving9846
    @stephenirving9846 11 місяців тому

    Best volume of the entire series

  • @wendratorrenz8883
    @wendratorrenz8883 11 місяців тому

    Thanks, I enjoyed these recaps 21,22, & 23 & look forward to part 24.
    P.S. I just watched 1 to 23 again & em waiting for more.

    • @neilkurzman4907
      @neilkurzman4907 9 місяців тому

      I’m looking forward to all of the rest of them. But they’re two months apart, unless I want to switch the Kindle.

  • @Rangar1997
    @Rangar1997 11 місяців тому +2

    This is the rampage you get once you take the reins off this gremlin saint

  • @zidaryn
    @zidaryn 11 місяців тому +5

    The only place that I let spoil the books for me. Lol. In the past you put these out after I got my physical copy, but starting with vol 5 pt 1 you've been releasing these before I get it.

    • @lukebrown2674
      @lukebrown2674 11 місяців тому +1

      I reading the physical copies so I'm behind as well. But I'm fine with this spoiling things

  • @kakashihatake313
    @kakashihatake313 10 місяців тому

    31:25 nope. Not even a little bit.

  • @AvroraEverheart
    @AvroraEverheart 11 місяців тому +1

    My favorite volumeeeee!

  • @jenmoulard
    @jenmoulard 11 місяців тому

    That volume is my fav in the saga so far. Roz rampages are absolutely EPIC ! I am a Ditter fanatic too after the bride stealing game ! I was at the edge of my seat during the game and got shivers when Roz brandished Leiden spear against Lestilaut 🤩 And the dedication ritual was amazing !

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому

      I'm laughing everytime it's mentioned that the more she acts as a noble, the less they can predict her, since she can hide whatever stupidity she thinks about.
      On a sad note, it speaks volumes on how bad psychologicaly Yogurt-land is. They all need help. And empathy, they really lack that one too.

    • @jenmoulard
      @jenmoulard 11 місяців тому

      @@MyaMore-cb7zb yes, nobles aren’t the most mentally stable with how fucked up their families are and how cutthroat it is to be one. I understand why they repress emotions when you know they can kill (crush) someone (even their loved one) when they can’t control themselves… it makes sense that they are trying to be as unfeeling as possible. And I agree with you, the more Roz succeeds in keeping her noble persona the more unpredictable she is. I love it 😂

  • @paulwilliams8278
    @paulwilliams8278 11 місяців тому +1

    love these videos. I need them at a faster rate :P

  • @Alexandra-wc9vd
    @Alexandra-wc9vd 11 місяців тому

    Thanks for the good work I really enjoyed it!!!😊😊

  • @Pluie27
    @Pluie27 11 місяців тому

    I cant wait for this to be animated❤❤❤

  • @sothea2729
    @sothea2729 11 місяців тому

    As always love it and thank you!

  • @KakyouKuzuki2001
    @KakyouKuzuki2001 11 місяців тому +2

    Good video but when mana potions == Spinach and Rozemyne == PopEye, then in this case Lestilaut == Pluto and Hanelore == Olivia right?

  • @zantar04
    @zantar04 11 місяців тому +1

    I love double Myneday!

  • @andlav0227
    @andlav0227 11 місяців тому

    Wish i coul find any job in the secluded part im at so i can buy a shirt i watch this series like 10 to 15 time i love your synopsis

  • @whatever9129
    @whatever9129 11 місяців тому +1


  • @chasingvtuber2477
    @chasingvtuber2477 11 місяців тому +1

    The lord return when the darkest come

  • @monkeyface101
    @monkeyface101 11 місяців тому

    Yesss always such great work ❤ can’t wait for the next one 🤗

  • @neilkurzman4907
    @neilkurzman4907 9 місяців тому

    Since I’d like to stay in paper. Now I have to wait two months for the next volume.

  • @DarkCrimsonBlade
    @DarkCrimsonBlade 11 місяців тому +9

    I think the usefulness of the sword is a case of who is using it. A non-knight will probably get more mileage out of the sword than the spear as the summon will likely be better at fighting than someone randomly swinging around the spear. I also speculate that if rozemyne went ham with the sword it’d do something absurd like summon a full blown lord of winter and not just subordinates.

    • @TrashTierWaifu
      @TrashTierWaifu  11 місяців тому +6

      It's less the actual abilities and more that it can only be used during winter that makes it a fairly useless thing to transform a schtappe into as the main weapon of choice like Cornelius wished to.

    • @DarkCrimsonBlade
      @DarkCrimsonBlade 11 місяців тому

      @@TrashTierWaifu ah right I forgot about that requirement. Would the spear technically be weaker in winter or at least stronger in summer then? I forget if it was mentioned. We’ve only seen rozemyne take out the spear in winter, I think, so it’d be wild if the pocket nuke wasn’t even the spear’s final form.

    • @TrashTierWaifu
      @TrashTierWaifu  11 місяців тому +2

      It hasn't been mentioned if Leidenschaft's spear is weaker in winter. If it is, it still has the power to kill a slightly weakened Lord of Winter in one hit during part 3, so that's pretty terrifying. As far as we know, only Eweigelibe's sword has the stipulation it's only usable during that season, which might be due to the fact he is supposed to be weakened and recovering in every season besides winter in the religious canon.

  • @generlopez9378
    @generlopez9378 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you

  • @cherissefortune9872
    @cherissefortune9872 11 місяців тому +1

    Fuck Detlinde is quality music to my ears for some strange reason

  • @alsinakiria
    @alsinakiria 11 місяців тому +2

    "Don't be fooled". I actually burst out laughing at that. Cigarette is such a moron. He means well I suppose but he's so unbelievably selfish that his existence is more hindrance than benefit.

    • @MyaMore-cb7zb
      @MyaMore-cb7zb 11 місяців тому +1

      The reddit has some image of him painted as a clown, i laugh everytime i see it. D:

  • @shannonallen2508
    @shannonallen2508 10 місяців тому

    it just got here

  • @shannonallen2508
    @shannonallen2508 9 місяців тому

    I think there are 3 big events that have ben leading to the down fall of the kingdom & the war was the 3rd 1

  • @evanmcclellan8328
    @evanmcclellan8328 11 місяців тому +1

    Don’t mess with the white mage

  • @Harrison11106
    @Harrison11106 11 місяців тому +4

    Part of me is still hoping Hannalore & Wilfried become an item. Apart from that my favorite parts of this book were the ritual portion & the Lueradi side story.

    • @HumanIsMeself
      @HumanIsMeself 11 місяців тому +2

      I’d honestly like that since if she does, we could get more Ehrenfest in her spin-off series

  • @yeehawmckickass
    @yeehawmckickass 11 місяців тому +5

    Praise. Be. To. Waschen.

  • @deficit06
    @deficit06 11 місяців тому +1

    31:35 Fuck Detlinde indeed! XD

  • @ashtonkenady123
    @ashtonkenady123 11 місяців тому +1

    Love ya