nigel harman really fanatastic acting there 7:30 to 8:17 really showing off the anger of Dennis Rickman and his scenes with sharon were perfect he and letitia showed off amazing chemistry together. it was so tragic when he died I'll felt so terrible for sharon
Shamia Phills they aren't blood related and it's not like they grew up together. There is nothing wrong with the relationship, infact quite the opposite
I miss this Eastenders and this Sharon.
Don't we all my friend. Don't we all.
Sharon: It won't happen again
Dennis: Yes it will
Liar, you kissed me first. Always makes me chuckle :)
nigel harman really fanatastic acting there 7:30 to 8:17 really showing off the anger of Dennis Rickman and his scenes with sharon were perfect he and letitia showed off amazing chemistry together. it was so tragic when he died I'll felt so terrible for sharon
Couldn't agree with you more!
Yeah and let's be honest Vickie needed a good telling off
i love dennis when hes angry
"I can't have sex with my father's son."
"You already did."
I was born this exact day on this exact year
I'm shocked that Sharon didn't have a nervous breakdown from all these mind-blowingly stressful events that happened at the exact same time.
Yes they did. But they are not blood-related and they didn´t grow up together.
Am no shrink darling but if you want few sessions on basic therapy on the couch am up for it. Wao .. As a therapist this is making me laugh alot.
Joysay shine Lol
I liked Denis I liked him a lot but he deserved that slap
what a slap!!! lol...
Dennis was really upset, I can understand - no-one has a perfect life but you need to move on!!
Did Your Mince Pie Collapsed on the drums?
did they noe there were siblings wen they slept together
Danielle Turner yes, Sharon just thought since her dad was dead it made a difference
Shamia Phills they aren't blood related and it's not like they grew up together. There is nothing wrong with the relationship, infact quite the opposite
@@leigh-annecardlin5097 are you stupid blood means nothing they are brother and sister
@@aliyahhussain4553 they wee not raised together though.
it's not true it's not true
@Kashish4Eijaz lol
Sharon and her all about me me me
Den messed with Dennis' mind much like a gay man's mind would be messed with. Blaming himself.