Sorry, I've just got home from leaving this concert 45 minutes early because it was so bad. Very disappointing. Pretentious, little audience engagement in a venue that give it to an artist on a plate, and classics ruined. Sorry, love the guy but he missed the target with this one. On the contrary, Big Special we're excellent! Two guys, singer and drummer, smashed it out of the park! IMHO
I don't agree, big special maybe entertaining but they don't have his songwriting ability or catalogue. I thought it was a good gig with some interesting song choices.
Who’s the drummer on this tour?
Sorry, I've just got home from leaving this concert 45 minutes early because it was so bad. Very disappointing. Pretentious, little audience engagement in a venue that give it to an artist on a plate, and classics ruined. Sorry, love the guy but he missed the target with this one. On the contrary, Big Special we're excellent! Two guys, singer and drummer, smashed it out of the park! IMHO
I don't agree, big special maybe entertaining but they don't have his songwriting ability or catalogue. I thought it was a good gig with some interesting song choices.
Who was the drummer?