  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @latashiv272
    @latashiv272 6 місяців тому +63

    The interviewer should keep her questions short and allow the guest to talk. The audience would be interested in listening to the guest.

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Respected lata ji, Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Well I warmly accept your feedback. I do warmly accept your feedback .Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

    • @WhenAlone-p7e
      @WhenAlone-p7e 6 місяців тому +3

      Amazing! Everywhere she is trying to shut the mouth of the commenter! Wow! Keep it up!

    • @RN-hq8gg
      @RN-hq8gg 5 місяців тому +3

      ​@@AanchalRajkumar Hi Anchal Ji, I agree with above feedback, conversational style is fine, but keep your side of conversation short. I felt it within a short time of watching the podcast. this will help you make your podcast more engaging, though the content is great. we don't need long explanations

  • @Thisgalshoots
    @Thisgalshoots 6 місяців тому +19

    For some reason I kept feeling that Minocha mam must be a Buddhist monk in her past life . Then In the end she said she feels connected to Buddhism 😮

  • @questoftruth2925
    @questoftruth2925 7 місяців тому +18

    I have seen and met many people who deal with this. But I must say I'm getting very warm and positive vibes from mam. Thank you for inviting her. 🙏

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Glad to hear that. So nice of you ! Thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Do subscribe!! 😊

    • @Durga75469
      @Durga75469 7 місяців тому +1

      Me too her voice is healing

    • @Durga75469
      @Durga75469 7 місяців тому +2

      Please bring this wonderful healer back and let her talk please if u can please talk less and let her say more we learning from her

    • @daminisharma6444
      @daminisharma6444 7 місяців тому +1

      The guest has a very soothing and pleasant personality. Do invite her to the podcast once again and if possible share her contact with us. 😊

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Very well noted ma'am . We shall make a sequel episode with her real soon. & Will take your feedback into consideration.

  • @pragsdix2301
    @pragsdix2301 4 місяці тому

    What a great podcast! Throws light on so many questions that i have always asked myself. The interviewer is very articulate and engaging. She lets the interview flow naturally and seamlessly; where required she even gently reminds the interviewee that serious matters need to be talked about with more sensitivity. Not to undermine the great knowledge and expertise of the interviewee, she has probably seen so many cases that she can speak about them in a more detached manner.

  • @gulshandayal3866
    @gulshandayal3866 7 місяців тому +199

    Interviewer should talk less - so far you are talking and does not let other talk !

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +26

      Thankyou for your feedback respected Sir. I'll take this into consideration. Thankyou for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate that

    • @gulshandayal3866
      @gulshandayal3866 7 місяців тому +13

      @@AanchalRajkumar Thanks, i didn't mean to criticize- Thanks for taking positively.

    • @shilpashil3819
      @shilpashil3819 7 місяців тому +18

      Really.. she talks a lot. She has to learn to allow the guests to talk.

    • @meenuminochaa
      @meenuminochaa 7 місяців тому +3

      Dear friends sometimes it's needed to set a context deeply...helps to make the other comfortable also.😊

    • @shilpapuranik484
      @shilpapuranik484 7 місяців тому +14

      We are here to listen to the guest.. But the anchor here is talking a lot.. She should have very very balanced questioning and intervining

  • @suchilravishankar608
    @suchilravishankar608 25 днів тому

    Thank you miss Anchal for this podcast. It was very interesting to see Madam in this podcast. Thank you for introducing her. You were good in steering the conversation. Please don't care about the negative feedbacks. There should be interaction with guests like you have done.

  • @ojaswighate2588
    @ojaswighate2588 7 місяців тому +13

    I didn't get distracted while listening to this podcast bcoz i understand the gravity of this podcast topic. It requires wisdom n intellect.

    • @Manyaarora0357
      @Manyaarora0357 6 місяців тому +1

      Yes I totally agree, don't know why people are criticising her

  • @Raja11098
    @Raja11098 3 місяці тому

    Mrs Aanchal, please ignore all negative comments, you are doing a wonderful job.
    I really believe your voice itself is a meditation for me. You are blessed with very smoothing voice and I really enjoyed listening your voice.

  • @missj4896
    @missj4896 6 місяців тому +3

    Miss Host >> I am damn excited to hear the Guest and first 10 mins are the most valuable part of a video. You are elaborating toooooo much on Q that I can get in first go, Please let the legend speak. I will come back next time

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Respected viewer,, Your feedback is very well taken into consideration. Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Well I do warmly accept your feedback .Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

  • @pradeepacharya5943
    @pradeepacharya5943 2 місяці тому

    Thank you so much Miss Aanchal ji for your excellent podcast with PLT Meenu Minocqua Mam.It was very interesting, especially the scary one and your magic.

  • @mahendravyas7806
    @mahendravyas7806 6 місяців тому +26

    Lots of people say that let guest talk more than host. Understand please the host asking question is more important for the answers for guest gonna give you. so I think the horse did excellent job. She sound with common sense and very intelligent. I really appreciate your effort ma’am. The guest also is wonderful.

    • @shraddhas5420
      @shraddhas5420 5 місяців тому

      Yes u r right, if she won't question, how will people answer

  • @Strangersoul9
    @Strangersoul9 6 місяців тому +2

    You lead the show very graciously.... engagement is also important in good podcast. Good positive vibes ❤

  • @narendra1327
    @narendra1327 4 місяці тому +3

    What a Calm Peaceful Beautiful is Minu Mam
    The Way She Talk explain just love to listen her ❤

  • @pradeepacharya5943
    @pradeepacharya5943 2 місяці тому

    One question whose answer I have got is that it is rarest of rare that once a human one can go to animal life.Thanks a lot Aanchal ji for asking very relevant questions.

  • @vannu_cutestbaby5162
    @vannu_cutestbaby5162 7 місяців тому +5

    Do people with ocd problems have any past life trauma? Bcz my aunt is having this ocd and she used to waste water and wash her hands repeatedly.

  • @ushajetty4189
    @ushajetty4189 4 місяці тому

    I think the conversation was very interesting and the host steered it very well to get the answers she was looking for
    Well done !!
    The guest speaker had fascinating information about her work !

  • @richasinha7211
    @richasinha7211 7 місяців тому +29

    True the guest should be given more chance to speak and convey to the audience.

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Respected maam ,Thank you for your feedback, will take this into consideration. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Still I will very warmly accept your feedback . Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @ssarkarllb1
    @ssarkarllb1 3 місяці тому

    Hello, well i completely appreciate your talking because ypu have asked so many questions that never came into my mind by after listening to this podcast i could connect to those questions. I have seen 100s of videos on PLR and all the therapists have explained everything so nicely so wonderfully but somehow, this podcast seems to have changes something within me....
    I am not sure what but i am truly thankful to you for bringing this up and you got one more subscriber 💝

  • @jeewaangupta6204
    @jeewaangupta6204 7 місяців тому +9

    Didi we are blessed to have you in our life.Always in gratitude

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      So nice! Thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time!

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      @@AanchalRajkumar REINCARNATION
      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @arjunbavalia6874
    @arjunbavalia6874 6 місяців тому +1

    Very great podcast , meenu madam is very calm and peaceful… really want to listen her more

  • @DocKataria_Rinki
    @DocKataria_Rinki 7 місяців тому +7

    Everyone is judging the interviewer ,but in my opinion this is very interactive podcast
    Like both are discussing the things
    Very nice podcast❤
    Best wishes

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      I respect all the feedback and accept them wholeheartedly. Thank you so much ma'am for tuning into the podcast. Always need wishes like this. Appreciate your time and & focus are the 2 most beautiful things you can give to an individual. Thanks again' 😊

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      @@AanchalRajkumar REINCARNATION
      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @priyankagarg4528
    @priyankagarg4528 5 місяців тому

    very informative and beautiful video
    stay blessed
    Looking forward for more videos from the Guest, Ms. Minocha. nyce presentation Aanchal. Keep your enthusiasm up!
    You are also a blessed soul.

  • @rabiraza316
    @rabiraza316 7 місяців тому +4

    Wonderful conversation, especially Questions and the host are really amazing and sensible... super talk. 👌

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thankyou for your lovely compliment Ma'am . Appreciate it. Also really happy to see new viewers joining in ! I value your time. Thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Means alot.

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @dalbeerkaur7379
    @dalbeerkaur7379 2 місяці тому

    First time i found so old soul knowledgeable young interviewer ...it takes ages to learn these questions u put😊

  • @ojaswighate2588
    @ojaswighate2588 7 місяців тому +8

    Life is beyond Logic.
    Her healing technique is god's gift to her😊
    Thank you for sharing 🙏😊

  • @deeptiroy3512
    @deeptiroy3512 7 місяців тому +2

    Meenu Minocha is my Reiki Grand Master. Really she is goo teacher n very good bhv normal nature. Your vdo n Conversation is fantastic. I am also plr. Practice therapist. Reiki g. Master, counselor extra thanks to u n Meenu. Love

    • @Rahul-fq9kf
      @Rahul-fq9kf 7 місяців тому

      How do I get a regression done from Meenu Minocha? Can you help?

    • @manojkadam-dr2ej
      @manojkadam-dr2ej 7 місяців тому

      How to connect with meenu mam

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      @@Rahul-fq9kf REINCARNATION
      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @MJ_gks
    @MJ_gks 7 місяців тому +11

    Meenu Ma'am is truly a gem - rarest & one of the kindest souls ❤🙏

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Indeed! She is an amazing soul. Also thank you for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time

    • @sindhunair5192
      @sindhunair5192 7 місяців тому +1

      How to contact maam

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      @@sindhunair5192 REINCARNATION
      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

    • @ritasingh5526
      @ritasingh5526 26 днів тому

      Can someone @aanchalrajkumar tell me the name of the guest and Instagram thanks

  • @dakshapatani8463
    @dakshapatani8463 5 місяців тому

    Enthusiastic and engaging with her own natural style, I hear differently on this vast mystical topic. Thank you both , 🙏

    @VJMOJO 7 місяців тому +5

    14:26 she says na kisi ko batana and immediately realises and changes track... So am really doubtful now...

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +3

      Yes absolutely ma'am , she still mentioned the name is anonymous, nothing doubtful here I suppose. Well thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus.

  • @snehalpatil3470
    @snehalpatil3470 2 місяці тому

    Super duper Aanchal.. 🎉
    Meenu mam ka knowledge is at another level.. At the same time Aanchal darling you did great job in hosting the such a talented guest. When I saw comments about you talking more, allow guest to talk etc etc.. No my dear, just ignore all that.. You did ask all the questions that came up in our mind while watching the episode.. I also watched 2nd episode and I missed your voice there, you were conciously talking less which we didnot like at all.. As you said, 1 st episode was free flowing just because the freedom you had to express yourself and that took conversation at next level…. So my dear Aanchal BE YOURSELF.. Love the way you smile and expressions.. The magic was bonus 😅.
    Keep going girl! And all the negative commets wale, please learn to see the good in everyone, just dont judge and criticize someone because of your thoughts in public platform..
    Love you Aanchal❤

  • @annusingh8622
    @annusingh8622 7 місяців тому +6

    Beautiful podcast. How to contact Meenu Minocha ma’m please tell

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      We always put details of the Guest in the description but this time guests have given us permission to do that .
      Well now since lot of people are interested in contacting her , her team has agreed on sharing the details.
      Here are the details
      email id : meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Mobile :9811719318

  • @iluvnepal7431
    @iluvnepal7431 6 місяців тому +1

    Hi I'm from Nepal. I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast. I'm interested to know about my past life as well, but scared at the same time.

  • @smartmonkeystudy366
    @smartmonkeystudy366 7 місяців тому +16

    One small suggestion.
    After interviewing a guest, please provide the Name and the contact details of that guest (email, mobile) etc, so viewers who wish to contact your guest, they have the information they need to contact that guest.

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +3

      Very well noted respected viewer ,
      We always put details of the Guest in the description but this time guests have given us permission to do that .
      Well now since lot of people are interested in contacting her , her team has agreed on sharing the details.
      Here are the details
      email id : meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Mobile :9811719318

    @VEVEKMANTRI 6 місяців тому

    ONE OF the best podcasts, you have pitched in very well, as i am also practicing PLR past 8 yrs . You Touched almost all aspects , Great going . If you want we can also connect on topic of Hypnotherapy

  • @archanameher907
    @archanameher907 7 місяців тому +6

    Beautiful conversations very well explained.

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thankyou so much Archana ma'am . Glad you liked it. Appreciate your time. Thankyou for tuning into the podcast.

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @bedtimestorybybharativerma2718
    @bedtimestorybybharativerma2718 5 місяців тому

    Very nice podcast. All validation of whatever I have known for a long time

  • @Goodwibes143
    @Goodwibes143 6 місяців тому +18

    Ma'am Ma'am please guest ko bolne dijiye ,,,answers brief hote hain questions nahi. Kabhi aap english Kabhi hindi kyu bol rahi hain , matr bhasha me sidha simple sawal kijiye na 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому +2

      Respected viewer,, Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Well I do warmly accept your feedback .Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому +1

      Sure ,main age se dhyan rakhungi for Hindi language. Thank you for your feedback

  • @rashmirathikalavrind5082
    @rashmirathikalavrind5082 4 місяці тому

    I don't know how I connect with this long podcast and forced to believe. ❤❤

  • @adimanasi
    @adimanasi 7 місяців тому +3

    Wonderful content!! Covers almost every aspect!!!

  • @akshitas1703
    @akshitas1703 7 місяців тому +6

    This is truly intriguing and eye opening. I hold a testimony for Meenu Mam, having experienced past life regression with her. Such an amazing orator! Inspiring ✨

    • @monikasoni8337
      @monikasoni8337 7 місяців тому +2

      Can you please let me know how can I contact her?

    • @preetinangla9513
      @preetinangla9513 7 місяців тому +1

      Same question

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      We always put details of the Guest in the description but this time guests have given us permission to do that .
      Well now since lot of people are interested in contacting her , her team has agreed on sharing the details.
      Here are the details
      email id : meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Mobile :9811719318

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      We always put details of the Guest in the description but this time guests have given us permission to do that .
      Well now since lot of people are interested in contacting her , her team has agreed on sharing the details.
      Here are the details
      email id : meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Mobile :9811719318
      Thankyou you dear viewers . I'm so grateful for new people joining us. I appreciate the 2 most beautiful things you give us - your time & focus. do subscribe to our channel and join in the family

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Yes indeed it is . She has a very positive vibe . Beautiful human 💞. Glad you liked the conversation. Thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time. Do subscribe to our channel and join in the family 😊

  • @AashaBlicklePanicker
    @AashaBlicklePanicker 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for sharing this in full international language .

  • @DineshGupta
    @DineshGupta 7 місяців тому +5

    It is really good platform where many expert share their life message ...🎉🎉🎉 Thank you

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Appreciate your comment Sir. Thank you for tuning into the podcast

    • @lalitamichael1083
      @lalitamichael1083 6 місяців тому

      What is your fees ma'am

  • @saanukhadka1164
    @saanukhadka1164 7 місяців тому +2

    A 2 Z dekhaa mam Bahut achha laga thanku so much love you mam from Nepal 🙏🙏🙏

  • @tnl942
    @tnl942 2 дні тому

    One thing is confusing. If I've done something bad to someone in my past life supposing and that same soul comes to trouble me in this life and I curse them(coz I've no idea why did they do that to me). So will these karmic relationship keep on a loop.

  • @sinduvarma2862
    @sinduvarma2862 7 місяців тому +3

    very soft spoken ma'am, very nice video

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Indeed she is ! Thanks for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time

  • @hamsaganesh7675
    @hamsaganesh7675 6 місяців тому +1

    Wooooow this is new to me...skeptical too, but damn interesting!!

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Thankyou so much Hamsa for tuning into the podcast. Glad you have liked it. Appreciate your time. Do subscribe and be a part of the community.

  • @vinnietewary23
    @vinnietewary23 7 місяців тому +5

    How to connect with her?

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      We always put details of the Guest in the description but this time guests have given us permission to do that .
      Well now since lot of people are interested in contacting her , her team has agreed on sharing the details.
      Here are the details
      email id : meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Mobile :9811719318
      Thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Do subscribe!! 😄

    • @bkchhinzerchannel1134
      @bkchhinzerchannel1134 7 місяців тому

      @@AanchalRajkumarplease send me madem ji ka contract no

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @jayihsan29
    @jayihsan29 3 місяці тому

    Hallo aanchal. stumbled upon your channel and watched both your videos with meenu ji.
    2 questions: should one believe in past lives? Why?
    The other is why does one experience recurring dreams for years?
    Thank you.-

  • @nirmalyadatta2253
    @nirmalyadatta2253 7 місяців тому +4

    Truly intriguing ... great insight in unchartered domain!

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Glad you enjoyed it!ma'am appreciate your time

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @dakshapatani8463
    @dakshapatani8463 5 місяців тому


    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  4 місяці тому

      hello Daksha , Greetings!! thankyou so much for your super thanks, really appreciate this gesture of yours, i really hope that i continue to make valuable and engaging content for audiences like you!! thanks again dear

  • @meenuminochaa
    @meenuminochaa 7 місяців тому +4

    "Well done darling sister, I throughly enjoyed your session. I think your host is amazing too for going into your brain. It is a great skill only few could acquire"....A feedback for you Aanchal from my sister!!❤💞💞 Kudos child for your exuberance!! Ever rise n shine🥰🙌✨✨✨

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Thank you so much! Thankyou so much for such lovely compliment. Glad she enjoyed it. Appreciate it.💯

    • @deedt8279
      @deedt8279 6 місяців тому

      There is No Reincarnation. IF reincarnation is true - then all Dinosaurs got destroyed many years ago then why still on earth they are not coming. [rebirth]. Same way if all humans get destroyed from earth then there is no way they can take rebirth. When all humans get destroyed the humans get vanished. Then new humans cannot come. SO REINCARNATION IS NOT TRUE - IT IS MYTH - they have spread false belief.

  • @DeltaDragoneditz
    @DeltaDragoneditz 7 місяців тому +7

    You did not allow her to speak in the first 5 to 10 min.. the first 5 min make a lot of impact to continue to listen to the podcast. Allow her to speak girl. The guest started speaking after 10 min

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Respected Varsha ma'am ,Thank you for your feedback, will take this into consideration. Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Still I will very warmly accept your feedback . Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

  • @SavithaN-su5my
    @SavithaN-su5my 7 місяців тому +1

    How do I contact her

  • @mlamba77
    @mlamba77 7 місяців тому +3

    What is the time span we are looking in past life healing. One person lives an average life of 40-50 years. So if a soul resides in a body until alive then we are talking about 100 + years when this soul might have travelled different bodies. So really its very confusing and surprising

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      We can certainly add this question in our sequel episode with her.thankypu for tuning into the podcast!

  • @mousamchoudhury4292
    @mousamchoudhury4292 7 місяців тому +10

    Chatterbox please let the guest speak.

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Respected viewer,, Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Well I do warmly accept your feedback .Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

    • @sachinshah6382
      @sachinshah6382 5 місяців тому

      Sahi me

  • @sujatagangatirkar5961
    @sujatagangatirkar5961 7 місяців тому +1

    Amazing topic...
    Hearty thanks dear as I was looking for this topic. I do blv... I read Laws of Spiritual World... It's great conversation...
    One question is there is this methodology useful in current politics... To make our India a wonderful country

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thank you so much sujata ji for tuning into the podcast and giving your time for pinning the comment also. Appreciate it.Glad you have liked the conversation. It's a nice question , I will definitely ask in the sequel episode. .

  • @darshanikapanda8549
    @darshanikapanda8549 7 місяців тому +3

    Give details of guest in description

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Sure darshanika,
      We always put details of the Guest in the description but this time guests have given us permission to do that .
      Well now since lot of people are interested in contacting her , her team has agreed on sharing the details.
      Here are the details
      email id : meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Mobile :9811719318
      Thankyou you darshanika. I'm so grateful for new people joining us. I appreciate the 2 most beautiful things you give us - your time & focus. do subscribe to our channel and join in the family

  • @suvarnakhare1682
    @suvarnakhare1682 4 місяці тому

    Lovely interaction... Bahot achha laga.

  • @anumpathak
    @anumpathak 7 місяців тому +4

    Amazing talk show

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thankyou for the lovely compliment. Glad you liked it. Also thankyou for your time & tuning into the podcast. Appreciate it

  • @dharinin03
    @dharinin03 7 місяців тому

    Wooow...suprb conversation....questions are amazing as well as answers are very satisfying...both you are amazing soul...apki avaz bahot hi sweet h...make more interesting videos like this...God bless you both...

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thankyou so much for your lovely compliment. We will continue to make better content keeping audience's feedback in mind. Thankyou for tuning into the podcast.appreciate your time

  • @motivationvibes1980
    @motivationvibes1980 6 місяців тому +13

    Host should talk less to make conversation more interesting

    • @DGs_TravelDairies
      @DGs_TravelDairies 6 місяців тому

      Yeah exactly

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому +1

      Respected viewer,, Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Well I do warmly accept your feedback .Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

  • @positivevibes5610
    @positivevibes5610 3 місяці тому

    Very well explained gratitude to you mam 🙏✨

  • @learneveryday6721
    @learneveryday6721 5 місяців тому +6

    Yaar guest ko to bolne diya karo.....plzz

  • @anoopshrivastava3853
    @anoopshrivastava3853 4 місяці тому +1

    हम हिंदुस्तानी हैं हिंदुस्तान में रहते हैं , हिन्दी समझने , बोलने और सुनने वालों की संख्या अत्यधिक है , आपकी podcast की आज की बातें बहुत important hai , आधी समझ नहीं आया ।

  • @EvolveWithAyushi
    @EvolveWithAyushi 7 місяців тому +5

    Beautiful Episode 😍 I had goosebumps multiple times ❤❤ Absolutely Loooooveeed it🎉

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Awesome!! That was our aim to make you feel that !! Glad you have found it interesting!! Appreciate your time . Also do subscribe to our channel and join in the family!

  • @kotharienterprises5478
    @kotharienterprises5478 6 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for this valuable knowledge.

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Thankyou for tuning into the podcast . Glad you have liked the conversation

  • @suparnak3
    @suparnak3 7 місяців тому +4

    Lovely podcast 🎉

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for listening. Glad you like it.

  • @dsa7818
    @dsa7818 6 місяців тому +1

    बहुत रोचक और अद्भुत संवाद! Thanks dear💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 🙏

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Thankyou so much ma'am. आपका दिल से धन्यवाद।

    • @dsa7818
      @dsa7818 5 місяців тому

      आपका स्वागत है dear❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏​@@AanchalRajkumar

  • @vinodominocha6022
    @vinodominocha6022 7 місяців тому +4

    Amazing program 🎉

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thankyou sir ! Appreciate your time 💯😊

    • @Rst1962
      @Rst1962 7 місяців тому +1

      How can I contact?

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Details of Guest are in the description dear . Thankyou for watching the podcast. Appreciate your time

  • @Allfor_1_forall
    @Allfor_1_forall 2 місяці тому

    How can I make an appointment?

  • @ritaratna8128
    @ritaratna8128 7 місяців тому +4

    It looks as if this podcast is for the interviewer 'I think so'

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Respected viewer,, Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Well I do warmly accept your feedback .Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

  • @maitrigada6617
    @maitrigada6617 5 місяців тому

    Hii der 🤗
    U were amazing 😍❤
    Ignore the people who are criticizing.
    God bless you with ample of love n care 😘

  • @purnimabhasin9693
    @purnimabhasin9693 7 місяців тому +4

    O my god it's great

  • @dhwanirathod6176
    @dhwanirathod6176 7 місяців тому +2

    Very nice podcast
    Thank you ma'am ☺️

  • @Sunshine-bk1ro
    @Sunshine-bk1ro 7 місяців тому +3

    Lovely episode❤

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Glad you liked it. Thankyou so much for tuning in!

  • @rupaliacharya06
    @rupaliacharya06 3 місяці тому

    Such a beautiful podcast ❤

  • @ellenabadian
    @ellenabadian 7 місяців тому +4

    SSDN Jai sachidanand ji ❤

  • @swatiharidas836
    @swatiharidas836 7 місяців тому +1

    Where and how to connect with mam? I need to do this past life theory. I am also suffering from some health issues

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Hello maam . You can contact her easily. Her details are in the description of the podcast. Also thankyou for watching the podcast. Appreciate that.
      And I wish you a speedy recovery as well.

  • @darshanikapanda8549
    @darshanikapanda8549 7 місяців тому +5

    Great and amazing podcast plz invite meenu mam again and again

  • @Namegoatshorts
    @Namegoatshorts 3 місяці тому

    How can i connect with Meena mam

  • @Godschild98992
    @Godschild98992 7 місяців тому +3

    Please let the guest speak..... the viewer wants to listen to them not what interviewer ko kya lagta h ... questions should be straight

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +3

      Thankyou for your feedback respected ma'am .I'll take this into consideration.
      Though I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not an conventional interview style format in which host is only asking questions and guests is answering. Still I will take your feedback. Thankyou for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate that.

    • @ManjuRani-ii5jl
      @ManjuRani-ii5jl 7 місяців тому

      I don't think ki voh guest ko bolne nahi de rahi, I think she is trying to make it into a wholesome conversation . But yes I agree she can make the questions more crisp but she had great logical questions and context.

  • @sukdo777
    @sukdo777 5 місяців тому

    How can we connect to meenu mam for sessions?
    Very nice to hear from meenu maam❤😊

  • @meenakshikverma3682
    @meenakshikverma3682 7 місяців тому +4

    Very interesting❤❤

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Glad you think so!. thankyou for your time. Appreciate it.

  • @parasmitaroy9884
    @parasmitaroy9884 6 місяців тому

    How can I get in touch with your Guest for past life regrations...

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Hello viewer,, though the details are in the description of the video.
      But still here are the details for you:
      Meenu maam
      Email id: meenu.minocha@gmail.com
      Contact 9811719318
      Please message her first and then schedule a call .
      Thank you for tuning into the podcast.

  • @DineshGupta
    @DineshGupta 7 місяців тому +5

    🎉🎉 Great

  • @palsdairy9541
    @palsdairy9541 2 місяці тому

    Someone please let me know how to come out of bad karma? Is there anyway? I remember I destroyed a bird's egg near my house in my childhood & felt guilty of course.

  • @jayho271
    @jayho271 7 місяців тому +7

    आपको पहले नक्की कर लेना चाहिये कि आप अंग्रेजी मे बोलेंगे या हिंदी मे... बिच वाले मत रखो... प्रोग्राम मे जो रस नही आता

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      शुक्रिया सर | मैं इस फीडबैक पर काम करूंगी, पॉडकास्ट देखने का बोहोत बोहोत शुक्रिया

    • @drmokati
      @drmokati 7 місяців тому

      😅😅 RIGHT

    • @vaibhavgupta1715
      @vaibhavgupta1715 6 місяців тому

      हम आज की तारीख में ऐसे समाज में है जिसमें न चाहते हुए भी अंग्रेजी या अन्य भाषाएं शामिल है,हिंदी अंग्रेजी के मिश्रण को हम हिंग्लिश कह देते है,आप ने इनको सीधे बोला की रस नहीं आता,पर मान्यवर आपने ना चाहते हुए भी program " प्रोग्राम "बोला, बहुत बड़ी ऐसी आबादी है जो प्रोग्राम शब्द नही जानती,इसका मतलब आपके कॉमेंट में रस नहीं,मान्यवर कटाक्ष से बेहतर है भावनाओ को समझे

    • @soothingmeditationmusic6581
      @soothingmeditationmusic6581 5 місяців тому +1

      Jo log apni bhasha bhul jate hain wo history ho jate h

  • @biplabkumarmandal7380
    @biplabkumarmandal7380 5 місяців тому

    Safed dag k kya connection hai past life se? Please light on this issue🙏

  • @kavitagarg2848
    @kavitagarg2848 7 місяців тому

    Can this technique done through phone from distance.

  • @sudhakardam4214
    @sudhakardam4214 7 місяців тому +3

    Thank ❤🌹🙏u

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      You're welcome 😊. Thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Do subscribe to our channel

  • @akshayar5306
    @akshayar5306 7 місяців тому

    It was such an interesting conversation that I couldn't help but to thank you for sharing it on the platform. Could you please tell how to contact Meenu ma'am and where can we find her to get our therapy done

  • @Anjani561
    @Anjani561 7 місяців тому +4

    Sabko beer biceps hi bnana h😂😂😂

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  6 місяців тому

      Nahi , hum Aanchal hai , aur apko India ka pehle magician and host Banna hai and ban rahe hai .
      Well thankyou for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time

  • @verma924
    @verma924 5 місяців тому

    Ma'am i have a question 1)"agar hum apni past life tabhi dekh sakte hai jab hm iska permission khud se de to phir hme apni past life me kisi dusre ke soul ko kaise dekhte hai kyuki hmne to unke soul se permission nhi liya"
    2) "Agar soul apna partner khud chunta hai to phir divorce kyu hota hai?

  • @mrinalinitiwary3236
    @mrinalinitiwary3236 7 місяців тому +4

    Please yaar...thoda kam bolooo...khud hi host karoo aur khud hi bakkar karte rahoo...too irritating seriously

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Respected Mrinalini ma'am ,Thank you for your feedback, will take this into consideration. Though the The initial conversation is to set the context of the podcast. And I have learnt that podcasts should be a conversation style format . Not a conventional interview style format in which the host is only asking questions and guests are answering. Still I will very warmly accept your feedback . Thank you for your time in watching our podcast. Appreciate your time & Focus - the 2 most beautiful things you give us. Means a lot!

  • @bhikisharma5068
    @bhikisharma5068 7 місяців тому +1

    How do i contact minu mam?

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому +1

      Ma'am details , her email is in the description. You can check that out

  • @rushikagill3463
    @rushikagill3463 7 місяців тому +4

    What dat lady said about labour class is stupid...intellect has nothing to do with economic status and education qualifications and job status

    • @batteredwife
      @batteredwife 6 місяців тому +1

      She did not say it in an appropriate manner, but what I understood is that she is talking about Maslow's needs hierarchy. If someone has basic needs on their mind most of the time, according to her, spirituality is probably not a priority for them. That said, I personally have seen in this country, that irrespective of their financial situation, there is a strong focus on spirituality.

    • @srabontibandyopadhyay5052
      @srabontibandyopadhyay5052 6 місяців тому +1

      Exactly, in fact I see the poorer sections thronging Haridwar and the temples near them, so they do want to escape their existence.

  • @arsp04
    @arsp04 7 місяців тому +2

    Nice.. Waiting for sequel 😊

  • @SantoshBansal-fc4sm
    @SantoshBansal-fc4sm 7 місяців тому +3


  • @tejaswinisharma6057
    @tejaswinisharma6057 7 місяців тому +2

    Superb and amazing informative
    talks ❤

    • @AanchalRajkumar
      @AanchalRajkumar  7 місяців тому

      Thankyou Tejaswini . Glad you liked the conversation. Thank you so much for tuning into the podcast. Appreciate your time .
      Happy to see new individuals joining in!