Otherside //1. Slavery In Egypt - Neville Jones // Exodus 1

  • Опубліковано 19 лип 2024
  • In the first talk in the Otherside teaching series, Neville Jones looks at how God has rescued us through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, setting us free to worship and glorify Him, which is our true meaning and purpose. Despite tough circumstances, God is at work in ways we may not understand, and He is closer to us than we think.
  • Розваги


  • @Bugsy0333
    @Bugsy0333 2 місяці тому

    Can you show us a time when it would be accepatable for one person to own another person as their property ?

  • @levidaisyyoung220
    @levidaisyyoung220 2 місяці тому

    first time watching... I got questions... I come without a weapon to harm..
    - Jacob is called Israel by the most high ok... it never pointed to Israel as we know it today as a country.
    - the most high wanted the Israelites to go worship him yes? well what is that celebration? seventh day of rest maybe? because the passover celebration was after this because of the plagues.. yet now most of us worship xmas or easter ( a Roman Catholic tradition thats not even biblical) and forget passover... just like many churches worship on Sunday following a catholic lie.. the seventh day of - creation is the day of rest, this is Saturday.. tell me why your church worships on Sunday breaking this commandment?
    - freedom? look at psalms 118;8-9.. trust no Man & trust no prince ( ruler or government) we are not free from this via taxes, they rule what students learn etc..
    - look at the seven churches in revelation, they were our creators people and look what freedom they had, they ( the gentiles) had gods these people had like Artemis with statues and these were called god, so calling our creator god isnt right, he's the most high and deserves a higher title than their gods.. they even called their statues from Greece lord...
    - fruits? isnt that about the people you bring to yeshua? it will be shown on the crown that awaits for you ?
    - prayer?????? how can I pray for healing for someone that defiles their body via smoking, drinking or eating vile foods as fast foods for healing when they will continue to drink eat or smoke ? and people forget to remember in 1 Corinthians 11 says women cover your head when praying ( this isnt a muslim thing, its part of praying) and men are not to cover their head in prayer.. plus why is the armour not pushed for this? your armour is not automatic.. it needs each piece to be placed on, this protects your prayer.. satan steals prayers as we see in Daniel 10.. the fight above for Daniels prayer.. its a spiritual war so please learn to put your armour on and protect your prayers.. this is why many evil people seem to have it all, stolen prayers given as gifts to evil people from satan..
    and trusting in the medical profession is a disaster.. yes if I had a broken leg, id need help but any other ailments are brought on by what we chews.. we are to eat fruit and herbs, seeds are to be planted for future harvest..
    - we are made in our creators image, not companies making products that are filled with toxic additives or synthetic substances made in a lab by man and they call it food.. anything processed or package has no life yet we eat it thinking it will give us healthy cells and life.. needles 💉 .. theres nothing in your body that needs synthetic substances.. not one cell.. did you know cells die and are replaced? and the way they leave the body is via the lymphatic system kidneys and urine, this isnt digestive waste..
    - before you start to judge me, just know I was a witch, I was a clairvoyant and heard dead people.. the dead dont talk yet I thought I had a talent.. now im a prayer warrior for the most high and when im given a job, I fulfil it even if its hard to hear..
    follow the commandments because if you worship on Sunday and have carved images in your church, he wont be there, he wont be working with you.. your answered prayers Amy be stolen ones because satan needs you to defile christ unknowingly.. stop following religion and build your faith..
    - look at the jews.. they were not in exodus or genesis, they were a religion created to confuse just like the muslims or seventh day adventist, Jehovah witnesses, christians known from the church as Roman Catholic Church, baptist, mormons, and many other denominations.. I cant believe when I found out that we all want the same creator but worship in different traditions..
    did you know that satanists are universal world wide? yeah you can go to australia, America, New Zealand and their worship traditions are EXACTLY the same.. yet us as following christ has so many denominations that it isnt funny.. how can they get it right to worship satan a fallen angel and our creators people are in chaos? doing a lie known as xmas.. they lie every year to children, yeshuas birth date is not known yet people bring him into this lie and it has to stop or you will hear those words, depart from me, I know ye not.. I was a witch, I worked for satan and him not mucking around even if truth stings, im given a job, one job from the most high and I take it seriously.. follow the commandments and the seven days of creation. use your armour, pray with a head cover ( women)
    or many will not see their inheritance and I wouldn't like to be the one face to face with yeshua in judgement knowing I lied.. you wont go up, you will go down with satan..
    and the Israelites are not jews, the hebrews are not jews.. the jews are a made up religion, some dont even believe Jesus has come already, they have different beliefs in their own religion too..
    the bible is my guide even with books removed, verses altered or removed by the Roman Catholic Church, the same people that put yeshua on the cross and you do xmas with them?
    be aware of false teachings. dont be a wolf in shepherds clothing.. dont be the reason your church falls.. Rant over...