I love Pentatonix and my fave song by them is their version of Mary did you know which is my favorite Christmas song! They lyrics are so beautiful along with the music video and it brings me closer to the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Jesus, and our Lord 🙏🙌 I pray that one day I'll get to meet them.
A beautiful video to commemorate the beautiful partners of PTX! Hopefully Mitch finds the man of his dreams soon as well, but I think he’s just enjoying being single right now. Nothing wrong with that!
Just fyi Scott and Mitch met around age 9, Mitch also met Kirstie around the same time. Mitch also dated both Scott and Kirstie when they were all in high school and potentially Scott and Kirstie also dated (although I’m not 100% on that). The trio sang together in high school and even competed in a competition to meet the cast of glee. Kirstie and Scott both went off to college and that’s where Scott joined an a cappella group and decided to reunite his old friends to compete on the sing off.
I saw someone already told you they're all married except Mitch and Avi (as far as I've heard). Kirstin and Kevin both have young daughters, and Matt and his wife are expecting.
To the people who are talking about these people and their relationships. You should keep your unsolicited opinions to yourself because you've never met them and it doesn't matter how we feel we should always be kind and unsupportive even if we disagree with their life choices like it doesn't effect most of the people in the world. LOVE IS LOVE NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!
Leviticus 18:22 22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. Leviticus 20:13 13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. Romans 1:26-27 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Pentatonic scale is a 5 note scale, Penta means 5, they are five people. If you are suggesting anything else you're just uneducated about meanings of words.
Well I used to listen to this group I think they're very talented, but a relationship between two men is a sin!!!!! My mother would roll over in her grave if she could see how sick and disgusting this world has become!!!!!
Okay not trying to argue but I have to genuinely ask, why do you care so much about gay people? I feel like there are so many bad things going on in the world, especially now, why do gay people just living our lives in peace make you so upset?
I only see one. I'm replying to him right now. Scott is a newly wed gay man. A married gay man doesn't equal pervert. Mitch is a very private gay man. No flamboyance. No Queer, transgender bullshit. Just 2 gay men. That is why it is LBG community wants nothing to do with the WTF , where I agree there are perverts galore. Think please- Don't group them together. Scott and Mitch are not perverts- just gay. Scott is the one who collected the others up to do their magic. Mitch is extremely talented. Kirstie is a stunning soprano. Kevin a beautiful tenor cello player and insane beat boxer and Matt a killer bass.I see 4 talented Men, and 1 Talented woman who make lovely music. I find what you said so offensive. They have had no part of the garbage happening right now. They are so far above it, they have no reason to acknowledge it. It is bizarre to me that you felt the need to slander 2 good guys
Two perverts ?? They are two human beings. If you believe they are misguided you should pray for them. You don’t have to like their sexual orientation nor do you have to believe in it But….why the vitriol, that’s not right? I wonder where you got the sentiments from and please don’t say the Bible because then I’d have to think you have this same amount of vitriol for adulterers. I could go on but I don’t feel it would be productive.
Who is your favorite member of Pentatonix?
All of them, they are so epic!
EVERYONE of them!! I LOVE THEM ALL!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mitch I'm sorry it's gonna be mitch forever my favorite
Scott ❤
They are all amazing individuals and incredibly talented musicians. It's hard to pick a favorite because they all blend together so well.
Thank you for doing this. Now there's something to show folks when their imaginations get the best of them.
I love Pentatonix and my fave song by them is their version of Mary did you know which is my favorite Christmas song! They lyrics are so beautiful along with the music video and it brings me closer to the Virgin Mary, Saint Joseph, Jesus, and our Lord 🙏🙌 I pray that one day I'll get to meet them.
I LOVE every member of this group!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Awesome ty for being there when I was in the hospital.
A beautiful video to commemorate the beautiful partners of PTX! Hopefully Mitch finds the man of his dreams soon as well, but I think he’s just enjoying being single right now. Nothing wrong with that!
Just fyi Scott and Mitch met around age 9, Mitch also met Kirstie around the same time. Mitch also dated both Scott and Kirstie when they were all in high school and potentially Scott and Kirstie also dated (although I’m not 100% on that). The trio sang together in high school and even competed in a competition to meet the cast of glee. Kirstie and Scott both went off to college and that’s where Scott joined an a cappella group and decided to reunite his old friends to compete on the sing off.
They grew up in Arlington, Texas, and attended Martin High School.
@@tomtrostel4091yes Scott and Kirstie also dated in high school when he was still in the closet. Scott and Kirstie have both confirmed this.
I hate when they make dumb mistakes and horrible content
Who left the group 2017?and who discovered the group
Avi left the group in 2017 why
I have got to see Kevin's cello beatboxing video. It already sounds cool❤😂🧡😎
I saw someone already told you they're all married except Mitch and Avi (as far as I've heard). Kirstin and Kevin both have young daughters, and Matt and his wife are expecting.
To the people who are talking about these people and their relationships. You should keep your unsolicited opinions to yourself because you've never met them and it doesn't matter how we feel we should always be kind and unsupportive even if we disagree with their life choices like it doesn't effect most of the people in the world. LOVE IS LOVE NO MATTER WHAT!!!!!!!
Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
Leviticus 20:13
13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1:26-27
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
I'm so happy for all of them!
Only Matt and Kevin who did their marriage normally. Praise God!
Interesting ..
Anyone else just come for the random photos?
Elliana is Hebrew meaning: "God answered me"!
WOAH did not know that! 😮
Kaia. Her name is Kaia.
Dude better make sure that’s his lol
The girl
Kirstie and Mitch also dated
Kirstie and Scott also dated
Well, that could have been covered in 1 minute-uggh.
Is anyone else wondering how they named themselves Pentatonix? Think about it....
Pentatonic scale is a 5 note scale, Penta means 5, they are five people. If you are suggesting anything else you're just uneducated about meanings of words.
@@hernameispekka_Rebecca 🤣watch it
Well I used to listen to this group I think they're very talented, but a relationship between two men is a sin!!!!! My mother would roll over in her grave if she could see how sick and disgusting this world has become!!!!!
Yes the world is a sick and disgusting place...due to evil bigoted hateful backwards people like you.
It might be time to broaden your mind. Love is love
Broaden your mind girl... What the heck is wrong with people 😅
The human mind is capable of unlearning the nonsense your bigoted mother taught you.
God is fake news. Fairytales are for kids. Time to grow up. The Bible was written by men to control you.
Too much nonsense two people of same sex married, indeed we need deliverance
Yes we do. From bigots like you.
So unbelievably sad and disgusting that nearly the entire first half of the video was focused on the 2 perverts. What a sick world we live in.
Okay not trying to argue but I have to genuinely ask, why do you care so much about gay people? I feel like there are so many bad things going on in the world, especially now, why do gay people just living our lives in peace make you so upset?
It's unbelievable that such a stupid, perverted comment is still here. At least that's what a married heterosexual man thinks.
I only see one. I'm replying to him right now. Scott is a newly wed gay man. A married gay man doesn't equal pervert. Mitch is a very private gay man.
No flamboyance. No Queer, transgender bullshit. Just 2 gay men. That is why it is LBG community wants nothing to do with the WTF , where I agree there are perverts galore. Think please- Don't group them together. Scott and Mitch are not perverts- just gay. Scott is the one who collected the others up to do their magic. Mitch is extremely talented. Kirstie is a stunning soprano. Kevin a beautiful tenor cello player and insane beat boxer and Matt a killer bass.I see 4 talented Men, and 1 Talented woman who make lovely music. I find what you said so offensive. They have had no part of the garbage happening right now. They are so far above it, they have no reason to acknowledge it. It is bizarre to me that you felt the need to slander 2 good guys
Two perverts ?? They are two human beings. If you believe they are misguided you should pray for them. You don’t have to like their sexual orientation nor do you have to believe in it But….why the vitriol, that’s not right? I wonder where you got the sentiments from and please don’t say the Bible because then I’d have to think you have this same amount of vitriol for adulterers. I could go on but I don’t feel it would be productive.
You're right. It is a sick world we live in. All because of evil bigoted hateful close-minded prejudice disgusting backwards suits like you.