You look fantastic! Glad you are feeling so well!!! My chiropractor helps me with occasional vertigo adjustments. So great your treatment experiments have helped!
Hey Samantha, fellow long hauler here. Glad to hear you’re doing a lot better. What out of all the things you’ve tried out do you feel most contributed to you getting up to this point?
Im glad that you are doing better.what skin problem do you have. I have a lot of weird stuff on my back after covid and i dont really know what they are
Thanks for sharing. Just sent a question on an older video. 😊Before you started treatments. When you carried out even minor activity could you feel the heavy blood flow through your extremities? it's one of my symptoms. If I use my arms for 10 minutes weed wahacking, for example, they are almost impossible to lift. Similar to what one would feel after a serious workout. Thank you.
Hey how are doing these days? Commenting because haven't posted an update. I am same timeline long hauler. Following you from starting. Hope everything well.
I was thinking about posting this week. My dog had kidney failure, and he passed away three months ago. I need to post an update. Thank you for thinking of me. I hope you are doing better!
You gave me hope. However I don’t have the treatment you had. Just want to ask you did your palpitations came at same time with shortness of breath ? I got palpitations first , slight shortness of breath and sob got worse In July. Passed pulmonary function test and my pulmonologist thinks I have Reflux that is causing me to have SOB. Sent me to see gastroenterologist. My breathing is worse after eating. Did you experience this symptoms
How long u have shortness of breath. I got covid 1/22 . Shortness of breathing came 7/22. Doctors thinks is seasonal allergies. Claritin and steroids nose spray help but is in Oct /22 and I still have shortness of breath. What should I do. My palpitations is under control by atenolol. Please advise
Hey test for h pylori I have it with long COVID and it could cause your shortness of breath but I also have palpitations and that’s probably COVID so check out incelldx maybe they can help
Thanks Sam & happy to hear that you are continuing to improve xx
Thank you! I hope you are feeling a little better, too.
Hey Sam! Wow you look awesome!
Glad to see & hear that you're doing better!💪🏽🥳
Thanks for the update, please don't be a stranger 👋😊👍
U look good. Thanks for updating your covid story. Is exactly what I am going through.
Another question d u have heart beat sounds in your ears when lying down at night
You look fantastic! Glad you are feeling so well!!! My chiropractor helps me with occasional vertigo adjustments. So great your treatment experiments have helped!
Hey Samantha, fellow long hauler here. Glad to hear you’re doing a lot better. What out of all the things you’ve tried out do you feel most contributed to you getting up to this point?
Physical therapy using eye movements and vestibular resets. Also, I took selzentury for about three weeks last year and that I believed helped
Hey Samantha, i glad you feel better. I just wanna say thank you for sharing this video and giving us hope.
Im glad that you are doing better.what skin problem do you have. I have a lot of weird stuff on my back after covid and i dont really know what they are
Thanks for sharing. Just sent a question on an older video. 😊Before you started treatments. When you carried out even minor activity could you feel the heavy blood flow through your extremities? it's one of my symptoms. If I use my arms for 10 minutes weed wahacking, for example, they are almost impossible to lift. Similar to what one would feel after a serious workout. Thank you.
Hi, I'm always happy to hear success stories! Happy for you! Which treatment did you do that you mentioned that you felt helped a lot?
Physical therapy for my vertigo improved my symptoms the most. Also taking
Hey how are doing these days? Commenting because haven't posted an update. I am same timeline long hauler. Following you from starting. Hope everything well.
I was thinking about posting this week. My dog had kidney failure, and he passed away three months ago. I need to post an update. Thank you for thinking of me. I hope you are doing better!
You gave me hope. However I don’t have the treatment you had. Just want to ask you did your palpitations came at same time with shortness of breath ? I got palpitations first , slight shortness of breath and sob got worse In July. Passed pulmonary function test and my pulmonologist thinks I have Reflux that is causing me to have SOB. Sent me to see gastroenterologist. My breathing is worse after eating. Did you experience this symptoms
Trust me it's not acid reflux!! It's damaged nerves off your spinal cord. I had the same exact thing... doctors that don't know much say acid reflux.
Selzentury helped my inflammation off my spinal cord a great deal.
How long u have shortness of breath. I got covid 1/22 . Shortness of breathing came 7/22. Doctors thinks is seasonal allergies. Claritin and steroids nose spray help but is in Oct /22 and I still have shortness of breath. What should I do. My palpitations is under control by atenolol. Please advise
How am i going to get HIV medicine that u got?
Hey test for h pylori I have it with long COVID and it could cause your shortness of breath but I also have palpitations and that’s probably COVID so check out incelldx maybe they can help
How are you doing now? You still taking all those vitamins from last year?
About 90% better!! I'm back to eating histamine foods and can drink caffeine again. I take vitamin C, D, and B12 everyday.
What did you do for the vertigo??
Extensive physical therapy with a vestibular therapist.