This was a lose lose situation. If they would have just tagged him and waited and the boy died, then the outrage would be that they left the boy and didn't save him. At this point people find anything to complain about. Lets focus our attention where it belongs, on the fact that people need to put their damn phones down and watch their kids!!
+daarrkmatter +daarrkmatter they dont often. There is a chance the gorilla will because it is startled. The Cincinnati Zoo didn't want to take the small chance that the gorilla might attack the child and therefore killed the gorilla. The boy was also dragged and thrown. Just know that
+KCAssassin98 that's logical. there's more white people in America than any other race. are you implying that you don't expect white people to be poor?
Lori Hackney you honestly think in such a high pressure situation the zookeepers were thinking about race? besides whites play the victim card more than black people do these days so I doubt there would be a race war.
It is indeed a tragedy. The life lost is a major malfunction. Imagine if you will the Gorilla pulling the child's arm off. Arterial blood would quickly drain the boys life away. Then the critiques would be yammering. "You should have shot the gorilla." Hard but necessary choice. Faulting the Mother does not fly. It was an accident, pure and simple. The boy lives. Think if it were your son....Justice in this country is not a voteable issue; unless you are on the jury. The rants against the Mom is nothing but a LYNCH mob! Thank God the boy was not killed or seriously injured. The Gorilla is now safe and forever released from his prison. Now if it were The Hillary that fell in I would say, "Save the gorilla."
But everything these days is a lynch mob. You hear something on the news and immediately you want someone to pay for it. You yourself have formed an internal lynch mob against "The Hillary" for crimes that you think she may have committed... I thought justice was not a voteable issue? We all vote with our opinions, every day. And if we think someone is guilty, in our minds they are guilty. You think Hillary is guilty of something - I happen to agree, she probably is. But neither one of us has any proof? Doesn't stop us from forming opinions, though. If somebody you trusted told you your next door neighbor was a child molester, you'd probably start up a lynch mob, right? If your "gut instinct" told you that the guy following you down a dark alley was trying to rob you, you'd probably prepare to defend yourself, right? Well my gut instinct is telling me that the parent and/or parents / legal guardians of this child were not paying attention to their child at the time of this incident. Maybe I'm wrong...? And maybe we're also wrong about Hillary. But probably not.
that might have been a major blunder on the moms part.. but any parent knows their kid's going to get out of your hands once or twice and do something you don't want him to do. maybe not to this degree, but still. my biggest question is why a human can enter the enclosure through any means besides for care of the animal.
Andrew Deyoe Not if you adhere to a civilize society. I would not make a dicision that a human would die to save an animal. I am very protective of animals. Fortunately I was not forced to make this ecision. Jack Hanna, knows what of he speaks. It is unfortunate that the animal was killed. My understanding it grew up, pretty much in a family environment until 2014.. Kinda like the movie, :"Sophie's Choice".
NeverWrongg even if they made a high baracade or their was a high baracade it’s the parents fault for letting the child even get that close to the edge to be able to fall in
Imagine your first memory being falling into an endangered silverback’s cage and having it play with you and drag you through the water moments before it died. That’s just insane to me.
+___ Oh god another peta freak, if you think animal life comes before human life than maybe you should go live in the zoo with your buddies and see how aggressive they can be.
Who are you to decide who and who doenst deseve kids, all parents make mistakes , evryparent in this wolrd has left their kid unattend and slmething bad happen, no one is perfect in this case the consequences where more grave by chance but we all humans we all make mistakes.
"She doesn't deserve a child" Accidents happen. Hop off of your high horse. Its a gorilla. If it was tranquilized, the gorilla would've became more aggressive and killed the kid. Who are you to say she doesn't deserve a child? What happens if the child just ran off?
I bet all the people saying the Gorilla was't hostile and shouldn't have been killed would NEVER jump into that pit. Ever. And if you disagree with me, jump in.
Well no shit no one would voluntarily jump into a pit with a gorilla, wtf does these even mean? This could have been avoided rather easily, watch your fucking kids and we don't have to cross one more gorilla off the already dwindling list of the species
Except the kid shouldn't have been in the pit. No one should and that's quite obvious yet the mom let her kid climb in there unmonitored. That's the issue here. Sure, maybe killing the gorilla was ethical but it wouldn't have to be killed if the dumbass mother watched her kid for two seconds
I don't think anyone disputes the child's safety first but it was completely irresponsible of the parent to have let this happen. At any moment anyone can "accidentally/purposefully wander" in to an enclosure but if we choose to act as a responsible adult this beautiful silver back would still be alive.
+tscarable ok....I need you to do a favor for me. I need you to take this mega L for saying "the simple task of parenting". Smh who raised you? Parenting? Simple? LLLLLLLL
Sadly, I agree with the Cincinnati's Zoo decision to kill the gorilla and not tranquilize it. There seems to be so much anger against the mother. Unless you were there then none of us know the circumstances of how this child got away from it mother and climbed past the barrier into the enclosure. As a mom, I know that sometimes no matter how much you watch your children things can happen and everyone is human which means no one is perfect. Based on some reports I have heard the mother was yelling at the child to get back and the child responded with a "No". Sounds to me like the child is disobedient and perhaps that may be the fault of bad parenting. Who knows for sure. It's a tragic situation all around and I'm damn sure that kid will think twice before leaving his mom's side again. Sad story all around for the gorilla, the zoo and the child's family. There are no winners here but I do wish people would not wage a campaign against the mother.
I agree. I can't believe the threats the mother is getting over this. A decision had to be made in a split second. If the zoo decided to tranquilize instead of killing the gorilla and the gorilla, in anger, killed the child then all the hatred would be at the Zoo. It is definitely a lose - lose situation. Hard to believe that people would target so much anger and animosity towards a woman that don't even know. Good thing stoning is illegal. On second thought, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones......................
Javon Clement I am not arguing that at all. I am saying that tranquilizing the gorilla would have probably been the wrong choice because it would not knock it out right away and would take time (10 mins). All I'm saying is that people are mad that the gorilla was shot to save a child BUT if the gorilla was tranquilized and killed the child before it went unconscious then everyone would be mad at the Zoo for not shooting the gorilla. Thus the lose lose situation. I think the zoo did the right thing but no matter what unless we were there and witnessed it can we know who to pin the blame on.
Are you saying we should have let natural selection run it's course and thin the herd a little? If that was the case we should have thrown the parents in and let them fight it out. lol
Here's a question for you - if you had accidently fallen beside an infant Gorilla with the mother nearby, what do you think she would have done? Do you think she would have paused and said "well, a human life is worth as much as my infants..." or do you think she would have turned you into playdough? The zoo did EXACTLY what she would have done if the situation had been reversed.
so a guy who is paid by zoos said it was ok to kill the ape...they are desperate now, just arrest the parents and get it over with, parent need to be responsible for their childrens action, whether they had a bunch or not, if you cant watch them all dont take them to dangerous places. I am sick of parents letting everyone else take the blame for the kids bad behavior, when I was growing up if i did something bad and it cost money, my parents had to pay for it. I think the parents should have to pay the zoo for the ape.
It's obvious you are not aware of who Jack Hanna is and that's okay. He's much more than a spokesperson for a zoo. The man is obviously aged, he's done much more in his lifetime than simply being in Columbus. I've met him, spoken to him, he's an absolutely incredible guy! Now, what I'd like to hear is the parents and as to why they were blatantly ignoring a child.
michael d He is the director of the Columbus Zoo *now*. I live here, I've met the man, I've sat with him and discussed his earlier years when he was an American version of Steve Irwin travelling the world and saving thousands upon thousands of lives of other animals. Any professional in the field of animals would have agreed with the decision to end the gorilla's life. As wrong as it is to end an animal's life due to a human's negligence, it is what is looked at as the "right move" in today's society. I hate that all these people are jumping on Jack Hanna and other representatives of the zoos. Jack Hanna is not connected to the Cincinnati Zoo, but he is a well known, respected animal activist and professional that the public would listen to more intently than if a unknown "spokesman" of the Cinci Zoo came up on national news. What choice did these people have? Either kill an animal that unfortunately society looks at as a less important individual than a human being or let the child be brutally beaten in front of hundreds of children and parents as they stood and watched with the child's mother. I mean, c'mon.
That's my point exactly. If it can't be in the wild then it's not repopulating. Real repopulating is raising a animal in a wild like environment with no human interaction. Once they are old enough they release them and keep track so if they get killed they will know exactly what happened. This is not repopulating it is enslavement for human pleasure and curiosity.
ALL I can say is thank goodness that people who ARE EXPERT'S like Jack Hannah made the decisions and not these ignorant folks on the internet. Thanks for trying to spread some common sense.
he's just a paid shill for the globalist socialist networks. anything that takes responsibility away from the individual and puts it into the hands of the all knowing government he'll agree with it!!!
Anyone saying that the parent should be punished has probably never actually watched a child. The mother had her eye off the child for one quick second and a four year old child fell in. The zoo needs to make the wall high enough so that a four year old child could not fall in.
A similar thing happened in my country a week ago or so. A crazy guy wanted to commit suicide in a biblic way so he jumped into the lion cage in the zoo and 2 lions had to be killed to save him. That's way more infuriaiting, the dude wanted to be killed. This is a child.
I agree that a decision had to be made and saving a human life over a animals life is always first priority but it's still unbelievably upsetting that a beautiful and endangered Gorilla was murdered because of bad parenting.
"No breaches ever dating back to the 1970s"....the parents displayed a level of incompetence that no other parents did over the course of 40 years and BILLIONS of visits. These parents should be charged.
out rage???, I'm all about animal rights. I think shooting it was 100 percent right, that was a baby Boy! !!! what if that wasyour kid? I'm more against keeping them in zoos
I'd we didn't have them in zoos they'd all die. check out the habitat size they have to live in. it's only a few miles and quickly growing smaller. that in addition to poaching.
Jonah Husak good point, im sure they are well taken care of and gorillas have a cool compound there to hang out on. Main point is if there is any blame if should be on the Parents/Kids stupidity, their accident cost a Gorilla its life. But the right decision was made. There should be a Ranger/Game Warden on site with lethal and non lethal options on command, so you dont have to call the fire dept wtf. All but one gorilla obeyed and came inside. At first I thought the one Gorilla was protecting the kid, which he might have been doing..But that soon turned into what looked like to be the Gorilla claiming the child as his own possession. At that point action needed to be taken, like Jack said the Gorillas strength is incredible and he could easily hurt the kid severely intentionally or not. The child was lucky it was Gorillas, they for most part react well with humans. My Biology professor in college said if you had choice to be in a cage with chimpanzees, orangutans, or gorillas. Chose the Gorillas, because those are the only ones that might NOT kill you
He just explained why they had to kill the damn gorilla and people are still saying dumb shit lmao , If the kid wouldve died , People would be quick to say "WELL WHY DIDNT YALL SHOOT IT !!! " smh.. . the right decision was made .
Anyone with kids knows that a little one can run around a corner and disappear for a moment in a blink of an eye... that could happen to anyone.. so hard to blame the parents 100%. But... this is a sad story on all sides. Tragic for the animal.
Harambe's behavior was very delicate and thoughtful if you have half a working brain to analyze it's behavior. It first tried to pull the kids leg to move him to another location (just as how he would do with a baby gorilla). After the first dragging, it reevaluates wondering if pulling the leg is hurting the kid. So he proceeds to checking his arms (very delicately), and realizes that it would be even weaker. So then it proceeds to checking his clothes (people often mistakes this action as pulling his pants up), and it realizes that probably pulling from his pants wouldn't hurt the kid. The next time we see it dragging the kid to another location, Harambe is not grabbing from the kid's limbs anymore, it only pulls the kid from the pants. The last minute before he was shot, the kid and the gorilla were sitting peacefully outside the ditch in a dry surface. The kid was sitting between the gorilla's leg.
I am a Grandmother of two Children . I also had two Children of my own . I have thought about all the Times my own Mom would take us Children to the L.A. Zoo back in the day . I can attest to the fact she never lost us or had us wandering in the Gorilla enclosure or Lion's Den .I also think today the enclosures at the Zoo offer more protection. We live in a society that is so preoccupied (cell phone, selfies, etc )that we forget what is going on around us . Just a guess...the Gorilla Enclosure looks high up and you look down into it . Maybe the Mom lifted her Son up to the railing so her Son could get a better look, and got distracted with another child, cell phone, whatever, and the child fell or slid down all the way into the enclosure. It obviously wasn't the Zoo's or the Gorilla's fault that the kid ended up there. But , he did ! And, the decision had to be made quickly. The people at the Zoo did what had to be done in order to save a Human Life. We grieve over the Loss of a Beautiful Magnificent Gorilla, but I would like to think we would be more grieved if the little Boy lost his life in there.
Although I don’t want to agree with this I have to because you are speaking the truth and so sweetly do wish that the parent was looking after her child because then no lives would have been lost 😞
I understand people need to watch their kids, but an enclosure isn’t supposed to be built in such a way that it’s possible to just up and fall into it. I’ve been to Zoos all over the world and it’s just not a good idea. The parent was negligent, but yeah...unfortunately the animal has to be shot in order to save the child.
The mom should go to jail for not watching her kid !! Kids at that age need to be watched every second!! The mom was probably on Facebook taking a selfie
honestly they all deserve it I mean I agree with the zoos decision in the moment even tho I know it was most likely made out of fear, but ig the fear was warranted but his mom should not be a parent
They did the best they could in making a decision quickly. To me, it didn't look like the gorilla would hurt the child, but what if he had. Everyone would be yelling that the authorities should have killed him before he killed the child. It was a no win situation. Thank God the boy is doing well.
Its funny how you guys only ask "what if he hurt him" and not even consider, for one second, "what if he didn't hurt him?" Many gorillas or animals like that are very parental or protective over their younglings. If that gorilla really wanted to hurt the child, why did he protect him?
Its funny because whenever someone, supposedly like you, ask what if he had, you act upon it as if it had already happened? It isn't like a robbers instinct like "give me the money or I shoot the girl" incident. That probably was the quickest response, but was it the most logical? Better yet, was it even a fair response?
People like to get outraged - This incident was one of the earlier mass outrage scenarios where a person or business was blasted for something that wasn’t entirely their fault - And since then our society has taken the outrage to a new level.
The gorilla made it to where someone could get the little boy. The gorilla, whether male or female, has parental instincts. He knew how to help that cute little boy. I wish they hadn't killed the gorilla.
"No breaches ever dating back to the 1970s"....the parents displayed a level of incompetence that no other parents did over the course of 40 years and BILLIONS of visits. These parents should be charged.
I've finally stumbled across the reasonable human beings on this planet. I was getting a little worried about this country reading comments about killing the boy and his family over the gorilla.
dknisle1 what do you mean? Since when did I say that. That I know, like I said before read and learn something instead of watching this video and thinking you're an expert now.
For one, the boys parents need to be arrested for neglect and child endangerment. This is tantamount to losing sight of your child while they were playing outside only to have them chase a ball into the middle of traffic and getting hit by a car. Secondly, there are fast acting tranquilizers that the Zoo should have had in stock. Lastly where was the person in charge of the Gorilla Enclosure? There is no justification of this situation. It could have and should have been prevented.
'We can only do so much.' I've seen plenty of gorillas behind bullet proof glass in zoos. Why would there be an opening at all? Argue all you want but if it was a full enclosure this wouldn't have even happened; so fix the problem at the core. Going off on a tangent about the parents is an unrelated issue to the fact that, if somebody wanted to, they could get in. Once a mentally slow guy got into a tiger exhibit. It shouldn't possible.
"No breaches ever dating back to the 1970s"....the parents displayed a level of incompetence that no other parents did over the course of 40 years and BILLIONS of visits. These parents should be charged.
+DK Kempion Are you a parent? Kids aren't robots that do what they're supposed to all the time, or even know what's dangerous and what's not. Parents also aren't robots. They get tired, they get distracted, they make mistakes, and that's what happened here.
Hypothetically speaking: if both the gorilla and the boy were drowning and you only had time to save one, I hope you would save the boy. And that is what they did.
i used to literally grab animals and wrestle with them, climb gates, dig holes under the fence of my families yard, play sleep then go do bad things, leave on the tv on, take stuff apart and put it back together, sneak out into the neighborhood, and much more my grandparents literally started putting a kid lease on me to keep from taking off, its not just about being a good parent some people are driven more by curiosity than others and will go to any length for the experience, now here i am first of my low class family to go to college, first to travel across the country, first to leave the country, first to go on an nature expedition, i’ll starve myself for weeks just to take a trip.
A child's life is more important than a gorilla's life, if anyone says anything different then they are crazy, or they have their values all twisted and need help!
I wonder about the story they're going to tell the kid when he's older. "Son, back when you were a fetus, you fell into King Kong's lair. He dragged you around and looked around for your mother. And then they shot him..."
Im so glad the little boy is ok. Bless his little heart. I can't imagine being that poor mother! It's a sad ending for the gorilla but that little boys life comes first. period.
animal life is important. but how can you compare that to a HUMAN LIFE. god, I'm an animal lover as well but when it comes down to the decision of saving a human life versus an animal it will always be the human. yes, animals are at times better than humans in the sense that they aren't destroying themselves like we are. some animals are much kinder than any given human. but still....this was a child. in my opinion the blame should be on the parents. I've taken my kids to the zoo many times and my kids are accounted for at ALL times. I watch them like a hawk. I know even then, kids can squirm away from you. but that's your responsibility as a PARENT to make sure you know where the hell your children are at all times, more specifically when they are young like this. I had a lady last time that we went to the zoo, totally lose track of her child. her kid was next to us and I kept looking all around for its parents. we walked with the baby until a woman ran up and said omg I thought his dad had him!!! and all I could think about is, what the hell....this child could have gotten into an enclosure, fallen and broken it's neck, or gotten abducted by some sicko... it just blew my mind. be prepared, get a child leash, SOMETHING to help you keep track of them. mine stay in their wagon until we make stops, go right back into it.
I agree with you 100%, except for the child leash/ wagon bit. I'm not telling you how to raise your kids, but I feel like it's important for kids to be able to explore and wander. That doesn't mean sit at a bench and let them disappear like I've seen so many parents do, but explore around with them. I don't know haha. But you are right about this being the parents fault.
+ColbOnTheCob well, personally I don't use the child leashes. LOL I find them kind of demeaning. the reason I inserted that as an dramatized option to just keep your children within sight LOL. my kids mind really well for the most part so I don't usually have issues keeping them around me. but yes I agree with you. they should be able to explore. But in this world we live in now, I don't feel comfortable letting them explore because we have so many sicko's around us. I'm very protective of my babies :( lol
+Hunter Warick please do not ever procriate. 1. you don't know shit, seeing as how I don't stay home, you fucktard. 2. the child was definitely too damn young to know better therefore the PARENTS were at blame. Which I believe I stated that. and yes I do feel like a child's life is worth more REGARDLESS of what entitled wastes of oxygen like yourself think. How can you call a child an idiot when at that age, they want to explore..and they depend on the vigilance of the parents to keep them safe. You definitely are the exception. I'd gladly watch a gorilla maul you to death because you come off like a pretty shitty person.
+Hunter Warick and by the way... you were once a kid who CLEARLY has grown up to do not a damn thing for this world other than make a petty attempt at an online insult and try to make assumptions as you type away on your little keyboard/phone.
+Hunter Warick there you go assuming things again. lol does it make you feel better about yourself to fabricate lies about people on the Internet assuming that you THINK you know what their lives are like? you are pathetic. And I feel extremely sorry for you that you feel the need to attack someone you don't have a clue about online. lol my guess is that name calling is you go to insult towards people. seems to me like you never left high-school buddy.
I mean I disagree with Jack Hanna because the gorilla is just an animal and the boy should not have been able to get across the barrier I mean I know that might make me seem like bad person but it the truth.
at first i thought maybe he was sitting on a ledge with his mothers help. but no. he was able to wiggle and flop past the low wall, charge the bushes and jumped into the cage. within seconds. the bystanders couldnt even grab him. (and they tried) im sorry but the first wall should at least be toddler proof.
Dragging the little ones is a type of transportation technique to them because their joints are much more stable than ours Harambe was trying to protect the child didn't you saw him getting the child behind him to protect I mean a crowd screaming which you've never seen looks like a danger to me.
This is my first time seeing the gorilla drag the boy. The first time I saw it they just showed the gorilla just standing by yhe boy. They should make the parents pay the price of a new gorilla. I think it was a tragedy all the way around.
The WRONG Choice! He stood the Child up to see if he was Hurt. What do we Do? Become Better Parents, or don't have Kids at All! Totally Avoidable.. Total Parental Failure.
Kinda confused about this whole dart thing tbh, I never thought about it back then but we have darts that put polar bears to sleep in 2 seconds. Why exactly would they not work?
@You want rent get religion well you're wrong, there is a dart that can put a polar bear to sleep in less than 5 minutes. in fact theres multiple drugs that could be used in dart form
@@salvationbygracethroughfaith not really, especially when the animal isn't hurting the child. And shooting it with a gun is more dangerous to the child than a tranq dart
@@salvationbygracethroughfaith do your research, there are darts that will literally bring a polar bear to the ground in less than 10 seconds. And like I said the child was never in danger other than a bullet flying in his direction. I understand every second counts in a situation where someone's life is in danger but the simple fact Is- that child's life was never anywhere close to in danger
@@salvationbygracethroughfaith No? It's not. and i sad less than 10 seconds, obviously you haven't watched the video because there are multiple points where the animal is just standing still for minutes at a time just holding the childs leg. I'm an atheist, but if you think shooting a animal that's doing nothing wrong is a viable solution then you should change your username and sit down and think on whether or not you can call yourself a "child of god"
@@vexxingfox that is not true it takes 5 minutes to knock out a gorilla because this was in 2016 also gorilla's have been observed to get angry when shot by a tranquilizer also tranquilizers are less accurate than rifles shooting bullets
So base on your logic, my friend who's been playing violin for over 10 years, made it to the national orchestra when he was in high school, gets over 100k views per video on UA-cam making violin covers but he as a degree in pharmacy is not a violinist? I'm sure this guy has worked with animals for decades base on his age, I'm sure he's credible enough for his opinion to matter infinite more than a random person on the internet.
+mayagold10 how is the mother guilty? Do you have experience as a mother or babysitter atleast with a 4 year old child? Do you know how hard it is to keep them under your control? Especially a 4 year old with high energy/adrenaline levels.
I would like the zoo to explain how they were able to shoot the gorilla without harming the child, if the idiotic child was being man handled and held by the gorilla. I mean for them to have shot the gorilla without endangering the child, the child must have not been in the gorilla's presence or immediate vicinity at the time it was shot. Or they basically took a lucky chance and shot at the gorilla while the child was still near it, so at the same time murdering the gorilla and endangering the child even more. I find it was unnecessary to have killed the endangered gorilla, unless the zoo would like to admit they did shoot at the gorilla as well as at the child during this event.
shooting the gorilla immediately allows the boy to be rescued. You seem to believe that this is a cartoon where a single dart instantly puts a 300 pound animal to sleep. a dart takes time, which in this dangerous situation is costly.
Darts take a while and I'm sure that it wasn't just a potshot taken at the gorilla. They probably took a long time lining up the shot and making sure they wouldn't hit the kid.
But why is a humans life any more important than an endangered gorilla? Also it's the parents fault for being bad parents and letting him climb over the stupid wall. If you think about it from the gorilla's perspective, it's a foreign animal entering their territory which I might add, shouldn't even be where the gorilla should be
+brigham bentley hey dumbass its an ape it has no sense of etiquette or sense to make sure the child dosnt get hurt it dosnt know stop acting like its a human, its an ape its going to act like one
see if the child was killed by the gorilla this would be a different story. people would find a way to blame the zoo for not doing something and riot. they had to deal with the cards dealt and Jack was right. as heartbreaking and irresponsible from the parents side, that doesn't mean the child should be left down there in a risky attempt to subdue the animal. he was a large, stressed male. easily capable of killing that kid If he wanted to or felt threatened
renaissancemen1 lmao, but seriously, they had no idea someone was coming to the rescue, if my baby boy fell in there i would have jumped immediately. But you're theory makes sense, she was saying "mommy loves you" as if it was good by XD
All lives matter just the same. Harambe's behavior was very delicate and thoughtful if you have half a working brain to analyze it's behavior. It first tried to pull the kids leg to move him to another location (just as how he would do with a baby gorilla). After the first dragging, it reevaluates wondering if pulling the leg is hurting the kid. So he proceeds to checking his arms (very delicately), and realizes that it would be even weaker. So then it proceeds to checking his clothes (people often mistakes this action as pulling his pants up), and it realizes that probably pulling from his pants wouldn't hurt the kid. The next time we see it dragging the kid to another location, Harambe is not grabbing from the kid's limbs anymore, it only pulls the kid from the pants. The last minute before he was shot, the kid and the gorilla were sitting peacefully outside the ditch in a dry surface. The kid was sitting between the gorilla's leg.
Lets look at it from a logical perspective dumbass, the endangered and inslaved species died and the stupid human who left their child unattended let it happen, the kid substained more injuries falling into the pit.
+Mounir Ananou nah we "almost die" all of the time that fear of dying is what keeps us alive and those near death experiences work at defining us. This kid is gonna have quite a tale to tell when's he's older
This is a simple case of the gorilla protecting the child. He is dragging the child to be able to move him. He had no offspring, so he did not know how to handle young. He was trying to protect this child from the screaming crowds.
As a sister of two lil kids i can't believe the lack of empathy against a child in the comment section :l if it was your children or even your brother/cousin you'll be crying your ass out
There is abundant empathy, but for Harambe. This is understandable, as gorillas are near-human. Plus, they are gentle giants, as opposed to their rather destructive hairless relatives. Plus, Humans have overpopulated to such an extent that it is driving other species out, causing what the media refers to as the next mass extinction. From a Darwinian point of view, such an issue threatens the circle of life. The species could stand to lose some numbers, just as the overpopulated elk in Yellowstone could.
This was a lose lose situation. If they would have just tagged him and waited and the boy died, then the outrage would be that they left the boy and didn't save him. At this point people find anything to complain about. Lets focus our attention where it belongs, on the fact that people need to put their damn phones down and watch their kids!!
+daarrkmatter +daarrkmatter they dont often. There is a chance the gorilla will because it is startled. The Cincinnati Zoo didn't want to take the small chance that the gorilla might attack the child and therefore killed the gorilla. The boy was also dragged and thrown. Just know that
there's more white people on welfare than any other race.
+KCAssassin98 that's logical. there's more white people in America than any other race. are you implying that you don't expect white people to be poor?
Zeezke99 he is assuming because the mother was black that she was a welfare queen.
Lori Hackney you honestly think in such a high pressure situation the zookeepers were thinking about race? besides whites play the victim card more than black people do these days so I doubt there would be a race war.
I had to drag my kid out of the grocery like that once before.
Ruben Perez because you’re gorilla
Did they shoot you?
@@Jack-nj4gr lol
Ur funny i like u
because he wants to buy chocalate
Steve Erwin would have jumped into that enclosure and saved the day.
If He was still alive.
@@kathyquinn8616 yea.. I miss Steve Erwin
Don't make me cry brah
Eyyy croky get trout hands off that baby
It is indeed a tragedy. The life lost is a major malfunction. Imagine if you will the Gorilla pulling the child's arm off. Arterial blood would quickly drain the boys life away. Then the critiques would be yammering. "You should have shot the gorilla." Hard but necessary choice. Faulting the Mother does not fly. It was an accident, pure and simple. The boy lives. Think if it were your son....Justice in this country is not a voteable issue; unless you are on the jury. The rants against the Mom is nothing but a LYNCH mob! Thank God the boy was not killed or seriously injured. The Gorilla is now safe and forever released from his prison. Now if it were The Hillary that fell in I would say, "Save the gorilla."
But everything these days is a lynch mob. You hear something on the news and immediately you want someone to pay for it. You yourself have formed an internal lynch mob against "The Hillary" for crimes that you think she may have committed... I thought justice was not a voteable issue? We all vote with our opinions, every day. And if we think someone is guilty, in our minds they are guilty. You think Hillary is guilty of something - I happen to agree, she probably is. But neither one of us has any proof? Doesn't stop us from forming opinions, though. If somebody you trusted told you your next door neighbor was a child molester, you'd probably start up a lynch mob, right? If your "gut instinct" told you that the guy following you down a dark alley was trying to rob you, you'd probably prepare to defend yourself, right? Well my gut instinct is telling me that the parent and/or parents / legal guardians of this child were not paying attention to their child at the time of this incident. Maybe I'm wrong...? And maybe we're also wrong about Hillary. But probably not.
+Just anobody
I'd rather shoot Hillary than any other animal.
that might have been a major blunder on the moms part.. but any parent knows their kid's going to get out of your hands once or twice and do something you don't want him to do. maybe not to this degree, but still. my biggest question is why a human can enter the enclosure through any means besides for care of the animal.
an endangered species's life is more important than one of 7 billion humans.
Andrew Deyoe Not if you adhere to a civilize society. I would not make a dicision that a human would die to save an animal. I am very protective of animals. Fortunately I was not forced to make this ecision. Jack Hanna, knows what of he speaks. It is unfortunate that the animal was killed. My understanding it grew up, pretty much in a family environment until 2014.. Kinda like the movie, :"Sophie's Choice".
The zoo should've made a child getting into an enclosure impossible
NeverWrongg even if they made a high baracade or their was a high baracade it’s the parents fault for letting the child even get that close to the edge to be able to fall in
Parents fault
Parents should watch their damn kids
Your child=your responsibility.
Imagine your first memory being falling into an endangered silverback’s cage and having it play with you and drag you through the water moments before it died. That’s just insane to me.
At least its not his last memory
Imagine your grammar is perfect and imagine that you're smart. That's just impossible for you.
This isn't english class stfu
Imagine not crawling into a gorilla cage or my mother watching me
@@MontblancNorand imagine thinking everyone in this world is native english speaker
but but all the internet experts know better
What the fuck does jack Hanna know? Just a poor mans Crocodile Dundee. Good day mate!!!!
+___ Oh god another peta freak, if you think animal life comes before human life than maybe you should go live in the zoo with your buddies and see how aggressive they can be.
+renaissancemen1 Stop
+Daniel Gonzalez no, you stop! This is the same guy who said the whales at Sea World were fine. The guy has no credibility.
+renaissancemen1 No u
I feel bad for the person that had to kill him. Damn parents have no right to have kids if they can't watch them.
It’s difficult to judge since I wasn’t there. Sometimes tragedies can happen even when people do everything correctly.
Accidents happen
But remember a zoo holds wild animals what if it were the lions den or an even more dangerous animal ! The boy wouldn’t have stood a chance!
@@devonanderson6280 sure but like- your own child 👩🦯
@@paradisesomeday6630 He really set himself up for that one didn't he lol
That mother caused this she doesn't deserve a child
She shouldn't have HAD a child, but the child shouldn't be punished because of her. Any human life is worth more than any animals.
The irony of this is she was probably irresponsible enough to get pregnant by mistake in the first place.
Who are you to decide who and who doenst deseve kids, all parents make mistakes , evryparent in this wolrd has left their kid unattend and slmething bad happen, no one is perfect in this case the consequences where more grave by chance but we all humans we all make mistakes.
"She doesn't deserve a child"
Accidents happen. Hop off of your high horse.
Its a gorilla. If it was tranquilized, the gorilla would've became more aggressive and killed the kid.
Who are you to say she doesn't deserve a child? What happens if the child just ran off?
+Mian Mir you're correct. Accidents do happen. One of those accidents was this lady getting pregnant and having this moron of a child.
I bet all the people saying the Gorilla was't hostile and shouldn't have been killed would NEVER jump into that pit. Ever. And if you disagree with me, jump in.
lmfao 🙌
Well no shit no one would voluntarily jump into a pit with a gorilla, wtf does these even mean? This could have been avoided rather easily, watch your fucking kids and we don't have to cross one more gorilla off the already dwindling list of the species
Jack McGowan get offended.
Except the kid shouldn't have been in the pit. No one should and that's quite obvious yet the mom let her kid climb in there unmonitored. That's the issue here. Sure, maybe killing the gorilla was ethical but it wouldn't have to be killed if the dumbass mother watched her kid for two seconds
+Django Freeman he's not offended, he's making a point...
I don't think anyone disputes the child's safety first but it was completely irresponsible of the parent to have let this happen. At any moment anyone can "accidentally/purposefully wander" in to an enclosure but if we choose to act as a responsible adult this beautiful silver back would still be alive.
Get off your high horse.
She was taking care of more than one kid. She's supposed to focus on that one only?
+Ahmed Yusuf no excuse she should have her children taken away. she clearly can not handle the simple task of parenting.
+tscarable ok....I need you to do a favor for me. I need you to take this mega L for saying "the simple task of parenting". Smh who raised you? Parenting? Simple? LLLLLLLL
do you even know the full situation to just jump to conclusions?
Sadly, I agree with the Cincinnati's Zoo decision to kill the gorilla and not tranquilize it. There seems to be so much anger against the mother. Unless you were there then none of us know the circumstances of how this child got away from it mother and climbed past the barrier into the enclosure. As a mom, I know that sometimes no matter how much you watch your children things can happen and everyone is human which means no one is perfect. Based on some reports I have heard the mother was yelling at the child to get back and the child responded with a "No". Sounds to me like the child is disobedient and perhaps that may be the fault of bad parenting. Who knows for sure. It's a tragic situation all around and I'm damn sure that kid will think twice before leaving his mom's side again. Sad story all around for the gorilla, the zoo and the child's family. There are no winners here but I do wish people would not wage a campaign against the mother.
I agree. I can't believe the threats the mother is getting over this. A decision had to be made in a split second. If the zoo decided to tranquilize instead of killing the gorilla and the gorilla, in anger, killed the child then all the hatred would be at the Zoo. It is definitely a lose - lose situation. Hard to believe that people would target so much anger and animosity towards a woman that don't even know. Good thing stoning is illegal. On second thought, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones......................
+ZilchFan66 if you saw the video fully he said it would take 10 or more mins to tranquilizer to work
Javon Clement I am not arguing that at all. I am saying that tranquilizing the gorilla would have probably been the wrong choice because it would not knock it out right away and would take time (10 mins). All I'm saying is that people are mad that the gorilla was shot to save a child BUT if the gorilla was tranquilized and killed the child before it went unconscious then everyone would be mad at the Zoo for not shooting the gorilla. Thus the lose lose situation. I think the zoo did the right thing but no matter what unless we were there and witnessed it can we know who to pin the blame on.
Oh my bad i replied to the wrong comment lol
Javon Clement That's okay :)
I agree with Jack Hanna 1000%, but I just wish they could have killed Harambe with something other than a flamethrower.
They didn't kill it with a flamethrower
What's this Call of Duty?
+SoaringColt What did they kill it with?
+Alex Shively grenade
+J SMOres nice
Human species: over 7 Billion
Gorrilas: endangered
See what I'm getting at over here?
Are you saying we should have let natural selection run it's course and thin the herd a little? If that was the case we should have thrown the parents in and let them fight it out. lol
so...You're saying a human child should've been killed
Moises Herrera yes, I think that's the joke he was trying to make,.
SentByHim You're pic scares me more then the video
Moises Herrera lol :)
So people are arguing human life vs. animal life? Is this even a debate?
To normal people no, to the more idiotic internet denizens and vegans yes
+Ares Krieger no. people who care about animals
Liberals..... they embrace all that is wrong and evil on Planet Earth.
Here's a question for you - if you had accidently fallen beside an infant Gorilla with the mother nearby, what do you think she would have done? Do you think she would have paused and said "well, a human life is worth as much as my infants..." or do you think she would have turned you into playdough? The zoo did EXACTLY what she would have done if the situation had been reversed.
+Kevin Luongo Pretty simple
so a guy who is paid by zoos said it was ok to kill the ape...they are desperate now, just arrest the parents and get it over with, parent need to be responsible for their childrens action, whether they had a bunch or not, if you cant watch them all dont take them to dangerous places. I am sick of parents letting everyone else take the blame for the kids bad behavior, when I was growing up if i did something bad and it cost money, my parents had to pay for it. I think the parents should have to pay the zoo for the ape.
It's obvious you are not aware of who Jack Hanna is and that's okay. He's much more than a spokesperson for a zoo. The man is obviously aged, he's done much more in his lifetime than simply being in Columbus. I've met him, spoken to him, he's an absolutely incredible guy! Now, what I'd like to hear is the parents and as to why they were blatantly ignoring a child.
+WanderingOldSoul hes the director of a zoo so obviously he would agree on the decision.
michael d He is the director of the Columbus Zoo *now*. I live here, I've met the man, I've sat with him and discussed his earlier years when he was an American version of Steve Irwin travelling the world and saving thousands upon thousands of lives of other animals. Any professional in the field of animals would have agreed with the decision to end the gorilla's life. As wrong as it is to end an animal's life due to a human's negligence, it is what is looked at as the "right move" in today's society. I hate that all these people are jumping on Jack Hanna and other representatives of the zoos. Jack Hanna is not connected to the Cincinnati Zoo, but he is a well known, respected animal activist and professional that the public would listen to more intently than if a unknown "spokesman" of the Cinci Zoo came up on national news. What choice did these people have? Either kill an animal that unfortunately society looks at as a less important individual than a human being or let the child be brutally beaten in front of hundreds of children and parents as they stood and watched with the child's mother. I mean, c'mon.
What I said. The parents should have been sued for the loss of the ape
Good thing we forced an animal into a zoo and then shot it when a human went in to its cage...
Things that make you go hmmmmm.....
you're a special kind of stupid
+skinsman82000 ignorant
That's my point exactly. If it can't be in the wild then it's not repopulating. Real repopulating is raising a animal in a wild like environment with no human interaction. Once they are old enough they release them and keep track so if they get killed they will know exactly what happened. This is not repopulating it is enslavement for human pleasure and curiosity.
CtatLdp I feel you it's a Fucked Up world. That's why I like Russia, mostly natural land, undestroyed.
I've worked at a zoo and people with their children can sometimes act positively STUPID AND IRRESPONSIBLE
Exactly. Amen.
ALL I can say is thank goodness that people who ARE EXPERT'S like Jack Hannah made the decisions and not these ignorant folks on the internet. Thanks for trying to spread some common sense.
What do you think would happen if he had disagreed huh? So much backlash, he'd be out of a job. He had no CHOICE to agree with them.
he's just a paid shill for the globalist socialist networks. anything that takes responsibility away from the individual and puts it into the hands of the all knowing government he'll agree with it!!!
He cant even pronounce words on live tv
@kebab REMOVER and?
"Ignorant Folks"?
How about the Needless Killing of a Magnificent Animal, Due to the "LACK of Parenting Skills"??
If I was a parent, wouldn't I jump in there too despite it being a dangerous situation?
No if she jumped in harambe would have been scared
It's sad that people value an animal over a human child.
It's disgusting.
we dont value a child over an animal.....we value the fact that he didnt have to die period if the parents had been watching him
+Wario Ware your clearly a little kid who's balls haven't dropped yet who thinks he's the shit by commenting "fuck kids, fuck humanity"
You need Jesus
I say fuck humanity, now what? We over value life way too much. Fuck the parents for letting that happen. She needs to be brought up on charges
who knew Jack was so serious?
They were trying to 360 the kid
@@gayu959 harambe
@@dreamstanshunter1in7.5bill3 the only reason the bullet hit the monke is Osama bin laden didn't have his senseativity st 10
Check out an interview with Jack and you will see why. Google Jack Hanna 1972 accident.
the hat he wears makes him an expert
40 years of expertise
And a UA-cam comment makes you a genius
It’s all a front
Anyone saying that the parent should be punished has probably never actually watched a child. The mother had her eye off the child for one quick second and a four year old child fell in. The zoo needs to make the wall high enough so that a four year old child could not fall in.
1st we need to know how the kid even got into the cage, then talk about the mom
are you kidding??? the mom should be watching her kid. it's her responsibility in the end!!!
@@jamesbehrje4279 facts
i guess the kid climbed the fence we're still releted to climbers
A similar thing happened in my country a week ago or so. A crazy guy wanted to commit suicide in a biblic way so he jumped into the lion cage in the zoo and 2 lions had to be killed to save him. That's way more infuriaiting, the dude wanted to be killed. This is a child.
No wonder many people value animals more than humans
@@-Me_ because they’re stupid
I would've chosen animal life over human any day of the week...especially when they did not choose to be put in the cages in the first place.
@@prima808 Amen to that
I agree that a decision had to be made and saving a human life over a animals life is always first priority but it's still unbelievably upsetting that a beautiful and endangered Gorilla was murdered because of bad parenting.
Yeah and just endangered, but critically endangered.. which is the most severe denomination next to global extinction.
The gorilla was killed because zoos exist. Ban zoos.
"No breaches ever dating back to the 1970s"....the parents displayed a level of incompetence that no other parents did over the course of 40 years and BILLIONS of visits. These parents should be charged.
out rage???, I'm all about animal rights. I think shooting it was 100 percent right, that was a baby Boy! !!! what if that wasyour kid? I'm more against keeping them in zoos
I would have made sure my child didn't slip the bars in the first place. The no one would have been killed.
I'd we didn't have them in zoos they'd all die. check out the habitat size they have to live in. it's only a few miles and quickly growing smaller. that in addition to poaching.
natrual selection
Jonah Husak good point, im sure they are well taken care of and gorillas have a cool compound there to hang out on. Main point is if there is any blame if should be on the Parents/Kids stupidity, their accident cost a Gorilla its life. But the right decision was made. There should be a Ranger/Game Warden on site with lethal and non lethal options on command, so you dont have to call the fire dept wtf. All but one gorilla obeyed and came inside. At first I thought the one Gorilla was protecting the kid, which he might have been doing..But that soon turned into what looked like to be the Gorilla claiming the child as his own possession. At that point action needed to be taken, like Jack said the Gorillas strength is incredible and he could easily hurt the kid severely intentionally or not. The child was lucky it was Gorillas, they for most part react well with humans. My Biology professor in college said if you had choice to be in a cage with chimpanzees, orangutans, or gorillas. Chose the Gorillas, because those are the only ones that might NOT kill you
Nooo why would we ever value human life over animals , smh
But why iss child’s life more important than a gorilla
He just explained why they had to kill the damn gorilla and people are still saying dumb shit lmao , If the kid wouldve died , People would be quick to say "WELL WHY DIDNT YALL SHOOT IT !!! " smh.. . the right decision was made .
Anyone with kids knows that a little one can run around a corner and disappear for a moment in a blink of an eye... that could happen to anyone.. so hard to blame the parents 100%. But... this is a sad story on all sides. Tragic for the animal.
I agree
Harambe's behavior was very delicate and thoughtful if you have half a working brain to analyze it's behavior. It first tried to pull the kids leg to move him to another location (just as how he would do with a baby gorilla). After the first dragging, it reevaluates wondering if pulling the leg is hurting the kid. So he proceeds to checking his arms (very delicately), and realizes that it would be even weaker. So then it proceeds to checking his clothes (people often mistakes this action as pulling his pants up), and it realizes that probably pulling from his pants wouldn't hurt the kid. The next time we see it dragging the kid to another location, Harambe is not grabbing from the kid's limbs anymore, it only pulls the kid from the pants. The last minute before he was shot, the kid and the gorilla were sitting peacefully outside the ditch in a dry surface. The kid was sitting between the gorilla's leg.
I wonder how the boy will feel about his parents in a couple of years knowing they let this happen
Tony Soprano: "He was a beautiful innocent creature what he ever do to you"
I am a Grandmother of two Children . I also had two Children of my own . I have thought about all the Times my own Mom would take us Children to the L.A. Zoo back in the day . I can attest to the fact she never lost us or had us wandering in the Gorilla enclosure or Lion's Den .I also think today the enclosures at the Zoo offer more protection. We live in a society that is so preoccupied (cell phone, selfies, etc )that we forget what is going on around us . Just a guess...the Gorilla Enclosure looks high up and you look down into it . Maybe the Mom lifted her Son up to the railing so her Son could get a better look, and got distracted with another child, cell phone, whatever, and the child fell or slid down all the way into the enclosure. It obviously wasn't the Zoo's or the Gorilla's fault that the kid ended up there. But , he did ! And, the decision had to be made quickly. The people at the Zoo did what had to be done in order to save a Human Life. We grieve over the Loss of a Beautiful Magnificent Gorilla, but I would like to think we would be more grieved if the little Boy lost his life in there.
i dont want to argue cause your words are true so true
Although I don’t want to agree with this I have to because you are speaking the truth and so sweetly do wish that the parent was looking after her child because then no lives would have been lost 😞
You're not a good grandma, you'd probably let kids fall & bust their heads . My mother would never
@@theresashaw5027 Shut your Marilyn Manson and Cher had a baby lookin self up. You don't know this woman. She seems like a smart level headed person.
couldn't have said it better myself 👏🏾
I understand people need to watch their kids, but an enclosure isn’t supposed to be built in such a way that it’s possible to just up and fall into it. I’ve been to Zoos all over the world and it’s just not a good idea. The parent was negligent, but yeah...unfortunately the animal has to be shot in order to save the child.
Harambae was just protecting the child because he thought the crowd of Karen's were trying to harm the 4 year old
The mom should go to jail for not watching her kid !! Kids at that age need to be watched every second!! The mom was probably on Facebook taking a selfie
Probably walking around slow af standing in everybody way not watching the kid a basic pos
No the kid was buy the cage she was watching him and they she slipped
Now that kid is gonna live his life as the kid who caused Harambe to get shot
No, his parents will.
honestly they all deserve it I mean I agree with the zoos decision in the moment even tho I know it was most likely made out of fear, but ig the fear was warranted but his mom should not be a parent
@@cinnamonnoob2977 I put his mom to blame, Kids always do wild stuff try to run into traffic go in different departments of stores etc.
harambe dying was necessary to ensure the survival of the child.
For the people that are mad about them killing that gorilla, it's obvious that it wasnt YOUR kid in that cage!
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Harambe was innocent
Yet he met his doom.
They did the best they could in making a decision quickly. To me, it didn't look like the gorilla would hurt the child, but what if he had. Everyone would be yelling that the authorities should have killed him before he killed the child. It was a no win situation. Thank God the boy is doing well.
They keep showing the gorilla sitting there with the kid, not the part where it's dragging the kid around.
+Little Bear
Very true. Good analogy.
Its funny how you guys only ask "what if he hurt him" and not even consider, for one second, "what if he didn't hurt him?" Many gorillas or animals like that are very parental or protective over their younglings. If that gorilla really wanted to hurt the child, why did he protect him?
Its funny because whenever someone, supposedly like you, ask what if he had, you act upon it as if it had already happened? It isn't like a robbers instinct like "give me the money or I shoot the girl" incident. That probably was the quickest response, but was it the most logical? Better yet, was it even a fair response?
This comment has my approval
People like to get outraged - This incident was one of the earlier mass outrage scenarios where a person or business was blasted for something that wasn’t entirely their fault - And since then our society has taken the outrage to a new level.
What has been done cannot be undone but there should be accountability for the parents.
The gorilla made it to where someone could get the little boy. The gorilla, whether male or female, has parental instincts. He knew how to help that cute little boy. I wish they hadn't killed the gorilla.
The careless parents are to blame.... The zoo was correct in killing the Gorilla... The zoo should re-examine the fenced areas to correct any flaws.
Wow this guy really changed my opinion on the whole thing but I still believe the parents are at fault
Shouldn't be that easy for a child to get in. The Zoo is at fault.
"No breaches ever dating back to the 1970s"....the parents displayed a level of incompetence that no other parents did over the course of 40 years and BILLIONS of visits. These parents should be charged.
I've finally stumbled across the reasonable human beings on this planet. I was getting a little worried about this country reading comments about killing the boy and his family over the gorilla.
There are less then lethal ways than killing the endangered species, they should have had powerful tranquilizers and if one isnt enough multiple ones.
+kevincena3 watch the fucking video
+dknisle1 read and learn something moron
dknisle1 jeez I never knew he was the only animal expert. Like I said read and learn something fucker
dknisle1 what do you mean? Since when did I say that. That I know, like I said before read and learn something instead of watching this video and thinking you're an expert now.
Why all the dislikes? They made the right choice.
Cause lots of people live in 99 % fantasy land. This is a fact.
+LastOfTheMaguas i think they watched too much Disney movies as children.
+Soccer Player_124 dude you don't pay attention.
Soccer Player_124 A tranquilizer would make it go crazy and possibly injure the child.
Your is hav big gay
For one, the boys parents need to be arrested for neglect and child endangerment. This is tantamount to losing sight of your child while they were playing outside only to have them chase a ball into the middle of traffic and getting hit by a car. Secondly, there are fast acting tranquilizers that the Zoo should have had in stock. Lastly where was the person in charge of the Gorilla Enclosure?
There is no justification of this situation. It could have and should have been prevented.
'We can only do so much.'
I've seen plenty of gorillas behind bullet proof glass in zoos.
Why would there be an opening at all? Argue all you want but if it was a full enclosure this wouldn't have even happened; so fix the problem at the core.
Going off on a tangent about the parents is an unrelated issue to the fact that, if somebody wanted to, they could get in.
Once a mentally slow guy got into a tiger exhibit. It shouldn't possible.
shouldn't be possible* (come on Google+...)
"No breaches ever dating back to the 1970s"....the parents displayed a level of incompetence that no other parents did over the course of 40 years and BILLIONS of visits. These parents should be charged.
Best comment I’ve seen about this tragedy
@@TuskeyeAndSon Right?? This gets the point across for the defense of Harambe, PERFECTLY. #RIPHarambe #Justice4Harambe #ChargeTheMotherASAP
And then kill the boy's parents for putting their kid in harm's way.
Seriously, why haven't the parents been charged?
That's way too far. No more lives need to be taken.
It was a fucking accident
The parents are responsible for endangering their child because they failed to keep control.
+DK Kempion Are you a parent? Kids aren't robots that do what they're supposed to all the time, or even know what's dangerous and what's not. Parents also aren't robots. They get tired, they get distracted, they make mistakes, and that's what happened here.
Phillip Moriss
I assure you jail time will un-"distract" them.
ahh the internet the perfect place for a monday morning quarterback.
Most truthful comment on this video lol
Hypothetically speaking: if both the gorilla and the boy were drowning and you only had time to save one, I hope you would save the boy. And that is what they did.
You humans are selfish
Nah, natural selection. Cope harder
Speak for yourself. I would easily save the gorilla first unless I cared for or am related to the child.
That's what you Equate this to?
Gimme a Break.
"Very top of safety" Yet a 5 year old managed to get in - great.
Not every zoo, but children should be take good care in. Its like trains, super safe, but if you want to get out, you can.
i used to literally grab animals and wrestle with them, climb gates, dig holes under the fence of my families yard, play sleep then go do bad things, leave on the tv on, take stuff apart and put it back together, sneak out into the neighborhood, and much more my grandparents literally started putting a kid lease on me to keep from taking off, its not just about being a good parent some people are driven more by curiosity than others and will go to any length for the experience, now here i am first of my low class family to go to college, first to travel across the country, first to leave the country, first to go on an nature expedition, i’ll starve myself for weeks just to take a trip.
@@DerrickCartercosmostravels "grab animals and wrestle with them" what animals?
@@ant8041 i had a few farm animals and dogs growing up lmfao
A child's life is more important than a gorilla's life, if anyone says anything different then they are crazy, or they have their values all twisted and need help!
I agree
+Thomas Kearney cause you can read its mind right?? Gtf
I believe they are worth equally.
+Mina Rubio you don't really believe that.
I have been a huge fan of jacks for most of my life I am so glad you got him to speak
he is probably the most qualified man on this planet
I wonder about the story they're going to tell the kid when he's older. "Son, back when you were a fetus, you fell into King Kong's lair. He dragged you around and looked around for your mother. And then they shot him..."
fetus is and unborn baby still in the early stages of developing into a human
+Elvis Morris *an
+Elvis Morris Sorry Sherlock, but I was already aware of that. It's a joke by the way :)
a badly made joke. its so bad its retarded.
+razorIaIa I'm sure your parents think the same about you...ouch
If they had done anything else and the child had died, people would be protesting the zoo for not killing it.
It’s almost like the baby killed Harambe.
At least we can all agree a life was lost, I feel sad for that kid having to live after all of that
Im so glad the little boy is ok. Bless his little heart. I can't imagine being that poor mother! It's a sad ending for the gorilla but that little boys life comes first. period.
Poor mother? She's lucky to still have her kid. Hopefully she'll learn her lesson. As far as I'm concerned she's the luckiest mom in the world.
That is pretty sweet considering all the outrage swirling about on this topic.
So human life is more important than animal life? Wtf is wrong with you
vijay vardhan Singh what is wrong with you?
@@mikester848 yeah he's crazy
animal life is important. but how can you compare that to a HUMAN LIFE. god, I'm an animal lover as well but when it comes down to the decision of saving a human life versus an animal it will always be the human. yes, animals are at times better than humans in the sense that they aren't destroying themselves like we are. some animals are much kinder than any given human. but still....this was a child. in my opinion the blame should be on the parents.
I've taken my kids to the zoo many times and my kids are accounted for at ALL times. I watch them like a hawk. I know even then, kids can squirm away from you. but that's your responsibility as a PARENT to make sure you know where the hell your children are at all times, more specifically when they are young like this.
I had a lady last time that we went to the zoo, totally lose track of her child. her kid was next to us and I kept looking all around for its parents. we walked with the baby until a woman ran up and said omg I thought his dad had him!!!
and all I could think about is, what the hell....this child could have gotten into an enclosure, fallen and broken it's neck, or gotten abducted by some sicko... it just blew my mind. be prepared, get a child leash, SOMETHING to help you keep track of them. mine stay in their wagon until we make stops, go right back into it.
I agree with you 100%, except for the child leash/ wagon bit. I'm not telling you how to raise your kids, but I feel like it's important for kids to be able to explore and wander. That doesn't mean sit at a bench and let them disappear like I've seen so many parents do, but explore around with them. I don't know haha. But you are right about this being the parents fault.
+ColbOnTheCob well, personally I don't use the child leashes. LOL I find them kind of demeaning. the reason I inserted that as an dramatized option to just keep your children within sight LOL. my kids mind really well for the most part so I don't usually have issues keeping them around me. but yes I agree with you. they should be able to explore. But in this world we live in now, I don't feel comfortable letting them explore because we have so many sicko's around us. I'm very protective of my babies :( lol
+Hunter Warick please do not ever procriate. 1. you don't know shit, seeing as how I don't stay home, you fucktard. 2. the child was definitely too damn young to know better therefore the PARENTS were at blame. Which I believe I stated that. and yes I do feel like a child's life is worth more REGARDLESS of what entitled wastes of oxygen like yourself think. How can you call a child an idiot when at that age, they want to explore..and they depend on the vigilance of the parents to keep them safe.
You definitely are the exception. I'd gladly watch a gorilla maul you to death because you come off like a pretty shitty person.
+Hunter Warick and by the way... you were once a kid who CLEARLY has grown up to do not a damn thing for this world other than make a petty attempt at an online insult and try to make assumptions as you type away on your little keyboard/phone.
+Hunter Warick there you go assuming things again. lol does it make you feel better about yourself to fabricate lies about people on the Internet assuming that you THINK you know what their lives are like? you are pathetic. And I feel extremely sorry for you that you feel the need to attack someone you don't have a clue about online. lol my guess is that name calling is you go to insult towards people. seems to me like you never left high-school buddy.
I mean I disagree with Jack Hanna because the gorilla is just an animal and the boy should not have been able to get across the barrier I mean I know that might make me seem like bad person but it the truth.
at first i thought maybe he was sitting on a ledge with his mothers help. but no. he was able to wiggle and flop past the low wall, charge the bushes and jumped into the cage. within seconds. the bystanders couldnt even grab him. (and they tried) im sorry but the first wall should at least be toddler proof.
I wish i could read what was going on in the gorilla's mind when he was dragging the kid like a water toy
"what's going on, why are these humans screaming like banshees at me. I'm trying to protect this hurt creature."
Dragging the little ones is a type of transportation technique to them because their joints are much more stable than ours Harambe was trying to protect the child didn't you saw him getting the child behind him to protect I mean a crowd screaming which you've never seen looks like a danger to me.
"Don't worry kiddo, I will protect you from all those Karens up there screaming at you!" 🤣🤣
This is my first time seeing the gorilla drag the boy. The first time I saw it they just showed the gorilla just standing by yhe boy. They should make the parents pay the price of a new gorilla. I think it was a tragedy all the way around.
I believe Harambe didn't intend to hurt the little one. Gorilla's are smarter than some humans. That kid was hydroplaining.
The WRONG Choice!
He stood the Child up to see if he was Hurt.
What do we Do?
Become Better Parents, or don't have Kids at All! Totally Avoidable..
Total Parental Failure.
Aside from the obvious point that it was the unfortunate and correct decision, this guy must be the coolest person ever.
It was an accident, four years ago. We don’t know what happened, can we not armchair judge
@predator vinceee yeah
The issue isn't about the decision to kill the gorilla, the mom needs to be thrown in jail for failure to supervise her child!
The barrier allowed a naive 4 year old child to get through that led to him falling in the pit. Jack is on point 1000%
I would have to agree with you, also I think that little Boy's Parents should've Paid Attention to him.
I'll never understand why people think The baby deserved to live, it's own parents didn't care why should anyone else
Many experts don't agree with him.
Kinda confused about this whole dart thing tbh, I never thought about it back then but we have darts that put polar bears to sleep in 2 seconds. Why exactly would they not work?
@You want rent get religion well you're wrong, there is a dart that can put a polar bear to sleep in less than 5 minutes. in fact theres multiple drugs that could be used in dart form
@@salvationbygracethroughfaith not really, especially when the animal isn't hurting the child. And shooting it with a gun is more dangerous to the child than a tranq dart
@@salvationbygracethroughfaith do your research, there are darts that will literally bring a polar bear to the ground in less than 10 seconds. And like I said the child was never in danger other than a bullet flying in his direction. I understand every second counts in a situation where someone's life is in danger but the simple fact Is- that child's life was never anywhere close to in danger
@@salvationbygracethroughfaith No? It's not. and i sad less than 10 seconds, obviously you haven't watched the video because there are multiple points where the animal is just standing still for minutes at a time just holding the childs leg. I'm an atheist, but if you think shooting a animal that's doing nothing wrong is a viable solution then you should change your username and sit down and think on whether or not you can call yourself a "child of god"
@@vexxingfox that is not true it takes 5 minutes to knock out a gorilla because this was in 2016 also gorilla's have been observed to get angry when shot by a tranquilizer
also tranquilizers are less accurate than rifles shooting bullets
At first I thought this was the guy from crocodile Dundee
That's not a knife!
oh shit its not?
+Hang In There at least I don't think it is, lol
My aunt owns a restaurant in Florida that I was working at and Jack Hanna came in and gave me a $5 tip and an autograph
Its a catch 22. The boy should have never fell in cage point blank.
Dude literally went to school for business and owns a zoo, not an actual zoologist
So base on your logic, my friend who's been playing violin for over 10 years, made it to the national orchestra when he was in high school, gets over 100k views per video on UA-cam making violin covers but he as a degree in pharmacy is not a violinist?
I'm sure this guy has worked with animals for decades base on his age, I'm sure he's credible enough for his opinion to matter infinite more than a random person on the internet.
Larry completely different than a skill based profession but nice try with anecdotal evidence
@@ColinEchebongbonge Are you dumb, he worked all his life with animals.
It really wouldn't be that difficult to make it impossible for a child to get in there. I think it's the fault of the parent AND the zoo.
when does the mom talk? the real guilty party here is her and she will probably have the nerve to sue the zoo..
+Marq True
+Marq lol
+Marq stop being racist. It's not cool.
+mayagold10 how is the mother guilty?
Do you have experience as a mother or babysitter atleast with a 4 year old child?
Do you know how hard it is to keep them under your control?
Especially a 4 year old with high energy/adrenaline levels.
I blame Obama
I would like the zoo to explain how they were able to shoot the gorilla without harming the child, if the idiotic child was being man handled and held by the gorilla.
I mean for them to have shot the gorilla without endangering the child, the child must have not been in the gorilla's presence or immediate vicinity at the time it was shot. Or they basically took a lucky chance and shot at the gorilla while the child was still near it, so at the same time murdering the gorilla and endangering the child even more.
I find it was unnecessary to have killed the endangered gorilla, unless the zoo would like to admit they did shoot at the gorilla as well as at the child during this event.
shooting the gorilla immediately allows the boy to be rescued. You seem to believe that this is a cartoon where a single dart instantly puts a 300 pound animal to sleep. a dart takes time, which in this dangerous situation is costly.
Darts take a while and I'm sure that it wasn't just a potshot taken at the gorilla. They probably took a long time lining up the shot and making sure they wouldn't hit the kid.
They have sharpshooters
its called being a trained shooter you fucking dumbass
if that was your child would you rather have the zoo save the gorilla or your child?
But why is a humans life any more important than an endangered gorilla? Also it's the parents fault for being bad parents and letting him climb over the stupid wall. If you think about it from the gorilla's perspective, it's a foreign animal entering their territory which I might add, shouldn't even be where the gorilla should be
What would you have wanted the zoo to do if it was your child? Answer that question first and then feel free to criticize.
exactly jack, watch your kids when at the zoo, just like everywhere else
That kid had a Tarzan moment ... You know until they shot the poor thing
Well it was violently dragging the kid around.
+brigham bentley hey dumbass its an ape it has no sense of etiquette or sense to make sure the child dosnt get hurt it dosnt know stop acting like its a human, its an ape its going to act like one
Silverfish _ I don't think he was trying to hurt the child, but he was still hurting him.
If you look at many sources, you would know that that child jumped in on purpose
see if the child was killed by the gorilla this would be a different story. people would find a way to blame the zoo for not doing something and riot.
they had to deal with the cards dealt and Jack was right. as heartbreaking and irresponsible from the parents side, that doesn't mean the child should be left down there in a risky attempt to subdue the animal. he was a large, stressed male. easily capable of killing that kid If he wanted to or felt threatened
wait, the parents were there and didn't jump in?
renaissancemen1 lmao, but seriously, they had no idea someone was coming to the rescue, if my baby boy fell in there i would have jumped immediately. But you're theory makes sense, she was saying "mommy loves you" as if it was good by XD
MARX MILL damn, I would have jumped right after him
+renaissancemen1 lol dead!
+Penske Material funny, I heard the mom say "whose kid is that? So glad that isn't my kid! I'd be soooo embarrassed if that was my kid."
Jack Hannah has been doing his work for 40 years... And in those 40 years, he looks exactly the same... Dude has looked 60 years old for years!
I love this guy!!! While he loves animals he understands that a human life is more important!!!
All lives matter just the same. Harambe's behavior was very delicate and thoughtful if you have half a working brain to analyze it's behavior. It first tried to pull the kids leg to move him to another location (just as how he would do with a baby gorilla). After the first dragging, it reevaluates wondering if pulling the leg is hurting the kid. So he proceeds to checking his arms (very delicately), and realizes that it would be even weaker. So then it proceeds to checking his clothes (people often mistakes this action as pulling his pants up), and it realizes that probably pulling from his pants wouldn't hurt the kid. The next time we see it dragging the kid to another location, Harambe is not grabbing from the kid's limbs anymore, it only pulls the kid from the pants. The last minute before he was shot, the kid and the gorilla were sitting peacefully outside the ditch in a dry surface. The kid was sitting between the gorilla's leg.
Good, the wild animal was killed and the human was saved.
Lets look at it from a logical perspective dumbass, the endangered and inslaved species died and the stupid human who left their child unattended let it happen, the kid substained more injuries falling into the pit.
+Zackychan _ i don't say i would be a good parent but her child almost died because she didn't watch him that's what i call a bad parent
+Mounir Ananou nah we "almost die" all of the time that fear of dying is what keeps us alive and those near death experiences work at defining us. This kid is gonna have quite a tale to tell when's he's older
+Zackychan _ or he is traumasised(sorry for the bad English i'm dutch) for the rest of his life and never will enter a zoo again
Mounir Ananou She was watching 3 other kids AT THE SAME time.
This is a simple case of the gorilla protecting the child. He is dragging the child to be able to move him. He had no offspring, so he did not know how to handle young. He was trying to protect this child from the screaming crowds.
He had to make sure to put on his safari outfit before doing this TV interview lol
Who gives a fuck now? We've dragged this shit out longer than Kylie Jenner's lips.
prince dying got more time then this and he sucked
+James Nation You dare...
yea i mean he had like maybe 3 good songs and two of them came from batman
This is more important than some stupid whore's lips. Smh
Alot of people if you haven't noticed with your ignorant comment
I hope Jack Hanna lives a long life and continue to do the good things he does for the wild life. He sounds like a very wise and knowledgable man.
As a sister of two lil kids i can't believe the lack of empathy against a child in the comment section :l if it was your children or even your brother/cousin you'll be crying your ass out
There is abundant empathy, but for Harambe. This is understandable, as gorillas are near-human. Plus, they are gentle giants, as opposed to their rather destructive hairless relatives.
Plus, Humans have overpopulated to such an extent that it is driving other species out, causing what the media refers to as the next mass extinction.
From a Darwinian point of view, such an issue threatens the circle of life. The species could stand to lose some numbers, just as the overpopulated elk in Yellowstone could.
Where was the mother, if that was my kid, I would have jumped in to save him from the gorilla
I'm sure that would have ended swell.
Harambe would be scared and probably hurt the boy on accident and then it would be the mothers fault even though it’s already