What about catholicism makes you believe it true? Do you accept everything the pope says as the truth? Do you believe that you must eat bread and wine and imagine it as Jesus Christ's flesh and blood to be saved?
@@blacktrump9041The entirety of Christianity affirms the Catholic Church to be the True Church started by Jesus for the first 1000 years. I've been Catholic 20 years waiting for someone to show ONE Christian document that makes the claim Jesus started a different Church and not the Catholic Church. Nobody has shown me one yet. When the pope is speaking from the "chair" it's from God. If not, it's just him and we can choose to accept.
I’m a Catholic priest. I love that there are people like this man who “challenge” the teachings of the Church because this means they’re are seeking the Truth. I don’t want to treat them in a dismissive way by saying, “how can they believe or say this, that, or the other”. These are simply ways in which they are trying to understand and clarify the Truth whose pillar and foundation is the Church. (1Tim 3:15). Though they are wrong in their challenges, it is through these challenges that, when answered so beautifully like this priest, will ultimately lead him into the Church in all likelihood. (That’s up to the Holy Spirit, our intercession, and their free will.) The priest isn’t trying to win an argument or convey the message, “We’re right and you’re wrong!” but, rather, he’s trying to win a soul. Beautifully done Father!
You should go look at speakers corner, it will open your eyes as to what kind of people these two are. They were harressing nuns and priests near the vatican and they were removed by the vatican police out of the city. It seems they are being funded by certain evangelist group in America.
I don't condemn someone for ignorance, as long as they are genuinely seeking the truth. Ignorance is rarely their fault. At least they're asking questions.
Patience in all things! To be honest, I am far from being an apologist but this exercise truly has humbled me to study my faith (Catholicism) not just more but better.
As a lifelong protestant, the more I watch protestant apologists the more I can help but see how wrong and arrogant most of them are. I went to my first mass 29th Dec 2024. I anticipate I become Catholic one day in the future.
Our parish priest told his faithful when some protestants come to your home to proselytise you tell them to convert first their parish priest then come back again. 😊
The arrogance of these guys. Orthodoxy and Catholicism have been around for over 2000 years going back to the apostles and Christ himself but we have it wrong and somehow these clowns have it right
The foolishness of both; talking snakes, virgin births, demons, vampires and folk raising from the dead No wonder their own kids don't go to mass anymore
Not really brother. Isn't Protestantism suppose to be about reformation of Catholicism rather than starting a new church? Not really starting a new tradition but building and reforming upon the tradition which was already there. And also, do Protestants really believe that Catholics and Orthodox have got it ALL wrong? No, if I'm not wrong. Clown? Not really a term to use, ignorant, maybe?
I'm from a staunchly Roman Catholic family and a couple of my relatives left the church and joined an Evangelical sect. They never tire from proselytizing but what I discovered was that they were fed falsehoods, inaccuracies, and downright lies about our church and they use them as ammunition. They remain unsuccessful in converting us because we know better that their arguments are based on deception.
I really appreciate your understanding and explaining so much regarding our faith! I was raised Catholic but did the sidesteps to eventually go Baptist because my wife was raised in a Congregational church and I loved Gavin Ortlund videos he was a big influence and as you point out he’s is so humble and seems so sincere. After watching all the top Catholic apologetics I’m back especially yours . You are so gifted and your approach is very different I hope your channel grows and reaches the top and beyond I don’t know how you got so much understanding of everything but you are on my best of the best to learn from keep the videos coming brother I’m 73 years old and spent the past 5 years really trying to sort things out but thanks to you your videos you provide such clarity the way you format them , the breakdown is inspirational and honest ❤️👍
She would not even know which scriptures were the sacred ones if it were not for all the early church councils and great theologians of the Catholic Church that fought against heresies creeping in. Which tradition did Luther and Calvin, and others all come from? They had all accepted the eucharist as the literal body and blood of Christ until they decided not to anymore. It is not rocket science to recognise that the reformation was just another heretical attack on the Apostolic Catholic Tradition.
i just noticed towards the end the name of their video is grilling a priest at a roman catholic church 🤣 its like bro you got grilled and well done at that 😂💀
The priest was amazing in this video. Also, don’t stop doing the reaction videos. They are great tools for teaching. I really appreciate your insight and corrections.
I really dislike this couple..I'm not a Catholic but I dislike the way they speak about Catholics .I hate when Christians try to divide the church...we are all one in Christ as long as you believe in core doctrine..I can't stand these two..this is why there are soon many denominations and alot of heretics..I disagree with many Catholic doctrine but I would never call them not Christians..they preserved the scriptures and saved us from being Muslims and kept the faith alive..if it wasn't for them they would be Muslims preaching dawah and wouldn't be able to be even called Christian!!! Thank u my Catholic brothers and sisters!!!!! Hallelujah for u guys
@@H-D33 ….nice statements, but have you considered trying to understand the parts you don’t agree with.!!? You may be missing something very valuable. God bless.🙏🏼
@@timothyoreilly6675 I wouldn't go that far. They push doctrines that are flat out heretical. That said, loving Jesus and trying to emulate him trumps virtually everything else.
Fundamentals should not be called Protestants. I am Catholic and friends with many conservative Protestants. My friends think of evangelicals as lunatics.
At the first Passover, a lamb was sacrificed. The blood was applied to the door frame of the house and they had to eat the flesh of the lamb in order to receive the blessing of the sacrifice. That is if they did not eat the flesh then the Angel of Death would enter their home and their first born son would die. Jesus is the Lamb who was pierced for our sins and in order to receive that blessing we must eat the Flesh of the Lamb. This is given to us in the form of bread, the Bread of Life. Because Jesus is the way, the truth and the LIFE....
I pity these two protestants....the more they talk a lot by citing biblical passages, the more they appear ignorant of their faith... the priest did great...just gave them a listening heart...
The audacity of Protestants pointing out flaws in our Lord’s church. Jesus chose Judas as one of his apostles. His church was and never will be perfect on earth as humans are involved. Praised be mother church! Awesome video.
@ I could agree with you on those points, however, our Lord hand selected Judas as apart of his inner circle know that he would betray him. Don’t stop following Jesus because of Judas. Thanks and be well.
I’ve attended Syrian Catholic Church that is in full Union with the Catholic Church. So when he talks about fragmentation into many different religions he is missing the understanding that Catholic means Universal One Church. Catholics celebrate with their Greek Orthodox Christian faith and we share in the Body of Jesus in the Eucharist. Greek Orthodox Christians can partake in the Catholic mass service and still have met the obligation of attending mass on Sunday.
There is, thankfully, mutual respect between many Orthodox and Roman Catholics. However, the Holy Mysteries in the Orthodox Church are offered to faithful Orthodox Christian believers who have prepared for Communion by going to confession, fasting from the night before, and by preparing with readings and prayers . Everyone, including Roman Catholics and Protestants, are welcome to come to the Priest at the end of Communion and receive a blessing and a piece of blessed [not concecrated] bread. But Othodox Christian Communion is for baptised/crismated Orthodox Christians who have humbly prepared themselves beforehand.
These two ' Protestants ' are Amy & John , after watching both at speakers' corner & at other places confronting other Christians of many denominations, I think they just have a contrary attitude to all .
They have no shame, and their behaviour towards other outstanding Christians like Bob to be disgusting. Can't stand either of them, or their mate Sarah.
@@JD-eq1gk that's part of the reason. My question is a rhetorical one obviously. But also point is that catholics tend to think that God doesn't really want His followers to make arguments with people like this....when Paul tried that in Acts he kinda lost his temper (see Acts 28:17-30). And that leads into Romans pretty nicely because that scene is with Paul being in Rome where some misunderstandings may have been. So Paul emphasizes several times that salvation is "for the Jew First and THEN for the gentile"
One thing Ive learned in my OCIA journey is that Clergy does not equal theologian. They are trained to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments. Not to argue the faith. So confronting them like this is not always fair. It’s like a plumber being expected to know every detail of a skyscraper’s entire mechanical system. That’s not what he’s trained in. You need the engineer for those questions.
Our Lord left us lamp posts to find the True, Catholic Church. Miracles which still cannot be torn apart such as the Virgen de Guadalupe, the Shroud of Turin, the Incorruptibles, the Bleeding Eucharist, Fatima, Hiroshima miracle, etc.
Just let her read this Here is John 6:55-58 (ESV): > 55 "For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. 56 Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him. 57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me. 58 This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever."
Regarding the lady's first question, when I first returned to church after almost a decade of wandering, I went to mass every week but refrained from receiving communion until I mustered enough courage to go to confession. While communion is indeed the climax of the mass, we don't just go to mass for receiving the eucharist. We go to be in the presence of it, even when we don't receive it for whatever reason. The same goes for the wine.
@ 4:33 That's the key for me, UNITY is the sign of God, DIVISION the sign of the devil. The very nature of Protestantism breeds division because they yield to no authority (other than their sub group, until they leave and form another after disagreement). They usually rely on their own personal interpretation of the Bible. It's a fundamental flaw. It comes from pride. "God spoke to me", "I heard this..." "The passage means this.... so therefore you are wrong!" "There's only one word of God and it comes from the Bible....Tradition means nothing" etc... etc...
I posted the same comment on their "Grilling a priest" video. Padre Pio believed in everything these two idiots claim is evil, and would call him a devil for venerating the mother of Jesus! Why would God choose people like Padre Pio for his work if what they believed was right? I find this Amy and Johno to be worse than Muslims.
@@Why-p9nAre you serious? Here in Brazil, we have more than 33k protestant denominations with different doctrines, each one of it teaching different things because according to them the holy spirit guides them. It's kinda funny how their holy spirit teach each one of them a different doctrine.
@@Why-p9n Of course, it’s true ! Only in the US they count more than 3000 new evangelical synagogues not named ! Well a foolish situation, nothing to do with apostolic Churches, true Church of Christ !
@@Why-p9noh it's true.. 😢 it sure is... 6 or 8 is too many already and all in disagreement* and in opposition and rivalry to each other. What a mockery!'
If it will get them clicks, they probably will. Then they will go around annoying orthodox Christians lol These people are attention seeking contrarians. They have a personality problem above a theology problem
These two have stood outside of Westminster Cathedral screaming at Catholics saying the Catholic faith is wrong and to repent. Sometimes I cannot believe how arrogant people are.
The Holy Eucharist is the core and foundation of Christ's teachings. He even said that without receiving his flesh and blood we have no life. No Eucharist= no life= no salvation. End of story.
The Church has made the declaration, but you claim to have a new interpretation of that declaration? In what interpretation does "There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church" actually mean "There is salvation outside the Catholic Church"? What special Gnostic revelation do you have for us that interprets a sentence to mean something other than what it says? By what authority do you make the new interpretation, and how is that not precisely what Protestants do? Didn't Mohammed get a new interpretation? Didn't Joseph Smith get a new interpretation? Now you want people to follow your interpretation? It's obvious that you are acting exactly like these Gnostic sects which claim to have a new and special interpretation different from that which has been handed down.
@@stevedoetschSalvation Outside the Catholic Church: A Teaching of Vatican II The Second Vatican Council, in its document Lumen Gentium, clarified the Catholic Church's teaching on salvation. While affirming the Church as the ordinary means of salvation, the Council recognized that God’s grace extends beyond its visible boundaries. > "Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation. Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and who, not without grace, strive to lead a good life." (Lumen Gentium 16) This teaching emphasizes God’s universal salvific will, the role of conscience, and the inclusivity of His mercy. It acknowledges that salvation is possible for those outside the visible Church when they live according to God’s will as revealed in their hearts and conscience. Biblical Verses Supporting This Teaching 1. Romans 2:14-16: "For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves... They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness." 2. Matthew 25:31-46: "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?... Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." 3. John 10:16: "I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd."
Jesus said very clearly, for My Father's will is that everyone who believes in the Son shall have eternal life and I will raise them up at the last day (John 6:40). So "whoever" believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life. For God's wrath remains on them (John 3:36).
yes and no. A few months ago, when I was in mass, our priest said that many people ask this questions and he always says that everything is important during the mass, from a to z, since your preparation before mass, the welcome and initial blessing, all the parts or the mass and finally, the final bless dismissing the mass. All is very important and if we just stay on our knees adoring God, would also be incomplete. First repent your sin, ask forgiveness, then let's prepare for the sacrifice and at the end receive holy communion, but it will be completely useless if you don't know what is going on. If you are in grace you can ask anything, we are the ones that need God, just ask, of course don not ask for gaining lottery or pass the exam if you didn't study, ask things for the glory of God. And at the end, the final blessing, so beautiful.
Some sects blame bad Catholics for their own divisions. Have they noticed that their protestant religion was founded by a bad Catholic monk? He was inspired by a certain spirit to create division. The Holy Spirit is union and communion.
@thegollyer903 The church didn't change dogma because of Luthers argument. There was reform needed by certain people, but this reform wasn't church teachings. It was certain men who went against church teachings and this is where reform was needed. Imagine the largest institution on the planet keeping all men united in teachings, for 1500 years and before flight, phone and internet. Mistakes will happen. The miracle is they survived, are still a threat to athiest countries, are strong and growing.
Merry Christmas! The Father shows great charity and love in allowing these conversations to happen, and it’s important to take them at face value. I teach my youngest nephews this foundational point before engaging in interpretive discussions: ‘How is your 66-book Bible infallible?’ This simple question gets to the core issue. While we might agree that the Bible is inerrant, they deny the authority of the Magisterium. Without that authority, they’re stuck in a circular argument trying to prove the Bible’s authority. They either have to admit the Church’s role in establishing the canon or remain trapped in circular reasoning. And if they do accept the Church, they can’t cherry-pick which Church Fathers or teachings to follow.
An important distinction to highlight is between Sacred Tradition and other traditions. For example: • Sacred Tradition: The doctrine of the Trinity, the canon of Scripture, and the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist-truths passed down from the apostles and safeguarded by the Church. These are unchangeable and foundational to our faith. • Other traditions: Practices like priestly celibacy, specific prayers, or local customs (e.g., cultural feast day celebrations). These are important but not divinely instituted and can change over time. Understanding this difference helps clarify why Sacred Tradition, protected by the Magisterium, is essential for interpreting Scripture correctly, while other traditions, though meaningful, are not on the same level of authority.
These two need to start living there Christian faith instead of trying to prove the Catholic Church is wrong?! this church (Catholic) was started by Christ himself and although man messes up along the way, The Holy Spirit is always there to protect it 🙏🏼
“I don’t follow a Church or denomination I follow Jesus.” As a former Protestant that is the most Annoying, condescending, and flat out disingenuous thing a Christian can say. It’s literally in scripture that Jesus created a Church and told us to follow said Church.
@@Why-p9n They are believers in a false doctrine and believe that doctrine is greater and better to the tradition of that of the Apostles. Mary is our mother too and she is the mother of Jesus. Inscriptions on places of worship dating back to 1st and 2nd centuries read Mary mother of God, Jesus Lord of Heaven and Earth Jesus is God very well known. Surprise the Holy Trinity is Mentioned in the Old Testament. Because they are proselytising the saved the ones who have the fullness of the truth, from which they derived their copy of scripture. The Catholic Church never denied the scripture, to whom which the words of scripture were entrusted to by Jesus and it was the Apostles who wrote the scriptures and formally canonised each book. The Deuterocanonical books These books are included in the Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. They date from 300 BC to 100 AD. Exclusion from the Bible The British Puritan revolution of the 1600s led to the exclusion of the Apocrypha from the Bible. The Westminster Confession of Faith, composed during the British Civil Wars, stated that the Apocrypha were not divinely inspired and were therefore not part of the canon. So the Catholic and Orthodox Christians maintained the books, while the Protestants refused them because they contain information that goes against their Protestant Cannon. Martin Luther didn’t exclude the books 1600 years after Christs resurrection the Protestants even tried removing the book of James where it reads that it is not by faith alone but by works also. They live in a state of sin as all Protestants that think they can criticise the Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe in the true presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
@@ninja3687 That’s why we confess to others in accordance with Scripture. Tradition Jews and Christians confessed their sins then the priest would lay hands on the Scapegoat. Where when you confess your sins like many did to the Apostles and the Apostles gave them Absolution of their sins. Why because they stood as representatives of Jesus Christ teaching on earth and the priesthood is passed down by succession by anointing and laying of hands and once consecrated into the order of Melchizedek the title used in Christianity to describe Jesus Christ as a priest. The title comes from the Bible, where Jesus is referred to as "a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" in Psalm 110:4. Therefore one who confesses to a priest is confessing directly to Jesus not some man.
Crazy how he was clearly not listening to the answers given or even trying to follow the arguement. Just trying to score "points" no matter how wrong he is. No interest in the truth whatsoever.
"Unless you gnaw on my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you" - Jesus It's believed that it's the disposition in action and intent to partake in the eucharist which includes you by faith amongst the saved.
I will add a 6th point and it is, surprise surprise! plenary indulgence, if you do all of that, you can obtain it daily for you!!! and of course, getting one for you on a daily basis is a little selfish, why not for one soul on the purgatory? one of those souls forgotten? the oldest one on purgatory? That's what Pope Francis want us to do, that's the reason of this jubilee 2025, the only impediment would be not praying for the intentions of the Pope.
Then u r saying u must take part of the Eucharist to be saved. Holy means set apart. Catholics believe u dont need to actually be in their church. They believe even some protestants are saved.
@@thegollyer903it is not about what catholics believe,but what the bible says! Less religion more relationship with Jesus through his Spirit. Read your bible guys!!!!!
@@FiatVoluntasTuaAmen Sarah, another colleague of theirs, has been banned from Israel for 10 years, allegedly for trying to convert Jewish people. Their 'live' videos from outside the Vatican are some of the most disrespectable I've ever seen. I felt 'Johno' was more respectful this time; perhaps with the example of this wonderful, wise and humble priest and the prayers of Padre Pio.
One day they will face judgement and Jesus will ask them, why did you spend your life shaking the faith of those who believed in me? You were supposed to bring those to me who didn't know me.
I like your videos, I'm a subber. Would it be too much to ask that when you show videos like this, you could put them in full screen so that we can see the captions better and also the people's faces closer? Or you can have their screen bigger than yours instead of the other way around. I've seen where UA-camrs make themselves tiny on the bottom of the screen on one side or the other. Just an idea. 🤷🏻♀️😊
@@tomjue5128 …spot on, l like this comparison.!! Some missing game of cards within the shuffled deck…wow. We certainly do shortchange ourselves by leaving out needed cards/resources in order to learn the real truth.
Lord Jesus: "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day." Saint Paul: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?" Saint Paul: "Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body." Protestant Street Preachers: "Eucharist is symbolic and we do not even have to take it" May the Holy Ghost open their eyes, Amen. It is like a blind person claiming that they have a 20/20 vision. This priest was very charitable listening to their ignorance.
Just a comment. The gentleman with the microphone claims that the Orthodox think that the Pope is a heretic. The Orthodox Churches deny his authority over the whole Church, saying that he is just the Patriarch of the West (which is one of his titles, true), but we catholics believe he is the Prince of the Apostles, that is the head of the Apostolic College, not just the same as the other Patriarchs, but superior to them.
They go everywhere.They've been to a large Hindu temple in London this year too! I don't think they've been to a Tibetan Buddhist shrine yet . Or a Russian Orthodox church. They seem to specialise in creating discord, but this video with this brilliant Franciscan Priest is so much more respectful than their awful videos with Sarah and Aaron from the Vatican. Let's pray something of this Priest's Holy Spirit filled calmness and wisdom gets through to them.
We have been saved, are being saved, and hope to be saved. It is a process until you die. Philippians 2:12 - Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
@ I agree with that way you put it. That’s why I used quotation marks. It’s just the phrasing I have heard my entire life. I’m just getting familiar with the theological language of Catholic and orthodox.
Nothing that woman says is worth listening to. She doesn't listen to understand, she listens to respond. She isn't there to ask a question but instead to repeat the same rehearsed talking points. She couldn't be a substantive participant even in a protestant discussion.
A retort to the 'butterfly' analogy is that the butterfly still has to break out of its chrysalis, then sun itself to dry out its new wings and then flap them to fly. Then seek out the correct flowers that are appropriate to its proboscis so that it may feed on the nectar.
An analogy to working out our salvation with fear and trembling. We don't just automatically stayed changed. So many testimonies of Christians who fell away and returned to Christ. A personal relationship takes work.
Thanks for the forecast! I need some advice: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Sectarian’s think they know scriptures but they have no client. They are so ignorant that makes me sad and they want to show with supposably with Bible and the Bible refutes them. I give all the Catholic apologist like you all the praise you deserve because you guys have the patience and the charity to talk to this people that I don’t have. So thank you very much. Praise be Jesus Christ.
What often gets missed regarding the Eastern Churches is there are Ecclesial Communities that are in communion with the Holy See, there are Coptic Catholics, Greek Catholics Russian Catholics who are all in communion with the Pope, and who the Orthodox churches are more antagonistic toward than the Roman Catholic Church, in part because they share a common liturgy and manner in which they describe authentic theology, but accept the Papacy. Even among the Greek Orthodox, there are several Greek Orthodox groups who do not recognize each other. Just a year ago the Russian Orthodox Patriarch excommunicated the Greek Patriarch and Greek Orthodox who follow the Greek and not the Russian church leadership. It caused some of the smaller Orthodox churches the need to choose sides with Constantinople or Moscow. As to Unum Sanctum, the original Encyclical is lost to history, we only have portions of the Encyclical, even so we know it was addressed to the King of France, who was claiming that he had higher authority over the Church in his kingdom than even the Pope. The Pope was asserting that the Church and the Papacy had the final say on matters of Faith and Morals, not the king. So Unum Sanctum cannot be "infallible" even if it teaches truth, as it was not promulgated to the entire Church, but to the King of France. Historically the Catholic Church has accepted the baptism administered by Protestants and Orthodox who use water and the Trinitarian formula, this was established early in the life of the Church when heretical sects began to deny the validity of baptisms by those who disagreed with them, and would "re-baptize" The Church holding that the Sacraments were the action of Christ, upheld that a proper baptism administered by someone outside of communion with the Pope is valid, which sort of shoots in the foot the Protestant protest that Catholics deny salvation to non-Catholics. It is true that our obligation to follow Christ does not end at baptism, but if you look at the way that the Church looks at those outside the Church, heretics may have been excommunicated (separated from the Church so they would hopefully not infect others with their errors.) But the Catholic Church has never condemned them to hell, individually or as a group. This along with the teachings on Invincible ignorance was supported by Vatican II, which did not as they and some Ultra Trad Catholics claim changed Catholic teaching.
That's false. Ecumenical counciks need to unite the entire church. That's what ecumenical means. The ecumen is the entirety of the populated world. The reason why the orthodox Church refrained to call for ecumenical councils was because we didn't want to create wounds that can't be healed with the western Church Contrary to the Roman Church we didn't proclaim we were universal without the Western Church because we know that Christ didn't pray for the unity of the Church in vain. When we say that we are the one saint catholic and apostolic Church we don't use the creed to exclude anyone from salvation.
It took a LOT of time for them to meet in Crete at the 'Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox church' in 2016, real action seems to have started in 1962 and then they had five preliminary meetings in 1976, 1982, 1986, 2009 and 2015. So preparation took 40 years. Before the council was held, the Patriarchates of Russia, Bulgaria, Antioch and Georgia, representing half of the world's Orthodox, dropped out. And then they try to teach us about the virtues of 'conciliarity'. I converted to the Catholic church on Dec 8.
Great job on no salvation outside the Catholic Church. If CS Lewis is in Heaven, it's through the grace of God and the existence of the Catholic Church.
Thats Johnno and Amy from speakers corner, they harass all the Catholic apologists. It's actually quite nice to see such a respectful conversation. I hope they come over to the faith.
As of 2021 Pew Research has reported that there are now 45,000 DIFFERENT Protestant denominations in the world. There is still only ONE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH. Could they point out WHICH of the 45,000 different Protestant denominations is actually the "church" that Jesus founded, in the last 500 years then we can all join it?😅
They are slowly catechizing themselves by "confronting" priests 😂
Love it!
❤Very truly. I like the way you put it. I am a priest and I truly enjoy such...
Yes they are and hopefully these two are really sincere in searching the truth and not being just a troll and full of pride.
I know hey this is why I love watching people like Ruslan
*Protestants:* is your Church based on the Bible?
*Catholic:* no. The Bible is based on my Church
Upon this rock, I will build my church.
Yet, both have 27 books 📚 of The New Testament, Catholic Church did before Protestant denominations.
@@WineSippingCowboy Where did the protestants got their bible from?
Answer: from the Catholic church.
@@gs.daniel87 Catholic church is based on JESUS
The priest showed pure humility and true wisdom. God bless you, Father. 🙏🏻
@@BiniZ_ph24 indeed
These Protestants deepen my conviction that Catholicism is the truth. Praying for the conversion of the world 🌎 .
@@carakerr4081 amen!
What about catholicism makes you believe it true? Do you accept everything the pope says as the truth? Do you believe that you must eat bread and wine and imagine it as Jesus Christ's flesh and blood to be saved?
@@blacktrump9041The entirety of Christianity affirms the Catholic Church to be the True Church started by Jesus for the first 1000 years. I've been Catholic 20 years waiting for someone to show ONE Christian document that makes the claim Jesus started a different Church and not the Catholic Church. Nobody has shown me one yet.
When the pope is speaking from the "chair" it's from God. If not, it's just him and we can choose to accept.
Not Imagine, bc it IS the body and blood.@@blacktrump9041
I became Catholic in February of 2024
God bless!! Welcome home!!
welcome home
God bless, I converted last year
Welcome home!
I become catholic in April 2025
I’m a Catholic priest. I love that there are people like this man who “challenge” the teachings of the Church because this means they’re are seeking the Truth. I don’t want to treat them in a dismissive way by saying, “how can they believe or say this, that, or the other”. These are simply ways in which they are trying to understand and clarify the Truth whose pillar and foundation is the Church. (1Tim 3:15). Though they are wrong in their challenges, it is through these challenges that, when answered so beautifully like this priest, will ultimately lead him into the Church in all likelihood. (That’s up to the Holy Spirit, our intercession, and their free will.) The priest isn’t trying to win an argument or convey the message, “We’re right and you’re wrong!” but, rather, he’s trying to win a soul. Beautifully done Father!
@@gregmichaud6785 amazing priest!
You should go look at speakers corner, it will open your eyes as to what kind of people these two are. They were harressing nuns and priests near the vatican and they were removed by the vatican police out of the city. It seems they are being funded by certain evangelist group in America.
the ignorance of these two people is INSUFFERABLE.
It was rough to watch.. mostly because it reminded me of my youthful ignorance and attempts to argue the validity of what *I* wanted to be true.
I don't condemn someone for ignorance, as long as they are genuinely seeking the truth. Ignorance is rarely their fault. At least they're asking questions.
Protestants don't even know who they really are....so many denominations. The Catholic Church is one with God. Totus Tuus
its not their fault. their learning.
@@kaykay3585no they’re not.
Oh these Poor poor Protestants.
May The Lord have mercy on them.🙏🏻
They are going to become catholics at the end
Our God works in mysterious ways. I’m pretty sure they are enlightened everytime they confront our Catholic faith. 圣诞节快乐。祝你们幸福快乐🎉
The priest handled that wonderfully God bless him
@@Jesusisthetruth50 agreed
This lady is teaching me that I need more patience
Me too
Patience in all things! To be honest, I am far from being an apologist but this exercise truly has humbled me to study my faith (Catholicism) not just more but better.
@@The_Catholic_Christian: un Unable To Upload Presently. However, play with the voices!😂!
These protestants claim to be knowledgeable. The priest humbles himself he graduated with years degree in theology
I know right 😊
This Priest is amazing I love his voice 💕💕💕
He is Irish.
2 Clueless Prots vs. The Holy Spirit speaking through the Franciscan Priest. The Prots are outclassed obviously.
Great job Father! They are missing 7 books from the Bible and are so misled. Thank you for defending the Catholic faith.
When I realized he was a Franciscan priest, I literarily said "OMG" out loud because I knew these two were about to get schooled.
As a lifelong protestant, the more I watch protestant apologists the more I can help but see how wrong and arrogant most of them are. I went to my first mass 29th Dec 2024. I anticipate I become Catholic one day in the future.
Come home brother ✝️ No Catholic is going to bother you telling you to convert. It has to be within your own heart
Our parish priest told his faithful when some protestants come to your home to proselytise you tell them to convert first their parish priest then come back again. 😊
And we convert their intellectual pastors & minister&deep readers ❤
Father is very patient.
The arrogance of these guys. Orthodoxy and Catholicism have been around for over 2000 years going back to the apostles and Christ himself but we have it wrong and somehow these clowns have it right
The foolishness of both; talking snakes, virgin births, demons, vampires and folk raising from the dead
No wonder their own kids don't go to mass anymore
You couldn't say it much effectively and spot on!! I've always wonder how these people are so petulant.
Not really brother. Isn't Protestantism suppose to be about reformation of Catholicism rather than starting a new church? Not really starting a new tradition but building and reforming upon the tradition which was already there. And also, do Protestants really believe that Catholics and Orthodox have got it ALL wrong? No, if I'm not wrong. Clown? Not really a term to use, ignorant, maybe?
Catholics don't have it right either.
Orthodoxy has only been around for a thousand years, give or take
The lady believes we worship bread.....and she doesn't ask questions, she tells people things.
These two facts fit together perfectly
I'm from a staunchly Roman Catholic family and a couple of my relatives left the church and joined an Evangelical sect. They never tire from proselytizing but what I discovered was that they were fed falsehoods, inaccuracies, and downright lies about our church and they use them as ammunition. They remain unsuccessful in converting us because we know better that their arguments are based on deception.
I really appreciate your understanding and explaining so much regarding our faith! I was raised Catholic but did the sidesteps to eventually go Baptist because my wife was raised in a Congregational church and I loved Gavin Ortlund videos he was a big influence and as you point out he’s is so humble and seems so sincere. After watching all the top Catholic apologetics I’m back especially yours . You are so gifted and your approach is very different I hope your channel grows and reaches the top and beyond I don’t know how you got so much understanding of everything but you are on my best of the best to learn from keep the videos coming brother I’m 73 years old and spent the past 5 years really trying to sort things out but thanks to you your videos you provide such clarity the way you format them , the breakdown is inspirational and honest ❤️👍
Prayers for you!
Read your Bible.
You may enjoy UA-cam channels: Capturing Christianity and also Voice of Reason ❤
She would not even know which scriptures were the sacred ones if it were not for all the early church councils and great theologians of the Catholic Church that fought against heresies creeping in. Which tradition did Luther and Calvin, and others all come from? They had all accepted the eucharist as the literal body and blood of Christ until they decided not to anymore. It is not rocket science to recognise that the reformation was just another heretical attack on the Apostolic Catholic Tradition.
Clearly you didn’t do your research on the motives of the Protestant reformation
i just noticed towards the end the name of their video is grilling a priest at a roman catholic church 🤣 its like bro you got grilled and well done at that 😂💀
The priest was amazing in this video. Also, don’t stop doing the reaction videos. They are great tools for teaching. I really appreciate your insight and corrections.
Wow! I love the way Father explained the Catholic Faith.
They are actually letting the priest speak this time. Progress!
I know it's very unusual. Usually they're very rude and don't let any Catholic priest finish his sentence.
They're in the offices of his church. I should hope they would have the courtesy to behave with some measure of decorum.
Father won this hands down. We should pray that those two protestants are saved from the error of their ways. 🙏🏻
“I just know Jesus and the Church are one”
St Joan of Arc
I really dislike this couple..I'm not a Catholic but I dislike the way they speak about Catholics .I hate when Christians try to divide the church...we are all one in Christ as long as you believe in core doctrine..I can't stand these two..this is why there are soon many denominations and alot of heretics..I disagree with many Catholic doctrine but I would never call them not Christians..they preserved the scriptures and saved us from being Muslims and kept the faith alive..if it wasn't for them they would be Muslims preaching dawah and wouldn't be able to be even called Christian!!! Thank u my Catholic brothers and sisters!!!!! Hallelujah for u guys
@H-D33 tell me which ones you disagree?
@@H-D33 ….nice statements, but have you considered trying to understand the parts you don’t agree with.!!? You may be missing something very valuable. God bless.🙏🏼
Protestants don't agree on core doctrine though.
We disagree with Protestants on tactics and strategy, that's it!
@@timothyoreilly6675 I wouldn't go that far. They push doctrines that are flat out heretical. That said, loving Jesus and trying to emulate him trumps virtually everything else.
Merry Christmas brother, I pray that your family will be blessed.🙏🏽
@@AlbanianChristianity you as well, brother!
This pair are fundamentalists. Most protestants even in Speakers Corner in London dont want anything to do with them.
Deep down all Protestants are the same as these two when you scratch the surface.
Fundamentals should not be called Protestants. I am Catholic and friends with many conservative Protestants. My friends think of evangelicals as lunatics.
At the first Passover, a lamb was sacrificed. The blood was applied to the door frame of the house and they had to eat the flesh of the lamb in order to receive the blessing of the sacrifice. That is if they did not eat the flesh then the Angel of Death would enter their home and their first born son would die.
Jesus is the Lamb who was pierced for our sins and in order to receive that blessing we must eat the Flesh of the Lamb. This is given to us in the form of bread, the Bread of Life. Because Jesus is the way, the truth and the LIFE....
Don’t apologize for interrupting we love your input God bless brother
I pity these two protestants....the more they talk a lot by citing biblical passages, the more they appear ignorant of their faith... the priest did great...just gave them a listening heart...
The audacity of Protestants pointing out flaws in our Lord’s church. Jesus chose Judas as one of his apostles. His church was and never will be perfect on earth as humans are involved. Praised be mother church! Awesome video.
I wouldnt call Judas an apostle. He was one of the twelve disciples. He also wasnt part of the church. He passed before pentacost.
@ I could agree with you on those points, however, our Lord hand selected Judas as apart of his inner circle know that he would betray him. Don’t stop following Jesus because of Judas. Thanks and be well.
Wow wow wow thank you catholic christian learned so much thank you god bless ❤❤❤
I’ve attended Syrian Catholic Church that is in full Union with the Catholic Church.
So when he talks about fragmentation into many different religions he is missing the understanding that Catholic means Universal One Church.
Catholics celebrate with their Greek Orthodox Christian faith and we share in the Body of Jesus in the Eucharist.
Greek Orthodox Christians can partake in the Catholic mass service and still have met the obligation of attending mass on Sunday.
Correct we have both west and east in the Catholic Church 🙏
If an orthodox does such thing as partaking of the Roman "eucharist", he is no orthodox anymore.
There is, thankfully, mutual respect between many Orthodox and Roman Catholics. However, the Holy Mysteries in the Orthodox Church are offered to faithful Orthodox Christian believers who have prepared for Communion by going to confession, fasting from the night before, and by preparing with readings and prayers
. Everyone, including Roman Catholics and Protestants, are welcome to come to the Priest at the end of Communion and receive a blessing and a piece of blessed [not concecrated] bread. But Othodox Christian Communion is for baptised/crismated Orthodox Christians who have humbly prepared themselves beforehand.
I love orthodoxy, because they love Mary the holy Mother
@@regenfrau7823- I wish they would come home.
These two ' Protestants ' are Amy & John , after watching both at speakers' corner & at other places confronting other Christians of many denominations, I think they just have a contrary attitude to all .
Well it makes me wonder then what church they are from? And also...do catholics go over to their church and do this?🤔
Catholics are too busy meeting days of obligation and daily devotionals to bother with this kind of stuff individually.
They have no shame, and their behaviour towards other outstanding Christians like Bob to be disgusting. Can't stand either of them, or their mate Sarah.
@@JD-eq1gk that's part of the reason. My question is a rhetorical one obviously. But also point is that catholics tend to think that God doesn't really want His followers to make arguments with people like this....when Paul tried that in Acts he kinda lost his temper (see Acts 28:17-30). And that leads into Romans pretty nicely because that scene is with Paul being in Rome where some misunderstandings may have been. So Paul emphasizes several times that salvation is "for the Jew First and THEN for the gentile"
More views more money for that two fools, making a living by bashing The One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church of 2000 plus age .
One thing Ive learned in my OCIA journey is that Clergy does not equal theologian.
They are trained to celebrate Mass and administer the sacraments. Not to argue the faith. So confronting them like this is not always fair.
It’s like a plumber being expected to know every detail of a skyscraper’s entire mechanical system. That’s not what he’s trained in. You need the engineer for those questions.
Exactly. The Church has priests for that matter like how they have priests for exorcism and other things.
Our Lord left us lamp posts to find the True, Catholic Church. Miracles which still cannot be torn apart such as the Virgen de Guadalupe, the Shroud of Turin, the Incorruptibles, the Bleeding Eucharist, Fatima, Hiroshima miracle, etc.
Just let her read this Here is John 6:55-58 (ESV):
> 55 "For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink.
56 Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in him.
57 As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so whoever feeds on me, he also will live because of me.
58 This is the bread that came down from heaven, not like the bread the fathers ate and died. Whoever feeds on this bread will live forever."
Wonderfully done. Merry Christmas!
Regarding the lady's first question, when I first returned to church after almost a decade of wandering, I went to mass every week but refrained from receiving communion until I mustered enough courage to go to confession.
While communion is indeed the climax of the mass, we don't just go to mass for receiving the eucharist. We go to be in the presence of it, even when we don't receive it for whatever reason. The same goes for the wine.
@ 4:33 That's the key for me, UNITY is the sign of God, DIVISION the sign of the devil. The very nature of Protestantism breeds division because they yield to no authority (other than their sub group, until they leave and form another after disagreement). They usually rely on their own personal interpretation of the Bible. It's a fundamental flaw. It comes from pride. "God spoke to me", "I heard this..." "The passage means this.... so therefore you are wrong!" "There's only one word of God and it comes from the Bible....Tradition means nothing" etc... etc...
Can't help but notice Saint Padre Pio!
I posted the same comment on their "Grilling a priest" video.
Padre Pio believed in everything these two idiots claim is evil, and would call him a devil for venerating the mother of Jesus!
Why would God choose people like Padre Pio for his work if what they believed was right?
I find this Amy and Johno to be worse than Muslims.
This first guy (protestant), need our prayers ✝️🙏🏽
Bingo! Thousands of denominations.
I don't think this is true but what source did you get this idea from?
@@Why-p9nAre you serious? Here in Brazil, we have more than 33k protestant denominations with different doctrines, each one of it teaching different things because according to them the holy spirit guides them. It's kinda funny how their holy spirit teach each one of them a different doctrine.
@@Why-p9n Of course, it’s true ! Only in the US they count more than 3000 new evangelical synagogues not named ! Well a foolish situation, nothing to do with apostolic Churches, true Church of Christ !
@Why-p9n Protestant churches break off. Just look in your local city or neighborhood.
@@Why-p9noh it's true.. 😢 it sure is... 6 or 8 is too many already and all in disagreement* and in opposition and rivalry to each other. What a mockery!'
She is preaching to a Priest? Which has years of studying the Bible. A very humble man this priest is and a great servant of Christ.
Jesus and a bunch of fishermen are preaching to us pharisees?? Don't they know we have years of experience studying the scriptures?
Finally they will turn to catholic Church as the true church of christ
If it will get them clicks, they probably will. Then they will go around annoying orthodox Christians lol
These people are attention seeking contrarians. They have a personality problem above a theology problem
WOW very inspiring explanation from a priest. Truly guided by the Holy Spirit. May God bless you always Father.
These two have stood outside of Westminster Cathedral screaming at Catholics saying the Catholic faith is wrong and to repent. Sometimes I cannot believe how arrogant people are.
These 2 are starting to realise the truth and they hate it 😂
If you dont eat of my flesh or drink of my blood you dont have life in you. That's a literal statement by Jesus.
The woman was very rude despite her saying “respectfully”
The Holy Eucharist is the core and foundation of Christ's teachings. He even said that without receiving his flesh and blood we have no life. No Eucharist= no life= no salvation. End of story.
Thank You very much. Your work is blessing for us
So nice of you
This is just plain RUDE…And I’m NOT Roman Catholic
This is them at the most tame and respectful I’ve ever seen them when talking to a priest
It’s very rare to see any respect out of these 2
Yeah very rare, I've seen their other videos and they just present complete mockery and are rude and would cut you off.
Yes you’re right. The teaching about “No salvation outside the Catholic Church” has to be interpreted correctly. The priest stumbled over that one.
The Church has made the declaration, but you claim to have a new interpretation of that declaration? In what interpretation does "There is no salvation outside the Catholic Church" actually mean "There is salvation outside the Catholic Church"? What special Gnostic revelation do you have for us that interprets a sentence to mean something other than what it says? By what authority do you make the new interpretation, and how is that not precisely what Protestants do? Didn't Mohammed get a new interpretation? Didn't Joseph Smith get a new interpretation? Now you want people to follow your interpretation? It's obvious that you are acting exactly like these Gnostic sects which claim to have a new and special interpretation different from that which has been handed down.
The host of this UA-cam channel did an excellent job explaining it.
@@stevedoetsch Willful rejection of sound doctrine places one outside the Catholic Church, but errors committed in ignorance do not.
@@stevedoetschSalvation Outside the Catholic Church: A Teaching of Vatican II
The Second Vatican Council, in its document Lumen Gentium, clarified the Catholic Church's teaching on salvation. While affirming the Church as the ordinary means of salvation, the Council recognized that God’s grace extends beyond its visible boundaries.
> "Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or His Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience - those too may achieve eternal salvation. Nor does Divine Providence deny the helps necessary for salvation to those who, without blame on their part, have not yet arrived at an explicit knowledge of God and who, not without grace, strive to lead a good life." (Lumen Gentium 16)
This teaching emphasizes God’s universal salvific will, the role of conscience, and the inclusivity of His mercy. It acknowledges that salvation is possible for those outside the visible Church when they live according to God’s will as revealed in their hearts and conscience.
Biblical Verses Supporting This Teaching
1. Romans 2:14-16:
"For when Gentiles, who do not have the law, by nature do what the law requires, they are a law to themselves... They show that the work of the law is written on their hearts, while their conscience also bears witness."
2. Matthew 25:31-46:
"Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?... Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."
3. John 10:16:
"I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd."
Jesus said very clearly, for My Father's will is that everyone who believes in the Son shall have eternal life and I will raise them up at the last day (John 6:40). So "whoever" believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life. For God's wrath remains on them (John 3:36).
The most important thing of the Catholic Worship/Mass IS THE SACRIFICE.
yes and no. A few months ago, when I was in mass, our priest said that many people ask this questions and he always says that everything is important during the mass, from a to z, since your preparation before mass, the welcome and initial blessing, all the parts or the mass and finally, the final bless dismissing the mass. All is very important and if we just stay on our knees adoring God, would also be incomplete. First repent your sin, ask forgiveness, then let's prepare for the sacrifice and at the end receive holy communion, but it will be completely useless if you don't know what is going on. If you are in grace you can ask anything, we are the ones that need God, just ask, of course don not ask for gaining lottery or pass the exam if you didn't study, ask things for the glory of God. And at the end, the final blessing, so beautiful.
Some sects blame bad Catholics for their own divisions. Have they noticed that their protestant religion was founded by a bad Catholic monk? He was inspired by a certain spirit to create division.
The Holy Spirit is union and communion.
But didnt the catholic church listen to some of his critics and change bc if them?
@thegollyer903 While some laxed clerics try to please the world, the Christian doctrine in the Catholic Church remains unchanged.
@thegollyer903 The church didn't change dogma because of Luthers argument. There was reform needed by certain people, but this reform wasn't church teachings. It was certain men who went against church teachings and this is where reform was needed. Imagine the largest institution on the planet keeping all men united in teachings, for 1500 years and before flight, phone and internet. Mistakes will happen. The miracle is they survived, are still a threat to athiest countries, are strong and growing.
Merry Christmas! The Father shows great charity and love in allowing these conversations to happen, and it’s important to take them at face value.
I teach my youngest nephews this foundational point before engaging in interpretive discussions: ‘How is your 66-book Bible infallible?’
This simple question gets to the core issue. While we might agree that the Bible is inerrant, they deny the authority of the Magisterium. Without that authority, they’re stuck in a circular argument trying to prove the Bible’s authority.
They either have to admit the Church’s role in establishing the canon or remain trapped in circular reasoning. And if they do accept the Church, they can’t cherry-pick which Church Fathers or teachings to follow.
An important distinction to highlight is between Sacred Tradition and other traditions. For example:
• Sacred Tradition: The doctrine of the Trinity, the canon of Scripture, and the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist-truths passed down from the apostles and safeguarded by the Church. These are unchangeable and foundational to our faith.
• Other traditions: Practices like priestly celibacy, specific prayers, or local customs (e.g., cultural feast day celebrations). These are important but not divinely instituted and can change over time.
Understanding this difference helps clarify why Sacred Tradition, protected by the Magisterium, is essential for interpreting Scripture correctly, while other traditions, though meaningful, are not on the same level of authority.
These two need to start living there Christian faith instead of trying to prove the Catholic Church is wrong?! this church (Catholic) was started by Christ himself and although man messes up along the way, The Holy Spirit is always there to protect it 🙏🏼
Thank you for showing this. I found your comments were helpful too.
Christ have mercy on us all.
“I don’t follow a Church or denomination I follow Jesus.”
As a former Protestant that is the most Annoying, condescending, and flat out disingenuous thing a Christian can say. It’s literally in scripture that Jesus created a Church and told us to follow said Church.
First of all before I watch this, WHY do Protestants do this?
Why cant they minister to non believers instead?
I never understood that. They're always after catholics, they could be preaching to prostitutes, drug dealers, but instead they're bothering catholics
Because they think catholics are non believers.
Serves them well, for protestants are not Christians
They think that Catholics ARE non-believers. They don’t think Catholics are actually Christian.
As soon ve been told it that they believe that we worship Satan
Same reason Luther did what he did arrogance or if I'm charitable ignorance. Happy Saint Stephen's day.
It was great and you did very well explaining it
Thank you!
These two are living in a state of sin.
How are they in sin?
@@Why-p9nBearing false witness
Aren't we all? That's why we have the Sacrament of reconciliation.
@@Why-p9n They are believers in a false doctrine and believe that doctrine is greater and better to the tradition of that of the Apostles.
Mary is our mother too and she is the mother of Jesus.
Inscriptions on places of worship dating back to 1st and 2nd centuries read Mary mother of God,
Jesus Lord of Heaven and Earth
Jesus is God very well known.
Surprise the Holy Trinity is Mentioned in the Old Testament.
Because they are proselytising the saved the ones who have the fullness of the truth, from which they derived their copy of scripture.
The Catholic Church never denied the scripture, to whom which the words of scripture were entrusted to by Jesus and it was the Apostles who wrote the scriptures and formally canonised each book.
The Deuterocanonical books
These books are included in the Septuagint, the earliest Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. They date from 300 BC to 100 AD.
Exclusion from the Bible
The British Puritan revolution of the 1600s led to the exclusion of the Apocrypha from the Bible. The Westminster Confession of Faith, composed during the British Civil Wars, stated that the Apocrypha were not divinely inspired and were therefore not part of the canon.
So the Catholic and Orthodox Christians maintained the books, while the Protestants refused them because they contain information that goes against their Protestant Cannon.
Martin Luther didn’t exclude the books 1600 years after Christs resurrection the Protestants even tried removing the book of James where it reads that it is not by faith alone but by works also.
They live in a state of sin as all Protestants that think they can criticise the Catholic and Orthodox Christians believe in the true presence of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
@@ninja3687 That’s why we confess to others in accordance with Scripture.
Tradition Jews and Christians confessed their sins then the priest would lay hands on the Scapegoat.
Where when you confess your sins like many did to the Apostles and the Apostles gave them Absolution of their sins.
Why because they stood as representatives of Jesus Christ teaching on earth and the priesthood is passed down by succession by anointing and laying of hands and once consecrated into the order of Melchizedek the title used in Christianity to describe Jesus Christ as a priest. The title comes from the Bible, where Jesus is referred to as "a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" in Psalm 110:4.
Therefore one who confesses to a priest is confessing directly to Jesus not some man.
Crazy how he was clearly not listening to the answers given or even trying to follow the arguement. Just trying to score "points" no matter how wrong he is. No interest in the truth whatsoever.
"Unless you gnaw on my flesh and drink my blood, you have no life in you" - Jesus
It's believed that it's the disposition in action and intent to partake in the eucharist which includes you by faith amongst the saved.
@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb ok Pope Daniel... 🤣
@danielbelteshazzar-mg7rb are you even open to being wrong about your "biblical" speculations?
Confession first
2nd adoration
3rd rosary of mama mary
4th Eucharist
5th Sacramentals of the church
I will add a 6th point and it is, surprise surprise! plenary indulgence, if you do all of that, you can obtain it daily for you!!! and of course, getting one for you on a daily basis is a little selfish, why not for one soul on the purgatory? one of those souls forgotten? the oldest one on purgatory? That's what Pope Francis want us to do, that's the reason of this jubilee 2025, the only impediment would be not praying for the intentions of the Pope.
I am on the Catholic Father in complete agreement with the importance of the Eucharisty !!
The Eucharist is the only way to become really holy
No Jesus is the only way to be set apart.
Then u r saying u must take part of the Eucharist to be saved. Holy means set apart. Catholics believe u dont need to actually be in their church. They believe even some protestants are saved.
@ Those who die in grave sin without repentance end up in hell no matter what they happen to profess.
@@thegollyer903it is not about what catholics believe,but what the bible says! Less religion more relationship with Jesus through his Spirit.
Read your bible guys!!!!!
Do they ever do this to Muslim imams and other religions?
Yes they do, to be fair
Did they do it in Israel?
@@FiatVoluntasTuaAmen Sarah, another colleague of theirs, has been banned from Israel for 10 years, allegedly for trying to convert Jewish people. Their 'live' videos from outside the Vatican are some of the most disrespectable I've ever seen. I felt 'Johno' was more respectful this time; perhaps with the example of this wonderful, wise and humble priest and the prayers of Padre Pio.
@@FiatVoluntasTuaAmen- I suspect with not as much vigor.
You should be posting their link in the description so their viewers get recommended your video.
Heretics cannot do that to my priests. Sorry for the strong word but I cannot help it.
One day they will face judgement and Jesus will ask them, why did you spend your life shaking the faith of those who believed in me? You were supposed to bring those to me who didn't know me.
I was really surprised that the Protestant interviewer asked if Sola Scriptura could arguably be a tradition.
I like your videos, I'm a subber. Would it be too much to ask that when you show videos like this, you could put them in full screen so that we can see the captions better and also the people's faces closer? Or you can have their screen bigger than yours instead of the other way around. I've seen where UA-camrs make themselves tiny on the bottom of the screen on one side or the other. Just an idea. 🤷🏻♀️😊
I compare Protestantism to playing with not a full deck of cards. Some game strategy changes or become unplayable.
@@tomjue5128 …spot on, l like this comparison.!! Some missing game of cards within the shuffled deck…wow. We certainly do shortchange ourselves by leaving out needed cards/resources in order to learn the real truth.
Good analogy
I appreciate the Colosed Captions I’m deaf thank u!
I’ll try to get my words closed caption in the future
@@The_Catholic_Christiangod bless you an may the Holy Mum watch over you!
Lord Jesus: "Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day."
Saint Paul: "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ?"
Saint Paul: "Wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread, and drink this cup of the Lord, unworthily, shall be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. But let a man examine himself, and so let him eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. For he that eateth and drinketh unworthily, eateth and drinketh damnation to himself, not discerning the Lord's body."
Protestant Street Preachers: "Eucharist is symbolic and we do not even have to take it"
May the Holy Ghost open their eyes, Amen. It is like a blind person claiming that they have a 20/20 vision. This priest was very charitable listening to their ignorance.
The best way to reach the non catholic apologist perhaps is in Church and through a Catholic priest. Amazing video
Just a comment. The gentleman with the microphone claims that the Orthodox think that the Pope is a heretic. The Orthodox Churches deny his authority over the whole Church, saying that he is just the Patriarch of the West (which is one of his titles, true), but we catholics believe he is the Prince of the Apostles, that is the head of the Apostolic College, not just the same as the other Patriarchs, but superior to them.
Why don’t these preachers go to a mosque or a synagogue?
@@Miguel-gx1so they do believe it or not
They go everywhere.They've been to a large Hindu temple in London this year too! I don't think they've been to a Tibetan Buddhist shrine yet . Or a Russian Orthodox church.
They seem to specialise in creating discord, but this video with this brilliant Franciscan Priest is so much more respectful than their awful videos with Sarah and Aaron from the Vatican. Let's pray something of this Priest's Holy Spirit filled calmness and wisdom gets through to them.
Because one Antichrist can not fight another Antichrist
they goto israel and defend the Jewish unbelievers but then curse their christian neighbors. they are zionists
Im a protestant and I know these guys are wasting time. Catholics are already “saved” as we like to put it.
We have been saved, are being saved, and hope to be saved. It is a process until you die.
Philippians 2:12 - Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
@ I agree with that way you put it. That’s why I used quotation marks. It’s just the phrasing I have heard my entire life. I’m just getting familiar with the theological language of Catholic and orthodox.
@@richardstanley7661 God bless you on your journey.
@@MundusTransit thank you, if you remember please pray for me. God bless you too!
God is Good All the Time. Amen
We should pray for our priests. We get the priests we pray for, and we NEED them for proper worship.
Nothing that woman says is worth listening to. She doesn't listen to understand, she listens to respond. She isn't there to ask a question but instead to repeat the same rehearsed talking points. She couldn't be a substantive participant even in a protestant discussion.
A retort to the 'butterfly' analogy is that the butterfly still has to break out of its chrysalis, then sun itself to dry out its new wings and then flap them to fly. Then seek out the correct flowers that are appropriate to its proboscis so that it may feed on the nectar.
An analogy to working out our salvation with fear and trembling. We don't just automatically stayed changed. So many testimonies of Christians who fell away and returned to Christ. A personal relationship takes work.
That’s what I needed in my video 😂
@The_Catholic_Christian Love that phrase 'the only things we can claim as our own are our sins'.
Shows the Level of Humility by the Priest towards those protestant.
Thanks for the forecast! I need some advice: I have a SafePal wallet with USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). How should I go about transferring them to Binance?
Sectarian’s think they know scriptures but they have no client. They are so ignorant that makes me sad and they want to show with supposably with Bible and the Bible refutes them. I give all the Catholic apologist like you all the praise you deserve because you guys have the patience and the charity to talk to this people that I don’t have. So thank you very much. Praise be Jesus Christ.
What often gets missed regarding the Eastern Churches is there are Ecclesial Communities that are in communion with the Holy See, there are Coptic Catholics, Greek Catholics Russian Catholics who are all in communion with the Pope, and who the Orthodox churches are more antagonistic toward than the Roman Catholic Church, in part because they share a common liturgy and manner in which they describe authentic theology, but accept the Papacy. Even among the Greek Orthodox, there are several Greek Orthodox groups who do not recognize each other. Just a year ago the Russian Orthodox Patriarch excommunicated the Greek Patriarch and Greek Orthodox who follow the Greek and not the Russian church leadership. It caused some of the smaller Orthodox churches the need to choose sides with Constantinople or Moscow.
As to Unum Sanctum, the original Encyclical is lost to history, we only have portions of the Encyclical, even so we know it was addressed to the King of France, who was claiming that he had higher authority over the Church in his kingdom than even the Pope. The Pope was asserting that the Church and the Papacy had the final say on matters of Faith and Morals, not the king. So Unum Sanctum cannot be "infallible" even if it teaches truth, as it was not promulgated to the entire Church, but to the King of France.
Historically the Catholic Church has accepted the baptism administered by Protestants and Orthodox who use water and the Trinitarian formula, this was established early in the life of the Church when heretical sects began to deny the validity of baptisms by those who disagreed with them, and would "re-baptize" The Church holding that the Sacraments were the action of Christ, upheld that a proper baptism administered by someone outside of communion with the Pope is valid, which sort of shoots in the foot the Protestant protest that Catholics deny salvation to non-Catholics. It is true that our obligation to follow Christ does not end at baptism, but if you look at the way that the Church looks at those outside the Church, heretics may have been excommunicated (separated from the Church so they would hopefully not infect others with their errors.) But the Catholic Church has never condemned them to hell, individually or as a group. This along with the teachings on Invincible ignorance was supported by Vatican II, which did not as they and some Ultra Trad Catholics claim changed Catholic teaching.
Very well said, thank you.
Orthodox tend to avoid having councils because they cant agree on many issues.
It’s true
Pure defamation.
That's false. Ecumenical counciks need to unite the entire church. That's what ecumenical means. The ecumen is the entirety of the populated world. The reason why the orthodox Church refrained to call for ecumenical councils was because we didn't want to create wounds that can't be healed with the western Church
Contrary to the Roman Church we didn't proclaim we were universal without the Western Church because we know that Christ didn't pray for the unity of the Church in vain. When we say that we are the one saint catholic and apostolic Church we don't use the creed to exclude anyone from salvation.
It took a LOT of time for them to meet in Crete at the 'Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox church' in 2016, real action seems to have started in 1962 and then they had five preliminary meetings in 1976, 1982, 1986, 2009 and 2015. So preparation took 40 years. Before the council was held, the Patriarchates of Russia, Bulgaria, Antioch and Georgia, representing half of the world's Orthodox, dropped out. And then they try to teach us about the virtues of 'conciliarity'. I converted to the Catholic church on Dec 8.
The Eastern Orthodox*
Great job on no salvation outside the Catholic Church. If CS Lewis is in Heaven, it's through the grace of God and the existence of the Catholic Church.
It is the 2nd time I see the lady. She seems to have a problem with the Eucharist
Thats Johnno and Amy from speakers corner, they harass all the Catholic apologists. It's actually quite nice to see such a respectful conversation. I hope they come over to the faith.
They'll need humility first... A Gift of the Holy Spirit in which they currently have none
As of 2021 Pew Research has reported that there are now 45,000 DIFFERENT Protestant denominations in the world. There is still only ONE HOLY CATHOLIC CHURCH. Could they point out WHICH of the 45,000 different Protestant denominations is actually the "church" that Jesus founded, in the last 500 years then we can all join it?😅