If the American public were truly educated, Vidal would be a household name even today in 2016. He almost was back in the 1960s and 1970s, when a certain swath of the US public was more literate and read quality books more often, but that's all dying off. Tragic in a way.
And then you have a Koch brothers shill, (Austen, I think's his name)as seen in the documentary 'Astroturfwars' advising those at his seminar to go to Amazon, look up all Liberal books and give reviews by going down the line giving 1 star ratings, and implying don't worry about reading the books. Imagine what this does to social discourse where already everyone is distrustful, we're so polarised, and a 'win' however gotten is the name of the game. People do read book reviews with some sense of not believing all are liars, and even those opposed can give an honest impression of even what's disagreed with but not giving an honest impression of a book destroys that idea, so then cynicism is the only path. So, the rule today seems to be having an opinion and yelling it out cuz you're entitled to your opinion is more important than being informed and having an informed opinion. Gore Vidal was of a time when the idea was unless you have a thoughtful response, then just be silent. I tried to discuss HRCs ideas with her supporters calling me sexist to even question her views, and 'HER' Feminists shot me down(those faux Fems who actually are more Female chauvinists than Feminists). WORD is the correct Fems of today. We have so many issues calling for our attention and we care more about who won American IDLE, or the scores of the game than that 1000s died from preventable disease. PRAYER is no solution. Tragic indeed, Chomsky's not getting any younger, Howard Zinn is gone, what now? Chris Hedges?
We still do have a few great intellectuals left, I would say James Petras, Michael Parenti, Adolph Reed, Robert Parry, Paul Craig Roberts, Hedges as you stated, Ralph Nader and Jeffrey St. Clair, all are deserving of a thorough read whenever they publish a book, essay or article.
@UA-cam Vidal: "I was born 80 years ago in a country called the United States of America and now I live in a Homeland -- an expression we haven't heard since Hitler."
Knowing Vidal's view on corporations and how American politics and residential elections work, I don't think he would have been that critical as some might expect.... Of course he would have laughed sardonic about Trump's vulgarity....
He would have pointed at the Democratic and the Republican party who caused Trump in the first place. Because that's the only rational way to explain it.
This will never happen. The U.S. has been at full-throttle censoring truth tellers on television, radio, the internet, print media, even academia. The U.S. will collapse from within, very likely in the next 10-15 years max. But before that, they will go to war with Russia and China; very likely simultaneously. Then it's "game over" for all of us.
Even in decline, Vidal's brilliance shone. Here is a man, at this point living on alcohol and snacks, more informative and persuasive than any American personage of any age. He is on fire in this interview.
2007 when this video was made, I was not awake. Back then I believed the 9/11 story. What caught my attention was when the banks collapsed 2008 and trillions $$ were given to the banks, but nothing to help people with mortgages.
I began to smell a rat on the same morning of the New York-DC "9-11"attacks. Within an hour or so of that disgraceful governmental betrayal of the American people, all three corporate-governmental networks (Fox News Corporation is solely a propaganda voice of the US Republican Party - so are all TV "free TV networks") had cameramen and reporters broadcasting from a motel in Afghanistan. Obviously the upper class rich people knew ahead of time the attacks were gonna happen to roll out "The Project for a New American Century." The American people are more skillfully brainwashed than the citizens of the former Soviet Union were, and were even, back in those days, complemented by Soviet bosses on their (our?) achievement.
"we are the edge of a dictatorship" yes, yes we are. truer words have never been spoken ... and its perfectly the way they want it to be. people here love it just fine :-\
"The belief is common that the day is at hand when corporations...swaying power such as has never in the world's history been trusted in the hands of mere private citizens...will ultimately succeed in directing government itself." - Henry Brooks Adams, Grandson of President John Q. Adams (1838-1918).
Back to the Constitution: bear that thought in mind in the cannabis debate. Remember the Ninth and Tenth Amendment? Jeff Sessions leaves that out when he speaks of "the rule of law." Back when the do-gooders wanted to outlaw booze even the law faculties admitted you needed a constitutional amendment to do so.
If you are in favour of democracy, don't insult people who disagree with you. I agree with Vidal Gore, but I refuse to insult anyone - which doesn't alter what I think.
You're right.... but where's he standing in the popular ratings? (I've looked for polls on the net unsuccessfully. Perhaps an AMerican can direct me to some useful sites? It'd be appreciated.
Gore Vidal was a genius of sorts. No doubt he could hold his own with any opposition in a debate. But he said in him Memoirs that he realized for the first time the trouble with the US when he was hit with the very high tax rate of 90% for large incomes at the time. All of this was going to support our military exploits, he said.
Yes I have to agree. Sadly the masses are asses.The only thing that truly sets us apart from other animals is our ability to convince ourselves that we are something better than what we truly are. An all pervasive sense of entitlement. Our corporate owners know that if you massage our greedy nature you can do almost anything with or to us.
Some of my videos are for fun - for a joke. You may be misunderstanding that. The political ones are for political reasons. Sorry you did not get that.
I agree with everything here except about the nation going bankrupt. The US is a sovereign nation that has the authority to issue its own currency and can never go broke. Now private bankruptcy is definitely on the rise, though laws try to prevent it for people, not corporations. This is because the Wall St bankers that have inserted themselves into every presidential cabinet intentionally mismanage government finance so that the nation is forced to borrow credit from their banks for profit. "The bank strategy continues: “If we can privatize the economy, we can turn the whole public sector into a monopoly. We can treat what used to be the government sector as a financial monopoly. Instead of providing free or subsidized schooling, we can make people pay $50,000 to get a college education, or $50,000 just to get a grade school education if families choose to go to New York private schools. We can turn the roads into toll roads. We can charge people for water, and we can charge for what used to be given for free under the old style of Roosevelt capitalism and social democracy.” This idea that governments should not create money implies that they shouldn’t act like governments. Instead, the de facto government should be Wall Street. Instead of governments allocating resources to help the economy grow, Wall Street should be the allocator of resources - and should starve the government to “save taxpayers” (or at least the wealthy). Tea Party promoters want to starve the government to a point where it can be “drowned in the bathtub.” But if you don’t have a government that can fund itself, then who is going to govern, and on whose terms? The obvious answer is, the class with the money: Wall Street and the corporate sector. They clamor for a balanced budget, saying, “We don’t want the government to fund public infrastructure. We want it to be privatized in a way that will generate profits for the new owners, along with interest for the bondholders and the banks that fund it; and also, management fees. Most of all, the privatized enterprises should generate capital gains for the stockholders as they jack up prices for hitherto public services. You can see how to demoralize a country if you can stop the government from spending money into the economy. That will cause austerity, lower living standards and really put the class war in business. So what Trump is suggesting is to put the class war in business, financially, with an exclamation point." michael-hudson.com/2017/03/why-deficits-hurt-banking-profits/
Knowledge is power. We can take back power through the knowledge of how our currency functions. 1. Taxes do not fund federal spending. Taxes are deleted to offset what's been keystroked into the system throughout the year. Taxes serve to hold our currency's value and stave off inflation precisely because they are deleted. 2. All government spending is created currency, this is how currency gets injected into our economy. And only congress has the power to create currency per our Constitution article 1 section 8 clause 5, the coinage clause. 3. The Fed is NOT a private bank or private entity, it's a glorified middle man. Congress approves and appropriates funds, the fed and treasury dole it out. Done. This currency does not come from anywhere or anyone and is NOT a debt we owe. We created it from thin air and don't owe thin air a debt. All 12 board members of the fed are approved and appointed by Congress and all profits from the fed, after operating costs, are given to the Treasury. The only thing the fed does independently is to set policy to hit target interest rates, all else is dictated by congress. Not a private entity. This also means that our national debt is not 20 plus trillion, it's around 5.6 trillion, this is debt held by foreign entities and what we owe. We owe no debt on created currency. 4. Inflation/spending. Inflation is touted as an absolute if our government spends but this is a complete falsehood. Spending is about actual resources including labor to allow spending, not inflation to rule spending out. We have an abundance of resources, including labor, and can spend as needed until resources run low and real full employment is reached. This means we can fund healthcare, education, infrastructure, renewable energy, all of it and our economy would boom. 5. Why is not an eye blinked over 700 BILLION defense budget for one yr but we can't fund CHIP at 9 billion over 10 yrs?? Because the defense budget goes to the top, as most government spending does which has created the worst wealth and income inequality we've known post WWll. ANY programs for The People are met with the lies of "we can't afford it" or "we're broke" or "taxes must be raised and spending lowered to fund insert program here". We are not broke, literally cannot go broke as the sole issuers of our currency, and as a monetarily sovereign nation can afford what we choose to afford. We can afford to fund the oligarchy but are " too broke" to fund The People. See the con job yet? Now take in these stats. Our life expectancy has dropped for the second consecutive year. 83% of all economic gains went to the top 1% in 2017. 2 years ago 45,000 people died a yr due to lack of healthcare, it's now over 66,000 a yr. We now have the highest infant mortality rate of all developed nations. Over 77% of available u.s currency is owned by the 1%. These stats are what they are because our power of currency has funded the few, creating an oligarchy. It could fund The People to the betterment of us all, our society and nation. It's not about hard work, who "deserves" what, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps or any of that bs. We The People are turning into We The Indentured Servants of the Oligarchy precisely because our power of currency has been usurped, abused, and now amassed by the few. We NEED a critical mass to understand how our currency works and get it working for The People once again. ~ Erin Story #LearnMMT #EachOneTeachOne MODERN MONEY BASICS modernmoneybasics.com
It's the fear of not being able to fulfil what we think society needs from us. Not being able to work or work enough to start a family or feed and house one. Not being able to fulfil the work hours required of us weekly. Feeling guilty for being sick and not as able as the next guy. Feeling oppressed by the class system. Feeling sad when we can't ever reach that minimum amount of comfort that will make us feel like a dignified human. The feeling of not being good enough. Want to die indeed!
2:56 ff: There is a curious coincidence between the full repayment in the late 1990s, by England and one other country, of the Lend-Lease provisions attendant on the end of WW2, which saw the US 2 steps ahead of everyone else for the last 50-60 years, and the onset of a GFC within a decade.
Fifteen years later and all the things our egregiously corrupt government has done is staggering. I could list them but I would be typing for about a day.
It's not a prophecy, it was reported by numerous economists ever since the financial deregulation of the 1970s, the only surprising aspect is the degree.
Frivolous, no! Complacency, some! We have given much more money than we have received. As for media, the media in other countries will have its own bias. Work will have to be done slowly and surely by more involvement by more of us, in all countries to find peaceful ways to work together. Those who really want to do harm or stop Freedom, will still be perceived as enemies. Castro won't let people out. N. Korea won't let them in. Don't know about the rest, but they are not Free!
Vidal does indeed have a contempt for the American people, and rightly knows they are forgetful. No one seems to remember how hard he fought for the Vietnamese communist government, and no one bothers these days to address how repressive they are with the subjects of their Indochinese empire.
Would you care to explain my "Double ignorance" or what that even means? Or would you like to invoke something like "facts" to back up your opinion? Its terrifying when education and the ability to form an opinion based upon the truth of the situation is supposedly a bad thing. Mark Twain said, "The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter." I've always begrudgingly accepted this maxim, and people like you reinforce it's truth.
I agree with some of what Vidal is saying but he's too damn pro-Democrat. When the interviewer was saying "there's a group of ex-Regan conservatives [...] that are saying the constitution must be reclaimed" I very much believe he was hinting toward Ron Paul, and then Vidal says a very stupid comment about us being greedy. I'm surprised he doesn't know very much of Ron Paul, he certainly has a greater chance than Kucinich. Way more money and supporters.
Keynes is probably the man whose ideas were the most influential in dragging the U.S. out of the depression in the 1930's, and they might help us in getting out of the current one also. But don't take my word on it : read Paul Krugman's book called 'Peddling Prosperity : Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations'. It might help you think of Keynes differently.
The list of democracies we’ve taken to out still isn’t common knowledge. Even the nation wouldn’t cover it. This suppressed fact should be mentioned as much as possible until the whole nation knows. “Gore Vidal: I think that they are a clear and present danger. [Laughter] And we must be on guard against the Enron/Pentagon junta that governs us so idly. You were talking earlier about who was the most surprised by 9/11. I had figured out some time ago and one of the reasons that I have this little list in the book of unilateral strikes that we have made against second and third world countries, over 200 of them since 1949, 1950. And sooner or later somebody was going to get irritable. I mean it’s bound to happen. The first law of physics is there is no action without reaction. Our rulers seem to be blithely unaware of this. They can do anything they like, and people can go lump it. I was betting not so much on a Muslim strike as a Panamanian one. The fury of Panama when we seized their ruler-Noriega-which automatically ended all drugs in America, have you noticed that since then? [Laughter] George Bush, Sr. did that for us because he cares. And we got another one. [Laughter] . . . We have been at war, really, ever since 1950. And the list that I have kept my piece from being published in Vanity Fair, and even The Nation wouldn’t take it. They couldn’t face this list of places that we had struck at like gallant little Panama, which is close to my heart, as you can see.”
You, young person, better hope that it is not. There are alot of lives depending on hope and a better future. That does not come by idealistic ranting. It takes work and passion. And things do not always go well, but I have been in some of the not-so-nice countries. That can be really frightening.
Sorry, I had to work for a living. Oh wait, people like me don't contribute anything, except pay taxes, help others, work for family, and country, and other countries, and spend a lifetime trying to be a better person. Get over your pompous self. Our country isnot doing thuggery against others, they did that to us over and over. God Bless our country. Yes it needs help and revamping. At least we are all still trying to do that. Sparkles
This homeland stuff is annoying. The muslim's don't hate us. I was a reporter in Pakistan/Afghanistan in November/December 2001. I was aided consistently by muslims (fixers, government officials, ordinary people). They did not ask me who I voted for. They did not ask my angle on the war. I was for the intervention, so were most of those locals. Most spoke warmly when talking about relatives in the US or in Britain. Perhaps I was lucky. Who knows?
When I said young, I meant you have much to experience and learn.I hope and pray God will spare your soul and have mercy upon you. Just keep reading and researching. So, you feel uncomfort w/GOD he loves you unconditionally, do you know of anyone like that in the universe? I repeat GOD LOVES PENNY! God bless you. John 3:16. PEACE:)
Unfortunately, much of the true intelligence is not out for the general public. And it just may have to wait for the history books. But, Money is mishandled in all countries. And in many of the NOT Free nations, the leaders hoard the money, and make much less contributions to their people. We have to work on doing better, but some of your accusations are too extreme, in my humble opinion. Opinions are like behinds, everyone has one. That is mine. Sparkles
Right, and the first time any of your other countries have a crisis, weather problem, tornado, Tzunami, attack, etc., it is us you ask for aid, money and our soldiers lives. After all, we were attacked. Shame on all of you for being turncoats. SparklestheClown
Penny have you done any research into any of this, or are u just shooting off, come and talk w/us when you learn something. Reading is a very powerful tool to wisdom, shooting off in a confused manner doesn't help any of us. Read your Bible, read the news research articles on the internet, what you will find will make you so angry at your gov't you'll be spitting nails. I could share w/u where to find this info, good luck in the end times, you will be begging God to take you. U r very young.
Once erudite, now bitter and demeaning. Just like the world he lives in. Uses a lot of trashy language in this video, but you really can't blame him. You know there's something wrong when "America's Oscar Wilde" starts talking like Rorschach.
Gore Vidal was a complete genius and visionary. When you combine this with his enormous wit, you have a truly special man. I shall truly miss him.
If the American public were truly educated, Vidal would be a household name even today in 2016. He almost was back in the 1960s and 1970s, when a certain swath of the US public was more literate and read quality books more often, but that's all dying off. Tragic in a way.
And then you have a Koch brothers shill, (Austen, I think's his name)as seen in the documentary 'Astroturfwars' advising those at his seminar to go to Amazon, look up all Liberal books and give reviews by going down the line giving 1 star ratings, and implying don't worry about reading the books. Imagine what this does to social discourse where already everyone is distrustful, we're so polarised, and a 'win' however gotten is the name of the game. People do read book reviews with some sense of not believing all are liars, and even those opposed can give an honest impression of even what's disagreed with but not giving an honest impression of a book destroys that idea, so then cynicism is the only path. So, the rule today seems to be having an opinion and yelling it out cuz you're entitled to your opinion is more important than being informed and having an informed opinion. Gore Vidal was of a time when the idea was unless you have a thoughtful response, then just be silent.
I tried to discuss HRCs ideas with her supporters calling me sexist to even question her views, and 'HER' Feminists shot me down(those faux Fems who actually are more Female chauvinists than Feminists). WORD is the correct Fems of today. We have so many issues calling for our attention and we care more about who won American IDLE, or the scores of the game than that 1000s died from preventable disease. PRAYER is no solution.
Tragic indeed, Chomsky's not getting any younger, Howard Zinn is gone, what now? Chris Hedges?
We still do have a few great intellectuals left, I would say James Petras, Michael Parenti, Adolph Reed, Robert Parry, Paul Craig Roberts, Hedges as you stated, Ralph Nader and Jeffrey St. Clair, all are deserving of a thorough read whenever they publish a book, essay or article.
Prophetic words. Gore Vidal is a man of intellectual depth.
@UA-cam Vidal: "I was born 80 years ago in a country called the United States of America and now I live in a Homeland -- an expression we haven't heard since Hitler."
One of my most favourite Americans. I have read nearly everything he has written. Similar to Hitchens.
And 15 years later....What a visionary!
One of the greatest truth-tellers and bullshit-detectors the human race has ever produced/r.i.p.dear soul
Imagine what Vidal would have thought of Donald Trump in the White House.
Knowing Vidal's view on corporations and how American politics and residential elections work, I don't think he would have been that critical as some might expect.... Of course he would have laughed sardonic about Trump's vulgarity....
He would have pointed at the Democratic and the Republican party who caused Trump in the first place. Because that's the only rational way to explain it.
Vidal lived a long, industrious life. I wish there was someone to take his place now -- he is so needed.
Well,Norm Cromsky is still alive. Just as wise, and a great man.
This will never happen. The U.S. has been at full-throttle censoring truth tellers on television, radio, the internet, print media, even academia. The U.S. will collapse from within, very likely in the next 10-15 years max. But before that, they will go to war with Russia and China; very likely simultaneously. Then it's "game over" for all of us.
Even in decline, Vidal's brilliance shone. Here is a man, at this point living on alcohol and snacks, more informative and persuasive than any American personage of any age. He is on fire in this interview.
PROVE THAT HE WAS LIVING ON Alcohol and snacks....then prove you are not
Man was he right.
2007 when this video was made, I was not awake. Back then I believed the 9/11 story.
What caught my attention was when the banks collapsed 2008 and trillions $$ were given to the banks, but nothing to help people with mortgages.
I began to smell a rat on the same morning of the New York-DC "9-11"attacks. Within an hour or so of that disgraceful governmental betrayal of the American people, all three corporate-governmental networks (Fox News Corporation is solely a propaganda voice of the US Republican Party - so are all TV "free TV networks") had cameramen and reporters broadcasting from a motel in Afghanistan. Obviously the upper class rich people knew ahead of time the attacks were gonna happen to roll out "The Project for a New American Century." The American people are more skillfully brainwashed than the citizens of the former Soviet Union were, and were even, back in those days, complemented by Soviet bosses on their (our?) achievement.
He was a wise man. Thanks for sharing.
A truly remarkable interview.
I stumbled across this unprecedented character a few years ago. What a true American, he should have been President
100 years ago the U.S still had some sort of integrity.
Non remains now.
U.S raison d'etre, corporate power by any means necessary.
The existence of the Department of 'Homeland Security' certainly raises some disturbing issues.
video was made in 2007 and he uses words like "depression" and "riots" --he knows what's going on
"we are the edge of a dictatorship"
yes, yes we are. truer words have never been spoken ... and its perfectly the way they want it to be. people here love it just fine :-\
Yea, It's all of us Ron Paul Supporters!!!!!
Free Hugs From TX
He was just about the last of his kind. There is no one left to hold the mirror to our face and show us what we are really like.
comparing Vidal to ron paul is like comparing HL mencken to mr. magoo.
Long live freedom and democratic communism
"The belief is common that the day is at hand when corporations...swaying power such as has never in the world's history been trusted in the hands of mere private citizens...will ultimately succeed in directing government itself."
- Henry Brooks Adams, Grandson of President John Q. Adams (1838-1918).
I'm speechless.
Spike, don't cuss, it hurts your candidate
Who are you referring to on OUR side. Are you including Australia -which appears to be where you are from?
And if so, what other countries??
Back to the Constitution: bear that thought in mind in the cannabis debate. Remember the Ninth and Tenth Amendment? Jeff Sessions leaves that out when he speaks of "the rule of law." Back when the do-gooders wanted to outlaw booze even the law faculties admitted you needed a constitutional amendment to do so.
@scotty Another way to look at it scotty is what if THEY called a war and nobody showed up to fight?
If you are in favour of democracy, don't insult people who disagree with you. I agree with Vidal Gore, but I refuse to insult anyone - which doesn't alter what I think.
You're right.... but where's he standing in the popular ratings? (I've looked for polls on the net unsuccessfully. Perhaps an AMerican can direct me to some useful sites? It'd be appreciated.
Excuse me for misquoting. That should have been attributed to Churchill.
Out of curiosity, which country is that ?
You have a right to believe as you will, but I do not believe that.
Gore Vidal was a genius of sorts. No doubt he could hold his own with any opposition in a debate. But he said in him Memoirs that he realized for the first time the trouble with the US when he was hit with the very high tax rate of 90% for large incomes at the time. All of this was going to support our military exploits, he said.
Yes I have to agree. Sadly the masses are asses.The only thing that truly sets us apart from other animals is our ability to convince ourselves that we are something better than what we truly are. An all pervasive sense of entitlement. Our corporate owners know that if you massage our greedy nature you can do almost anything with or to us.
07 was b4 the crash i think, 1 of the few which where bold enough 2 talk about it.
Some of my videos are for fun - for a joke. You may be misunderstanding that. The political ones are for political reasons.
Sorry you did not get that.
I agree with everything here except about the nation going bankrupt. The US is a sovereign nation that has the authority to issue its own currency and can never go broke. Now private bankruptcy is definitely on the rise, though laws try to prevent it for people, not corporations. This is because the Wall St bankers that have inserted themselves into every presidential cabinet intentionally mismanage government finance so that the nation is forced to borrow credit from their banks for profit.
"The bank strategy continues: “If we can privatize the economy, we can turn the whole public sector into a monopoly. We can treat what used to be the government sector as a financial monopoly. Instead of providing free or subsidized schooling, we can make people pay $50,000 to get a college education, or $50,000 just to get a grade school education if families choose to go to New York private schools. We can turn the roads into toll roads. We can charge people for water, and we can charge for what used to be given for free under the old style of Roosevelt capitalism and social democracy.”
This idea that governments should not create money implies that they shouldn’t act like governments. Instead, the de facto government should be Wall Street. Instead of governments allocating resources to help the economy grow, Wall Street should be the allocator of resources - and should starve the government to “save taxpayers” (or at least the wealthy). Tea Party promoters want to starve the government to a point where it can be “drowned in the bathtub.”
But if you don’t have a government that can fund itself, then who is going to govern, and on whose terms? The obvious answer is, the class with the money: Wall Street and the corporate sector. They clamor for a balanced budget, saying, “We don’t want the government to fund public infrastructure. We want it to be privatized in a way that will generate profits for the new owners, along with interest for the bondholders and the banks that fund it; and also, management fees. Most of all, the privatized enterprises should generate capital gains for the stockholders as they jack up prices for hitherto public services.
You can see how to demoralize a country if you can stop the government from spending money into the economy. That will cause austerity, lower living standards and really put the class war in business. So what Trump is suggesting is to put the class war in business, financially, with an exclamation point."
Knowledge is power. We can take back power through the knowledge of how our currency functions.
1. Taxes do not fund federal spending. Taxes are deleted to offset what's been keystroked into the system throughout the year. Taxes serve to hold our currency's value and stave off inflation precisely because they are deleted.
2. All government spending is created currency, this is how currency gets injected into our economy. And only congress has the power to create currency per our Constitution article 1 section 8 clause 5, the coinage clause.
3. The Fed is NOT a private bank or private entity, it's a glorified middle man. Congress approves and appropriates funds, the fed and treasury dole it out. Done. This currency does not come from anywhere or anyone and is NOT a debt we owe. We created it from thin air and don't owe thin air a debt. All 12 board members of the fed are approved and appointed by Congress and all profits from the fed, after operating costs, are given to the Treasury.
The only thing the fed does independently is to set policy to hit target interest rates, all else is dictated by congress. Not a private entity. This also means that our national debt is not 20 plus trillion, it's around 5.6 trillion, this is debt held by foreign entities and what we owe. We owe no debt on created currency.
4. Inflation/spending. Inflation is touted as an absolute if our government spends but this is a complete falsehood. Spending is about actual resources including labor to allow spending, not inflation to rule spending out.
We have an abundance of resources, including labor, and can spend as needed until resources run low and real full employment is reached. This means we can fund healthcare, education, infrastructure, renewable energy, all of it and our economy would boom.
5. Why is not an eye blinked over 700 BILLION defense budget for one yr but we can't fund CHIP at 9 billion over 10 yrs?? Because the defense budget goes to the top, as most government spending does which has created the worst wealth and income inequality we've known post WWll.
ANY programs for The People are met with the lies of "we can't afford it" or "we're broke" or "taxes must be raised and spending lowered to fund insert program here". We are not broke, literally cannot go broke as the sole issuers of our currency, and as a monetarily sovereign nation can afford what we choose to afford. We can afford to fund the oligarchy but are " too broke" to fund The People. See the con job yet?
Now take in these stats. Our life expectancy has dropped for the second consecutive year. 83% of all economic gains went to the top 1% in 2017. 2 years ago 45,000 people died a yr due to lack of healthcare, it's now over 66,000 a yr. We now have the highest infant mortality rate of all developed nations. Over 77% of available u.s currency is owned by the 1%.
These stats are what they are because our power of currency has funded the few, creating an oligarchy. It could fund The People to the betterment of us all, our society and nation. It's not about hard work, who "deserves" what, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps or any of that bs.
We The People are turning into We The Indentured Servants of the Oligarchy precisely because our power of currency has been usurped, abused, and now amassed by the few.
We NEED a critical mass to understand how our currency works and get it working for The People once again. ~ Erin Story #LearnMMT #EachOneTeachOne
the term, Homeland implies dominion abroad...
He could not be more correct!
He was referring to Bruce Fein and the American Freedom Agenda, not Ron Paul's campaign, although Ron is tied to the AFA and Bruce Fein.
Bankruptcy for the nation!?!? He said it in august 2007!! Not bad, not bad at all, very good prediction I would argue.
Also Maliki just asked us to leave his country, and we said "No thank you, we're staying."
It's the fear of not being able to fulfil what we think society needs from us. Not being able to work or work enough to start a family or feed and house one. Not being able to fulfil the work hours required of us weekly. Feeling guilty for being sick and not as able as the next guy. Feeling oppressed by the class system. Feeling sad when we can't ever reach that minimum amount of comfort that will make us feel like a dignified human. The feeling of not being good enough. Want to die indeed!
2:56 ff: There is a curious coincidence between the full repayment in the late 1990s, by England and one other country, of the Lend-Lease provisions attendant on the end of WW2, which saw the US 2 steps ahead of everyone else for the last 50-60 years, and the onset of a GFC within a decade.
save the constitution!!!!!!!!!!!
Fifteen years later and all the things our egregiously corrupt government has done is staggering. I could list them but I would be typing for about a day.
so true
It's not a prophecy, it was reported by numerous economists ever since the financial deregulation of the 1970s, the only surprising aspect is the degree.
Well it's been over 15 years now. Out of the wars and almost bankrupt!
@theH0UNDSofD00M Yep, I was thinking the same damn thing. Vidal ain't no dummie.
Frivolous, no! Complacency, some! We have given much more money than we have received. As for media, the media in other countries will have its own bias. Work will have to be done slowly and surely by more involvement by more of us, in all countries to find peaceful ways to work together. Those who really want to do harm or stop Freedom, will still be perceived as enemies. Castro won't let people out. N. Korea won't let them in. Don't know about the rest, but they are not Free!
Every country is somewhat a Homeland. But, we became somewhat one when we were bombed in New York. That was not a happy nor planned event.
i think so. and sooner than 10-15 years
Sounds true to me
Vidal does indeed have a contempt for the American people, and rightly knows they are forgetful. No one seems to remember how hard he fought for the Vietnamese communist government, and no one bothers these days to address how repressive they are with the subjects of their Indochinese empire.
he's a cheerful get
Would you care to explain my "Double ignorance" or what that even means? Or would you like to invoke something like "facts" to back up your opinion? Its terrifying when education and the ability to form an opinion based upon the truth of the situation is supposedly a bad thing. Mark Twain said, "The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter." I've always begrudgingly accepted this maxim, and people like you reinforce it's truth.
Mashed potatoes for brains.
Welcome to 2021
Long live communism and eugenics
I agree with some of what Vidal is saying but he's too damn pro-Democrat. When the interviewer was saying "there's a group of ex-Regan conservatives [...] that are saying the constitution must be reclaimed" I very much believe he was hinting toward Ron Paul, and then Vidal says a very stupid comment about us being greedy. I'm surprised he doesn't know very much of Ron Paul, he certainly has a greater chance than Kucinich. Way more money and supporters.
2:32 we can't afford wars......he forsaw AFG withdrawal it in next 10 years
Just to clarify this was a reply to: "the emirates are a successful dictatorship, why cant the us be one?"
"2+2 is not possible in the United States of Alzheimer's." Did he just say that???
Eric Brown yes , yes he did and it makes sense
Keynes is probably the man whose ideas were the most influential in dragging the U.S. out of the depression in the 1930's, and they might help us in getting out of the current one also. But don't take my word on it : read Paul Krugman's book called 'Peddling Prosperity : Economic Sense and Nonsense in the Age of Diminished Expectations'. It might help you think of Keynes differently.
buchd151a very good post
The term "Homeland" implies dominion abroad.
2+2 isn't possible in the United States of Alzheimers!
The list of democracies we’ve taken to out still isn’t common knowledge. Even the nation wouldn’t cover it. This suppressed fact should be mentioned as much as possible until the whole nation knows.
“Gore Vidal: I think that they are a clear and present danger. [Laughter] And we must be on guard against the Enron/Pentagon junta that governs us so idly. You were talking earlier about who was the most surprised by 9/11. I had figured out some time ago and one of the reasons that I have this little list in the book of unilateral strikes that we have made against second and third world countries, over 200 of them since 1949, 1950. And sooner or later somebody was going to get irritable. I mean it’s bound to happen. The first law of physics is there is no action without reaction. Our rulers seem to be blithely unaware of this. They can do anything they like, and people can go lump it. I was betting not so much on a Muslim strike as a Panamanian one. The fury of Panama when we seized their ruler-Noriega-which automatically ended all drugs in America, have you noticed that since then? [Laughter] George Bush, Sr. did that for us because he cares. And we got another one. [Laughter] . . . We have been at war, really, ever since 1950. And the list that I have kept my piece from being published in Vanity Fair, and even The Nation wouldn’t take it. They couldn’t face this list of places that we had struck at like gallant little Panama, which is close to my heart, as you can see.”
You, young person, better hope that it is not. There are alot of lives depending on hope and a better future. That does not come by idealistic ranting. It takes work and passion. And things do not always go well, but I have been in some of the not-so-nice countries. That can be really frightening.
Sorry, I had to work for a living. Oh wait, people like me don't contribute anything, except pay taxes, help others, work for family, and country, and other countries, and spend a lifetime trying to be a better person. Get over your pompous self. Our country isnot doing thuggery against others, they did that to us over and over. God Bless our country. Yes it needs help and revamping. At least we are all still trying to do that.
Otherwise, I generally like Vidal.
This homeland stuff is annoying. The muslim's don't hate us. I was a reporter in Pakistan/Afghanistan in November/December 2001. I was aided consistently by muslims (fixers, government officials, ordinary people). They did not ask me who I voted for. They did not ask my angle on the war. I was for the intervention, so were most of those locals. Most spoke warmly when talking about relatives in the US or in Britain. Perhaps I was lucky. Who knows?
When I said young, I meant you have much to experience and learn.I hope and pray God will spare your soul and have mercy upon you. Just keep reading and researching. So, you feel uncomfort w/GOD he loves you unconditionally, do you know of anyone like that in the universe? I repeat GOD LOVES PENNY! God bless you. John 3:16. PEACE:)
I like your comment but I dont know whether to laugh or cry at it.
We're FUCT.
Everything he predicted is happening
ohh how thay talk the truth when there eyes turn grey with death i hope he looks back on his life as a giving one but somehow i dont think so.
Well we did get habeus corpus back, so maybe be all is not lost.
Gore Vidal is saying everything Ron Paul has been preaching for 20+ years
Prophesises bankruptcy for the nation
thats ben stillers dad, jerry stiller wake up dummies
Unfortunately, much of the true intelligence is not out for the general public. And it just may have to wait for the history books. But, Money is mishandled in all countries. And in many of the NOT Free nations, the leaders hoard the money, and make much less contributions to their people. We have to work on doing better, but some of your accusations are too extreme, in my humble opinion. Opinions are like behinds, everyone has one. That is mine.
Lost me at Keynes(ian)
Right, and the first time any of your other countries have a crisis, weather problem, tornado, Tzunami, attack, etc., it is us you ask for aid, money and our soldiers lives. After all, we were attacked. Shame on all of you for being turncoats.
Penny have you done any research into any of this, or are u just shooting off, come and talk w/us when you learn something. Reading is a very powerful tool to wisdom, shooting off in a confused manner doesn't help any of us. Read your Bible, read the news research articles on the internet, what you will find will make you so angry at your gov't you'll be spitting nails. I could share w/u where to find this info, good luck in the end times, you will be begging God to take you. U r very young.
Bankrupt government...what happens when a puppet goes bankrupt lol?
Who the fuck is Gore Vidal? He looks realy scary!
Ha ha what a nice thought. Adjust your meds...
Germany was called Fatherland not the Homeland, as far as I know
Once erudite, now bitter and demeaning. Just like the world he lives in. Uses a lot of trashy language in this video, but you really can't blame him. You know there's something wrong when "America's Oscar Wilde" starts talking like Rorschach.
You obviously don't really know what an "Ultra Leftist Nut" is. What do you not agree with pray tell.
Keynes had a brain? Too bad he didn't use it.
he speaks well enough for a fool .