Can Cleaners Clear Up This Abandoned Council Flat? | Filth Fighters | FULL EPISODE | Filth

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @bigb853
    @bigb853 Рік тому +5

    These boys are unsung heros and Tommy hss the right attitude! 💖💖

  • @deniseshephard3347
    @deniseshephard3347 Рік тому +9

    Anyone who vandalises any council property shouldn’t get offered another one as the individual clearly needs to be taught a lesson and be made to clear all their mess and taken to court and given a unlimited fine imagine being faced with needles and sharps and human waste and any drug paraphernalia and dog waste as well they shouldn’t be allowed to own any animals

  • @elevans5758
    @elevans5758 Рік тому +32

    Despicable that people treat their rental properties like that. They should not get another one.

    • @andljoy
      @andljoy Рік тому +1

      @ejuicevaper I agree but that one clearly is , why would they smash up the doors and kitchen .

    • @700lbsripped7
      @700lbsripped7 Рік тому +1

      @ejuicevaper thats not an excuse to destroy someone else's property

    • @quickchris10
      @quickchris10 Рік тому

      Looks like a violent murder took place there.

    • @quickchris10
      @quickchris10 Рік тому +1

      @ejuicevaper Or maybe horrible living conditions can cause massive depression.

    • @elevans5758
      @elevans5758 Рік тому +1

      @@andljoy, they probably smashed up the doors and the kitchen because they could, and because they have no respect for other peoples property.
      I have no empathy for vandals like that. They should live in a tent. as far as I am concerned.

  • @bunghole1947
    @bunghole1947 Рік тому +9

    Love your uploads Filth! Always great to see your new vids on my homepage!

  • @josefinematildehansenvonki2384

    9:15 love this guy he is very thorough

  • @Peter_Tissot
    @Peter_Tissot Рік тому +4

    Tommy is so good at his job, that the seagulls must be starving around his area =)

  • @chilledoutpaul
    @chilledoutpaul Рік тому +9

    Well done Tommy, Your very similar to me but your workshop is a lot larger lol, Keep happy tom

  • @CJN5787
    @CJN5787 9 днів тому

    Good on you two. You know you're doing a good job and that's what's important ❤

  • @jasminejohnstone1803
    @jasminejohnstone1803 Рік тому +4

    So sad you get given a council house and you trash it you should fine them and give them a warning if they trash another house they should be made to pay for all the damage i have a council house iv done it up its gorgeous but when i got it needed loads of work doing 😮😮

  • @MadelineRose-ep7fj
    @MadelineRose-ep7fj 10 місяців тому

    A very nice way to meet some very important citizens!😊

  • @deborahstone9696
    @deborahstone9696 Рік тому +3

    Install cameras in tipping areas, then fine them. Case closed.😢😊🎉🎉

  • @romeoslover817
    @romeoslover817 Рік тому +2

    People dump this kind of stuff (tires, mattresses) onto farmer’s fields, leaving the expense to them for clean up here in California.

  • @dalebenton3354
    @dalebenton3354 Рік тому +2

    when I lived at my first flat,Had all that quite often outside in the carpark,needles dumped,What about if a child comes to pick them up,Not good really

  • @dalebenton3354
    @dalebenton3354 Рік тому +2

    should see the amount of tires been dumped down the road from me,Some ones been having a good clear out lately,Dont think the farmer going to be to happy,Always some one fly tipping,Cost tax payers quite a bit for some one to clean some one elses rubbish up,Then people wonder why tax is always through the roof

  • @tasneembashir2733
    @tasneembashir2733 Рік тому +1

    Tom enjoy your lovely hobbies

  • @Peter_Tissot
    @Peter_Tissot Рік тому +2

    andy never learns, stop installing new doors. They are just gettin smashed to bits and burned!

  • @WendyP1965
    @WendyP1965 11 місяців тому

    I can't imagine destroying a home, and a home where u live no less?!
    The poor dogs having to live with these types of ppl!

  • @kreh1100
    @kreh1100 Рік тому

    Filth Fighters are my heros❤

  • @davidleeashkenazi8992
    @davidleeashkenazi8992 10 місяців тому

    12:05 not the brightest pushing against a spring mattress

  • @elzaaltmann
    @elzaaltmann Рік тому

    Time to build houses with those tires

  • @davidleeashkenazi8992
    @davidleeashkenazi8992 10 місяців тому

    Tommy's very proud of his job, even though it's quite rubbish

  • @veronicapace7198
    @veronicapace7198 6 місяців тому

    It could be useful if Tommy and the other cleaners were asked to go into grade schools and teach the young how to respect their bodies and environment. Adults need to know how many people and how much it cost to keep their streets and parks clean.

  • @smeeely
    @smeeely Рік тому +2

    no ones talking about he guy in the back at 9:34

  • @MrMississippiMan
    @MrMississippiMan Рік тому

    If you trash a house like that, you should be banned from ever being able to get one again.

  • @matthewperry5524
    @matthewperry5524 8 місяців тому

    So is council housing state funded housing ? Is just housing people r on a waiting list for but still have to pay for ? Confusing

  • @cathtf7957
    @cathtf7957 9 місяців тому

    They left because of the unbearable mess.

  • @me-wi7mr
    @me-wi7mr 4 місяці тому

    They really just take it from the public

  • @NotGreig
    @NotGreig Рік тому +1

    it's not they can't be bothered to take rubbish to the local tip it's the governments fault for charging money to use the tip. this will only change when the allow free tipping.

    • @FlipzMedia
      @FlipzMedia Рік тому +2

      That's not always true, where I live the tip is free to use and people still dump absolutely everywhere because they're too lazy to use it.

    • @marie34K
      @marie34K 11 місяців тому

      ​@@FlipzMediait really depends where you live . I live in a small Fren ch town, ( I’m French ) the landfill is free and our streets are absolutely pristine. Nobody litters , the city employees can work on numerous things since the only needed cleaning in the street is the electric brush, you know , the smallish truck with giant brushes ...

    • @genericname108
      @genericname108 Місяць тому

      Exactly. Capitalism strikes again moment

  • @ScottishPixie87
    @ScottishPixie87 Рік тому

    I love taken a wee trip to the tip to get rid of some crap ! Don’t know what peoples problem is?
    Edit ** I see in comments some places u have to pay 🤔 still doesn’t condone fly tipping .

  • @kathleenferguson7537
    @kathleenferguson7537 2 місяці тому

    Surely a camera would make sense .

  • @ashleymarshall5502
    @ashleymarshall5502 Рік тому +1

    I blame the lack of support from care services. Always underfunded meaning some people slip through the net and are exposed to this way of life. Probably an eviction and they had limited resources to clean out the place fully.

    • @quickchris10
      @quickchris10 Рік тому +1

      ``Limited resources to clean out the place fully?'' What about the limited resources causing them to punch dozens of holes in the wall, I wonder.

    • @cathtf7957
      @cathtf7957 Рік тому +1

      We need to stop blaming our difficulties on the government or their shortcomings. We aren't born as pawns of the state.

  • @EveryDooDarnDiddlyDay
    @EveryDooDarnDiddlyDay 10 місяців тому

    This is communism: Someone always ends up slave to your laziness.

  • @Muppio
    @Muppio Рік тому +1

    On the tipping: I can sort of understand when folks tip instead of getting it to the dump, especially if you have to fucking pay to do it.
    Other than that: Tommy is the man.

    • @andljoy
      @andljoy Рік тому

      I dont agree with them tipping it like that, but the tax payer ends up paying ether way so isn't is simpler to subsidise it so there is no need to dump them it would be cheaper.

    • @Muppio
      @Muppio Рік тому

      @@andljoy Never said i agreed with it, just that i understand.

    • @ritzharris1303
      @ritzharris1303 Рік тому

      @@Muppio Saying "I can sort of understand " is the same as saying I can kind of agree... What you don't have to pay to go to the dump where you live? That's like whining that you have to pay for the water when you take a shit.

    • @quickchris10
      @quickchris10 Рік тому

      @@ritzharris1303 It doesn't mean exactly the same thing. It means they have empathy. People who have empathy say, ``I can sort of understand.'' Different words from ``I agree.'' Different words mean different things. That being said, Marvel should do a superhero who cleans. They need a lock-picking set, tho, because sometime Tommy may come upon a mess to which he needs access . . . .also, those fly tippers have quite the hustle, picking up people's junk, charging those people for it, and then going and tipping out the stuff w/o going to the landfill.

    • @CountessAura
      @CountessAura Рік тому

      I don’t know how it works in other counties but in the county I’m in you don’t have to pay to use the tip unless you’re a business.