🎵Relaxing Sleep Music PLAYLIST ua-cam.com/video/MUeWuEOEcMI/v-deo.html 🎵 Piano Tutorial : ua-cam.com/video/Wm44IktmvlM/v-deo.html 🎵 Spotify (Tido Kang) 1st Official Album spoti.fi/3djad50 2nd Official Album spoti.fi/3cggjSx 3rd Official Album spoti.fi/2TTJ3dp 4th Official Album spoti.fi/2TSuDu5 🎵Apple Music : apple.co/38n6wcb ♪ Sound Cloud ♪ : soundcloud.com/tido-kang 🎵Amazon : amzn.to/39kUFwI 🎵Piano Sheet : www.mymusicsheet.com/tidokang/16663
hi, before I want to say thank you. I'm having a hard time and giving me headaches and insomnia. but thanks to your music, that helped me a lot. really soothing. thank you very beautiful music. for everything stay healthy and happy in any case.✨🌸
I've been looking for new relaxing music to add on my playlist, been checking for some times and this one suits me best for this time. so Keep it up, thank you for composing this
Untuk kamu yang membaca ini, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa kamu adalah seseorang yang kuat, Tuhan memberikan dirimu cobaan karna Dia tahu kamu bisa melewati semua itu, menangislah seperlunya jika kau rasa air matamu sudah tak mampu lagi ditampung, kau harus tau dari sekian banyak orang yang menyakitimu entah itu orang tua mu, sahabat mu, kekasih mu, bahkan seseorang yang baru saja kau kenal akan ada diantara mereka orang yang benar-benar menyayangi mu dengan sungguh-sungguh, Tidurlah dan bangun di hari esok dengan senyum yang ceria dan pastikan dirimu tak akan menangis lagi . Aku tak mengenal siapa dirimu tapi satu hal yang ku tahu pasti kau adalah seseorang yang sangat kuat karna kau membaca teks ini . Tuhan sedang merecanakan sesuatu yang sangat indah untuk mu jadi menetap dan tunggulah hal itu ♡ .
Don't worry guys,, everything's gonna be okay,, you'll be a successful person one day,, your hard work will pay off,no one can judge you,,i know you're tired rn,,get some rest and i hope you'll be back stronger...have a nice day !
Buat siapa pun yg baca ini, SEMANGAT YA!! Setiap masalah pasti ada solusi, boleh sedih tapi jangan lupa bangkit lagi. Jangan pernah merasa sendiri, lihat dan baca komen Vidio ini!! walaupun kita ga kenal tapi anggaplah kami semua teman temanmu. Buat yang dijauhin temen sekolah, sebenernya kamu punya temen kok! tapi Tuhan belum kasih yang tepat. Kamu ga mau kan salah milih temen? aku dan mereka semua yang lihat Vidio ini temen kamu cuman kita ga pernah dan ga kenal aja:) Buat anak broken home, SEMANGAT!! Tunjukin kalau kalian bisa tanpa mereka, tunjukin kalau kamu bahagia tanpa mereka. Aku yakin kalian pasti bisa!! Mungkin kamu masih butuh mereka.. tapi jadilah orang yang tidak selalu mengandalkan orang lain. Kalian diciptakan dengan hati yang kuat oleh Tuhan, kalian anak anak terpilih dikasih hati dan mental sekuat baja. Suatu saat setiap anak pasti akan kehilangan orang tua mereka ntah itu karna meninggal atau yg lain. Nanti ada saatnya kalian bertemu orang yang tepat sebagai suami/istri kalian dan menjadi teman hidup. Saat itu kamu akan bahagia, ingat supaya anak anakmu kelak tidak mengalami hal yang sama ya! sekali lagi SEMANGAT!! Buat yang sedang difase overthinking, Kalian harus bangkit, jangan mencemaskan hal yang tidak perlu. Memang susah, tapi coba sedikit sedikit lebih bodoamat. Terkadang tidak semua hal harus dipikirkan. Coba buat lebih cuek dan bodoamat, pikirkan yang membuatmu bahagia. Buat kita yang umur umur remaja gini wajar kok! jangan merasa sendiri. Banyak yang sedang mengalami seperti kalian. TETAP SEMANGAT DAN JANGAN MENYERAH!! Tunjukan suatu saat nanti kamu bisa sukses dan jadi orang yang berguna buat siapa saja terutama orang tua. Aku tau kalian sedang tidak baik baik saja karna kalian puter Vidio ini, aku juga sama:) Jangan begadang mulu ga baik buat kesehatan, dan beresiko cepat meninggal lho. Coba pejam matamu sampai terlelap, sering sering begitu tiap malam supaya ga insom lagi. Jangan lakukan hal hal tidak baik ya! mungkin itu menyelesaikan masalah, tapi hanya sesaat. Tidak merasakan sakit lagi dibumi tapi merasakan sakit dineraka. Pilih mana hayo? Kalau mau nyilet tangan mending diganti dengan buku trus dicoret coret terserah mau gimana bentuknya dan lihat gambaran emosimu itu. Jangan nangis trus tiap malem kasian tubuh kamu butuh istirahat, air matamu diLap dulu ya.. kamu harus istirahat, selamat tidur❤️
Reading the comments, listening to the relaxing music and trying to fall asleep, ignored the tears on the pillow.. Wow we are doing the same things guys... Nighty~
Man, this helped me going through the worst time of my life. I mean, I can't sleep well, but this music - Oh, God, I can finally fall asleep! I love it!
What a strong person you are. Look, you still here not giving up. This life have so many to offer. There's always a rainbow after the rain. All those bad days shall pass. It shall pass. Have a faith
mau nangis? nangis aja, keluarin bebannya. jangan ditahan. kalau udah lega, langsung tidur ya? jangan lupa doa. bangun dengan senyuman besok dan berharap banyak hal baik terjadi. love you ❤
For over a year, at night, whether I’m feeling sad, anxious, confused or even frustrated, this music calms me down and helps me fall asleep easier. I’m no where close to being an artist, therefore it might be difficult to put this into words, yet, this music is therapeutic. Especially for me, someone that lacks a friend, or someone I feel comfortable with to rely on or express my emotions to. Tido Kang, I dont know if you know this. After reading the comments, including my own experience, I hope you understand the positive impact you’ve had on people’s lives. Over 33 million to be exact, that’s truly remarkable and I’ll always be thankful for that :)
"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It means that you have been strong for too long" and remember, it's okay to cry..you don't have to be happy all the time. Best wishes❤❤❤
"Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"
gapapa nangis aja, jangan di tahan yah air matanya, Tuhan menciptakan mu dengan keadilan, mungkin saat ini kau dalam masalah tapi nanti akan terbalas dengan kesenangan yang melimpah, keep strong yah❤️
Setiap mau tidur selalu memutar lagu ini, baca komentar aku sedikit terharu. Ternyata masih banyak orang yang peduli. Untuk siapapun yang membaca ini, terimakasih sudah bertahan dan berjuang hari ini, terimakasih sudah bekerja keras. Apapun yang terjadi, tolong jangan melukai diri sendiri, cintai diri sendiri sebelum orang lain ❤️
Teruntuk siapapun kamu yang sedang membaca ini, untuk orang yang selalu merasa salah atau disalahkan, semesta ga pernah berpihak ke kamu, rumah dan keluarga pun sudah tidak ada arti sebagai alasan yang tenang untuk singgah dan sudah tidak nyaman untuk melepas kepenatan, untuk kamu yang sedang patah hati entah karena cinta,ditinggal teman, dikecewakan oleh orang tua sendiri. Untuk kamu yang selalu terbiasa apapun sendiri. Untuk kamu yang selalu di sakiti. Untuk kamu yang telah menyakiti. Untuk kamu yang lelah dengan hidup ini. Untuk kamu yang selalu kurang percaya diri. Untuk kamu yang merasa menjadi anak broken home. Untuk kamu yang keluarga nya lengkap dan merasakan amat bahagia. Dan kamu harus percaya bahwa Tuhan punya cara lain untuk kita bahagia untuk bagaimana menjalani kehidupan yang indah, entah dengan proses diuji dengan yang kamu rasakan banyak masalah dimana mana, merasa terasingkan, dan hidup kamu terasa begitu berat memikul beban yg amat berat. Guys, Sekali lagi Tuhan punya cara untuk membuat hambanya bahagia dengan rencana yang ia buat, semua rencana yang ia buat pasti tidak akan pernah membuat kecewa kamu, percaya pada rencana-Nya, berusaha semampu dan sekuat tenaga dan diiringi doa, optimis roda hidup akan berputar, yang sedih akan jadi bahagia, yang miskin akan jadi kaya, yang disakiti akan dicintai 😊. Untuk kamu yang sedang baca ini, semangat. Hidup kamu bukan soal bagaimana bisa bertahan dengan semua ini, tapi bagaimana kamu menunjukkan bahwa kamu mampu bisa menginginkan apa yg kamu inginkan. Self reminder and yourself. Laa tahzan innallaha ma'ana❤️
Reading the comments really makes my eyes tear up. Thank you to everyone who wrote sweet and motivating words for strangers. Thank you for making me happy and making me smile.
Same they make my eyes tear up. I really need some support some one is bing mean to me I feel sad :( so I come here and all of you are so sweet thank you :)
Bener-bener bikin aku ngerasa tenang, hari ini banyak banget hal-hal yang bikin hati, tenaga dan pikiran capek. Rasanya pengen cerita tapi kaya gak keluar suaranya tiba-tiba gatau mau ngomong apa. Pengen nangis tapi kaya ada yang nahan dan itu bikin hati sakit banget sampe gatau apa sebenernya yang lagi aku kalutin. Denger ini aku jadi bisa ngeluarin semua emosi yang aku pendam lewat nangis yang udah ketahan-tahan. Terkadang sendirian, diem, merenung sambil dengerin kaya gini adalah obat yang lumayan membantu. Setelah baca-baca komen-komen disini pun aku ngerasa, di dunia ini gak cuma aku aja yang punya masalah, gak cuma aku aja yang lagi gak baik-baik aja, gak cuma aku aja yang ngerasa dunia berputar gak adil. Semoga kita selalu bisa bangkit atas semua ujian yang dateng ya. Amin. ❤
Hewwo to everyone who can't sleep right now and thinking about school or any other problems i wanted to say something to you "everything is gonna be fine, nothing bad will happen :D" have a good sleep time :)
Angin berhembus tidak untuk menggoyangkan Pepohonan, Melainkan untuk menguji kekuatan akarnya ~Ali bin Abi Thalib~ Dan sampai detik ini saya masih di ambang kebimbangan terkait dengan apa yang akan datang di masa depan, entah saya akan mendapatkan cita-cita yang saya inginkan atau saya bernasib jauh dari mimpi yang saya harapkan. Teruntuk Kalian semua yang lagi berada di fase fase sulit, tetap berjuang dan terus berdo'a semoga kalian bisa mendapatkan cita-cita yang kalian inginkan. Panjang Umur Pekerja Keras!! - Malang 29 September 2020 2:21 -
Untuk kamu yang membaca ini, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa kamu adalah seseorang yang kuat, Tuhan memberikan dirimu cobaan karna Dia tahu kamu bisa melewati semua itu, menangislah seperlunya jika kau rasa air matamu sudah tak mampu lagi ditampung, kau harus tau dari sekian banyak orang yang menyakitimu entah itu orang tua mu, sahabat mu, kekasih mu, bahkan seseorang yang baru saja kau kenal akan ada diantara mereka orang yang benar-benar menyayangi mu dengan sungguh-sungguh, Tidurlah dan bangun di hari esok dengan senyum yang ceria dan pastikan dirimu tak akan menangis lagi . Aku tak mengenal siapa dirimu tapi satu hal yang ku tahu pasti kau adalah seseorang yang sangat kuat karna kau membaca teks ini . Tuhan sedang merecanakan sesuatu yang sangat indah untuk mu jadi menetap dan tunggulah hal itu ♡ .
To some one out there, whoever needs a cheering up right now: fighting!! The storm is only temporary, the storm and raging seas will go and calm down and you will finally see the sun and feel peace. You got this, whatever it is that you’re going through, you will get over it, you will overcome it, you won’t stay there. You are already so strong just being alive and living every day out, so keep going at it, never give up, you can do this. You will overcome. You will succeed. You will get through it all. I got through the storm of a very hard chapter in my life, you will too. Not as fast as we would like, but it will end soon! Don’t give up, be as optimistic as you can! Take that free time to yourself! Do what makes you feel happy and at peace! Don’t neglect yourself and rest, take care of yourself and eat well. You need to vent it out, cry it all out. For you aren’t alone. So many are with you in this long fight called life. And we will all get through it. Everyone will get through it. You got this. You’ve made it so far, look at you, you are never going down. Congratulate yourself on those small efforts- waking up, getting up and going on through your day, doing that homework, caring for yourself, eating well, giving yourself the time you need, feel proud of the resistance you have had through all this time. The storm will pass, it won’t last forever. So to who ever you are, I am very proud of you. I really am. It’s not easy. I know for a fact from personal experience that it’s not. But you’re here. You’re alive and breathing. Your doing so well already. You got this. Keep going you, and reach high. You will get there, you will conquer, you will overcome. Fighting!!! 🤍✨
i feel empty and useless. I don’t know how i can move forward each day, but listening to Tido Kang’s music somewahat alleviate my emptiness. For anyone who is experiencing the same, I’m giving you a virtual hug.
Hey , the one reading this comment . I know life is hard, I know it's not going to be easy , but trust me, u r not alone , we all are together looking at the same sky, the same stars, the same moon and one day , we shall encounter the warmth of sun, the sunlight, the sunshine that will drift away all the darkness from our life, till then just know, we all r together . We are here . We are not different . We are not alone . 💛 . Keep fighting !
I can feel the deapth of the same that u said and so I admit YES we are together . Even Living in the world's different corners somehow we all are together .
Untuk semua orang yang sedang dalam kebimbangan, kesedihan, kegelapan dalam setiap langkahnya seperti tidak ada pertolongan dari mana pun, seperti doa yang tak pernah terjawab, seperti nafas yg tersengal bersamaan dengan air mata, kita sama :"), tidak selamanya berusaha merasa baik-baik saja selalu bijak, sesekali luapkan kenyataan terdalam yg paling menyakitkan buatmu. Kita bersama, kawan.
Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it. Your face isn't a mask, so don't hide it. Your size isn't a book, don't judge it. Your heart isn't glass, don't let others shatter it. Your life isn't a film, don't end it. I just want to say to whoever happens to read this, I love you and wish you a peaceful sleep and a wonderful, beautiful day. You are not alone 👍
I’m feeling a bit sad and lonely as of late, reading this comment section genuinely made me cry. Knowing that there are so many kind people across the world who try to brighten up a strangers day honestly gives me hope for the future of this world. Thankyou.
tau ga sii,aku tadinya kesini cuma mau iseng dengerin lagunya ,tapi setelah baca komenan kalian aku jadi nangis dan ngerasa banget,aku udah cukup kuat selama ini untuk tetap terlihat baik baik saja,aku percaya dengan diriku,aku bisa melalui semuanya,makasii buat komen komen kalian yang udah buat aku sadar bahwa aku akan menjadi kuat untuk selanjutnya,lega bgt rasanya kalo bisa nangis dan ada beberapa orang yang ternyata memahami keadaan kita:)
hey.. sudah berapa kali senyum hari ini?sudah berapa kali menangis hari ini?hentikan tangis nya ya.. you're stronger than you think, jangan takut untuk memulai, jangan ragu untuk mencoba, jika perjuangan hari ini terasa begitu berat? lihat lah pemandangan dari atas, indah bukan? jangan sedih terus ya..you're all beautiful, more beautiful than you know, perjuangan kamu masih panjang, jangan berhenti..duduk dulu yuk kalau letih, nanti dilanjut lagi kalau sudah pulih sampai Tuhan berkata "Sudah nak, waktunya untuk pulang" semangatt-!!!
@@zilfasakinag.1977 kamu indah bahkan kamu pasti punya sesuatu yang dibanggakan di diri kamu, satu hal yang kamu harus tau, kamu setegap ini karena diri kamu sendiri, jadi kamu gapunya tanggung jawab buat kasih tau seberapa besar nilaimu ke orang lain, oke? i'm proud of you
To anyone reading this, I wish for the storms in your heart to quiet down, for the pressures of life to become more manageable, and for each heavy thought to transform into a source of inspiration and renewal. May your soul find the peace it seeks.
Psst! Hey you! Yes you! I just want you to know that your are beautiful as an angel! If there was a stronger word to use other than beautiful.. I'd use it. Don't listen to what other people say, your unique and they are just normal. If your gaving a bad night, here (gives favourite plushie) hug it if you want to. Don't worry you can cry, crying releases our emotions in any way! Please know that you are cared for, loved for, and no one will ever forget you! Say 'I love you' too the people you love right now! So they know that people love them as well. I know we're just complete strangers, but that doesn't mean we care for you! Now, you and I know nothing about our personal life, but just know that I love you, God loves you, your family loves you, the community loves you, and that will never change! 💖👍 -Love from the Philippines! :)
Çok rahatlatıcı emeğin için teşekkürler. Canı sıkılan veya kendini kötü hissedenlerin şunu bilmesini istiyorum bazen hayata acılar olucak bazen kapanması zaman alıcak bazen hiç kapanmıyıcak bazen acı bir tebessüm hoş bir gülümsemeye dönüşücek ama siz hayatta hangi şartlarda hangi duygularda olursanız olun kendinizi hayatın güzelliklerine kapatmayın çünkü bu dünya çok kısa ve sen güzel insan bu dünyadaki tüm güzel yerleri güzel sesleri keşfedilmesi gereken tüm güzellikleri hissetmeye keşfetmeye layık bir insansın. Bunu okuduğun için teşekkürler güzel insan iyi geceler 🤗
I dont really understand with my feelings right now ;( Anxiety, depression, i want it to be done. I just wanna say thank you. This song makes me better
It is late. Why have not you fallen asleep yet ? You think about him ?, Thinking about the future ?, Thinking what you should be tomorrow morning? Your mind needs rest. Your heart needs peace. Your body is already weak. There are things that should not be forced. Just live it maybe tomorrow is fine. Sleep well, the night is too evil for those of you who have bothered to think about how to rest. Close your eyes, the person you long for will be present in your dreams as soon as the dark night.
To those who wrote sweet comments: You don't know how much I needed these words.. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart❤️❤️ I'll never forget the happiness you gave me and I am sure it will come back to you someday💙✨
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"
Tysm I need to hear this from people more often, I just moved across Canada and on Monday I’m starting at a new school I’m really scared and I hope people like me and that we can be friends. ❤️
Hey you! Yes you, reading the comments listening to this beautiful melody . Go to sleep ! Our beautiful souls needs peace and rest too. So Don't think too much about tomorrow. what comes your way, comes your way and you will always get over it , Because you are strong and even stronger than you think. You've been working hard all day , so please give yourself a rest. You did your best , you did more than enough. Even if you feel like the world isn't treating you well, just know that even if everyone is against you, i'll always be here to comfort you. Goodnight beautiful💗🌙
untuk aku, kamu, dan kalian. aku setuju kalau beban yang kalian bawa saat ini sangat berat. aku setuju kalau hati yang kalian bawa ini berdetak sakit. aku juga setuju kalau kalian engga apa apa. tapi, aku ga setuju kalau kalian nangis terus. aku ga setuju kalau kalian nyakitin diri sendiri. aku ga setuju kalau kalian ngerasa bukan suatu hal yang ga berharga. aku engga setuju sama sekali. kalian berharga, amat sangat, aku percaya dan aku setuju tentang itu. terlebih masalah kekurangan kekurangan yang ada dalam diri kalian, kalian tetap sesuatu yang berharga. amat sangat. percaya, Tuhan menyiptakan hamba-Nya bukan semena-mena tanpa alasan. jadi tolong bertahan sedikit lagi ya! tolong tambah kuat lagi, ya! terlepas dari apapun itu... aku harap kalian lebih bertahan lagi. aku yakin akan datang seseorang yang akan memelukmu setiap hujan. menggandeng tanganmu di ramainya jalan. dan mengangkatmu saat jatuh. orang itu ada, makanya aku harap kalian bertahan sedikit lagi saja ❤️ oh ya, terima kasih sudah bertahan sejauh ini🦋✨❤️ ingat ya, kalian berharga
If u read this comment just make sure to be happy everyday, always have positive thoughts and never let someone else make you feel bad for who you are be you BE AWESOME!.
Any one still here in 2024? If you're reading this comment, remember that a calm mind is the greatest treasure. Chill like the ocean waves, finding peace in the ebb and flow of life
Dear me, Sometimes, it's ok to be not ok, you're still a human being with a heart, feelings, fears, dreams, and the other things that keep revolve around you. You're at the peak of your life, but it doesn't mind that you're unworthy and don't deserve anything. The pain is scary, the life is scary. Sometimes, you're trapped on your past, trapped on your dream, and the most terrible thing, you're still at the middle of nowhere, keep wandering alone just by yourself to find who you really are. Hey, now you know, I want to tell you, you're matter, keep alive. Hang in there.... Please? Everything will be ok, not soon, but anytime. Your future isn't decided yet, so who knows about it? Today, you did well, so, sleep well! From someone who always stares back at you through the mirror, me.
Aww ty :) u made me cry:( but it's ok tysm for ur message I rlly love it :3 Always me looking in the mirror questioning Why iam Ugly.,chubby,skinny...useless trash seeing my face in the mirror look terrible:(
You are stronger than you think, You can be powerful, You have came this far, You cant give up now, Whenever you are tired everyone will be around to help you through dark times. I dont know you, I haven't met you,i dont know what you look like, i dont know what you sound like. But what i know is.. You are brave,Independent,Confident Beautiful, And most of all Strong. So know that people all around the world Have this type of feeling. -Me Edit: Im glad To see People Happy By My message.
I can't say thank u enough to all of you who commented comforting words in this comment section. You guys have no idea how it helps me to feel calm and loved. I wish all of you love, good health, and happiness. Thank you, I love you ❤
انا فخور بيك يا ايتها💓 الحسناء 💞 على على الرغم من اننا لم نلتقي بك ابدا وربما لن نلتقي ابدا ياملاك الروح واسطورة الزمان ياسيدة الانوثة ويا كتلة من الاحساس والفرح والجمال وقبلة الشرفاء يالتي تشفي الروح والحب والعشق في قلوب كل العاشقين ويا اجمل كلام على كل اللساني يانبع الحنان والحب والعطاء انتي كنجمة بالسماء مشرقا بي اجمل الوان العشق الجنوني مابعدها جنوني واجمك النسائي على ارض الاحلام والا حزان والاجدادي احس انك إمرأة عظيمة وعالم من الحب والحنان والاخلاص وقلبك الكبيرالمليئ بالصدق والايمان ويانبعة الصفاء والنقاء وصاحبة الوجه الابيض وسيدة كل النساء وصاحبة القرار في كل مكان وزمان وعالمك العجيب والغريب كلها مليئ بالغموض والاسرار كعمق البحار واشياء تفوق العقل والفكر والوجداني تقشعر لها الابداني ولايمكن وصفها في اي زمان ومكان حتى في الاحلام كإنك ملاك الروح نزلت من السماء بلبسها الابيض وحلم لكل العاشقين فهل سنلتقي ام سيفوت قطار العمر كأن لم يكن يومآ وجودنا على ارض الاحزان والاحلام والاجدادي ولا في عالم العاشقين حتى لو لم نلتقي فلسنا الوحيدين الذين خسرو كل شيئ فبعض الناس لم بتذوقو لذة الحياة وسكرات الموت ويعيشون بين حلم وخيال في زمنن لا مكان للعاشقين واخاف مع مرور الايام والزمن ان نصبح في طي النسيان ونختفي في عالم الفنائي من رغم كل شيئ ستبقي امرأة عظيمة واخت الرجال مهما تغير الزمان والأيام سيبقى قلبك الكبير مليئ بالصدق والايمان وقريب من الله في كل الاتجاهات حتى اخر الايام بنور الرحمن في زمنين لامكان للعظماء والشرفاء على هذه الأرض يا زهرة مزرعة في قلب ملايين بأجمل الوان المحبة والسلام والحياة يا اغلى من ذهب والمرجاني ساحلم حتى يتحقق حلمي حتى لو كان هذا الحلم من الوهم والخيالي لها حبي وأشتياقي الابدي بالدموع الحزن والفرح والبكائي يا اغلى انسانه على وجهه الارضي💓💓 وبين كل الناسي بقلم شاعر دلكش اوسي الكوردي_
been listening to this for two weeks now. people around me can't understand why i can't fall asleep when i told them for a million times that its my mdd. this helps a lot. even though i don't have people who believes me and helps me, this music helps. a lot. thank you
*Why crying??* *You've taken it so far, and you're going to finish it soon. Keep the same courage and don't leave hope. It's almost over* Now sleep!! You have one more fight tomorrow✨💖
I know we don't know each other, maybe we speak different languages, because I'm Russian, but I want to tell you that everything will be fine, good luck to you, good night and don't be sad!
i think it's so painful that strangers can make you feel better than the people you konw but at the same time i think when corona comes and people feels same pain they can relax each other even if they dont know who is making them feel better even for 1 second better than their family and other people that they know. I think after corona world can be more beautiful than now❤
Dulu saya tidur di temenin ibu tapi sekarang ibu udh ga ada. Setiap aku tidur aku membayangkan ibu ada di sisi ku. Jadi bagi kalian yang punya ibu hargai lah dan sayangilah:)
To everyone out there who might be suffering. It’s going to be fine. You have made it this far and you can make it further. You are extremely strong and beautiful. Please recognise all the beautiful things about yourself. It’s okey to be sad. It’s okey to be in pain. It’s okey to feel unmotivated. Your feelings are valid. You will make it through this, I promise you. You will only get stronger and stronger from here. One day you will feel extremely loved. One day you might find a significant other. One day you might become a parent. Think about your future. There are endless possibilities. It’s hard. It’s really fucking hard. But guess what? You are strong. Life is painful and not fair. But life is also beautiful. Your life is also beautiful and I promise you that one day you will feel alive.
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏
He means he's going to erase the past with his events, his memories, his experiences, and start a new life new beginning like new book with white pepper✨... You can do it 💪❤️❤️
Most of the comments saying something about they listen to this before sleep but I listen to this while studying. It's very relaxing and it helps me concentrate and understand what I study ❤️❤️
Pretending that we are happy when we are sad to cover up the pain might not be a good thing, but it shows us how strong we are! I love everyone because i truly believe there is kind in everyone! I also believe that everyone in this world is deserving of love no matter what youre going through! And to those who believe they cannot be loved, i will love you because even though it may seem like rock bottom, and you may be loosing hope, you can certainly have hope in finding love! Rest your head everyone, sleep easy, forget your worries and let them go, try to relax, and think about every happy moment, because when you worry, youre hanging onto the bad moments, forget them! And remember when you smiled because your friend made you laugh! Let your heart rest in peace as you sleep deep and dream about sitting in the sunshine with all of your friends! And for now, forget about everything bad, and just rest, rest, rest❤️❤️
For everyone who reads this comment .... you are too strong to be sad about temporary things. Love yourself every body will love you back...have sweet dream love you ❤️
O ALLAH, guide them to Islam. To see each other in the Paradise.💚 I swear by ALLAH who does not enter Islam and knows what Islam will enter Hell, but Muslims will enter PARADISE😭😭😭💚 ALLAH created you Muslims, but whoever lived in a non-Muslim environment became like them, but the human instinct since his birth is Islam.
I love how all the comments and people supporting people they don’t know. It does help and I hope people on this will smile and relax. You guys deserve it
Hey, dont worry God has your back, dont give up, God has an amazing plan for you, you just have to trust in him, believe in him, give your life to him and stop running away from him, he Loves you, that's why he made you, he's the artist your the masterpiece so stop judging yourself. You're worth it dont let anyone tell you otherwise. 💗
Yang mampir kesini kayaknya pada ambyar semua yah :" istirahatkanlah diri klen gais, bukan dunia yang terlalu keras tapi kita yang harus lebih kuat menghadapi kerasnya dunia. Good Night♥
Hello, tido. I'm writing this purposely, solely to inform you that your music helps me feel better. It soothe me a lot as I had problem with sleeping & falling asleep but after hearing this music ver. of yours, truly helps me to fall asleep peacefully & getting comfy within living inside my dream. The sound emits cozy aura, crazy that a mere sound could do more than we ever expect, loving it from last year until today. Keep up! I love you❤ Thankyou for creating this masterpiece!
I'm come here to relax but the comments make me in tears..I never get the compliment from people to tell me "be strong","im here with you"..but now the people I dont even know where they come from is tell me all this..thank you..thank you for come when I really need it❤❤❤
If you see this comment, I want to thank you for living with me on the same planet. You are not alone in this world. I hope this comment can make at least one person a little bit happy. This is all I want and wish good health to you
Trust me.. these are the magical momwnts of ur life... Ones u come out of it life is no more the same and u just stop feeling any sensation.. I miss those days wen i pulled myself together in a corner, plugged in my earphone and cried ivr sad tune.. Now that i reflect back those memories were thrilling..
Just cry if you want to, cry so hard. Then tell everything you feel to God, He always be with you, He will always hear you. And, trust it. He has a best miracle's for you. Its oke not to be oke, now. But tomorrow is your new day. Keep smile, and continue your life with a new spirit🍁😊❤
Aku datang kesini dgn keputusasaan, marah, kecewa, lelah, merasa dunia gak adil untukku, kukira hanya aku ternyata aku tidak sendiri kalian pun merasakanya, peluk erat dari jauh untuk kalian yg lelah menghadapi kerasnya dunia, yuk sama sama saling menguatkan :')
O ALLAH, guide them to Islam. To see each other in the Paradise.💚 I swear by ALLAH who does not enter Islam and knows what Islam will enter Hell, but Muslims will enter PARADISE😭😭😭💚 ALLAH created you Muslims, but whoever lived in a non-Muslim environment became like them, but the human instinct since his birth is Islam.
To everyone who wrote all these wonderful messages to cheer ppl up : Thank you so much for spending your time writing each and every words of comforts, and encouragements. Your words have soaked deep down to the bottom of my heart. Just by scrolling down the comments, I’ve felt so much better... from being so numbed,sad and depressed. Sometimes I felt like I’m running out of breath, but those little kind words helped a bit. Idk if you’re like me but I’m thankful for that. So much things have happened in the past few weeks and months and I’ve never one day feel the peace of mind anymore. Every night I keep thinking how can I survive in this cruel world, with all these negative and toxic people around me. Other than telling you’ve got this, it’ll be fine, don’t worry... they just say these hurtful words like “ just quit, you can’t do that, that’s not for u, you dun even have a mom, you’re poor, just keep daydreaming” I mean.... please ;( stop Anw thanks for sharing this music... this helped me a lot xoxo
my dear, goodnight and sweet dreams 🎀🌌 just forget all your problems and negative emotions🫂 yes, maybe today was not the best day, so you need to relax, it will help you in the future.
I love how I just listen to this and read so many wholesome comments that make all my worries go away. Really made me sleep well. Thank you! Have a nice day :D
To all people reading this: You are loved and you are strong. You'll get through what ever you need to get through. Have faith and trust yourself because you're important and you have worth. Smile, now, please? I love you all 😩❤️
Thanks 🙏🙇 for this beautiful.... Wish. Today u make.... Me realise that i m not the only..... One.... Who.... Is feeling unimportant..... And.. Nobody for anyone..... There is somewhere somebody else who have same... Feelings like.... Me....
Dengerin lagu ini menjamin mata sambil mikirin masalah sampe nangis tiba tiba ketiduran rasanya tuh enak banget, malah lebih nyaman kek gini ketimbang harus cerita ke orang tapi jawaban nya selalu "Yang sabar yah" :)
:'( They feel your heart but they may be lack of making comfortable words. They are there for you. They want you to get stronger yet you have them to hear all your story and give you solution if you want it. Stay strong, sabar yah :'( Sabar, bukan buat kamu aja. Tapi buat aku juga 😭😭😭 ya Allah, beri aku kesabaran, beri aku kekuatan 😭😭😭😭
Untuk kalian yg saat ini mungkin tidak baik-baik saja, ada yg mungkin resah nan gelisah krn masalah, ada yg tersakiti dan blm terobati,, tenang.. Yakinlah kalian psti mampu melaluinya, smua psti ada hikmahnya.. Bukankah pelangi menghampiri setelah awan mendung menutupi,?? Teruslah jgn prnah berhenti untuk bermimpi, dan jika kalian ingin bermimpi maka tidurlah,, namun jgn lupa, jika kalian ingin mewujudkan mimpi2 itu maka bangunlah, sambutlah hari esok dg semangat, ceria dan penuh tawa, tak perlu berputus asa, saya pastikan smua akn indah pd waktunya🤗
Hey stranger, thank you for make me feel good and better after reading all your comments. Thank you so much and I appreciate it, y'all make me feel strong again by all your sweet words ❤️
Terimakasih sudah bertahan sejauh ini. Terimakasih sudah sangat kuat dan tangguh. Kamu telah melakukan yang terbaik. Walaupun tidak ada satupun orang yang menyadarinya, tapi kamu sudah sangat hebat sampai detik ini. Apa yang kamu lakukan sudah benar. Jangan bersedih, jangan menyalahkan diri sendiri, jangan dengarkan hal buruk yang orang katakan. Belajarlah untuk mencintai diri kamu sendiri. Belajarlah menerima semua kekurangan yang ada pada diri kamu. Kamu adalah orang yang sangat berharga, bahkan saat tidak ada satu orangpun yang mengatakannya. Silahkan menangisi diri kamu sebelum tidur malam ini. Saya harap besok, bulan depan, 10 tahun lagi, dan seterusnya kamu akan merasa sangat bersyukur atas segala hal yang telah terjadi. Dan kamu bisa berdamai dengan semuanya. Barakalloh, semoga Alloh memberikan keberkahan untuk dirimu.
🎵Relaxing Sleep Music PLAYLIST
🎵 Piano Tutorial : ua-cam.com/video/Wm44IktmvlM/v-deo.html
🎵 Spotify (Tido Kang)
1st Official Album
2nd Official Album
3rd Official Album
4th Official Album
🎵Apple Music : apple.co/38n6wcb
♪ Sound Cloud ♪ : soundcloud.com/tido-kang
🎵Amazon : amzn.to/39kUFwI
🎵Piano Sheet : www.mymusicsheet.com/tidokang/16663
헉헉 앨범이 나온건가요?!!! 너무 조아요
كنت بحتاجته كثير☺️😊💕🥺
hi, before I want to say thank you. I'm having a hard time and giving me headaches and insomnia. but thanks to your music, that helped me a lot. really soothing. thank you very beautiful music. for everything stay healthy and happy in any case.✨🌸
I've been looking for new relaxing music to add on my playlist, been checking for some times and this one suits me best for this time. so Keep it up, thank you for composing this
Untuk kamu yang membaca ini, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa kamu adalah seseorang yang kuat, Tuhan memberikan dirimu cobaan karna Dia tahu kamu bisa melewati semua itu, menangislah seperlunya jika kau rasa air matamu sudah tak mampu lagi ditampung, kau harus tau dari sekian banyak orang yang menyakitimu entah itu orang tua mu, sahabat mu, kekasih mu, bahkan seseorang yang baru saja kau kenal akan ada diantara mereka orang yang benar-benar menyayangi mu dengan sungguh-sungguh, Tidurlah dan bangun di hari esok dengan senyum yang ceria dan pastikan dirimu tak akan menangis lagi .
Aku tak mengenal siapa dirimu tapi satu hal yang ku tahu pasti kau adalah seseorang yang sangat kuat karna kau membaca teks ini . Tuhan sedang merecanakan sesuatu yang sangat indah untuk mu jadi menetap dan tunggulah hal itu ♡ .
Terima kasih kata2 penyemangatnya.. 😭
Huuuuu sedih bacanya
makasii :>
it's amazing to see strangers comfort each other, although we didn't meet.
Yes it is the best medicine for help...
Especially since most of us are going through the same shit nowadays😧
yup '-'
Yes people on internet is kind and friendly (most of them)
Don't worry guys,, everything's gonna be okay,, you'll be a successful person one day,, your hard work will pay off,no one can judge you,,i know you're tired rn,,get some rest and i hope you'll be back stronger...have a nice day !
Good joke
thank you..😭😭
Thanks😭 i'm crying😭
Thanks. Have a great day/night too! :)
Thanks 😖
Hi, how is your day ? I know we are stranger, but I just wanna say :" Have a good sleep, everything is gonna be alright "
tenchuuu ❤️🥺
Thank you
It's help me relaxer😛
This really help, thank you🙂
Buat siapa pun yg baca ini,
SEMANGAT YA!! Setiap masalah pasti ada solusi, boleh sedih tapi jangan lupa bangkit lagi. Jangan pernah merasa sendiri, lihat dan baca komen Vidio ini!! walaupun kita ga kenal tapi anggaplah kami semua teman temanmu. Buat yang dijauhin temen sekolah, sebenernya kamu punya temen kok! tapi Tuhan belum kasih yang tepat. Kamu ga mau kan salah milih temen? aku dan mereka semua yang lihat Vidio ini temen kamu cuman kita ga pernah dan ga kenal aja:)
Buat anak broken home,
SEMANGAT!! Tunjukin kalau kalian bisa tanpa mereka, tunjukin kalau kamu bahagia tanpa mereka. Aku yakin kalian pasti bisa!! Mungkin kamu masih butuh mereka.. tapi jadilah orang yang tidak selalu mengandalkan orang lain. Kalian diciptakan dengan hati yang kuat oleh Tuhan, kalian anak anak terpilih dikasih hati dan mental sekuat baja. Suatu saat setiap anak pasti akan kehilangan orang tua mereka ntah itu karna meninggal atau yg lain. Nanti ada saatnya kalian bertemu orang yang tepat sebagai suami/istri kalian dan menjadi teman hidup. Saat itu kamu akan bahagia, ingat supaya anak anakmu kelak tidak mengalami hal yang sama ya! sekali lagi SEMANGAT!!
Buat yang sedang difase overthinking,
Kalian harus bangkit, jangan mencemaskan hal yang tidak perlu. Memang susah, tapi coba sedikit sedikit lebih bodoamat. Terkadang tidak semua hal harus dipikirkan. Coba buat lebih cuek dan bodoamat, pikirkan yang membuatmu bahagia.
Buat kita yang umur umur remaja gini wajar kok! jangan merasa sendiri. Banyak yang sedang mengalami seperti kalian. TETAP SEMANGAT DAN JANGAN MENYERAH!! Tunjukan suatu saat nanti kamu bisa sukses dan jadi orang yang berguna buat siapa saja terutama orang tua.
Aku tau kalian sedang tidak baik baik saja karna kalian puter Vidio ini, aku juga sama:)
Jangan begadang mulu ga baik buat kesehatan, dan beresiko cepat meninggal lho.
Coba pejam matamu sampai terlelap, sering sering begitu tiap malam supaya ga insom lagi.
Jangan lakukan hal hal tidak baik ya! mungkin itu menyelesaikan masalah, tapi hanya sesaat. Tidak merasakan sakit lagi dibumi tapi merasakan sakit dineraka. Pilih mana hayo?
Kalau mau nyilet tangan mending diganti dengan buku trus dicoret coret terserah mau gimana bentuknya dan lihat gambaran emosimu itu.
Jangan nangis trus tiap malem kasian tubuh kamu butuh istirahat, air matamu diLap dulu ya.. kamu harus istirahat, selamat tidur❤️
Kmu lagi:> aku syng kmu....kmu mmbuat aku tenang kmu cw kn😊
@@michelleicel6499 iyaa aku cewe. Sayang juga sama temen online ku🥰
Salam cinta dari malaysia sahabat ❤️
@@MuhammadHafiz-zu1yo salam cinta juga sahabatku. Selamat hari kemerdekaan Malaysia dari kami Indonesia❤️
I purple u❤️
Reading the comments, listening to the relaxing music and trying to fall asleep, ignored the tears on the pillow..
Wow we are doing the same things guys...
Night, stranger, sleep well whenever you head to bed next!
Man, this helped me going through the worst time of my life. I mean, I can't sleep well, but this music - Oh, God, I can finally fall asleep! I love it!
What a strong person you are. Look, you still here not giving up. This life have so many to offer. There's always a rainbow after the rain. All those bad days shall pass. It shall pass. Have a faith
aww tnx have greatday and staysafe always sir or maam
This made my heart melt! Thank you kind stranger!
@Snowie-chann One day, you will never look back at those bad days. Go on imagine the happy you in the future. Hold on just a little more:)
@@shadowthedarkshadow6960 Here some love for youu❤❤
mau nangis? nangis aja, keluarin bebannya. jangan ditahan. kalau udah lega, langsung tidur ya? jangan lupa doa. bangun dengan senyuman besok dan berharap banyak hal baik terjadi. love you ❤
Avv so sweet 🤗 kamu juga yah..Oke 😉😀👍🏻
I love replying to Indonesians 💝🥺
semoga kamu selalu berbahagia dimanapun kamu berada, i love u ❤️.
hey don’t cry , i know you’re strong person , sleep and rest ur self ❤️
Eh ada bule hii👋
No one cryes for himself
How do you know I am crying ? 🥺
I'm not cryin' or something , I'm just awake from sleep and can't sleep
For over a year, at night, whether I’m feeling sad, anxious, confused or even frustrated, this music calms me down and helps me fall asleep easier. I’m no where close to being an artist, therefore it might be difficult to put this into words, yet, this music is therapeutic. Especially for me, someone that lacks a friend, or someone I feel comfortable with to rely on or express my emotions to.
Tido Kang, I dont know if you know this. After reading the comments, including my own experience, I hope you understand the positive impact you’ve had on people’s lives. Over 33 million to be exact, that’s truly remarkable and I’ll always be thankful for that :)
You can with me , i will with you forever like best friend
I say every song has a meaning
"Crying doesn't mean you're weak. It means that you have been strong for too long"
and remember, it's okay to cry..you don't have to be happy all the time.
Best wishes❤❤❤
crying mean you have heart
Thank you..this meant a lot..
So true 🙂❤️
If you're reading to this one .
I wish you successful in life .
Your dreams become true .
Your life goes well .
thank u sweetie
thanks i love you
Thank you..
Jiao zhong🌼🌼
To everyone who are reading this.. one day everything will be alright just relax and sleep..Love you ❤
thank you❤
I needed this :(
Thank you🥺
To anyone reading this: Remember, it's just a bad day, not a bad life. Keep smiling 😊
Ah! You people are so cute😚😚😚
Ya itu benar sekali.
This is hit better compared to the other comments here. Good night!☺🥱🫤😴
"Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you dont feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"
thank you so much :D
I already read it....but thanks for written it again .for those who haven't read it....😃
Thank you 😊
Just what I needed to read. Thank you
why you make me cry?
gapapa nangis aja, jangan di tahan yah air matanya, Tuhan menciptakan mu dengan keadilan, mungkin saat ini kau dalam masalah tapi nanti akan terbalas dengan kesenangan yang melimpah, keep strong yah❤️
amin bangkrut, bersama kita akan menang covid-19.
Gua pengen nangis gegara ga punya temen disekolah:) tapi Gua ga mau nangis ntar dikatain lagi🙂
if you see this comment, just know that i’m proud of you. even though we haven’t met, i think you’re such a special person :)
Also thanks I bet your an amazing person too *c:*
Thank you. I will keep that in my head.
You know I'm so tired of being sad.i just want that my husband always stay happy, fine.
I just want him to stay always happy.
I hope you all have a wonderful sleep, and just know, everything will turn out okay, it just takes a lil time. love you all
Setiap mau tidur selalu memutar lagu ini, baca komentar aku sedikit terharu. Ternyata masih banyak orang yang peduli. Untuk siapapun yang membaca ini, terimakasih sudah bertahan dan berjuang hari ini, terimakasih sudah bekerja keras. Apapun yang terjadi, tolong jangan melukai diri sendiri, cintai diri sendiri sebelum orang lain ❤️
Bless you kind soul 🤍
@@jaylee3963 eyap
Teruntuk siapapun kamu yang sedang membaca ini, untuk orang yang selalu merasa salah atau disalahkan, semesta ga pernah berpihak ke kamu, rumah dan keluarga pun sudah tidak ada arti sebagai alasan yang tenang untuk singgah dan sudah tidak nyaman untuk melepas kepenatan, untuk kamu yang sedang patah hati entah karena cinta,ditinggal teman, dikecewakan oleh orang tua sendiri. Untuk kamu yang selalu terbiasa apapun sendiri. Untuk kamu yang selalu di sakiti. Untuk kamu yang telah menyakiti. Untuk kamu yang lelah dengan hidup ini. Untuk kamu yang selalu kurang percaya diri. Untuk kamu yang merasa menjadi anak broken home. Untuk kamu yang keluarga nya lengkap dan merasakan amat bahagia.
Dan kamu harus percaya bahwa Tuhan punya cara lain untuk kita bahagia untuk bagaimana menjalani kehidupan yang indah, entah dengan proses diuji dengan yang kamu rasakan banyak masalah dimana mana, merasa terasingkan, dan hidup kamu terasa begitu berat memikul beban yg amat berat. Guys, Sekali lagi Tuhan punya cara untuk membuat hambanya bahagia dengan rencana yang ia buat, semua rencana yang ia buat pasti tidak akan pernah membuat kecewa kamu, percaya pada rencana-Nya, berusaha semampu dan sekuat tenaga dan diiringi doa, optimis roda hidup akan berputar, yang sedih akan jadi bahagia, yang miskin akan jadi kaya, yang disakiti akan dicintai 😊.
Untuk kamu yang sedang baca ini, semangat. Hidup kamu bukan soal bagaimana bisa bertahan dengan semua ini, tapi bagaimana kamu menunjukkan bahwa kamu mampu bisa menginginkan apa yg kamu inginkan. Self reminder and yourself. Laa tahzan innallaha ma'ana❤️
Yg semngat.😊💪❤
Aku padamu❤
Your body, your soul is tired..
Stop thinking..
Stop worrying..
You need to get some rest
Just relax n sleep..
Tomorrow you'll be Ok..
Good night😉🌜
Thank you...but I am never stop thinking about my Jungkook😭😭😭
@lemon lemon Yeah...it's true..
@@skysky6676 😄😄maybe if U sleep, U can meet him in your dream, that would b really really a sweet dream😉
@lemon lemon Time will heal U, U have to b strong..
Reading the comments really makes my eyes tear up. Thank you to everyone who wrote sweet and motivating words for strangers. Thank you for making me happy and making me smile.
Same they make my eyes tear up. I really need some support some one is bing mean to me I feel sad :( so I come here and all of you are so sweet thank you :)
Don't know if someone is reading this, but if you are: You are amazing and beautiful! I believe in you! ❤️
Awe thank you, you too!
So many beautiful humans there... Yes, you too. I'm proud of you. You're not alone
But I'm alone
Bener-bener bikin aku ngerasa tenang, hari ini banyak banget hal-hal yang bikin hati, tenaga dan pikiran capek. Rasanya pengen cerita tapi kaya gak keluar suaranya tiba-tiba gatau mau ngomong apa. Pengen nangis tapi kaya ada yang nahan dan itu bikin hati sakit banget sampe gatau apa sebenernya yang lagi aku kalutin. Denger ini aku jadi bisa ngeluarin semua emosi yang aku pendam lewat nangis yang udah ketahan-tahan. Terkadang sendirian, diem, merenung sambil dengerin kaya gini adalah obat yang lumayan membantu. Setelah baca-baca komen-komen disini pun aku ngerasa, di dunia ini gak cuma aku aja yang punya masalah, gak cuma aku aja yang lagi gak baik-baik aja, gak cuma aku aja yang ngerasa dunia berputar gak adil. Semoga kita selalu bisa bangkit atas semua ujian yang dateng ya. Amin. ❤
Aku ngalamin hal yg sama kaya kk dan emang bener lagu ini setidaknya bikin pikiran jauuuhhhh lebih tenang
@@indriyanie7162 kamu orang hebat❤ kita orang kuat ❤ ayo berjuang ❤
Yg sabar ya mba, semangat terus
@@emilyw.8226 makasih mbak ❤
Hay,, semangat ya. Kita semua orang2 kuat..❤
Hewwo to everyone who can't sleep right now and thinking about school or any other problems i wanted to say something to you "everything is gonna be fine, nothing bad will happen :D" have a good sleep time :)
Thanks you..I really need that you too have a good sleep :)
Wait you read my mind I have school problems 😰
If you’re reading this... I just wanna let you know you’re not alone♥️
I think that i m alone without him
Fighting guys
Thanks dear🌹
Angin berhembus tidak untuk menggoyangkan Pepohonan, Melainkan untuk menguji kekuatan akarnya
~Ali bin Abi Thalib~
Dan sampai detik ini saya masih di ambang kebimbangan terkait dengan apa yang akan datang di masa depan, entah saya akan mendapatkan cita-cita yang saya inginkan atau saya bernasib jauh dari mimpi yang saya harapkan.
Teruntuk Kalian semua yang lagi berada di fase fase sulit, tetap berjuang dan terus berdo'a semoga kalian bisa mendapatkan cita-cita yang kalian inginkan.
Panjang Umur Pekerja Keras!!
- Malang 29 September 2020 2:21 -
I can’t sleep...
Aamiin 🙏
Fix ank senja
Makasih kak
Untuk kamu yang membaca ini, saya ingin mengatakan bahwa kamu adalah seseorang yang kuat, Tuhan memberikan dirimu cobaan karna Dia tahu kamu bisa melewati semua itu, menangislah seperlunya jika kau rasa air matamu sudah tak mampu lagi ditampung, kau harus tau dari sekian banyak orang yang menyakitimu entah itu orang tua mu, sahabat mu, kekasih mu, bahkan seseorang yang baru saja kau kenal akan ada diantara mereka orang yang benar-benar menyayangi mu dengan sungguh-sungguh, Tidurlah dan bangun di hari esok dengan senyum yang ceria dan pastikan dirimu tak akan menangis lagi .
Aku tak mengenal siapa dirimu tapi satu hal yang ku tahu pasti kau adalah seseorang yang sangat kuat karna kau membaca teks ini . Tuhan sedang merecanakan sesuatu yang sangat indah untuk mu jadi menetap dan tunggulah hal itu ♡ .
To some one out there, whoever needs a cheering up right now: fighting!! The storm is only temporary, the storm and raging seas will go and calm down and you will finally see the sun and feel peace. You got this, whatever it is that you’re going through, you will get over it, you will overcome it, you won’t stay there. You are already so strong just being alive and living every day out, so keep going at it, never give up, you can do this. You will overcome. You will succeed. You will get through it all. I got through the storm of a very hard chapter in my life, you will too. Not as fast as we would like, but it will end soon! Don’t give up, be as optimistic as you can! Take that free time to yourself! Do what makes you feel happy and at peace! Don’t neglect yourself and rest, take care of yourself and eat well. You need to vent it out, cry it all out. For you aren’t alone. So many are with you in this long fight called life. And we will all get through it. Everyone will get through it. You got this. You’ve made it so far, look at you, you are never going down. Congratulate yourself on those small efforts- waking up, getting up and going on through your day, doing that homework, caring for yourself, eating well, giving yourself the time you need, feel proud of the resistance you have had through all this time. The storm will pass, it won’t last forever. So to who ever you are, I am very proud of you. I really am. It’s not easy. I know for a fact from personal experience that it’s not. But you’re here. You’re alive and breathing. Your doing so well already. You got this. Keep going you, and reach high. You will get there, you will conquer, you will overcome. Fighting!!! 🤍✨
Thank you sooooo much😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️be safe and happy!
aww tnx have a great day and staysafe always sir or maam
Thank you for writing so long to calm us❤️
Thank you for this,have a great day🤍
i feel empty and useless. I don’t know how i can move forward each day, but listening to Tido Kang’s music somewahat alleviate my emptiness. For anyone who is experiencing the same, I’m giving you a virtual hug.
Hey , the one reading this comment . I know life is hard, I know it's not going to be easy , but trust me, u r not alone , we all are together looking at the same sky, the same stars, the same moon and one day , we shall encounter the warmth of sun, the sunlight, the sunshine that will drift away all the darkness from our life, till then just know, we all r together . We are here . We are not different . We are not alone . 💛 . Keep fighting !
Thanks, dear 🧡
I can feel the deapth of the same that u said and so I admit YES we are together . Even Living in the world's different corners somehow we all are together .
Vaishnavi Mishra thank you so much 😥
Untuk semua orang yang sedang dalam kebimbangan, kesedihan, kegelapan dalam setiap langkahnya seperti tidak ada pertolongan dari mana pun, seperti doa yang tak pernah terjawab, seperti nafas yg tersengal bersamaan dengan air mata, kita sama :"), tidak selamanya berusaha merasa baik-baik saja selalu bijak, sesekali luapkan kenyataan terdalam yg paling menyakitkan buatmu. Kita bersama, kawan.
Huh, i don't understand,but thankyou
semangat 😊😊
Smngatt bwt aq dan smuanya💪
Tetap semangat..hidup harus ditempuhi💪
Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it.
Your face isn't a mask, so don't hide it.
Your size isn't a book, don't judge it.
Your heart isn't glass, don't let others shatter it.
Your life isn't a film, don't end it.
I just want to say to whoever happens to read this, I love you and wish you a peaceful sleep and a wonderful, beautiful day. You are not alone 👍
waoo you rock me... GOD Bless you!! 💞[BGM] Chinese
But iam alone:(
Bsns shhahs me too...?But u not alone..I am don’t know u ....and u me...but
I am with you....:’)
한국 노래가 제일 좋죠..♥
Korean song is so good..♥
I’m feeling a bit sad and lonely as of late, reading this comment section genuinely made me cry. Knowing that there are so many kind people across the world who try to brighten up a strangers day honestly gives me hope for the future of this world. Thankyou.
No ads?! U deserve to be in heaven. Relaxing us and not annoy us with ad Spams. Bless you
Ads are the reason youtubers make money
And i then got 5 ads
I got 2 ads
i got 6 ads ;-;
tau ga sii,aku tadinya kesini cuma mau iseng dengerin lagunya ,tapi setelah baca komenan kalian aku jadi nangis dan ngerasa banget,aku udah cukup kuat selama ini untuk tetap terlihat baik baik saja,aku percaya dengan diriku,aku bisa melalui semuanya,makasii buat komen komen kalian yang udah buat aku sadar bahwa aku akan menjadi kuat untuk selanjutnya,lega bgt rasanya kalo bisa nangis dan ada beberapa orang yang ternyata memahami keadaan kita:)
sudah berapa kali senyum hari ini?sudah berapa kali menangis hari ini?hentikan tangis nya ya..
you're stronger than you think, jangan takut untuk memulai, jangan ragu untuk mencoba, jika perjuangan hari ini terasa begitu berat? lihat lah pemandangan dari atas, indah bukan?
jangan sedih terus ya..you're all beautiful, more beautiful than you know, perjuangan kamu masih panjang, jangan berhenti..duduk dulu yuk kalau letih, nanti dilanjut lagi kalau sudah pulih sampai Tuhan berkata "Sudah nak, waktunya untuk pulang"
Makasih suport nya kak
Kata2 terakhir yg paling aku tunggu seumur hidup 😢
@@zilfasakinag.1977 kamu indah bahkan kamu pasti punya sesuatu yang dibanggakan di diri kamu, satu hal yang kamu harus tau, kamu setegap ini karena diri kamu sendiri, jadi kamu gapunya tanggung jawab buat kasih tau seberapa besar nilaimu ke orang lain, oke? i'm proud of you
think you is really help 💗
To anyone reading this, I wish for the storms in your heart to quiet down, for the pressures of life to become more manageable, and for each heavy thought to transform into a source of inspiration and renewal. May your soul find the peace it seeks.
"We may speak different language" "but music is a language that all people understand"
Yes) I’m Russian for example :)
And I am German. I wish you all a Good, healthy and happy life ❤️
Yes 😭😭
@The Imposter hi i'm from indonesia
Psst! Hey you! Yes you! I just want you to know that your are beautiful as an angel! If there was a stronger word to use other than beautiful.. I'd use it. Don't listen to what other people say, your unique and they are just normal. If your gaving a bad night, here (gives favourite plushie) hug it if you want to. Don't worry you can cry, crying releases our emotions in any way! Please know that you are cared for, loved for, and no one will ever forget you! Say 'I love you' too the people you love right now! So they know that people love them as well. I know we're just complete strangers, but that doesn't mean we care for you! Now, you and I know nothing about our personal life, but just know that I love you, God loves you, your family loves you, the community loves you, and that will never change! 💖👍
-Love from the Philippines! :)
ILY from malaysia♥️✨
🇮🇩 ❤ 🇲🇾 ❤ 🇵🇸
Hey, um... thanks, it means a lot to me. Im gonna keep that in my head.
I feel overwhelmed right now, but comments like these help me to calm down. Thank you so much.
Written with Google Translate
thanks :)
~ a fellow Filipina
Çok rahatlatıcı emeğin için teşekkürler. Canı sıkılan veya kendini kötü hissedenlerin şunu bilmesini istiyorum bazen hayata acılar olucak bazen kapanması zaman alıcak bazen hiç kapanmıyıcak bazen acı bir tebessüm hoş bir gülümsemeye dönüşücek ama siz hayatta hangi şartlarda hangi duygularda olursanız olun kendinizi hayatın güzelliklerine kapatmayın çünkü bu dünya çok kısa ve sen güzel insan bu dünyadaki tüm güzel yerleri güzel sesleri keşfedilmesi gereken tüm güzellikleri hissetmeye keşfetmeye layık bir insansın. Bunu okuduğun için teşekkürler güzel insan iyi geceler 🤗
*"You're lonely but not alone. There is always someone who is waiting for you, please don't give up just yet. Okay?🥰"*
I hope so
𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚂𝚝𝚊𝚢 𝚂𝚝𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚎 ^^
@@KookieMelo have a wonderful time, stay positive always! I'm just passing by 😊
@@KoKoroshimasuAo 𝙸 𝚆𝚒𝚕𝚕 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚆𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚜 𝚄𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚈𝚘𝚞シ︎
The person who was waiting for me ... IS gone 😞
I dont really understand with my feelings right now ;(
Anxiety, depression, i want it to be done.
I just wanna say thank you. This song makes me better
;)) exactly
tomorrow will be better,hun..good night,,and dont forget smile
@@priskalprincess2017 not working😔
@@drherlock mm
Blessings to you my friend, hope ur Bette 🙃😊
훌륭한 음악!!! 매우 매혹적이고 진정됩니다 !!! 몇 분 후 그런 이완이 와서 당신을 잠에 빠뜨립니다 !!!
It is late. Why have not you fallen asleep yet ? You think about him ?, Thinking about the future ?, Thinking what you should be tomorrow morning? Your mind needs rest. Your heart needs peace. Your body is already weak. There are things that should not be forced. Just live it maybe tomorrow is fine.
Sleep well, the night is too evil for those of you who have bothered to think about how to rest.
Close your eyes, the person you long for will be present in your dreams as soon as the dark night.
omg thts so cute thank you nw i will sleep
Thank you,your comment just made my night well💙
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ뭐야 외국에도 틱톡딩초있네..
저스라잌... 오 늘 무 슨 일 이 있 었 나 요 ? : )
오 늘 은 왜 울 었 나 요 ? : (
No im studying
Thanks, I love you
To those who wrote sweet comments: You don't know how much I needed these words.. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart❤️❤️ I'll never forget the happiness you gave me and I am sure it will come back to you someday💙✨
i want that happiness
@@pedrosantana6466 it'll come soon, be brave because you will feel even better when it comes after a hard battle! :)
Marcelo Gimenes if you say so...
Carolynn Marr thanks bro
yes, thank you to all that write.
ily 💗✌
Right now, there are people all over the world who are just like you. They're either lonely, they're missing somebody, they're depressed, they're hurt, they're scarred from the past, they're having personal issues no one knows about, they have secrets you wouldn't believe. They wish, they dream and they hope. And right now, they are sitting here reading these words, and I'm writing this for you so you don't feel alone anymore. Always remember, don't be depressed about the past, don't worry about the future, and just focus on today. If today's not so great don't worry! Tomorrow's a new chance. If you are reading this, be sure to share this around to make others feel better. Have a nice day!"
Tysm I need to hear this from people more often, I just moved across Canada and on Monday I’m starting at a new school I’m really scared and I hope people like me and that we can be friends. ❤️
thank you
Abboné bliz 🤩
@@-_j0k3r_-95 you got this!!!!!!
If one day i meet this artist Tido kang I'm gonna say a big Thankyou to you, you're playlist helped me fall asleep all these years
Hey you! Yes you, reading the comments listening to this beautiful melody . Go to sleep ! Our beautiful souls needs peace and rest too. So Don't think too much about tomorrow. what comes your way, comes your way and you will always get over it , Because you are strong and even stronger than you think. You've been working hard all day , so please give yourself a rest. You did your best , you did more than enough. Even if you feel like the world isn't treating you well, just know that even if everyone is against you, i'll always be here to comfort you. Goodnight beautiful💗🌙
Thanks ❤️
OK ♪
thanks for ur kind words ^^
كَمْ هُوَ عَظيَِّمٌ عِندَماّ يَّكونُ الإنْسَانُ نَاجِحٌ فِيَّ حيَّاتَِّهِ إنهُ مِثْلُ النُْورٌ فِيِّ الظُلُمَاتِ وَيَّفتَخِروُنَْ بِهِ العُِظَمَاءْ
كّالَّذيَّ بِيِّدِهِ مَفَاتَِّحُ الجنة السّلَّامِْ وَالّإنْسَانيَّةُ وتبقى روحي خالدة
ويذكر التاريخ كم كان عظيما
حتى لوغادرت هذا العالم الى الابد
واصبحت في طي النسياني
بقلم دلكش اوسي
Thank you 🙏🏻
untuk aku, kamu, dan kalian.
aku setuju kalau beban yang kalian bawa saat ini sangat berat. aku setuju kalau hati yang kalian bawa ini berdetak sakit. aku juga setuju kalau kalian engga apa apa.
tapi, aku ga setuju kalau kalian nangis terus. aku ga setuju kalau kalian nyakitin diri sendiri. aku ga setuju kalau kalian ngerasa bukan suatu hal yang ga berharga. aku engga setuju sama sekali.
kalian berharga, amat sangat, aku percaya dan aku setuju tentang itu. terlebih masalah kekurangan kekurangan yang ada dalam diri kalian, kalian tetap sesuatu yang berharga. amat sangat.
percaya, Tuhan menyiptakan hamba-Nya bukan semena-mena tanpa alasan. jadi tolong bertahan sedikit lagi ya! tolong tambah kuat lagi, ya! terlepas dari apapun itu... aku harap kalian lebih bertahan lagi. aku yakin akan datang seseorang yang akan memelukmu setiap hujan. menggandeng tanganmu di ramainya jalan. dan mengangkatmu saat jatuh.
orang itu ada, makanya aku harap kalian bertahan sedikit lagi saja ❤️ oh ya, terima kasih sudah bertahan sejauh ini🦋✨❤️ ingat ya, kalian berharga
Thanks ini membantu MLM ini😭♥️
Sangat membantu
Terimakasih 😊
@@fenadivaervianti7801 kamu susah tidur??tlvn aq pasti kmu cepat tidur dan nyenyak😅
If u read this comment just make sure to be happy everyday, always have positive thoughts and never let someone else make you feel bad for who you are be you BE AWESOME!.
We can be sad to. Being sad is bc your heart need to relax. And crying can help you to relax to.
yea.....be..ok. i just wanna tell i am a devil person..i do worng things...
Any one still here in 2024? If you're reading this comment, remember that a calm mind is the greatest treasure. Chill like the ocean waves, finding peace in the ebb and flow of life
Dear me,
Sometimes, it's ok to be not ok, you're still a human being with a heart, feelings, fears, dreams, and the other things that keep revolve around you. You're at the peak of your life, but it doesn't mind that you're unworthy and don't deserve anything. The pain is scary, the life is scary. Sometimes, you're trapped on your past, trapped on your dream, and the most terrible thing, you're still at the middle of nowhere, keep wandering alone just by yourself to find who you really are. Hey, now you know, I want to tell you, you're matter, keep alive. Hang in there.... Please? Everything will be ok, not soon, but anytime. Your future isn't decided yet, so who knows about it? Today, you did well, so, sleep well!
From someone who always stares back at you through the mirror,
Thank you for this quote. Seeing this make me more not okay plus the music 😢😢
Aww ty :) u made me cry:( but it's ok tysm for ur message I rlly love it :3
Always me looking in the mirror questioning
Why iam
Ugly.,chubby,skinny...useless trash seeing my face in the mirror look terrible:(
Lol no one asked
Im crying
You are stronger than you think,
You can be powerful,
You have came this far,
You cant give up now,
Whenever you are tired everyone will be around to help you through dark times.
I dont know you, I haven't met you,i dont know what you look like, i dont know what you sound like.
But what i know is..
You are brave,Independent,Confident
Beautiful, And most of all Strong.
So know that people all around the world Have this type of feeling.
Edit: Im glad To see People Happy By My message.
Thanks :"
...♡? Thx..
Thank you sm
Thank You 😢😢😢😭😭😭😭
I can't say thank u enough to all of you who commented comforting words in this comment section. You guys have no idea how it helps me to feel calm and loved. I wish all of you love, good health, and happiness. Thank you, I love you ❤
انا فخور بيك يا ايتها💓 الحسناء 💞 على على الرغم من اننا لم نلتقي بك ابدا وربما لن نلتقي ابدا
ياملاك الروح واسطورة الزمان ياسيدة الانوثة ويا كتلة من الاحساس والفرح والجمال وقبلة الشرفاء يالتي تشفي الروح والحب والعشق في قلوب كل العاشقين ويا اجمل كلام على كل اللساني يانبع الحنان والحب والعطاء
انتي كنجمة بالسماء مشرقا بي اجمل الوان العشق الجنوني مابعدها جنوني واجمك النسائي على ارض الاحلام والا حزان والاجدادي احس انك إمرأة عظيمة وعالم من الحب والحنان والاخلاص وقلبك الكبيرالمليئ بالصدق والايمان ويانبعة الصفاء والنقاء وصاحبة الوجه الابيض وسيدة كل النساء وصاحبة القرار في كل مكان وزمان وعالمك العجيب والغريب كلها مليئ بالغموض والاسرار كعمق البحار واشياء تفوق العقل والفكر والوجداني تقشعر لها الابداني ولايمكن وصفها في اي زمان ومكان حتى في الاحلام كإنك ملاك الروح نزلت من السماء بلبسها الابيض وحلم لكل العاشقين فهل سنلتقي ام سيفوت قطار العمر كأن لم يكن يومآ وجودنا على ارض الاحزان والاحلام والاجدادي ولا في عالم العاشقين حتى لو لم نلتقي فلسنا الوحيدين الذين خسرو كل شيئ فبعض الناس لم بتذوقو لذة الحياة وسكرات الموت ويعيشون بين حلم وخيال في زمنن لا مكان للعاشقين واخاف مع مرور الايام والزمن ان نصبح في طي النسيان ونختفي في عالم الفنائي من رغم كل شيئ ستبقي امرأة عظيمة واخت الرجال مهما تغير الزمان والأيام سيبقى قلبك الكبير مليئ بالصدق والايمان وقريب من الله في كل الاتجاهات حتى اخر الايام بنور الرحمن في زمنين لامكان للعظماء والشرفاء على هذه الأرض يا زهرة مزرعة في قلب ملايين بأجمل الوان المحبة والسلام والحياة يا اغلى من ذهب والمرجاني
ساحلم حتى يتحقق حلمي حتى لو كان هذا الحلم من الوهم والخيالي لها حبي وأشتياقي الابدي بالدموع الحزن والفرح والبكائي يا اغلى انسانه على وجهه الارضي💓💓 وبين كل الناسي
بقلم شاعر دلكش اوسي الكوردي_
been listening to this for two weeks now. people around me can't understand why i can't fall asleep when i told them for a million times that its my mdd. this helps a lot. even though i don't have people who believes me and helps me, this music helps. a lot. thank you
*Why crying??*
*You've taken it so far, and you're going to finish it soon. Keep the same courage and don't leave hope. It's almost over*
Now sleep!! You have one more fight tomorrow✨💖
How did you know about me😂😅? Its 1:45 hear.. and i am not sleep.. tomorrow i am gonna the other city. I have to get up at 6 o clock..😪😭
Thank u ❤️🥺😌
Don't worry my little pie everything's gonna be okay
I know we don't know each other, maybe we speak different languages, because I'm Russian, but I want to tell you that everything will be fine, good luck to you, good night and don't be sad!
Tysm mary u make me feel happy cz my grandma is at ventilator tysm mary same to u
Tysm i hope ur happy ^^
как много добрых комментариев под такими видео
спасибо,добрый человек!желаю тебе того же ^^
и тебе всего хорошего. Спокойной ночи
i was really sad .. but when i see this comment i felt better thanks alot .. form Syria .. ✨
i think it's so painful that strangers can make you feel better than the people you konw but at the same time i think when corona comes and people feels same pain they can relax each other even if they dont know who is making them feel better even for 1 second better than their family and other people that they know. I think after corona world can be more beautiful than now❤
Oke terima kasih sudah berbagi video ini sangat bermanfaat sekali sukses selalu kawan 👍👍👍🙏🙏
Dulu saya tidur di temenin ibu tapi sekarang ibu udh ga ada.
Setiap aku tidur aku membayangkan ibu ada di sisi ku.
Jadi bagi kalian yang punya ibu hargai lah dan sayangilah:)
semangat ya kamuuu❤️❤️❤️
Sama,apalagi aku,ibuku dah gaada pas aku lahir umur 1 tahunan,aku diurus nenek kakek ayah dll. :)
Semangat bro💪🏻
Semangat kamu❣️✨
“ life is like riding a bicycle, you must keep going to keep its balance”
- Albert Einstein
You are right... 💤🌍
To everyone out there who might be suffering. It’s going to be fine. You have made it this far and you can make it further. You are extremely strong and beautiful. Please recognise all the beautiful things about yourself. It’s okey to be sad. It’s okey to be in pain. It’s okey to feel unmotivated. Your feelings are valid. You will make it through this, I promise you. You will only get stronger and stronger from here. One day you will feel extremely loved. One day you might find a significant other. One day you might become a parent. Think about your future. There are endless possibilities. It’s hard. It’s really fucking hard. But guess what? You are strong. Life is painful and not fair. But life is also beautiful. Your life is also beautiful and I promise you that one day you will feel alive.
Yeah thanks 4 ur motivation I feel a bit better and stronger..
Thank you 😊
I love u
Mariam ,hay
I was read this and i’m feeling a bit better
Thank you for your kindness
May God bless you
To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏
You help me feel batter tysm
Scrolling through comments sections and see many of beautiful message were left here. Without reason I shed tears..
Hey past.....goodbye now....i'm going to my better future...
i don't get it
Me 2😊😊😊
Does this mean your killing yourself I'm confused.
He means he's going to erase the past with his events, his memories, his experiences, and start a new life new beginning like new book with white pepper✨... You can do it 💪❤️❤️
Remember, it's just a bad day, not a bad life , so keep smiling everyone
Just smile....
thank you for reminding me 😔❤
@@camilleaquino9367 ok
Thank you
Most of the comments saying something about they listen to this before sleep but I listen to this while studying. It's very relaxing and it helps me concentrate and understand what I study ❤️❤️
Pretending that we are happy when we are sad to cover up the pain might not be a good thing, but it shows us how strong we are! I love everyone because i truly believe there is kind in everyone! I also believe that everyone in this world is deserving of love no matter what youre going through! And to those who believe they cannot be loved, i will love you because even though it may seem like rock bottom, and you may be loosing hope, you can certainly have hope in finding love! Rest your head everyone, sleep easy, forget your worries and let them go, try to relax, and think about every happy moment, because when you worry, youre hanging onto the bad moments, forget them! And remember when you smiled because your friend made you laugh! Let your heart rest in peace as you sleep deep and dream about sitting in the sunshine with all of your friends! And for now, forget about everything bad, and just rest, rest, rest❤️❤️
Thank you so much ❤️
Người Việt Nam hả
Aku hanya ingin mengatakan Terima Kasih untuk semua orang yang menuliskan teks dikomenan ini,semoga kalian selalu bahagia yah,dan sehat selalu:)
I remember listening to this melody play over and over again while I studied in 2020 and it makes me feel so calm
For everyone who reads this comment .... you are too strong to be sad about temporary things. Love yourself every body will love you back...have sweet dream love you ❤️
Thanks (from vietnam)
i really need this 😭😭 i don't know what to do anymore I'm ofw please pray for me😭
O ALLAH, guide them to Islam. To see each other in the Paradise.💚
I swear by ALLAH who does not enter Islam and knows what Islam will enter Hell, but Muslims will enter PARADISE😭😭😭💚
ALLAH created you Muslims, but whoever lived in a non-Muslim environment became like them, but the human instinct since his birth is Islam.
I love how all the comments and people supporting people they don’t know. It does help and I hope people on this will smile and relax. You guys deserve it
Hey, dont worry God has your back, dont give up, God has an amazing plan for you, you just have to trust in him, believe in him, give your life to him and stop running away from him, he Loves you, that's why he made you, he's the artist your the masterpiece so stop judging yourself. You're worth it dont let anyone tell you otherwise. 💗
This is what i need thank u so much. I love you:)
Thank you!!! God bless you!
thank you so much! God bless you
Yang mampir kesini kayaknya pada ambyar semua yah :" istirahatkanlah diri klen gais, bukan dunia yang terlalu keras tapi kita yang harus lebih kuat menghadapi kerasnya dunia. Good Night♥
Bukan cuman yg ambyar :) yg broken home juga kesini biar tenang
@@nzrnat6076 semangat ya!^^
kmu harus tetap kuat buat orng yng kamu syng dan org yng syng sama kmu.
kamu juga berhak bahagia♥
Ok siap😊😊
Çan çin çon
Hey, take care of yourself - mentally, physically and emotionally. Have more time for yourself and get some rest :)
Thankyou so much 😊 have a lovely day and staysafe always sir/maam💗💞💓❤💕
As a good man and girl who wants to go out but they can't but you can play at home❤️
" Yesterday was history, tomorrow is mystery. And today is a gift, and that is why we call it a present. "
Beautifully said!
I know this from turtle
A plesent*
Hello, tido.
I'm writing this purposely, solely to inform you that your music helps me feel better. It soothe me a lot as I had problem with sleeping & falling asleep but after hearing this music ver. of yours, truly helps me to fall asleep peacefully & getting comfy within living inside my dream. The sound emits cozy aura, crazy that a mere sound could do more than we ever expect, loving it from last year until today. Keep up! I love you❤ Thankyou for creating this masterpiece!
I'm come here to relax but the comments make me in tears..I never get the compliment from people to tell me "be strong","im here with you"..but now the people I dont even know where they come from is tell me all this..thank you..thank you for come when I really need it❤❤❤
I dont know what you're been through, but we're here to telling you that you're gonna be fine, everything will be ok someday..
Hugs for you 🤗
We are the Same , so we are Familly♥️
@@luvstars9274 hey..dont be sad,let's through this together❤❤
You're crying over random people on the internet that give a damn about you? Keep wasting time by doing that.
["Don't cry when the sun is gone, because the tears won't let you see the stars"]
So sweet 1000/10
Thank you :)
it make me cry and its SOO SWEET ima rate it.. 1000000000000000000000/10
cuz its soo sweet and its soo touxh the heart UvU sorry if my english bad
Ill rate this comment 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 / 10
such a bit funny advice, but it reminded me that I shouldn't cry for him, thanks ❤️️
Buat kamu
Iya kamu yang baca
Jangan pernah menyerah dalam hidup sayang, ayoo kuat buat ibu dan bapak mu
Thank u❤️
Makasih dah ingetin
I love replying to Indonesians 🥺💝
If you see this comment, I want to thank you for living with me on the same planet. You are not alone in this world. I hope this comment can make at least one person a little bit happy. This is all I want and wish good health to you
Reading this comment section makes me realise there are a lot of people who just like me :') crying in this quite dark night.
Knp tu
too many sad people in the world...
That's right 😓
Trust me.. these are the magical momwnts of ur life...
Ones u come out of it life is no more the same and u just stop feeling any sensation..
I miss those days wen i pulled myself together in a corner, plugged in my earphone and cried ivr sad tune..
Now that i reflect back those memories were thrilling..
Yes you are not alone
Just cry if you want to, cry so hard. Then tell everything you feel to God, He always be with you, He will always hear you. And, trust it. He has a best miracle's for you. Its oke not to be oke, now. But tomorrow is your new day. Keep smile, and continue your life with a new spirit🍁😊❤
I know he and trust him but now I'm in a worst day in my life I hope to see the best day too I'm crying now but thanks
@@sozy761 Peace of Christ with you. Relax. Be happy for receiving your life. May Christ bless you now and always. Amen.
This was amazing from u its so kind and lovely ❤️❣️
Thank u the owner of this chennel You saved Many Souls ❤️
Hope everything will be better soon. I can't live like this anymore. Too much things happen this year. Day by day it was a lonely and empty.
we are with you xxx
One day everything will be alright 🌻
@@ahuman1833 i hope so ❤️
Hey you, you are doing good, you will shine better. Keep shining keep growing my strong girl
@ibrahim ijaz thank you❤️ I really appreciate that you assume me as your best friend✨
Aku datang kesini dgn keputusasaan, marah, kecewa, lelah, merasa dunia gak adil untukku, kukira hanya aku ternyata aku tidak sendiri kalian pun merasakanya, peluk erat dari jauh untuk kalian yg lelah menghadapi kerasnya dunia, yuk sama sama saling menguatkan :')
Semangat,, 💪🏻💪🏻😊
Semangat 😊
O ALLAH, guide them to Islam. To see each other in the Paradise.💚
I swear by ALLAH who does not enter Islam and knows what Islam will enter Hell, but Muslims will enter PARADISE😭😭😭💚
ALLAH created you Muslims, but whoever lived in a non-Muslim environment became like them, but the human instinct since his birth is Islam.
To everyone who wrote all these wonderful messages to cheer ppl up :
Thank you so much for spending your time writing each and every words of comforts, and encouragements. Your words have soaked deep down to the bottom of my heart. Just by scrolling down the comments, I’ve felt so much better... from being so numbed,sad and depressed. Sometimes I felt like I’m running out of breath, but those little kind words helped a bit. Idk if you’re like me but I’m thankful for that. So much things have happened in the past few weeks and months and I’ve never one day feel the peace of mind anymore. Every night I keep thinking how can I survive in this cruel world, with all these negative and toxic people around me. Other than telling you’ve got this, it’ll be fine, don’t worry... they just say these hurtful words like “ just quit, you can’t do that, that’s not for u, you dun even have a mom, you’re poor, just keep daydreaming” I mean.... please ;( stop
Anw thanks for sharing this music... this helped me a lot xoxo
my dear, goodnight and sweet dreams 🎀🌌
just forget all your problems and negative emotions🫂
yes, maybe today was not the best day, so you need to relax, it will help you in the future.
I love how I just listen to this and read so many wholesome comments that make all my worries go away. Really made me sleep well. Thank you! Have a nice day :D
Have a nice day too or have a nice night 🌙 😊 🌹
Thanks so for that
Me too!🙃
To all people reading this:
You are loved and you are strong. You'll get through what ever you need to get through. Have faith and trust yourself because you're important and you have worth. Smile, now, please? I love you all 😩❤️
Thanks 🙏🙇 for this beautiful.... Wish. Today u make.... Me realise that i m not the only..... One.... Who.... Is feeling unimportant..... And.. Nobody for anyone..... There is somewhere somebody else who have same... Feelings like.... Me....
We all love you back too🥺💕
P.S: coz ppl voluntarily put smile on strangers does not receive the same in return all the time.💕
Smile because thats all the thing that we can do once we want to quit living life
Smile, despite of wanting quitting life
Dengerin lagu ini menjamin mata sambil mikirin masalah sampe nangis tiba tiba ketiduran rasanya tuh enak banget, malah lebih nyaman kek gini ketimbang harus cerita ke orang tapi jawaban nya selalu "Yang sabar yah" :)
Prediksi hk
Bener banget :)
They feel your heart but they may be lack of making comfortable words. They are there for you. They want you to get stronger yet you have them to hear all your story and give you solution if you want it.
Stay strong, sabar yah :'(
Sabar, bukan buat kamu aja. Tapi buat aku juga 😭😭😭 ya Allah, beri aku kesabaran, beri aku kekuatan 😭😭😭😭
3 years today listening to this masterpiece. helped me sleep and relax hundreds of times. thank you.
Untuk kalian yg saat ini mungkin tidak baik-baik saja, ada yg mungkin resah nan gelisah krn masalah, ada yg tersakiti dan blm terobati,, tenang.. Yakinlah kalian psti mampu melaluinya, smua psti ada hikmahnya.. Bukankah pelangi menghampiri setelah awan mendung menutupi,??
Teruslah jgn prnah berhenti untuk bermimpi, dan jika kalian ingin bermimpi maka tidurlah,, namun jgn lupa, jika kalian ingin mewujudkan mimpi2 itu maka bangunlah, sambutlah hari esok dg semangat, ceria dan penuh tawa, tak perlu berputus asa, saya pastikan smua akn indah pd waktunya🤗
Makasihh siapapun kamu
@@Rma_cf sama2 siapapun kmu
Terimakasih siapapun kamu, karnamu aku kan kembali menjadi semangat ☺☺
Hey you. Yes you. random person that I will never meet. I truly hope that you will find happiness in life. Today is going to be a great day.
i love you
aww tnx have a great day and staysafe always sir or maam 😊
Hey stranger, thank you for make me feel good and better after reading all your comments. Thank you so much and I appreciate it, y'all make me feel strong again by all your sweet words ❤️
aww tnx have a great day and staysafe always sir or maam 😊
Things are not much good but I am here and I will be... ❤️❤️
Terimakasih sudah bertahan sejauh ini. Terimakasih sudah sangat kuat dan tangguh. Kamu telah melakukan yang terbaik. Walaupun tidak ada satupun orang yang menyadarinya, tapi kamu sudah sangat hebat sampai detik ini. Apa yang kamu lakukan sudah benar. Jangan bersedih, jangan menyalahkan diri sendiri, jangan dengarkan hal buruk yang orang katakan.
Belajarlah untuk mencintai diri kamu sendiri. Belajarlah menerima semua kekurangan yang ada pada diri kamu. Kamu adalah orang yang sangat berharga, bahkan saat tidak ada satu orangpun yang mengatakannya.
Silahkan menangisi diri kamu sebelum tidur malam ini. Saya harap besok, bulan depan, 10 tahun lagi, dan seterusnya kamu akan merasa sangat bersyukur atas segala hal yang telah terjadi. Dan kamu bisa berdamai dengan semuanya.
Barakalloh, semoga Alloh memberikan keberkahan untuk dirimu.
Pas bgt di aku😭😢
Terimakasih, sangat menguatkan😭