  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @estebanr1807
    @estebanr1807 4 роки тому +157

    So happy to watch you react to Apink. They developed a very distinct sound , using a lot of colorful synthetic sounds . They are a 9 years old group but they ranked n.1 on Korean charts . Which is a great accomplishment. I know you mentioned wonder girls and Yubin but if you heard their previous songs you will see that's their own trend. I particularly enjoyed what you mentioned the "dreamy" sound build up

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +10

      Ah that’s interesting to read Esteban! Yeah I got the vibe they have been around a bit longer than a lot of groups. Yeah that vibe is cool, it’s not like super 80s but has a fair amount of influence from that decade! Appreciate your comment!

  • @silverace2453
    @silverace2453 4 роки тому +94

    This song gives me so much euro dance vibes! I’m glad they’ve matured to this sound since ‘I’m So Sick’. It’s super infectious and it deserves all the success it has in Korea!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +7

      Yeah for sure silver I’m getting that vibe from it too! It has an almost timeless feel to it. They must have come a long way since starting out right? Thanks for your comment!!

    • @nevik26kram
      @nevik26kram 4 роки тому +1

      That instrumental gives off euro vibes

  • @IstruxBeats
    @IstruxBeats 4 роки тому +88

    The song structure on this and the smooth transitions are so good, kpop producers are insane 💫

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      for sure istrux!! some really good writing there!

  • @midwest_mkv
    @midwest_mkv 4 роки тому +62

    This is the first time I’ve heard this song... and I love it! I may only be 15, but I love 80s-90s music so that 80s vibe is just amazing; and whatever I’m feeling with this song, I love that too! I recently discovered “Roller Coaster” - CHUNG HA which has also been added to my playlist.
    Honestly, I’ve just been listening to “Hellevator” and “MIROH” by Stray Kids, “Wannabe” and “You Make Me” by ITZY, “Oh My God” by (G)I-DLE, and “Roller Coaster” by CHUNG HA ... but this is getting added immediately.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +4

      It's a great one isnt it! My first Apink song on this channel! ooooh thats a nice list of songs you have been listening to there!! i appreciate your comment here!!

    • @midwest_mkv
      @midwest_mkv 4 роки тому

      AZODi it is a great song... and thank you 🙏🏻

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      @@midwest_mkv no, thank YOU!

    • @ilive4youngjaeslaugh567
      @ilive4youngjaeslaugh567 4 роки тому +1

      Avery G. Do you know that roller coaster and dumhdurum producer is the same? Its black eyed pilsung (some of his great works : fancy by twice, i like that by sistar, eung eung by apink and many more)

    • @midwest_mkv
      @midwest_mkv 4 роки тому +1

      I Live 4 Youngjae's Laugh I didn’t know that, but that’s awesome. One problem I almost always have with music is following what producer did what, but I find it interesting when I hear about that kind of stuff. Cool to know, dude; thank you for sharing 🙏🏻

  • @dataw0lf216
    @dataw0lf216 4 роки тому +58

    Wow that synth at the chorus is so gripping to me for whatever reason. Instantly going in the playlist.
    Really enjoyed the analysis! And those little meme edits of course XD

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +8

      Thanks data it’s a cool song right? Loving the 80s influence! Haha I added more memes as people mentioned they liked them after that post I did the other day haha I appreciate your comment!

  • @Sudakov
    @Sudakov 4 роки тому +22

    Thanks for you reaction, it's very detailed! This song's composers are Black Eyed Pilseung, they did I'm So Sick and Eung Eung for Apink. And some tracks for Twice - Likey, TT, Fancy and Like OOH-AHH. And two best tracks for Chung Ha - Gotta Go and Roller Coaster. For me this duo are best in K-pop industry, this comeback just confirmed it.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +2

      oh nice thanks for the info! they did bubble pop for HyunA right years back? those are some great songs in that list!

  • @dngalang6427
    @dngalang6427 4 роки тому +36

    One of the best reactions I've watched. It's really nice to watch a reaction from a professional musician bec. u will get a lot of input related to the song. Very informative. Thank u for reacting to Apink song.
    Hoping for song reactions of I'm So Sick and %%. Thank u very much!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks much dnga!! I’m glad you enjoyed the video and happy you learned something too!! I appreciate your comment!! 😊😊

    • @orbeat6557
      @orbeat6557 4 роки тому +3

      Exactly!! I came right to this kinds of reaction videos particularly to this channel coz I can actually learn appreciate the song even more than I already did. His explanations helped me to enjoy this song much more!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      @@orbeat6557 thanks orbit i appreciate it! glad you can enjoy the music in a new way and the channel in general!! :)

  • @JoaoZamae
    @JoaoZamae 4 роки тому +1

    Now it is clear why the song got me hooked: the 80s vibe.
    I couldn't notice It. But It never fails to catch me

  • @Libegone
    @Libegone 4 роки тому +1

    It's so nice to see you smile throughout the video.
    You must have enjoyed it !

  • @jasonkit90
    @jasonkit90 4 роки тому +20

    Apink fever !!!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      For sure!!

  • @AsianTankPilot
    @AsianTankPilot 4 роки тому +12

    The producer is Black Eyed Pilseung, who has produced a lot of popular songs for different groups. He produced Twice’s Likey too.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +2

      oh no way yeah i know the name! think they did bubble pop by HyunA right?

    • @AsianTankPilot
      @AsianTankPilot 4 роки тому

      AZODi I believe so yes. That the first song that made me notice Kpop. The MV and Hyuna helped a little as well. Haha

    • @Ines-yf5kj
      @Ines-yf5kj 4 роки тому +1

      He produced I'm So Sick and Eung Eung too

    • @joehardy5
      @joehardy5 4 роки тому

      @@AZODi actually, shinsadong tiger produced bubble pop

  • @velvetra29
    @velvetra29 4 роки тому +2

    And i thought i was the only one that catch those tasty city pop flavor. This song is insane. Love it so much.

  • @kevenfelipe3386
    @kevenfelipe3386 4 роки тому +21

    SOTY for me ✌

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1


  • @Morningstar_08
    @Morningstar_08 4 роки тому +6

    Love the analysis. Thank you for reacting.
    Man, Black Eyed Pilseung keep on delivering bops after bops.
    Apink- I’m so sick, Eung Eung, Dumhdurum
    Twice- Like Ohh Ahh, Cheer Up, TT, Likey, Fancy
    Miss A- Only you
    Sistar- Touch my body

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks Sana i appreciate it!! :) good to know!

  • @renatoulbov
    @renatoulbov 4 роки тому +2

    I started watching your videos yesterday and I was very happy with your "a year in kpop" vid, shows how hard working and warm you are as a person, hope you keep succeeding in your field ^^

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thank renato i appreciate it! its great fun making those videos, i can be way more open and be myself, also i talk more about the whole Kpop process, losses and wins haha ill keep going and do my best!

  • @myselfmasum
    @myselfmasum 4 роки тому +2

    The first thing I listen in every morning is this song. It makes my morning refreshing... And the word "dreamy" you used really did "justice".

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      great to hear masum!

  • @beutypanda3230
    @beutypanda3230 4 роки тому +2

    Apink is the best and they are legendary kpop group.

  • @soyedgar1831
    @soyedgar1831 4 роки тому +2

    Seems like an upcoming trend, the retro synth poppy sound, like this song and Laberynth from Gfriend

  • @lffdgfhggfhgh4204
    @lffdgfhggfhgh4204 4 роки тому +2

    APINK ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому


  • @riccardobattiston4816
    @riccardobattiston4816 4 роки тому +4

    I’m interested in your reaction of “I’m so Sick” and “EungEung” 😋

  • @uncfanhado
    @uncfanhado 4 роки тому +1

    Got a Kpop dvd/Blu Ray concert collection from Blackpink,BTS,Girl Generation & others!! Big fan of Kpop!!

  • @joannaofficial2013
    @joannaofficial2013 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks so much for making such a comprehensive reaction🌻it is amazing being able to learn about pop song structure🌸

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      My pleasure!!

  • @sleepy1684
    @sleepy1684 4 роки тому +4

    I love how you mentioned Yubin ^^ I love these retro style songs so much they’re just such ear-candy

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      Thanks Lauren I appreciate it! Yeah Yubin is great right? Did you ever listen to Train to Chuncheon as well? One of my all time favs and that is super 80s / city pop right??

    • @sleepy1684
      @sleepy1684 4 роки тому

      I haven’t listened to it actually ^^ Thanks for the recommendation though I’ll go check it out!

    • @MrPorcShop1
      @MrPorcShop1 4 роки тому

      Taeyeon normally does those slower songs with vocals being the main thing, so city-pop theme went well with it . I mean Mariya Takeuchi, Anri got some bangers and really enjoyed this comeback by Apink comapred to Eung Eung.

  • @tachibanashin
    @tachibanashin 4 роки тому +5

    This is the first time I've heard this, it was great exploring new songs with other people 👏

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +2

      heeeey shin! good to hear, glad you enjoyed the song (even if this react was the first time hearing it haha) i appreciate your comment!

  • @kazdelprado6945
    @kazdelprado6945 4 роки тому +3

    the transitions on this song are insane!! love how they keep getting better each comeback

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +3

      Yeah for sure! Glad their new stuff is getting better, always great to see a progression with your favourite artist right?! I appreciate your comment!

  • @catsarehellacute
    @catsarehellacute 4 роки тому +1

    Great reaction. Once again, I learned so much !
    Congrats for 10k. Our family is growing every day !!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks so much a_n and im glad you learned something from the video! yeeea it is! 100k lets a gooooooooo!

  • @xavierlee99
    @xavierlee99 4 роки тому +1

    Really enjoy your Videos explaining music! Cheers from Canada

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      cheers xavier!

  • @MaJoGuMiHo
    @MaJoGuMiHo 4 роки тому +1

    I'm really obsessed with this song *O*

  • @ranis1173
    @ranis1173 4 роки тому +8

    They Are LEGEND 🔥🔥🔥🥰

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      whoop whoooop! they have been going for quite a while now right?!

  • @userndetachment8856
    @userndetachment8856 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for everything

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks eun!

  • @AZODi
    @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

    (Separate 10k Sub video coming this week ^__^) Support and request your fav K-Pop songs on PATREON: 💙

  • @jthugz001
    @jthugz001 4 роки тому +1

    It's fun watching you enjoy the music and I get to learn stuff from your reaction. You're a good teacher, keep it up!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks stoic! glad you learned something from the video! I will sir!

  • @Sofkatt
    @Sofkatt 4 роки тому +1

    Congrats on 10K love🎉💜

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks SW i appreciate it! what a journey lol

  • @test-mm7bv
    @test-mm7bv 4 роки тому +3

    just got into this great song
    found out it's by black eyed pilseung (twice's hitmaker)
    they're amazing, and do very well with apink's more mature vibe
    is there a theme or style that characterizes bep? collpasedone is also amazing (a kpop composer theme series would be cool, but probably not too popular)

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      Thanks test! thats a great idea!! ive added it to my youtube ideas list, thank you that is a really good shout!

  • @thezokil
    @thezokil 4 роки тому +2

    I would say it's a little more modern, it gave me nostalgic 90's feelings, for dance electronic tracks like Snap!'s single Rhythm is a dancer, La Bouche's Be My Lover, or more rock tracks like The Cardigans' Love Fool.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      yeah u know what, since watching the song back a few times in the edit i have to agree with you, it has some 80's in it but it feels more 90s after listening a few more times to it!

  • @Katirin89
    @Katirin89 4 роки тому +1

    When I was a big fan of kpop and I used to follow different groups actively, it was amazing to see their developments. I got enough of that though after following Super Junior from 2009 until 2012, Infinite from 2011 until 2014 and VIXX from 2012 until 2016. Now I just mainly listen different interesting kpop songs. Not that I didn't listen different groups/solo artists before but when I was an avid fan I used to concentrate listening a lot on those group's songs.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thats interesting to read latte! always cool to see groups development! I remember seeing EXO for the first time (It was their Wolf MV) they have changed soooo much its crazy, although they have always had those massive vocal harmonies!!

  • @birchlawpa
    @birchlawpa 4 роки тому +2

    If you like this, check out these releases by Eyedi (if you haven't already):
    "& New"

  • @IST_family
    @IST_family 4 роки тому +24

    VICTON songs react please🙏🏻🥺 all songs of good but underrated😭❤️

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +2

      thanks togszaya ill have a listen! i appreciate your comment!

    • @IST_family
      @IST_family 4 роки тому

      AZODi please😢

  • @melgeraldnaniong8923
    @melgeraldnaniong8923 4 роки тому +3

    I've been waiting for this reaction ever since Apink came out with this comeback. I love that they matured through their concept.
    It would be amazing if you react to Apink's other song "I'm so sick" because it was an amazing song and I'd love to see your reaction.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks random i appreciate it! ill have to check it out!!

  • @Ines-yf5kj
    @Ines-yf5kj 4 роки тому +3

    React to Eung Eung, even thought they released it last year

  • @Triktus
    @Triktus 4 роки тому +9

    Another nice video man! Your editing gets better every time too.
    Tho the song isnt completely my style I think I now understand way more what makes the song unique thanks to you :)
    Also I LOVE YOUR MUG!!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks toli i really appreciate it and glad you enjoy the editing haha yeah totally fair point about the song! haha that mug is a solid for me, Pokemon AND coffee is a win!!

  • @slavnii
    @slavnii 4 роки тому +1

    Hello AZODi! I'm a newcomer on your channel. Thank you for a professional attitude to this song. I was watching your reaction with interest. Thank you for comparing the style of this song with a legendary Wonder Girls' "Reboot" album. Great album! 😍👌
    Also I like to listen to your proper English! It makes me be more motivated to learn it harder! 😉
    You are awesome! 😍👏

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +2

      thank you i really appreciate it!! glad you enjoyed the video and most def, Reboot is an awesome album right?! thanks again!!

  • @Adiyel0612
    @Adiyel0612 4 роки тому +2

    I always listen to the song first then analyze and guess what synths, effects, etc. are used and then go to your channel and watch your vids to see if I am learning based on my perspective abt the song 😂 thanks man for sharing your knowledge and please don't stop making vids, i still got a lot to learn from you hahaha

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks weydi i appreciate it!!

  • @ashcaptain9334
    @ashcaptain9334 4 роки тому +2

    The Melody beat is kind of Arab vibe to it when chorus runs

  • @marin1699
    @marin1699 4 роки тому

    This was really enjoyable to watch and informative at the same time. Also, Apink x Pokémon, hell yeah!! Liked and subscribed. Nice job!

  • @thalesshu6615
    @thalesshu6615 4 роки тому

    I love how organic this video was, I follow you for a while and today, once again I learnt a lot. BTW, Journey rocks. Thanks for your hard work

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      Thanks so much Thales I appreciate it and glad you enjoyed the video!! Yeah journey is an incredible game! Such an amazing experience!

  • @Adiyel0612
    @Adiyel0612 4 роки тому +2

    4:47 i was also expecting a rap section haha

  • @MichyMerawrs
    @MichyMerawrs 4 роки тому

    Hi AZODi!!! I hope you're safe, well and healthy!!!
    Funny enough, I just watched their comeback song a few days ago.
    Definitely, the City Pop J-Pop influence is there and the hook.
    Loving the editing :)

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks imelle i appreciate it! ahh thats interesting they have a bit of that influence, loooove city pop! :)

  • @josemanuelluna5998
    @josemanuelluna5998 4 роки тому +1

    I always discover good songs thanks to your videos !!!! 😁

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      ayy thanks jose!! great to hear! :D

  • @irene2990
    @irene2990 4 роки тому

    love your reaction!!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      Thanks nurin!!

  • @DireConsenquences
    @DireConsenquences 4 роки тому +4

    If you are interested, there are some some songs that I think are also pretty creative, that it'd be cool to see you react to:
    Cignature - Nun Nu Nan Na
    3ye - Queen
    Ladies' Code - feedback ( You might want to read a bit about their history because the song and the video have some symbolism about their past.)
    WJSN - Save Me, Save You
    NATURE - Oopsie (My Bad)
    Craxy - Aria

  • @uncfanhado
    @uncfanhado 4 роки тому +1

    Hi just subscribed, love this song & other Kpop groups like Blackpink,BTS,girls generation,Twice, cherry bullet, Cignature,Everglow, AoA, G.NA, Red Velvet, Mamamoo to name a few.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      great! thanks uncfan!

  • @jum8484
    @jum8484 4 роки тому

    Stream apink dumhdurum on melon and flo and other charts and buy their song on iTunes

  • @trangpham1682
    @trangpham1682 4 роки тому

    My first reaction of you and i love it 🥰🥰

  • @nanananana1.0
    @nanananana1.0 4 роки тому

    i actually very enjoyed watching this!! thank youu

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks S glad you enjoyed the video!

    • @nanananana1.0
      @nanananana1.0 4 роки тому

      AZODi ^^

  • @aceuxroo
    @aceuxroo 4 роки тому

    also to mention that the producer behind likey (which you thought was awesome) is also behind this... such bops

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      bubble pop too right? loads more, i learned from you guys in the comments! haha

    • @aceuxroo
      @aceuxroo 4 роки тому

      also fancy, tt, im so sick, eung eung... i hope they’ll be working for next twice comeback

    • @aceuxroo
      @aceuxroo 4 роки тому

      AZODi also have u reacted to im so sick and eung eung by apink?? i think theyre great...

  • @luqmanhakim9568
    @luqmanhakim9568 4 роки тому

    Thanks for reacting man

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks luqman i appreciate it!

  • @brandonj612
    @brandonj612 4 роки тому

    Fun fact: the producers of this song is known as one of twice's main producers, who also produced Twice's Fancy, TT, Likey, Cheer up, and Like Ooh Ahh!! The composer is a duo that goes by the name Black Eyed Pilseung! Recently they've been working with Apink these past few years!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks! you guys have been educating me in the comments about it! i know the name, i think they did bubble pop for hyuna yeeeears ago right? thanks for your comment!

  • @karin__99
    @karin__99 4 роки тому

    Your channel it's amazing new subscribe here 🤙🏻 your explanations are so good too

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      heeeeey thanks karin i appreciate it! so glad you enjoy the channel!!

  • @Echofied
    @Echofied 4 роки тому

    Woo! 10k subs! Onward and upward! 🎉🎉🎉🎉

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks echo i appreciate it! thanks for your patreon sub too!!!! heres to 100k lets a goooooooooooo!

  • @petermatta8157
    @petermatta8157 4 роки тому +25

    Yey my first reaction of you
    Also this song is ANOTHER BOP OF THIS YEAR thats the only thing saving our year
    And i really hope that you get to produce a kpop song this year but i would love if you drop the link of a song you produced j-pop or anything

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +2

      thanks peter i appreciate it! glad you like the song too! yeah me too, its all i do when im not making these videos for you guys! haha here is a song i did about 4 years back that i still is pretty cool - thanks again i appreciate your comment!

    • @petermatta8157
      @petermatta8157 4 роки тому +1

      AZODi your welcome keep up the amazing work ❤️❤️ and thank you for the link ill watch it and tell you what i like

    • @petermatta8157
      @petermatta8157 4 роки тому

      AZODi dude this is amazing I LOOOVEEE IT my favorite part is from 1:20
      To 1:38 like thats my jam i would love to hear more songs like that
      And i honestly feel like the sample from the beginning and the one from
      1:54 to 2:06 WOULD BE PERFECT for a dreamcatcher song like i want to hear them in their songs
      You are truly talented and gifted i hope your talents wont go to waste this year to and that you’ll finally be credited in a kpop song

  • @zoemeerstetter1434
    @zoemeerstetter1434 4 роки тому +1

    Actually I would like to see your reaction to some old kpop songs like shinees lucifer

  • @Lyf4rMusic
    @Lyf4rMusic 4 роки тому

    Nice to see such details views from a producer :)

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks lyf!! :)

  • @m.amirulsyukri9203
    @m.amirulsyukri9203 4 роки тому +1

    You made me wipe my screen so hard because of that black spot on your wall. Hahaha!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      lol yeah sorry about that!!

  • @roseace2832
    @roseace2832 4 роки тому

    9 years gg Queens 👑
    Apink all members so beautiful and talented 💕
    Dumhdurum 💕

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому


  • @nordic2818
    @nordic2818 4 роки тому

    BRUHHHH 10k wtfffffffffff, you the boss!!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      haha thanks dude! crazy right?! this time last year i just hit 1k i think?! lets get to 100k!yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    • @nordic2818
      @nordic2818 4 роки тому

      ​@@AZODi yea bruh, I remember you starting and you had less than 1k hahah. very cool and cant wait to see you hit 10, 20, 30,...100k!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      @@nordic2818 thanks dude i appreciate it! started it up again after that alex interview haha!

  • @junjieasas6335
    @junjieasas6335 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much for reacting to Apinks Comeback hope you like it and keep on streaming and loving this group in the future . They are worth it to Stan, proud pink Panda here☺️☺️☺️ really appreciate it thank you so much.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks junjie i appreciate it!

  • @apinklover5079
    @apinklover5079 4 роки тому +2

    Apink Queens 😍

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1


  • @exycreamy4454
    @exycreamy4454 4 роки тому

    MY QUEEN 🐼💟🐼
    thank you ~ ~ ~

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks exy! no, thank YOU!

  • @nurul_ovro
    @nurul_ovro 4 роки тому

    Apink 😍
    Eunji 💖

  • @argyntolegenov1529
    @argyntolegenov1529 4 роки тому

    great reaction!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks AT i really appreciate it!!

  • @matthewgeosefberinguela3514
    @matthewgeosefberinguela3514 4 роки тому

    Love your mug

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      haha thanks dude! pokemon + coffee is always a win right?! :P

  • @sanazaki7947
    @sanazaki7947 4 роки тому +3

    FOR ME: park Chorong Is the best and lovely... 😍😉😉🤩

  • @shahruladli8186
    @shahruladli8186 4 роки тому +2

    Can you react on another APINK song like I'm So Sick plissss ;)

  • @cryssapink9281
    @cryssapink9281 4 роки тому

    Thank you so much for reacting to Apink .I really enjoyed your analysis.Hope you can react to Eunji for Apink,she has amazing vocals.💖

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks cryssa i appreciate it!! glad you enjoyed the video :)

  • @LukPeachhy
    @LukPeachhy 4 роки тому

    His smile just makes my day lol😂🤣

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      haha thanks peach :D

  • @BenjiMac.
    @BenjiMac. 4 роки тому

    I'd love to see you react to and breakdown cignature assa

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks benji!

  • @cindyvictoria5185
    @cindyvictoria5185 4 роки тому

    I love them sm

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому


  • @choicelyn19
    @choicelyn19 4 роки тому +1


  • @lucaspiazi
    @lucaspiazi 4 роки тому

    Subscribed! Waiting for a Gfriend - Sunrise reaction

  • @haiifoxx_3476
    @haiifoxx_3476 4 роки тому

    Please react to Cravity ( they debuted almost now )

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      yeah they look cool! new debut right!

  • @ednapm8912
    @ednapm8912 4 роки тому


    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому


  • @zidaner.9901
    @zidaner.9901 4 роки тому

    you're so handsome it's not fair!!!!!!!!!!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      haha thank you zidane i am flattered 😅

  • @SuErgeneli
    @SuErgeneli 4 роки тому

    I could suggest Tiger Eyes by Ryu Su Jeong for the next analysis/reaction there is a sound that is very familiar in this one additionally if you ever do non-idol reactions I would highly suggest Kazino by Bibi, My Taste by Sogumm, Good and Evil by Hoody they are very precious especially Sogumm she has a very unique (also quite controversial) way of singing

  • @ghadazain2492
    @ghadazain2492 4 роки тому


    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому


  • @farismutalif6131
    @farismutalif6131 4 роки тому

    I love your analysis! I may not have the technical knowledge of a music producer, but your analysis are short sharp and on point! You caught me off guard though with the Charmander - Charmeleon - Charizard reference to evolution! 😅😅😅
    I used to be a radio DJ and from 2012 to 2017, I produced a radio show called Kpop Hour. And even though I'm not doing the show any more, I still listen to Kpop songs.
    So far, in my opinion, these are the Top 6 Kpop songs in 2020 are these (in order). You may or may not want to check them out (if you haven't):
    6. Kick It - NCT 127
    5. Answer - Ateez
    4. Good Guy - SF9
    3. On - BTS
    2. Dumhdurum - APink
    1. Any Song - Zico
    Any ways, best regards, cheers and stay safe.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks faris i appreciate it and glad you learned something from the video! haha yeah i find the pokemon evolutions work really well at explaining points on this channel haha its cool that you were a dj! some great songs there! thanks again i appreciate your comment!

  • @zexken
    @zexken 4 роки тому

    nice editing bro for reaction video..XD

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      lol thanks XD

  • @rainfall3858
    @rainfall3858 4 роки тому

    good analysis......

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks rainfall appreciaate it!

  • @heyj207
    @heyj207 4 роки тому

    Hope you react to
    Cignature ASSA
    Mcnd Ice Age & Spring
    Max Chocolate

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks arrel i appreciate it!

  • @joestylechannel4939
    @joestylechannel4939 4 роки тому

    Love your reaction...btw have you check out Victon - Howling? Hope you react to it

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks joe i appreciate it! nope i havent yet! will check it out

  • @cindih78
    @cindih78 4 роки тому +2

    Can you react to a BtoB song? Apink and BtoB are actually best friends.

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks cindi i'll check them out :)

  • @reveluvtiny
    @reveluvtiny 4 роки тому +1

    could you do a reaction to some more stuff from Ateez? like their more darker concepts like 'Answer' 'Wonderland' 'Hala Hala' or 'Say my name' 😊 itd be interesting to see what you think of it ^^

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      Thanks 55! I saw your Cool dance routines, keep going!

    • @reveluvtiny
      @reveluvtiny 4 роки тому

      @@AZODi thank you~ 😌😅

  • @bigwin7057
    @bigwin7057 4 роки тому +1

    Please reaction winner remember song

  • @조지-e7z
    @조지-e7z 4 роки тому +1

    react to fromis_9 Love Bomb please !

  • @omaymaarjou6319
    @omaymaarjou6319 4 роки тому


  • @patriciacheyennepaner5240
    @patriciacheyennepaner5240 4 роки тому

  • @buffdaddddddddy
    @buffdaddddddddy 4 роки тому

    hey man, love your insights and the time u take to show ur own examples but it would be better if u didn't play any bg music when u just talk, gives more space to the videos and attention to your points! cant wait for your next kpop producer interview!!

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      thanks pot appreciate it!

  • @petermatta8157
    @petermatta8157 4 роки тому

    Your tattoos are awesome and i dont know why but you look like a good looking younger version of jimmy kimmel

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому +1

      thanks peter i appreciate it! haha I never used to get that until I started UA-cam, I've had the Jimmy Kimmel comments before, i kinda see what you mean :P

    • @petermatta8157
      @petermatta8157 4 роки тому

      AZODi 😂😂

  • @nicoledelarosa8498
    @nicoledelarosa8498 4 роки тому +1

    I keep thinking "ATEEZ" instead if 80s im sorry HAHAHHA

    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому

      haha which ATEEZ song?!?!

  • @minq6133
    @minq6133 4 роки тому


    • @AZODi
      @AZODi  4 роки тому
