I have been on another side of this. I have dated at least 4 witches that I know about. I had spells cast on me and even had Godly family members tell me I had evil spirits attached to me, and I rolled my eyes like im saved. I don't have anything attached to me. It was my sin that i allowed in to let the enemy in and open those portals, and it led me to fall away and stumble back into darkness. The good news is I have recently found Christ, and his grace poured over me and freed me from addiction. I didn't think I would ever be free of, im so thankful for finding this ministry and helping me find my way back to our father.
@StarrSingoff_ i don't know if I did for sure, but I have an uncle who is a pastor and approached me saying that a spirit was attached to me is the only reason I would know,before I got revelation when I got the holy spirit.
@@dawnasanchez9489 why are you burning those? Are you a believer in JESUS CHRIST? If you are, then HE is enough. HE doesn't need any candles or herbs burned to HIM. If you do not know HIM, then that is your first step.
Bless her Jesus my Daughter is going through the same thing after her 3month old son die. She marry the worry man. And she had a 6 year old daughter. Pray for her Aundrea and Ariel .
This was powerful...i think a lot of young women fall for this...because they feel vulnarable, so they want power, and that opens up wrong doors... Be careful where you take your wounds to.....whew thats a whole word🙌🙌
Wow. The crying, the screaming, the overwhelming feelings, etc. - different “energies” coming in whole time it’s demons 😭😭😭 my goodness!!!!! I’m so glad she’s on the other side of this & the transparency & vulnerability it takes to share afterward!!!!! Man…Thank you for sharing Dionna & thank you for this space brother Ezekiel! ❤️
Whew I’m almost half way through and this thing is RICH. The search for healing was REAL & the consequences were more severe as she went deeper. The part where she “went to the bosom” - every encounter allowed more access. WOW.
I have so many similarities to her story. As a Pk the enemy invests heavily in emotional hurt from young age and that opens the door to the spirit of rebellion. Thank you girl for sharing this story ❤
This testimony is REAL y'all. Y'all better make sure you are COVERED by the BLOOD OF JESUS for real, because this stuff ain't no joke at all. Let's stayed prayed up y'all.
You are so right!!! This entire world 🌍 is a Spiritual place while we live inside of our fleshly bodies ‼️. Know your PURPOSE ppl & if you don’t know just ask God in prayer 🙏. Also live out your PURPOSE because it’s going to help so many ppl including yourself, in Jesus Christ mighty and Powerful name it is SO! I Thank The Most High God whom called me out from among them!!! I also THANK him for his Favor that is priceless ‼️ Many are called but only a few are CHOSEN ‼️ Father God I’m Thankful & Greatful 🙌 … to you The Most High God be the Glory 😇🥰😇🥰😇
Omg, everything she described is every single thing I went through dealing with a pastors son who did witchcraft and love spells on me. I’m so glad I came across this channel 😭👏🏽 I’m ready to tell my story
@melonym.psy.7889 renounce,denounce,divorce those evil altars of the bloodline,confess the sins you know and those you forgot. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you,i am also on the same journey being led by the spirit of the Lord
Its amazing that the idea of witchcraft mentally looks like a wearing all black, circles, dark magic, and ceremonies under the moon. The reality is such a slippery slope. Seeking anything to heal over GOD and creating an idol of it is against God's will for us. I've experienced some of her testimony. Thank you for your testimony & transparency sis. It's blessed me.
I relate so much. After a toxic break up with my child’s father, I saw a tarot reading on twitter and never looked back. I started reading tarot cards and using crystals too. It gave me answers, control, manifesting power. All deception. I’m so glad I came back to Jesus
Thank you!! I threw out everything that’s not of God!!! I’m reading his word daily now! I welcome the Holy Spirit only! No other spirits! You are such a blessing and I will continue to share your testimony to save others from the tricks and schemes of the enemy. I plead the Blood of Jesus over all of us!
Amen! I went to this bldg to sell some jewelry that my exes bought me and ended up finding a job rescuing little tender-headed girls lol. Thanking God still because while doing one of their hair, she told me that I have the magic touch. The Lord is blessing, always.
Btw, that was so FIRE what man of God said: "A lot of things are DEscribed in the Bible; that doesn't mean it's PREscribed (recommended or commanded)".🔥
Beyonce worships Oshun...There are rumors of her being a witch..This sounds like confirmation..Stay woke..What a powerful and informative testimony...Thank Jesus for saving her...
It's no rumor she is .. there's been lawsuits of her stealing her neighbors cats to do some things.. she's not shy about it but she also isn't kind with it either sneaky snakey with intentions
I looked up the group on IG she went to in Savannah they are definitely witches. They wear all white and do lots of rituals. I plead the blood of Jesus over anyone who comes in contact with them. There are so many of them.
She is a witch. I started listening to her Music heavily, like after work the same song everyday! I began to feel possessed or like a spirit would come over me while singing and dancing to it. Shortly after I began to have a strong pull to get involved in Ifa or Santeria. I began studying and reading and even praying! To Oshun! So much dark stuff starting Happening around that time and I know the truth I knew of Jesus but I wasn’t surrendered! Once I read deeper on the religion I knew Jesus was the one and true way! Jesus is the sacrifice he came and paid it all on the cross he loves us more than any other god or deity on this earth could ever!!! Amen
This goes to show that a lot of people are in the church not born again and not showing our children what being BORN AGAIN means so that leads to the children getting mad at RELIGION. I’m praying for conviction for her. Jesus wants all that old made new and there’s still some deliverance and freedom needed. Thank you a Jesus!
Well, no. If you read between the lines, she's saying she didn't understand, but she was told...she knew enough to understand what evil was. But she "rebelled". Its because she _wanted_ too. The church *in this case* was not to be blamed.
I once heard an African deliverance Minister advice that if ever faced with a witchcraft attack people should pray that the witch/warlock sending it their way die. This never sat right with me, something in my spirit told me that doctrine was not Christ-like. That is the equivalent of making "return to sender" prayers, its not biblical. No one is ever too far from the grace of salvation, pray for their repentance instead. God has a plan for all of us.
Many of them never repent. They terrorize people until the day they die. This lady was set apart from early on, especially considering her early introduction to Christ, with her parents being believers. Her story is very unique. But trust me, I know of witches who died in old age while still putting spells and curses on people… some vow to die being witches. My life was terrorized by these people for many years… they are in my paternal family. They pass it on to their children before they die. I perfectly understand the scripture that says, “suffer not a witch to live.” These lifelong witches put death spells on people… I know because they put it on me… BUT God…
Not saying to pray for anyone’s death. I too think it’s better to pray for their salvation. Just that there are different levels of witchcraft. I’ve never been a witch or anything close to one nor do I ever intend on it. However I have had to deal with direct witchcraft and actual warlocks (very wicked and demonic warlocks). Not all witches and witchcraft are out to do the same level of harm. Some don’t want any harm done at all, quite the opposite. But that’s not the problem with witchcraft. Those are just the intentions. The heart posture of a person. Black witches/warlocks sometimes literally have a black or almost black soul. It’s very dark and no light. They come with ALOT of demons. Lotttssssss as they progress. They conjure these demons up (or that’s what they believe they’re doing) into the world and release them here sending them to take over different territories. Human sacrifice is not beyond them in order to fulfill this task given to them by the devil. That’s how possessed they can become. Then some have like a „spottet“ soul. Still filthy and gross, but there are light and dark areas. Take it as it resonates. Leave the rest. To my knowledge the damage lies in the covenants they make with the demons in order to successfully execute their spells. 🪄 Both light and dark have to come into agreement with the same kingdom, and it’s NOT the one Jesus has created for those of us written in His Book of life. That’s a whoooole other battlefield and ballgame altogether.
This has me in tears, this WOG had to go through to share her testimony, God already knew she was coming back, her fight was for all of US I love that she is just so RESERVED AND NOT LOOKING LIKE SHE'S BEEN THROUGH! Glory 🙌🏾 be to God for the HEDGES OF PROTECTION when she returns home! I LOVE THIS PODCAST SO MUCH, THIS YOUNG MAN IS STRAIGHT SPIRIT LEAD NOT OFF OF FEELINGS!
I wonder if the Soul Sister she went to visit in Savannah was Queen Afua. Her book & movement is all about womb healing. I had her book, and was starting to get into some of that New Age stuff. I praise God that I never got too deep into it & He delivered me from seeking anything outside of His power for healing, truth & wisdom. 🙌🏾
This is my fight right now, knowing and feeling I need to give my life back to jesus back to god but not knowing where to start feeling like god wont look at me the same way. These type of testimonials give me the strength to keep fighting.
@katrinab. We leave God, he doesn’t leave us. He loves you so much. Say, “Jesus forgive me for my sins. I accept you into my life as my Lord and Savior. Teach me about you, send me help, and protect me those who wish to do me harm. Teach me the Bible and show me who I am in you. Thank you Jesus Amen.”
GOD is our creator HE can not even be compared to us he won’t even hold a grudge against us it’s the devil who want to keep you from a relationship with CHRIST when the prodigal son came back to the Father the Father walked to meet him even before he got home the same with you you did not make that decision to come back to HIM HE pulled you back trust HIM HE loves you more than you can imagine , HE died for you there is nothing HE won’t do for you
Man, this was so powerful, I used to watch her IG page, and thought she had it made not knowing any of this! This touched my spirit and had me reevaluating my walk with the Lord, like am I covering myself with the blood of Jesus, or just freely walking outside without the armour of the Lord... Powerful testimony, thank you Dede for sharing.
I’m from Louisiana and women have been doing this for as long as I’ve been alive. What I have noticed in this generation is they don’t hide it. They proclaim being witches with pride and it’s disturbing.
I want to call my daughter’s mother who wants to get serious with me but all this lady talking about I see and know going on at her house. I don’t know if she is a witch but she do sage she get roots she have evil eye jewelry evil eye drinking glasses in her cupboard, she burn sage candle, she believe in the universe, she order things for drinking to help her reproductive system. Am a believer in Jesus Christ. She never use Jesus Christ. She believe in gods. It’s on my mind to call her out on it.
Men too. I married a person who was involved in this type of stuff. It was a constant spiritual battle. From sage to crystals to books of magic to lotus oil to spell candles.. he did all of it. When we split, I felt a demonic spirit fly off my head. I was literally under a 5 year witchcraft spell. 😢 it was horrible. It was a horrible marriage and he was heavy into the demonic.
What a blessing to hear her overcome the devils lies! If anything, God is calling us to stay lit for him. No lulewarmness, I tell my kiddos, repent quickly, and best to keep the right heart posture! Thx you all! Truly why I keep evangelizing!
Testimonies like this are priceless, I was nervous to hear initially but man I’m hear taking notes because helping me know how to stand and present myself before Yahusha (Christ) ❤
God does not do these things but he allows it so that he can recieve the Glory and thus testimonies now help to save more of his creations who can then be his children. Amen
So many things you have been through. I have been through myself. 1:24:13 I remember directly after surrending to God and stopped witchcraft. God woke me up at around 3am and told me to go throw away some stuff (i saw like an image in my head of the things i still had), i even forgot i had. I thought i threw everything away. I was so tired, i told God i will do it in the morning. God told me no throw them away now🥰❤️ The moment i wanted to take the stuff and throw them away, i started shaking extremly. It felt like something was telling me no. I had herbs for money abundace in my bag, i forgot. Herbs in my shoes, in my car, statue of oshun in my car (that i first had by my bed), crystal necklace, etc. I had spells hidden in different places in my home, i forgot about. Even a spellbook i couldnt find for awhile. So prayed many times for God to reveal everything so i can throw them away. And He answered ofcourse💃✝️🙌❤️
I cried from the beginning to the end. The devil is a thief! I thank God for Jesus Christ I thank Him for the Holy Ghost! God is setting His people FREE!!❤
This was so amazing! Sis your story is so much like mine. By Gods glory I am now able to see the Why and better help those who are currently in bondage. Let’s be real it’s sometimes easier to hear from someone who is reformed from the same things that have had strongholds on us. I believe God is using those of us who were once betrayed by people and the enemy to testify his goodness! Thanks for having her on!
The enemy makes things so easy and so good! But God 🙌 every time I think I've seen the best testimony, you come with another one! Thank you for this one
This is a wonderful interview! I appreciate her honesty and I love how you let her talk and you asked her questions to elaborate after she made a statement. I just found your channel and I'm glad I did. Keep up the great work. These topics are rarely discussed in church but it should because this is real. Thank you.
Powerful!! I tried to explain this to a guy but he didn’t want to hear the truth abt witchcraft. Thank you for sharing this in order to help so many 🙏🏽
It's very important for people to heal and let God heal them cause if you don't, you just give the devil more grace over your life.Her wounds open the doors,thank God she is free now.
You had that heavenly foundation! Imagine how much farther into darkness you would fall if your parents hadn’t introduced the light of truth to you at a young age!
So beautiful to see all of these men at the altar. That’s where you fellas will find strength, love, salvation, joy, peace, self control, God’s will. Stay close to the altar brothers
Such a great and necessary conversation! Thank you for exposing the enemy. Her story makes me really appreciate God's mercy. Great advice about dating. Not everyone will just cry and rebuild themselves after a heartbreak.
Man this woman's life is exactly what I'm going through😢 to the T no friends family didn't know very reserved no judgment from people. Wow very inspiring thank you so much for sharing
I always pray that when individuals go into detail with their spells and acts that the vulnerable believers or new believers coming out of the occult don't try to go and try them... I'm grateful for people's testimonies and that their new life is in Christ
It's crazy how we are willing to take the time to learn, spend time improving our knowledge in the witchcraft but not put that same energy in as Christian.
1:02:15 its crazy because i also am getting delivered from new age and witchcraft and oshun is a very popular deity who is an african goddess of "fertility" and one of her most popular "daughters" is beyoncé. and if you know about beyonce she's extremely demonic and a high rank witch. summer walker, kehlani, erykah badu they're all witches as well. now im not sure if erykah also worhsips oshun but kehlani and summer walker have openly expressed their relationship working with the deity. her symbolic color is yellow. witches are more common than you think... stay blessed and prayed up God bless.
Listening to this interview confirms my feelings about this other female chef hexing me. Me being lukewarm and allowing ANYBODY in my house, being “nice” got me in a situation where my business IG page got shut down out of no where, me and my husband got into a huge fight and law enforcement got involved then we later divorced. I remember she asked me to make a dinner, for our “ancestors” and of course I told her no. She kept coming around, and I remember a chair broke in half while I was sitting in it. One day she sent a screen shot to show me an alarm she set for us to go to the grocery store and accidentally revealed 3 apps on her phone which was a horoscope app, tarot card app and a dream app. At the time my discernment told me not to trust her but I didn’t know how deep it was.
Throw it out ! I dabbled with crystals I thought they were pretty not knowing the implications. I threw all of it out! Even depression med that I know God delivered me from, I threw it out! I believe the WORD OF THE LORD JESUS, that by HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED! Amen 🙌🏽
Wow I thought she looked familiar.... I follow her on Instagram. I would have never knew she was dealing with this. I always would look at her training videos and be like I want her to be my trainer. Glad to see you are back closer to God and I applaud you for being transparent through your testimony.
This was so good! I have a friend that did healing work with someone she did not know was a witch & got diagnosed with a weird auto immune disease right after. She is still unaware & very rough when it comes to the gospel or anything about Jesus . I don’t know how to talk to her about this & I feel bad because I know the truth & she does not. Please pray for my friend and my boldness in the Lord!
I’m glad she said “you can’t put a hex on a Christian. Someone who’s really walking the walk” Many think they can carry the title of Christian without the responsibility. It’s sad and scary to see. Then you have Bishops who ppl look up to and follow saying things like “if I did do it I can just repent” God of heaven please help us!
Loving this exposing of the devices of the devil; strengthens my faith in Jesus. God bless her for sharing her testimony. Have been binging the episodes on this channel; so powerful. God bless this channel.🙏🏾
Thank you for your testimony. This makes me thankful to God for hiding me from darkness. My brokenness drew me closer to Jesus. I don’t know how I would have felt dealing with witches
Everytime she hurt someone, it was their fault. She is the victim always. Many women use this strategy to escape accountability and feel good about hurting others.
@@Jamesgalc-gs8wu it’s the spirit of jezebel, which most witches and some women and also men operate in where they don’t take any accountability and thrive in the victim mentality. Along with manipulation, seduction and control. That’s where that whole “dark femininity” movement is rooted. All deception dressed up in seduction and manipulation. Thank God for her deliverance !! 🎉🎉
Thank you sooo much for the enlightenment and astrology numerology etc. Thank you for your transparency. Thank you for letting us know what to look out for and what to pray against
I’m definitely not afraid Thank you Jesus. I really needed to hear this, so happy I came across this message Cus lord knows I was on my way to destruction 😢 hurting is real.
I confess I was guilty of doing this insanity craft because I did not know our Lord and Savior Jesus then. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and got baptized a couple of months ago. Once I got to know Jesus by reading the Bible and how much he loves me the holy spirit showed me all the sins that I was committing and every element, crystal, sage, and book that has something to do with witchcraft, Symbols, stones, and more that I had in my house to get rid of all of them. I thank the Lord Jesus and praise him for saving me from going to hell. Right now I am on fire on him and all I want is to make him proud of me. I love watching your ministry brother! This episode is one of my favorites. God bless
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for this!!! This was such a confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. I don't have exactly the same story, but it's very similar. God finally got through to me 2 days ago, but I've been having the hardest time trying to get things removed from my home. My roommate seen what was going on with me & said she agreed I should get rid of my tarot cards, but thought I was overreacting about the other stuff (crystals, sage, etc.). I KNOW now that my feelings were correct..
My husband did a deliverance on me a few years ago. How we got to that point is, I believe God took his hands off me for a second because I asked was he real. This is the first time I heard anyone put that way besides me. He thought I was crazy
I have been on another side of this. I have dated at least 4 witches that I know about. I had spells cast on me and even had Godly family members tell me I had evil spirits attached to me, and I rolled my eyes like im saved. I don't have anything attached to me. It was my sin that i allowed in to let the enemy in and open those portals, and it led me to fall away and stumble back into darkness. The good news is I have recently found Christ, and his grace poured over me and freed me from addiction. I didn't think I would ever be free of, im so thankful for finding this ministry and helping me find my way back to our father.
@@TheAzureSkyy Amen
Amen 🙏🏾
Praise God for you❤
How do u know if like a love spell is cast on u?
@StarrSingoff_ i don't know if I did for sure, but I have an uncle who is a pastor and approached me saying that a spirit was attached to me is the only reason I would know,before I got revelation when I got the holy spirit.
“Be careful where you take your wounds” 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Definitely the truth!!!!!
what does that mean???
That was fire 🔥🔥🔥
Shes so honest and shes exposing the devil and doing the work of the Lord. God bless her.
Question? Is it wrong to burn frankincense and myr
@@dawnasanchez9489I don't believe so but seek God for the answer.
@@dawnasanchez9489 why are you burning those? Are you a believer in JESUS CHRIST? If you are, then HE is enough. HE doesn't need any candles or herbs burned to HIM. If you do not know HIM, then that is your first step.
The devil is a liar!
The enemy will give you an answer but never a solution 💯
I felt that last sentence!
Bless her Jesus my Daughter is going through the same thing after her 3month old son die. She marry the worry man. And she had a 6 year old daughter. Pray for her Aundrea and Ariel .
When it comes to deliverance it’s never “one last time” as long as you are living you will need deliverance all throughout your life.
“Through an emotional door, a spiritual door is open” 😮💨🔥 THAT’LL PREACHHHH
So true, stay in the word of the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
That is soo true , can't let emotions lead to it , let God heal
So good!! This is such an important conversation on the dangers of witchcraft and new age. Thank you!
This was powerful...i think a lot of young women fall for this...because they feel vulnarable, so they want power, and that opens up wrong doors...
Be careful where you take your wounds to.....whew thats a whole word🙌🙌
Wow. The crying, the screaming, the overwhelming feelings, etc. - different “energies” coming in whole time it’s demons 😭😭😭 my goodness!!!!! I’m so glad she’s on the other side of this & the transparency & vulnerability it takes to share afterward!!!!! Man…Thank you for sharing Dionna & thank you for this space brother Ezekiel! ❤️
Whew I’m almost half way through and this thing is RICH.
The search for healing was REAL & the consequences were more severe as she went deeper. The part where she “went to the bosom” - every encounter allowed more access. WOW.
So many people foolishly do Saging, crystals, yoga, etc. without even researching what it is.
I was one of them
& ancestral worship. Santeria. Voodoo. Hoodoo. Idol worship. Candle worship. There’s so many things people are dabbling into knowingly or unknowingly.
Y'all act like Christianity is the oldest religion and it always been here nah what were we doing B4 brought into this book
There is nothing wrong with yoga or crystals 😂. It's all about intent.
I have so many similarities to her story. As a Pk the enemy invests heavily in emotional hurt from young age and that opens the door to the spirit of rebellion. Thank you girl for sharing this story ❤
Yes and usually your own family and parents
What does PK mean 🤔
Pastor's Kid
@@apikowinnie7702 Pastor's Kid
This testimony is REAL y'all. Y'all better make sure you are COVERED by the BLOOD OF JESUS for real, because this stuff ain't no joke at all. Let's stayed prayed up y'all.
Yes in JESUS name. This is God covering us from fornicating as well. It incites soul ties.
Thank you Jesus for your grace and mercy.🙏🏽🩷
You are so right!!! This entire world 🌍 is a Spiritual place while we live inside of our fleshly bodies ‼️. Know your PURPOSE ppl & if you don’t know just ask God in prayer 🙏. Also live out your PURPOSE because it’s going to help so many ppl including yourself, in Jesus Christ mighty and Powerful name it is SO!
I Thank The Most High God whom called me out from among them!!! I also THANK him for his Favor that is priceless ‼️ Many are called but only a few are CHOSEN ‼️ Father God I’m Thankful & Greatful 🙌 … to you The Most High God be the Glory 😇🥰😇🥰😇
@@anointedappointed1462 amen
What is her last name? I'm floored by her😮
Amen the Bible talks about witchcraft it’s very real
Omg, everything she described is every single thing I went through dealing with a pastors son who did witchcraft and love spells on me. I’m so glad I came across this channel 😭👏🏽 I’m ready to tell my story
I thank God for delivering from my family lineage of witchcraft thank you God
How was it done?
@melonym.psy.7889 renounce,denounce,divorce those evil altars of the bloodline,confess the sins you know and those you forgot. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you,i am also on the same journey being led by the spirit of the Lord
Its amazing that the idea of witchcraft mentally looks like a wearing all black, circles, dark magic, and ceremonies under the moon. The reality is such a slippery slope. Seeking anything to heal over GOD and creating an idol of it is against God's will for us. I've experienced some of her testimony. Thank you for your testimony & transparency sis. It's blessed me.
I relate so much. After a toxic break up with my child’s father, I saw a tarot reading on twitter and never looked back. I started reading tarot cards and using crystals too. It gave me answers, control, manifesting power. All deception. I’m so glad I came back to Jesus
Thank you!! I threw out everything that’s not of God!!! I’m reading his word daily now! I welcome the Holy Spirit only! No other spirits! You are such a blessing and I will continue to share your testimony to save others from the tricks and schemes of the enemy. I plead the Blood of Jesus over all of us!
Amen! I went to this bldg to sell some jewelry that my exes bought me and ended up finding a job rescuing little tender-headed girls lol. Thanking God still because while doing one of their hair, she told me that I have the magic touch. The Lord is blessing, always.
Btw, that was so FIRE what man of God said: "A lot of things are DEscribed in the Bible; that doesn't mean it's PREscribed (recommended or commanded)".🔥
We have to be very careful, of who we allow in our life. When we are in a broken state.
Beyonce worships Oshun...There are rumors of her being a witch..This sounds like confirmation..Stay woke..What a powerful and informative testimony...Thank Jesus for saving her...
It's no rumor she is .. there's been lawsuits of her stealing her neighbors cats to do some things.. she's not shy about it but she also isn't kind with it either sneaky snakey with intentions
proper application of the term "woke". The term has been hijacked by mainstream.
She killed her old drummers cat
I looked up the group on IG she went to in Savannah they are definitely witches. They wear all white and do lots of rituals. I plead the blood of Jesus over anyone who comes in contact with them. There are so many of them.
She is a witch. I started listening to her Music heavily, like after work the same song everyday! I began to feel possessed or like a spirit would come over me while singing and dancing to it. Shortly after I began to have a strong pull to get involved in Ifa or Santeria. I began studying and reading and even praying! To Oshun! So much dark stuff starting Happening around that time and I know the truth I knew of Jesus but I wasn’t surrendered! Once I read deeper on the religion I knew Jesus was the one and true way! Jesus is the sacrifice he came and paid it all on the cross he loves us more than any other god or deity on this earth could ever!!! Amen
Thank you
I was into Reiki for over 2 decades and baptized into a cult at the age of 17...deliverance is possible with JESUS
This goes to show that a lot of people are in the church not born again and not showing our children what being BORN AGAIN means so that leads to the children getting mad at RELIGION.
I’m praying for conviction for her. Jesus wants all that old made new and there’s still some deliverance and freedom needed. Thank you a Jesus!
What does "Religion" have to do with Jesus Christ?
Well, no. If you read between the lines, she's saying she didn't understand, but she was told...she knew enough to understand what evil was. But she "rebelled". Its because she _wanted_ too.
The church *in this case* was not to be blamed.
I once heard an African deliverance Minister advice that if ever faced with a witchcraft attack people should pray that the witch/warlock sending it their way die. This never sat right with me, something in my spirit told me that doctrine was not Christ-like. That is the equivalent of making "return to sender" prayers, its not biblical. No one is ever too far from the grace of salvation, pray for their repentance instead. God has a plan for all of us.
Many of them never repent. They terrorize people until the day they die. This lady was set apart from early on, especially considering her early introduction to Christ, with her parents being believers. Her story is very unique. But trust me, I know of witches who died in old age while still putting spells and curses on people… some vow to die being witches. My life was terrorized by these people for many years… they are in my paternal family. They pass it on to their children before they die. I perfectly understand the scripture that says, “suffer not a witch to live.” These lifelong witches put death spells on people… I know because they put it on me… BUT God…
Exodus 22:18-20 is just one of many verses on how the Lord feels about witches and witchcraft.
Not saying to pray for anyone’s death. I too think it’s better to pray for their salvation. Just that there are different levels of witchcraft. I’ve never been a witch or anything close to one nor do I ever intend on it. However I have had to deal with direct witchcraft and actual warlocks (very wicked and demonic warlocks). Not all witches and witchcraft are out to do the same level of harm. Some don’t want any harm done at all, quite the opposite.
But that’s not the problem with witchcraft. Those are just the intentions. The heart posture of a person. Black witches/warlocks sometimes literally have a black or almost black soul. It’s very dark and no light. They come with ALOT of demons. Lotttssssss as they progress. They conjure these demons up (or that’s what they believe they’re doing) into the world and release them here sending them to take over different territories. Human sacrifice is not beyond them in order to fulfill this task given to them by the devil. That’s how possessed they can become.
Then some have like a „spottet“ soul. Still filthy and gross, but there are light and dark areas.
Take it as it resonates. Leave the rest.
To my knowledge the damage lies in the covenants they make with the demons in order to successfully execute their spells. 🪄 Both light and dark have to come into agreement with the same kingdom, and it’s NOT the one Jesus has created for those of us written in His Book of life.
That’s a whoooole other battlefield and ballgame altogether.
The word of God says suffer no witch to live. Don’t know what was said by the person you heard speak I stand on the word.
The Bible also says suffer not a witch to live. sooo🤷🏾♀️🙏🏽
This has me in tears, this WOG had to go through to share her testimony, God already knew she was coming back, her fight was for all of US I love that she is just so RESERVED AND NOT LOOKING LIKE SHE'S BEEN THROUGH! Glory 🙌🏾 be to God for the HEDGES OF PROTECTION when she returns home! I LOVE THIS PODCAST SO MUCH, THIS YOUNG MAN IS STRAIGHT SPIRIT LEAD NOT OFF OF FEELINGS!
I wonder if the Soul Sister she went to visit in Savannah was Queen Afua. Her book & movement is all about womb healing. I had her book, and was starting to get into some of that New Age stuff. I praise God that I never got too deep into it & He delivered me from seeking anything outside of His power for healing, truth & wisdom. 🙌🏾
This is my fight right now, knowing and feeling I need to give my life back to jesus back to god but not knowing where to start feeling like god wont look at me the same way. These type of testimonials give me the strength to keep fighting.
@katrinab. We leave God, he doesn’t leave us. He loves you so much. Say, “Jesus forgive me for my sins. I accept you into my life as my Lord and Savior. Teach me about you, send me help, and protect me those who wish to do me harm. Teach me the Bible and show me who I am in you. Thank you Jesus Amen.”
@ethnocentricfun991 thank you ❤️
GOD is our creator HE can not even be compared to us he won’t even hold a grudge against us it’s the devil who want to keep you from a relationship with CHRIST when the prodigal son came back to the Father the Father walked to meet him even before he got home the same with you you did not make that decision to come back to HIM HE pulled you back trust HIM HE loves you more than you can imagine , HE died for you there is nothing HE won’t do for you
Man, this was so powerful, I used to watch her IG page, and thought she had it made not knowing any of this! This touched my spirit and had me reevaluating my walk with the Lord, like am I covering myself with the blood of Jesus, or just freely walking outside without the armour of the Lord... Powerful testimony, thank you Dede for sharing.
Same! I still follow her glad she got delivered
You always have these incredible people on your show.
This is a good conversation because it's a lot of women who do roots nowadays. The stories I've heard.
I’m from Louisiana and women have been doing this for as long as I’ve been alive. What I have noticed in this generation is they don’t hide it. They proclaim being witches with pride and it’s disturbing.
I want to call my daughter’s mother who wants to get serious with me but all this lady talking about I see and know going on at her house. I don’t know if she is a witch but she do sage she get roots she have evil eye jewelry evil eye drinking glasses in her cupboard, she burn sage candle, she believe in the universe, she order things for drinking to help her reproductive system. Am a believer in Jesus Christ. She never use Jesus Christ. She believe in gods. It’s on my mind to call her out on it.
Men too. I married a person who was involved in this type of stuff. It was a constant spiritual battle. From sage to crystals to books of magic to lotus oil to spell candles.. he did all of it. When we split, I felt a demonic spirit fly off my head. I was literally under a 5 year witchcraft spell. 😢 it was horrible. It was a horrible marriage and he was heavy into the demonic.
What a blessing to hear her overcome the devils lies! If anything, God is calling us to stay lit for him. No lulewarmness, I tell my kiddos, repent quickly, and best to keep the right heart posture! Thx you all! Truly why I keep evangelizing!
This was absolutely fire both from her and the guy doing the interview 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Her body disfigured when she received the Oshun spirit and also when she was delivered from it. It left the same way it entered. God is so good. 🙏🏾
My Lord the authenticity of this channel can’t be duplicated ❤❤🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽💥
This was an amazing interview! I love how transparent she was and how she was allowed to speak with interruption or judgement.
I love this platform
It feels safe for women
This was so good!!!! The enemy feeds on our need to control
Testimonies like this are priceless, I was nervous to hear initially but man I’m hear taking notes because helping me know how to stand and present myself before Yahusha (Christ) ❤
God does not do these things but he allows it so that he can recieve the Glory and thus testimonies now help to save more of his creations who can then be his children. Amen
So many things you have been through. I have been through myself.
I remember directly after surrending to God and stopped witchcraft.
God woke me up at around 3am and told me to go throw away some stuff (i saw like an image in my head of the things i still had), i even forgot i had. I thought i threw everything away.
I was so tired, i told God i will do it in the morning. God told me no throw them away now🥰❤️
The moment i wanted to take the stuff and throw them away, i started shaking extremly. It felt like something was telling me no.
I had herbs for money abundace in my bag, i forgot. Herbs in my shoes, in my car, statue of oshun in my car (that i first had by my bed), crystal necklace, etc.
I had spells hidden in different places in my home, i forgot about. Even a spellbook i couldnt find for awhile. So prayed many times for God to reveal everything so i can throw them away. And He answered ofcourse💃✝️🙌❤️
I cried from the beginning to the end. The devil is a thief! I thank God for Jesus Christ I thank Him for the Holy Ghost! God is setting His people FREE!!❤
Lord give me the boldness to share my testimony without feeling the shame and worrying about the judgement from others.
This was so amazing! Sis your story is so much like mine. By Gods glory I am now able to see the Why and better help those who are currently in bondage. Let’s be real it’s sometimes easier to hear from someone who is reformed from the same things that have had strongholds on us. I believe God is using those of us who were once betrayed by people and the enemy to testify his goodness! Thanks for having her on!
The enemy makes things so easy and so good! But God 🙌 every time I think I've seen the best testimony, you come with another one! Thank you for this one
Powerful testimony!! Her transparency will Bless others!!
This is a wonderful interview! I appreciate her honesty and I love how you let her talk and you asked her questions to elaborate after she made a statement. I just found your channel and I'm glad I did. Keep up the great work. These topics are rarely discussed in church but it should because this is real. Thank you.
Awesome story sis🙏🏾❤️🙌🏽Awesome transparency and just lets us know God never gives up on us and is always waiting on us to come back to Him🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️❤️❤️
Powerful!! I tried to explain this to a guy but he didn’t want to hear the truth abt witchcraft. Thank you for sharing this in order to help so many 🙏🏽
Philip Anthony Mitchell speaks TRUTH!!!!
It's very important for people to heal and let God heal them cause if you don't, you just give the devil more grace over your life.Her wounds open the doors,thank God she is free now.
You had that heavenly foundation! Imagine how much farther into darkness you would fall if your parents hadn’t introduced the light of truth to you at a young age!
So beautiful to see all of these men at the altar. That’s where you fellas will find strength, love, salvation, joy, peace, self control, God’s will. Stay close to the altar brothers
I love the interviewer sense of humor... great testimony GOD BLESS YOU ALL I KNOW THIS WORLD IS HARD TO ENDURE STAY STRONG ❤
Lord please forgive me for me lukewarm. I don’t want to be an easy target for the enemy. Please continue to cover me with the blood of Jesus Christ.
OMG I WENT TO SOUL SISTER SUNDAY IN SAVANNAH 😭‼️‼️‼️ im glad i found God and he exposes it to me and i fasted and prayed and renounced all of it‼️🙏
Wow, our stories are similar. I’ve repented and gave my life back to Jesus Christ
Praise God!
Saw a clip on ig and had to come find the full interview! Thank you for sharing your story Deedee ❤ God Bless you
I love this podcast! The testimonies not only give glory to God but it also exposes the enemy's tactics.
Such a great and necessary conversation! Thank you for exposing the enemy. Her story makes me really appreciate God's mercy.
Great advice about dating. Not everyone will just cry and rebuild themselves after a heartbreak.
Man this woman's life is exactly what I'm going through😢 to the T no friends family didn't know very reserved no judgment from people. Wow very inspiring thank you so much for sharing
I always pray that when individuals go into detail with their spells and acts that the vulnerable believers or new believers coming out of the occult don't try to go and try them... I'm grateful for people's testimonies and that their new life is in Christ
Well stated! 😊
I’m saying the same thing there will be people who would go and try what she is saying. Something doesn’t feel right about it.
This episode was soooo information and eye opening!!!! Thank you for your obedience sis !
I LOVED this!!! Thank you + please keep these powerful testimonies coming!🙏🏽🌟🌟🌟
It's crazy how we are willing to take the time to learn, spend time improving our knowledge in the witchcraft but not put that same energy in as Christian.
1:02:15 its crazy because i also am getting delivered from new age and witchcraft and oshun is a very popular deity who is an african goddess of "fertility" and one of her most popular "daughters" is beyoncé. and if you know about beyonce she's extremely demonic and a high rank witch. summer walker, kehlani, erykah badu they're all witches as well. now im not sure if erykah also worhsips oshun but kehlani and summer walker have openly expressed their relationship working with the deity. her symbolic color is yellow. witches are more common than you think... stay blessed and prayed up God bless.
Listening to this interview confirms my feelings about this other female chef hexing me. Me being lukewarm and allowing ANYBODY in my house, being “nice” got me in a situation where my business IG page got shut down out of no where, me and my husband got into a huge fight and law enforcement got involved then we later divorced.
I remember she asked me to make a dinner, for our “ancestors” and of course I told her no. She kept coming around, and I remember a chair broke in half while I was sitting in it.
One day she sent a screen shot to show me an alarm she set for us to go to the grocery store and accidentally revealed 3 apps on her phone which was a horoscope app, tarot card app and a dream app. At the time my discernment told me not to trust her but I didn’t know how deep it was.
Throw it out ! I dabbled with crystals I thought they were pretty not knowing the implications.
I threw all of it out! Even depression med that I know God delivered me from, I threw it out! I believe the WORD OF THE LORD JESUS, that by HIS STRIPES I AM HEALED! Amen 🙌🏽
This was beautiful coming from a women that had her hand into witchcraft
Not the music when she started talking about sage 😂😂😂
My brother has experienced similar pain and rebellion against Jesus. Please pray for him!!!
That music scared the heck out of me.😂
Me tooooo lol
Wow I thought she looked familiar.... I follow her on Instagram. I would have never knew she was dealing with this. I always would look at her training videos and be like I want her to be my trainer. Glad to see you are back closer to God and I applaud you for being transparent through your testimony.
So thankful you had the courage to share this! May God bless and protect you in Jesus mighty name AMEN 🙏
This was so good! I have a friend that did healing work with someone she did not know was a witch & got diagnosed with a weird auto immune disease right after. She is still unaware & very rough when it comes to the gospel or anything about Jesus . I don’t know how to talk to her about this & I feel bad because I know the truth & she does not. Please pray for my friend and my boldness in the Lord!
Pray that the eyes of her understanding be open. 🙏
Start a conversation with her and be natural. Let God lead you in how to speak with her. 🙏🏽
I’m glad she said “you can’t put a hex on a Christian. Someone who’s really walking the walk” Many think they can carry the title of Christian without the responsibility. It’s sad and scary to see. Then you have Bishops who ppl look up to and follow saying things like “if I did do it I can just repent” God of heaven please help us!
Loving this exposing of the devices of the devil; strengthens my faith in Jesus. God bless her for sharing her testimony. Have been binging the episodes on this channel; so powerful. God bless this channel.🙏🏾
Thank you for your testimony.
This makes me thankful to God for hiding me from darkness. My brokenness drew me closer to Jesus. I don’t know how I would have felt dealing with witches
Grace ❤
@@WilliamsPinch Amen
Pastor Phil’s ministry is 🔥
I just started listening to him a couple weeks ago. His preaching brings me to tears every time.
That testimony blessed me so much & I would love to share my testimony on there. One day though. Jesus bless this young lady and this channel. ❤
Everytime she hurt someone, it was their fault. She is the victim always. Many women use this strategy to escape accountability and feel good about hurting others.
Why do you think that is?
She might have been a victim but now she's an overcomer.
@@Jamesgalc-gs8wu it’s the spirit of jezebel, which most witches and some women and also men operate in where they don’t take any accountability and thrive in the victim mentality. Along with manipulation, seduction and control. That’s where that whole “dark femininity” movement is rooted. All deception dressed up in seduction and manipulation. Thank God for her deliverance !! 🎉🎉
You missed the point of this video
@@bricbrac28 No I didn't. Even in her "renewed" state she is blaming her victims for being victims.
“The same way it was prayed in. You gotta pray out.”
fasting as well.
Thank you sooo much for the enlightenment and astrology numerology etc. Thank you for your transparency. Thank you for letting us know what to look out for and what to pray against
Thank God for Mercy Prevailed!!!
This woman’s testimony is so relatable I went through very similar things “finding healing” while practicing shamanism with a legit shawman from NY.
the sound effect at 15:49 sent me !! lol I was in a whole other tab I had to click off to see what was happening
I have no idea how that got in there!!!!!
Same, it had me jump too @@Weneed2talktv
I was driving and was cracking up 😹 it was so perfect
Thank you Jesus for the CROSS!!!!😭🙏🏽
I’m definitely not afraid Thank you Jesus. I really needed to hear this, so happy I came across this message Cus lord knows I was on my way to destruction 😢 hurting is real.
Christians need to watch this..
This is powerful! Thank you for your transparency
I’m glad more people are sharing their story. I definitely had to getaway from witchcraft. Thank l you Jesus
"... especially in Atlanta..." she said a mouthful
I confess I was guilty of doing this insanity craft because I did not know our Lord and Savior Jesus then.
I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior and got baptized a couple of months ago. Once I got to know Jesus by reading the Bible and how much he loves me the holy spirit showed me all the sins that I was committing and every element, crystal, sage, and book that has something to do with witchcraft, Symbols, stones, and more that I had in my house to get rid of all of them. I thank the Lord Jesus and praise him for saving me from going to hell. Right now I am on fire on him and all I want is to make him proud of me.
I love watching your ministry brother!
This episode is one of my favorites.
God bless
Thank God for giving the knowledge to pray whenever I see physical signs
Yesssssssss i DIDNT HAVE TO WAIT ALL DAY😂😂‼️‼️‼️‼️ we need the word NEEOOWWWWW
What are you saying?
Awesome show and education. Thanks you for sharing Sis! To God be the glory. A lot of people are being deceived.
Oh my gosh, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for this!!! This was such a confirmation that I'm doing the right thing. I don't have exactly the same story, but it's very similar. God finally got through to me 2 days ago, but I've been having the hardest time trying to get things removed from my home. My roommate seen what was going on with me & said she agreed I should get rid of my tarot cards, but thought I was overreacting about the other stuff (crystals, sage, etc.). I KNOW now that my feelings were correct..
This is such a powerful testimony
My husband did a deliverance on me a few years ago. How we got to that point is, I believe God took his hands off me for a second because I asked was he real. This is the first time I heard anyone put that way besides me. He thought I was crazy
Thank God for deliverance 🙏🏾
Omg she was lost saying she didn't need god ,i must say i be wanting to do some work but soon as i think about it god show up AMEN!