@ just about any home team will trash talk the visiting team especially in a do or die match. Thats why they call it “home field advantage” putting your fingers up to your mouth to shush the home fans is one thing but the whole team rushing to incite and taunt them after winning is juvenile and classless.
Glad GW got beat bad. Serves them right for taunting the home fans last game. So lame.
Home fans talked trash for 90 minutes and lost...
@ just about any home team will trash talk the visiting team especially in a do or die match. Thats why they call it “home field advantage” putting your fingers up to your mouth to shush the home fans is one thing but the whole team rushing to incite and taunt them after winning is juvenile and classless.
@@Thimasehrenstop yapping ima soccer player and I would do what Gardner web did
@ me too son. I’m a semi-professional player and in my country if you act like that you’re going home with a bus missing its windows.