Revelation 20: 1-3 Binding and Release of Satan

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • The binding of satan is an issue discussed in the scheme of eschatology. Is he bound now? Will he be bound in the future? Is he even relevant at all? I discuss all this and more in correlation with the great tribulation, great commission, and the known world in today's video.


  • @DonNobinger
    @DonNobinger Рік тому +4

    Excellent Job Zach! I really look forward to your videos. They are short, simple to understand and backed up by scripture!

  • @sishrac
    @sishrac 5 місяців тому +1

    Is the world not being deceived today? If it is, then by whom?

  • @drewsaber
    @drewsaber 8 місяців тому

    Zach, I’ve just discovered your channel and I really like what I’ve seen so far. I saw your interview with Bruce Gore on postmillenial position, and it was great. I love this passage in Rev 20 and it was verse 7 that was pivotal in my own switching from premil to amil. I have a little different understanding of it though. I’m having a hard time seeing the ‘1000 years’ (though I understand it to be symbolic) as coming to completion in just 40 or so years from the beginning of Christ’s ministry until AD70. Unless you subscribe to a full preterism position, then that might be a case you’d make, but what about verse9? Why would it say that the nations surrounded the camp of the saints (presumably Jerusalem) if the saints had fled to the hills of Judea? Perhaps there are other questions equally interesting throughout the rest of ch 20 and how it leads right into the White Throne Judgement. What if the 1000 years is the interadvental period and the ‘little while’ is now, whereby Satan has been release for a little while to assemble the nations against those not following the new godless regime rising in the earth as we speak?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  8 місяців тому

      I take a full preterist view. Paul stated on trial in the book of acts that the judgement was near and I believe that all events of Revelation 20 can be placed inside of ad70. I also struggle(d) with the 1000 years but I cant get around the rest of the scripture pointing the events to ad70.

  • @DonNobinger
    @DonNobinger Рік тому +1

    I don't think Satan was bound until after the cross because of this verse: John 13:27 Now after the piece of bread, Satan entered him. Then Jesus said to him, "What you do, do quickly."

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +2

      Really good note. I had another friend point the same thing out to me. John 12:31-32 31 Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. 32 And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself.”

    • @sishrac
      @sishrac 5 місяців тому

      This passage is enough to prove that satan is/was a being in the spiritual realm. This rules out the old covenant priesthood as the satan.

  • @WithoutGodYouCantDoDiddlySquat

    Verses 20:7-8 say why he was specifically bound in v 2 - to prevent him from gathering the nations to the final battle against Christ snd His Church before God's timing, only the Father knows the day/hour. In v 9-10, Jesus returns and destroys Satan at the Second Coming (2Thess 2:8) and tosses him in the Lake of Fire forever.

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +3

      The great commission was completed. Nations were gathered. He is destroyed

  • @ProphetGreg94
    @ProphetGreg94 8 місяців тому

    What are your thoughts regarding Satan being cast into the lake of fire? And what does that mean exactly? So do you believe that demons are no longer on earth? If so, how do you reconcile that with real life and genuine testimonies of people who, like myself, have cast out demons from people?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  8 місяців тому +1

      I do not believe Satan and demons are here. I don’t try and reconcile personal experience vs. the Bible. I would respectfully just say that I believe you are mistaken

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 8 місяців тому +1

      @@zachdavis3882 I just want to say I appreciate your videos and insights. So thank you for even taking the time to respond to my comment. But with that said…and I do say this respectfully…doing you think that is a bit of a cop out? I don’t say that to be insulting. As a fellow Full preterist, it is a bit saddening that I ask so many of my fellow preterists, and they are utterly dismissive of my, or any one else’s claims regarding the demoniac. It is a bit disappointing, because I have such high expectation for other preterists that really want truth over tradition.

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 8 місяців тому

      @@zachdavis3882 but in my 12 years I’ve had a number of encounters. And if I can be mistaken by obvious face contortions, eyes turning black, the possessed having supernatural knowledge (knowing personal things about those performing the deliverance that could not otherwise have known) , speaking fluent languages they did not know, slithering on the ground, voice turning bass, screeching, then I can’t even trust my own five senses and will have to question reality itself. I cannot unseen what I have seen. I know it doesn’t help you. But I would rest and sincerely encourage you to reconsider the notion that the devil is literally off of earth, and that revelation cannot be taken purely typological and metaphorical. We have full preterist’s already well understand that many prophetic passages are purely typological and metaphoric. Take that same hermeneutic, and apply it to the passage in revelation, where it speaks of Satan being cast into the lake of fire. And I am not the only one with these experiences many other faithful Christians in different denominations can attest to the same thing I am speaking of. And it also has been recorded and documented amongst psychiatric professionals who have had these encounters that I speak of, and had to reject the idea that their observations were purely psychological.

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  8 місяців тому

      I don’t think it’s a cop out if I believe that scripture teaches it. The end in the scripture of these things points us to ad70. As well as tongues, healing, and prophetic increase of knowledge. We can agree to disagree but if revelation 20 is ad70 then I don’t see a scriptural way that these things are still in play

    • @ProphetGreg94
      @ProphetGreg94 8 місяців тому +1

      @@zachdavis3882 I hear what you are saying; however, at the same time a theory, even theological theory, requires what is called “scope.” A theory that best explains most of the phenomena, all things being equal, that theory is more plausible than not. And this theory doesn’t explain the spiritual phenomena of what modern psychology and psychiatry cannot explain, and many faithful and honest Christians testify to as being demonic possession. You have to ask yourself, “what is the inference to the best explanation for these alleged claims.” And since you haven’t experienced them, it is harder for you to be compelled to really evaluate them seriously like myself. But you being a faithful Bible teacher, I don’t think you have the options you just dismiss it. But it behooves you to truly and sincerely evaluate these claims in light of your eschatological position.

    @DOMINIONFOREVER7 11 місяців тому

    What are your thoughts on paranormal activity and demonic possession in our own time? Do you have any teachings on that?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  11 місяців тому +2

      I don’t believe any of that exists today. Somewhere I have a lesson on Ephesians 6

    • @sishrac
      @sishrac 5 місяців тому

      @@zachdavis3882 Wonderful, if you are living under a rock but not good if you are in denial.

    • @JR-rs5qs
      @JR-rs5qs 4 місяці тому

      Is it possible that individuals may be deceived (1 Pet 5) but not the nations (Rev 20)?

    • @JR-rs5qs
      @JR-rs5qs 4 місяці тому

      ​@@sishracno denial necessary. There are no authentic demon possessions today...just a bunch of people faking things for their own selfish reasons.

    • @JR-rs5qs
      @JR-rs5qs 4 місяці тому

      ​@@zachdavis3882 completely agree. I'd love to listen to your teaching on Ephesians 6. Do you have the link handy? I couldn't find the video. Thanks.

  • @neilnolte2587
    @neilnolte2587 Рік тому

    I know you said you'll speak on the thousand years later. But, are you saying the millennium was the time between Jesus' ministry and the writing of 1 Peter and the 2 thousand years that followed is a short time? Are you saying Satan was released for a little while and then bound again?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +1

      Satan was bound during ministry of Christ (Mark 3 and Matthew 12). After the great commission and millennium were completed he was Loosed for a little while, 3-1/2 year great tribulation. 1 Peter 5:8 he is loosed during that time. He is then thrown into the lake of fire. Paul said in Roman’s 16:20 he would be crushed shortly. That’s the end of rev 20.
      I think revelation 20 recaps the events of Christ ministry to ad70.

    • @neilnolte2587
      @neilnolte2587 Рік тому

      @@zachdavis3882 Thank you for the reply. I'm on board with a lot of your thoughts but I'm not ready to accept a 20 or 30 year millennium.

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому

      Yes sir. I understand that completely

  • @Dave-wu5ic
    @Dave-wu5ic Рік тому +1

    so 1000 years means 40 years?
    this is where preterism leads. harder to harmonize that then 1Pet5:8.
    Satan was bound from deceiving nations as a whole, and the light of the Gospel went forth pillaging in "strong man's house."
    view the Bible through the authority of the Kingdoms. Psalm110 is a shortened version of Rev1-20.
    Satan had control of the gentile Kingdoms during the OT era. Dan2 statue.
    Jesus Kingdom was established in the days of those kings. Dan2:44
    Satan is loosed before the second coming of Christ. Rev13 beast head wound healed is the rising of Satan's Kingdom again near the end of the church age.
    this is amillenialism 101 by Augustine

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +1

      I agree with everything you said but in a different timing.
      Amill scholar GK Beale said…. “The primary point of the 1000 years is probably not to connote figuratively a long time but the thematic idea of ultimate victory of Christians who have suffered.”

    • @ChristCenteredEschatology
      @ChristCenteredEschatology Рік тому +2

      The 1000 years is symbolic of the completeness of Christ rule. We can know it is not a literal 1000 years or symbolic of a long period of time because it is the same period in Revelation 6:11, where it is said to be a little while. Satan was released before the second coming of Christ, which is consistently posited in the first century. Therefore the 1000 years ended in 70 A.D

  • @nogravegonnaholdmedown4280
    @nogravegonnaholdmedown4280 Рік тому

    Which notable scholars take this view?.. the view that Satan was released during the 1st century tribulation.

  • @theberean
    @theberean Рік тому

    Hi Zack, first I would just like to say I am enjoying your content. As with you, the Bible started to make a lot more sense when I moved the timeline of events back to Jesus 30AD-70AD. Second, I would also like to say that I do not hold to any pre mil or post mil camp. Rather I search the Bible for all my eschatological questions. Thats not to say I have all the answers, far from it. My question to you on this video is, how can the binding of Satan and the 1000yr period take place during Jesus' ministry, if in Revelation Ch.19 the harlot being judge (70AD Jerusalem/temple destroyed) (Matthew 22:1-14) has already taken place and the calling of the bride begins and this leads into the binding of Satan in chapter. 20? Love to hear your thoughts on this. Also, keep up the great work with your channel. Your brother in Christ, Jon.

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +1

      Thanks Jon. I do not view it as chronological (like premill do) but rather a recapitulation.

    • @theberean
      @theberean Рік тому

      @@zachdavis3882 Ah, now I understand. So, if it is a recapitulation, where does that begin, at the beginning of Rev. Ch. 20? Or maybe starting from Rev. Ch.19:17?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +1

      I would say the beginning of 20. If you examine the end of Revelation 11 with Revelation 20 you will see that the same things are present in both. So the way I currently have it.... Revelation 11 ends the first recapitulation and starts over in 12. Then 13-19 recapitulate again speaking from the angle of the bride instead of the angle of the groom in 4-11. Then 20-22 recapitulate again. I think that is fairly standard with a good number of amill and postmill as well.

    • @theberean
      @theberean Рік тому

      @@zachdavis3882 Ok, I read thru Rev Ch.11 & 20 again with what you said as it pertains to recapitulation in mind, and I see the similar language used, but how do you reconcile the resurrected witnesses who had not worshiped the beast, or his image, or had received the mark, who reign with Christ for those 1000yrs. Were they resurrected during Jesus 3 1/2 yr. ministry?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому

      No that’s not the view. Let me do it from revelation 20, I still have too many questions on the two witnesses. “They came to life and reigned with Him for 1000 years”, I take to be regeneration. That’s resurrection

  • @ThereforeGo
    @ThereforeGo Рік тому

    This was very interesting! Thank you! So Satan was loosed for a while and when the tribulation happened was when he was conquered? Just trying to make it make sense in my mind. So where would you say Satan is today and what is he doing?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +1

      Depends on what you do with Roman’s 16:20. I think he has been destroyed and is not here.

    • @ThereforeGo
      @ThereforeGo Рік тому +2

      @@zachdavis3882 ah ok. I’ll have to mull this one over more. Thanks for the input.
      Whenever people say that Satan had a hand in their sin my first thought is, honey, our hearts are naturally deceitful and wicked and the lust of the flesh and boastful pride of life is already within. I don’t need any assistance from Satan to sin, I can accomplish that all on my own. Lol.

    • @colingr318
      @colingr318 Рік тому

      @@zachdavis3882 I have tried to find a scripture that clearly tells us that he has been destroyed. I do not find it. What I do find is that he is cast into a lake of fire and is being tormented forever and ever in the presence of God and His holy angels.
      So...I believe that he has lost much of his authority. He has been cast out of a high position (the heavens) and down to a low place (the earth and under the feet of the saints)
      I believe that this is what torments him, and not an actual fire.
      He now only has power over non-Christians, but he cannot touch a Christian if that Christian is established in the Lord at all times. That, and his demotion, is his torment, his flames of fire.
      That is what I am thinking.

  • @kylec8950
    @kylec8950 Рік тому

    Have you gone Full-Preterist?

    • @zachdavis3882
      @zachdavis3882  Рік тому +3

      Yes I see it as consistent and what the scriptures are teaching

    • @kylec8950
      @kylec8950 Рік тому

      @@zachdavis3882 Wow thanks for letting me know. I had no idea.

  • @EarmuffHugger
    @EarmuffHugger Рік тому


  • @markrademaker5875
    @markrademaker5875 Рік тому
