It's a Lua script which just fires tracers at points on the screen, recording things like distance, normal vectors and such to then turn into an image. Not very efficient, but for still images it works well enough. Not sure I want to post the script, because its awful to read, since its fairly old. You can try writing your own, it's fairly simple. Just look up Moonloader. It's a mod similar to CLEO, except it uses Lua instead of whatever abomination of a language CLEO uses.
@@gamer_x403 oh... too difficult as for noob like me... I usually think its somethinfg easy like simple "ready for use" script installation like cleo (only dropping file in folder like CLEO). But I have interest to explore many and many holes and mapping mistakes what I know (more than 50) and see collision view to found some strange things. If I cant manage this - I can show to you interesting places to see through this collision view but need to talk in PM with possibility of sending screenshots
@@mehaniq well installing Moonloader and scripts for it is not that difficult, if you can give me a way to contact you, i can probably walk you through how to install and use the script.
@@gamer_x403 thanks a lot. you can PM me in facebook or instagram twitter and telegram @narmalny
This is so cool, loved this video so much!!!
Underrated Vid
o_O airplane with color spheres looks beautiful
Awesome analysis, good work!
Yo dude this video is underrated
nice video, very informative, thanks for this
3:03 backsound tittle please, idk why im feels so nostalgia with this backsound theme
A new Journey - Sonic Unleashed OST
this is very interesting
Amazing things. Cool
I want this script)))))) its for ingame usage or something like euryopa or MED collision view? Give me any description about this useful thing
It's a Lua script which just fires tracers at points on the screen, recording things like distance, normal vectors and such to then turn into an image. Not very efficient, but for still images it works well enough. Not sure I want to post the script, because its awful to read, since its fairly old. You can try writing your own, it's fairly simple. Just look up Moonloader. It's a mod similar to CLEO, except it uses Lua instead of whatever abomination of a language CLEO uses.
@@gamer_x403 oh... too difficult as for noob like me... I usually think its somethinfg easy like simple "ready for use" script installation like cleo (only dropping file in folder like CLEO). But I have interest to explore many and many holes and mapping mistakes what I know (more than 50) and see collision view to found some strange things.
If I cant manage this - I can show to you interesting places to see through this collision view but need to talk in PM with possibility of sending screenshots
@@mehaniq well installing Moonloader and scripts for it is not that difficult, if you can give me a way to contact you, i can probably walk you through how to install and use the script.
@@gamer_x403 thanks a lot. you can PM me in facebook or instagram twitter and telegram @narmalny
@@mehaniq i do not use literally any of these platforms lol. Do you have a discord or something?
hi pal, i want to ask, how do i edit a car collision in car mod? because some car mods have collision bugs like repeated crash to other vehicles
blender and dragonff addon to import export dff's
🙂🙂 wow
goofy ahh collisions
thank you so much man, i finally found something new in the game instead of "diD yOu kNaW bIg smOgE kIlL cJ mOm?????11! sEcRt rEaVelD!1!1!1"