Blade 1998 - Caravan Of Garbage

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @martinmcwilliams
    @martinmcwilliams 5 років тому +1286

    Some MF’s always trying to ice-skate uphill

    • @ThreadBomb
      @ThreadBomb 5 років тому +29

      Some Martin Freeman's always trying to iceskate uphill

    • @en6853
      @en6853 5 років тому +16

      Some mother fathers always tryin a ass skat up heel

    • @nobuzzlitebeer7258
      @nobuzzlitebeer7258 5 років тому +8

      Haha now it makes sence, I thought blade was saying, trying to ice skate from paying your bill.

    • @silverarrowae
      @silverarrowae 5 років тому +5

      I saw the MF and thought MF Doom

    • @josephelston4101
      @josephelston4101 5 років тому +1

      But water doesn't freeze on a gradient?!

  • @avahartwell3985
    @avahartwell3985 2 роки тому +728

    Bit of trivia: The humans hanging in Deacon Frost's blood snack fridge were so cold, their fingers and toes turned blue, which led to the working title of this film being "Blue Harvest," which was also the working title of the original Star Wars.

    • @matthewnicholas6365
      @matthewnicholas6365 2 роки тому +4

      Blue Harvest was a codename for Return of the Jedi so fans wouldn't know it was being filmed and turn up to the shooting.
      It was never going to be called that. Other films may have used the same codename to hide filming but I can say with certainty that Blade was never, ever, going to be called Blue Harvest.

    • @avahartwell3985
      @avahartwell3985 2 роки тому +38

      @@matthewnicholas6365 oh yeah no I know. I don't know if you've been watching more recent episodes of Caravan of Garbage but in them, they always make some joke trying to claim that the film they're reviewing's working title was Blue Harvest. CoG is a good show, you should watch it!

    • @johnnylawrence9686
      @johnnylawrence9686 Рік тому +1

      @@avahartwell3985 Good on you for not replying like doucher would haha

    • @avahartwell3985
      @avahartwell3985 Рік тому +17

      @@johnnylawrence9686 the world is harsh enough, why add more cruelty to it, you know? That running joke about Blue Harvest is one of my favorites.

    • @johnnylawrence9686
      @johnnylawrence9686 Рік тому

      @@avahartwell3985 Same

  • @cazbrown3782
    @cazbrown3782 5 років тому +1511

    You guys should do the 2003 Daredevil for this series.

    • @JohnL-m2l
      @JohnL-m2l 5 років тому +35

      Director's Cut

    • @ThreadBomb
      @ThreadBomb 5 років тому +23

      That's too painful to watch

    • @TbYolo
      @TbYolo 5 років тому +14

      CazBrown That movie was really fcking Terrible i even thought it sucked when i was 10 years old

    • @Hunterfalke
      @Hunterfalke 5 років тому +7

      @@TbYolo It does have some merits for a "so bad, it's kinda fun" watch. Like the snake sound bullseye emits from time to time (perfect drinking game) and the fighting game framing of one of the most idiotic fights ever, Murdock vs Elektra.

    • @GabrielAndrade-yt4ob
      @GabrielAndrade-yt4ob 5 років тому

      Thread BombcM xVbXmn

  • @Gracklef1int
    @Gracklef1int 5 років тому +392

    I think it holds up. I recently watched it with my 22 year old stepdaughter, and she loved it. She knew what she was getting into, and still had fun with it. When Blade catches his sunglasses (right after killing Quinn with the garrote) and the techno music starts, she turned to me and said "Yes. Good." LOL

    • @timothyhall4794
      @timothyhall4794 4 роки тому +25

      She has good taste. You're doing a good job sir.

    • @theshahofiran902
      @theshahofiran902 3 роки тому +12

      I watched this when i was a kid and i thought it was the coolest shit ever ngl 🤣🤣🤣

    • @commycasty
      @commycasty Рік тому +3

      That moment when frost's number 2 in command is anticipating becoming a god and says, "I'm gonna be naughty, i'm gonna be a naughty god" had me rolling until i realized we'll never get another marvel movie this original again.

    • @trickvondoom2354
      @trickvondoom2354 Рік тому +3

      Did her hand get stuck in the dvd player?

    • @kadegetslaid634
      @kadegetslaid634 Рік тому +1

      You sound like a great stepdad LOL

  • @UmbrellaGent
    @UmbrellaGent 5 років тому +542

    You should totally do Caravan Of Garbage on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

  • @LukeDodge916
    @LukeDodge916 5 років тому +142

    I love the first Blade film. It was quite special to me back in late '98. I was a huge vampire fan in those days and this film came out, with it's cool techno/hip hop soundtrack and its blood rave, and just blew my mind. Donal Logue stole the show and we all know it. This was a fun flick.

    • @LukeDodge916
      @LukeDodge916 5 років тому +1

      @fake channel Half the soundtrack was rap, maybe most of it

  • @Brook11223
    @Brook11223 5 років тому +376

    Blade is the unsung hero and became a cult classic.

  • @anakamarvelous
    @anakamarvelous 4 роки тому +122

    “Don’t ask for blade 2 or 3 we’ll get to it”
    *11 months later*

    • @Derek_Keenan
      @Derek_Keenan 2 роки тому +7

      still waiting.....

    • @eimhinpierce2428
      @eimhinpierce2428 2 роки тому +4

      Still waiting

    • @Kenny-lz3gh
      @Kenny-lz3gh 2 роки тому +2

      I think they are keeping them for the reboot build up

    • @SomeoneThatIsHappy
      @SomeoneThatIsHappy 2 роки тому +3

      @@Kenny-lz3gh bro this video was made 3 years ago, a Blade reboot wasn't even rumored at the time

    • @saintniccage2818
      @saintniccage2818 2 роки тому

      Saving them for disneys p.g funny blade

  • @HenryFurnell
    @HenryFurnell 5 років тому +196

    The track Bloodbath (I mean Confusion by New Order) from the Rave scene is still used in clubs today. Sneaky shocking fact

    • @JKribbit
      @JKribbit 5 років тому +40

      MFs always tryin to rave uphill

    • @Jdizzle0667
      @Jdizzle0667 5 років тому +1

      @@JKribbit 🤣🤣🤣

    • @thisisfyne
      @thisisfyne 5 років тому +6

      Do you mean Confusion by Pump Panel ‎?

    • @HenryFurnell
      @HenryFurnell 5 років тому

      @@thisisfyne oh yeh confusion by new order

    • @davidkymdell452
      @davidkymdell452 5 років тому +5

      I blew a 6x9 driving around and listening the shit out of that track back in the 90's.

  • @PattyFuryGaming
    @PattyFuryGaming 5 років тому +533

    Blade is like a fine wine, it gets better as it ages. We just haven't waited long enough.

    • @UkuleleVillain
      @UkuleleVillain 5 років тому +21

      and wine is blood

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому +29

      PattyFuryGaming Exactly. Wesley Snipes and crew don’t get nearly enough credit.

    • @catra195
      @catra195 2 роки тому +3

      Blade 1 is iconic and untouchable

    • @kadegetslaid634
      @kadegetslaid634 Рік тому

      Honestly, I don't like it and think it's aged pretty poorly, but honestly I don't like the genere blade is in so probably not the best review

  • @caseytodd7632
    @caseytodd7632 5 років тому +267

    16:11 - "Yah it's dated.. but not bad."
    James condensing the entire video down to a second.

    • @kuldimanas
      @kuldimanas 4 роки тому +8

      That moment when someone puts a time code with a quote and you press it and the quote isn't there and you start rewinding forwards and backwards to find it and end up finding it 7 seconds before the time code and you're like WTF? Yeah, this is one of those moments

    • @CommanderShepard-wq3wo
      @CommanderShepard-wq3wo 3 роки тому +2

      Glad you know how to properly timestamp

  • @andrewlyall9612
    @andrewlyall9612 5 років тому +480

    Please please please do League of Extraordinary Gentlemen

    • @JustJohnny
      @JustJohnny 5 років тому +9

      League of Extraordinary Failures, amiright?

    • @takethebluepillnottheredpi584
      @takethebluepillnottheredpi584 5 років тому +26

      @@JustJohnny wasn't a bad movie. Actually 🤷🏿‍♂️. Pretty interesting movie.

    • @martinmcwilliams
      @martinmcwilliams 5 років тому +2

      Just Johnny haha got em! Nah it’s alright.

    • @Battleschnodder
      @Battleschnodder 5 років тому +8

      It's weird, League is certainly not great, but the reputation as absolutely atrocious, while stuff like Blade "holds up" seems kind of random to me. Maybe I gotta rewatch it.

    • @KyledishGambino
      @KyledishGambino 5 років тому +2

      How did you comment on a video 1 week before it came out?

  • @chrislmaoo
    @chrislmaoo 3 місяці тому +15

    This video is 5 years old. And Blade still isn’t out yet

  • @rmeddy
    @rmeddy 5 років тому +38

    Karen Jenson was not a love interest of Blade, it's a big part of what made her awesome.

  • @benbone2559
    @benbone2559 3 місяці тому +5

    This video is now 5 years old. Snipes has returned and played Blade in the highest grossing R-rated film of all time, and Ali has still yet to actually appear as the character.

  • @mctown972
    @mctown972 5 років тому +245

    The 90s were the trench coat era

    • @ThreadBomb
      @ThreadBomb 5 років тому +26

      Late 90s-early 00s, to be exact.

    • @austinirwin2868
      @austinirwin2868 5 років тому +1

      Too soon?

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому +1

      Thread Bomb No. The frickin’ 90’s. Gambit, anyone?

    • @DrJReefer
      @DrJReefer 5 років тому

      Trench coats will always be cool.

    • @AbstractBigCat
      @AbstractBigCat 4 роки тому

      In Germany it was more a 30s and 40s thing

  • @bloocheez3
    @bloocheez3 5 років тому +100

    The first two Blade movies were fantastic. That third one though...oy

    • @OB.x
      @OB.x 4 роки тому +4

      Third one Had Jessica Biel in her defining role.

    • @3Rayfire
      @3Rayfire 4 роки тому +12

      @@OB.x And also it was Ryan Reynold's first audition for Deadpool. With one of the great insults of our time. So, while it was a bad Blade movie, it was still a positively historic one.

    • @blackmantis3130
      @blackmantis3130 4 роки тому

      The second one had a lot of plot holes

    • @Maladjester
      @Maladjester 4 роки тому +1

      The word is Snipes really, REALLY didn't want to be there for 3. That parade was rained on before it started.
      Also, seconding Jessica Biel. I don't know how to spell the snarl of an aroused wildcat, but......damn.

    • @theexpandingmane1768
      @theexpandingmane1768 3 роки тому +3

      The 3rd one was ass because it wasn’t a blade movie. It was a let’s make the movie about these other 2 people and that idea was meh 🤷‍♂️

  • @sebastianardron9853
    @sebastianardron9853 5 років тому +3

    Hey! I’m in this video! I’m the guy with the blue hair who walks past Jared Leto in the Mornius clip around 12:40. My friend (the blonde dude behind me) and I do extras work and we were filming for Morbius in Manchester that day

  • @aidangreen7006
    @aidangreen7006 5 років тому +63

    BLADE is incredible, and underrated - amazing cinematography, editing, production design, screenplay, and far better than BLADE II in my opinion. My second favorite film of all time.

    • @GDM245
      @GDM245 5 років тому +5

      I couldn't agree anymore thank you Aidan green for stating out the obvious.

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому +3

      Agreed. We all know why it’s underrated.
      Same story, different day.

    • @ElusiveClarity
      @ElusiveClarity 3 роки тому +1

      Way better than Blade 2, agreed-- and 3, but that's absurdly obvious.

  • @JoshuaArmell
    @JoshuaArmell 5 років тому +66

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do the Spawn movie from the 90's

  • @ed2166
    @ed2166 5 років тому +62

    I watched Blade in theaters and it was just awesome. Since then, I haven't stopped watching comic book movies in theaters.

    • @michaelgatti4038
      @michaelgatti4038 5 років тому

      Even the shitty ones?

    • @shooshooshooshooshooter
      @shooshooshooshooshooter 5 років тому


    • @noakesy316
      @noakesy316 4 роки тому +2

      Fuck that shit. I'd rather lie in bed and stare at the ceiling than sit watching a 2 hour 40 PlayStation cut scene. Blade was awesome though!

    • @malafakka8530
      @malafakka8530 2 роки тому

      I pretty much stopped after the first Spider-man movie with Maguire with only the occasional exception.

  • @mr.farrowsclass6592
    @mr.farrowsclass6592 2 роки тому +51

    *Blade gets bit by Morbius*
    Blade: It's Morbin time

  • @ShmikeTGOD
    @ShmikeTGOD 4 роки тому +18

    This Movie is the definition of awesome!! Blade looked so cool and blade still has one of the best opening scenes to any movie I’ve ever seen ... the blood bath ... ICONIC

  • @matthewnicholas6365
    @matthewnicholas6365 2 роки тому +20

    As a 17 year old when Blade was released, I had NFI it was Marvel or comic related.
    As far as I was concerned, it was just an awesome Vampire action movie for adults.

  • @keithriley6597
    @keithriley6597 5 років тому +69

    Until 2002 you could purchase a replica of Blade's sword WITH the blades that pop out of the handle. It was recalled obviously for taking fingers off. Hahaha I regret not buying it when I had the chance.

    • @matane2465
      @matane2465 5 років тому +8

      I mean if you bought the sword its probably because you saw this movie so you should know it had that function.

    • @anthonyvazquez4158
      @anthonyvazquez4158 5 років тому +16

      I'd give this comment a thumbs up but I lost it to the damn sword... and the blade glaive was also dangerous

    • @HistoryandReviews
      @HistoryandReviews 5 років тому


    • @keithriley6597
      @keithriley6597 5 років тому +5

      @History and Reviews I saw it in a mall in Bowling Green, KY. I think you can still get one from The Noble Collection website but without the handle mechanism.

    • @keithriley6597
      @keithriley6597 5 років тому +5

      They were faulty. Some of them worked properly.

  • @PanzerMold
    @PanzerMold 5 років тому +14

    The Blood Rave song is called Confusion by Pump Panel in case anyone wanted to know!
    Great Caravan of Garbage! Blade was always criminally underappreciated. I can't wait to see what the MCU does with Blade, I couldn't think of a better casting choice! (Aside from Snipes himself!)

  • @Codemarla
    @Codemarla 5 років тому +39

    Caravan of garbage? You mean: Caravan of the best Marvel film ever made.

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому +3

      Exactly. I was seriously in my feelings when I saw the thumbnail. But, they knew better than to trash greatness. 😂

  • @ShovaSG1
    @ShovaSG1 3 місяці тому +4

    My fav line was in Karen's apartment when he takes the cop's watch and she said "What you robbing him now?" and Blade says "How do you think we fund this operation, this aint exactly the march of dimes"

  • @zeinerperez5812
    @zeinerperez5812 4 роки тому +84

    Fun fact: Wesley Snipes was a trained martial artist at the time and was able to do his own fight scenes. Big part of why he got the role as Blade.

    • @PangolinMontanari
      @PangolinMontanari 2 роки тому +8

      Is he no longer a trained martial artist?

    • @frankfrega1302
      @frankfrega1302 2 роки тому

      Edit your comment snipes is a martial artists
      There fixed it for you

    • @Derek_Keenan
      @Derek_Keenan 2 роки тому +4

      @@frankfrega1302 Edit your comment Snipes is a martial artist
      There fixed it for you

    • @frankfrega1302
      @frankfrega1302 2 роки тому

      @@Derek_Keenan you edit my comment to put the exact sane thing? You forgot to take your meds?

    • @Derek_Keenan
      @Derek_Keenan 2 роки тому +3

      @@frankfrega1302 no, i fixed the mistakes you still had left in your corrected comment, like saying a single person is "a martial artists"

  • @k1llertoad
    @k1llertoad 2 роки тому +3

    13:02 "That's Doctor Michael Morbius (2022)" - Alternative Ending, Blade (1998)

  • @JamoboBorg
    @JamoboBorg 5 років тому +14

    If you haven't already seen it, Daybreakers is a film about a world run by vampires, but the blood supply is running out, they even keep humans in more sophisticated facilities to use like cattle. It stars Ethan Hawke, Willem Dafoe and Sam Neil

    • @KEVMAN7987
      @KEVMAN7987 5 років тому +2

      That movie was very interesting.

  • @eren34558
    @eren34558 5 років тому +16

    How DARE they insult Wesley Snipes' greatest gift to America.

  • @deacon_smith1064
    @deacon_smith1064 5 років тому +51

    You know you’re parents are werid when ur named after a villain from blade lol

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому +7

      That’s how you know it was/is an awesome film. 🤣

  • @Modokmadness
    @Modokmadness 4 місяці тому +10

    Some motherfuckers STILL tryna ice skate uphill…

  • @matthewbartke4424
    @matthewbartke4424 5 років тому +42

    I always assumed that the Matrix borrowed a lot of their style from this movie as well.

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому +8

      They did. They also “borrowed” the script, theme, narrative and everything that is “The Matrix” as well.

    • @Lexman509
      @Lexman509 5 років тому +6

      Don't forget Dark City.

    • @juanita-dark
      @juanita-dark 3 роки тому

      They did.

    • @edgardomartin8299
      @edgardomartin8299 3 роки тому +1

      That would need for the Wachowskis siblings to be time travelers, since filming was mostly over by the time Blade came out.

    • @cbdaudio7975
      @cbdaudio7975 2 роки тому

      @@Lexman509 I watched the director's cut of that recently and like; man, I do not get why that movie gets the love it does. I thought it was one of the goofiest things I'd seen in years tbh and boring, like genuinely two sittings to get through it boring. I think it's only fair to compare it to the Matrix if you acknowledge that the Matrix borrowed the aesthetic and some of the concepts very superficial but used and executed both infintely better. "It's weird tech noir with a terrible GC show down INNN SPAAAAAACE" dreadful.

  • @khrashingphantom9632
    @khrashingphantom9632 5 років тому +17

    I watched Blade (1998) and it really holds up in my opinion! I really hope Wesley Snipes appears as "Whistler" in the new Blade film. Either way I really want to know how people say Blade (1998) doesn't hold up, but The Matrix does. Blade did most of the heavy lifting for The Matrix, and it doesn't get the credit it deserves.

    • @toniosoflyy
      @toniosoflyy 2 роки тому +2

      Blade came out one year before The Matrix. Super underrated movie

  • @donniebravo19
    @donniebravo19 5 років тому +6

    My Favorite Movie is BLADE
    Wesley and the entire cast did an awesome job!
    If people hated, I'd say this! 7:45

  • @vpg261
    @vpg261 5 років тому +4

    Another badass line from Whistler:
    "Catch you fuckers at a bad time?!"
    I'll always love this movie lol

  • @dcaseng
    @dcaseng 5 років тому +15

    This film is not as dated as people claim it is. I think it holds up quite well, even compared to most of today's movies.
    I've seen far worse CGI in just the past few years.

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому

      Exactly. We know why people hate on it, though.

    • @phantomray69
      @phantomray69 Рік тому

      The CGI in this movie was amazing

  • @scattershotshow
    @scattershotshow 5 років тому +17

    I would love you forever if you did the absolute classic that is 'DEEP RISING'!

  • @OK-hl6qd
    @OK-hl6qd 4 місяці тому +4

    "There's only been one Blade. There will only ever be one Blade,”

    • @Glasschin2.0
      @Glasschin2.0 3 місяці тому

      Sticky Fingaz played blade in the show

  • @roberthenika5496
    @roberthenika5496 4 роки тому +2

    Did anyone mention the superhero movie with Qui-Gon Jinn? Super dark, super gritty, pretty hilarious? Had a crime boss that was kingpin before we ever saw kingpin on the big or small screen? DARKMAN, the first. It even had a sequel, but without Liam Neeson

  • @matttrustain3233
    @matttrustain3233 5 років тому +9

    First blade is fucking awesome

  • @kieran10202
    @kieran10202 5 років тому +16

    I imagine it's just a small enclave of vampires who are running operations in the background and trying not to attract attention, and then one of them comes along and decides to just start making more vampires to improve his lot in life and that's where blade comes in and is why we haven't heard of them before.
    They're barely even on Shield's level if you think about it.

  • @ZyxthePest
    @ZyxthePest 4 роки тому +10

    "They gave it enough variation, you barely even notice."
    "You don't even not-"
    "You notice every time"
    "You can't help but notice"

  • @morkofork
    @morkofork 5 років тому +6

    Blade was one of the first DVDs I got, back in 2000 I got my first DVD player for £200 and with it I bought Blade & The Iron Giant.

    • @msimpson9455
      @msimpson9455 5 років тому +2

      Me too, except mine were Blade and American Psycho.

  • @yt_Ajay_
    @yt_Ajay_ Місяць тому +4

    2024: Blade came back for a bit, then he left again.

  • @mikezerker6925
    @mikezerker6925 5 років тому +11

    I loved Blade 1998... Wesley Snipes played it perfectly!

    • @orionaugustwatson
      @orionaugustwatson 5 років тому +1

      Sure. In fact it was Wesley whose touch to the character(mainly the one liners and action sequences) which made it so memorable

  • @hamzaorakzai3490
    @hamzaorakzai3490 5 років тому +53

    Seeing Stephen Dorff in this and now in True Detective season 3, feels fucking weird.He's awesome in both though.

    • @Mukation
      @Mukation 5 років тому +7

      He's the kind of actor that is actually really good, but sort of never got the "big" brake, eventhough he's been in some good films.

    • @hamzaorakzai3490
      @hamzaorakzai3490 5 років тому

      @@Mukation i think it's his look and i think he looks great and should be in more movies but Hollywood certainly does have an obsession with a certain type of physique that appeals to their perverted nature and one that they think works for the fans and the other doesn't( hope that made sense, sorry, English isn't really my 1st or 2nd language)

    • @P3DR0877
      @P3DR0877 5 років тому

      @@hamzaorakzai3490 ya he doesn't fit the stereotype of what people like in Hollywood but he is a great actor

    • @hamzaorakzai3490
      @hamzaorakzai3490 5 років тому

      @@P3DR0877 that's a much better way to put it and i completely agree.

    • @NefariousKoel
      @NefariousKoel 5 років тому +2

      I recall first seeing Dorff in the early 90s movie "SFW".
      Which was actually pretty damn good for a lower budget movie of the time. Especially the mocking of news media sensationalism which is still very much a thing.

  • @rashawnmorgan7316
    @rashawnmorgan7316 5 років тому +5

    Grew up on blade will always be the goat

  • @Gergwil5
    @Gergwil5 5 років тому +3

    I loved this when i saw it in theaters back in the day .....and i think it still holds up to this day! Wesley Snipes was awesome as Blade! And i hope they give him a cameo in the new one......

  • @Sha_Fermo
    @Sha_Fermo 5 років тому +5

    My youngest brother was obsessed with “bwade” when he was little. I don’t know why my parents let him watch them but I can say between blade 2,3 and Jurassic park 3 even I can recite lines to this day.

  • @Syklonus
    @Syklonus 5 років тому +5

    Blade is a good time. It did something fairly original with overlooked material, and for that it deserves a place in history. The sequels weren't as good, but that first film stands up.

  • @raferenton6384
    @raferenton6384 2 роки тому +5

    Morbius was the most movie movie of all time

  • @shadow_suspended_ondust8660
    @shadow_suspended_ondust8660 5 років тому +21

    Review Tales from the Crypt: Demon Knight.

  • @ANGELOFDARKification
    @ANGELOFDARKification 3 роки тому +1

    The first 2 Blade movies are so underrated. Everyone goes on about Logan and Black Panther but this was a rated R superhero movie with a black lead and saved Marvel comics.

  • @SongOfStorms411
    @SongOfStorms411 4 роки тому +5

    Blade is one of the only comic book movies I actually enjoy, and it's because they made it a proper film for adults and a lot more grounded and original than the modern era of cookie-cutter comic book movies.

  • @LoveDoctorNL
    @LoveDoctorNL 5 років тому +14

    When I saw Blade with my brother we were both so impressed. We had seen the future of cinema!

  • @ProfComic
    @ProfComic 3 роки тому +3

    One and a half year later and still no Blade 2 and 3. Guys please i need this!

  • @jacquesmains7453
    @jacquesmains7453 5 років тому +2

    "He's got a big legbrace down one leg, and we're to assume that he got that in battle with vampires, but he probably just got it caught in a revolving door or something" made me lol aloud xD
    Great video!

  • @sidrickxiii4056
    @sidrickxiii4056 5 років тому +3

    2:19 Fantastic, thanks for the acknowledgement that blade is British in the comics 😁

  • @tellmewhatyousawreviews
    @tellmewhatyousawreviews 5 років тому +1

    Usually a movie is underrated then everybody thinks it's great later. Blade is the movie that does that in reverse ! Everybody went crazy when about it when first came out , but as time went it got overshadowed by the MCU and became underrated !

  • @AceLM92
    @AceLM92 5 років тому +19

    I don't think the scientist woman was meant to be a love interest, just a new ally for Blade

    • @ThreadBomb
      @ThreadBomb 5 років тому +8

      Yeah, it's cool that they weren't forced together.

    • @YakBat
      @YakBat 5 років тому +5

      Yea highly under rated character, sorely missed in Blade 2, swing as Norman's character essentially served the same purpose, down to introducing Blade to EDTA.

    • @Mukation
      @Mukation 5 років тому

      @@YakBat Blade in the first film clearly was more socially competent, the guy who made his serum was clearly seen as a friend and Blade even gave him a brotherly hug and a handshake manouver. Not to mention his reaction when the cops shot at him (AND when he was joking around with Donal Louges character in the beging, when he staked him to the wall).
      Yet in Blade 2 he barley showed any "normal" emotions and in Blade 3 he was full on brooding lone wolf who didn't even try to connect with what was essentially his "sister" (Whistler's daughter), nor did he have anything to talk to with Hannibal King, who, just like Blade, knows how bad it feels to feel hunger for blood etc. Blade from "Blade 1" would have loved to meet a guy like Hannibal King.
      I guess N´Bushe's character didn't fit into that version of Blade they where going for later.

    • @YakBat
      @YakBat 5 років тому

      @@Mukation Got all that, I was just saying having Norman repeat exactly what Kate said made no sense. What, somehow Blade forgot how to kill vamps with EDTA between movies?

    • @li-limandragon9287
      @li-limandragon9287 5 років тому +1

      I usually don’t male and female characters having sexual tension but if does just remain platonic then that’s fine.

  • @LockOfImage
    @LockOfImage 2 роки тому +1

    Its been two years and I'm still waiting for the sequels CoG guys

  • @GDM245
    @GDM245 5 років тому +8

    Blade 1 is so good!

  • @TheBigTunaMunster
    @TheBigTunaMunster 5 років тому +12

    I am genuinely looking forward to a Blade vs Morbius movie.

    • @dbv9134
      @dbv9134 5 років тому +1

      Hopefully wesley snipes will be in the new blade as like a mentor to the new blade

    • @jakewhite5767
      @jakewhite5767 3 роки тому

      @@dbv9134 at most he'll get a little cameo in the new movie like the SNL guy who played Ant Man in the one skit in the 70s in the Ant Man film

    • @dontreadmyprofilepicture8817
      @dontreadmyprofilepicture8817 2 роки тому

      @Kai McCook This kinda rings shallow when you realize RDJ did three years for trespassing and drug abuse and no other studios would touch him with a ten foot pole. I find it hard to believe RDJ gets a clean slate and a starring role but Snipes can't get a cameo.

  • @bobhollywood4093
    @bobhollywood4093 5 років тому +1

    "they don't just say THAT'S MICHAEL MORBIUS!!!". I'm in pain from laughing.

  • @azahias9
    @azahias9 Рік тому +3

    The spin kicks scene is peak fighting game footsies, and we should all appreciate that 😂

  • @ChuckD008
    @ChuckD008 5 років тому +2

    It also pretty much popularized the Superhero Landing too (2:53)

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому

      It started it.
      Typical Black People. Always starting shit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @kingrix
    @kingrix 5 років тому +8

    Blade is great. I saw it at least 3 times in the theater. Deacon Frost is one of my favorite villains of all time.

  • @BitestheStuff
    @BitestheStuff 2 місяці тому

    I think for a long time, lots of people outside the comic book fanbase were even aware that Blade was a comic. Hell, I didn't even know until years after Blade Trinity. Blade just doesn't fit the superhero archetype, but it's also forgotten how much of a role horror played in the comic book genre for so long, and obviously still does. However, I think Blade just wasn't considered comic booky or superhero like because Wesley Snipes was still a huge star at the time as well, and therefore seen more of a action blockbuster than anything else.

  • @arniexvx9776
    @arniexvx9776 5 років тому +3

    Actually one of my favorite comicbook movies.
    Everything about this that is dated, I can see through and more than apperciate the rest.

  • @IrisCorven
    @IrisCorven 10 місяців тому

    I'd like to add a #4 to best lines in the film: The moment where Whistler blows the wall open, the audio cuts, the camera zooms in on him, and he says "Catch you fuckers at a bad time?". Still makes me chuckle, years later.

  • @stevemoore1219
    @stevemoore1219 5 років тому +3

    I loved this movies,and i went to school with Stephen Norrington me an my brother were mates with him and he made a full size alien then went on to work on Aliens :)

  • @adamquenano8563
    @adamquenano8563 5 років тому +5

    Blade was the most relevant hero movie in the 90s.It painted the dark tone For Comicbook movies before Nolan’s Batman

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому

      Same guy wrote both trilogies also. He just can’t get his that third one right, huh?

  • @kyotoandsunchips8585
    @kyotoandsunchips8585 5 років тому +3

    I remember the first time I watch blade and man I was like "Holy Cow this guy is a badass"! Plus I haven't watch Blade since 2002

  • @awesomeperson531
    @awesomeperson531 4 місяці тому +1

    Since this video came out: Wesley Snipes came back as Blade in Deadpool & Wolverine, and MCU Blade still only made a voice cameo in Eternals and his movie hasn't come out or filmed or anything really

  • @luisz222
    @luisz222 5 років тому +26

    Do the 2005 Constantine movie with Keanu Reeves. It’s kinda trash and doesn’t follow the comics at all but somehow became a cult classic.

    • @darksaint0124
      @darksaint0124 5 років тому +7

      It's not trash. The only reason some dislike it is because of the title. If it had nothing to do with Constantine it would get a lot more love.

    • @luisz222
      @luisz222 5 років тому +2

      darksaint0124 it’s only not good because of the title as first off he isn’t even British and doesn’t have blonde hair. The chain smoking is the one thing they got right as John doesn’t even use magic in the movie he just has that weird crossbow. I’d still like to see them pick this movie apart tho could be a fun episode.

    • @darksaint0124
      @darksaint0124 5 років тому +4

      @@luisz222 like I said. If he wasn't supposed to be John Constantine then there would be no problems with it.

    • @JKribbit
      @JKribbit 5 років тому +1

      The scene where he showed satan himself the middle finger rendered your comment about the movie being trash moot

    • @NefariousKoel
      @NefariousKoel 5 років тому +1

      Constantine is a great movie. Wasn't trash.

  • @JamesDarcon2007
    @JamesDarcon2007 5 років тому +1

    I love the whole Blade trilogy because they came out in August, close to my b-day, so ever since the first one, it became a sort of tradition to get a group of friends together and go see a Blade movie! :D

  • @Stumanji77
    @Stumanji77 5 років тому +3

    I like that instead of "ice skate uphill" the subtitles have it as "mesh skatopia".

  • @sixdegreesofcrispybacon
    @sixdegreesofcrispybacon Рік тому

    Re the 'big leg brace' comment at 06:08, the novelisation covers a deleted scene flashback where we learn the origins of Whistler's limp. It is, indeed, vamp-attack related - with him getting beaten to within an inch of his life, leg broken et al, before Blade swoops in and saves the day.
    On the run - to all intents and purposes - the leg was patched up by an illegal / back alley surgeon; effectively leaving Whistler with little more than a rod-knee. Rod-KNEE! RODDDDKNEEEE!

  • @rspalding1979
    @rspalding1979 5 років тому +5

    I saw this movie in theaters twice. It absolutely holds up and should be watched once a year.

    • @matttheamerican3766
      @matttheamerican3766 5 років тому

      The Trailer Nerd with Eight no bull, I at least watch it twice a year lol

  • @JarvisBaileyVA
    @JarvisBaileyVA Місяць тому +1

    I was crushing on Karen really hard when I first saw Blade as a kid. she's so gorgeous.

  • @JDotWill
    @JDotWill 5 років тому +6

    Wesley & Sticky should both have cameos in the new Blade movie

    • @ThreadBomb
      @ThreadBomb 5 років тому

      Woah, Sticky is a deep cut! I would be cool with that. After all, he actually played the character longer than Wesley.

    • @trealsteve
      @trealsteve 5 років тому

      Thread Bomb Since when?

  • @gregc8831
    @gregc8831 4 місяці тому +2

    Its crazy how much has and hasn't happened since this video came out.

  • @michaelsphotography5662
    @michaelsphotography5662 2 роки тому +9

    You said you would review Blade 2. You never did…

  • @dieseltyme
    @dieseltyme 4 роки тому +2

    I learned about Blade from the Spider-Man cartoons only a few years earlier. I couldn't believe there was an actual Blade Marvel movie and it was this freaking awesome! I saw all three in theaters with my mom. We loved the first 2. The 3rd, we never spoke pf again. Shot out to Dominic Purcell. You can't act, but damn it, you're handsome on the screen!
    Fun Trivia: Blade 1 & 2 were the first DVDs I ever bought, used $7 each at the Amoeba Records in Berkeley. Groovy...

  • @TechySpeaking
    @TechySpeaking 4 місяці тому +4

    It's been 5 years.

  • @matthewmendoza8637
    @matthewmendoza8637 5 років тому

    Great job guys! Lol my favorite line on this CoG is “It’s Michael Morbius from the comic books nobody reads.”

  • @1989MrBlue
    @1989MrBlue 5 років тому +8

    Do Blade tv series (2006)!!! :D

    • @ThreadBomb
      @ThreadBomb 5 років тому +1

      They wouldn't do the whole series, but I wish they'd watch the pilot movie.

  • @MartialArtsFilmFreak
    @MartialArtsFilmFreak 5 років тому +2

    I’m so glad you mentioned the sword clanging in the final fight. The choreography in the sequel is actually quite good and rewatching the first got pretty difficult. “Motherfucker, you outa your damn mind!?” Was my reaction to that choreography.

  • @Hollowred
    @Hollowred 5 років тому +4

    Blade 1 and 2 still hold up

  • @Deftonesdsm
    @Deftonesdsm 5 років тому +2

    So literally i have smoked cigarettes while emptying fuel/petrol tanks. The ember on a cigarette is not hot enough to flash gasoline. You could throw it into gas and itd go out. Now if you puff the shit out of it MAYBE. But yeah the lighter would blow up the fumes 100%. But yeah can totally smoke around gasoline eventhough its a HORRIBLE idea

  • @Kilkelly899
    @Kilkelly899 5 років тому +4

    I would 100% watch a Lord of the Rings trilogy covered by you guys... But I also don't want it torn the shreds by Mason so swings and roundabouts I guess.

  • @chazblank2717
    @chazblank2717 2 роки тому +2

    Now that I think about it, why isn’t Blade swinging that garrote more. It’s so satisfying… we at least deserve a direct to RedBox knock-off of Blade called Garrote… they could probably even get Wesley Snipes to play the lead 😁

  • @pliantimpala7858
    @pliantimpala7858 5 років тому +4

    Best thing about this movie
    He drives a 68 Charger

  • @bradw5596
    @bradw5596 5 років тому +2

    In Spider-Man TAS from the 90’s, Blade’s origin was that his mother was bitten by a vamp while he was in the womb.

    • @BladeOMac
      @BladeOMac 5 років тому

      Predates the movie

  • @lovey1789
    @lovey1789 5 років тому +4

    I can't wait for Blade Trinity

  • @Jaqen-HGhar
    @Jaqen-HGhar 5 років тому +2

    Stephen Dorff is amazing and it sucks he didn't really take off as far as his career cause watching True Detective Season 3 makes you realize he could have done some great stuff.

  • @thomasbell8451
    @thomasbell8451 5 років тому +4

    Blade absolutely gets the credit it deserve