Son Of The Moon - Welcome To The Time Space (Moon Phase Dub) 194.18Hz)))

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • All plant Medicines like entheogens, tobacco and alcohol can be used to serve you for the purpose of vitality and harmony these drugs each with their own unique qualities when combined with the cycle of balance this balancing of consciousness contributes to dynamic consciousness where everything becomes important to you as an individual not just like a few things are. this thinking is important for if we want to survive as a species. autistic people have this feeling to the extreme. we need balance too many people have no knowledge on what is important because their consciousness is unbalanced so therefore balance is important so this means everything is important. autistic people have balanced consciousness and when these drugs no longer serve you you can swallow, spit it out or take a number 1 or 2 with it. Relation ships as system 4 must be left alone if you don't want to leave the relation ship forever change is a natural process if you are not ready don't get into a relation ship and work for God for the purpose of expanding consciousness and the human race even if it is by not having children to prevent overpopulation let isolation give the opportunity to learn new things and let consciousness expand and let performance iq grow. by smoking carbon your not breathing life in your breathing in death your not breathing in Jesus the tree of life your breathing in the devil anti life giving force or carnivorous creatures so this is a game of evolution keep it going keep it up guys where the week is used for making good decisions and for planning however the yin yang cycle of time poses a super power for a short duration of time while the week is happening take down your foes utilizing psychedelics at this time it will allow you to tackle issues and build up again using the week for a further period of time afterwards. these issues such as climate change, ai robots and criminal activity need a break or else we loose the planet think of the week as a way to evolve but we still need to breathe so when we hold our breath on the week too long problems arise so this is a message from God to go through the learning process of learning the hard way for us to survive in the first steps in a natural fashion after this we should encounter the need for another frequency perhaps for learning as God is teaching us the hard way on our first breaths to not make that mistake again so he is trying to see how guilty his creation is so that he can know who to judge and not to judge Im trying to spread this message to let you know who he loves and who he does not because if you can't love your neighbor then why should he love you. every time we need an energy boost (Gods way of eating) he elevates our energy then he carries it forward to tackle threats such as climate change, ai robots and criminal activity, He blessed 7 days for a reason its part of the story of creation the first chapters in the bible this is the 7th day of the cosmic sabbat moving to the 8th and God if not selfish or whatever reason there is should any time bless the darkness as day 8 with peace and healing we could use 8 days to symbolize the dual nature between blessed and unblessed as it gets the world spinning around. God wants us to be aware of the frequencies of time and how to use them. Why does he want us to know how to use the different frequencies of time because we are fighting a war against the devil and chaos even a war against death and we are fighting for life for evolutionary purposes so by using a 7 day cycle to evolve us and switch gears to 8 to save us we learn the hard way so that it does not happen again. I must wait I can't rush into the nundinae and do everything to soon on the same day it will create an unstable shock do things randomly and slowly put the in place so in this way we work in doing what we enjoy out of enthusiasm, feeling like rest. analyze yourself when you drink water do it mindfully and feel the water enter into the body and be aware of getting thirstier. use it with everything in this way we will become dynamic best done with temporal balance music as we flow with time we can go anywhere and do anything achieve the mission mindfully. We are simply slipping into key where everything has to be at the perfect timing no mistakes must be made for a more smooth transition it's an attractive cycle because for the miracle of health it has got to take place by melody flowing as continuous waves these waves are therapeutic for growth into one of the dynamic. Continue reading on the next video of the playlist.
    2 Chronicles 5:12-14: When Solomon’s Temple was dedicated, musicians played a significant role. The Levites, who were musicians, stood with cymbals, harps, and lyres, and when they played and sang in unison, the glory of the Lord filled the temple. This illustrates how music can invite and manifest God's presence.