Since many people of color arrived into western countries from poorer countries, they started at a disadvantage compared to those there before them. Therefore zoning and tight planning regulation as to what 'type' of house and type of 'design' of house can be built hurts those disadvantaged the most since they have less purchasing power to avoid , bypass or satisfy those regulations - of which there are white people too, but mostly people of color. Whereas richer folk, especially cronies in government often give 'planning permission' to their rich friends so you end up with monopolies. Planning and zoning regulations will hurt black and other minority communities disproportionately more. Though in the end all communities will end up suffering to a certain extent. The problem though is that some will suffer x100 more than others purely because of cronies deciding who gets to build and who doesn't - pure corporatism.
I'm only 4 minutes in and I'm already furious. This is absolutely horrible. The affects of the damaged caused to this community with remain for the next 25+ years.
It's sad there aren't any law prohibiting companies dumping poison into lands, which could leave a lasting effect on the lands, environments, animals, and most importantly its citizens...
There are many laws but having laws is pointless if they aren't enforced or adequate. Most punishments for toxic dumping are monetary which means they are only laws for the poor. Large dumping can be a felony but the punishment is still usually monetary with a small prison sentence that is nowhere comparable to the lasting damages. We have a war on drugs but no war on pollution, which is silly. I'm not a fan of putting people in prison, but when it comes to putting people in prison for a chemical they willingly ingest vs chemicals they are forced to ingest, I think it's obvious which should be a priority.
This is really unique to Texas. The companies don't have to take responsibility because of deregulation in the state. Regulatatory policies protect residents and consumers. Deregulation protects companies and the government.
They need to file a class action lawsuit against the owners of the bankrupt company. Try to hold them personally responsible for their actions. It might not work but there has to be an effort to hold the wealthy responsible for their actions.
7:12 "We live in a city (and a country) that based on your zip code determines your life expectancy." Lemme get this straight: a company created a toxic waste zone, declared bankruptcy and walked away ... and there's no felony charges? While the city isn't giving those in the neighborhood money to move ... this is so wrong, I can't even ...
Why is it that white people get blamed for can live your life the way you want .stop blaming everyone else and take your own responsibility.
@@quitepossiblylucky The entire city council are all non-partisan people. Only the mayor is a Democrat. All 14 members of the city council label themselves as non-partisan.
Someone help her find a lawyer to sue. This stuff has effected her health. She has a case. Now dallas not during anything sue them. Her family need yo get her out of there!!!!! URGENT
Not entirely sure why the anti-texas coverage is picking up at the same time they're having their extreme weather events. I guess when it rains, it pours.
@@Isaac-ho8gh man really? This is systematic capitalism!! And racism is one of many branches that makes the system of this country function!!! OK damn it?!!?
Capitalism is not inherently bad. The type of capitalism we have here in the US on the other hand from the founding of the country to the present has not been exemplary to say the least.
@@mahlina1220 it's is, california is the only other state with a star in it's flag; maybe should've payed attention when you went to school. And if you want to why California has a star it is because of the Texas revolution it has nothing to do cockiness and arrogance
@@alexromero7532 Not even remotely true. There are a handful of states with stars in their flags. It's not even the only other flag with one star (Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina)... Might even send a note here. see if the UN can kick some USA but. Some dont get it. WE ARE A FILTHY country. and we ship allot of our CRAP to other nations, so we dont have to deal with it, INSTED of the USA doing its OWN recycling, as WAS mandated long ago, we would rather ship it out and let others DEAL with it. F'ing stupid. Lets complain to someone who MIGHT be able to piss off the elected.
And no, just because there is a serious issue in some random part of a random town that just so happens to be in the US doesn't mean that America is over with. Not every part of this country is suffering from this. You all really like to cherry pick everything
@esaesa07 of course you would be the one to think that the US has nothing good. I guess you just want to throw the whole country under the rug and never want to see the positives especially since the media has the better of you. I'm sick of it.
@esaesa07 No esaesa, YOU are the one purposely living a bubble. You only want to see the negatives. I say it is pretty cool because of the cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and their skylines and the unique architecture like art deco. And I like all the states and how different and unique each state is from each other, and the diverse geography and biodiversity from mountains to beaches and canyons. But I guess thats not cool to you, how sad.
I hope the people of that area sue everyone involved in bringing & keeping that toxic dump there. That goes for the other locations too. I hope these people get their health back. Also the zoning and pollution laws are changed. This is absolutely horrible. 😤
That's good ole Texas 🤔 and I don't know why black people are moving to Dallas. It's weird to me because if it gets cold again. It has a 82% chance of not having power in the entire state. 😕
why do you say i dont know why black people are moving to Dallas??? they were either born there or moved there and I don't see why you brought race into it :/
Make a petition to make them get rid of it! Come together to figure out filter your own air! Have it turned into gravel in which it will PAVE YOUR WAY TO HEALTH AND JUSTICE!
I'm not donating a dime of my money to Texas Relief. One, Texas & the Federal Govt are responsible for relief. Two, Texas marginalizes Sandbranch, TX & now this 'Shingle Mountain', predominantly Black/Latino people. Three, TX has the 2nd largest GDP in the USA, w/ major companies located there that have received massive tax breaks for decades. Four, Texas (for too long) has been proud of reckless deregulation & boldly flouting regulations from the Federal Govt like the EPA, FDA, etc., all w/out accountability. Don't get me started on voter suppression there, too. I'm not paying more money than I have to by helping a state that doesn't care for Black/Latino people.
“Based on your zip code determines life expectancy.” Well, that’s not necessarily 100% due to pollution. Yes, it can cause health related problems, but if you live in a better zip code, like the one mentioned, where people have millions of dollars, well, they also can afford to go to the doctor for annual check ups, or any time they sneeze. They get preventive care. They can afford to replace a lung, or sue the town/corporation by themselves. It’s really discrimination of the poor. This poor lady got sick because of Shingles Mountain, but had that never happened, what would the life expectancy of that area be? Does Medicare pay for all her medication and doctors visits? If there is any financial burden on her, well that is eating at her life expectancy. Sure, there’s redlining, and that’s probably how much of the problems AJ is reporting on in Dallas started, but any time anyone tries to build affordable homes for ANYONE, residents march on town hall with pitchforks and torches. “NIMBY!” ...even when it just a place for the elderly to be able to live next to their kids. No public transit, the maids and landscapers can’t even live within a few miles from their work place. That’s not ok. If you trust them enough to allow them into your house to clean, you should be able to trust them to live in the same town as you.
So what your saying is people who live better generally can live longer? Im shocked. Too bad we all cant eat the best food, have the best products and pay for the best services. That world will never be.
@@bobshanery5152 my comment was simply stating that correlation is not the same as causation. These people aren’t sick because they are black. They aren’t healthy because they are poor. You can go into the politics of redlining, and how systemic racism forces many black people into poverty, but if they had money, they would have a better chance at being healthier, which debunks the race thing. The quote about zip codes is misleading. I don’t think anyone who approved the original dumping did it because the residents were black. They did it because the area was zoned industrial, which is why anyone who resides near it is poor, because it’s affordable for them to do so. The real answer is better zoning. Industrial surrounded by commercial, surrounded by residential. That way, there is a buffer between residential and industrial. ...but that would mean businesses like retail and grocery, in places that truly need them. It’s an investment requiring city subsidies, which is already controversial. But these residents could work there, even walk to work, and the income they receive would actually afford their cost of living since it’s in a more affordable area. People working there would be exposed to the same pollution though, but at least it wouldn’t be 24/7 like now.
Could they put cement ontop of it to keep it from getting into the air? There have been many toxic waste areas and affluent areas built near them, too. These companies don't decide to dump places because people of color live there. The San Jacinto River and toxic areas like Friendswood, outside of Houston, back in the 80's is a perfect example. It's irresponsible companies not caring about people in general, not just people of color. Maybe if everyone realizes that, more will be done to clean up these places. You are strong and brave people to tackle these issues. I hope something is finally done about this, you are compensated for the health problems it caused and that your health returns. You have a chance to set the example for the world, not just your neighborhood.
Dam I live in Dallas and never knew people are struggling to breath and they dumping waste, where is floral farms anyway, never heard of it and I lived dam near all over texas and DNT know anyone struggling with this, this is sad, that goes to show stuff can happen right under your nose and DNT even know. Wow😳😳😳😳. As a black resident of Dallas this is really no surprise tho. Black and brown be the one that always suffer the most in Dallas, south Dallas has always had big problems with discrimination cause it majority blacks who stay there and so much shit goes on there, they always dump waste and bodies and drugs there daily and the police use and excuse saying they DNT have enough police to cover there, but they have police and other resources where the white folks live, they wouldn't dare dump things in they neighborhood. SMH.
"What's going to stop another company from coming in and doing the same thing?" You are. Somebody comes in and starts dumping, you need to make trouble for them. Demand to see permits. Stand in their way. Ask questions, and demand answers *before it's a mountain.*
@TurquoisePurpleSky 17 What are they going to do, run you over? You gotta make a scene. You gotta call your friends and family to make a scene. White people more often have a certain sense of entitlement that everyone should have. Like the belief they need to have answers about what's being dumped in their backward. Karens serve a valid purpose in society, and this is one situation where you need to be difficult and problematic for people.
@TurquoisePurpleSky 17 You people have so many lies and excuses as to why you can't do what others do to protect themselves. Be a victim your whole life if you want. I'm not into it.
@TurquoisePurpleSky 17 So suddenly complaining and making a fuss and filing lawsuits has a function again? Have we cured your Innate Victimhood Syndrome? Very good. And Hispanics were building cities in America before America was a thing. While you were still hiding in the bushes from your neighbor's noose wand cause he heard the Portuguese were paying good money for you, we were already developing distinct Spanish dialects from being established colonists for so long, and driving the Comanche back.
Wow Texas Government....Really?????!! this how you treat ur people ? We don't have this problem in South Carolina. Maybe y'all should let us make decisions for u over there; if you need help ijs #prayersformrsmarsha #shame
It is a shame and straight up negligent for ppl to be victimized by companies not being required to recycle responsibility for not repurposing the shingles somehow.
This is why we need strict regulations! That company should never have been allowed to walk away!!! We need laws WITH TEETH and leaders who actually care. EDIT - imbedded racism is a EVIL. It’s evil to subject people to this horrific environmental racism.
A video I would like to see related to the topic of environmental justice is the General Iron situation in Chicago, IL. One of my past professors worked with an activist from the Lincoln yards to test particulate matter and the air quality (which the community called for Justice but due to corruption with the past mayors especially, even the CDPH failed to address even the concern until years later). The family pays off politicians but current mayor lightfoot to my knowledge was a bit more like this needs to stop however they are now moving their location to Hegewisch, IL which is on the far south side of Chicago. This area is a majority minority population (mostly hispanic). The scrap metal company has been caught with practices such as just being open air and not having a controlled environment which my ex Professor at UIC’s School of Public Health (Professor Erdal) had to prove during meetings where some officials maybe came but didn’t listen. This just enforces the continuing problem of environmental health and the disparities of what used to be a minority population area expanding to getting them removed but into a mainly minority population. Just an idea because I found this video very interesting.
The city needs to step up and correct this. This happens to many poorer areas. She should be allowed to sue the city also companies that claim bankruptcy need to have the laws changed so they can be sued personally. So many construction companies. Assets are in wife’s name and when things get hard they don’t build a quality product people try to sue they claim bankruptcy and turn around and get to create a whole new company. Would be interested to know if this blue star business did the same.
I grew up in Cleburne Texas, south of y'all. The water ran green and we hardly ever had a day without rock dust in the air, much less air pollution. The entire town smells like rotting flesh and damn near a quarter of the school children have asthma. We're a majority Hispanic community, 57%, although only two officers in law enforcement are Mexicans themselves. For perspective we're a community of 30,000k
But the real Mexicans don’t like to be classified as white hispanics because they were already in the Americas before the white man. Trust & believe not all of them want to be white & they put native Hispanics instead, which is more accurate.
Texas is getting hilarious video to video. Welcoming more people in and pushing its current residents out in any way possible. The moment they find they can make money off this land I guarantee it will look beautiful and breathable in less than 6 months.
They should ask where is shingle mountain is being disposed. Chances are it's just being dump in a landfill in smaller town/city or even another country.
That neighborhood needs to go beyond the walls of Dallas and Texas and ask for help from the Environmental Protection Administration to create a Super Fund. Get the Urban Land Institute and seek out national planning organizations that will help because it's their purpose.
Old Neighborhoods of Military Housing are filled with the Same Thing! Built for the Military and Their Families, and now are Low income Housing, and Rentals! Most don't know what They are getting into when a Private seller sells Them a Home until it's done! To remove a shingle You must get a Hazmat Team to clean up this mess! Please investigate before You buy!
That is terrible. Why is no one cleaning up? This is not right. The problem is, everything is airborne, and rain, wind, does travel. Lookout neighboring towns you are next.
I’m grew up in Grand Prairie near Dallas. There was a spot IN FRONT of our neighborhood where people would throw their trash. Needless to say, it looked horrible off Belt Line Rd. As soon as an IKEA & a Water Park opened in our area, they put a city ordinance against dumping. Must not look good for business🙄
This is what happens when you depend on the Government and vote Democratic! Instead of bitching change it bye being the solution not the problem it’s not the tax payer problem to fix it.
Watch Next: This Texas Town Hasn’t Had Running Water In Its 142 Year History
Is this the same town that doesn't have water
@@t.r.o1808 Yup!
As a black urban planner this is what I’m passionate about! Stopping the Discrimination against minority communities through land use/zoning
Since many people of color arrived into western countries from poorer countries, they started at a disadvantage compared to those there before them.
Therefore zoning and tight planning regulation as to what 'type' of house and type of 'design' of house can be built hurts those disadvantaged the most since they have less purchasing power to avoid , bypass or satisfy those regulations - of which there are white people too, but mostly people of color. Whereas richer folk, especially cronies in government often give 'planning permission' to their rich friends so you end up with monopolies.
Planning and zoning regulations will hurt black and other minority communities disproportionately more. Though in the end all communities will end up suffering to a certain extent. The problem though is that some will suffer x100 more than others purely because of cronies deciding who gets to build and who doesn't - pure corporatism.
Proud of you for working towards what really matters👏👏👏
You have an IG I can follow?
I've always been fascinated with urban planning and to see a fellow brotha or sista do it really encourages me.
Respect brotha ✊🏿
Wait, so the guy just declares bankruptcy and then he gets to walk away with no consequences? Whose idea was that?
Bigger businesses have limited liability.
Worked for Trump, everyone’s hero.
Limited Liability Company most likely, no personal liability for the owner. No matter what happens to the business
Whites and their politics. Everything was made for them to do dumb sht
standard operating procedure
BuT raCisM dOesN'T eXiSt!!!🙄
the city councilman for this area as well as sandbranch which hasn't had running water EVER is black and has been in office over 30 years IJS
@@longshorts7148 he plays a big part water is provided by the city
The state government in Texas is a joke! This is why Ted Cruz is in vacation, during a natural disaster. I pray for her and her family.
I just read that about Cruz. What a disgusting creep he is.
Not on vacation.
@@rnempson1 because he got caught genius that’s why he’s back acting like he’s concerned wake up
@@rnempson1 are you from payson az?
@@Trund27 yes, what a bad person!
I'm only 4 minutes in and I'm already furious. This is absolutely horrible. The affects of the damaged caused to this community with remain for the next 25+ years.
Disgrace By the government
No by the company.
Democrat run government
This is how Texas creates affordable housing.
You've said it. 🤦♂️
It's sad there aren't any law prohibiting companies dumping poison into lands, which could leave a lasting effect on the lands, environments, animals, and most importantly its citizens...
There was a law, until trump took it down
Small Goverment, less regulations that's what you get.
There are many laws but having laws is pointless if they aren't enforced or adequate. Most punishments for toxic dumping are monetary which means they are only laws for the poor. Large dumping can be a felony but the punishment is still usually monetary with a small prison sentence that is nowhere comparable to the lasting damages. We have a war on drugs but no war on pollution, which is silly. I'm not a fan of putting people in prison, but when it comes to putting people in prison for a chemical they willingly ingest vs chemicals they are forced to ingest, I think it's obvious which should be a priority.
@@Sinaeb this situation started before Trump was ever in office...nice try
@@Tusk_Tact And? He still struck down a law that would protect them
I’d find out where that CEO lives and pay to have all of the debris removed and dumped on his property and in his neighborhood!!
Point blank and period no mo talk
I’d take it load by load if I had ta! I mean seriously disgusting behavior.
That's just silly. Would you actually have the finances to pay the
costs of moving all that and the legal costs after you was arrested?
The cracks are beginning to open in America and their system of negligence.
This is really unique to Texas. The companies don't have to take responsibility because of deregulation in the state. Regulatatory policies protect residents and consumers. Deregulation protects companies and the government.
Shame on Dallas!!! Do the RIGHT thing and clean up shingles and the pollution!!!
Oh my goodness....the country that uses the word "God" in nearly every sentence would treat God's people like this? 😢
As an American I can say America was built on hypocrisy. Christianity (especially in this country) is a farce
@@naturallyunruly8862 not everyone that proclaims to be a "Christian" is. So.. 👍
How about Gods creation?
@@mysticqueen74 the rebellious one..
They need to file a class action lawsuit against the owners of the bankrupt company. Try to hold them personally responsible for their actions. It might not work but there has to be an effort to hold the wealthy responsible for their actions.
Yeah, you need to sue.
Money and violence are the only things that every make anything happen on a human level.
Suing is expensive and if the company is bankrupt where is the settlement going to come from.
7:12 "We live in a city (and a country) that based on your zip code determines your life expectancy."
Lemme get this straight: a company created a toxic waste zone, declared bankruptcy and walked away ... and there's no felony charges?
While the city isn't giving those in the neighborhood money to move ... this is so wrong, I can't even ...
Unhealthy living conditions
Good ol' Republicans in Texas, where only the 2nd amendment matters.
Dallas is Democrat controlled. Nice try though, clown.
@@quitepossiblylucky doesn't matter which one, they are both racist whites.
Why is it that white people get blamed for can live your life the way you want .stop blaming everyone else and take your own responsibility.
@@quitepossiblylucky The entire city council are all non-partisan people. Only the mayor is a Democrat. All 14 members of the city council label themselves as non-partisan.
Someone help her find a lawyer to sue. This stuff has effected her health. She has a case. Now dallas not during anything sue them.
Her family need yo get her out of there!!!!! URGENT
Questions are where are they taking this mountain to now.
Very good ?
It's amazing the obvious hate for us, and we are supposed to be okay with it? It's so disrespectful.
Not entirely sure why the anti-texas coverage is picking up at the same time they're having their extreme weather events. I guess when it rains, it pours.
"Racism is a by-product of capitalism!" -Fred Hampton (1948-1969)
What? This is state capitalism, the recycling business would've been definitely been at fault in law in a laizze faire capitalist system xD
@@Isaac-ho8gh man really? This is systematic capitalism!! And racism is one of many branches that makes the system of this country function!!! OK damn it?!!?
Capitalism is not inherently bad. The type of capitalism we have here in the US on the other hand from the founding of the country to the present has not been exemplary to say the least.
@@yahspoetyahu-thepoeticword7322 you don't know shit about capitalism lol
@@c22tch but exactly, its not the original capitalism when companies get away with violating others due to government corruption lol
Why is Texas so messed up?
A lot of Ignorance, I mean Texas is the state that voted in “Trump’s Little B!tch” Ted Cruz twice!
@@pjpatron this type of stuff is everywhere, remember flint michigan
@@mahlina1220 it's is, california is the only other state with a star in it's flag; maybe should've payed attention when you went to school. And if you want to why California has a star it is because of the Texas revolution it has nothing to do cockiness and arrogance
@@alexromero7532 Not even remotely true. There are a handful of states with stars in their flags. It's not even the only other flag with one star (Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina)...
Racist. I moved from Texas, I lovrbut but cannot live there again. Shameful. It us truly based on racism
Osha, environmental protection, CDC, and others. might like you.
Might even send a note here. see if the UN can kick some USA but.
Some dont get it. WE ARE A FILTHY country. and we ship allot of our CRAP to other nations, so we dont have to deal with it, INSTED of the USA doing its OWN recycling, as WAS mandated long ago, we would rather ship it out and let others DEAL with it.
F'ing stupid.
Lets complain to someone who MIGHT be able to piss off the elected.
They don't have enough resources.
I think they already know about it.
They really dont care
@@ecash00 TX don want Federal regulations
RIP America. We had a good(?) run.
No we didn't
@@naturallyunruly8862 it was pretty cool in the 20th century
And no, just because there is a serious issue in some random part of a random town that just so happens to be in the US doesn't mean that America is over with. Not every part of this country is suffering from this. You all really like to cherry pick everything
@esaesa07 of course you would be the one to think that the US has nothing good. I guess you just want to throw the whole country under the rug and never want to see the positives especially since the media has the better of you. I'm sick of it.
@esaesa07 No esaesa, YOU are the one purposely living a bubble. You only want to see the negatives. I say it is pretty cool because of the cities like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco and their skylines and the unique architecture like art deco. And I like all the states and how different and unique each state is from each other, and the diverse geography and biodiversity from mountains to beaches and canyons. But I guess thats not cool to you, how sad.
She needs to sue.
She has
Or move
@@nicksantamaria2558 Both
This is disgusting. End stage capitalism at it’s finest
It's not capitalism, it's liberalism.
Democrats run Dallas.
@@selfishcapitalist3523 AOC has raised millions. Ted Cruz is on vacation. Tell me again why it’s the lefts fault?
@@carolinep.7580 That's a different issue. That's not what this video is about.
Mask yo granddaughter too, she’s outside without a mask next to toxic waste!
This happens in a lot of places, but not surprised this is TX
I'm glad you are bringing attention to this tragedy.
Thank you to cover the story.
They need to clean the MESS UP! So very sad for families.
I hope the people of that area sue everyone involved in bringing & keeping that toxic dump there. That goes for the other locations too. I hope these people get their health back. Also the zoning and pollution laws are changed. This is absolutely horrible. 😤
Blue Star Recycling ...shingle mountain 2018 environmental racism textbook case
American Horror Story: Shingle Mountain Sue the City!
That's good ole Texas 🤔 and I don't know why black people are moving to Dallas. It's weird to me because if it gets cold again. It has a 82% chance of not having power in the entire state. 😕
why do you say i dont know why black people are moving to Dallas??? they were either born there or moved there and I don't see why you brought race into it :/
I love Dallas
Make a petition to make them get rid of it! Come together to figure out filter your own air! Have it turned into gravel in which it will PAVE YOUR WAY TO HEALTH AND JUSTICE!
We really don't deserve this planet
The real question is: where is the toxic waste placed after the cleanup?
They finally removed all the singles on 02/26/21
🥳🥳🥳 Thank goodness, happy for Marsha and her neighbors!
I'm not donating a dime of my money to Texas Relief. One, Texas & the Federal Govt are responsible for relief. Two, Texas marginalizes Sandbranch, TX & now this 'Shingle Mountain', predominantly Black/Latino people. Three, TX has the 2nd largest GDP in the USA, w/ major companies located there that have received massive tax breaks for decades. Four, Texas (for too long) has been proud of reckless deregulation & boldly flouting regulations from the Federal Govt like the EPA, FDA, etc., all w/out accountability. Don't get me started on voter suppression there, too. I'm not paying more money than I have to by helping a state that doesn't care for Black/Latino people.
Perhaps we should start putting people in prison for intentionally polluting residential neighborhoods and water supplies.
These towns need to come together for a CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT!!!
Environmental Racism
Eye opening. Texas, please elect new representatives they do not care about you! This video is proof
Blame the city councils they're the ones who approved those sites
“Based on your zip code determines life expectancy.” Well, that’s not necessarily 100% due to pollution. Yes, it can cause health related problems, but if you live in a better zip code, like the one mentioned, where people have millions of dollars, well, they also can afford to go to the doctor for annual check ups, or any time they sneeze. They get preventive care. They can afford to replace a lung, or sue the town/corporation by themselves. It’s really discrimination of the poor. This poor lady got sick because of Shingles Mountain, but had that never happened, what would the life expectancy of that area be? Does Medicare pay for all her medication and doctors visits? If there is any financial burden on her, well that is eating at her life expectancy.
Sure, there’s redlining, and that’s probably how much of the problems AJ is reporting on in Dallas started, but any time anyone tries to build affordable homes for ANYONE, residents march on town hall with pitchforks and torches. “NIMBY!” ...even when it just a place for the elderly to be able to live next to their kids. No public transit, the maids and landscapers can’t even live within a few miles from their work place. That’s not ok. If you trust them enough to allow them into your house to clean, you should be able to trust them to live in the same town as you.
So what your saying is people who live better generally can live longer?
Im shocked. Too bad we all cant eat the best food, have the best products and pay for the best services. That world will never be.
@@bobshanery5152 my comment was simply stating that correlation is not the same as causation. These people aren’t sick because they are black. They aren’t healthy because they are poor. You can go into the politics of redlining, and how systemic racism forces many black people into poverty, but if they had money, they would have a better chance at being healthier, which debunks the race thing. The quote about zip codes is misleading. I don’t think anyone who approved the original dumping did it because the residents were black. They did it because the area was zoned industrial, which is why anyone who resides near it is poor, because it’s affordable for them to do so.
The real answer is better zoning. Industrial surrounded by commercial, surrounded by residential. That way, there is a buffer between residential and industrial. ...but that would mean businesses like retail and grocery, in places that truly need them. It’s an investment requiring city subsidies, which is already controversial. But these residents could work there, even walk to work, and the income they receive would actually afford their cost of living since it’s in a more affordable area. People working there would be exposed to the same pollution though, but at least it wouldn’t be 24/7 like now.
Could they put cement ontop of it to keep it from getting into the air? There have been many toxic waste areas and affluent areas built near them, too. These companies don't decide to dump places because people of color live there. The San Jacinto River and toxic areas like Friendswood, outside of Houston, back in the 80's is a perfect example. It's irresponsible companies not caring about people in general, not just people of color. Maybe if everyone realizes that, more will be done to clean up these places. You are strong and brave people to tackle these issues. I hope something is finally done about this, you are compensated for the health problems it caused and that your health returns. You have a chance to set the example for the world, not just your neighborhood.
Moral of the story. Texas is hell. Don't go there
Dam I live in Dallas and never knew people are struggling to breath and they dumping waste, where is floral farms anyway, never heard of it and I lived dam near all over texas and DNT know anyone struggling with this, this is sad, that goes to show stuff can happen right under your nose and DNT even know. Wow😳😳😳😳. As a black resident of Dallas this is really no surprise tho. Black and brown be the one that always suffer the most in Dallas, south Dallas has always had big problems with discrimination cause it majority blacks who stay there and so much shit goes on there, they always dump waste and bodies and drugs there daily and the police use and excuse saying they DNT have enough police to cover there, but they have police and other resources where the white folks live, they wouldn't dare dump things in they neighborhood. SMH.
"What's going to stop another company from coming in and doing the same thing?"
You are. Somebody comes in and starts dumping, you need to make trouble for them.
Demand to see permits. Stand in their way. Ask questions, and demand answers *before it's a mountain.*
@TurquoisePurpleSky 17 What are they going to do, run you over?
You gotta make a scene. You gotta call your friends and family to make a scene.
White people more often have a certain sense of entitlement that everyone should have. Like the belief they need to have answers about what's being dumped in their backward.
Karens serve a valid purpose in society, and this is one situation where you need to be difficult and problematic for people.
@TurquoisePurpleSky 17 You people have so many lies and excuses as to why you can't do what others do to protect themselves.
Be a victim your whole life if you want. I'm not into it.
@TurquoisePurpleSky 17 So suddenly complaining and making a fuss and filing lawsuits has a function again? Have we cured your Innate Victimhood Syndrome? Very good.
And Hispanics were building cities in America before America was a thing. While you were still hiding in the bushes from your neighbor's noose wand cause he heard the Portuguese were paying good money for you, we were already developing distinct Spanish dialects from being established colonists for so long, and driving the Comanche back.
Absolutely heartbreaking. May God continue to punish the oppressors
They've showed their true heart's year's ago!! Evil shame is God's soon coming wrath for those allowing it!! Very sad and horrible America!!
He's not coming.
I knew it was Dallas
It's March, is that mountain still growing?
Lord have mercy praying for the whole community. Someone that company and the city need to pay all of them
Can anyone say Flint, Michigan 🤷🏾♂️
Water is still dirty in Houston. I got sick the other day. They said it’s clean.
@@autumnseptember4635 how do you know it was the water that made you sick?
@@B123. Boil Water when the Pipes Froze during the Record Cold Winter. Hope you feel better.
Shocking not shocking. Great doc. Thank u.
Environmental Racism plain and simple!
So sad, keep praying 👏👏👏
Thank you for this story
It's about $$$$. Poor people don't have $$$ to defend themselves and their communities.
Racism. That's stupid. It's $$$$!!!!!
when picking a home, make sure all your neighbors are white. got it.
Now you're just being racist.
@@yift3588 lol I was being silly, im not white but im saying fro this video, it seems thats the only way to live in a clean taken acre of area
This is a serious crime! WTF?!!!!!!!!!
Wow Texas Government....Really?????!! this how you treat ur people ? We don't have this problem in South Carolina. Maybe y'all should let us make decisions for u over there; if you need help ijs #prayersformrsmarsha #shame
Texas government doesn’t care about their people. Just look at what’s happening now there.
Profits over people
This is capitalism as religion. It's what America does.
Launch a lawsuit
It is a shame and straight up negligent for ppl to be victimized by companies not being required to recycle responsibility for not repurposing the shingles somehow.
This is so wrong they are Americans there color shouldn't matter I live in North Carolina what can I do to help I'm praying for you
This is why we need strict regulations! That company should never have been allowed to walk away!!! We need laws WITH TEETH and leaders who actually care. EDIT - imbedded racism is a EVIL. It’s evil to subject people to this horrific environmental racism.
This is so wrong and heartbreaking. How is this even legal?
Great country we live in, isn’t it? 😁
Im one of the first ten. And I wish i wasnt. This makes me mad AF
A video I would like to see related to the topic of environmental justice is the General Iron situation in Chicago, IL. One of my past professors worked with an activist from the Lincoln yards to test particulate matter and the air quality (which the community called for Justice but due to corruption with the past mayors especially, even the CDPH failed to address even the concern until years later). The family pays off politicians but current mayor lightfoot to my knowledge was a bit more like this needs to stop however they are now moving their location to Hegewisch, IL which is on the far south side of Chicago. This area is a majority minority population (mostly hispanic). The scrap metal company has been caught with practices such as just being open air and not having a controlled environment which my ex Professor at UIC’s School of Public Health (Professor Erdal) had to prove during meetings where some officials maybe came but didn’t listen. This just enforces the continuing problem of environmental health and the disparities of what used to be a minority population area expanding to getting them removed but into a mainly minority population.
Just an idea because I found this video very interesting.
So then move. It's simple
The city needs to step up and correct this. This happens to many poorer areas. She should be allowed to sue the city also companies that claim bankruptcy need to have the laws changed so they can be sued personally. So many construction companies. Assets are in wife’s name and when things get hard they don’t build a quality product people try to sue they claim bankruptcy and turn around and get to create a whole new company. Would be interested to know if this blue star business did the same.
We the people should do something about it this as a unit, if we were in her shoes I know we would Want this issue to be resolved.
Bonney Lake, WA has a few "Fiberglass Mountains" one by/under a residential area and another near wetlands.
I grew up in Cleburne Texas, south of y'all. The water ran green and we hardly ever had a day without rock dust in the air, much less air pollution. The entire town smells like rotting flesh and damn near a quarter of the school children have asthma. We're a majority Hispanic community, 57%, although only two officers in law enforcement are Mexicans themselves. For perspective we're a community of 30,000k
Why isn't it at least tarped?
Stop saying “black and brown!” The “brown” are classified as “white....”
Yes it is Racist to put white Hispanics in with the blacks. All Hispanics are in the white race.
But the real Mexicans don’t like to be classified as white hispanics because they were already in the Americas before the white man. Trust & believe not all of them want to be white & they put native Hispanics instead, which is more accurate.
Congratulations. You just invented Race Gatekeeping. That's very helpful of you, to divide us further. Thank you for that.
@@karmag4244 there’s no “real mexican” lol. mexicans can be any race, including mixed. some identify as white, others not
@@rafangille ok well I’m talking about the ones you dare not call white! 😂
Texas is getting hilarious video to video. Welcoming more people in and pushing its current residents out in any way possible. The moment they find they can make money off this land I guarantee it will look beautiful and breathable in less than 6 months.
They should ask where is shingle mountain is being disposed. Chances are it's just being dump in a landfill in smaller town/city or even another country.
That neighborhood needs to go beyond the walls of Dallas and Texas and ask for help from the Environmental Protection Administration to create a Super Fund. Get the Urban Land Institute and seek out national planning organizations that will help because it's their purpose.
they don't, we have to change the way we live and speak up for each other.
Vote him out regardless of the clean up !
What a sad, sad world we live in. And just to think their is some people who see no harm in this obvious shame before humanity.
Old Neighborhoods of Military Housing are filled with the Same Thing! Built for the Military and Their Families, and now are Low income Housing, and Rentals! Most don't know what They are getting into when a Private seller sells Them a Home until it's done! To remove a shingle You must get a Hazmat Team to clean up this mess! Please investigate before You buy!
Why would they care? The poor neighborhoods pay less taxes. Where there is cheaper homes there's all this and more going on.
That is terrible. Why is no one cleaning up? This is not right. The problem is, everything is airborne, and rain, wind, does travel. Lookout neighboring towns you are next.
Yeah that’s common practice to dump real estate value and get people to move out so corporations can buy out the property
I’m grew up in Grand Prairie near Dallas.
There was a spot IN FRONT of our neighborhood where people would throw their trash. Needless to say, it looked horrible off Belt Line Rd.
As soon as an IKEA & a Water Park opened in our area, they put a city ordinance against dumping. Must not look good for business🙄
This is what happens when you depend on the Government and vote Democratic! Instead of bitching change it bye being the solution not the problem it’s not the tax payer problem to fix it.
In Jesus Mighty Name 👋🏽👋🏽👋🏽
Stop 🛑 these Dumpsters
Amen 🙏
You need to move heart goes out to you but it's not worth it life is beautiful elsewhere..may God bless you and your family..
It's not about race. It's about money. They would dump those shingles in a poor white neighborhood.
Do a report on Cancer Alley in Louisiana