Oh, what a wonderful suggestion! My agenda's a bit full in terms of requests for the next good while. But watch this space! I've added that into my diary. And I might increase my upload frequency if the channel and the patreon get enough support, so if you can't wait that long, you can spread my channel around ^-^
I'm consistently impressed by the quality of the lyrics you write for these bardcore songs. I've seen lots of people try to add lyrics to these things, especially in the comments section, and everybody always seems to either misunderstand how Middle English works or screws up the meter and rhythm of it. Or both. About the only other one who gets things right is Hildegarde Von Blingin'. Love your work! Keep it up! :)
Woah 👁👄👁 this is absolutely incredible!!! If you ever have the chance, do you think you could do Good Old Fashioned Loverboy by Queen?
Oh, what a wonderful suggestion! My agenda's a bit full in terms of requests for the next good while. But watch this space! I've added that into my diary. And I might increase my upload frequency if the channel and the patreon get enough support, so if you can't wait that long, you can spread my channel around ^-^
I'm consistently impressed by the quality of the lyrics you write for these bardcore songs. I've seen lots of people try to add lyrics to these things, especially in the comments section, and everybody always seems to either misunderstand how Middle English works or screws up the meter and rhythm of it. Or both. About the only other one who gets things right is Hildegarde Von Blingin'.
Love your work! Keep it up! :)
That lyric page is great.
This sounds just so lovely and almost pastoral, like something one would hear in the town square after walking the meadows
The lyrics are a great complement to the music!! Keep bringing music, PLEASE!
I cant believe just how good this is
Good channel.
This type of music lightens my soul.
This sounds beautiful
oh lord this sounds so beautiful, thank you for making this!
hi great cover! can I use this for my music?? Thank you so much!
As long as you credit where credit is due - to both myself and Queen!