I'm curious to see everyone's thoughts on the situation. If anyone has more sorces or info on things I potentially missed or got wrong feel free to drop them in the comments ❤ I'm interested to know more
I truly recommend looking at ploopy's pateron documents about the ador issue. She did original have a video posted but I don't know why but she has deleted it but from her video it was both sides being manipulative and alot of things she brought up about HYBE being manipulative and not liking New Jeans before they released you seemed to have left out. She has all her transcripts and research on pateron which is the only place i saw that had reference to the video she made. Just a rundown from what I remember about that video. HYBE seemed to not like the New Jeans concept and that was one of the reason promo for New Jeans wasn't as big compared to illit or even le sserafim it also makes the le sserafim comment about her saying they wanted new jeans to go after them to not take their spotlight make more sense. She also goes into how dispatch helped HYBE plant this image of MHJ. I'm not picking a side because for some strange reason HYBE truly does seem to have a grudge against New Jeans and their success and don't even try to hide it and MHJ shouldn't have named drop the groups that have nothing tot do with this but also that she put the girls in a precarious spot. I just believe the girls realized that with MHJ they had the freedoms to do what they want and it worked and with HYBE they don't.
Another update is that on the 13th, MHJ did an interview and adressed the NJs livestream, but the original article on KBS and most re-uploads have been deleted. In summary, MHJ talked about being told about njs plans to go live soon after her dismissal but advised the girls not to, as they could be in violation of their exclusive contracts if they do so. Big thing here is that mhj admitted to knowing about the members intentions to go live, and as she is still a member of the ador board of directors, not reporting it can be seen as breach of trust. This interview was given soon after news came out that mhj is filing another injuction to be reinstated at the internal director of ador. From my understanding they are not challenging hybe's decision to remove her as the ceo (as the board of directors of ador removed her, not hype), but are trying to make the courts force a extraordinary shareholders meeting where hype legally has to vote in mhj's favor (if the shareholders agreement is not null and void already). Then when she is back as the internal direct of ador she will then be reinstated as the ceo, as if this shareholders agreement isn't null and void, hype will again have to vote in favor of her. From what I am hearing, it is very slim she will actually win this injunction, but anything is possible.
제가 영어를 할수없기 때문에 번역이 쉬운 한글로 작성해 봅니다. 번역해서 읽어주세요. 먼저 저는 하이브와 민희진의 분쟁은 이권다툼이라고 생각했었습니다. 그러나 법원의 가처분 결정문을 보고, 나는 하이브의 언론보도에 속았다는걸 느꼈습니다. 하이브와 민희진은 서로다른 가치관으로 충동하게 됩니다. 한국의 아티스트 사업은 매우 어렸을때부터, 아이들을 완성된 아티스트로 만들기 위해 엄청난 투자를 합니다. 댄스, 노래등 각종 전문가를 통해 관리함으로써, 이들이 성장하여 막상 데뷔 할땐 엄청난 빚더미(채무)를 안고 시작합니다. 철저하게 관리된 상품으로써, 회사는 이를 투자해 이익을 최대한 하는게 한국의 엔터사업이죠. 하이브는 철저하게 아티스트를 상품으로 생각합니다. 다른나라에서는 이런 구조를 이해하기 힘들수도 있습니다 민희진은 그동안 엔터사업을 하면서 이런 시스템을 싫어했습니다. 프로듀서(민희진)와 아티스트(뉴진스)의 이해할수 없는 끈끈한 관계도 이러한 이유 때문입니다. 서로 사이가 안 좋은 둘 관계에서, 의사 소통이 제대로 되지 않았고, 민희진이 하이브에 적개심을 드러낸것은 분명합니다. 하이브의 입장에서 이것을 가만 지켜볼수는 없었습니다. 하지만 하이브가 민희진을 공격하고 해임하는 방식은 옳지 못했습니다. 하이브는 언론보도를 통해 '경영권찬탈' '배임'을 했다고 주장했습니다. 하지만 이는 영어로 번역이 되지 않아서, 의미전달이 잘 되지 않았다고 생각합니다. '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기) '배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위) 법원에서 하이브는 '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)에 대한건 주장하지도 않았습니다. 주식은 가치가 정해져있고 훔칠수가 없습니다. 지분을 확보해 지배력을 높이려고 하는건 위법행위가 아닙니다. 대중을 기만하기 위한 자극적인 워딩이었을뿐이었죠. '배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)은 스타일디렉팅 팀장과 공모해서, 어도어의 매출을 빼돌렸다고 주장했습니다. 법원에서는 어도어는 뉴진스의 모델출연료만 받는것이고, 헤어,메이크업,의상세팅비용은 광고주가 별도로 외주업체에게 지급하는것이 맞다고 판결했습니다. 한국의 1위 엔터테이먼트 기업이 업계관행을 정말 몰랐을까 의심됩니다. 그 외 영업기밀 유출, 부정거래법 위반, 명예훼손등. 모든 하이브의 주장은 법원에서 받아들여지지 않았습니다. 하이브는 법원 가처분에서 완전히 패배하였습니다. 가처분 : 본안판결이 확정되어 강제집행전까지 결정문의 현상변경을 금지시키는 집행보전제도 하이브는 법원의 판결을 존중해야 했습니다. 분노한 하이브는 어도어의 이사진을 하이브 사람으로 변경했습니다. 그리고 어도어는 이사회를 소집해 민희진을 해임 시켰습니다. 하지만 '주주간 계약'에 의하면 하이브는 민희진의 어도어 대표 임기 5년을 보장해야합니다. 어도어가 이사회를 소집해서 민희진을 해임하려고하면, 하이브는 의결권(대주주의 권리)을 사용해서 이것을 막았어야 합니다. 하이브는 그것이 싫었기 때문에, 법원에 '계약해지확인 소'를 제기합니다. 이것은 법원의 가처분 결정을 편법으로 사용해서 불복하는 행위입니다. 주로 힘을 가진자가, 약자를 찍어 누를때 쓰는 수법입니다. 일반적으로 아티스트가 소속의 대표를 결정할수 있는 권리는 없습니다. 하지만 이 문제는 아티스트가 소속 민희진 대표 해임에 간섭으로 봐야할것이 아닌, 법적으로 부당하고 위법하다고 판단된 해임에 대한 시정요구가 되는겁니다. 법원 판결 내용은 밑에 댓글에 남기겠습니다.
제가 영어를 할수없기 때문에 번역이 쉬운 한글로 작성해 봅니다. 번역해서 읽어주세요. 먼저 저는 하이브와 민희진의 분쟁은 이권다툼이라고 생각했었습니다. 그러나 법원의 가처분 결정문을 보고, 나는 하이브의 언론보도에 속았다는걸 느꼈습니다. 하이브와 민희진은 서로다른 가치관으로 충동하게 됩니다. 한국의 아티스트 사업은 매우 어렸을때부터, 아이들을 완성된 아티스트로 만들기 위해 엄청난 투자를 합니다. 댄스, 노래등 각종 전문가를 통해 관리함으로써, 이들이 성장하여 막상 데뷔 할땐 엄청난 빚더미(채무)를 안고 시작합니다. 철저하게 관리된 상품으로써, 회사는 이를 투자해 이익을 최대한 하는게 한국의 엔터사업이죠. 하이브는 철저하게 아티스트를 상품으로 생각합니다. 다른나라에서는 이런 구조를 이해하기 힘들수도 있습니다 민희진은 그동안 엔터사업을 하면서 이런 시스템을 싫어했습니다. 프로듀서(민희진)와 아티스트(뉴진스)의 이해할수 없는 끈끈한 관계도 이러한 이유 때문입니다. 서로 사이가 안 좋은 둘 관계에서, 의사 소통이 제대로 되지 않았고, 민희진이 하이브에 적개심을 드러낸것은 분명합니다. 하이브의 입장에서 이것을 가만 지켜볼수는 없었습니다. 하지만 하이브가 민희진을 공격하고 해임하는 방식은 옳지 못했습니다. 하이브는 언론보도를 통해 '경영권찬탈' '배임'을 했다고 주장했습니다. 하지만 이는 영어로 번역이 되지 않아서, 의미전달이 잘 되지 않았다고 생각합니다. '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기) '배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위) 법원에서 하이브는 '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)에 대한건 주장하지도 않았습니다. 주식은 가치가 정해져있고 훔칠수가 없습니다. 지분을 확보해 지배력을 높이려고 하는건 위법행위가 아닙니다. 대중을 기만하기 위한 자극적인 워딩이었을뿐이었죠. '배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)은 스타일디렉팅 팀장과 공모해서, 어도어의 매출을 빼돌렸다고 주장했습니다. 법원에서는 어도어는 뉴진스의 모델출연료만 받는것이고, 헤어,메이크업,의상세팅비용은 광고주가 별도로 외주업체에게 지급하는것이 맞다고 판결했습니다. 한국의 1위 엔터테이먼트 기업이 업계관행을 정말 몰랐을까 의심됩니다. 그 외 영업기밀 유출, 부정거래법 위반, 명예훼손등. 모든 하이브의 주장은 법원에서 받아들여지지 않았습니다. 하이브는 법원 가처분에서 완전히 패배하였습니다. 가처분 : 본안판결이 확정되어 강제집행전까지 결정문의 현상변경을 금지시키는 집행보전제도 하이브는 법원의 판결을 존중해야 했습니다. 분노한 하이브는 어도어의 이사진을 하이브 사람으로 변경했습니다. 그리고 어도어는 이사회를 소집해 민희진을 해임 시켰습니다. 하지만 '주주간 계약'에 의하면 하이브는 민희진의 어도어 대표 임기 5년을 보장해야합니다. 어도어가 이사회를 소집해서 민희진을 해임하려고하면, 하이브는 의결권(대주주의 권리)을 사용해서 이것을 막았어야 합니다. 하이브는 그것이 싫었기 때문에, 법원에 '계약해지확인 소'를 제기합니다. 이것은 법원의 가처분 결정을 편법으로 사용해서 불복하는 행위입니다. 주로 힘을 가진자가, 약자를 찍어 누를때 쓰는 수법입니다. 일반적으로 아티스트가 소속의 대표를 결정할수 있는 권리는 없습니다. 하지만 이 문제는 아티스트가 소속 민희진 대표 해임에 간섭으로 봐야할것이 아닌, 법적으로 부당하고 위법하다고 판단된 해임에 대한 시정요구가 되는겁니다. 법원 판결 내용은 밑에 댓글에 남기겠습니다.
제가 영어를 할수없기 때문에 번역이 쉬운 한글로 작성해 봅니다. 번역해서 읽어주세요. 먼저 저는 하이브와 민희진의 분쟁은 이권다툼이라고 생각했었습니다. 그러나 법원의 가처분 결정문을 보고, 나는 하이브의 언론보도에 속았다는걸 느꼈습니다. 하이브와 민희진은 서로다른 가치관으로 충동하게 됩니다. 한국의 아티스트 사업은 매우 어렸을때부터, 아이들을 완성된 아티스트로 만들기 위해 엄청난 투자를 합니다. 댄스, 노래등 각종 전문가를 통해 관리함으로써, 이들이 성장하여 막상 데뷔 할땐 엄청난 빚더미(채무)를 안고 시작합니다. 철저하게 관리된 상품으로써, 회사는 이를 투자해 이익을 최대한 하는게 한국의 엔터사업이죠. 하이브는 철저하게 아티스트를 상품으로 생각합니다. 다른나라에서는 이런 구조를 이해하기 힘들수도 있습니다 민희진은 그동안 엔터사업을 하면서 이런 시스템을 싫어했습니다. 프로듀서(민희진)와 아티스트(뉴진스)의 이해할수 없는 끈끈한 관계도 이러한 이유 때문입니다. 서로 사이가 안 좋은 둘 관계에서, 의사 소통이 제대로 되지 않았고, 민희진이 하이브에 적개심을 드러낸것은 분명합니다. 하이브의 입장에서 이것을 가만 지켜볼수는 없었습니다. 하지만 하이브가 민희진을 공격하고 해임하는 방식은 옳지 못했습니다. 하이브는 언론보도를 통해 '경영권찬탈' '배임'을 했다고 주장했습니다. 하지만 이는 영어로 번역이 되지 않아서, 의미전달이 잘 되지 않았다고 생각합니다. '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기) '배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위) 법원에서 하이브는 '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)에 대한건 주장하지도 않았습니다. 주식은 가치가 정해져있고 훔칠수가 없습니다. 지분을 확보해 지배력을 높이려고 하는건 위법행위가 아닙니다. 대중을 기만하기 위한 자극적인 워딩이었을뿐이었죠. '배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)은 스타일디렉팅 팀장과 공모해서, 어도어의 매출을 빼돌렸다고 주장했습니다. 법원에서는 어도어는 뉴진스의 모델출연료만 받는것이고, 헤어,메이크업,의상세팅비용은 광고주가 별도로 외주업체에게 지급하는것이 맞다고 판결했습니다. 한국의 1위 엔터테이먼트 기업이 업계관행을 정말 몰랐을까 의심됩니다. 그 외 영업기밀 유출, 부정거래법 위반, 명예훼손등. 모든 하이브의 주장은 법원에서 받아들여지지 않았습니다. 하이브는 법원 가처분에서 완전히 패배하였습니다. 가처분 : 본안판결이 확정되어 강제집행전까지 결정문의 현상변경을 금지시키는 집행보전제도 하이브는 법원의 판결을 존중해야 했습니다. 분노한 하이브는 어도어의 이사진을 하이브 사람으로 변경했습니다. 그리고 어도어는 이사회를 소집해 민희진을 해임 시켰습니다. 하지만 '주주간 계약'에 의하면 하이브는 민희진의 어도어 대표 임기 5년을 보장해야합니다. 어도어가 이사회를 소집해서 민희진을 해임하려고하면, 하이브는 의결권(대주주의 권리)을 사용해서 이것을 막았어야 합니다. 하이브는 그것이 싫었기 때문에, 법원에 '계약해지확인 소'를 제기합니다. 이것은 법원의 가처분 결정을 편법으로 사용해서 불복하는 행위입니다. 주로 힘을 가진자가, 약자를 찍어 누를때 쓰는 수법입니다. 일반적으로 아티스트가 소속의 대표를 결정할수 있는 권리는 없습니다. 하지만 이 문제는 아티스트가 소속 민희진 대표 해임에 간섭으로 봐야할것이 아닌, 법적으로 부당하고 위법하다고 판단된 해임에 대한 시정요구가 되는겁니다. 법원 판결 내용은 밑에 댓글에 남기겠습니다.
I wish somebody gave these girls enough confidence to realize that they're so much more than just a min heejin group. Every single adult in their lives has failed them…
I think MHJ has an inflated sense of self. The fact that she said hybe wanted to pass le sserafim off as her group.... as if anyone gave a crap about that....
@@Natasha.Louisee respectfully i think you don't understand the impact on the kpop industry that she had, she was at the golden age of SM when every company wanted to be like SM, so yes when hybe announced a GG by MHJ under hybe there was lots of expectation by the public, you can find traces of this online, Newjeans need MHJ not only as a creative director but also as an anchor in HYBE to not be submerged by hatred or greed from people who despises them like hybe employees, let's not forget the girls parents also agree with MHJ which speaks volumes at how HYBE is the danger for newjeans well being
@@harmony11155 Respectfully, you need to realize that that doesn't prove anything. You can have an impact and still be the shadest person around and/or a literal criminal. Also lets not act like most employees weren't just doing their job (not to say all are innocent). Do you think lower level employees get paid millions? Do you think mhj and nwjns parents aren't motivated by money?
@@harmony11155.....What greed you talk about...HYBE and all companies are in business to make money thats why entertainment agencies give Idols initial investment. That investment has to return in profits... Basic business understanding.
@@lemonnnkakeYou can be interested in money and have good work values, and this is why everyone in the industry stood for MHJ and NJS and not hybe ! have a great day
Min Heejin was a walking red flag from the get-go. Literally refusing to debut adults and people in their early 20s cuz they're "too old" will never not be weird. I feel like it's just because young girls are easier to manipulate. She wants them to go down with her. Something like this drama was inevitable, I'm just surprised it happened after only 2 years. Edit: this isn’t to say Hybe isn’t just as bad as her. If anything they’re probably worse. Edit 2: well that aged well
@@paulamendes9432 never said it’s isn’t weird but to pinpoint this exact thing to criticize her specifically is hypocritical as you should be criticizing Hybe for doing the same
it's also crazy how newjeans will stand by min hee jin even though we know she called them rude names... they even have a merch shirt with min hee jin on it. their relationship is so weird...
It's definitely partly due to mhj giving them a false impression that they have all the creative control over what they put out there, not realizing they really don't actually get much of a choice. **Edit: I would add that it's true that mhj and previous ador execs were more supportive of them than hybe were but like they all failed nwjs
The only thing that can help NJ is that they have to realize MHJ is not everything. They can continue as a group under the new Ador with a new CEO who will now be with them. I cant help to think that they jumped the gun too early, give it at least till end of year to see if there is any changes. Like how companies will continue to operate if a disgruntled employee leave, the same will be treated for NJ. If it is indeed their idea to do that stream, it was driven by emotion and not really thinking it through. These type of things are what get people fired in normal companies but they arent normal employees so these will affect their careers if HYBE decide to take action.
New Jeans fight isn’t just to have MHJ back but it relates to many of other things. MHJ had the same vision for their future, NWJNS liked that. HYBE plans to rebrand these girls and give them different aesthetics and music. NWJNS made incredible content for fans but it was regarded. NWJNs saw a problem with this because they were fearful that the HYBE will not let their ideas become apart of the creative process. They are worried for their career and these girls believe that having MHJ back, they will be protected and have some what creative control.
@@kaayleelynnn My question is how do they know? The new CEO just took over but they have already decided its MHJ or nothing. At least give it a half a year or a year at least that you have sample size to say that their ideas werent heard. The new CEO hasnt been given a chance yet they have decided NO to the new CEO. Havent you worked in a workplace where a new management took over and youre already hating on them, this feels relevant to that scenario
@@zikryafiq9915 if the new boss doesn't do the job properly, then yes, it happens. Lots of people in big corporations quit or change companies because of this issue. The company leaked their private information and pre-debut videos, and did nothing about it, no investigation, no lawsuit for that. And we are talking about 12-16 years old underaged girls doing sexual dances!!! They are not dumb at all to react like this
@@minhmeo5010 yes but the new CEO just got in which i think is pre mature to say she isnt good. I also agree HYBE shouldnt do that. MHJ and Hybe handled the situation too publicly. Meaning for NJ, MHJ defamed too many groups in HYBE in her pursuit to keep themi and HYBE retaliated by doing that on NJ. The people who actually are most affected are the idols. HYBE is doing the evil corporate thing because MHJ targetted their other subsidiaries and their groups. So actually both are evil its just which evil is less evil. NJ should just let it play out because there is so much complications to their careers. At least if they did this a year from now, they can say that they tried.
I feel that adults parents - they got greedy since Mhj paid them 1 million dollars each family and all the big brands deals Hybe- for trusting mhj ánd Mhj -for not acting as an adult and for being such a bad evil narcissist person!
@@greenthinggg right, i have no clue if the parents are being manipulated too or they’re just powerless or don’t have the girls best interest either. it’s overwhelming and confusing and sad!
I wish NewJeans would have asked for a new CEO who represents their interests/ vision for nwjns/ gave them creative input rather than asking for MHJ specifically in their video. This notion that no one but MHJ can give the girls the work environment or experiences they previously had is ludicrous. I wish they expressed more confidence in themselves, their efforts, and the potential for someone other than MHJ to work with them to make nwjns great (because fans come for the girls and the girls are what makes nwjns, not MHJ). I'm wishing them luck. The silver lining is that whether they continue under HYBE or end up having to leave, they'll still have fans behind them.
thats the thing tho hybe most definitely doesnt want that. they want to add people picked by them to ensure that they have full control of everything. and i think it would be impossible to get find a person who has the same taste and visions as mhj that could also handle business and marketing in 2 months. the girls know what they want for their future and the style they want so you cant blame them for wanting mhj to stay.
@@wispymangocan you blame hybe?? I be doing the same after I trusted a person give her money a company and 5 kids and for what? To plan to take them after Hybe gave her everything she asked and demanded yes demanded!! On top Hybe doesn't get help from their parents how can Hybe help those girls if the parents are not helping!
@@wispymango I’m not sure I agree. If the girls know what style they want, as you say, what is MHJ “needed” for? I like their music but their style and output isn’t so unique it can’t be accomplished through another CEO: It’s a version of Y2K. Additionally, no offense but fans have mentioned how many newjeans “clones” there are on many occasions and how other groups “sound like newjeans.” Not saying you’re part of that group, but it’s a bit strange to see people now say that MHJ’s work can’t be replicated. The bottom line is ADOR isn’t just MHJ: There are whole teams in the hundreds working on groups and their productions. She’s not the only person who contributed to nwjns’ image and now that they have a style it can be furthered by other CEOs, creators, etc. It almost feels demeaning to the girls and their understanding of their own concept and the styles they want to try going forward + the tons of staff and workers who make that aesthetic and style possible to just say MHJ is what makes it happen. Also, HYBE is financially incentivized to push nwjns current concept as well. Say what you want about HYBE, but if they’re money-interested (which they definitely are) it’s unlikely that nwjns’s concept will change much with a change in CEO since it’s so popular and profitable.
@@Jess-qg9tn mhj had a lot of duties when she was ceo of ador like being the creative director, handling the business side, picking the songs, bringing in newjeans 2 producers (250 and FRNK) A&R etc etc. most of the staff that work at ador were brought in by mhj. it would be extremely difficult to get someone who could fill all those duties in less than 2 months when they have a fan meeting, full album and world tour coming up. all the new execs and ceo in ador right now have never worked in the music industry or in art/creative roles. its also worth mentioning that the exec who has control over production is a worker for the belift ceo iykyk. its no wonder the girls want mhj to stay, even if its short term. they're only 2 years old, it be a different story if they were a 5 year old group and older then they could possibly take some roles themselves.
Update on NewJeans’ live stream: Shortly after their initial live stream, the channel disappeared. To host a live stream on UA-cam, a channel needs at least 1,000 subscribers, and the stream wasn’t on an official NewJeans channel. Following this, numerous new channels surfaced, sharing translated recordings of the stream, including in Japanese. Some Korean reporters are now speculating that a viral marketing company may have been involved, indicating the entire event may have been meticulously planned under Min Hee-jin’s direction.
Smart move on her part..... her using the girls to push and sway public opinion against hybe is a good move on her part. It's all terrible but Hybe will never let this happen again for sure. They went years without a girl group. I'm hoping they won't just throw their hands up and end the contracts of all the Hybe girl groups from their various sub companies.
Actually gfriend members didnt even know they were disbanding they found out through news articles source music probably discarded them to spare money for the new group(s) (old nwjns and le sserafim)
well we can even go further back and say this wouldn't have happened if HYBE didn't overstep and try to replicate newjeans with illit, or ban newjeans from working with their director that was so integral to their image, or a million other things that happened before mhj even opened her mouth
Me gusta el grupo *ILLIT,* su canción 'Magnetic' es bastante buena. Cuando ‘Magnetic’ se estrenó el 25 de marzo 2024 puse esto de comentario: 'MAGNETIC' en su debut entró al Billboard Hot 100, y merecidamente porque es muy buena canción y muy original. Me encanta ese coro rítmico de *_‘bae, bae, bae..’_* que hace Yunah y que es un acrónimo de 'cariño';.. y ese final encantador a cargo de Wonhee que dice *_‘Baby don’t say no it’ (Cariño no digas que no)_* Se lanzaron tmb 3 versiones remix de Magnetic: R&B remix, Starling remix y City Night remix. _Eres un magneto que me atrae a ti_ 🎶 _Magnetizaste tú mi ser_ 🧲🚶♀ _nuestra química es tan fuerte_ 👫 _ven conmigo de una vez_ 👩❤💋👨 _cariño no digas que no_ 💘 LETRA DE 'MAGNETIC' de ILLIT
35:58 Small correction about this, Hybe did not make an offical statement regarding Illit. This was a statement attributed to them by a Journalist, Hybe has come out to clarify that they never made this statement either offical or gave it to this Journalist. And wouldn't you know it the very next day, the same publication releases a tell all interview with MHJ about this Livestream. So it seems like once again MHJ brought Illit into this. So as of right now there is no actual evidence that Hanni was talking about Illit, as neither Hybe, Hanni or even MHJ have directly stated that this is what happened, but none have refuted it either which does lean into this version being truth.
Min Hee-jin’s plan to separate NewJeans from HYBE/ADORE started early on when she took the girls from Source Music. Her intentions were revealed through KakaoTalk messages with her shaman, outlining all her plans, which led HYBE to begin investigating her. The excuse of debuting Illit this year was just a cover. It seems like both MHJ and NewJeans have already decided to leave HYBE, and there may even be an investor involved. The reason for NewJeans’ live stream appears to be a strategy to gain public sympathy and strengthen their legal case, so they can avoid paying penalties to HYBE. I’m unsure if NewJeans is being used by MHJ or if they’ve chosen to side with her, but MHJ should have protected the girls from risking their careers for her.
'I do sympathize with Hanni and understand her personal feelings of hurt regarding the incident where she was ignored, but I want people to remember that MHJ has really played dirty by dragging certain groups under HYBE through the mud during very vulnerable times of their career. Unfortunately, whether or not the members of NJ personally approved of that move, by publicly and unconditionally supporting MHJ, they have also supported the unnecessary humiliation of the members of those groups even though MHJ's beef was with HYBE. If I was one of those members, or the manager of a team I really cared about, I would not want them interacting with NJ, and neither would I care about someone's feelings getting hurt - especially when they support the woman who has taken advantage of a very strange stage in their careers, where they have already been made target of malicious hate. Actions have consequences. I am not trying to villainize the girls, like I said for them to feel bad for being othered is not wrong. But this entire situation is bigger than that. If you support the person who is responsible for a big problem that the company YOU WORK UNDER is facing, whether or not you or the person you are supporting is right... that's gonna have some counter reaction. Now ofc Hanni did not name any groups or artists, so I don't want to make assumptions, but its a very simple logic - the friend of your enemy is your enemy. MHJ has caused a lot of damage to many artists of HYBE by unnecessarily dragging them in a feud which could have done without their inclusion. For those artists to be frustrated, not only at MHJ but also her supporters is not unjustified, just as Hanni being hurt about that incident is not unjustified. By acting as if such behavior was unprovoked, as if you haven't expressed support for MHJ multiple times... I am sorry but no wonder they didn't hesitate to be rude. They are humans, just as Hanni and the other members of NJ are, and they must be feeling that them being dragged through mud by MHJ was unfair. Overall, this emotional rant on a very complicated and multifaceted matter made the members look very unprofessional and immature - and the reason I talk about Hanni's description of the incident specifically is because that stood out to me in its short sightedness and demonstrated very well their lack of understanding of the bigger picture. Which makes sense, cause they are just kids! Ofc they are emotional about this situation and I am sure they thought what they were doing was the right professional and mature move. I am just shocked that nobody in their existing team stopped them because this was no the right move at all. I am sure the only people who very moved by this vdo were there fans, and others will just view it as them trying to victimize themselves (which isn't entirely true - yes they are kids and sucks that they are in the middle of this mess and clearly no one, not even MHJ has their best artistic interests at heart but also - they made the CHOICE to support MHJ while still working under HYBE so the flack they are getting is not ENTIRELY unearned) and villainize not only HYBE (which would be fair) but also beloved artists under HYBE who have very dedicated following, maybe even more so than NJ. By letting the members go through with this, their teams have proved beyond any doubt that they don't have their best interest at hearts, as this will only lead to them being targeted for hate again.' I wrote this comment on a video of another channel, and the reason I think this is important and should be kept in mind is because bunnies can be abhorrent. They are using this as an excuse to bully others idols (even more than before) and as usual there is a lack of common sense in fandom spaces about that particular part of the video. Before MHJ did what she did, New Jeans was a very esteemed group in HYBE and I do believe that a company so interested in monetary gain would not mistreat a group that makes it money. They are being othered, not because HYBE likes mistreating them or has been doing so for a long time, but rather because they have chosen to support someone who is essentially a bully in the eyes of groups like LSF and ILLIT. And I don't believe that that's mistreatment or unreasonable. I hate to say this, I really do, but this is the backlash that was bound to come from there own actions. I would like to again emphasize, I am not saying the girls are the villains here. They are clearly the victims of exploitative adults they are surrounded by. They felt hurt when they were ignored, that's valid. But what I have written is meant for Bunnies. They need to understand that they can feel bad and empathize with there idols and look at it as the cost of 'doing what's right' but going after other groups is not at all reasonable - because any frustration they might have with New Jeans who have sided with their bullies is just as valid.
If the incedent happened like Hanni said it did, as a manager who care for the groups Mhj is sabotaging I would not be happy to see nwjn members either. Not really an excuse to be rude, but still. Also the Korean translation of the manager as I heard it is something along the lines of 'be the bigger person' so that aligns.
I really think that idols should form a union, the newjeans situation is crazy because this is what happens when you have children be employees - they get manipulated by the adults in their lives and act according to their emotion instead of what is the best business-wise. Let's take Taemin as an example, he was under SM for years and just this year he went to another label once his contract expired - he was dissatisfied with SM for years at this point, but didn't make a whole scandal out of his situation like newjeans because it wouldn't be the best option for Taemin the idol - his personal feelings do not matter in this situation. He remained professional until the end of his contract and went to another label. With newjeans it's different because they are still young and they think that if they livestream themselves that the public will be on their side and Hybe would give up - but Hybe wouldn't do that because it's bad for their business and the public wouldn't stand entirely with newjeans because newjeans have really portrayed themselves as entitled idols who think they can just complain to the internet and that a whole company will listen. Instead, idols should unionize and have a third party representative make demands to their respective companies and negotiate in a legal matter - that way the idols still have their image and they get better conditions through a union. This is what regular employees do in regular companies, and what idols as employees should also do. Simply complaining to the internet accomplishes nothing and it makes the idols look bad, so it's a lose-lose situation for the girls at the moment
Fr, I feel bad for the girls. They don't know a single thing about the business and not getting personal as it backfires on you whether you do get sympathy or not. It wouldn't allow you to win unanimously against your idol contract, unless the courts decide they have substantial evidence that it was your company that failed to do their job.
2017 HYBE did not exist, back then was Big Hit Entertainment. Source Music did not belong to Big Hit Entertainment in 2017. Big Hit Entertainment acquired Source Music in July 2019. Min Hee Jin joined Big Hit Entertainment in July 2019. March 2021 BigHit Entertainment rebranded themselves as HYBE corporation. ADOR was founded in Nov 2021. Please do not missinform your viewers.
I was obsessed with Newjeans the last 1-2 years, like they were my most listened to artist after Bts, but I just can't keep watching Min Heejin manipulating them and their fans defending it. I'm geniunely so sick of it. I don't want to diagnose anyone, but Min heejin is moving like a literal narcissist grooming those girls since they were 12-16 and having complete authority and control over them. It feels like those child stars who years later come out after they've realized they've been exploited by the grown-ups and parental figures in their lifes, but you're watching the abuse happen in real-time and all you can do is helplessly watch. I don't understand how anyone can defend that woman and I'm not sure most people realize how deeply problematic she and her relationship with Nj is. She is the definition of a walking red flag, like she has suggestive pictures of very young exploited teenage actresses, calling them their inspiration and then insisting on debuting a group full with minors and constantly referencing lolita themes with their work, also allegedly shielding one of her vice presidents from accusations of sexual assault and harassing his victim, insulting the members of Newjeans, their fans and feminists, making the members themselves and their fans feel like she is the sole reason for Nj's success and that they are nothing without her (and those things are just the tip of the Ice berg, I could literally go on for hours). It's crazy how she has somehow managed to make Newjeans the center of the whole Hybe vs Mhj drama and turned it into an 'us against the world' situation in the members' and fans' minds, when all of this started with Mhj being confronted with criminal charges by Hybe. I can't even express how utterly disgusted and disappointed I am by all their supposed 'fans' who are defending Mhj and believe that by that they are doing Newjeans a favour, like do they not realize how unhealthy their relationship with her is and how she is using them? I don't understand their parents who publicly support her either, like how are their alarm bells not ringing after some of the stuff that has been revealed about her? I can bearly watch Newjeans' videos anymore after everything that's happened, because all of this just makes my stomach turn.
There is a level of praise to be given for her general ideas bringing forth into their music but it's always been on the floor. But being close to your boss is a VERY thin line, most times it never works out in this way that newjeans thinks it has. MHJ acts as if she personally raised the members, to which.....she's not their family, never will be, and should never be considered anything near that. Not even as a best friend, power imbalance as boss and employees is too much. It's just sickening how much people aren't aware enough at this point.
The ‘ignore’ incident involving Hani happened in June, when Min Hee-jin was the CEO of ADOR. During Min Hee-jin’s first press conference, she claimed that Illit copied NewJeans. Since then, NewJeans fans have been flooding Illit with hate comments like ‘Die’ and ‘Fake,’ accusing them of copying. It was Min Hee-jin who put NewJeans in this awkward position. HYBE’s investigation of the CCTV footage showed the groups greeting each other, but without audio, they couldn’t find any conclusive evidence. Since Min Hee-jin is responsible for this, shouldn’t she be held accountable?
@@GonBon1 It seems you may have missed what happened, so let me explain again.- Min Hee-jin’s plan to separate NewJeans from HYBE/ADORE started early on when she took the girls from Source Music. Her intentions were revealed through KakaoTalk messages with her shaman, outlining all her plans, which led HYBE to begin investigating her. The excuse of debuting Illit this year was just a cover. It seems like both MHJ and NewJeans have already decided to leave HYBE, and there may even be an investor involved. The reason for NewJeans’ live stream appears to be a strategy to gain public sympathy and strengthen their legal case, so they can avoid paying penalties to HYBE. I’m unsure if NewJeans is being used by MHJ or if they’ve chosen to side with her, but MHJ should have protected the girls from risking their careers for her.
@@GonBon1 It was made public because what Min Hee Jin did led to the public beginning to hate train thier groups. Saying they should be held accountable is like saying that if you get bullied because someone lied about you to the class, you shouldn't call them out to class.
@@GonBon1 They're required to by law. Hybe is a publicly traded company. Anything that will negatively affect their stockholders has to be made public information. The U.S. has a similar law by the Federal Trade Commission.
Ofc illit's manger would have told them to ignore her. Like what kind of treatment did the members expect after siding with someone who caused two seperate groups have huge hate trains that were caused/catalysed by the person they sided??
mhj pulling a if i go down then you're (nj) going down with me on new jeans is actually so saddening since the girls are so talented, so loved and they have a concept that took the industry by storm. two years after new jeans debuted and the industry is still pushing out "their" sound (the sound they popularized). they had so much going for them but unfortunately mhj has been presenting an "if i cannot have you no one can" mindset and she will destroy newjeans. now when it comes to the live, i dont really know if mhj put them up to it but this was a very grave mistake. no matter whose idea it was, it was a bad idea (not really to mhj) but to new jeans for sure. id have way too much to say if i was to speak on the annoyance that is bunnies to me right now, so thats all for me for right now. amazing video natasha !!
37:18 thank youuuu. Because I agree with this. Ofc I feel bad for hanni for that interaction but illit have been dragged through mud since their debut mainly because of mhj. I’m not surprised either that their manager wouldn’t want them to speak with each other at this point in time
@@kaayleelynnn ehhh could be opinion based. but telling someone to not say hi, depending on the relationship to the person, could be a form of ostracizing or outcasting someone. ofc if a complete stranger were to do this.. who would care, but a company official/higher up/manager/colleague/etc.. its a bit rude. after all, going out of your way to not greet someone is a bit iffy, why not just give a nod/bow/gesture of greeting and keep it pushing. not like they needed to have a full ass conversation.
@@rubyjaneluvbot i really hate these types of arguments because honestly everyone should see both scenarios as bad. but flipping it just feels like the party actually in the scenario shouldn’t be offered grace, based on the hypothetical statement that it wouldn’t be the same the other way around. with this i feel i take the stance of “two wrongs don’t make a right” we gotta stop letting the fans that get “even” sway us.. like what kind of change are we gonna get if we are this immature 😭 (just a rant)
How are their parents not protecting their own children? I get hybe and mhj being greedy and all about business but their own parents are letting this happen to their daughters?
there's only so much they can do especially with contracts. plus they've spoken out before and got a lot of backlash mostly internationally. a lot of comments were either calling them bad parents or that they need to stay out of it.
The creative director of illit has been working like this for many years..if you check her portfolio illit image is very on brand for her ..she has worked with many including Jennie..
I think a lot of people who are talking about New Jean's decision being "stupid" failed to consider what they are doing as a strike, like they are fully aware that this would damage their careers, that's what a strike is.
I am not a Hybe company fan, but Hybe has been trying to keep those gals out of this. MHJ, on the other hand, has been using those gals as a shield and is still manipulating them. Whether you dislike Hybe or not, you should be able to distinguish who is manipulating them.
Agreed, I get that HYBE is under fire right now but when I see comments about HYBE 'mistreating' them or not 'supporting' them enough... I genuinely get confused because to me it seems like the complete opposite... no doubt that HYBE should have handled this so much better than they have and things should never have gotten this far... but as far as I can tell.. they're concerned about their artists, ALL OF THEM. I can't speak for the whole 'overworking' thing but just based off of recent events... I can't see them as the bad guys when its MHJ escalating everything.
I agree with all of your thoughts and opinions about this and I have the same stance. I understand Hybe’s feelings towards MHJ because to them she was allegedly doing shady stuff and breached their trust. But they have handled this situation so bad and immaturely, and it’s incredibly frustrating to watch. Min Heejin can kick rocks for all I care. She just comes off as an egotistical jerk that will do anything to victimize themselves, including dragging Newjeans and other artists into the mix which has caused so much unnecessary hate be thrown towards them. She’s very unprofessional, greedy, big headed, calculated, manipulative, and if the sa allegations about her are true, she is a sick individual. I feel really bad for newjeans being in the middle of the feud and being used. It’s not okay that people at hybe are dawging them just because they don’t like MHJ and they shouldn’t have these adults around them fumbling the ball so hard. However, I will get on them a bit too. Their relationship with MHJ is borderline inappropriate for a boss x employee one, and I’m not sure if the girls even realize or care about the harm MHJ and their fan base has caused. Demanding Hybe reinstate MHJ without acknowledging the reason she was booted in the first place just rubs me the wrong way a little bit. But it doesn’t stop me from standing with them. And lastly, Bunnies have been getting on my last nerve since this all went down. They blindly believe anything that MHJ says and anything that’s in favor of her. They have been absolutely vile on social media towards other fandoms, especially Gllits and Fearnots, and anyone who doesn’t side with MHJ because according to them not supporting MHJ = not supporting newjeans, which just isn’t true. They’ve been downplaying and dismissing the massive hate train Illit and Lesserafim got after MHJ dragging them into it because for them “newjeans has it worse”. They’ve just become so mean and hypocritical during this and have helped MHJ damage NewJeans’ reputation while garnering the girls hate. Along with that other kpop stans have inserted themselves, adding fuel to the fire between fandoms right now, and most of them aren’t being genuine about this at all, and definitely not helping. At this point Hybe and MHJ have got to stop with this petty nonsense and figure this out so we can all move on, and they need to take accountability for the wreak they’ve havocked. I also need the kpop fandom as a whole to get some common sense and a brain, because a lot of them are treating this like a black and white situation when it’s not. And the hate towards all of these idols have got to stop. If you all truly care about the members of NewJeans then you wouldn’t be actively garnering them hate by starting fanwars and you definitely wouldn’t be rooting for MHJ.
Why is HYBE petty....They have to go through the logical and legal process in the correct way. HYBE as a business is constantly being attacked..when if it was not for HYBE and there money there would be no investment in NJ.
This situation was going to be handled privately but MHJ ran to the Press once HYBE found out what she was up to. Then she bought Lesserifim and ILLIT into this mess and both of those groups started getting a lot of hate from the NewJeans fandom. I keep hearing everyone saying protect NewJeans I'm saying what about ILLIT shouldn't they be protected too. They had their debut ruined by MHJ
Although most companies under Hybe has control over group concept and artistic decision, many actually have more feedom doing solo projects like Huh Yunjin in Lesserafim, I remember she has one or two self written song and one collab with J Hope from BTS. The member who have a hand in writing and producing also are credited properly. Recently Yeonjun from TXT is also preparing his mixtape too. Their hardwork are known, and not be stolen as some boss/ceo's achievement like MHJ or that old SM's ceo. NJs have to realize their own worth, they have to know they're making the wrong decision by pushing other people's genuinely wanting to help and support the wrong person, they have to learn from this and study the way of the world more. The girls debuted too early, resulting in their lack of critical thinking, allowing the wrong people to easily manipulate their view by emotions.
LSF's debut had nothing to do with NewJeans. they debuted quickly because hybe wanted to capitalize on izone popularity. leaked kkt between MHJ and her shaman showed her shaman warning her that if she created her own label, NewJeans' debut might be delayed to after LSF's, and MHJ said she was okay to take that risk
Honestly, I think the situation was way more complicated than that, I think a lot of it came down to creative differences between MHJ curated ideal lineup and what the company was hoping to push for, including several higher profile trainees, i.e. allegedly Yunjin at the time (and Miu? Idk it's all hearsay). The Shaman was probably one aspect of it trying to convince MHJ her direction was 'correct', so it seems the only solution was to split since MHJ was adamant on her vision+ her choice to delay. A lot of things can change in terms of lineup choices in any company. Remember this group started as a COLLAB between MHJ SOUMU and HYBE, too many stakeholders mean room for failure or at least massive changes.
@@day6hwaiting708yes it is, hybe and source had a lot of mistakes too. if i were mhj i would be annoyed if they suddenly wanted me to add two members to my already established lineup. there were obviously many creative differences. but amazingly almost all of min heejin's demands were met by hybe, including the creation of her own company. so what i don't get is why she tried to paint it like hybe has been trying to end her since the beginning when they've followed her every whim.
I hope that Newjeans will stay at HYBE/ADOR atleast until their contract ends because I dont want them to go into debt/legal issues :(. Please Newjeans, Mhj is using yall as human shields! While Hybe isnt perfect, its better than beinf blacklisted... Im still mourning the original Fifty Fifty :(
You really told the situation as it is. Except for 1 thing...Hybe is big but does not have influence on the media. The one that has media control is mainly SM...SM used to be and still is a media company (next to music) with it's widespread connections ...hence their influence in music tv- shows, etc. For example: That is why especially in the beginning of their career, it was difficult for BTS to get time slots at music tv-shows etc. Because of this till this day BTS used UA-cam to get in touch with their fans. 2nd example: situation Taeil of NCT (SM owned)...you don't hear or read anything about it. That's how much influence SM has. Indeed that live-stream was a no go, and MHJ knew about this plan, she admitted it in an interview but KBS removed the video and articles etc were also removed. Officially she had to inform Hybe about it, but she did not. That already is breach of contract. It's a shame that she uses the girls, but she had a lot of time to groom them and intentionally kept them apart from everyone, making them think/feel that they can't do anything without her. Unfortunately the girls, according to the Korean ways were very very rude, making the live-stream worse. The girls already stated that they won't work with anyone (who might be even better than MHJ). Two things: They pay the fee or they have to stay with Hybe. If I was Hybe I would keep them just to not make precedent.
HYBE literally has Dispatch on their side, this isn't debatable. SM does not control Dispatch or the media, Dispatch literally exposed Karina's relationship (possibly on HYBE's orders). Dispatch themselves confirmed that HYBE leaked NewJeans' medical records and trainee videos to them.
True . But some immature njs fans think that hybe can control the media . No they can't they are big company but still a baby compare to the big 3 and sk even don't like the story of hybe and bts that come from rags to riches . And i really don't even trust knetizens judgement this issue like look at what they did to yoongi dui issue .
I really like the fact that you talked about manipulation and lack of intelligence. The two are not the same. It does not matter how old you are, how smart you are etc. You can get manipulated at any point. I watched it happen to my best guy friend of like 9 years. He got manipulated to go against the people he loves dearly. We ended up not talking for a year. Thankfully, we're friends again but that situation taught me a lot and applying what i learned to this situation, the members are still victims. Yes what they did was one of the worst possible things they could've done but they have, most likely, been manipulated by this lady since youth. That's not something that they are going to figure out in a day. Especially when the person who has manipulated them has given them such success and love bombed them. I hope they figure it out soon. My heart is with the members of NewJeans. The group that started my journey within k-pop. These five girls don't deserve this. None of the artist dragged into this deserved this.
I assume this girl is an army acting like nothing happened after this vid was uploaded but this is the truth, a couple weeks ago the national assembly from korea had an audit with one of hybe’s director, BSH was called to go instead of him but that guy stayed in the US to avoid getting in more trouble with the judge and Korean netizens, the judges exposed hybe internal documents with 20K PAGES which only for of them got leaked, where hybe employees talked about replacing nwjns with a “new group” in 2022 (min heejin was right about this and a lot of stuff said in the internal reports) and A LOT of insults and unprofessional behavior towards other idols from other companies including nwjns (obviously), Jungkook and V by bts, the official hybe ceo came out apologizing for it but nobody believed his fake apologies anyway, also a petition was made with the intention of getting hybe out of the biggest companies in korea and it reached his goal which was 50k signatures (only koreans could sign), yesterday hybe employees commented in a page for verified employees of any company in the world called “BLIND” that they were angry and sad cuz no other company wants to sign them after hybe’s leaked documents (deserved), they’re very bad viewed by korea netizens now including the rest of the country’s companies which idols were badmouthed by hybe and their directors, employees, etc, and you just can tell by now their downfall is coming, also in this same page (BLIND) the employees insulted nj and deleted their comments afterwards, they did the same to jungkook from bts but armys decided to ignore it as they seem to stan the company more than the group now 😂, and let me tell yall that this is just a resume of EVERYTHING that company and their followers (such as this content creator) did to mhj and nj all these past months to damage their image and make everyone believe their lies but now that the truth was revealed most are hiding instead of apologizing to the girls 😂 anyway, this girl should delete this vid but I bet she won’t and will delete my comment instead cuz armys = hybe stans and they love that company as much as their parents ong
Hi gorgeous! OK, first of all, I'm not an army. Second of all, I was never "pro HYBE." I made it explicitly clear in this video that I DO NOT support hybe. Just because I do not like MHJ doesn't mean that I like hybe. I have been keeping up with the new jeans situation, and the reason I haven't made a video on it is because I'm waiting for more information. Once again, let me emphasize: I do NOT like hybe OR mhj. They're both shady as hell, in my opinion
@@Natasha.Louisee but as u stated at the starting of video u stand with nj but u liked comment by @Ihave------NoName-e saying nwjns deserved to disband becoz they are siding with mhj. and if u could not keep with the nj situation u should have waited for whole situation to be over or atleast did full research becoz their are many thing u left / some false theory . many people come to ur video might not know about whole situation see ur video and might believe it fully without further research . we guys were already fed up by seoulite guy. ( u might not like it , either intention or not ur video was pretty biased not becoz u like hybe becoz u hate mhj so much and i think u know it ) and when u use my personal theory in video u should at that to title .
@@Natasha.Louisee Natasha, with the amount of information thats been out until this day it should be enough for you to make the video, it just makes u look like the rest of kpop content creators who are silenced aswell, maybe because they’re afraid of a certain fandom? Maybe cuz they are pro hybe? Or maybe just bcuz they get paid, and I think that if you’re a supporter of the truth or anti hybe as you said, you should at least discuss whats been happening with hybe internal reports and they’re employees lately :/
Damn thank you for the misinformation I guess, but at the end of the day seems like mhj was right all along following every single internal report that got leaked about hybe 😂
Mhj has a fetish for young girls. Regardless of if "mhj was right" I will still never like her. And I'll never like hybe either. You're fighting the wrong person
@ it’s ok if you don’t like mhj! She might look weird for a lot of ppl and I found her weird at some point too, but at the end I think it’s ok to admit that she was right
My only wish for this situation is that by the end of it Newjeans are given a mental health break and are supplied with Psychologists to help them work through everything that had been happening. Groomed or Not, these girls need therapy, they clearly value themselves as individuals so little and that need's to change.
the plagiarism thing is SO interesting to me bc when magnetic first debuted my friends wanted to watch it so we all sat around our TV to watch, and the first thing my friend said (unprovoked bc mhj hadn't even accused of plagiarism yet) is "omg they're trying to replace newjeans" , like every single one of my friends thought it was SO similar to newjeans, and I didn't know newjeans that well so I thought illit was LITERALLY newjeans I was so confused. like there were times I would actually confuse the members bc I couldn't tell if it was newjeans or illit. hybes documents getting leaked made me feel less crazy for thinking that bc everyone on the internet swore up and down that illit was dream core or whatever tf and that the only similarity is the hair.... like be fr😭
@@christinawalker6356 so now you go finish kindergarten so you can finally learn how to read a news article and not some bs biased tweet from user iloveminheejeans
I have been seeing so many opinions on this and I barely agreed with either side. For everybody who are riding so hard for HYBE, I must ask: why? This company doesn't pay your bills and has flaws like any other company. Then for people who are riding so hard for MHJ, I must ask: why? this woman is a weirdo, that's proven. Even outside of this new jeans stuff even before she joined HYBE, she was weird. Neither deserves tons of defense and I won't defend MHJ just because New Jeans say that they basically owe everything to her. I think the relationship between the members and her is very weird like why is a grown woman/THEIR BOSS crying to a bunch of barely legal/underage girls? that's WEIRD. There need to be boundaries between adults and basically teenagers especially if the adult in question is their boss. I wish some New Jeans fans wouldn't let their love for the members blind their critical thinking about the whole situation
Hybe just got exposed MHJ was right and so was the girls MHJ can be a questionable person and still be targeted 2 things can be true people making up rumours doesn’t help
MHJ seems to be taking the route of if she can't have NewJeans no one can, and just wants to drag them down with her. And HYBE is just being too money-money, not actually paying attention to the human beings.
I actually don't believe NewJeans will go through with filing the injunction. Part of me thinks (or hopes) that they'll come to their senses between then and now. The 25th will roll around and it'll just come and go. Especially since Min Heejin claims she "advised against it." In large part I think they just did it as some kind of grand gesture to that woman...
I also think it's important to remember the original facts and source of this situation. Hybe uncovered alleged criminal activity by MHJ, including alleged embezzlement, a plot to damage Hybe's reputation, a plot to devalue Hybe's stock price. MHJ is also facing criminal defamation charges from two Hybe subsidiaries for statements she's made against those companies and their artists, which have also brought a barrage of hate towards those artists, some of whom are minors younger than nearly all New Jeans members. This battle originally had nothing to do with New Jeans, and Hybe said from the beginning that New Jeans should not be used as a shield in MHJ's defense of these charges. In the course of the investigations, MHJ was seen to have plotted to make Ador an "empty shell", with a goal to force Hybe to negotiate to stop the negative PR and negative impact to the company. That's what started the public battle we're seeing now. It was also found that confidential information had been shared by MHJ with her shaman, who was guiding MHJ on hiring and firing decisions. MHJ was allegedly conspiring with a former Hybe executive whom she had brought onto the Ador board, to bring down Hybe and its chairman. This plot would put employee jobs in danger, would increase shareholder losses, and would damage Hybe's reputation. These are the facts of the case. People can hate Hybe for whatever reason they like, but Hybe's first responsibility is to safeguard the company and all its investments - not just take care of the one agency that is costing Hybe stock to lose value every time MHJ or NJ makes another statement. New Jeans' members inserted themselves into the battle by filing petitions in court in support of MHJ, as did their parents. They've said that they won't be able to work without MHJ, despite Hybe stating repeatedly that they will continue to support their dreams, and will care for their mental health. This is despite the disrespect these girls have shown to Bang PD, who is the overall Hybe Chairman, complaining that he didn't say "hi" to them in an elevator. This is being characterized as "mistreatment", but it is not mistreatment in any sense of the word. The ball was in their court whether they wanted to proceed with their careers or not. But, this recent little YT video they did probably closed that door for them. They were highly disrespectful to the current CEO, and they issued an ultimatum that they are actually not entitled to issue. Which employee can dictate terms to their employer of who should run the company and how? They had one good year, and they're scrambling to repeat the success of that year, embroiling themselves in a battle that they didn't need to enter. New Jeans are on track to lose everything, and they will really only have themselves to blame.
I actually think mhj did play a big role behind new jeans’ success. She was the creative director, and its the creativity behind their concepts and music that made them stand out. The members know that and are probably scared of what will happen to their creative direction once mhj leaves. Not just that, but they also fear for the way they might get treated by hybe employees in the future. I have been in a work situation where my manager was disliked by executives due to personal and professional differences. I understood that but that manager was also someone who had protected me and other colleagues from the wrath of these executives. This is probably similar, but much much more intense for new jeans. I feel for them and am very heavy hearted thinking about them. They had the best music and concepts, and were truly a game changer. I wish for the best, and let us manifest that everything will turn out well for everyone involved, and especially the members. ❤
I want to be upfront and apologize in advance if my feedback comes across as harsh. Since this is the first video I've seen on your channel and I'm not a long-time viewer, please take my comments with that in mind. For this type of informational video, it’s important to provide credible sources and include them in the description.Well cited sources are essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content. Without these, there’s a risk of spreading misinformation, which can have significant and damaging effects. Misinformation can mislead viewers, erode trust, and contribute to the spread of false narratives. Ensuring your content is well-researched and accurately referenced helps mitigate these risks and maintains the integrity of the information you’re sharing. I have another comment related to this topic where this exact thing happens in the video. I really hope in the future you can find more importance in your words as they can do serious damage
Yeah I agree. It was noted in the intro of the video that information provided would remain unbiased, but after watching, it seems like this video was anything but unbiased. It was a bit hard to watch in that regard. Disclaimer: I don’t disagree with most of the opinions of creator of this video, but as a first time viewer, I came looking for an unbiased overview of the situation based on well-cited sources. I mean no hate or disrespect, just offering feedback.
I’m also on the girls side, neither hybe or Min Heejin is good. I was with the girls 100% against Hybe during the live but then they asked for Min Heejin back. That’s the only part that I was like 😬. I don’t doubt the management has been excluding newjeans, it just shows these adults aren’t mature enough to be in power.
08:06 I disagree with this. As someone who was paying attention since before debut, Garams "scandal" was actually looked into and proven false before she was set to debut. When rumors starting coming up before debut, hybe went on the record to say they already looked into it and proved it false. Knetizens didn't care and ran with it anyway and they were pushed into a corner about taking her out
Actually Gfriend's contacts were terminated without them even knowing! The girls had no intention of stopping nor were they aware that Mago would become their last comeback. They were informed only a month before the news went public and they couldn't do anything to stop the disbandment.
this is why you don't debut children. they should not be put in these situations in which they have no choice but to attach to whatever authority feels safe and trust them because they aren't old enough to know better. Of course these poor girls would speak out for themselves, and of course it will destroy their career. Debuting groups based on minors is setting these talented and enthusiastic kids up to fail and it's fucking evil
Anyway, I assume this girl is an army acting like nothing happened after this vid was uploaded but this is the truth, a couple weeks ago the national assembly from korea had an audit with one of hybe’s director, BSH was called to go instead of him but that guy stayed in the US to avoid getting in more trouble with the judge and Korean netizens, the judges exposed hybe internal documents with 20K PAGES which only for of them got leaked, where hybe employees talked about replacing nwjns with a “new group” in 2022 (min heejin was right about this and a lot of stuff said in the internal reports) and A LOT of insults and unprofessional behavior towards other idols from other companies including nwjns (obviously), Jungkook and V by bts, the official hybe ceo came out apologizing for it but nobody believed his fake apologies anyway, also a petition was made with the intention of getting hybe out of the biggest companies in korea and it reached his goal which was 50k signatures (only koreans could sign), yesterday hybe employees commented in a page for verified employees of any company in the world called “BLIND” that they were angry and sad cuz no other company wants to sign them after hybe’s leaked documents (deserved), they’re very bad viewed by korea netizens now including the rest of the country’s companies which idols were badmouthed by hybe and their directors, employees, etc, and you just can tell by now their downfall is coming, also in this same page (BLIND) the employees insulted nj and deleted their comments afterwards, they did the same to jungkook from bts but armys decided to ignore it as they seem to stan the company more than the group now 😂, and let me tell you that this is just a resume of EVERYTHING that company and their followers (such as this content creator) did to mhj and nj all these past months to damage their image and make everyone believe their lies but now that the truth was revealed most are hiding instead of apologizing to the girls 😂 anyway, this girl should delete this vid but I bet she won’t and will delete my comment instead cuz armys = hybe stans and they love that company as much as their parents 😂
I'm not siding with what Min Hee Jin has done, but i just have to mention some facts that people have been mentioning aren't true- 1. Le Sserafim hate train: this hadn't started because of min hee jin. Min hee jin held the press conference on 22nd April while Le Sserafim performed in Coachella on 13th & 20th April. And they were already receiving hate prior to the coachella performance for their encores (to be clear, I'm not siding with the people who have bullied le seerafim). The hate train after coachella was uncontrollable so it has NOTHING to do with min hee jin & newjeans. 2. ILLIT hate train: We all remember what happened in R U Next. The show was rigged is what everyone of us knows. The moment Chanelle was eliminated, that's when R U Next & a current ILLIT member (wonhee) started receiving extreme hate for saying chanelle was removed because hybe evil edited her as screaming at wonhee. And when the finale happened, everyone was disappointed with the line-up. Most of the show-watchers hated on wonhee & iroha for debuting, because obviously the top contestants didnt debut. And when illit first pictures were released, show-watchers and the illit fans were the ones who said ILLIT is gonna have the Newjeans concept. fyi, Bunnies weren't even involved in the first place. During the first vlive they held, the comments were filled with extreme hate by people & especially targetting wonhee. and BELIFT, who is supposed to protect their artists, purposely gave wonhee (who was the most hated since debut) to read the comments ??? anyways, ILLIT debuted on 25th March, 2024. They were already hated pre-debut & the hate grew more because of the teaser of the Super Real Me promotion calender being similar to the ador plus global audition teasers. In the press conference, Min Hee Jin had clearly stated that Illit's debut concept wasn't the girls' fault. it was BELIFT's. but people still constantly abused her for mentioning ILLIT. 3. Le Sserafim Debut: The Plus Global Audition was held in 2019 to debut the first hybe girl group, technically BTS's (the biggest k-pop boy group) sister group. Minji was already the face of the audition so she was bound to debut. Now when we see the leaked videos of pre-debut Newjeans members, we can see how Source Music had s*xualised choreographies for the minor members (Hyein who was prolly 13 at that time). Bang Shi Hyuk had promised Min Hee Jin that she would be the one to produce the first Hybe Girl Group. But since she wanted a little more time and didn't want to rush the debut, but hybe wanted to debut Soumu girl group since aespa and ive were already dominating the market. If there is any contract, then Hybe has breached the contract by debuting Le Sserafim without Min Hee Jin as the creative director since he wanted to profit off of Iz-One's success. And yes the debut was successful. Min hee jin's group, Newjeans, debuted a few months later after Le Sserafim. and their debut was a total success. which again, bang shi hyuk disliked. and when we come to the ditto era, you know bang shi hyuk hated the ditto success because of kkt messages. Now let me mention how Belift had literally created a youtube page for the announcement and sexualised Newjeans members saying they were Fantasies of Adults or something. There was not much uproar by any community other than Bunnies only against what BELIFT had done. But everyone is really quick on jumping on Min Hee Jin calling her a p3do and saying she groomed the girls. Source Music's Creative Director, Nu Kim's photo with a girl behind him tied with a rope naked went viral but people didn't speak against it. If Newjeans members are groomed since they r young girls surrounded by a potential p3do, then Le Sserafim girls aren't safe around Nu Kim too. Please speak up against him too. Especially since the group contains 1 minor, Eunchae, and the group has been heavily criticised for their Smart choreo for making a minor to twerk her ass, in a country filled with p3dos. I'm not supporting Min Hee Jin, but if some people are gonna speak bad on her, atleast choose the right ressons to hate on. you can't blatantly hate on someone for something they didn't do. Le sserafim and Illit's hate wasn't totally Min Hee Jin's fault. There was already a massive hate train going on for both the groups. this is what i had to say. there is more but I'd refrain from doing so now😬 i want only the best for newjeans, le sserafim, illit ❤ and f*ck hybe, f*ck mhj, f*ck soumu, f*ck belift.
I also want to mention the fact that how Hybe stans have been saying b*llshit on Shamanism really gets on my nerves. You don't have to be a Newjeans stan to think Shamanism isn't a bad practice. Now, to be fair, every culture, every religion, has their pros and cons. My religion's name is Donyi Polo. My tribe is Nyishi. I belong from the northeastern state named Arunachal Pradesh in India, and we are mongolian descendants. We have been practicing Shamanism since centuries. Shamanism is literally the root of our culture. Saying Shamanism is evil is like saying Baptism is satanic. Please respect the practice before hating on it. We perform Shamanic rituals to predict our future, to lure evil away, for the good of our community, etc. Shamanism is a highly respectable practice of Indigenous Cultures. Calling Min Hee Jin a witch for performing Shamanism is completely wrong. Yes she did remove the other pre-debut members because the Shaman said those girls carried evil, but idk how to explain it that is literally how shamanism works. I know it's hard to understand if you're not part of the culture. Also, witches don't exist. Women in ancient times were called witches because men were insecure about women being geniuses in what they do and killed them saying they were performing witchcraft. There is a very big tragedy in history named Salem Witch Trials, where women were witch hunted and men supporting them were too and then set them on fire.
I get that they’re kids but as a 13 year old girl myself, it seems painfully obvious that min heejin wasn’t liked by the managers due to her spreading misinformation and hate about other groups. NJs are definitely the victims of grooming from multiple adults in their lives (including their parents!) but they also should have stayed neutral as to not cause drama for themselves and their futures in their careers. That’s just my take though
i can't believe that min heejin started her ''mastermind'' plan by pointing fingers at other groups and whining about ''plagiarism''. as someone who doesn't stan new jeans neither illit, i just have heard their songs - they do not sound THAT similar that someone can assume plagiarism is happening. it was all CLEARLY just a scapegoat way for that woman to claim ''you don't appreciate new jeans like i do, so i should own them instead :)''
I can really understand that the girls stand with MHJ. As said, they know her at least since 2019. Considering their age it was an easy thing to form them in what MHJ wanted. Knowing that the rest of HYBE proberly doesnt want them to be succesful, makes them stick to the person that made them sucessfull in the first place. They still only young adult, that easierly can get influced and manipuilated. I hope they can get ut of this situation with as little damage as possible. In the end idols are usually the chess pieces of the companies....
There is a popular catch-phrase (or sentence) in the Philippines right now which is (Ito ay kadiliman laban sa kasamaan) trans: This is a fight of DARKNESS vs EVIL Where a former high-ranking government secretary was yelling this at the street but his audience somehow got confused what to reply. This is what HYBE vs MHJ is like.
Its very apparent that there's a difference in cultural values the only backlash I've seen they receive is from not Korean fans. Majority of Korean fans (and Idols are on MHJ and NJ side) which I am also on their side in this mess. (SO FAR) RE: No, actually props to them for actually standing up for themselves tired of people expecting people/ victims to stay quiet.
I don’t think mhj like wrote them a script and held the camera for the live. I do think it’s the member’s own words. But if she knew they were going to do it, and truly didn’t want them to, why didn’t she try harder to stop them? She clearly has the influence to change their minds.
So you believe everything those girls have said? You DO know that MHj tried to access BTS’ personal files and Hybe’s financials, right???? She’s a master of hypocrisy; Hybe didn’t ‘leak’ anything. MHJ did know about the live stream and there’s proof of that in an interview she did - she slipped up. Look, that group WILL do what they’re directed to do by Ador/Hybe because they’re under contract. Stop blaming Hybe.
Womp womp she’s actually helping hybe here, You are late and I assume this girl is an army acting like nothing happened after this vid was uploaded but this is the truth, a couple weeks ago the national assembly from korea had an audit with one of hybe’s director, BSH was called to go instead of him but that guy stayed in the US to avoid getting in more trouble with the judge and Korean netizens, the judges exposed hybe internal documents with 20K PAGES which only for of them got leaked, where hybe employees talked about replacing nwjns with a “new group” in 2022 (min heejin was right about this and a lot of stuff said in the internal reports) and A LOT of insults and unprofessional behavior towards other idols from other companies including nwjns (obviously), Jungkook and V by bts, the official hybe ceo came out apologizing for it but nobody believed his fake apologies anyway, also a petition was made with the intention of getting hybe out of the biggest companies in korea and it reached his goal which was 50k signatures (only koreans could sign), yesterday hybe employees commented in a page for verified employees of any company in the world called “BLIND” that they were angry and sad cuz no other company wants to sign them after hybe’s leaked documents (deserved), they’re very bad viewed by korea netizens now including the rest of the country’s companies which idols were badmouthed by hybe and their directors, employees, etc, and you just can tell by now their downfall is coming, also in this same page (BLIND) the employees insulted nj and deleted their comments afterwards, they did the same to jungkook from bts but armys decided to ignore it as they seem to stan the company more than the group now 😂, and let me tell you that this is just a resume of EVERYTHING that company and their followers (such as this content creator) did to mhj and nj all these past months to damage their image and make everyone believe their lies but now that the truth was revealed most are hiding instead of apologizing to the girls 😂 anyway, this girl should delete this vid but I bet she won’t and will delete my comment instead cuz armys = hybe stans and they love that company as much as their parents 😂
I was under the impression, per statements made by the members, that GFRIEND were not the ones who decided not to renew the contract, but rather it was SOURCE Music?
Tbh, I'm just so frustrated and disappointed in Nj. They are always so loud in their support for Mhj, I just think that no matter how they feel about her and how much they think they owe her, they should have said SOMETHING about what she was doing to I'llit. It was so saddening to see Mhj use I'llit as a shield to deflect from her own criminal charges, calling them all sorts of names and making them a target for massive harassment from the public and Nj fans only 2 weeks after their debut. Just looking at I'llit's videos, especially on Tiktok, even HALF A YEAR after the incident, their comment sections are filled with fans of Newjeans dragging and attacking the members of I'llit in favor of Newjeans. It's so disheartening, because I'm sure just a few words of support from Newjeans towards their junior would have calmed down this massive hate train tremendously, but from their end it's just complete silence - or even worse: they are publicly supporting I'llit's biggest bully and demanding her to be reinstated as the Ceo. And then Hanni has the audacity to go live and complain about the manager of I'llit telling them to ignore her, as if those weren't the consequences of her own actions? I haven't watched your video yet, I just had to rant.
I'm sorry, but Hanni's statement about the 'ignore' incident was very cynical. She and the other members of NewJeans are publicly supporting a woman who contributed to a growing hatred against several of their label mates, and she was still somewhat surprised that the company's employees, who are the group of people most affected by this ridiculous situation, don't adore her? She is 20 and behaving like a whiny 12-year-old. Get yourself together, woman. Read the room.
@@Wonycoded The manager is just an employee of a company that is currently suing Min Heejin, who Hanni is publicly supporting at every opportunity she finds. If this actually happened, the manager was probably only following superior instructions, but I doubt Hanni has the cognitive capacity to analyze this situation beyond HER wishes. Hanni can support a woman who behaved in an extremely unprofessional way towards their label mates, but BELIFT LAB's employees don't have the right to be cautious around her? Got it.
I think one thing people need to understand is that even if NJs wouldn't have spoken up, they still would have been suffering. Hybe planned to give them “a year and a half break” during the height of their popularity, they instated a CEO who didn't have the group’s interests at heart, and they are doing a good positioning the public opinion on their side. Stuff like this happens over and over again in the music industry no matter where you are from and the ones that suffer the most are the artists. It baffles me how many people are willing to side with a corporation as if they don't play a big part in this mess. They are not the victims, they want money, and people like MHJ are products of that environment. She isn't doing anything that isn't already common in an industry of people where morality comes after money. You don't just do horrible things. She learned that stuff from other people in the industry. No matter how much she did, Hybe as a company has done a lot worse overall. The environment is toxic, the people running it are toxic, and their main goal is to make money. If someone gets in their way, like most large companies, they will move them out. We need to stand by these artists when they speak up even if it means it might end their careers because what comes first are human values and morality. If the people in charge aren't held accountable, INCLUDING THE ONES AT THE VERY TOP AND NOT JUST MHJ, then nothing will change. And if nothing changes the same story will happen over and over again. It doesn't matter what group it is.
To call HYBE and MHJ equally bad in this situation doesn't seem accurate to me. HYBE made bad decisions that unintentionally affected their idols. MHJ intentionally attempted to stage a coup and then conducted defamation on multiple idol groups. I know you said that HYBE is manipulative, but you didn't give any examples here. Is it to the level of MHJ's manipulations? Well, in this scenario, MHJ seems to be more in the wrong. Also, New Jeans did more than "express their feelings" during the press conference, so I don't think they're exactly angels. And I know that they are most likely manipulated and I feel sorry for them. But still, actions have consequences. Thank you for explaining to me this situation. It really cleared up a lot things.
9:19 So basically both are kind of right and wrong at the same time. What has the most recipts is basically as follows. Newjeans who were at the time known as Team N, were a 7 member group at source set to debut in the 3rd quarter of 2021 with Attention which was ready to go essentially since June/July of that year. At around this same time Izone disbanded and Hybe jumped at the chance to sign some members, the first of which was Sakura, and thus Team S was founded, and Chaewon joined as the second member soon after, this group was then supposed to debut later in 2022. At this time MHJ decided that she wanted to start her own company, and after much consideration she decided that her ideal arrangement would be a company shared between Hybe, Herself and Kakao, which she did not manage to do. Realising she didn't really have any leverage to make Hybe put such a large investment into her start-up, she started to internally sabotage Team N, by not filing paper work, showing up to meetings, releasing the copyright or concept plans to the company, all of which she later used to essentially get herself a company because she refused to work with Source but Hybe didn't want to lose too much money on the group (which they basically already made a whole album for) and so let the 5 girls move with MHJ to Ador, This then naturally pissed off source music who had to fast track Team S for the debut process because they had essentially been promised that they would get the first Hybe made girl group, which was one of the main reason's they disbanded GFriend (all the member's have said they were not given the opportunity to renew even though they would have wanted to) So Source had essentially funded 2 projects but were only going to see the return on one and had no active groups to make them money in the mean time leading to the rushed Le Sserafim release. However MHJ insists that this "first group" promise was made to her as an individual and not Source the company, which is what lead to the friction and conflicting narratives. But basically if she let Source have Team N she would have had the first group.
Thank you so much!! I was literally so confused about the whole situation because I didn’t really care at first but now it’s become this whole thing and I thought as a bunny I needed to know what the hell was going on🥲
HYBE's goal is to separate the girls from MHJ as legally and drama-free as they can. But MHJ doesn't operate legally or drama-free, and she has trained the girls to be just as reckless, disrespectful, and hysterical as she is. It's sad to see it play out in real time. What's interesting is that MHJ said that she told the girls not to do their release...meaning she knew about it...meaning she was legally supposed to tell HYBE and failed to. They just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper. A real "mother" would let go of her babies and let them fly. She's dragging them down into the well with her.
MHJ has shown again and again that she has emotionally abused the members. In her unhinged press conference she talked about calling the members late at night and crying, begging them to help her, and said the members were coming her house, apologizing they couldn’t do anything and crying more. To be clear: this is a form of emotional abuse called “enmeshment” in which adult/parent figure emotionally involves the child in their problems and makes them feel they have a responsibility to the adult or are on equal ground da with them to resolve the adults negative emotions. It’s incredibly obvious that MHJ has been doing this to the members for years, to the point they are behaving in ways that could cause them grievous harm because she made them feel like they have to do it to save her, and that they can’t do anything without her. It’s beyond f*cked up. I just pray HYBE will see the members have been manipulated, because otherwise… Newjeans is over.
Thank you so much for doing this video. I'm quiet casual listener to kpop, so although I heard smth, I had no idea what really happened with Ador/HYBE. So I really appreciate you explaining it.❤
What would you do for US $100 MILLION? Because this is what is at stake for Min Hee Jin and all the business partners she has promised future businesses with. That $100 million can only be accessed if she is CEO of Ador. This has nothing to do with New Jeans.
I wanna add tho it is not fully confirmed that MHJ was originally appointed in order to form Le serafim which is why she was given source music but her vision didn't align with what hybe wanted as it is alleged she was promised to make a grp from scratch and not have a pre-existing company to make they wanted her to make a grp around charwon and sakura with a bit a mature f(x) kind of concept but she wanted a Y2k young concept with new faces which resulted with ADOR’s formation I really believe she had nothing to do with SOURCE as she made it clear she didn't want to do anything with them she wanted her own label and not another existing label I don't think she is related to g-friend disbandment either as it personally doesn't make a difference to her or her plans at all
1. Don’t think the girls are manipulated. They want to continue working with MHJ because she’s good at her job and priorities the success of NJ 2. MHJ could have handled herself better. Realized she needs to listen to her boss Hybe and work together rather than compete with other girl groups from Hybe 3. She was proven innocent by the court that sided with her that her wanting to take ador and actually making enough actions to do so are two different things. 4. As a NJ fan and a fan of the work MHJ has produced, I wish that ador can go back to the way it was, but MHJ may not be forgivable by Hybe 5. In Korean Hanni was told by the manager 무시해 which doesn’t mean don’t talk to her but it’s more like ignore her or disrespect her. I mean, in an honorific country like Korea, you just don’t ignore your senior and not bow in greeting if you debuted first 6. I would go as far as to say NJ would not have reached their level of success without MHJ and that her artistic sensibility is way beyond anyone in Hybe. That being said she doesn’t seem too smart about few other things, interpersonal relationship being one of them.
i think since she brought them up in the industry , she earned their trust and thereby can make them believe what she wants. i think the girls are very smart but they are so young they may not yet know about the cutthroat corporate world. Where it is dog eat dog mentality above all else. But they must have been hurting really badly to have thought the video was their only way to convey their concerns. idk i do know i love them dearly and their is no one else putting out their kind of music so refreshing and up lifting . i hope that Hybe will take their ages and inexperience into consideration when coming to their decision..N.J.'s is a very very popular group and making somebody a lot of money. so i just hope all goes well for N.J. and no grudges are held and they continue to make this wonderful music for us.
I just wanna mention that the Fifty Fifty incident is actually wayyyy more complicated than just poaching, in fact it’s not even confirmed if poaching was even happening
thankfully keena's dad was smart enough to record their conversation with warner music and ahn sung il to confirm that there was poaching actually happening.
Remember people HYBE doesn't own Big-Hit the label is independent its just under the HYBE umbrella. That comment that Chairman Bang made about ASPA is strictly about competition nothing more.
I always side with the members of any KPOP group - be it 50/50 or NewJeans or whatever. I want nothing but the best for them. Unfortunately, I don’t think Hybe nor MHJ are any good for them at this point. Disbandment might be best now. 😥
The fact that min hee jin is a suspect mastermind in Suga's wreath problems and is also bringing other groups when clearly it is their agency that is behind it, that is just messed up😒
So glad youre covering this! Majority of the videos I've seen have been very biased or being absolutely vile and gross towards the nwjns members. Your takes are always a breath of fresh air
20:38: guys I'm actually drinking HANNItea 20:50: not all british people own a teapot but I do because it's ADORable clearly i'm high on this mhj hybe drama T.T
Thank you for fulling explaining everything. It’s been really hard to follow everything. And my heart goes out to the girls as every adult around them has failed them
This is why ladies and gentlemen, is better to not debut minors 😁 I really feel bad for NJ while them speaking up was bold and encouraging*, it was at the same time very naive and ignorant. Due to that, it would have consequences I hope it won’t affect their career but I hope they will learn from this experience and realize (soon enough) that they were influenced (imo manipulated) because sadly debuting very young exposes you to interact with adults that have questioning backgrounds, therefore they could be easily manipulated. I wish an adult (a good person) help NJ in this situation, give some guidance to what is right and honestly I hope NJ get the help they need cause their parents are not it
I love new jeans and will always support them, but when you care about someone you need to be honest and the girls need to understand that people cone and go, and bosses make decisions that you might not like, i wish the conpany would treat them like people instead of objects to just make money, but the girls do and will learn that everything wont go theyre way all the time, who cares if illit ignored them or hybe isnt telling them everything, my boss doesnt tell me everything about what happened behind the scene, i hope for tge best and want more new jeans content in the future and want them to be happy
I hate that they dragged other idol group to this issue. I hated that they think that other idols “copy” them And how they highlighted the “ignoring part” as “bullying” coz really they really don’t know what bullying is. And I think they become soooo proud because they never experienced being from the bottom like other idols in the 2nd and 3rd generation.
It's hard seeing them suffer cuz of mhj. We can only hope that they'll learn it soon enough. I am supporting them in this but if they choose mhj at the end of the day, it'll all be in vain. I get that they're young and manipulated but they'll have to choose their own future. Nobody can save them if they themselves don't wanna be saved. When they realise everything, it will be too late. I hope everything turns out good for them though :)
thank you for explaining the business side of this drama so clearly. i feel like so many people are caught up in the emotional side that they forget this started with legal drama, not just random hate. i truly hope these girls are given a safe environment to heal and see how manipulative mhj is, and that people will understand just how deep this controversy goes.
Very well explained. But, I have to add some corrections: 1. Even though Big Hit Music now operates as a subsidiary of Hybe, it has a very different relation from other subsidiaries in terms of ownership. 100% Big Hit Music stake was owned by Bang Si Hyuk, and he owns a 31% stake in Hybe Group, which made him the largest shareholder of Hybe Group. From the legal point of view, Big Hit Music “owns Hybe Group”. But in Big Hit Music Bang Si Hyuk's position is (only) as a professional music producer, not a management. All of the Big Hit Music executives are professional and were appointed by the Hybe BOD. This unique relationship between Hybe Group and Big Hit Music was the foundation of the “Multi-Label System”. 2. Minji, Chaewon, Sakura, and Yunjin were previously Big Hit Music Trainees. Later, in 2020, Minji was transferred to Source Music as the first trainee for the next “First Hybe Girl Group” project that was started through a global audition program held by Source Music, and Minji served as the ambassador of the audition program. This is the time when she met Hanni as the first talent recruited through this global audition. The next recruited was Danielle, then Haerin, and the last was Hyein in early 2021. The other two Source Music trainees were then eliminated from the team by MHJ right after she stepped into the Source Music trainee program. So, MHJ never trained them. She just selected them based on her shaman's advice. 3. MHJ then keeps delaying the debut schedule and leads Source Music into a financial crisis forcing them to not extend the G-Friend contract. In that crucial moment, MHJ demanded independence by referring to the group as “MHJ first girl group” instead of “Hybe first girl group” as agreed. Stressed by the debut dispute, Hybe then agreed to establish Ador to entertain the MHJ concept. It led Source Music into more trouble since MHJ took all of the staff including managers, stylists, the creative team, and the producers. Only the Source Music CEO left. 4. To prevent Source Music from financial disaster, Hybe then asked Big Hit Music to transfer creative staff and Bang Si Hyuk himself as music producers with their pre-debut Big Hit Music's first girl group team to be: Chaewon, Sakura, and Yunjin - which was previously rejected by MHJ - to Source Music as a crash program to debut as the “Hybe first girl group” as soon as possible to fulfill promises to the Source Music stakeholders and investors. Garam, Eunchae, and Kazuha then stepped in as the latest recruited team members. During the very intensive and short training period, a silent rumor attack was pointed to Chaewon for bullying scandals at schools and “Produce 48“ score manipulation together with Sakura. Both accusations failed to nail them. But somehow, unfortunately, it got into Garam which led to her contract termination. Two months later, an investigation by the authority found her not guilty. Garam is the first victim of the systematic attack from circles later on indicated to have ties to the groups that support MHJ today. Later on, the 2021 year-end financial audit reported Le Sserafim's debut managed to successfully save Source Music from bankruptcy, while then in 2022, Ador paid only some amount of NWJNS training and pre-debut production cost that was all fully funded by Source Music. The rest is history. 5. As a Hybe professional executive, MHJ has two different employment contracts as a Hybe Executive member. First, started in November 2019 and will end on November 1st, 2024. This was the contract mentioned that had a “shareholder agreement” that gave MHJ 18% of Ador's stock options for the benefit of being appointed as an Ador CEO. The stock option is to guarantee her position as CEO. But, this option will automatically end if she steps down as CEO. This contract is under Hybe Management's jurisdiction. The second contract is for the Ador CEO position starting from 2021 which will normally end in 2026. This contract is under Ador Management's jurisdiction. This contract can be terminated at any time if the BOD finds out that the CEO failed to fulfill her professional duty. And, this was the legal basis for terminating the MHJ contract as Ador CEO. I hope this insight benefits you to clear out some story behind it.
newjeans have completely ruined their reputation with the korean public with that livesteam. Even if they wanted to speak out they shouldn't have been so disrespectful when speaking and bang sih hyuk and the new ceo
Your videos are always eloquent and informative. I 100% agree with everything you said! I feel bad for all the idols… it’s obvious hybe and mhj wanna use them for their fight
I don't like MHJ at all but the whole reason NJ is what they are is because of MHJ's creative directive. Most kpop groups are a vessel through which creative vissions, that are carefully crafted by a company, are expressed to the world. MHJ created the vision, the sound, the brand. If you don't want MHJ managing NJ at all that's fine, but don't expect the group to maintain their identity. Because MHJ and her team CREATED said identity.
Also the MHJ's accusation was request from News Jeans' parents. She is obliged to do that as she was to seek the interests of ADORE no matter what, even if it's going against Hybe. MHJ cleared mentioned that it came from the parents. Also, this didn't go public just thru internal channel which came out public later after Hybe started the war.
Honestly i'm happy everyone here understand that the groups are the victims and the adults are the worst ever !! And i hope someday the newjeans members can see what is happening to them and to understand that min heejin is honestly just a creep that has weird obsession with minors. Let's be honest in 10 years the newjeans members will be too old for her and she will starts to ignore them or something. They shouldn't have to ruin their carrier for some woman pity ego. Also i wish Hybe were better at letting their artist have more creative directive and some respect for their idols. Maybe the newjeans members wouldn't be so upset if they had kept a working environment they deemed healthy and respectful (though i do believe MHJ would have found something else to manipulate them with either way)
This is pretty much my take as well, thank you for giving voice to it! I couldn't care less which of the sleazy company people wins their slapfight, but I just hope idols caught up in it survive. It's looking good for the other groups right now, but I'm afraid NewJeans have sealed their fates. I really hope not, but I just can't see how Hybe can just let things lie now. At a minimum the NewJeans members would have to publicly denounce Min Heejin and go back to the Hybe fold, and with how strong a grip Min Heejin seems to have on the girls I can't see that happening either.
To me, the discourse always comes from people wanting to put their own opinions about the people involved first, more than the actions by said people and the surroundings of said people. An expectation is then placed by said statement of "staying neutral." I think you were very respectful in this whole video, and as a whole, i think that's hard to accomplish when talking about such a heavily argumentative topic. I also think that the discourse shouldn't be about who was "right" as I think there isn't enough emphasis on what was done that was wrong.
I really hope they don't disband but it seems kind of unlikely because of how big they are. Hybe is greedy and they are a HUGE source of their income so I don't think they will let them disband
For the past 2 years, NJ is only contributed 10% of net profit at Hybe. They are near the bottom of the other companies. Other reliable site constantly presents the financials.
I'm curious to see everyone's thoughts on the situation. If anyone has more sorces or info on things I potentially missed or got wrong feel free to drop them in the comments ❤ I'm interested to know more
I truly recommend looking at ploopy's pateron documents about the ador issue. She did original have a video posted but I don't know why but she has deleted it but from her video it was both sides being manipulative and alot of things she brought up about HYBE being manipulative and not liking New Jeans before they released you seemed to have left out. She has all her transcripts and research on pateron which is the only place i saw that had reference to the video she made. Just a rundown from what I remember about that video.
HYBE seemed to not like the New Jeans concept and that was one of the reason promo for New Jeans wasn't as big compared to illit or even le sserafim it also makes the le sserafim comment about her saying they wanted new jeans to go after them to not take their spotlight make more sense. She also goes into how dispatch helped HYBE plant this image of MHJ.
I'm not picking a side because for some strange reason HYBE truly does seem to have a grudge against New Jeans and their success and don't even try to hide it and MHJ shouldn't have named drop the groups that have nothing tot do with this but also that she put the girls in a precarious spot. I just believe the girls realized that with MHJ they had the freedoms to do what they want and it worked and with HYBE they don't.
Another update is that on the 13th, MHJ did an interview and adressed the NJs livestream, but the original article on KBS and most re-uploads have been deleted. In summary, MHJ talked about being told about njs plans to go live soon after her dismissal but advised the girls not to, as they could be in violation of their exclusive contracts if they do so. Big thing here is that mhj admitted to knowing about the members intentions to go live, and as she is still a member of the ador board of directors, not reporting it can be seen as breach of trust.
This interview was given soon after news came out that mhj is filing another injuction to be reinstated at the internal director of ador. From my understanding they are not challenging hybe's decision to remove her as the ceo (as the board of directors of ador removed her, not hype), but are trying to make the courts force a extraordinary shareholders meeting where hype legally has to vote in mhj's favor (if the shareholders agreement is not null and void already). Then when she is back as the internal direct of ador she will then be reinstated as the ceo, as if this shareholders agreement isn't null and void, hype will again have to vote in favor of her.
From what I am hearing, it is very slim she will actually win this injunction, but anything is possible.
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법적으로 부당하고 위법하다고 판단된 해임에 대한 시정요구가 되는겁니다.
법원 판결 내용은 밑에 댓글에 남기겠습니다.
제가 영어를 할수없기 때문에 번역이 쉬운 한글로 작성해 봅니다. 번역해서 읽어주세요.
먼저 저는 하이브와 민희진의 분쟁은 이권다툼이라고 생각했었습니다.
그러나 법원의 가처분 결정문을 보고, 나는 하이브의 언론보도에 속았다는걸 느꼈습니다.
하이브와 민희진은 서로다른 가치관으로 충동하게 됩니다.
한국의 아티스트 사업은 매우 어렸을때부터, 아이들을 완성된 아티스트로 만들기 위해 엄청난 투자를 합니다.
댄스, 노래등 각종 전문가를 통해 관리함으로써, 이들이 성장하여 막상 데뷔 할땐 엄청난 빚더미(채무)를 안고 시작합니다.
철저하게 관리된 상품으로써, 회사는 이를 투자해 이익을 최대한 하는게 한국의 엔터사업이죠.
하이브는 철저하게 아티스트를 상품으로 생각합니다. 다른나라에서는 이런 구조를 이해하기 힘들수도 있습니다
민희진은 그동안 엔터사업을 하면서 이런 시스템을 싫어했습니다.
프로듀서(민희진)와 아티스트(뉴진스)의 이해할수 없는 끈끈한 관계도 이러한 이유 때문입니다.
서로 사이가 안 좋은 둘 관계에서, 의사 소통이 제대로 되지 않았고, 민희진이 하이브에 적개심을 드러낸것은 분명합니다.
하이브의 입장에서 이것을 가만 지켜볼수는 없었습니다.
하지만 하이브가 민희진을 공격하고 해임하는 방식은 옳지 못했습니다.
하이브는 언론보도를 통해 '경영권찬탈' '배임'을 했다고 주장했습니다.
하지만 이는 영어로 번역이 되지 않아서, 의미전달이 잘 되지 않았다고 생각합니다.
'경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)
'배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)
법원에서 하이브는 '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)에 대한건 주장하지도 않았습니다.
주식은 가치가 정해져있고 훔칠수가 없습니다. 지분을 확보해 지배력을 높이려고 하는건 위법행위가 아닙니다.
대중을 기만하기 위한 자극적인 워딩이었을뿐이었죠.
'배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)은 스타일디렉팅 팀장과 공모해서, 어도어의 매출을 빼돌렸다고 주장했습니다.
법원에서는 어도어는 뉴진스의 모델출연료만 받는것이고, 헤어,메이크업,의상세팅비용은 광고주가 별도로 외주업체에게 지급하는것이 맞다고 판결했습니다. 한국의 1위 엔터테이먼트 기업이 업계관행을 정말 몰랐을까 의심됩니다.
그 외 영업기밀 유출, 부정거래법 위반, 명예훼손등.
모든 하이브의 주장은 법원에서 받아들여지지 않았습니다.
하이브는 법원 가처분에서 완전히 패배하였습니다.
가처분 : 본안판결이 확정되어 강제집행전까지 결정문의 현상변경을 금지시키는 집행보전제도
하이브는 법원의 판결을 존중해야 했습니다.
분노한 하이브는 어도어의 이사진을 하이브 사람으로 변경했습니다. 그리고 어도어는 이사회를 소집해 민희진을 해임 시켰습니다.
하지만 '주주간 계약'에 의하면 하이브는 민희진의 어도어 대표 임기 5년을 보장해야합니다.
어도어가 이사회를 소집해서 민희진을 해임하려고하면, 하이브는 의결권(대주주의 권리)을 사용해서 이것을 막았어야 합니다.
하이브는 그것이 싫었기 때문에, 법원에 '계약해지확인 소'를 제기합니다.
이것은 법원의 가처분 결정을 편법으로 사용해서 불복하는 행위입니다.
주로 힘을 가진자가, 약자를 찍어 누를때 쓰는 수법입니다.
일반적으로 아티스트가 소속의 대표를 결정할수 있는 권리는 없습니다.
하지만 이 문제는 아티스트가 소속 민희진 대표 해임에 간섭으로 봐야할것이 아닌,
법적으로 부당하고 위법하다고 판단된 해임에 대한 시정요구가 되는겁니다.
법원 판결 내용은 밑에 댓글에 남기겠습니다.
제가 영어를 할수없기 때문에 번역이 쉬운 한글로 작성해 봅니다. 번역해서 읽어주세요.
먼저 저는 하이브와 민희진의 분쟁은 이권다툼이라고 생각했었습니다.
그러나 법원의 가처분 결정문을 보고, 나는 하이브의 언론보도에 속았다는걸 느꼈습니다.
하이브와 민희진은 서로다른 가치관으로 충동하게 됩니다.
한국의 아티스트 사업은 매우 어렸을때부터, 아이들을 완성된 아티스트로 만들기 위해 엄청난 투자를 합니다.
댄스, 노래등 각종 전문가를 통해 관리함으로써, 이들이 성장하여 막상 데뷔 할땐 엄청난 빚더미(채무)를 안고 시작합니다.
철저하게 관리된 상품으로써, 회사는 이를 투자해 이익을 최대한 하는게 한국의 엔터사업이죠.
하이브는 철저하게 아티스트를 상품으로 생각합니다. 다른나라에서는 이런 구조를 이해하기 힘들수도 있습니다
민희진은 그동안 엔터사업을 하면서 이런 시스템을 싫어했습니다.
프로듀서(민희진)와 아티스트(뉴진스)의 이해할수 없는 끈끈한 관계도 이러한 이유 때문입니다.
서로 사이가 안 좋은 둘 관계에서, 의사 소통이 제대로 되지 않았고, 민희진이 하이브에 적개심을 드러낸것은 분명합니다.
하이브의 입장에서 이것을 가만 지켜볼수는 없었습니다.
하지만 하이브가 민희진을 공격하고 해임하는 방식은 옳지 못했습니다.
하이브는 언론보도를 통해 '경영권찬탈' '배임'을 했다고 주장했습니다.
하지만 이는 영어로 번역이 되지 않아서, 의미전달이 잘 되지 않았다고 생각합니다.
'경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)
'배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)
법원에서 하이브는 '경영권찬탈' (경영권 훔치기)에 대한건 주장하지도 않았습니다.
주식은 가치가 정해져있고 훔칠수가 없습니다. 지분을 확보해 지배력을 높이려고 하는건 위법행위가 아닙니다.
대중을 기만하기 위한 자극적인 워딩이었을뿐이었죠.
'배임' (불법으로 타인의 재산을 훔쳐서 손해를 입히는 행위)은 스타일디렉팅 팀장과 공모해서, 어도어의 매출을 빼돌렸다고 주장했습니다.
법원에서는 어도어는 뉴진스의 모델출연료만 받는것이고, 헤어,메이크업,의상세팅비용은 광고주가 별도로 외주업체에게 지급하는것이 맞다고 판결했습니다. 한국의 1위 엔터테이먼트 기업이 업계관행을 정말 몰랐을까 의심됩니다.
그 외 영업기밀 유출, 부정거래법 위반, 명예훼손등.
모든 하이브의 주장은 법원에서 받아들여지지 않았습니다.
하이브는 법원 가처분에서 완전히 패배하였습니다.
가처분 : 본안판결이 확정되어 강제집행전까지 결정문의 현상변경을 금지시키는 집행보전제도
하이브는 법원의 판결을 존중해야 했습니다.
분노한 하이브는 어도어의 이사진을 하이브 사람으로 변경했습니다. 그리고 어도어는 이사회를 소집해 민희진을 해임 시켰습니다.
하지만 '주주간 계약'에 의하면 하이브는 민희진의 어도어 대표 임기 5년을 보장해야합니다.
어도어가 이사회를 소집해서 민희진을 해임하려고하면, 하이브는 의결권(대주주의 권리)을 사용해서 이것을 막았어야 합니다.
하이브는 그것이 싫었기 때문에, 법원에 '계약해지확인 소'를 제기합니다.
이것은 법원의 가처분 결정을 편법으로 사용해서 불복하는 행위입니다.
주로 힘을 가진자가, 약자를 찍어 누를때 쓰는 수법입니다.
일반적으로 아티스트가 소속의 대표를 결정할수 있는 권리는 없습니다.
하지만 이 문제는 아티스트가 소속 민희진 대표 해임에 간섭으로 봐야할것이 아닌,
법적으로 부당하고 위법하다고 판단된 해임에 대한 시정요구가 되는겁니다.
법원 판결 내용은 밑에 댓글에 남기겠습니다.
I wish somebody gave these girls enough confidence to realize that they're so much more than just a min heejin group. Every single adult in their lives has failed them…
I think MHJ has an inflated sense of self. The fact that she said hybe wanted to pass le sserafim off as her group.... as if anyone gave a crap about that....
@@Natasha.Louisee respectfully i think you don't understand the impact on the kpop industry that she had, she was at the golden age of SM when every company wanted to be like SM, so yes when hybe announced a GG by MHJ under hybe there was lots of expectation by the public, you can find traces of this online, Newjeans need MHJ not only as a creative director but also as an anchor in HYBE to not be submerged by hatred or greed from people who despises them like hybe employees, let's not forget the girls parents also agree with MHJ which speaks volumes at how HYBE is the danger for newjeans well being
@@harmony11155 Respectfully, you need to realize that that doesn't prove anything. You can have an impact and still be the shadest person around and/or a literal criminal. Also lets not act like most employees weren't just doing their job (not to say all are innocent). Do you think lower level employees get paid millions? Do you think mhj and nwjns parents aren't motivated by money?
@@harmony11155.....What greed you talk about...HYBE and all companies are in business to make money thats why entertainment agencies give Idols initial investment.
That investment has to return in profits...
Basic business understanding.
@@lemonnnkakeYou can be interested in money and have good work values, and this is why everyone in the industry stood for MHJ and NJS and not hybe ! have a great day
Min Heejin was a walking red flag from the get-go. Literally refusing to debut adults and people in their early 20s cuz they're "too old" will never not be weird. I feel like it's just because young girls are easier to manipulate. She wants them to go down with her. Something like this drama was inevitable, I'm just surprised it happened after only 2 years.
Edit: this isn’t to say Hybe isn’t just as bad as her. If anything they’re probably worse.
Edit 2: well that aged well
@@wAaAAAaHhh HELLO??? that’s LITERALLY the ENTIRETY of the kpop industry and not something mhj came up with.
@@SolitudeDayysThat doesn't make her any less weird.
@@paulamendes9432 never said it’s isn’t weird but to pinpoint this exact thing to criticize her specifically is hypocritical as you should be criticizing Hybe for doing the same
@@SolitudeDayyswell, mhj is definitely worse than hybe in this drama
Let's criticize bother mhj AND hybe together ❤️
it's also crazy how newjeans will stand by min hee jin even though we know she called them rude names... they even have a merch shirt with min hee jin on it. their relationship is so weird...
Just shows how much control she had over them to the point they will ride or die for her
Im pretty sure that shirt was given to them. Its not merch.
@@clementinetwd1818 you're right! i just saw a video of one of the members wearing the shirt and just assumed it was merch
It's definitely partly due to mhj giving them a false impression that they have all the creative control over what they put out there, not realizing they really don't actually get much of a choice. **Edit: I would add that it's true that mhj and previous ador execs were more supportive of them than hybe were but like they all failed nwjs
this was not proven btw
This whole thing is absolutely freaking wild.
A potential newjeans disbandment was not on my 2024 bingo card 😔
@@Natasha.Louisee yeah, that's crazy.
I feel so so so bad for girls’ mental health 😭
@@ozzie3126 me too, me too.
Every adult in new jeans life's should be investigated starting with the girls parents
Heavy on this!!!!
never a truer word has been said
Their parents are greedy.
The only thing that can help NJ is that they have to realize MHJ is not everything. They can continue as a group under the new Ador with a new CEO who will now be with them. I cant help to think that they jumped the gun too early, give it at least till end of year to see if there is any changes. Like how companies will continue to operate if a disgruntled employee leave, the same will be treated for NJ. If it is indeed their idea to do that stream, it was driven by emotion and not really thinking it through. These type of things are what get people fired in normal companies but they arent normal employees so these will affect their careers if HYBE decide to take action.
New Jeans fight isn’t just to have MHJ back but it relates to many of other things. MHJ had the same vision for their future, NWJNS liked that. HYBE plans to rebrand these girls and give them different aesthetics and music. NWJNS made incredible content for fans but it was regarded. NWJNs saw a problem with this because they were fearful that the HYBE will not let their ideas become apart of the creative process. They are worried for their career and these girls believe that having MHJ back, they will be protected and have some what creative control.
@@kaayleelynnn My question is how do they know? The new CEO just took over but they have already decided its MHJ or nothing. At least give it a half a year or a year at least that you have sample size to say that their ideas werent heard. The new CEO hasnt been given a chance yet they have decided NO to the new CEO. Havent you worked in a workplace where a new management took over and youre already hating on them, this feels relevant to that scenario
@@zikryafiq9915.....Thank for this response.
@@zikryafiq9915 if the new boss doesn't do the job properly, then yes, it happens. Lots of people in big corporations quit or change companies because of this issue. The company leaked their private information and pre-debut videos, and did nothing about it, no investigation, no lawsuit for that. And we are talking about 12-16 years old underaged girls doing sexual dances!!! They are not dumb at all to react like this
@@minhmeo5010 yes but the new CEO just got in which i think is pre mature to say she isnt good. I also agree HYBE shouldnt do that. MHJ and Hybe handled the situation too publicly. Meaning for NJ, MHJ defamed too many groups in HYBE in her pursuit to keep themi and HYBE retaliated by doing that on NJ. The people who actually are most affected are the idols. HYBE is doing the evil corporate thing because MHJ targetted their other subsidiaries and their groups. So actually both are evil its just which evil is less evil. NJ should just let it play out because there is so much complications to their careers. At least if they did this a year from now, they can say that they tried.
it has me so confused on how to actually support the girls. i wish there were better adults in their corners
Agreed all the adults around them have failed them. They need someone to guide them
I feel that adults parents - they got greedy since Mhj paid them 1 million dollars each family and all the big brands deals Hybe- for trusting mhj ánd Mhj -for not acting as an adult and for being such a bad evil narcissist person!
@@greenthinggg right, i have no clue if the parents are being manipulated too or they’re just powerless or don’t have the girls best interest either. it’s overwhelming and confusing and sad!
I wish NewJeans would have asked for a new CEO who represents their interests/ vision for nwjns/ gave them creative input rather than asking for MHJ specifically in their video. This notion that no one but MHJ can give the girls the work environment or experiences they previously had is ludicrous. I wish they expressed more confidence in themselves, their efforts, and the potential for someone other than MHJ to work with them to make nwjns great (because fans come for the girls and the girls are what makes nwjns, not MHJ). I'm wishing them luck. The silver lining is that whether they continue under HYBE or end up having to leave, they'll still have fans behind them.
thats the thing tho hybe most definitely doesnt want that. they want to add people picked by them to ensure that they have full control of everything. and i think it would be impossible to get find a person who has the same taste and visions as mhj that could also handle business and marketing in 2 months. the girls know what they want for their future and the style they want so you cant blame them for wanting mhj to stay.
@@wispymangocan you blame hybe?? I be doing the same after I trusted a person give her money a company and 5 kids and for what? To plan to take them after Hybe gave her everything she asked and demanded yes demanded!! On top Hybe doesn't get help from their parents how can Hybe help those girls if the parents are not helping!
@@wispymango I’m not sure I agree. If the girls know what style they want, as you say, what is MHJ “needed” for? I like their music but their style and output isn’t so unique it can’t be accomplished through another CEO: It’s a version of Y2K. Additionally, no offense but fans have mentioned how many newjeans “clones” there are on many occasions and how other groups “sound like newjeans.” Not saying you’re part of that group, but it’s a bit strange to see people now say that MHJ’s work can’t be replicated. The bottom line is ADOR isn’t just MHJ: There are whole teams in the hundreds working on groups and their productions. She’s not the only person who contributed to nwjns’ image and now that they have a style it can be furthered by other CEOs, creators, etc. It almost feels demeaning to the girls and their understanding of their own concept and the styles they want to try going forward + the tons of staff and workers who make that aesthetic and style possible to just say MHJ is what makes it happen.
Also, HYBE is financially incentivized to push nwjns current concept as well. Say what you want about HYBE, but if they’re money-interested (which they definitely are) it’s unlikely that nwjns’s concept will change much with a change in CEO since it’s so popular and profitable.
That part. They so attached to MHJ to the point they automatically assumed they was gonna have freedom stripped, similar to many fans.
@@Jess-qg9tn mhj had a lot of duties when she was ceo of ador like being the creative director, handling the business side, picking the songs, bringing in newjeans 2 producers (250 and FRNK) A&R etc etc. most of the staff that work at ador were brought in by mhj. it would be extremely difficult to get someone who could fill all those duties in less than 2 months when they have a fan meeting, full album and world tour coming up. all the new execs and ceo in ador right now have never worked in the music industry or in art/creative roles. its also worth mentioning that the exec who has control over production is a worker for the belift ceo iykyk. its no wonder the girls want mhj to stay, even if its short term. they're only 2 years old, it be a different story if they were a 5 year old group and older then they could possibly take some roles themselves.
Update on NewJeans’ live stream: Shortly after their initial live stream, the channel disappeared. To host a live stream on UA-cam, a channel needs at least 1,000 subscribers, and the stream wasn’t on an official NewJeans channel. Following this, numerous new channels surfaced, sharing translated recordings of the stream, including in Japanese. Some Korean reporters are now speculating that a viral marketing company may have been involved, indicating the entire event may have been meticulously planned under Min Hee-jin’s direction.
Smart move on her part..... her using the girls to push and sway public opinion against hybe is a good move on her part. It's all terrible but Hybe will never let this happen again for sure. They went years without a girl group. I'm hoping they won't just throw their hands up and end the contracts of all the Hybe girl groups from their various sub companies.
Actually gfriend members didnt even know they were disbanding they found out through news articles source music probably discarded them to spare money for the new group(s) (old nwjns and le sserafim)
I feel bad for njs but Ngl this all wouldn't happen if min hee jin didn't try to attack illit or hybe in general i wish the njs girls the best
Literally newjeans has my entire heart right now. ILLIT also
well we can even go further back and say this wouldn't have happened if HYBE didn't overstep and try to replicate newjeans with illit, or ban newjeans from working with their director that was so integral to their image, or a million other things that happened before mhj even opened her mouth
@@a.a677Illit and New jeans are incredible similar but it is NOT illit’s fault.
Me gusta el grupo *ILLIT,* su canción 'Magnetic' es bastante buena. Cuando ‘Magnetic’ se estrenó el 25 de marzo 2024 puse esto de comentario:
'MAGNETIC' en su debut entró al Billboard Hot 100, y merecidamente porque es muy buena canción y muy original. Me encanta ese coro rítmico de *_‘bae, bae, bae..’_* que hace Yunah y que es un acrónimo de 'cariño';.. y ese final encantador a cargo de Wonhee que dice *_‘Baby don’t say no it’ (Cariño no digas que no)_*
Se lanzaron tmb 3 versiones remix de Magnetic: R&B remix, Starling remix y City Night remix.
_Eres un magneto que me atrae a ti_ 🎶
_Magnetizaste tú mi ser_ 🧲🚶♀
_nuestra química es tan fuerte_ 👫
_ven conmigo de una vez_ 👩❤💋👨
_cariño no digas que no_ 💘
@@kaayleelynnnNo one said it was. It's hybe's
35:58 Small correction about this, Hybe did not make an offical statement regarding Illit. This was a statement attributed to them by a Journalist, Hybe has come out to clarify that they never made this statement either offical or gave it to this Journalist. And wouldn't you know it the very next day, the same publication releases a tell all interview with MHJ about this Livestream. So it seems like once again MHJ brought Illit into this. So as of right now there is no actual evidence that Hanni was talking about Illit, as neither Hybe, Hanni or even MHJ have directly stated that this is what happened, but none have refuted it either which does lean into this version being truth.
Min Hee-jin’s plan to separate NewJeans from HYBE/ADORE started early on when she took the girls from Source Music. Her intentions were revealed through KakaoTalk messages with her shaman, outlining all her plans, which led HYBE to begin investigating her. The excuse of debuting Illit this year was just a cover. It seems like both MHJ and NewJeans have already decided to leave HYBE, and there may even be an investor involved. The reason for NewJeans’ live stream appears to be a strategy to gain public sympathy and strengthen their legal case, so they can avoid paying penalties to HYBE. I’m unsure if NewJeans is being used by MHJ or if they’ve chosen to side with her, but MHJ should have protected the girls from risking their careers for her.
'I do sympathize with Hanni and understand her personal feelings of hurt regarding the incident where she was ignored, but I want people to remember that MHJ has really played dirty by dragging certain groups under HYBE through the mud during very vulnerable times of their career. Unfortunately, whether or not the members of NJ personally approved of that move, by publicly and unconditionally supporting MHJ, they have also supported the unnecessary humiliation of the members of those groups even though MHJ's beef was with HYBE.
If I was one of those members, or the manager of a team I really cared about, I would not want them interacting with NJ, and neither would I care about someone's feelings getting hurt - especially when they support the woman who has taken advantage of a very strange stage in their careers, where they have already been made target of malicious hate. Actions have consequences. I am not trying to villainize the girls, like I said for them to feel bad for being othered is not wrong. But this entire situation is bigger than that. If you support the person who is responsible for a big problem that the company YOU WORK UNDER is facing, whether or not you or the person you are supporting is right... that's gonna have some counter reaction.
Now ofc Hanni did not name any groups or artists, so I don't want to make assumptions, but its a very simple logic - the friend of your enemy is your enemy. MHJ has caused a lot of damage to many artists of HYBE by unnecessarily dragging them in a feud which could have done without their inclusion. For those artists to be frustrated, not only at MHJ but also her supporters is not unjustified, just as Hanni being hurt about that incident is not unjustified.
By acting as if such behavior was unprovoked, as if you haven't expressed support for MHJ multiple times... I am sorry but no wonder they didn't hesitate to be rude. They are humans, just as Hanni and the other members of NJ are, and they must be feeling that them being dragged through mud by MHJ was unfair. Overall, this emotional rant on a very complicated and multifaceted matter made the members look very unprofessional and immature - and the reason I talk about Hanni's description of the incident specifically is because that stood out to me in its short sightedness and demonstrated very well their lack of understanding of the bigger picture.
Which makes sense, cause they are just kids! Ofc they are emotional about this situation and I am sure they thought what they were doing was the right professional and mature move. I am just shocked that nobody in their existing team stopped them because this was no the right move at all.
I am sure the only people who very moved by this vdo were there fans, and others will just view it as them trying to victimize themselves (which isn't entirely true - yes they are kids and sucks that they are in the middle of this mess and clearly no one, not even MHJ has their best artistic interests at heart but also - they made the CHOICE to support MHJ while still working under HYBE so the flack they are getting is not ENTIRELY unearned) and villainize not only HYBE (which would be fair) but also beloved artists under HYBE who have very dedicated following, maybe even more so than NJ. By letting the members go through with this, their teams have proved beyond any doubt that they don't have their best interest at hearts, as this will only lead to them being targeted for hate again.'
I wrote this comment on a video of another channel, and the reason I think this is important and should be kept in mind is because bunnies can be abhorrent. They are using this as an excuse to bully others idols (even more than before) and as usual there is a lack of common sense in fandom spaces about that particular part of the video. Before MHJ did what she did, New Jeans was a very esteemed group in HYBE and I do believe that a company so interested in monetary gain would not mistreat a group that makes it money. They are being othered, not because HYBE likes mistreating them or has been doing so for a long time, but rather because they have chosen to support someone who is essentially a bully in the eyes of groups like LSF and ILLIT. And I don't believe that that's mistreatment or unreasonable. I hate to say this, I really do, but this is the backlash that was bound to come from there own actions.
I would like to again emphasize, I am not saying the girls are the villains here. They are clearly the victims of exploitative adults they are surrounded by. They felt hurt when they were ignored, that's valid. But what I have written is meant for Bunnies. They need to understand that they can feel bad and empathize with there idols and look at it as the cost of 'doing what's right' but going after other groups is not at all reasonable - because any frustration they might have with New Jeans who have sided with their bullies is just as valid.
If the incedent happened like Hanni said it did, as a manager who care for the groups Mhj is sabotaging I would not be happy to see nwjn members either.
Not really an excuse to be rude, but still.
Also the Korean translation of the manager as I heard it is something along the lines of 'be the bigger person' so that aligns.
I really think that idols should form a union, the newjeans situation is crazy because this is what happens when you have children be employees - they get manipulated by the adults in their lives and act according to their emotion instead of what is the best business-wise. Let's take Taemin as an example, he was under SM for years and just this year he went to another label once his contract expired - he was dissatisfied with SM for years at this point, but didn't make a whole scandal out of his situation like newjeans because it wouldn't be the best option for Taemin the idol - his personal feelings do not matter in this situation. He remained professional until the end of his contract and went to another label. With newjeans it's different because they are still young and they think that if they livestream themselves that the public will be on their side and Hybe would give up - but Hybe wouldn't do that because it's bad for their business and the public wouldn't stand entirely with newjeans because newjeans have really portrayed themselves as entitled idols who think they can just complain to the internet and that a whole company will listen. Instead, idols should unionize and have a third party representative make demands to their respective companies and negotiate in a legal matter - that way the idols still have their image and they get better conditions through a union. This is what regular employees do in regular companies, and what idols as employees should also do. Simply complaining to the internet accomplishes nothing and it makes the idols look bad, so it's a lose-lose situation for the girls at the moment
Fr, I feel bad for the girls. They don't know a single thing about the business and not getting personal as it backfires on you whether you do get sympathy or not. It wouldn't allow you to win unanimously against your idol contract, unless the courts decide they have substantial evidence that it was your company that failed to do their job.
2017 HYBE did not exist, back then was Big Hit Entertainment.
Source Music did not belong to Big Hit Entertainment in 2017.
Big Hit Entertainment acquired Source Music in July 2019.
Min Hee Jin joined Big Hit Entertainment in July 2019.
March 2021 BigHit Entertainment rebranded themselves as HYBE corporation.
ADOR was founded in Nov 2021.
Please do not missinform your viewers.
I was obsessed with Newjeans the last 1-2 years, like they were my most listened to artist after Bts, but I just can't keep watching Min Heejin manipulating them and their fans defending it. I'm geniunely so sick of it. I don't want to diagnose anyone, but Min heejin is moving like a literal narcissist grooming those girls since they were 12-16 and having complete authority and control over them. It feels like those child stars who years later come out after they've realized they've been exploited by the grown-ups and parental figures in their lifes, but you're watching the abuse happen in real-time and all you can do is helplessly watch. I don't understand how anyone can defend that woman and I'm not sure most people realize how deeply problematic she and her relationship with Nj is. She is the definition of a walking red flag, like she has suggestive pictures of very young exploited teenage actresses, calling them their inspiration and then insisting on debuting a group full with minors and constantly referencing lolita themes with their work, also allegedly shielding one of her vice presidents from accusations of sexual assault and harassing his victim, insulting the members of Newjeans, their fans and feminists, making the members themselves and their fans feel like she is the sole reason for Nj's success and that they are nothing without her (and those things are just the tip of the Ice berg, I could literally go on for hours). It's crazy how she has somehow managed to make Newjeans the center of the whole Hybe vs Mhj drama and turned it into an 'us against the world' situation in the members' and fans' minds, when all of this started with Mhj being confronted with criminal charges by Hybe. I can't even express how utterly disgusted and disappointed I am by all their supposed 'fans' who are defending Mhj and believe that by that they are doing Newjeans a favour, like do they not realize how unhealthy their relationship with her is and how she is using them? I don't understand their parents who publicly support her either, like how are their alarm bells not ringing after some of the stuff that has been revealed about her?
I can bearly watch Newjeans' videos anymore after everything that's happened, because all of this just makes my stomach turn.
There is a level of praise to be given for her general ideas bringing forth into their music but it's always been on the floor. But being close to your boss is a VERY thin line, most times it never works out in this way that newjeans thinks it has. MHJ acts as if she personally raised the members, to which.....she's not their family, never will be, and should never be considered anything near that. Not even as a best friend, power imbalance as boss and employees is too much. It's just sickening how much people aren't aware enough at this point.
Literally same. Newjeans were my ult girl group, but MHJ and bunnies have ruined it quite a bit
No cus Litterally. I stopped listening to them on purpose because the fact my streams go to min heejin pockets annoy me so bad.
I also stopped listening to them since this whole situation is making me uncomfortable
NPD survivor and I see all the signs with her, unfortunately. Thank you for your amazing post!
The ‘ignore’ incident involving Hani happened in June, when Min Hee-jin was the CEO of ADOR. During Min Hee-jin’s first press conference, she claimed that Illit copied NewJeans. Since then, NewJeans fans have been flooding Illit with hate comments like ‘Die’ and ‘Fake,’ accusing them of copying. It was Min Hee-jin who put NewJeans in this awkward position. HYBE’s investigation of the CCTV footage showed the groups greeting each other, but without audio, they couldn’t find any conclusive evidence. Since Min Hee-jin is responsible for this, shouldn’t she be held accountable?
@@GonBon1 It seems you may have missed what happened, so let me explain again.- Min Hee-jin’s plan to separate NewJeans from HYBE/ADORE started early on when she took the girls from Source Music. Her intentions were revealed through KakaoTalk messages with her shaman, outlining all her plans, which led HYBE to begin investigating her. The excuse of debuting Illit this year was just a cover. It seems like both MHJ and NewJeans have already decided to leave HYBE, and there may even be an investor involved. The reason for NewJeans’ live stream appears to be a strategy to gain public sympathy and strengthen their legal case, so they can avoid paying penalties to HYBE. I’m unsure if NewJeans is being used by MHJ or if they’ve chosen to side with her, but MHJ should have protected the girls from risking their careers for her.
@@GonBon1 It was made public because what Min Hee Jin did led to the public beginning to hate train thier groups. Saying they should be held accountable is like saying that if you get bullied because someone lied about you to the class, you shouldn't call them out to class.
@@GonBon1like mhj didn't do a who press conference lol
@@GonBon1 They're required to by law. Hybe is a publicly traded company. Anything that will negatively affect their stockholders has to be made public information. The U.S. has a similar law by the Federal Trade Commission.
Ofc illit's manger would have told them to ignore her. Like what kind of treatment did the members expect after siding with someone who caused two seperate groups have huge hate trains that were caused/catalysed by the person they sided??
mhj pulling a if i go down then you're (nj) going down with me on new jeans is actually so saddening since the girls are so talented, so loved and they have a concept that took the industry by storm. two years after new jeans debuted and the industry is still pushing out "their" sound (the sound they popularized). they had so much going for them but unfortunately mhj has been presenting an "if i cannot have you no one can" mindset and she will destroy newjeans. now when it comes to the live, i dont really know if mhj put them up to it but this was a very grave mistake. no matter whose idea it was, it was a bad idea (not really to mhj) but to new jeans for sure. id have way too much to say if i was to speak on the annoyance that is bunnies to me right now, so thats all for me for right now. amazing video natasha !!
37:18 thank youuuu. Because I agree with this. Ofc I feel bad for hanni for that interaction but illit have been dragged through mud since their debut mainly because of mhj. I’m not surprised either that their manager wouldn’t want them to speak with each other at this point in time
Right. Plus, telling someone to not say hi isn’t BULLYING.
@@kaayleelynnn THIS
also imagine the roles were reversed? like njwns manager telling them to ignore illit? I'm sure no one would react the way they're reacting rn
@@kaayleelynnn ehhh could be opinion based. but telling someone to not say hi, depending on the relationship to the person, could be a form of ostracizing or outcasting someone. ofc if a complete stranger were to do this.. who would care, but a company official/higher up/manager/colleague/etc.. its a bit rude. after all, going out of your way to not greet someone is a bit iffy, why not just give a nod/bow/gesture of greeting and keep it pushing. not like they needed to have a full ass conversation.
@@rubyjaneluvbot i really hate these types of arguments because honestly everyone should see both scenarios as bad. but flipping it just feels like the party actually in the scenario shouldn’t be offered grace, based on the hypothetical statement that it wouldn’t be the same the other way around. with this i feel i take the stance of “two wrongs don’t make a right” we gotta stop letting the fans that get “even” sway us.. like what kind of change are we gonna get if we are this immature 😭 (just a rant)
How are their parents not protecting their own children? I get hybe and mhj being greedy and all about business but their own parents are letting this happen to their daughters?
there's only so much they can do especially with contracts. plus they've spoken out before and got a lot of backlash mostly internationally. a lot of comments were either calling them bad parents or that they need to stay out of it.
I been saying for a while now Newjeans parents are giving the typical toxic child star parents.
@@wispymango any parent that sends their child into this business young with all the info we have these days is a bad parent in my opinion😅
@@Novalampgarage the parents are definetly at fault yes but thinking in their shoes they probably dont want to stand in the way of their kids dreams.
The creative director of illit has been working like this for many years..if you check her portfolio illit image is very on brand for her ..she has worked with many including Jennie..
I think a lot of people who are talking about New Jean's decision being "stupid" failed to consider what they are doing as a strike, like they are fully aware that this would damage their careers, that's what a strike is.
I am not a Hybe company fan, but Hybe has been trying to keep those gals out of this. MHJ, on the other hand, has been using those gals as a shield and is still manipulating them. Whether you dislike Hybe or not, you should be able to distinguish who is manipulating them.
Agreed, I get that HYBE is under fire right now but when I see comments about HYBE 'mistreating' them or not 'supporting' them enough... I genuinely get confused because to me it seems like the complete opposite... no doubt that HYBE should have handled this so much better than they have and things should never have gotten this far... but as far as I can tell.. they're concerned about their artists, ALL OF THEM. I can't speak for the whole 'overworking' thing but just based off of recent events... I can't see them as the bad guys when its MHJ escalating everything.
Hybe is the bad guy, don't be so easily manipulated.
I agree with all of your thoughts and opinions about this and I have the same stance.
I understand Hybe’s feelings towards MHJ because to them she was allegedly doing shady stuff and breached their trust. But they have handled this situation so bad and immaturely, and it’s incredibly frustrating to watch.
Min Heejin can kick rocks for all I care. She just comes off as an egotistical jerk that will do anything to victimize themselves, including dragging Newjeans and other artists into the mix which has caused so much unnecessary hate be thrown towards them. She’s very unprofessional, greedy, big headed, calculated, manipulative, and if the sa allegations about her are true, she is a sick individual.
I feel really bad for newjeans being in the middle of the feud and being used. It’s not okay that people at hybe are dawging them just because they don’t like MHJ and they shouldn’t have these adults around them fumbling the ball so hard. However, I will get on them a bit too. Their relationship with MHJ is borderline inappropriate for a boss x employee one, and I’m not sure if the girls even realize or care about the harm MHJ and their fan base has caused. Demanding Hybe reinstate MHJ without acknowledging the reason she was booted in the first place just rubs me the wrong way a little bit. But it doesn’t stop me from standing with them.
And lastly, Bunnies have been getting on my last nerve since this all went down. They blindly believe anything that MHJ says and anything that’s in favor of her. They have been absolutely vile on social media towards other fandoms, especially Gllits and Fearnots, and anyone who doesn’t side with MHJ because according to them not supporting MHJ = not supporting newjeans, which just isn’t true. They’ve been downplaying and dismissing the massive hate train Illit and Lesserafim got after MHJ dragging them into it because for them “newjeans has it worse”. They’ve just become so mean and hypocritical during this and have helped MHJ damage NewJeans’ reputation while garnering the girls hate. Along with that other kpop stans have inserted themselves, adding fuel to the fire between fandoms right now, and most of them aren’t being genuine about this at all, and definitely not helping.
At this point Hybe and MHJ have got to stop with this petty nonsense and figure this out so we can all move on, and they need to take accountability for the wreak they’ve havocked. I also need the kpop fandom as a whole to get some common sense and a brain, because a lot of them are treating this like a black and white situation when it’s not. And the hate towards all of these idols have got to stop. If you all truly care about the members of NewJeans then you wouldn’t be actively garnering them hate by starting fanwars and you definitely wouldn’t be rooting for MHJ.
Why is HYBE petty....They have to go through the logical and legal process in the correct way.
HYBE as a business is constantly being attacked..when if it was not for HYBE and there money there would be no investment in NJ.
@@stephaniemathurin473 I meant mostly with the way they interact with the media, not necessarily their process of having MHJ investigated and removed
Everyone is accusing HYBE of Mediaplay, while the Media hates BSY, BTS, and HYBE. The same media who sided with MHJ and slandered Yoongi!
This situation was going to be handled privately but MHJ ran to the Press once HYBE found out what she was up to. Then she bought Lesserifim and ILLIT into this mess and both of those groups started getting a lot of hate from the NewJeans fandom. I keep hearing everyone saying protect NewJeans I'm saying what about ILLIT shouldn't they be protected too. They had their debut ruined by MHJ
It was literally Hybe that went to the media talking about the Audit are you insane???? Now you’re distorting timelines to fit your narrative????
Although most companies under Hybe has control over group concept and artistic decision, many actually have more feedom doing solo projects like Huh Yunjin in Lesserafim, I remember she has one or two self written song and one collab with J Hope from BTS. The member who have a hand in writing and producing also are credited properly. Recently Yeonjun from TXT is also preparing his mixtape too.
Their hardwork are known, and not be stolen as some boss/ceo's achievement like MHJ or that old SM's ceo.
NJs have to realize their own worth, they have to know they're making the wrong decision by pushing other people's genuinely wanting to help and support the wrong person, they have to learn from this and study the way of the world more. The girls debuted too early, resulting in their lack of critical thinking, allowing the wrong people to easily manipulate their view by emotions.
My brain hurts more from this than sitting in calculus class.
the fact that i should be studying for that but here i am lmao
same, mhj really threw everyone for a loop
LSF's debut had nothing to do with NewJeans. they debuted quickly because hybe wanted to capitalize on izone popularity. leaked kkt between MHJ and her shaman showed her shaman warning her that if she created her own label, NewJeans' debut might be delayed to after LSF's, and MHJ said she was okay to take that risk
Honestly, I think the situation was way more complicated than that, I think a lot of it came down to creative differences between MHJ curated ideal lineup and what the company was hoping to push for, including several higher profile trainees, i.e. allegedly Yunjin at the time (and Miu? Idk it's all hearsay). The Shaman was probably one aspect of it trying to convince MHJ her direction was 'correct', so it seems the only solution was to split since MHJ was adamant on her vision+ her choice to delay. A lot of things can change in terms of lineup choices in any company. Remember this group started as a COLLAB between MHJ SOUMU and HYBE, too many stakeholders mean room for failure or at least massive changes.
@@day6hwaiting708yes it is, hybe and source had a lot of mistakes too. if i were mhj i would be annoyed if they suddenly wanted me to add two members to my already established lineup. there were obviously many creative differences. but amazingly almost all of min heejin's demands were met by hybe, including the creation of her own company. so what i don't get is why she tried to paint it like hybe has been trying to end her since the beginning when they've followed her every whim.
I hope that Newjeans will stay at HYBE/ADOR atleast until their contract ends because I dont want them to go into debt/legal issues
:(. Please Newjeans, Mhj is using yall as human shields! While Hybe isnt perfect, its better than beinf blacklisted... Im still mourning the original Fifty Fifty :(
You really told the situation as it is. Except for 1 thing...Hybe is big but does not have influence on the media. The one that has media control is mainly SM...SM used to be and still is a media company (next to music) with it's widespread connections ...hence their influence in music tv- shows, etc. For example: That is why especially in the beginning of their career, it was difficult for BTS to get time slots at music tv-shows etc. Because of this till this day BTS used UA-cam to get in touch with their fans.
2nd example: situation Taeil of NCT (SM owned)...you don't hear or read anything about it. That's how much influence SM has.
Indeed that live-stream was a no go, and MHJ knew about this plan, she admitted it in an interview but KBS removed the video and articles etc were also removed. Officially she had to inform Hybe about it, but she did not. That already is breach of contract. It's a shame that she uses the girls, but she had a lot of time to groom them and intentionally kept them apart from everyone, making them think/feel that they can't do anything without her.
Unfortunately the girls, according to the Korean ways were very very rude, making the live-stream worse.
The girls already stated that they won't work with anyone (who might be even better than MHJ).
Two things: They pay the fee or they have to stay with Hybe.
If I was Hybe I would keep them just to not make precedent.
HYBE literally has Dispatch on their side, this isn't debatable. SM does not control Dispatch or the media, Dispatch literally exposed Karina's relationship (possibly on HYBE's orders). Dispatch themselves confirmed that HYBE leaked NewJeans' medical records and trainee videos to them.
True . But some immature njs fans think that hybe can control the media . No they can't they are big company but still a baby compare to the big 3 and sk even don't like the story of hybe and bts that come from rags to riches . And i really don't even trust knetizens judgement this issue like look at what they did to yoongi dui issue .
I really like the fact that you talked about manipulation and lack of intelligence. The two are not the same. It does not matter how old you are, how smart you are etc. You can get manipulated at any point. I watched it happen to my best guy friend of like 9 years. He got manipulated to go against the people he loves dearly. We ended up not talking for a year. Thankfully, we're friends again but that situation taught me a lot and applying what i learned to this situation, the members are still victims. Yes what they did was one of the worst possible things they could've done but they have, most likely, been manipulated by this lady since youth. That's not something that they are going to figure out in a day. Especially when the person who has manipulated them has given them such success and love bombed them. I hope they figure it out soon. My heart is with the members of NewJeans. The group that started my journey within k-pop. These five girls don't deserve this. None of the artist dragged into this deserved this.
we can finally rest, the queen is back🔥💕
Yesssss I've been itching to come back 😭❤️❤️❤️❤️
I assume this girl is an army acting like nothing happened after this vid was uploaded but this is the truth, a couple weeks ago the national assembly from korea had an audit with one of hybe’s director, BSH was called to go instead of him but that guy stayed in the US to avoid getting in more trouble with the judge and Korean netizens, the judges exposed hybe internal documents with 20K PAGES which only for of them got leaked, where hybe employees talked about replacing nwjns with a “new group” in 2022 (min heejin was right about this and a lot of stuff said in the internal reports) and A LOT of insults and unprofessional behavior towards other idols from other companies including nwjns (obviously), Jungkook and V by bts, the official hybe ceo came out apologizing for it but nobody believed his fake apologies anyway, also a petition was made with the intention of getting hybe out of the biggest companies in korea and it reached his goal which was 50k signatures (only koreans could sign), yesterday hybe employees commented in a page for verified employees of any company in the world called “BLIND” that they were angry and sad cuz no other company wants to sign them after hybe’s leaked documents (deserved), they’re very bad viewed by korea netizens now including the rest of the country’s companies which idols were badmouthed by hybe and their directors, employees, etc, and you just can tell by now their downfall is coming, also in this same page (BLIND) the employees insulted nj and deleted their comments afterwards, they did the same to jungkook from bts but armys decided to ignore it as they seem to stan the company more than the group now 😂, and let me tell yall that this is just a resume of EVERYTHING that company and their followers (such as this content creator) did to mhj and nj all these past months to damage their image and make everyone believe their lies but now that the truth was revealed most are hiding instead of apologizing to the girls 😂 anyway, this girl should delete this vid but I bet she won’t and will delete my comment instead cuz armys = hybe stans and they love that company as much as their parents ong
Hi gorgeous! OK, first of all, I'm not an army. Second of all, I was never "pro HYBE." I made it explicitly clear in this video that I DO NOT support hybe. Just because I do not like MHJ doesn't mean that I like hybe. I have been keeping up with the new jeans situation, and the reason I haven't made a video on it is because I'm waiting for more information. Once again, let me emphasize: I do NOT like hybe OR mhj. They're both shady as hell, in my opinion
@@Natasha.Louisee but as u stated at the starting of video u stand with nj but u liked comment by @Ihave------NoName-e saying nwjns deserved to disband becoz they are siding with mhj. and if u could not keep with the nj situation u should have waited for whole situation to be over or atleast did full research becoz their are many thing u left / some false theory .
many people come to ur video might not know about whole situation see ur video and might believe it fully without further research . we guys were already fed up by seoulite guy.
( u might not like it , either intention or not ur video was pretty biased not becoz u like hybe becoz u hate mhj so much and i think u know it )
and when u use my personal theory in video u should at that to title .
@@Natasha.Louisee oh sorry just show ur video again this is probably 3rd time ur pro hybe
@@abcfhjg you just took the words out of of my mouth 🙏🏻
@@Natasha.Louisee Natasha, with the amount of information thats been out until this day it should be enough for you to make the video, it just makes u look like the rest of kpop content creators who are silenced aswell, maybe because they’re afraid of a certain fandom? Maybe cuz they are pro hybe? Or maybe just bcuz they get paid, and I think that if you’re a supporter of the truth or anti hybe as you said, you should at least discuss whats been happening with hybe internal reports and they’re employees lately :/
Damn thank you for the misinformation I guess, but at the end of the day seems like mhj was right all along following every single internal report that got leaked about hybe 😂
Mhj has a fetish for young girls. Regardless of if "mhj was right" I will still never like her. And I'll never like hybe either. You're fighting the wrong person
@ it’s ok if you don’t like mhj! She might look weird for a lot of ppl and I found her weird at some point too, but at the end I think it’s ok to admit that she was right
My only wish for this situation is that by the end of it Newjeans are given a mental health break and are supplied with Psychologists to help them work through everything that had been happening. Groomed or Not, these girls need therapy, they clearly value themselves as individuals so little and that need's to change.
the plagiarism thing is SO interesting to me bc when magnetic first debuted my friends wanted to watch it so we all sat around our TV to watch, and the first thing my friend said (unprovoked bc mhj hadn't even accused of plagiarism yet) is "omg they're trying to replace newjeans" , like every single one of my friends thought it was SO similar to newjeans, and I didn't know newjeans that well so I thought illit was LITERALLY newjeans I was so confused. like there were times I would actually confuse the members bc I couldn't tell if it was newjeans or illit. hybes documents getting leaked made me feel less crazy for thinking that bc everyone on the internet swore up and down that illit was dream core or whatever tf and that the only similarity is the hair.... like be fr😭
girl be fr, because “everyone on the internet” is right
@노엘구름 girl be fr, because belift just admitted in court that they plagiarized 😭 so what now
@@christinawalker6356 so now you go finish kindergarten so you can finally learn how to read a news article and not some bs biased tweet from user iloveminheejeans
I have been seeing so many opinions on this and I barely agreed with either side. For everybody who are riding so hard for HYBE, I must ask: why? This company doesn't pay your bills and has flaws like any other company. Then for people who are riding so hard for MHJ, I must ask: why? this woman is a weirdo, that's proven. Even outside of this new jeans stuff even before she joined HYBE, she was weird. Neither deserves tons of defense and I won't defend MHJ just because New Jeans say that they basically owe everything to her. I think the relationship between the members and her is very weird like why is a grown woman/THEIR BOSS crying to a bunch of barely legal/underage girls? that's WEIRD. There need to be boundaries between adults and basically teenagers especially if the adult in question is their boss. I wish some New Jeans fans wouldn't let their love for the members blind their critical thinking about the whole situation
Hybe just got exposed MHJ was right and so was the girls MHJ can be a questionable person and still be targeted 2 things can be true people making up rumours doesn’t help
Yep, this girl is liking every single comment (even the recent ones) that are badmouthing the girls instead, she’s a hybe stan lmao
“mhj was right” holy fucking shit youre too funny 😭😭😭
@@노엘구름 If you are going to comment come with facts or stfu
MHJ seems to be taking the route of if she can't have NewJeans no one can, and just wants to drag them down with her. And HYBE is just being too money-money, not actually paying attention to the human beings.
I actually don't believe NewJeans will go through with filing the injunction. Part of me thinks (or hopes) that they'll come to their senses between then and now. The 25th will roll around and it'll just come and go. Especially since Min Heejin claims she "advised against it." In large part I think they just did it as some kind of grand gesture to that woman...
I also think it's important to remember the original facts and source of this situation. Hybe uncovered alleged criminal activity by MHJ, including alleged embezzlement, a plot to damage Hybe's reputation, a plot to devalue Hybe's stock price. MHJ is also facing criminal defamation charges from two Hybe subsidiaries for statements she's made against those companies and their artists, which have also brought a barrage of hate towards those artists, some of whom are minors younger than nearly all New Jeans members. This battle originally had nothing to do with New Jeans, and Hybe said from the beginning that New Jeans should not be used as a shield in MHJ's defense of these charges.
In the course of the investigations, MHJ was seen to have plotted to make Ador an "empty shell", with a goal to force Hybe to negotiate to stop the negative PR and negative impact to the company. That's what started the public battle we're seeing now. It was also found that confidential information had been shared by MHJ with her shaman, who was guiding MHJ on hiring and firing decisions. MHJ was allegedly conspiring with a former Hybe executive whom she had brought onto the Ador board, to bring down Hybe and its chairman. This plot would put employee jobs in danger, would increase shareholder losses, and would damage Hybe's reputation. These are the facts of the case. People can hate Hybe for whatever reason they like, but Hybe's first responsibility is to safeguard the company and all its investments - not just take care of the one agency that is costing Hybe stock to lose value every time MHJ or NJ makes another statement.
New Jeans' members inserted themselves into the battle by filing petitions in court in support of MHJ, as did their parents. They've said that they won't be able to work without MHJ, despite Hybe stating repeatedly that they will continue to support their dreams, and will care for their mental health. This is despite the disrespect these girls have shown to Bang PD, who is the overall Hybe Chairman, complaining that he didn't say "hi" to them in an elevator. This is being characterized as "mistreatment", but it is not mistreatment in any sense of the word. The ball was in their court whether they wanted to proceed with their careers or not. But, this recent little YT video they did probably closed that door for them. They were highly disrespectful to the current CEO, and they issued an ultimatum that they are actually not entitled to issue. Which employee can dictate terms to their employer of who should run the company and how? They had one good year, and they're scrambling to repeat the success of that year, embroiling themselves in a battle that they didn't need to enter.
New Jeans are on track to lose everything, and they will really only have themselves to blame.
I actually think mhj did play a big role behind new jeans’ success. She was the creative director, and its the creativity behind their concepts and music that made them stand out. The members know that and are probably scared of what will happen to their creative direction once mhj leaves. Not just that, but they also fear for the way they might get treated by hybe employees in the future.
I have been in a work situation where my manager was disliked by executives due to personal and professional differences. I understood that but that manager was also someone who had protected me and other colleagues from the wrath of these executives. This is probably similar, but much much more intense for new jeans.
I feel for them and am very heavy hearted thinking about them. They had the best music and concepts, and were truly a game changer. I wish for the best, and let us manifest that everything will turn out well for everyone involved, and especially the members. ❤
i really wanted someone to talk about this, thank you
It's all over my TikTok right now I just had to talk about it haha
I suggest Hybe boy or Asian entertainment they do give you more details
I want to be upfront and apologize in advance if my feedback comes across as harsh. Since this is the first video I've seen on your channel and I'm not a long-time viewer, please take my comments with that in mind.
For this type of informational video, it’s important to provide credible sources and include them in the description.Well cited sources are essential to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content. Without these, there’s a risk of spreading misinformation, which can have significant and damaging effects. Misinformation can mislead viewers, erode trust, and contribute to the spread of false narratives. Ensuring your content is well-researched and accurately referenced helps mitigate these risks and maintains the integrity of the information you’re sharing. I have another comment related to this topic where this exact thing happens in the video. I really hope in the future you can find more importance in your words as they can do serious damage
Agree totally..
Yeah I agree. It was noted in the intro of the video that information provided would remain unbiased, but after watching, it seems like this video was anything but unbiased. It was a bit hard to watch in that regard. Disclaimer: I don’t disagree with most of the opinions of creator of this video, but as a first time viewer, I came looking for an unbiased overview of the situation based on well-cited sources. I mean no hate or disrespect, just offering feedback.
I’m also on the girls side, neither hybe or Min Heejin is good. I was with the girls 100% against Hybe during the live but then they asked for Min Heejin back. That’s the only part that I was like 😬. I don’t doubt the management has been excluding newjeans, it just shows these adults aren’t mature enough to be in power.
08:06 I disagree with this. As someone who was paying attention since before debut, Garams "scandal" was actually looked into and proven false before she was set to debut. When rumors starting coming up before debut, hybe went on the record to say they already looked into it and proved it false. Knetizens didn't care and ran with it anyway and they were pushed into a corner about taking her out
Actually Gfriend's contacts were terminated without them even knowing! The girls had no intention of stopping nor were they aware that Mago would become their last comeback. They were informed only a month before the news went public and they couldn't do anything to stop the disbandment.
Very complete, balanced, and insightful overview of this very complex and messy situation.
this is why you don't debut children. they should not be put in these situations in which they have no choice but to attach to whatever authority feels safe and trust them because they aren't old enough to know better. Of course these poor girls would speak out for themselves, and of course it will destroy their career. Debuting groups based on minors is setting these talented and enthusiastic kids up to fail and it's fucking evil
Anyway, I assume this girl is an army acting like nothing happened after this vid was uploaded but this is the truth, a couple weeks ago the national assembly from korea had an audit with one of hybe’s director, BSH was called to go instead of him but that guy stayed in the US to avoid getting in more trouble with the judge and Korean netizens, the judges exposed hybe internal documents with 20K PAGES which only for of them got leaked, where hybe employees talked about replacing nwjns with a “new group” in 2022 (min heejin was right about this and a lot of stuff said in the internal reports) and A LOT of insults and unprofessional behavior towards other idols from other companies including nwjns (obviously), Jungkook and V by bts, the official hybe ceo came out apologizing for it but nobody believed his fake apologies anyway, also a petition was made with the intention of getting hybe out of the biggest companies in korea and it reached his goal which was 50k signatures (only koreans could sign), yesterday hybe employees commented in a page for verified employees of any company in the world called “BLIND” that they were angry and sad cuz no other company wants to sign them after hybe’s leaked documents (deserved), they’re very bad viewed by korea netizens now including the rest of the country’s companies which idols were badmouthed by hybe and their directors, employees, etc, and you just can tell by now their downfall is coming, also in this same page (BLIND) the employees insulted nj and deleted their comments afterwards, they did the same to jungkook from bts but armys decided to ignore it as they seem to stan the company more than the group now 😂, and let me tell you that this is just a resume of EVERYTHING that company and their followers (such as this content creator) did to mhj and nj all these past months to damage their image and make everyone believe their lies but now that the truth was revealed most are hiding instead of apologizing to the girls 😂 anyway, this girl should delete this vid but I bet she won’t and will delete my comment instead cuz armys = hybe stans and they love that company as much as their parents 😂
I'm not siding with what Min Hee Jin has done, but i just have to mention some facts that people have been mentioning aren't true-
1. Le Sserafim hate train: this hadn't started because of min hee jin. Min hee jin held the press conference on 22nd April while Le Sserafim performed in Coachella on 13th & 20th April. And they were already receiving hate prior to the coachella performance for their encores (to be clear, I'm not siding with the people who have bullied le seerafim). The hate train after coachella was uncontrollable so it has NOTHING to do with min hee jin & newjeans.
2. ILLIT hate train: We all remember what happened in R U Next. The show was rigged is what everyone of us knows. The moment Chanelle was eliminated, that's when R U Next & a current ILLIT member (wonhee) started receiving extreme hate for saying chanelle was removed because hybe evil edited her as screaming at wonhee. And when the finale happened, everyone was disappointed with the line-up. Most of the show-watchers hated on wonhee & iroha for debuting, because obviously the top contestants didnt debut. And when illit first pictures were released, show-watchers and the illit fans were the ones who said ILLIT is gonna have the Newjeans concept. fyi, Bunnies weren't even involved in the first place. During the first vlive they held, the comments were filled with extreme hate by people & especially targetting wonhee. and BELIFT, who is supposed to protect their artists, purposely gave wonhee (who was the most hated since debut) to read the comments ??? anyways, ILLIT debuted on 25th March, 2024. They were already hated pre-debut & the hate grew more because of the teaser of the Super Real Me promotion calender being similar to the ador plus global audition teasers. In the press conference, Min Hee Jin had clearly stated that Illit's debut concept wasn't the girls' fault. it was BELIFT's. but people still constantly abused her for mentioning ILLIT.
3. Le Sserafim Debut: The Plus Global Audition was held in 2019 to debut the first hybe girl group, technically BTS's (the biggest k-pop boy group) sister group. Minji was already the face of the audition so she was bound to debut. Now when we see the leaked videos of pre-debut Newjeans members, we can see how Source Music had s*xualised choreographies for the minor members (Hyein who was prolly 13 at that time). Bang Shi Hyuk had promised Min Hee Jin that she would be the one to produce the first Hybe Girl Group. But since she wanted a little more time and didn't want to rush the debut, but hybe wanted to debut Soumu girl group since aespa and ive were already dominating the market. If there is any contract, then Hybe has breached the contract by debuting Le Sserafim without Min Hee Jin as the creative director since he wanted to profit off of Iz-One's success. And yes the debut was successful. Min hee jin's group, Newjeans, debuted a few months later after Le Sserafim. and their debut was a total success. which again, bang shi hyuk disliked. and when we come to the ditto era, you know bang shi hyuk hated the ditto success because of kkt messages.
Now let me mention how Belift had literally created a youtube page for the announcement and sexualised Newjeans members saying they were Fantasies of Adults or something. There was not much uproar by any community other than Bunnies only against what BELIFT had done. But everyone is really quick on jumping on Min Hee Jin calling her a p3do and saying she groomed the girls. Source Music's Creative Director, Nu Kim's photo with a girl behind him tied with a rope naked went viral but people didn't speak against it. If Newjeans members are groomed since they r young girls surrounded by a potential p3do, then Le Sserafim girls aren't safe around Nu Kim too. Please speak up against him too. Especially since the group contains 1 minor, Eunchae, and the group has been heavily criticised for their Smart choreo for making a minor to twerk her ass, in a country filled with p3dos.
I'm not supporting Min Hee Jin, but if some people are gonna speak bad on her, atleast choose the right ressons to hate on. you can't blatantly hate on someone for something they didn't do. Le sserafim and Illit's hate wasn't totally Min Hee Jin's fault. There was already a massive hate train going on for both the groups.
this is what i had to say. there is more but I'd refrain from doing so now😬 i want only the best for newjeans, le sserafim, illit ❤
and f*ck hybe, f*ck mhj, f*ck soumu, f*ck belift.
I also want to mention the fact that how Hybe stans have been saying b*llshit on Shamanism really gets on my nerves. You don't have to be a Newjeans stan to think Shamanism isn't a bad practice. Now, to be fair, every culture, every religion, has their pros and cons. My religion's name is Donyi Polo. My tribe is Nyishi. I belong from the northeastern state named Arunachal Pradesh in India, and we are mongolian descendants. We have been practicing Shamanism since centuries. Shamanism is literally the root of our culture. Saying Shamanism is evil is like saying Baptism is satanic. Please respect the practice before hating on it. We perform Shamanic rituals to predict our future, to lure evil away, for the good of our community, etc. Shamanism is a highly respectable practice of Indigenous Cultures.
Calling Min Hee Jin a witch for performing Shamanism is completely wrong. Yes she did remove the other pre-debut members because the Shaman said those girls carried evil, but idk how to explain it that is literally how shamanism works. I know it's hard to understand if you're not part of the culture.
Also, witches don't exist. Women in ancient times were called witches because men were insecure about women being geniuses in what they do and killed them saying they were performing witchcraft. There is a very big tragedy in history named Salem Witch Trials, where women were witch hunted and men supporting them were too and then set them on fire.
I get that they’re kids but as a 13 year old girl myself, it seems painfully obvious that min heejin wasn’t liked by the managers due to her spreading misinformation and hate about other groups. NJs are definitely the victims of grooming from multiple adults in their lives (including their parents!) but they also should have stayed neutral as to not cause drama for themselves and their futures in their careers. That’s just my take though
I hope newjeans will be okay...
i can't believe that min heejin started her ''mastermind'' plan by pointing fingers at other groups and whining about ''plagiarism''. as someone who doesn't stan new jeans neither illit, i just have heard their songs - they do not sound THAT similar that someone can assume plagiarism is happening. it was all CLEARLY just a scapegoat way for that woman to claim ''you don't appreciate new jeans like i do, so i should own them instead :)''
Omg I was hoping and praying you would do a video on this! THANK YOU bc I had no idea what was going on 😭😭😭😭
I almost didn't film it because of the online discourse 😭 but here I am
@@Natasha.Louisee thank you queen 😣😣🥰
I can really understand that the girls stand with MHJ. As said, they know her at least since 2019. Considering their age it was an easy thing to form them in what MHJ wanted. Knowing that the rest of HYBE proberly doesnt want them to be succesful, makes them stick to the person that made them sucessfull in the first place. They still only young adult, that easierly can get influced and manipuilated. I hope they can get ut of this situation with as little damage as possible. In the end idols are usually the chess pieces of the companies....
There is a popular catch-phrase (or sentence) in the Philippines right now which is (Ito ay kadiliman laban sa kasamaan) trans: This is a fight of DARKNESS vs EVIL
Where a former high-ranking government secretary was yelling this at the street but his audience somehow got confused what to reply. This is what HYBE vs MHJ is like.
Its very apparent that there's a difference in cultural values the only backlash I've seen they receive is from not Korean fans. Majority of Korean fans (and Idols are on MHJ and NJ side) which I am also on their side in this mess. (SO FAR)
RE: No, actually props to them for actually standing up for themselves tired of people expecting people/ victims to stay quiet.
I don’t think mhj like wrote them a script and held the camera for the live. I do think it’s the member’s own words. But if she knew they were going to do it, and truly didn’t want them to, why didn’t she try harder to stop them? She clearly has the influence to change their minds.
So you believe everything those girls have said? You DO know that MHj tried to access BTS’ personal files and Hybe’s financials, right???? She’s a master of hypocrisy; Hybe didn’t ‘leak’ anything. MHJ did know about the live stream and there’s proof of that in an interview she did - she slipped up.
Look, that group WILL do what they’re directed to do by Ador/Hybe because they’re under contract. Stop blaming Hybe.
Womp womp she’s actually helping hybe here, You are late and I assume this girl is an army acting like nothing happened after this vid was uploaded but this is the truth, a couple weeks ago the national assembly from korea had an audit with one of hybe’s director, BSH was called to go instead of him but that guy stayed in the US to avoid getting in more trouble with the judge and Korean netizens, the judges exposed hybe internal documents with 20K PAGES which only for of them got leaked, where hybe employees talked about replacing nwjns with a “new group” in 2022 (min heejin was right about this and a lot of stuff said in the internal reports) and A LOT of insults and unprofessional behavior towards other idols from other companies including nwjns (obviously), Jungkook and V by bts, the official hybe ceo came out apologizing for it but nobody believed his fake apologies anyway, also a petition was made with the intention of getting hybe out of the biggest companies in korea and it reached his goal which was 50k signatures (only koreans could sign), yesterday hybe employees commented in a page for verified employees of any company in the world called “BLIND” that they were angry and sad cuz no other company wants to sign them after hybe’s leaked documents (deserved), they’re very bad viewed by korea netizens now including the rest of the country’s companies which idols were badmouthed by hybe and their directors, employees, etc, and you just can tell by now their downfall is coming, also in this same page (BLIND) the employees insulted nj and deleted their comments afterwards, they did the same to jungkook from bts but armys decided to ignore it as they seem to stan the company more than the group now 😂, and let me tell you that this is just a resume of EVERYTHING that company and their followers (such as this content creator) did to mhj and nj all these past months to damage their image and make everyone believe their lies but now that the truth was revealed most are hiding instead of apologizing to the girls 😂 anyway, this girl should delete this vid but I bet she won’t and will delete my comment instead cuz armys = hybe stans and they love that company as much as their parents 😂
I was under the impression, per statements made by the members, that GFRIEND were not the ones who decided not to renew the contract, but rather it was SOURCE Music?
tyes he leader of gfriend mentioned a couple months ago that their contracts were terminated
Tbh, I'm just so frustrated and disappointed in Nj. They are always so loud in their support for Mhj, I just think that no matter how they feel about her and how much they think they owe her, they should have said SOMETHING about what she was doing to I'llit.
It was so saddening to see Mhj use I'llit as a shield to deflect from her own criminal charges, calling them all sorts of names and making them a target for massive harassment from the public and Nj fans only 2 weeks after their debut.
Just looking at I'llit's videos, especially on Tiktok, even HALF A YEAR after the incident, their comment sections are filled with fans of Newjeans dragging and attacking the members of I'llit in favor of Newjeans.
It's so disheartening, because I'm sure just a few words of support from Newjeans towards their junior would have calmed down this massive hate train tremendously, but from their end it's just complete silence - or even worse: they are publicly supporting I'llit's biggest bully and demanding her to be reinstated as the Ceo.
And then Hanni has the audacity to go live and complain about the manager of I'llit telling them to ignore her, as if those weren't the consequences of her own actions?
I haven't watched your video yet, I just had to rant.
I'm sorry, but Hanni's statement about the 'ignore' incident was very cynical. She and the other members of NewJeans are publicly supporting a woman who contributed to a growing hatred against several of their label mates, and she was still somewhat surprised that the company's employees, who are the group of people most affected by this ridiculous situation, don't adore her? She is 20 and behaving like a whiny 12-year-old. Get yourself together, woman. Read the room.
i dont think any 6 year old would make this type of situation about bullying let alone 20yo woman
@@Wonycoded The manager is just an employee of a company that is currently suing Min Heejin, who Hanni is publicly supporting at every opportunity she finds. If this actually happened, the manager was probably only following superior instructions, but I doubt Hanni has the cognitive capacity to analyze this situation beyond HER wishes. Hanni can support a woman who behaved in an extremely unprofessional way towards their label mates, but BELIFT LAB's employees don't have the right to be cautious around her? Got it.
@@paulamendes9432 girl ik i am not on nwjns side i was talking about how dramatic hanni was i truly stand by what you said
I think one thing people need to understand is that even if NJs wouldn't have spoken up, they still would have been suffering. Hybe planned to give them “a year and a half break” during the height of their popularity, they instated a CEO who didn't have the group’s interests at heart, and they are doing a good positioning the public opinion on their side. Stuff like this happens over and over again in the music industry no matter where you are from and the ones that suffer the most are the artists. It baffles me how many people are willing to side with a corporation as if they don't play a big part in this mess. They are not the victims, they want money, and people like MHJ are products of that environment. She isn't doing anything that isn't already common in an industry of people where morality comes after money. You don't just do horrible things. She learned that stuff from other people in the industry. No matter how much she did, Hybe as a company has done a lot worse overall. The environment is toxic, the people running it are toxic, and their main goal is to make money. If someone gets in their way, like most large companies, they will move them out. We need to stand by these artists when they speak up even if it means it might end their careers because what comes first are human values and morality. If the people in charge aren't held accountable, INCLUDING THE ONES AT THE VERY TOP AND NOT JUST MHJ, then nothing will change. And if nothing changes the same story will happen over and over again. It doesn't matter what group it is.
To call HYBE and MHJ equally bad in this situation doesn't seem accurate to me. HYBE made bad decisions that unintentionally affected their idols. MHJ intentionally attempted to stage a coup and then conducted defamation on multiple idol groups. I know you said that HYBE is manipulative, but you didn't give any examples here. Is it to the level of MHJ's manipulations? Well, in this scenario, MHJ seems to be more in the wrong. Also, New Jeans did more than "express their feelings" during the press conference, so I don't think they're exactly angels. And I know that they are most likely manipulated and I feel sorry for them. But still, actions have consequences. Thank you for explaining to me this situation. It really cleared up a lot things.
Why are we talking about jeans?
9:19 So basically both are kind of right and wrong at the same time. What has the most recipts is basically as follows. Newjeans who were at the time known as Team N, were a 7 member group at source set to debut in the 3rd quarter of 2021 with Attention which was ready to go essentially since June/July of that year. At around this same time Izone disbanded and Hybe jumped at the chance to sign some members, the first of which was Sakura, and thus Team S was founded, and Chaewon joined as the second member soon after, this group was then supposed to debut later in 2022. At this time MHJ decided that she wanted to start her own company, and after much consideration she decided that her ideal arrangement would be a company shared between Hybe, Herself and Kakao, which she did not manage to do. Realising she didn't really have any leverage to make Hybe put such a large investment into her start-up, she started to internally sabotage Team N, by not filing paper work, showing up to meetings, releasing the copyright or concept plans to the company, all of which she later used to essentially get herself a company because she refused to work with Source but Hybe didn't want to lose too much money on the group (which they basically already made a whole album for) and so let the 5 girls move with MHJ to Ador, This then naturally pissed off source music who had to fast track Team S for the debut process because they had essentially been promised that they would get the first Hybe made girl group, which was one of the main reason's they disbanded GFriend (all the member's have said they were not given the opportunity to renew even though they would have wanted to) So Source had essentially funded 2 projects but were only going to see the return on one and had no active groups to make them money in the mean time leading to the rushed Le Sserafim release. However MHJ insists that this "first group" promise was made to her as an individual and not Source the company, which is what lead to the friction and conflicting narratives. But basically if she let Source have Team N she would have had the first group.
Source: trust me bro.
Thank you so much!! I was literally so confused about the whole situation because I didn’t really care at first but now it’s become this whole thing and I thought as a bunny I needed to know what the hell was going on🥲
I would advise that you go read the articles yourself than watching a heavily biased video
The serving face while saying facts on the thumbnail always gets me 😭😭😭
HYBE's goal is to separate the girls from MHJ as legally and drama-free as they can. But MHJ doesn't operate legally or drama-free, and she has trained the girls to be just as reckless, disrespectful, and hysterical as she is. It's sad to see it play out in real time.
What's interesting is that MHJ said that she told the girls not to do their release...meaning she knew about it...meaning she was legally supposed to tell HYBE and failed to. They just keep digging the hole deeper and deeper.
A real "mother" would let go of her babies and let them fly. She's dragging them down into the well with her.
MHJ has shown again and again that she has emotionally abused the members. In her unhinged press conference she talked about calling the members late at night and crying, begging them to help her, and said the members were coming her house, apologizing they couldn’t do anything and crying more.
To be clear: this is a form of emotional abuse called “enmeshment” in which adult/parent figure emotionally involves the child in their problems and makes them feel they have a responsibility to the adult or are on equal ground da with them to resolve the adults negative emotions. It’s incredibly obvious that MHJ has been doing this to the members for years, to the point they are behaving in ways that could cause them grievous harm because she made them feel like they have to do it to save her, and that they can’t do anything without her. It’s beyond f*cked up. I just pray HYBE will see the members have been manipulated, because otherwise… Newjeans is over.
Girlll, please do an update on this whole drama. I need a clear info
Thank you so much for doing this video. I'm quiet casual listener to kpop, so although I heard smth, I had no idea what really happened with Ador/HYBE. So I really appreciate you explaining it.❤
What would you do for US $100 MILLION? Because this is what is at stake for Min Hee Jin and all the business partners she has promised future businesses with. That $100 million can only be accessed if she is CEO of Ador. This has nothing to do with New Jeans.
I wanna add tho it is not fully confirmed that MHJ was originally appointed in order to form Le serafim which is why she was given source music but her vision didn't align with what hybe wanted as it is alleged she was promised to make a grp from scratch and not have a pre-existing company to make they wanted her to make a grp
around charwon and sakura with a bit a mature f(x) kind of concept but she wanted a Y2k young concept with new faces which resulted with ADOR’s formation I really believe she had nothing to do with SOURCE as she made it clear she didn't want to do anything with them she wanted her own label and not another existing label I don't think she is related to g-friend disbandment either as it personally doesn't make a difference to her or her plans at all
1. Don’t think the girls are manipulated. They want to continue working with MHJ because she’s good at her job and priorities the success of NJ
2. MHJ could have handled herself better. Realized she needs to listen to her boss Hybe and work together rather than compete with other girl groups from Hybe
3. She was proven innocent by the court that sided with her that her wanting to take ador and actually making enough actions to do so are two different things.
4. As a NJ fan and a fan of the work MHJ has produced, I wish that ador can go back to the way it was, but MHJ may not be forgivable by Hybe
5. In Korean Hanni was told by the manager 무시해 which doesn’t mean don’t talk to her but it’s more like ignore her or disrespect her. I mean, in an honorific country like Korea, you just don’t ignore your senior and not bow in greeting if you debuted first
6. I would go as far as to say NJ would not have reached their level of success without MHJ and that her artistic sensibility is way beyond anyone in Hybe. That being said she doesn’t seem too smart about few other things, interpersonal relationship being one of them.
i think since she brought them up in the industry , she earned their trust and thereby can make them believe what she wants. i think the girls are very smart but they are so young they may not yet know about the cutthroat corporate world. Where it is dog eat dog mentality above all else. But they must have been hurting really badly to have thought the video was their only way to convey their concerns. idk i do know i love them dearly and their is no one else putting out their kind of music so refreshing and up lifting . i hope that Hybe will take their ages and inexperience into consideration when coming to their decision..N.J.'s is a very very popular group and making somebody a lot of money. so i just hope all goes well for N.J. and no grudges are held and they continue to make this wonderful music for us.
I just wanna mention that the Fifty Fifty incident is actually wayyyy more complicated than just poaching, in fact it’s not even confirmed if poaching was even happening
I was just referring to what MHJ herself was referring to in the context of her press conference
thankfully keena's dad was smart enough to record their conversation with warner music and ahn sung il to confirm that there was poaching actually happening.
Remember people HYBE doesn't own Big-Hit the label is independent its just under the HYBE umbrella. That comment that Chairman Bang made about ASPA is strictly about competition nothing more.
I always side with the members of any KPOP group - be it 50/50 or NewJeans or whatever. I want nothing but the best for them. Unfortunately, I don’t think Hybe nor MHJ are any good for them at this point. Disbandment might be best now. 😥
The fact that min hee jin is a suspect mastermind in Suga's wreath problems and is also bringing other groups when clearly it is their agency that is behind it, that is just messed up😒
So glad youre covering this! Majority of the videos I've seen have been very biased or being absolutely vile and gross towards the nwjns members. Your takes are always a breath of fresh air
20:38: guys I'm actually drinking HANNItea
20:50: not all british people own a teapot but I do because it's ADORable
clearly i'm high on this mhj hybe drama T.T
Underrated comment. I love you
@@Natasha.Louisee love you too! 🥹🫶🏻
Thank you for fulling explaining everything. It’s been really hard to follow everything. And my heart goes out to the girls as every adult around them has failed them
This is why ladies and gentlemen, is better to not debut minors 😁 I really feel bad for NJ while them speaking up was bold and encouraging*, it was at the same time very naive and ignorant. Due to that, it would have consequences I hope it won’t affect their career but I hope they will learn from this experience and realize (soon enough) that they were influenced (imo manipulated) because sadly debuting very young exposes you to interact with adults that have questioning backgrounds, therefore they could be easily manipulated. I wish an adult (a good person) help NJ in this situation, give some guidance to what is right and honestly I hope NJ get the help they need cause their parents are not it
I love new jeans and will always support them, but when you care about someone you need to be honest and the girls need to understand that people cone and go, and bosses make decisions that you might not like, i wish the conpany would treat them like people instead of objects to just make money, but the girls do and will learn that everything wont go theyre way all the time, who cares if illit ignored them or hybe isnt telling them everything, my boss doesnt tell me everything about what happened behind the scene, i hope for tge best and want more new jeans content in the future and want them to be happy
I hate that they dragged other idol group to this issue.
I hated that they think that other idols “copy” them
And how they highlighted the “ignoring part” as “bullying” coz really they really don’t know what bullying is.
And I think they become soooo proud because they never experienced being from the bottom like other idols in the 2nd and 3rd generation.
It's hard seeing them suffer cuz of mhj. We can only hope that they'll learn it soon enough. I am supporting them in this but if they choose mhj at the end of the day, it'll all be in vain. I get that they're young and manipulated but they'll have to choose their own future. Nobody can save them if they themselves don't wanna be saved. When they realise everything, it will be too late. I hope everything turns out good for them though :)
thank you for explaining the business side of this drama so clearly. i feel like so many people are caught up in the emotional side that they forget this started with legal drama, not just random hate.
i truly hope these girls are given a safe environment to heal and see how manipulative mhj is, and that people will understand just how deep this controversy goes.
Very well explained.
But, I have to add some corrections:
1. Even though Big Hit Music now operates as a subsidiary of Hybe, it has a very different relation from other subsidiaries in terms of ownership. 100% Big Hit Music stake was owned by Bang Si Hyuk, and he owns a 31% stake in Hybe Group, which made him the largest shareholder of Hybe Group. From the legal point of view, Big Hit Music “owns Hybe Group”.
But in Big Hit Music Bang Si Hyuk's position is (only) as a professional music producer, not a management. All of the Big Hit Music executives are professional and were appointed by the Hybe BOD.
This unique relationship between Hybe Group and Big Hit Music was the foundation of the “Multi-Label System”.
2. Minji, Chaewon, Sakura, and Yunjin were previously Big Hit Music Trainees. Later, in 2020, Minji was transferred to Source Music as the first trainee for the next “First Hybe Girl Group” project that was started through a global audition program held by Source Music, and Minji served as the ambassador of the audition program. This is the time when she met Hanni as the first talent recruited through this global audition. The next recruited was Danielle, then Haerin, and the last was Hyein in early 2021. The other two Source Music trainees were then eliminated from the team by MHJ right after she stepped into the Source Music trainee program.
So, MHJ never trained them. She just selected them based on her shaman's advice.
3. MHJ then keeps delaying the debut schedule and leads Source Music into a financial crisis forcing them to not extend the G-Friend contract. In that crucial moment, MHJ demanded independence by referring to the group as “MHJ first girl group” instead of “Hybe first girl group” as agreed. Stressed by the debut dispute, Hybe then agreed to establish Ador to entertain the MHJ concept. It led Source Music into more trouble since MHJ took all of the staff including managers, stylists, the creative team, and the producers. Only the Source Music CEO left.
4. To prevent Source Music from financial disaster, Hybe then asked Big Hit Music to transfer creative staff and Bang Si Hyuk himself as music producers with their pre-debut Big Hit Music's first girl group team to be: Chaewon, Sakura, and Yunjin - which was previously rejected by MHJ - to Source Music as a crash program to debut as the “Hybe first girl group” as soon as possible to fulfill promises to the Source Music stakeholders and investors.
Garam, Eunchae, and Kazuha then stepped in as the latest recruited team members.
During the very intensive and short training period, a silent rumor attack was pointed to Chaewon for bullying scandals at schools and “Produce 48“ score manipulation together with Sakura. Both accusations failed to nail them.
But somehow, unfortunately, it got into Garam which led to her contract termination. Two months later, an investigation by the authority found her not guilty.
Garam is the first victim of the systematic attack from circles later on indicated to have ties to the groups that support MHJ today.
Later on, the 2021 year-end financial audit reported Le Sserafim's debut managed to successfully save Source Music from bankruptcy, while then in 2022, Ador paid only some amount of NWJNS training and pre-debut production cost that was all fully funded by Source Music.
The rest is history.
5. As a Hybe professional executive, MHJ has two different employment contracts as a Hybe Executive member. First, started in November 2019 and will end on November 1st, 2024. This was the contract mentioned that had a “shareholder agreement” that gave MHJ 18% of Ador's stock options for the benefit of being appointed as an Ador CEO. The stock option is to guarantee her position as CEO. But, this option will automatically end if she steps down as CEO. This contract is under Hybe Management's jurisdiction.
The second contract is for the Ador CEO position starting from 2021 which will normally end in 2026. This contract is under Ador Management's jurisdiction.
This contract can be terminated at any time if the BOD finds out that the CEO failed to fulfill her professional duty. And, this was the legal basis for terminating the MHJ contract as Ador CEO.
I hope this insight benefits you to clear out some story behind it.
newjeans have completely ruined their reputation with the korean public with that livesteam. Even if they wanted to speak out they shouldn't have been so disrespectful when speaking and bang sih hyuk and the new ceo
What sources have you been reading? It's pretty well known that a lot of Koreans already didn't like Hybe
You know nothing about the Korean public, because they are actually on the side of NewJeans. They hate HYBE.
Your videos are always eloquent and informative. I 100% agree with everything you said! I feel bad for all the idols… it’s obvious hybe and mhj wanna use them for their fight
I don't like MHJ at all but the whole reason NJ is what they are is because of MHJ's creative directive. Most kpop groups are a vessel through which creative vissions, that are carefully crafted by a company, are expressed to the world. MHJ created the vision, the sound, the brand. If you don't want MHJ managing NJ at all that's fine, but don't expect the group to maintain their identity. Because MHJ and her team CREATED said identity.
Also the MHJ's accusation was request from News Jeans' parents. She is obliged to do that as she was to seek the interests of ADORE no matter what, even if it's going against Hybe. MHJ cleared mentioned that it came from the parents. Also, this didn't go public just thru internal channel which came out public later after Hybe started the war.
Honestly i'm happy everyone here understand that the groups are the victims and the adults are the worst ever !! And i hope someday the newjeans members can see what is happening to them and to understand that min heejin is honestly just a creep that has weird obsession with minors. Let's be honest in 10 years the newjeans members will be too old for her and she will starts to ignore them or something. They shouldn't have to ruin their carrier for some woman pity ego. Also i wish Hybe were better at letting their artist have more creative directive and some respect for their idols. Maybe the newjeans members wouldn't be so upset if they had kept a working environment they deemed healthy and respectful (though i do believe MHJ would have found something else to manipulate them with either way)
This is pretty much my take as well, thank you for giving voice to it! I couldn't care less which of the sleazy company people wins their slapfight, but I just hope idols caught up in it survive. It's looking good for the other groups right now, but I'm afraid NewJeans have sealed their fates. I really hope not, but I just can't see how Hybe can just let things lie now. At a minimum the NewJeans members would have to publicly denounce Min Heejin and go back to the Hybe fold, and with how strong a grip Min Heejin seems to have on the girls I can't see that happening either.
To me, the discourse always comes from people wanting to put their own opinions about the people involved first, more than the actions by said people and the surroundings of said people. An expectation is then placed by said statement of "staying neutral." I think you were very respectful in this whole video, and as a whole, i think that's hard to accomplish when talking about such a heavily argumentative topic. I also think that the discourse shouldn't be about who was "right" as I think there isn't enough emphasis on what was done that was wrong.
I really hope they don't disband but it seems kind of unlikely because of how big they are. Hybe is greedy and they are a HUGE source of their income so I don't think they will let them disband
For the past 2 years, NJ is only contributed 10% of net profit at Hybe. They are near the bottom of the other companies. Other reliable site constantly presents the financials.
New jeans make hybe a lot of money but bts is hybe main income source