Sin Sacrifice: A Response to Caleb Hegg

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @teacherlynn671
    @teacherlynn671 17 годин тому +13

    People cannot let go of the Torah even though a much better way has come through Christ. Christ is the sacrifice, High Priest, and King in one and a New Law comes through a New Priesthood. The freedom we have is confusing and hard to accept. By Faith alone God has given us everything. Professor Solberg did great and I agree with his argument.

    • @Luiiciano
      @Luiiciano 15 годин тому

      There are no new laws and none of the old ones were abolished.

    • @Wisdoms_Inheritance
      @Wisdoms_Inheritance 14 годин тому +1

      Correct, there are no new laws, though requirements have been met for part of the law, other parts put in motion and not all laws apply, the law as a whole is still valid and we keep what does apply.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 11 годин тому +1

      @@Wisdoms_Inheritance this is NO where to be found in the Word of God "we keep what does apply"
      By what standard? Who decides which ones apply? Not much wisdom in that

    • @Wisdoms_Inheritance
      @Wisdoms_Inheritance 10 годин тому

      @@salpezzino7803 You're a funny person, "Who decides which ones apply?" If you're asking that question and don't understand that some laws simply don't apply while others we can't keep, then you don't have any wisdom.
      I'll answer anyway: Christ was wise enough to know not even he could keep all the laws, like the ones for priests, women, farmers etc... Because they didn't apply to him, do you think he kept the ones that did apply? How about tithes, do you give them and if you do, to who, as they were only collected by priests? When you're on a plane, you can take your seatbelt off while in flight, is it lawful to do the same in a car while driving? I assume you understand the difference.
      No need for it to be said in the word of God to keep what applies, it's common sense, Christ had/has it, do you?

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 9 годин тому +1

      @@Wisdoms_Inheritance show me in the Bible where God tells us to keep the ones that apply?
      The law was given to a Mosaic theocracy.
      No you are funny

  • @joshnelson3803
    @joshnelson3803 9 годин тому +4

    Great stuff brother, keep defending the true gospel!

  • @theomegawerty9688
    @theomegawerty9688 16 годин тому +7

    "The blood of bulls and goats can never take away sin"

    • @Luiiciano
      @Luiiciano 15 годин тому +2

      Correct sacrifices never removed sin, only served as atonement for them. You understand there’s a difference between a sacrifice serving as covering for your sin and the removal of sin right?

    • @believer8091
      @believer8091 11 годин тому

      @@Luiicianodoes Solberg address the difference?

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 11 годин тому +1

      @@Luiiciano where do you take all the Commanded sacrifices in the Mosaic law?
      How about the Commanded offerings for all the Commanded Feasts?
      How are you making out with them?
      Break One and you are Damned

  • @Eirik_Jarl
    @Eirik_Jarl 14 годин тому +3

    Rooter: "Christ didn't atone for the material world!"
    Robert: "That's gnosticism Patrick!!"

    @REYREPPI 17 годин тому +3

    May the Lord Jesus Christ always bless Prof. Solberg and his family 🙏🙏🙏😇😇😇😇 Amin.

  • @theosophicalwanderings7696
    @theosophicalwanderings7696 13 годин тому +3

    These people are in a cult. Doesn’t matter how many times you try to explain it they just don’t want to see. Glad you are putting these out for those on the fence.

  • @kennethjacobs4824
    @kennethjacobs4824 14 годин тому +4

    Well done.

  • @thespaminator
    @thespaminator 14 годин тому +8

    I propose a new word for describing this type of Torah observance: Antigospel.

  • @glennomac7499
    @glennomac7499 11 годин тому +2

    Amen! What he fails to realise that the temporary animal sacrifices were to atone for the purpose that God would dwell with His people, and that the once for all atonement made by Jesus was for the same purpose, so that God would pour out His Spirit on His people, the new temple, thus dwelling with them on earth! He's negating the whole purpose of the new covenant atonement. Jesus said that His blood was the blood of the new testament or covenant, meaning, the basis for it being fulfilled. These people have rejected the new covenant!
    Regarding cleansing the temporal earthly space as he puts it, Zechariah 3:9 says, For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. God did this in one day on the cross!

  • @j.rumbleseed
    @j.rumbleseed 11 годин тому +2

    Right on the head of the subject! Perfectly said. Great ! Well done.

  • @gregmahler9506
    @gregmahler9506 4 години тому +2

    I like what Bishop Ignatius of Antioch said about Torahism:
    “For if we still live according to the Jewish law, we acknowledge that we have not received grace… If, therefore, those who were brought up in the ancient order of things have come to the possession of a new hope, no longer observing the Sabbath, but living in the observance of the Lord's Day… It is absurd to profess Christ Jesus, and to Judaize. For Christianity did not embrace Judaism, but Judaism Christianity, that so every tongue which believes might be gathered together to God.” ~120AD

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 2 години тому +1

      And yet, Rob calls those in Torahism his friends. He calls those who teach a false gospel, a damnable gospel his friends
      Both the Word of God and the History of Jesus's Bride rebuke this evil Satanic Cult and Caleb
      Yet Rob gives them an audience where their followers come and vomit Satan's lies

  • @georgehart8179
    @georgehart8179 4 години тому +2

    Old Testament prophets reveal the insufficiency of sacrifices.
    Hosea 6:6 For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
    Micah 6: 6-8 With what shall I come before the Lord, ... Shall I come before Him with burnt offerings, with calves a year old? Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, ... He has shown you, O man, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.
    1 Samuel 15:22 So Samuel said: Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams.
    Jeremiah 7:21-23 Thus says the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel: "Add your burnt offerings to your sacrifices, and eat the flesh. For in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to your fathers or command them concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices. But this command I gave them: Obey my voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be my people. And walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you."

  • @OneWingedShark
    @OneWingedShark 5 годин тому +2

    What gets me is that to assert that there will be a need for sacrifice in a spatial/temporal sense, for making people fit for sacred space, is to deny that the believer has become the Temple, indwelt by the Holy Spirit. - So, not only is there some sense that this system requires Jesus's sacrifice to be incomplete/ineffectual, but it also subtly denies that the Holy Spirit is in believers, and thereby _also_ denies the priesthood of all believers.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 2 години тому +1

      Amen. I agree. Jesus IS the last Temple making all those who are His the Temple.
      Dispensationalism and it's weakness fueled the false teachings of the HRM

  • @D.C.Harris
    @D.C.Harris 11 годин тому +2

    Another point about Acts 21 is that Paul is told, "They have been informed that you teach all the Jews who live among the Gentiles to turn away from Moses, telling them not to circumcise their children or live according to our customs." Then they tell him to join the purification rites and pay for the other four guys for the following reason: "Then everyone will know there is no truth in these reports about you."
    The whole point, I would submit, is not to stir up trouble with the hard core locals! It's the same thing when Jesus told Peter to get the coin from the fish and pay the temple tax: "So that we do not offend them!" (Matt 17:27) It has nothing to do with some ongoing need to keep up the requirements of the Old Covenant.

  • @Jdavid7771
    @Jdavid7771 17 годин тому +2

    The problem here is not understanding the different categories of sins. Rebellious sin leads to death (Num 15:30). According the Mishnah Yoma that covers Yom Kippur, it could cover rebellious sin, however it was at the discretion of God. But forgiveness does not mean the penalty just goes away. We see this with King David.
    David committed adultery and murdered someone. Those are two of the most serious crimes in the Torah, worthy of Death. David knew there was no offering that he could give except beg for mercy from God. God forgave him, but it cost him the death of David's son, this is foreshadowing of Jesus.
    In order for the sin of Adam (rebellious sin) to be forgiven, the penalty has to be paid. There is no offering that can forgive that sin. Hence the reason Jesus came down as a man, to pay that penalty so that ALL of humanity can be free. Now anyone who believes has access to Eternal Life (Salvation). This is what Hebrews 2 is all about.
    This is something the Torah could not provide nor the offerings in the Temple. IF the Temple could do that, we wouldn't need Jesus in the first place and the Bible would be a lot shorter lol. But the Temple has it's function and Jesus his, they don't over lap but run parallel.
    I implore everyone to study the offerings more, Jacob Milgrom's book on Leviticus is a very good resource.

    • @soybeanfarmer4576
      @soybeanfarmer4576 16 годин тому

      Does David’s son have any value? It seems that from the son’s perspective, he is absolutely worthless (a pawn). I don’t disagree with your statements. Just throwing it out there.

  • @dashaunjefferies1168
    @dashaunjefferies1168 15 годин тому +2

    Simply put--if the animal sacrifices clean a physical space from a spiritual impurity, then it does operate on a spiritual level as well. You cannot claim to address the thing forgiven (sin) in one breath as something unaffected in the next.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 15 годин тому +2

      Good point. Though the consequences of sin can be physical/tangible, sin itself is not a tangible/physical thing; it is a spiritual condition.

  • @narrowway4626
    @narrowway4626 16 годин тому +4

    I was shocked the first time I heard a Hebrew Rootser tell me the animal sacrifices will be started up again. I have 2 questions- 1. Are we not told that there will be no more pain, sorrow and death in the new heavens and new earth Rev 21:4, so how could their be killing animals? 2. What other scriptures do they use for this theory other than Eikiels temple from chapter 43-48? Without understanding that this temple is what could have been if the Israelites of that time would feel ashamed of their sin, it certainly causes a lot of clear NT verses to be contradicted. It seems that the NT clearly teaches no more literal temple, no more dead animal or blood sacrifices/atonement, no more literal priests. We, the true church are the temple and the priests and offer a living sacrifice whilst Jesus made the final atonement. Am I off thinking that?

    • @iansmith9474
      @iansmith9474 15 годин тому

      Hello narrowway, sacrifices will be made during the 1000 years of Jesus' reign from Jerusalem. After the millenium, the new heavens and earth will be established, and yes, the Temple and sacrifices will be no more; this is AFTER a period of 1000 years. They believe this because every prophecy regarding the new Covenant expresses that the purpose of the new heart and new spirit that God grants in the new Covenant is to inspire Israel to obey the Torah so that he could regather them to the land, and so that he could bestow upon them all the promises regarding blessing and bounty on the land, and worldwide prominence relative to the nations.

    • @harryabrahams2770
      @harryabrahams2770 11 годин тому

      @@iansmith9474 clear and concise…that’s truth…Got Torah Got Truth

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 11 годин тому +2

      @@iansmith9474 that is a load of dung. You did make me laugh -- thanks

    • @iansmith9474
      @iansmith9474 10 годин тому

      @salpezzino7803 A person who cannot defend their argument turns to crass language.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 10 годин тому +1

      @@iansmith9474 Like Donald Trump? What does that have to do with anything?

  • @XavierPutnam
    @XavierPutnam 13 годин тому +2

    I would agree that the blood is said to atone for "souls" (Lev. 17:11), but I wonder if Caleb and the text mean *two different things* by "souls." The word for "soul(s)" does not *always* refer to the incorporeal part of us, but can also just more generically refer to one's life / being. I wonder whether Leviticus 17:11 is using the word in that way, rather than referring to the internal part of us. What are your thoughts?

    • @dwaynejohnson4662
      @dwaynejohnson4662 7 годин тому +2

      What about the thief on the cross? He just took Jesus words and entered paradise that day.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Годину тому +1

      @@dwaynejohnson4662 The Rock

  • @kimartist
    @kimartist 15 годин тому +2

    Excellent. Very clear cut explanations! My only follow-up question is:
    How much of Hegg's (& similar Torah teachers') theology is less about neutralizing/negating the cross of Christ & more about justifying the keeping of Torah?

    • @D.C.Harris
      @D.C.Harris 14 годин тому +1

      I think the Hegg's want it both ways. They want to be sound in Christian doctrine but also be Hebrew Roots. It doesn't work.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 13 годин тому +1

      ​@@D.C.Harris Yes, it has to result in Scripture twisting somewhere along the line, or the rejection of Paul, or Jesus as God, or the Covenant as New, or any number of harmonizing "solutions."

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 10 годин тому +2

      @@D.C.Harris so did Adam and Eve

  • @D.C.Harris
    @D.C.Harris 15 годин тому +1

    YES! Excellent...

  • @H0n3yc0mb7
    @H0n3yc0mb7 6 годин тому +1

    Do such believers such as Hegg feel anxious at the lack of opportunity to sacrifice currently? Do they experience a diminished presence of the Holy Spirit due to this temporal sin issue?

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 6 годин тому

      Good questions!

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 2 години тому +1

      He is Demonic. He is a worker of iniquity. He is a charlatan. There is No Truth in Him. His conscience is seared.
      1 Timothy 4:2 Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron

  • @e.m.8094
    @e.m.8094 День тому +1

    Professor Solberg, have you read a book titled "Lamb of the Free"? I saw a review of it, and I'm thinking about ordering it. I feel like recently there have been so many different takes on the atonement, and that isn't something I've studied in depth yet.

    • @TheBiblicalRoots
      @TheBiblicalRoots  20 годин тому +3

      Thanks, EM! I'd not heard of that book. I checked it out and it sounds equally fascinating and concerning to me. I skimmed the intro on Amazon and came across a couple things that I found questionable.
      For example, the idea that "Only holy objects within the sacred dwelling place receive the ritual action of _kipper._ In other words when _kipper_ happens, what is decontaminated or purified is a holy object in the sanctuary, _not_ people" (p. 4). At first blush, that reads as a problematic statement. It suggests that the human priests who enter the sacred space are not purified by the sacrifices, which seems at odds with Leviticus. (i.e. Lev. 16:5, 11, 17, 24, 30, 33). Of course, I would have to read the rest of the book to fully understand where he's coming from.

    • @e.m.8094
      @e.m.8094 19 годин тому +3

      @@TheBiblicalRoots Thank you Rob! Yes, even though I have not studied the atonement in depth yet, something seemed a little "off" to me. I do like to read things from different viewpoints however, because sometimes I think it's good to know the perspective of other people and have my own views solidified a bit. I truly appreciate the response, and taking the time to have a look at that. Thank you for your channel and the work you do for the kingdom; it's been a tremendous blessing. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • @margaretjoysalillas-rosqui5224
    @margaretjoysalillas-rosqui5224 11 годин тому +1


  • @kmountain5533
    @kmountain5533 18 годин тому +1

    If the sin offering that was made once a year cleansed their soul that is in contradiction to Hebrews 9:13-14, which claims that the sacrifices only cleansed the flesh.
    The writer of Hebrews in Verse 14 claims that Christ’s sacrifice cleanses our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.
    This means that the Israelites’ conscience was never cleansed from their sins unlike the perfect sacrifice of Christ which takes away the sins of the person and makes that dead sinner to God now alive to God with a clean conscience.
    Edit: Leviticus 17:11 is a prophecy of Christ. It is speaking of the need of the life of God in man that is Jesus Christ to be the sin sacrifice otherwise it is just an animal sacrifice which has no power over sin just like a human sacrifice would have no power over sin. It is a type and shadow as the writer of Hebrews claims.

    • @Badkharma21
      @Badkharma21 17 годин тому

      Sin sacrifice atoned for sin temporarily when the Jews were under the law. That has changed now. We are under the gospel of grace

    • @kmountain5533
      @kmountain5533 17 годин тому +1

      @@Badkharma21animal sacrifices could never never atone for sin. Those sacrifices were only a shadow and a type of Christ Jesus as the sacrifice for sin.
      The OC never promised eternal life it was only a covenant for the Israelites to be on the physical promise land - Deut 4:13. They were to keep the Law but they were told by Moses that they would not keep the Law and God would scatter them of the land.
      The OC was kept by keeping the Law that was all. The sin sacrifices were instituted to prove to them they were not keeping the Law not to make them clean before God but to give evidence that they were not obeying God and needed a sacrifice that would make them clean before God.
      Israel was necessary as a nation to be the people that God Himself came through to deliver the whole world from their sins. There is no other reason for Israel to exist.

    • @Badkharma21
      @Badkharma21 10 годин тому

      @@kmountain5533 i know. but it covered Israel. Hopefully there were those who realized the purpose of the law and called on the name of Jesus.

    • @kmountain5533
      @kmountain5533 9 годин тому

      @@Badkharma21 the animal sacrifices were never for breaking any of the Ten Commandments. There are no sacrifices for adultery or idolatry and God declares the Israelites and later the Jews to be adulterers and no He doesn’t mean idolaters, He means they were committing adultery and there are no sacrifices for that sin just the death penalty.
      He expels them as Moses stated in Deuteronomy would happen to them.
      He cut them off and sent them away because there are no sin sacrifices for those sins.
      When they returned the Priestly tribe did perform a sacrifice but it was not to cleanse the people, it was to cleanse the sacred places.
      God had the Jews exiled for 70 years to make up for all the sabbaths and jubilees that they didn’t observe because there are no sacrifices for these sins.
      The Law demanded a death penalty for breaking the Law but not a sacrifice.

  • @teacherlynn671
    @teacherlynn671 День тому +3

    Can’t wait….just love these open debates…praying for you Professor Solberg. Thank you.

  • @SDsc0rch
    @SDsc0rch 13 годин тому

    this whole time I'm listening thinking, a plain reading of scripture doesn't lead one to their conclusion
    you need some special... "knowledge"
    dare I say they are bordering dangerously close to....... "gnostism"?

    • @D.C.Harris
      @D.C.Harris 11 годин тому

      I once had a conversation with these very guys (Hegg et al), and I said the exact same thing. They feel as if they have some special insight that nobody else has. They scoffed at the idea when I mentioned it, and said I didn't know what "gnosticism" was.
      I think you are 100% on the mark.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 7 годин тому

      Yes it always seems like everything hinges on a "special" twisty reading of Scripture that no one else can see...
      Emperor's New Clothes?

  • @Mr.dingles
    @Mr.dingles 13 годин тому

    Hey Mr. Solberg, just wanted to make sure I have the doctrinal position correct, when Jesus says fulfill in the context of Matthew 5 :17 he’s saying that when he completes the laws by doing them they reached their intended meaning and no longer bonded to the new covenant?

    • @D.C.Harris
      @D.C.Harris 11 годин тому

      Not to presume to answer for Solberg because he can certainly answer for himself, but since Christ "fulfilled" the law by actually keeping it perfectly, he did something no other person is capable of doing. So no, they aren't binding in the new covenant of grace and forgiveness.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Годину тому +1

      @@D.C.Harris what about the 10 Commandments?

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Годину тому +1

      Rob is an antinomian

  • @RooshkyBear
    @RooshkyBear 10 годин тому +1

    All I’m seeing here from soldberg is like Nicodemus to Jesus. How does a man become born again through his mother’s womb. And Jesus responds “If you cannot understand earthly things, how will you understand heavenly things.”

  • @iansmith9474
    @iansmith9474 16 годин тому +1

    The word translated as "souls" is "Nefesh" and refers to the life of the body, and not the 'soul', as in, the spiritual aspect of man. This is another case in which it seems that sacrifice is affecting change at the spiritual level, when it is really only addressing the physical level (the life of the physical body).
    Since Israel joined the Mosaic Covenant with their own lives at stake, should the Israelite unintentionally break the Torah, the legal consequence is that they should merit death. They, in essence, take on the death penalty - the record of transgression is held against their Nefesh (the life of their body). This record of transgression is removed or atoned for through sacrifice. After sacrifice, the Nefesh of the guilty is legal restored and the record of the crime committed is removed. All this is happening on a legal level, and absolutely nothing is going on spiritually.

  • @simonskinner1450
    @simonskinner1450 13 годин тому +1

    As a Praeterist I know sin sacrifices were apt until AD70 as both covenants were valid, and the milleniums ran between AD30 and AD70, when the only sin sacrifice valid and necessary was Jesus who by his own blood redeemed himself first.
    The high priest now in heaven taken by the Spirit, purges our past at baptism so those in Christ are no longer condemned, and those dead to sin and therefore sanctified shall be perfected when they die and are judged.

  • @factsRstubborn
    @factsRstubborn 14 годин тому +1

    YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT OLD COVENANT ISRAEL!!! No one alive today was ever part of the old covenant of law or in a sacrificial system. This includes the final sacrifice of Christ.
    You don't need atonement for sin.
    why not???

  • @michaeltedesco4358
    @michaeltedesco4358 19 годин тому +1

    FYI; This comment is before the video is released. I started to reading Caleb Hegg's Paper: "Sin Sacrifices". This is going to be a LONG video and I would not be supersized if more come out. I also started reading some verses; Lev 23:26-32, Lev 1:1-9, & Num 29:7-11 to start with a few scripture. Keep these highlights in the back of your mind. Two things, these verses context speaks to the Community and the Space. My biblical principles are as follows; Physical (Shadow) -> Heavenly, so we can understand the Heavenly. We are the temple of God individually and community. Notice the all the overlap

  • @michaeltedesco4358
    @michaeltedesco4358 11 годин тому

    Finial finished the video and it is very well done. Do the viewers see the "Domino effect" of Christ? Sacrifices ->Temple ->Priest ->Sabbaths ->Tithes -> and so on...

  • @KevinProkopich-h5w
    @KevinProkopich-h5w 6 годин тому

    Here is my question. Will the future sacrifices be made by the non believer, because of the abomination of desolation mentioned in Daniel 9:27?

  • @indo3052
    @indo3052 10 годин тому

    What are u talking about solberg. U admitted animal sacrafices will be required for sin in exekiel 40-48 being mellenial. You clearly stated in a recent live that Ezekiel 40-48 is mellenial kingdom .

  • @factsRstubborn
    @factsRstubborn 14 годин тому

    YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT OLD COVENANT ISRAEL!!! No one alive today was ever part of the old covenant of law or in a sacrificial system. This includes the final sacrifice of Christ.
    You don't need atonement for sin.
    why not???

  • @garlandjones7709
    @garlandjones7709 17 годин тому

    I enjoyed watching the video live. I just wanted to throw out, that the last thing I had hit on in the live section was what my indication was in our prior discussion with the wrong framing of your 60 sec. question.
    Hebrews 9:6-10 Now when these things have been thus prepared, the priests are continually entering the outer tabernacle, performing the divine worship, but into the second only the high priest enters, once a year, not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people committed in IGNORANCE. The Holy Spirit is signifying this, that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed, while the outer tabernacle is still standing, which is a symbol for the present time. Accordingly both gifts and sacrifices are offered which cannot make the worshiper perfect in conscience, since they relate ONLY TO FOOD AND DRINK AND VARIOUS WASHINGS, regulations for the body imposed until a time of reformation.
    He understands Leviticus 16 sin offerings to cover only what Leviticus 4 states that they're for, along with Leviticus 11-15.
    What the scapegoat was for, which was not sacrificed, nor had blood used for atonement, which was not handled by the high priest is what Yeshua atones for.

  • @RooshkyBear
    @RooshkyBear 10 годин тому

    If Paul was already a Jew why would he become a Jew again?

  • @MrH4YAH
    @MrH4YAH 17 годин тому

    I would say, take a 20:20 look at it. Matt12:36-37 says all idle words are judged.

  • @travisambers6307
    @travisambers6307 16 годин тому

    Hello Professor Solberg! (: How did believers in the Old Testament receive salvation?

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 10 годин тому +1

      Same as the NT - thru faith in Christ alone. They looked forward to the Cross and I look back at the Cross

    • @travisambers6307
      @travisambers6307 5 годин тому

      @@salpezzino7803 I agree! But that means Christ's salvation was covering them...while they were doing animal sacrifices. So I'm left scratching my head why Professor Solberg thinks that would somehow be spitting on Christ's sacrifice. The Israelites in the OT were offered the same way to salvation - faith in Christ. Just as we are. The Bible shows us that they (Christ's sacrifice and animal sacrifices) operated simultaneously in the past and that they will operate simultaneously in the future (Ezekiel's Millenial Temple) - it makes no sense that it would somehow be dishonoring Christ's sacrifice to be saying they could be operating simultaneously now (if the Temple and Priesthood were operable).

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 2 години тому +1

      @@travisambers6307 they wont be in the Future, They were Shadows, why go back to shadow. There is No Ezekiel's Temple.
      Jesus is the last Temple making Jesus's Bride the Temple..
      There is No Millennium, we have been in it since the Ascension,
      The Book of Revelation is full of symbolism, yet people read 1000 years to mean 1000 years.
      "For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills." Does God own the cattle on the 1001st hill?

  • @RooshkyBear
    @RooshkyBear 12 годин тому

    Robert: I’m not here to smear people online.
    Also Robert: Pronomian Christians are just Hebrew rooters.
    Why not invite Caleb Hegg to discuss your issues.

    • @D.C.Harris
      @D.C.Harris 11 годин тому

      That's essentially what is going on. Hegg wrote a paper, Solberg is responding in detail.

    • @RooshkyBear
      @RooshkyBear 11 годин тому

      @@D.C.Harris I’m not seeing a good response. How do you do deal with when Christ says those who keep the law and teach it are called great in the kingdom and those who teach not to keep the law are called least. Did Christ preach if you believe in Moses you would believe in Christ because he wrote about Christ. Did Paul forsake moses in acts 21? Did he tell people in Galatia not to circumcise to fulfill the law of Moses.

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 7 годин тому +1

      Jesus said the law & prophets were proclaimed until John the Baptist. After that, the Gospel of the Kingdom ✝️🕊

    • @RooshkyBear
      @RooshkyBear 6 годин тому

      @@kimartist when you say “until” you make the assumption that God has changed. If God is prefect, why the change? Only an imperfect being needs to change.

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 Годину тому +1

      @@RooshkyBear SFBs explain to everyone here, How Jesus's Bride had missed what the HRM teaches for 2000years
      While you are at give us 1 scripture where anyone instructs the Church to keep the law of Moses

  • @Zorcon741
    @Zorcon741 17 годин тому

    How come in Romans Paul tells us "theres no condemnation," and "we're free from the law,"... while to the corinthians giving them a whole list of sins that "they wont inherit the kingdom of God?
    "We dont have to do ANYTHING" ..well theres certainly things we cant do

    • @soybeanfarmer4576
      @soybeanfarmer4576 16 годин тому

      Here’s another one out of many. 2Peter 3:15-19 tells the reader of Paul’s letters to be careful because they will think that we no longer have to keep the Torah, which will make us lawless (Transgressing the Torah).

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 10 годин тому +1

      And those like Torah Keepers wont inherit the Kingdom. They rely on the law. Christians rely on Jesus Christ and His finished work on the Cross. Paul was making a point

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 10 годин тому +1

      @@soybeanfarmer4576 what the heck? What is funny is that Peter was speaking about those who followed Paul around and persecuted him, beat him, stoned him, They couldnt understand him. You know who they were?
      Torah Keepers, his Countrymen.
      You people are so ignorant

    • @soybeanfarmer4576
      @soybeanfarmer4576 10 годин тому

      @@salpezzino7803 2Peter 3:15-19 was not written to those that were persecuting Paul. 2Peter 3:1 starts out “This second epistle, beloved, I write unto you”. Whose ignorant here?

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 9 годин тому +1

      It is definitely you,
      I didn't say "to those"
      I said "about those"
      Too Funny.

  • @Badkharma21
    @Badkharma21 17 годин тому

    There is reference to the kingdom gospel which was Christs ministry to the Jews. This will be practiced during the Tribulation when the Holy Spirit, the restrainer, is removed and the bride of Christ raptured to heaven

  • @Bouncer83
    @Bouncer83 15 годин тому

    There's no sacrificing for sins. I'm Torah observant and I don't expect to ever have to do it either.

    • @Wisdoms_Inheritance
      @Wisdoms_Inheritance 14 годин тому

      Same, I am doing a deeper study on it though, but in being honest, it's not something I ever want to do.

    • @debblouin
      @debblouin 13 годин тому

      Then you are not a Torah observer but an appreciator of the OT and its pointing to o Jesus. To keep (observe) Torah requires keeping ALL of it, feasts, offerings, days, AND sacrifices.

    • @Bouncer83
      @Bouncer83 13 годин тому

      @@debblouin Only the levite priests were to sacrifice the animals. Have you ever read the Torah? What's the standard that we'll be judged by? Do we read Paul and interpret what we feel is sin and what isn't ourselves or do we look to where our Father gave us His words and instruction. Torah isn't just a set of laws to follow it's a instruction manual for how we are to live and walk. Set-apart or holy is defined by that and not by anything else. Deuteronomy 30 is a passage you should read too, is Moses a false prophet? he seems to think that before Messiah regathers us that we'll start obeying whatever he commanded us and that's who'll be regathered. Doesn't say those that believe like he's Santa clause he says those who obey all that he commanded them. Scripture is wrong though as usual and our interpretation is correct.

    • @Bouncer83
      @Bouncer83 13 годин тому

      The red letters are for you too don't let anybody tell you any different. Messiah says his sheep will hear his voice. He gave the Torah to Moses on Sinai and appeared to the prophets so it's all his words not just the NT like people try teach.

    • @Wisdoms_Inheritance
      @Wisdoms_Inheritance 12 годин тому

      @@debblouin You should study more, especially before replying, just a suggestion.

  • @Truth-f2q
    @Truth-f2q 17 годин тому +1

    Caleb won the deabte

    • @teacherlynn671
      @teacherlynn671 17 годин тому

      I thought Professor Solberg showed his points and is correct. But it shows there is still a lot of confusion in God’s word. For the answers, we will have to wait, but it doesn’t seem like it will be too long away now, does it?

    • @kimartist
      @kimartist 15 годин тому

      This was not a formal debate.
      Did you watch the video?

    • @harryabrahams2770
      @harryabrahams2770 11 годин тому

      @@teacherlynn671 there’s no ‘ confusion in God’s word’…the confusion is just people who love their theology more than they love truth….Yehoshua REDEEMED us from the CURSE of the LAW Galatians 3:13…the curse for sin was DEATH…there is NO ANIMAL SACRIFICE that can conquer DEATH..never has been..never will be..without the shed blood of YHVH the MESSIAH there would be NO RESURRECTION….there will be 2 resurrections …in the first resurrection there is NO SEPARATION of sheep and goats…
      Why is that??? Got Torah Got Truth

    • @salpezzino7803
      @salpezzino7803 10 годин тому +1


    • @surethabadenhorst
      @surethabadenhorst 4 години тому +1

      ​@@harryabrahams2770 hi Harry, did you see my response to your previous question about where in scripture it says the 10 were kept in the Ark of the Covenant, the rest were to be kept outside? I'll share them here in case you missed it:
      Deuteronomy 31:26
      1 Kings 8:9
      2 Chronicles 5:10
      Hebrews 9:4