Saudi King Salman arrives in Indonesia

  • Опубліковано 22 вер 2024
  • (1 Mar 2017) The first Saudi monarch to visit Indonesia in nearly half a century arrived in Jakarta on Wednesday to an elaborate official welcome.
    King Salman exited his plane at Halim airport using an escalator, with a portable lift carrying him the final metre or so to the ground.
    He was met by President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo and the minority Christian governor of Jakarta, Basuki "Ahok" Tjahaja Purnama, who is fighting a tough election battle after being charged with blaspheming the Quran.
    The king was whisked off in a heavily secured convoy to a presidential palace in Bogor, outside of Jakarta.
    King Salman is on a tour of Asian countries to drum up business and improve ties and on his first stop had visited Malaysia.
    Salman will also visit Brunei, Japan, China and the Maldives, the official Saudi Press Agency has reported.
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  • @faisal7629
    @faisal7629 4 роки тому +32

    I love Indonesia
    From Saudi Arabia 🌹🌹🌹

    • @nakapatridges7231
      @nakapatridges7231 4 роки тому +6

      Love arab too
      From indonesia

    • @aliespasaribu1465
      @aliespasaribu1465 4 роки тому +5

      I love you tu
      From Indonesia

    • @lovegod4272
      @lovegod4272 2 роки тому

      the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Book of God, and give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow It was said that faith means stopping transgression. It is written that the believer is one whom people trust over their money and themselves And what is written is a Muslim who is safe from his tongue and hand
      In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate, the Book of God, and give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow It was said that faith means stopping transgression. It is written that the believer is one whom people trust over their money and themselves And what is written is a Muslim who is safe from his tongue and hand

    • @lovegod4272
      @lovegod4272 2 роки тому

      give good tidings to those who believe and do righteous deeds that they will have gardens beneath which rivers flow It was said that faith means stopping transgression. It is written that the believer is one whom people trust over their money and themselves And what is written is a Muslim who is safe from his tongue and hand

    • @lovegod4272
      @lovegod4272 2 роки тому

      have gardens beneath which rivers flow It was said that faith means stopping transgression. It is written that the believer is one whom people trust over their money and themselves And what is written is a Muslim who is safe from his tongue and hand

  • @susisusi7179
    @susisusi7179 5 років тому +15

    Super mewah ,Saudi Arabia💕👍

  • @malgorzatamiroslawakim7187
    @malgorzatamiroslawakim7187 3 роки тому +4

    Very special. Welcome people of Indonesia happy for the visit King ♔ of SUDI Arabia, Salam tak,

  • @serbaserbiyt4454
    @serbaserbiyt4454 2 роки тому +1

    Perbedaan hukum pidana Indonesia dan Arab Saudi :
    1) Hukum Pidana Indonesia => berbelit-belit, masih membeda-bedakan pelakunya ( di bawah umur atau tidak, mabuk atau tidak, gangguan jiwa atau tidak ), hukumannya ringan, apalagi ada remisi, naik-banding, dan sebagainya.
    2) Hukum Pidana Arab Saudi => tegas, hukumannya setimpal ( nyawa dibayar dengan nyawa / “pancung” ( dipenggal ), mencuri => potong tangan )
    Kunjungan mereka sia-sia saja. Investor-investor dari Arab Saudi tidak akan mau ber-investasi di Indonesia kalau permintaan mereka belum dipenuhi, yaitu hukum pidananya harus sama dengan hukum pidana negara mereka.
    Sebenarnya mereka mau ber-investasi besar-besaran di Indonesia, tidak hanya jutaan Dolar AS, tapi miliaran Dolar AS, bahkan bisa sampai triliunan Dolar AS, tapi karena hukum pidananya tidak sama, mereka nggak jadi investasi besar-besaran di Indonesia. ( Apalagi Indonesia termasuk salah satu negara yang tidak aman, buktinya, hanya ke Indonesia saja Raja Salman membawa mobil lapis baja anti peluru, sedangkan ke negara lain mobilnya tidak dibawa. Ini bukti nyata kalau Indonesia tidak aman ).
    Jadi, kalau ingin mendapat banyak “duit” / investasi besar-besaran dari investor Arab Saudi, SAMAKAN dulu hukum pidananya dangan hukum pidana negara mereka.

  • @malgorzatamiroslawakim7187
    @malgorzatamiroslawakim7187 3 роки тому

    Very special,

  • @teodytrinidad9497
    @teodytrinidad9497 2 роки тому

    Leave on

  • @mohammedw4661
    @mohammedw4661 Рік тому


  • @sheyalissazharbinalnain3367
    @sheyalissazharbinalnain3367 4 роки тому

    Todos podran cloniarme pero no tienen mi jenes mi sangre es saudy

  • @serbaserbiyt4454
    @serbaserbiyt4454 2 роки тому

    Differences between Indonesia's Criminal Law and Saudi Arabia's Criminal Law :
    1) Indonesia's Criminal Law => convoluted / "tortuous", still distinguishing the perpetrators ( underage or not, drunken or not, mental disorders or not ), the punishment is not commensurate, let alone there are remissions, appeals, and so on.
    2) Saudi Arabia's Criminal Law => firm, the punishment is commensurate ( "life" is paid for with "life" / "beheaded", stealing => cut off the hand )
    Their visit was just in vain. Investors of Saudi Arabia will not want to invest in Indonesia if their request has not yet been fulfilled, namely that its Criminal Law must be the same as Criminal Law of their country ( Saudi Arabia ).
    Actually they want to invest massively in Indonesia, not only millions of US Dollars, but billions of US Dollars, even up to trillions of US Dollars, but because Indonesia's Criminal Law is not the same as Criminal Law of their country ( Saudi Arabia ), they are reluctant to invest massively in Indonesia. ( Moreover, Indonesia is one of insecure country, the proof is, just for visiting Indonesia only King Salman brought along bullet-proof armored ( "steel-layered" ) car, whereas when visiting other countries, his car was not brought along. This is the real proof that Indonesia is not secure ).
    So, if you want to get much "money" / massive investment from Saudi Arabian investors, first, equalize your country's Criminal Law with Criminal Law of their country ( Saudi Arabia ).

  • @ShriyaDamayanthi
    @ShriyaDamayanthi Місяць тому

    Deyaana chanal 🥰2 privet 🇬🇧👑️🧚🥰❤🎠💪🔐

  • @talibmohomed7401
    @talibmohomed7401 5 років тому


  • @muhdizam8780
    @muhdizam8780 4 роки тому +3

    King salman pastu jijik datang ke indo