What is the procedure of Bone Marrow Transplantation? | Dr. Shobha Badiger

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rumideb3189
    @rumideb3189 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you mam for successful bone marrow transplantation of my daughter parinita at Majumder Shaw Bengaluru Mam u r god for us Ur talking style ur caring for a patient tooo good and your frankly behaviour also too much good we Miss u mam🙏

    • @weareone5823
      @weareone5823 2 роки тому


    • @adilakshmik1290
      @adilakshmik1290 Рік тому

      40 50 lakh but ye treatment success nahi hota 100% me 20% bahar hatehe 80 % death hota hai meri beti bhi death hugayi hflo mach mad donar se mat karvan ye treatment leneka bad 2 years kahabi nahi jasakti huski anddar bi death hota hai ye treatment success nahi hota

    • @JamshedSultan-oj2gp
      @JamshedSultan-oj2gp 7 місяців тому

      Bhi kdr se bone mero kiey i from pk

  • @MukhtarAhmed-xv7cb
    @MukhtarAhmed-xv7cb 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks for such a clear explanation

  • @vikramjitsingh5909
    @vikramjitsingh5909 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you Dr.. Very nice information

  • @MukhtarAhmed-xv7cb
    @MukhtarAhmed-xv7cb 3 роки тому +1

    My 12 year old daughter is ALL, presently under chemotherapy at skims srinagar, disease is under remission, can i hv t go for her bone transplant, or not, if yes how much it will cost me.

  • @SagarJadhav-jj3cf
    @SagarJadhav-jj3cf 2 роки тому

    Is there any hospital which treat the BMT for free or less amount. Why the BMT is so expensive in India.

  • @ramprasadmukherjee6480
    @ramprasadmukherjee6480 5 місяців тому

    Is there any age limit i.e.Maximum age limit of a patient can be operated bone marrow transplantation and also indicated whether their parents (who are in carrier group ) can be donate their bone marrow?

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  5 місяців тому

      Hi Ram, for expert advice on the health situation mentioned by you, please call 080 6750 6900 or click on this link and submit the form ibit.ly/d75i
      Our team will contact you for further assistance.

  • @srinivasmm2003
    @srinivasmm2003 3 роки тому +1

    Hello madam my daughter 8 month old she is now thalessimia major disease last 2 months we back go hospital my near cite docter told about this disease and 2 time blood transplant done now my daughter condition ok but life long we can't go with blood transfusion I want know about the bone marrow transplant treatment and cost please reply me soon
    From srinivas

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Srinivas,
      We would request you to go through the given link ( www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form ) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

  • @asifnoshiniyana
    @asifnoshiniyana 3 роки тому


  • @JamshedSultan-oj2gp
    @JamshedSultan-oj2gp 7 місяців тому

    Meri beti ko tlisym mjor h plz bone mreo ki keemt bhty plzzz

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  7 місяців тому

      Namaste Jamshed, aapake dvaara nirdhaarit swasthya sthiti par visheshagy salaah ke liye kripya 080 6750 6900 par call karen ya is link par click karen aur form jama karen ibit.ly/d75i. Aage sahaayata ke liye hamaare team aapse sampark karenge.

  • @premlatapatel1111
    @premlatapatel1111 3 роки тому

    Hii mam
    Bone marrow transplant sirf genetic hi ho sakta h ki
    Kisi se bhi match hone se transplant Kar sakte h

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Premlata,
      We would request you to connect with us on our helpline number 186 0208 0208 for assistance in this regard. Furthermore, if you have any enquiry you can write to us at the link given below: www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form
      Narayana Health

  • @najmudheenu6781
    @najmudheenu6781 3 роки тому

    What about transplantation for PRCA ?

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Najmudheen,
      We would request you to go through the given link (www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

  • @fatehtamber4647
    @fatehtamber4647 3 роки тому

    mam plz reply. can bone marrow transplantation be successful in thalassemia with HCV positive

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Fateh,
      We would request you to go through the given link ( www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form ) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

  • @bimolchandra1960
    @bimolchandra1960 6 місяців тому

    My son 18 months..affected hbe disease.. Cure of treatment???

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  5 місяців тому

      Hi, for expert advice on the health situation mentioned by you, please call 080 6750 6900 or click on this link and submit the form ibit.ly/d75i
      Our team will contact you for further assistance.

  • @adityarajsinghparihar9226
    @adityarajsinghparihar9226 3 роки тому +1

    Kya 18 saal me bone marrow transplant ho sakta hai aur donor kitne saal ka hona chahiye

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Aditya,
      We would request you to go through the given link ( www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form ) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

    • @effectivenegative42
      @effectivenegative42 3 роки тому

      Yes bro aap Kisi bhi Umar me Kar sakte ho but jitna Kam umer me kare success rate usme Jada hota hai per aap Kabhi bhi try Kar sakte ho all the best 🙏

    • @rohitknrohit6563
      @rohitknrohit6563 3 роки тому

      I am ready to donate my bone marrow My blood group is A positive reply me I just want money around 25 to 35 lacreply me

    • @GolamFoody
      @GolamFoody 2 роки тому

      @@rohitknrohit6563 🤣🤣

  • @shaistagul9855
    @shaistagul9855 3 роки тому

    Hello Ma’am how r u hope u are fine
    Ma’am i am from Balochistan and i need ur help,my doughter is also suffering from thalassemia major, and she is 11 months old i need to know that the donor must be a female or its not important that if the patient is female then donor should be female kindly give me the answer and also give some ideas for her treatment i will be very thankful to you....🥺

    • @rohitknrohit6563
      @rohitknrohit6563 3 роки тому +1

      I am from India 🇮🇳i am ready to donate my bone marrow reply me if you need My blood group is A positive

    • @shaistagul9855
      @shaistagul9855 3 роки тому

      Thank you brother for ur care i am glade that still there are helpers who want to help tge needy people I thank u again but her blood group is 0+ve 😞 u can not help her... just pray for my daughter..

    • @rohitknrohit6563
      @rohitknrohit6563 3 роки тому

      @@shaistagul9855I am from Bangalore please once you ask to ur family doctor even I can't walk I got accident my right leg is not good but I can walk with stretcher if you need I can help you God bless ur daughter 🙏

  • @gugulothashok8518
    @gugulothashok8518 2 роки тому

    Tq mam...

  • @effectivenegative42
    @effectivenegative42 3 роки тому

    please help mam🙏, my one friend's 7 years daughter suffering from "thalassemia blood disease" we already checked her older brother's bone marrow but it's not matching please help please 😥

    • @rohitknrohit6563
      @rohitknrohit6563 3 роки тому +1

      I am ready donate my bone marrow My blood group is A+ I need money

    • @kalyanbratachandra
      @kalyanbratachandra 3 роки тому

      @Rohitkn Rohit, Anyone can’t donate stem cells unless they are immediate relative to the patient.

  • @bettybona6316
    @bettybona6316 2 роки тому

    My eight year old daughter is Thalasseamia. Please I urgently need assistance for my daughter bone marrow transplant

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  2 роки тому

      Dear User(Betty Bona),
      For expert advice on the health situation mentioned by you, please click on this link and submit the form ibit.ly/d75i
      Our team will contact you for further assistance.
      Narayana Health

    • @Allinone-jc9jf
      @Allinone-jc9jf 8 місяців тому

      Mat karavu after bone marrow transplant tumar bachi death hoga ye log chota chota bacha ku mardar karata hi sunil bhat and shoba puja malya ravi joshi all doctors Chudya log hi mera 2 sal ka bachi ku mardiya gandu bachi ku pura life blood transmission karo

  • @satyapalsingh3023
    @satyapalsingh3023 4 роки тому

    I am suffering from ITP disease

  • @sachadeshbhakt8492
    @sachadeshbhakt8492 3 роки тому

    Hello . My aunty is suffering from MDS raeb -1 . After HLA typing test she has 7/10 match with her sibling and she's getting 9/10 match donor from outside ( Datri ) . In Please suggest which is better for her

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Deepti,
      We would request you to go through the given link (www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

  • @sandeepchouhan2022
    @sandeepchouhan2022 3 роки тому +2

    Fone no. Lena ha

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Sandeep,
      We would request you to refer to the given link (bit.ly/32ZemGA) to book an appointment. Furthermore, you can refer to our helpline number 186 0208 0208 for assistance in this regard.
      Narayana Health

    • @adityarajsinghparihar9226
      @adityarajsinghparihar9226 3 роки тому

      @@narayanahealth can you tell me what if the patient is adult

    • @rohitknrohit6563
      @rohitknrohit6563 3 роки тому

      I am ready to donate My bone marrow reply me

  • @lovecreation2044
    @lovecreation2044 3 роки тому

    Kya bornmero transplant success hota h ya nhi please rply me meri mom ko bhi yhi problem h unka transplant krvana chaiye ya nhi

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Babita,
      We would request you to go through the given link (www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

    • @akshayakshay1533
      @akshayakshay1533 2 роки тому

      Nahi success hota me dekihu sab log one year ka bad dikaneko ata hai marja neval bi jasti esko tritmen nahi hai 😭😭 meri beti cheligay

  • @manjunathpatela2880
    @manjunathpatela2880 3 роки тому

    How much cost

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Manjunath,
      We would request you to connect with us on our helpline number 186 0208 0208 for assistance in this regard. Furthermore, if you have any enquiry you can write to us at the link given below: www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form
      Narayana Health

    • @akshayakshay1533
      @akshayakshay1533 2 роки тому

      400000 500000 lakh pran ko guranty100/ nahi😭😭miss you beti

    • @Xkarpgaming
      @Xkarpgaming 2 роки тому

      40 lakh se 50 lakh huta hai baccho ka jaan bi guarantee nahi hai 😭😭

  • @sonalikale4957
    @sonalikale4957 4 роки тому


  • @JamshedSultan-oj2gp
    @JamshedSultan-oj2gp 7 місяців тому

    Meri beti ko tlisym mjor

  • @Defence_Study_Student
    @Defence_Study_Student 3 роки тому

    Kya mam bone marrow donor karne se, doner ko koi side effects hota hai kya, jisese donar ka koi taklif ho sakhe.
    Please reply 🙏

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому

      Dear Umesh,
      We would request you to go through the given link ( www.narayanahealth.org/enquiry-form ) and fill up the query/enquiry form and our expert team will get in touch with you at the earliest.
      Narayana Health

  • @SH-vl5cu
    @SH-vl5cu 2 роки тому +1

    She says donating bone marrow Nobel cause. Shamelessly says. Where as she and hospitals never reduce a single rupee of their fees.

  • @algalibyt
    @algalibyt Рік тому


  • @sureshsirohiya
    @sureshsirohiya 3 роки тому +2

    hello mam ! my mother's bone marrow is damage. she's almostly 60 year old.
    i need your help plz and do treatment.
    plz i request for reply mam

    • @narayanahealth
      @narayanahealth  3 роки тому +1

      Dear Suresh,
      Please visit any of our nearest locations ( Click on the link for reference: www.narayanahealth.org/Contact-Us ) and take an expert suggestion. You can also contact the respective hospital through email and our team will get back to you at the earliest. Furthermore, we would request you to connect with us on our helpline number 186 0208 0208 for any assistance.
      Narayana Health

    • @avsharmahealthtips5680
      @avsharmahealthtips5680 2 роки тому

      Aap ki mummy kaisi hai avi?...meri mummy ka v bone marrow kaam nhi kar raha...mere pas to paise v nhi hai 😭😭😭😭

    • @Xkarpgaming
      @Xkarpgaming 2 роки тому

      @@avsharmahealthtips5680 mata karvan meri beti cheligaya 😭😭