I got out a 12 pack of Bud's can of Cope and some smoke. Gonna have to watch this couple more time's. Love that style of mud running. Good video sir keep them coming.
HOLY CRAP..😲. !!! Some of them ol' boys gotta be hittin 10 grand on the tach..!! Whole bunch of blood-sweat-& "" busted knuckles" " under the hoods. .not to mention the cash invested..😥😲 BUT......it DOES make for a kicka$$ video.👍We LOVE your entertainment bud.Keep em coming Matt ,& we'll keep smashing that poor like button.👊 😁
The local kids got themselves a mud pit just like that right down there off Trans Hill Rd, right down under the power lines on Weyerhuaser property. Kind of fun watching them blow stuff up trying to get out before the cops show up and ticket them for trespassing. It's real wet right now, but in about a month or so the surface is going to carry out creating the big. Break through and you might not get that out until August. 🛴👍
Spell check sucks. That surface dries out and it's just a couple inches of hard gray clay. What's under that is the kind of clay you can make bricks out of. You get stuck in that and you have an issue. It's going to cost you at least a $1000 bill for a tow truck. Oh ya, if you don't get that out quickly, Weyerhuaser may come and move it for you with thier excavator. That is not going to be a pretty sight, garrentied it will be scrap when they drag it out to the road...
No, trespassing is not the way to go. There are plenty of trails and logging roads around that people can wheel on. And to purposely cause a big eroding mess is not my idea of having fun. So lets just encourage people to have fun but not at someone else's expence. When we go out and just start laying tracks in the mud and tearing up the wilderness, it just cost everybody all that much more, and is the leading reason our access is in decline. Thanks for what you do Matt, and the encouragement to keep it legal and open to the public...👍
I got out a 12 pack of Bud's can of Cope and some smoke. Gonna have to watch this couple more time's. Love that style of mud running. Good video sir keep them coming.
Roll a doobie!
Hell yeah nothing makes life worth living more than mud races and burnin' down on some good green.......
@@ScoobieSwisher7413 roll two or more my friend.
@@scottthomas9043 Absolutely
Well it was just 420 🤷♂️
Good evening from Southeast South Dakota
Hey slim! Good evening from Kentucky.
HOLY CRAP..😲. !!! Some of them ol' boys gotta be hittin 10 grand on the tach..!!
Whole bunch of blood-sweat-& "" busted knuckles" " under the hoods. .not to mention the cash invested..😥😲 BUT......it DOES make for a kicka$$ video.👍We LOVE your entertainment bud.Keep em coming Matt ,& we'll keep smashing that poor like button.👊 😁
It's always a good time going to Saluda
What a race! And yes i will watch more and more
More on the way! The street class was showing out!
Now this is Mud Bogging like God intended it to be. Perfect mud pit, total badass trucks and excellent video skills.
Now that was badass Matt thanks for the video buddy have a good evening tell Jake we said hello later
Thanks Todd!
Proof that wheel speed fixes EVERYTHING!!!!!!!
It helps in mud racing for sure
Yup. Plus ground clearance!
Great videography as always 🔥🔥
Thanks Jay!
@@BustedKnuckleVideo yeah great editing to Busted knockle💯
@@jaytmoney1043 we have good people for sure
No disrespect but hell yeah man, you all have it going on.
we have a good time
Some wild machines
Lots of power
Canto wait!!
Worth it
Hell yeah brother 🤙 sick trucks and great racing! -Rebelsoffroad
Good times
I'm ready
Good stuff
What engines are these guys running? They sound absolutely insane
all types, blown big blocks, built small blocks, etc
Trucks are amazing
We agree!
I was at that mud bog and it was a great time
Looked like it for sure
Hey busted, do you think a drag car engine would be fine in one of these trucks? And how do they make them so fast
That is what they are running. They are lightweight with a lot of traction and big horsepower
I Love it
Good times
Ooohhhhhh yyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mud bogging
Mud was sticky
What size motor do they run
it varies, small blocks, big blocks, blowers, nitrous
Good times and cold beer
4:45 so much power just turned that front left right off the bat
big power in some of these trucks
This not mud racing. A race takes 2 or more people aginst each other.. If anything this is mud time trials.
Looks like mud racing to me
MITGLIED ? Ich hab doch schon eins (inne Hose)
The local kids got themselves a mud pit just like that right down there off Trans Hill Rd, right down under the power lines on Weyerhuaser property. Kind of fun watching them blow stuff up trying to get out before the cops show up and ticket them for trespassing. It's real wet right now, but in about a month or so the surface is going to carry out creating the big. Break through and you might not get that out until August. 🛴👍
Spell check sucks. That surface dries out and it's just a couple inches of hard gray clay. What's under that is the kind of clay you can make bricks out of. You get stuck in that and you have an issue. It's going to cost you at least a $1000 bill for a tow truck. Oh ya, if you don't get that out quickly, Weyerhuaser may come and move it for you with thier excavator. That is not going to be a pretty sight, garrentied it will be scrap when they drag it out to the road...
Not a big fan of trespassing to offroad
No, trespassing is not the way to go. There are plenty of trails and logging roads around that people can wheel on. And to purposely cause a big eroding mess is not my idea of having fun. So lets just encourage people to have fun but not at someone else's expence. When we go out and just start laying tracks in the mud and tearing up the wilderness, it just cost everybody all that much more, and is the leading reason our access is in decline.
Thanks for what you do Matt, and the encouragement to keep it legal and open to the public...👍