I’m so sorry for your devestating loss. It’s not fair and absolutely it only takes a few seconds to see if a child is type 1. My heart goes out to you and yours. 😔😢
Hard to watch but thanks for those sharing their stories, very brave to put it out there and I’m sorry for their loss. My story is very similar to the video. My mum didn’t get a doctor in till later because I just put up with the symptoms/hid them/thought it wasn’t a big deal. She had 6 children so easy to get lost. It did happen so fast, maybe one month. I was always a skinny child so that wasn’t strange. We didn’t go to the doctors every time someone got a cold either. I was 10 and excited to go to France on a ski school trip. Finally when I collapsed on the couch she called a doctor, I was in hospital and my mum was told if I had gone I’d of been dead. It’s a difficult line to draw public attention to diabetes because there are so many things out there that can harm children. No needless death is acceptable and it’s everyone’s job to be vigilant and like she said in the video to insist on testing if you have suspicions. Remember a second opinion is alway an option!
hi I'm type 1 myself 30 years. its so hard to believe in this day and age that a doctor would not test and pick up on someone who says their tired drinking all the time and going toilet every 10 minutes. surly the first thing you do is a quick finger test. Even in my day they did a wee test and picked up on it.
Good info, except it makes the viewer think that only children acquire Type 1 autoimmune diabetes. Why not any info about the many adults who also get Type 1 diabetes? So many people are being misdiagnosed with pre-diabetes or as insulin-resistant Type 2, or with some other condition simply because the patients are adults rather than children. Make a video about LADA, too, please. :)
I’m so sorry for your devestating loss. It’s not fair and absolutely it only takes a few seconds to see if a child is type 1. My heart goes out to you and yours. 😔😢
Hard to watch but thanks for those sharing their stories, very brave to put it out there and I’m sorry for their loss. My story is very similar to the video. My mum didn’t get a doctor in till later because I just put up with the symptoms/hid them/thought it wasn’t a big deal. She had 6 children so easy to get lost. It did happen so fast, maybe one month. I was always a skinny child so that wasn’t strange. We didn’t go to the doctors every time someone got a cold either. I was 10 and excited to go to France on a ski school trip. Finally when I collapsed on the couch she called a doctor, I was in hospital and my mum was told if I had gone I’d of been dead.
It’s a difficult line to draw public attention to diabetes because there are so many things out there that can harm children.
No needless death is acceptable and it’s everyone’s job to be vigilant and like she said in the video to insist on testing if you have suspicions. Remember a second opinion is alway an option!
hi I'm type 1 myself 30 years. its so hard to believe in this day and age that a doctor would not test and pick up on someone who says their tired drinking all the time and going toilet every 10 minutes. surly the first thing you do is a quick finger test. Even in my day they did a wee test and picked up on it.
Good info, except it makes the viewer think that only children acquire Type 1 autoimmune diabetes. Why not any info about the many adults who also get Type 1 diabetes? So many people are being misdiagnosed with pre-diabetes or as insulin-resistant Type 2, or with some other condition simply because the patients are adults rather than children. Make a video about LADA, too, please. :)