I actually really like watching TBR Jar videos! But what‘s also pretty entertaining is watching videos with like spin the bottle or boardgames Also ACOWAR was a 5 star for me so hopefully you‘ll love it as well ❤️
I think I’ll stick with the TBR jar for now but maybe I’ll try a board game or something for a reading vlog 🤷🏼♀️ also I’m really excited for ACOWAR now!!
I’ve read acowar (my favvvv. Also the graphic audio made me wanna cry and I don’t really cry over books 😂) and I read the hotel Nantucket earlier this month and really enjoyed it!
ive read a court of wings and ruin and i would give anything to reread it for the first time again that world is just amazing💗 i also read magnolia parks... i do not for the life of me understand the hype in my opinion its so TOXIC and REPETITIVE like i felt drained reading it BUT im excited to see ur thoughts ❤️
I just started reading the last word by Taylor Adams and so far I’ve actually liking it and I’ve been binging it all day it’s so hard to put it down I’m about half way thru the book
I would say refresh your prompts because I tried doing tbr prompt jar this month and I read only two of them compared when I do my candyland tbr game so I am going back to using my tbr game in August.
If you want to switch it up you could have friends pick your tbr or let people pick on your Instagram using emojis to represent the books. You could read the rainbow from the books on your tbr cart.
i highly recommend as good as dead. i’m not going to spoil anything, but i will say two things. 1. the BIGGEST plot twist of the series 2. SOBBING; you will most likely be sobbing as you finish it.
omg... hope BERYL didn't affect you too much... I left Houston a week before it hit 😳 The Last Word was a 4.25 stars for me 👍🏽 You never pick the books I want you to pick 😂 Evelyn Hugo is one of my all-time favs(right up there with Addie LaRue)... Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is so good! Renegades is such a great YA series... Iron Flame was not as good as Fourth Wing, but still good... Hotel Nantucket was a great summer read... The first Finlay Donovan book was such a fun read... Just For the Summer was fantastic as most of Abby J's books are... I'm currently reading Not In Love and enjoying my time with it... And have you read Addie LaRue yet??
by an author you love with a bird on the cover genre you don’t usually read with a two word title book everyone is talking about with a blue cover classic you’ve avoided cozy mystery a book made into a movie or show a graphic novel a trilogy a book based entirely on its cover a nonfiction book book with one word title book with a number in the title book with more than 300 pages spicy romance thriller/mystery/suspense book read a retelling highly anticipated read book set at a carnival or circus book you meant to read last year but didn’t title begins with w book that has been on your tbr the longest goodreads nominee or winner 5 or more words in title part of a duology a book with a king or queen a cover with people on it picked without reading the blurb includes a wedding person’s name in the title a book with a verb in the title book with a flower on the cover a book with a red cover book set on an island book written from villians pov book with a heist a rom-com book with a purple cover a book published this year a book set in the future five star prediction book with a green cover book with a map book featuring sports book that intimidates you debut author set in a small town lowest rated on your tbr title starts with “d” read a ya novel new york times bestseller paranormal romance historical fiction sci-fi novel newest on tbr a book that starts with a random letter book that matches the current season a book in a series you never finished last book someone recommended to you book on tbr with longest title book mentioned by fav author last book you saw on insta first book you see on fav book retailer book by an indie author a memoir a book about witches by a canadian author book mentioned on youtuber video hyped book you know nothing about scroll tbr with eyes closed finger land backlist book of an author you love book with adjective in the title generator chooses first letter book that starts with the last letter of your last read book begininng with “the” book with a place in the title most number of pages on tbr season theme on cover animal on the cover bookstore picks of the month #booktok book the last book someone recommended to you book with stars on the cover book you didn’t get to on previous tbr book with object in the title translated novel start a trilogy strangest cover on your list a re-read read a book it seems like everyone has read except you give a second chance to author you previously rated low book inspired by mythology goodreads random sort first book read the 20th book on your tbr read the book in the middle of your tbr book with the most number of ratings shortest book on tbr oldest published book on tbr newest published book on tbr book you’ve heard mixed opinions about take a book off tbr and pick a new prompt book that matches your outfit low rating book you were curious about but never added to tbr give a dnf a second chance (re-read) “ugly” book cover book on someone elses tbr for the month orange book cover book about/with an empire author’s name same first initial as you author’s last name same last initial as you colour in title name book with a sword on the cover book with a crown on the cover free choice mood read pick book with an element on the cover (water/fire/air/earth) 11th book on tbr list solid colour book a domestic thriller a second chance romance a reese’s book club pick psycological thriller weather of some type in the title a fast read 300 ~ pages or less released in birthday month (any year) book released in the current month (any year) cursive font on the cover a pink book title has the same word in it twice building on the cover mountains on the cover book that starts with the first letter of the month male author book book you added to your tbr this month last year that you didnt get to(approx) book with food on the cover plant on the cover book title with “and” book title that is not in all caps title partially covered by book cover design ambiguous book cover book with a school setting go to bookstore pick a book based on description (no goodreads) go to bookstore pick a book based on cover (no goodreads)
@@MaddysLibrary no problem! When i do the tbr jar myself i keep the ones i pull in ziplock for now so that i get a chance to use all the prompts and don’t keep getting the same ones, it keeps it more fun and interesting!
yeah i think that u should continue with the tbr cart but refresh the prompts
That’s what I’m leaning towards!
I actually really like watching TBR Jar videos!
But what‘s also pretty entertaining is watching videos with like spin the bottle or boardgames
Also ACOWAR was a 5 star for me so hopefully you‘ll love it as well ❤️
I think I’ll stick with the TBR jar for now but maybe I’ll try a board game or something for a reading vlog 🤷🏼♀️ also I’m really excited for ACOWAR now!!
I’m so glad you picked as good as dead. It’s an amazing conclusion to an amazing series! I really think you’d like it!
Yay im so excited for it!!☺️
The last word sounds like a really fun concept! Perfect for summer 🌞
Holly Jackson books are awesome. I give this series all a 5 plus stars.
I can’t wait to finish it!!
Love ❤️ your tbr book cart
TBR jar videos are literally my favorite so maybe just refresh the prompts? doing something new for a month might be fun though!
I think I’ll refresh my prompts!! The tbr jar is just too much fun☺️
i literally only watch like 4 booktubers bc im so picky about people's vibes ahaha but ive been binging your videos tonight im obsessed!!
Omg high praise thank you!!❤️
I really like the TBR prompts but I also think doing one month of wrapped up books picking blind.
I got so annoyed by the wrapped up books that I unwrapped them all last week🫣
@@MaddysLibrary that’s ok!
That is a really good tbr for August. Happy reading 📚📚
Thanks you too!!🫶🏻
I love TBR Jar videos! I would just add some new prompts. I look forward to watching TBR Jar videos every month.
I think that’s what I’ll do!!
Acowar and Magnolia Parks are great!
Just started magnolia parks today🤭
Doesn't matter to me whatever you're comfortable with.As long as you make videos , i'm here for it , you go , girl
Aww thank you❤️❤️
For your cart use a clear coat. It will help prevent scratches. I also redid me cart and I did it in a yellow
I used a clear coat but I think I didn’t do enough coats. Once I fix the cart I’ll do more clear coat! Thank youuu❤️
I’ve read acowar (my favvvv. Also the graphic audio made me wanna cry and I don’t really cry over books 😂) and I read the hotel Nantucket earlier this month and really enjoyed it!
Yay I’m so excited for both!!
You should do tbr recommendations! Like have your subscribers suggest books and randomly pick from there 😊
I definitely want to do this one! Maybe an Instagram chooses my reads vlog🤭
@@MaddysLibrary I love that idea!!
I always enjoy your videos ❤❤❤
Thank youu❤️
ive read a court of wings and ruin and i would give anything to reread it for the first time again that world is just amazing💗
i also read magnolia parks... i do not for the life of me understand the hype in my opinion its so TOXIC and REPETITIVE like i felt drained reading it BUT im excited to see ur thoughts ❤️
I’m excited for ACOWAR! And I just started magnolia parks today.. so far I like it but nothings happened. I’m kinda nervous🫢
I just started reading the last word by Taylor Adams and so far I’ve actually liking it and I’ve been binging it all day it’s so hard to put it down I’m about half way thru the book
YAYY!!! I keep eyeing it on my shelf I can’t wait to get to it
I would say refresh your prompts because I tried doing tbr prompt jar this month and I read only two of them compared when I do my candyland tbr game so I am going back to using my tbr game in August.
I think I’ll keep the TBR prompts!
If you want to switch it up you could have friends pick your tbr or let people pick on your Instagram using emojis to represent the books. You could read the rainbow from the books on your tbr cart.
I want to do an Instagram chooses one month! And I love the idea of reading the rainbow or a certain color ❤️
i highly recommend as good as dead. i’m not going to spoil anything, but i will say two things.
1. the BIGGEST plot twist of the series
2. SOBBING; you will most likely be sobbing as you finish it.
I may or may not have already read it🤭
@@MaddysLibrary did you love it? i know i did
omg... hope BERYL didn't affect you too much... I left Houston a week before it hit 😳
The Last Word was a 4.25 stars for me 👍🏽
You never pick the books I want you to pick 😂 Evelyn Hugo is one of my all-time favs(right up there with Addie LaRue)... Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow is so good! Renegades is such a great YA series... Iron Flame was not as good as Fourth Wing, but still good... Hotel Nantucket was a great summer read... The first Finlay Donovan book was such a fun read... Just For the Summer was fantastic as most of Abby J's books are... I'm currently reading Not In Love and enjoying my time with it... And have you read Addie LaRue yet??
I was pretty lucky during Beryl! And I just finished Addie larue a couple days ago🤭
@@MaddysLibrary omg! YaY to Addie LaRue… I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!! 🤗
It seems everyone is reading one of the three books of A good girls guide to murder. I only have the first one but I’ll have to check it out soon!
They’re fun books! Not be favorite, but I really enjoyed them☺️
Fun I’m subscribing 🎉I make videos too
by an author you love
with a bird on the cover
genre you don’t usually read
with a two word title
book everyone is talking about
with a blue cover
classic you’ve avoided
cozy mystery
a book made into a movie or show
a graphic novel
a trilogy
a book based entirely on its cover
a nonfiction book
book with one word title
book with a number in the title
book with more than 300 pages
spicy romance
thriller/mystery/suspense book
read a retelling
highly anticipated read
book set at a carnival or circus
book you meant to read last year but didn’t
title begins with w
book that has been on your tbr the longest
goodreads nominee or winner
5 or more words in title
part of a duology
a book with a king or queen
a cover with people on it
picked without reading the blurb
includes a wedding
person’s name in the title
a book with a verb in the title
book with a flower on the cover
a book with a red cover
book set on an island
book written from villians pov
book with a heist
a rom-com
book with a purple cover
a book published this year
a book set in the future
five star prediction
book with a green cover
book with a map
book featuring sports
book that intimidates you
debut author
set in a small town
lowest rated on your tbr
title starts with “d”
read a ya novel
new york times bestseller
paranormal romance
historical fiction
sci-fi novel
newest on tbr
a book that starts with a random letter
book that matches the current season
a book in a series you never finished
last book someone recommended to you
book on tbr with longest title
book mentioned by fav author
last book you saw on insta
first book you see on fav book retailer
book by an indie author
a memoir
a book about witches
by a canadian author
book mentioned on youtuber video
hyped book you know nothing about
scroll tbr with eyes closed finger land
backlist book of an author you love
book with adjective in the title
generator chooses first letter
book that starts with the last letter of your last read
book begininng with “the”
book with a place in the title
most number of pages on tbr
season theme on cover
animal on the cover
bookstore picks of the month
#booktok book
the last book someone recommended to you
book with stars on the cover
book you didn’t get to on previous tbr
book with object in the title
translated novel
start a trilogy
strangest cover on your list
a re-read
read a book it seems like everyone has read except you
give a second chance to author you previously rated low
book inspired by mythology
goodreads random sort first book
read the 20th book on your tbr
read the book in the middle of your tbr
book with the most number of ratings
shortest book on tbr
oldest published book on tbr
newest published book on tbr
book you’ve heard mixed opinions about
take a book off tbr and pick a new prompt
book that matches your outfit
low rating book you were curious about but never added to tbr
give a dnf a second chance (re-read)
“ugly” book cover
book on someone elses tbr for the month
orange book cover
book about/with an empire
author’s name same first initial as you
author’s last name same last initial as you
colour in title name
book with a sword on the cover
book with a crown on the cover
free choice mood read pick
book with an element on the cover (water/fire/air/earth)
11th book on tbr list
solid colour book
a domestic thriller
a second chance romance
a reese’s book club pick
psycological thriller
weather of some type in the title
a fast read 300 ~ pages or less
released in birthday month
(any year) book released in the current month (any year)
cursive font on the cover
a pink book
title has the same word in it twice
building on the cover
mountains on the cover
book that starts with the first letter of the month
male author book
book you added to your tbr this month last year that you didnt get to(approx)
book with food on the cover plant on the cover
book title with “and”
book title that is not in all caps
title partially covered by book cover design
ambiguous book cover
book with a school setting
go to bookstore pick a book based on description (no goodreads)
go to bookstore pick a book based on cover (no goodreads)
Omg thank you for this gold mine!!! Definitely going to be using these
@@MaddysLibrary no problem! When i do the tbr jar myself i keep the ones i pull in ziplock for now so that i get a chance to use all the prompts and don’t keep getting the same ones, it keeps it more fun and interesting!
I need to continue the good girls guide to murder series, I have never read a cowboy romance 🫢 and magnolia parks both infuriated and destroyed me.
Just finished magnolia parks and omg😳 I get what you mean