Hawaii in Stereo - The Hawaiian Hula Boys

  • Опубліковано 1 чер 2024
  • Side One
    Honolulu (Warren)
    Blue Hawaii (Robin-Rainger)
    Trade Winds (Friend-Tobias)
    Moonlight and Roses (Black-Moret) (Adapted from Edwin H. Lemare's "Andantino in D Flat")
    When You Dream About Hawaii (Ruby)
    Blue Tahitian Moon (Newman)
    Side Two
    Hawaiian War Chant (Noble-Leleiohaku)
    To You Sweetheart (Owens)
    Pagan Love Song (Freed-Brown)
    Sing Me A Song of the Islands (Gordon-Owens)
    Moonlight Bay (Wenrich)
    Aloha Oe (Farewell to Thee) (Liliuokalani-Arr.: Jupp)
    HAWAII'S FIVE main islands comprise the fiftieth state, as of 1959.
    But only one of the islands is well-known. Oahu, 40 miles long and 26 miles wide, is the site of the city of Honolulu and therefore gets all the attention and publicity.
    The oldest of the islands is Kauai, famed for its luxurious vegetation and its circular shape.
    Here, in the Hanalei Valley along the north shore, one may escape the commercial hi-de-ho and over-publicized hoopla of Oahu. One, if fortunate, may even hear the Hawaiian Hula Boys and Billy Bell's guitar in person.
    The H. H. Boys are true Hawaiians, residing the year around among the green fields and rice paddies adjoining unbelievably beautiful Hanalei Bay. On the south shore of Kauai is Waimea Village, where Captain Cook landed in 1778, the first white man to visit the Islands.
    Pineapple and sugar-cane grow in abundance, and from lofty Kalalau Lookout the visitor may see 4,000 feet down into the lush, verdant valley that reaches to the blue Pacific.
    The Coco Palms at Wailua and the Kauai Inn at Lihue are the delightful hotels catering to visitors.
    Thus, in an effort to produce a truly distinctive album of pure Hawaiian music in stereophonic sound, Capital elected to avoid the overcrowded (and vastly over-recorded) studios of Honolulu in favor of a group that is unorthodox but authentic.
    Billy Bell and the Hawiian Hula Boys are the results. Bell's Hawaiian guitar is the featured instrument. The songs are the most favored by visitors to the Islands--ten of the twelve were in all honestly, not even composed in Hawaii, but are nevertheless identified with Hawaii in general and Kauai in particular.
    "Aloha Oe," as they say at Wailua, and may your speakers be balanced!
    Cover photo courtesy Pan American World Airways