Jesus says "They are not who the world says they are"

  • Опубліковано 22 чер 2024
  • It is my sincere hope that you will give yourself to God, to Jesus, and receive his salvation.
    He will meet you wherever you are, exactly how you are. There is no sin to great that he won't forgive. Ask him for forgiveness, turn away from it, and ask Jesus into your heart. Be re born in the spirit and walk according to his will for you!
    You dont need a church, a pastor, or priest to do this. Go to a quiet place and cry out to God, and he will run to you! You need a relationship with Jesus. He will comfort you, redeem you, and love you like no other!
    Matthew 24: 13-15, 30-31
    John 10: 2-16
    2 Thessalonians 2: 7-8
    2 Corinthians 4: 4
    Acts 1: 7-8
    Daniel 12: 1-2
    Revelations 3: 10


  • @gloriavelasquez8498
    @gloriavelasquez8498 3 дні тому +2

    Amen.🙏 all Glory to God Almighty. Thank you brother Mike for sharing the word and encouraging the body of Christ and all who choose life the Jesus Christ. Amen.🙏♥️✝️☮️🙌🕊️🎺🎺🎺🎺🕊️

  • @jenniferbrown806
    @jenniferbrown806 12 днів тому +24

    I fear no evil for the lord jesus is with me !❤ He protects us all who has faith in him!

  • @LaidOutBare
    @LaidOutBare 8 днів тому +4

    I’ve never had an easy life and I surrendered to God a few years ago when I awakened and I’m a chosen one but I know as a chosen one we’re gonna have to stay till the bitter end. I always imagine I would have a terrible ending but once I go like Jesus, I will be with Jesus for eternity, so I accept my fate whether a good or bad because we are only dead here anyway and we are alive once we meet Jesus amen..🙏

  • @carlasmith7777
    @carlasmith7777 12 днів тому +29

    i believe we are within hours of being in the clouds!!! it's time!! Eternity to serve our Lord & King forever and ever and ever and ever without the weight of these earthly bodies!! to Behold our Lord!!!! we Love you Lord Jesus!!! we long for you to rescue us out of this lost & sinful world who reject/don't want you.💗

    • @kaydlc11
      @kaydlc11 12 днів тому

      Hours? How many? A million? 😢

    • @Bman7772
      @Bman7772 11 днів тому +6

      @@kaydlc11 Could be 1 second could be 1 year could be 1 decade. that's not the point. I know many are struggling, I know many want to be with him in heaven, but we ought to do the work he wants of us while we are here. Don't be frustrated that he's not hear yet, rejoice because he is still extending mercy and grace and giving people opportunities to repent and trust in his son. God Bless you, I will pray for you that God will encourage you and reveal his will for your life.

    • @Migglefitch
      @Migglefitch 11 днів тому +2

      Very close

    • @kbro7484
      @kbro7484 10 днів тому

      I hope and want to be with my family in heaven more than anything at this point.

    • @kbro7484
      @kbro7484 10 днів тому

      Hours? Well we will shortly know if this is true or not. I'm think I'm ready either way.

  • @cynthiasmith9056
    @cynthiasmith9056 12 днів тому +16

    This was emotional for sure. The thought of being left behind is horrible. Thank you for sharing this message. I understand why it was hard ❤

  • @adamdarby43
    @adamdarby43 12 днів тому +14

    I never dream but I had a dream so real that I couldn't tell it was a dream after praying of me sitting on my couch and my house started shaking. I walked outside and looked up and saw a huge alien ship surrounded by smaller ships flying across the sky

  • @darwinsmonkey5440
    @darwinsmonkey5440 12 днів тому +5

    Thank You, Jesus.

  • @christian4ever1962
    @christian4ever1962 10 днів тому +5

    In 1976, when I was 13 years old, I had a wide awake, real, in full color VISION of the Lord's Return...
    We lived out in the country in the middle of dusty plowed fields, dirt roads and woods in south Georgia. Everything looked kind of brown and crispy, like it needed rain bad. The corn field across the road in front of the house was starting to turn brown and die.
    I went to my bedroom, which faced out the front side of the house and looked out onto our front yard, which had a semi-circular dirt driveway and beside the left entrance was an old dogwood tree which had to be at least a hundred years old. Highway 341 ran from east to west in front of our house, which faced north, and the cornfield I spoke of earlier was on the other side of the highway. There was a slight rise in the middle of this field and you could not see the trees on the other side, so it looked like an ocean of corn that went off into the horizon.
    As I lay across my bed looking out the window, contemplating what I saw before me, I began to hear music in the distance. I specifically heard it in my right ear and the direction from which it came made me think of the high school band which practiced several miles southeast from where I lived. When conditions were right we could hear the band playing, but usually only heard the faint beat of drums. This sounded like trumpets and as I was thinking this to myself, I began to notice the music getting louder and louder, coming closer and closer, very quickly.
    Within a few seconds the sound wasn't just something that was exterior, but it was inside my head as well, reverberating throughout my entire body. It was so loud and it sounded like lightning crashed directly over my head and, in that split second, the trumpet sound thundered throughout my body and throughout the entire world...everything went dark and my bed and the earth shook violently.
    In a flash, I was no longer lying on my bed, but I was standing outside my bedroom window in the front yard and I beheld the scene in front of me with tremendous awe. It was still my front yard, only now everything was different. It seemed as if my entire range of vision was a huge 3D movie screen and I was in the middle of it.
    The trumpets continued to sound and I saw that the blue, sunny sky had turned black and the clouds churned and the wind blew with a violence that I had never experienced. The corn field was now a sea of wheat that was golden brown and ripe for harvest and I could see every stalk of wheat individually, billions of them. And I watched as the wind thrashed the wheat until it was beaten down by the storm. I now know that the Bible speaks several times about, in the end time, when the wheat is ripe for harvest, how the wheat will be separated from the tares. The tares are gathered and bundled together for burning and the wheat is gathered into the barn.
    Then I noticed the dogwood tree. It was mid-July, so of course I know there should not have been any blossoms on it, they usually bloom around Easter...but the tree was in full bloom. I had never seen anything like this. You couldn't see any leaves on the tree because of the millions of dogwood blossoms. It looked as if it were lit from within, by a glowing whitest of white, neon light and it glowed gloriously against the darkened sky. Now, I know the Bible says no man knows the day nor hour that Jesus will return, but if we watch for the signs, we can know the season. I have always felt that He might come back in the spring when the dogwood tree is in bloom. Of all the things that could have been highlighted in a vision; why the dogwood tree? I believe there is a specific message here. (Update: recently, I prayed about this and I feel the Lord placed into my spirit that this represents the fullness of the gentiles coming in).
    Just as I was taking all of this in, lightning filled the sky and the trumpets thundered over head again and in an instant there appeared two angels. They were dressed in white robes, facing each other up in the air and blowing golden trumpets. They were huge and filled the sky in front of me and I knew that the entire world must be seeing this as well. When I say huge, I mean like the size of the highest mountains, literally.
    I didn't think the trumpets could get any louder, but they grew louder still, building to a great crescendo and I heard a great shout that was louder than anything that you could imagine. And with that shout, it's as if the earth fell silent, the black, violent clouds began to roll back onto themselves from the center of the northeastern sky and I saw light in the distance. It was more a combination of light and clearing of the clouds in the distance that got my attention. As I looked up at this shaft of light and clearing sky, I saw what seemed to be fluttering and movement in the distance. As it came into view, I saw Jesus on a white horse and behind him were millions of angels and saints on white horses. It was at this moment, when I realized what I was seeing, that it disappeared and I was back in my room lying on my bed. Everything was back to normal and I was again looking out at a bright, sunny day.

  • @sergiosani5311
    @sergiosani5311 12 днів тому +11

    We are Gods children,. We are His warriors who are needed most during these days. Share love, forgiveness, care, and peace - these are the ways to everlasting grace. Thank you brother Mike... I'll have to read and pray.

    • @Mymenagerie714
      @Mymenagerie714 11 днів тому

      Lol who's we?
      For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself.
      (Galatians 6:3)

    • @gamerboiplays2204
      @gamerboiplays2204 11 днів тому +2

      ​@Mymenagerie714 yeah, but that's so we humble ourselves and to not be prideful and arrogant. We are but mere mortals, however we are still children of the lord God. Why else would he give us the authority to cast our demons? With faith we can do anything. We are the children of God, for Christ bought us with his sacrifice on the cross.

    • @sergiosani5311
      @sergiosani5311 11 днів тому

      @@Mymenagerie714 we… meaning His children. Our Lord God. Simple as that.

    • @Mymenagerie714
      @Mymenagerie714 11 днів тому +1

      He gave the 12 apostles that authority not everyone. You folks don't read at all you assume

    • @gamerboiplays2204
      @gamerboiplays2204 10 днів тому +2

      @Mymenagerie714 Luke 10:13. If that were the case, then how are we supposed to pray for others? We, with the power of the spirit inside us, can cast out and rebuke demons. The apostles were regular people beforehand, not sinless saints. The only reason they had that power was because of the holy spirit, and faith. You just need to have faith to do so and know your place in the kingdom of God, you are his son/daughter, you are considered royalty if you humble yourself and become a servant to righteousness (which is following christ truly, and or trying your best to). With faith you can litrally change the weather and move mountains. It's one of the gifts of the spirit, and we all have one or many, but are we all an apostle? Ask for discernment before you say somebody doesn't know their word. God bless you

  • @samueltobar1149
    @samueltobar1149 11 днів тому +19

    😳my mother? will confort you ? the holy spirit is our comforter .

    • @nickmorgan8434
      @nickmorgan8434 11 днів тому +2

      Yup ...NOPE

    • @fab.silva1119
      @fab.silva1119 10 днів тому +1

      Another unbiblical ‘prophet’

    • @janmarkmusic8964
      @janmarkmusic8964 10 днів тому +3

      "My mother has been sent to comfort you"
      ???? Not sure why our heavenly father would say that? I'm not accusing you sir, just asking. And not sure what Bible verse would cover that either. Seek the Holy Spirit. Time is short. WE ALL NEED TO REPENT!💟✝️

    • @janmarkmusic8964
      @janmarkmusic8964 10 днів тому +2

      Isaiah 66:13 King James Version (KJV)
      As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.
      That is different than "my mother will comfort you"

    • @michellesmith5436
      @michellesmith5436 10 днів тому +1

      Described as a helper, comforter, teacher, advocate and Paraclete, and symbolized as a dove, an ancient goddess symbol, the Holy Spirit is the mother. She came upon Mary before the power of the Most High overshadowed Mary. See Luke 1:35.

  • @gregorysmith7365
    @gregorysmith7365 12 днів тому +15

    The “end” God is saying you must endure to, is when He has chosen for your life to “end” here on earth having gone thru the appropriate amount of “refining fire” to cleanse you and make your ready to meet the Father. God doesn’t mean you must all endure until the end of the 7 years of Tribulation, or even the first 3 1/2 years. Every person will be judged on their fruits and while death will be as a martyr, God will be there with you as you become one of the blessed “Tribulation Saints” John refers to in Revelation. But you still have time to be among the “first fruits”. Just repent and turn away from this world and give your life over to the Lord … He wants you on the Ark now waiting for the “flood of evil” to consume the world and all who deny Him.

    • @HealthHelp510
      @HealthHelp510 11 днів тому +1

      IF you are referring to those who are already Christians (many are really NOT Christians, and this may apply. Christians are NOT appointed to WRATH (1 Thessalonians 5:9). The early church fathers believed, taught, and wrote that the catching away was pre trib. Not even the early church fathers believed this. Irenaeus, who knew the Apostle John said" When in the end that church will suddenly be caught up from this, then it is said, 'There will be tribuluation such as not been since the beginning nor will be'. (Irenaeus, Against Heresies 5:29). Victorinus said as much in his Commentary on the Apocolypse.
      There HAVE BEEN pre trib raptures already: Enoch, Elijah, the old Testament saints at Jesus' death (Matt 27), Jesus Himself (Acts 1); and Phillip (Acts 8).
      The two witnesses will be raptured at about the mid - trib point (Rev 11).
      The "Tribulation Saints" are seen in Heaven before mid -tribulation. It is thought that they are those who refused the mark of the beast, or maybe died in a war situation (1/4 of the world's population is killed in the 4th Seal of Revelation). By the end of the Tribulation (the time of the Battle of Armegeddon) it is thought the world's population will have been decimated by 7/8.

    • @michaelseay9783
      @michaelseay9783 10 днів тому

      @@HealthHelp510show me a verse that describes Tribulation Saints.

  • @aprilogembo1141
    @aprilogembo1141 11 днів тому +1

    Lord help us please don’t leave me Lord nor my child nor the close saints that help us follower and pray your word

  • @steph8012
    @steph8012 12 днів тому +3

    Beautiful these words from God ❤

  • @christinelang2148
    @christinelang2148 12 днів тому +7

    Friends, What Mike is saying is very true! The Father has spoken to me as well. Not about This Subject, but others. Anyone claiming to hear from God and they really are not, just know it is written in Jeremiah 23:34 say, if someone claims to hear a word/ prophecy from the Lord and they Really did not God will not only PUNISH THEM BUT THEIR ENTIRE FAMILY. I do know though what Mike is saying is truth. This day is coming Sooner than Anyone thinks… so please, repent and come back to Jesus to save you if you are not saved. Please. God bless.✝️🙏🏻🙏🏻

  • @believer2361
    @believer2361 12 днів тому +5

    Thank you brother for sharing! This confirms what He has shown me. God bless!

  • @charleskennedy6173
    @charleskennedy6173 12 днів тому +11

    Thank you Mike. Its a tuff message but He has sent his holy mother out to many prophets around the world recently. There is currently a 10 day novena taking place and she appears each night at 11:30. It may symbolize that we are now 30 minutes to midnight metaphorically. I have prayed a lot and i feel it in my spirit that all Hell is about to break loose. WW3 is imminent sadly and America will be torn apart thru its inside. I pray for all of us to wake up and turn to Christ our Lord and repent. Time is almost up. God bless you all.

    • @myspoonky
      @myspoonky 11 днів тому +2

      What do you mean “He sent His holy mother? “ are you referring to Mary His mother? ?????

    • @charleskennedy6173
      @charleskennedy6173 11 днів тому

      @myspoonky yes. Marion apparitions have been appearing bringing great warnings. She is bringing everyone to pray to her Son and the holy Father. Pray pray to to them for lessoning the great horror about to be unleashed.

    • @anusia2962
      @anusia2962 10 днів тому +2

      1 Timothy 2:5
      "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus"
      You don't know who you are praying to...

    • @charleskennedy6173
      @charleskennedy6173 10 днів тому

      @anusia2962 I pray to the Trinity. I pray to the Holy Mother. I worship the Trinity only. She is the Queen of Heaven, the mother of Jesus. It wasn't a wham bam thank you mam by God. She was chosen for this after humanity existed thousands upon thousands of years. I would not want to go to my judgment before Jesus and have to answer for denigrating his only mother. The one who birthed him, cared for him in his life and at his death. He told John that this is now his mother as he hung on the cross. She is all our mother. The Holy Mother! Her appearances have converted more people to Jesus than any single individual ever! Countless millions have converted due to her Countless appearances. I'm super confident at judgment Jesus will be pleased with my reverence to his Holy Mother. What man doesn't love his mother!? Jesus who is also God loved her as his vessel for his spirit and as a son of hers. No way the Jesus of all love would have no further use for his mother. God bless and I pray you dig into Fatima and Guadalupe. Watch on Amazon our lady of Guadalupe documentary. It will change your heart.

    • @myspoonky
      @myspoonky 10 днів тому +3

      Charles “the queen of heaven” is the idol worship that is mention in Jeremiah 7:18 so repent of your heresy. For YAH that is an abomination! The Holy Spirit/ Ruach Hakodesh is a male spirit so don’t confused it either and is our comforter until Jesus Christ/Yeshuah Hamashiac comes back a second time as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
      The trinity is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is no queen of Heaven at all. Shalom.

  • @lordorcas9344
    @lordorcas9344 12 днів тому +4

    Shalom thanks ❤

  • @Punch240
    @Punch240 5 днів тому +1

    I've heard others in the Body of Christ say the rapture would be explained away as you described. I've also noticed a whole bunch of alien stuff in the news even the government is getting in on the talk. ❤

  • @visions2019
    @visions2019 10 днів тому +3

    I'm confused with, "My mother will comfort you"....I will pray for understanding on this but if anyone else heard from the Lord, please share

  • @AKrose777
    @AKrose777 10 днів тому +2


  • @tommyeharvell8783
    @tommyeharvell8783 12 днів тому +3

    Amen 🙏🏻 and bless you. Peace. ✝️💯🩵

  • @fab.silva1119
    @fab.silva1119 11 днів тому +9

    10:23 - “My mother has been sent to comfort you?“ This isn’t biblical and frankly very confusing.
    I thought this channel was legitimate but this is about the fourth “prophet “ that has given himself away by saying things that are not biblical. Before I unsubscribe, I’d like to read comments from others.

  • @terrifoster3976
    @terrifoster3976 12 днів тому +14

    I thought the holyspirt was the conforter not his mother

    • @RichardMizenko
      @RichardMizenko 11 днів тому +8

      I heard that and stopped. The Holy Spirit is the comforter. This is ridiculous and he needs to repent for saying that.

    • @stacysmith8723
      @stacysmith8723 11 днів тому +3


    • @julie-annelarose6528
      @julie-annelarose6528 11 днів тому +3

      That was blasphemy. The Holy Spirit is not a female.

    • @user-tv8cj7bq2f
      @user-tv8cj7bq2f 11 днів тому

      The Holy Spirit is not female and that is blasphemous. It is the spirit of divination that thrives in new age thinking. Jesus does want us to look to his mother Mary for comfort. Jesus calls his mother the queen of the end times. When we pray to Mary, we aren’t worshipping another God as some christians believe. Mary’s only intention is to bring us closer to her son. She isn’t trying to compete with God.

    • @KellyKurcina
      @KellyKurcina 10 днів тому

      I thought the same thing!

  • @jacquelineferrey5778
    @jacquelineferrey5778 11 днів тому +1

    Thank you Michael ❤ Thank you Father ! ❤

  • @mulle5784
    @mulle5784 4 дні тому +1

    So remember, the TARES get gathered into the barn First.
    The Elect/Chosen will be restored to do the "things" during the greater tribulation, and then comes Yahushua with the 7th Trumpet which ushers in the Wrath.

  • @spsllc3143
    @spsllc3143 12 днів тому +3

    Thank you

  • @foreverendeavoramen333
    @foreverendeavoramen333 12 днів тому +2

    Many thanks 🙏✝️🥰

  • @gahcablox5743
    @gahcablox5743 11 днів тому

    Amen thank you Lord Jesus

  • @michellebaltierra1372
    @michellebaltierra1372 12 днів тому +6

    Yes worst times are coming 😢 so many faithful servants have been sharing the same messages and do not fear our Lord and savior is with us 🙏🏼 thank you Father the spiritual warfare has been hard for some many but we have to push in the Lord will never leave us or forsake us! And brother I am wondering those that stay behind to help is that the 144,000? And that is 7 years. I pray my family gives their hearts and come back now instead of waiting it will be so hard in those days 😰😰 but I believe the Lord knows. Thank you Father for your message to prepare. Thank you brother for your obedience

  • @BellaServant
    @BellaServant 12 днів тому +15

    You said: "My mother has been sent to comfort you." Do you have scripture to support these words? You don't mean Mary, do you?

    • @1SemperSooner
      @1SemperSooner 12 днів тому +4

      I think he means the Holy Spirit. I have seen some teachers refer to the idea of the feminine Holy Spirit. I, however, have not delved down this road myself.

    • @BellaServant
      @BellaServant 12 днів тому +3

      @@1SemperSooner Interesting. That's a very new interpretation of the Holy Spirit for me. Still waiting to hear what Michael of *We are the saints* has to say.

    • @1SemperSooner
      @1SemperSooner 12 днів тому +3

      @@BellaServant I’m not saying that I subscribe to that. Not saying that I do, or that I don’t. I just haven’t asked the Lord about that specific item just yet, as there are so many other things that I’m usually taking before Him, lol. I’m just aware that there is that idea out there. I’d like to hear Michael’s response as well, as I do believe that he is someone who hears from the Lord, and I definitely caught the reference to “my mother” in the video as well.

    • @BellaServant
      @BellaServant 12 днів тому +4

      @@1SemperSooner Yes, and because this is the word that Michael received as a servant of the Lord, I am waiting on Michael for clarification/ interpretation.

    • @DA-jw4lx
      @DA-jw4lx 11 днів тому +5

      @@1SemperSooner I hope he gives us some clarification on this.

  • @burly636
    @burly636 8 днів тому

    Thank you for mentioning the monetary subject.

  • @iluvsoho2
    @iluvsoho2 12 днів тому +6

    What you speak of cannot come about until the Holy Spirit is removed with the Lord's Bride. The Holy Spirit is holding off this event until Bride removed in the Rapture. Some remnant will be left as Harvesters of those left behind to help turn them to the Lord and not believe this last days grand deception as described in Second Thessalonians Chapter 2 .

  • @user-xt9bx9rm3m
    @user-xt9bx9rm3m 12 днів тому +10

    Send his mother back? is that biblical? just curious

    • @rubyreyes203
      @rubyreyes203 12 днів тому

      Thank you for asking! At the 10:23 mark…”my mother has been sent to comfort you”!!!
      Holy Spirit is our Comforter, Jesus told us that Himself-search it out! Jesus also said, “who are my mother, my brothers, sisters. These are my mother, brothers & sisters…”. I believe this is huge doctrinal error. We need to wake up. I’m so grieved because this is the first time “red flags” went off by my Comforter and my Teacher, Holy Spirit…who is called by Jesus, “The Spirit of Truth”. Give us wisdom and much needed spiritual discernment in these dark & evil end time Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, amen 🙏🏼🕎✝️💜🤍🙌🏼

    • @RichardMizenko
      @RichardMizenko 11 днів тому +8

      No it isn't. Holy Spirit is the one Jesus sent and not Mary.

    • @user-xt9bx9rm3m
      @user-xt9bx9rm3m 11 днів тому

      @@RichardMizenko Thank you-that is what I thought, maybe I misheard him... take care

  • @Migglefitch
    @Migglefitch 11 днів тому +2

    Dont fear whats coming. Jesus has your soul.

  • @cathyparker2008
    @cathyparker2008 8 днів тому

    wow❤ yes Iv been feeling in my spirit we are about to go home praise God

  • @doveshelly
    @doveshelly 10 днів тому +3

    These people do not want Jesus to talk about His mother. Why not? He loves her. You are supposed to call her blessed, not keep undermining her.
    If he wants to talk about his mother, let Him. He’s honoring her, just like we all should honor our mothers.

    • @cynthiastillman8831
      @cynthiastillman8831 9 днів тому +1

      I so much agree. Why would that bother someone? Anything that the LORD DOES IS THE BEST YOU CAN GET. THAT IS THE TRUTH SAID. LOVE YOU JESUS AND I TRUST YOU COMPLETELY.🕊️👑🌟✝️✝️✨

  • @AM-pl4vr
    @AM-pl4vr 9 днів тому +1


  • @xiaohai5249
    @xiaohai5249 11 днів тому +3

    Thank you brother for sharing.
    I don't deserve to be raptured..and I thank God If I'm left behind I will help the lost to find Jesus.
    144 000 will be still here.
    Alive or dead will glorify the lord.
    I love you lord. Thank you for sending message to all of us.
    Please don't forget the little kids i have. Take them with you.
    I will wait and I want to see you when you descend from the skies and see your power and glory seated at the right hand of the Almighty one. Thank you also holy spirit fir leading me to this far walking with Jesus.
    In Jesus mighty holy name . Amen

    • @SonyaBrady
      @SonyaBrady 11 днів тому

      What are the 144,000

    • @SonyaBrady
      @SonyaBrady 11 днів тому

      D ok es this mean some of us believers will be left behind

    • @Bman7772
      @Bman7772 11 днів тому +1

      @@SonyaBrady I would suggest reading the book of Revelation, you can read it on your phone! Please read the scriptures for yourself because I am prone to making mistakes, however, I believe if im not mistaken the 144k will be Jews. 12,000 from each 12 tribes of Israel.

    • @christinestewart9734
      @christinestewart9734 10 днів тому +1

      ​@@SonyaBrady no people all new born believers will be Rapture.🙏. If you have a relationship with the Lord 🙏 are believe in Jesus Christ 🙏, his death and resurrection, you are saved. We are still fallen human beings, until we are taken away from this wicked earth 🙏

  • @KellyKurcina
    @KellyKurcina 11 днів тому

    Blessings to my brothers and sisters in Christ. Glory to God, all the Praise goes to Him. It struck me, how GOOD is our God to give us these precious words through His servant/servants!? A few days ago after spending a day watching rapture videos I thought in my mind, Lord, I so want to ask you when it is, but I just TRUST you, I trust Daddy God so very much and I know His character, I love you Jesus!!!!! Anyways, that next day in the early morning hours, immediately before I woke up I heard the words 80 months. Upon awakening, I said Lord, what does this mean, but I knew in my spirit what it meant and I was trying to do the math in my head from months to years, but finally jumped out of bed and did it on my computer. I am so excited and ready to go home whatever the day and time may be!! Love to all! Standing in the gap for more to have eyes to see and ears to hear, some in my family.

  • @melbelle2024
    @melbelle2024 10 днів тому +2

    Did he say Mary has been sent to comfort us? . . . I thought the Holy Spirit was our comforter?

  • @Rubydancer6819
    @Rubydancer6819 11 днів тому +3

    I don’t mean any disrespect. But why do people who give words always say go to God for confirmation. If the word is for you the Holy Spirit gives inner witness. If the word isn’t from God for you specifically it will roll off your back. Is it just something people say to cover themselves if they error. I am very sincere with this question. I have never understood go to God for confirmation. Confirmation is there or it isn’t in your spirit.

  • @nickmorgan8434
    @nickmorgan8434 11 днів тому

    I dont audibly hear Jesus..but ive felt inside of me exactly what you are saying since 2015

  • @angelabailey8424
    @angelabailey8424 12 днів тому +3


  • @tonycanaris1778
    @tonycanaris1778 22 години тому

    Father Corapi said to be in a State of grace.

  • @detoxlady6777
    @detoxlady6777 11 днів тому +1

    Really good video. I just found your channel. Thank you.

  • @julie-annelarose6528
    @julie-annelarose6528 11 днів тому +3

    It is the Holy Spirit not the Holy mother. The Holy Spirit is not a female and we don't worship Mary.

  • @sentiamong1262
    @sentiamong1262 12 днів тому +2


  • @tonycanaris1778
    @tonycanaris1778 22 години тому

    My Mother is The Virgen Mary. Revelation 13. SHE CRUSHES Satan's head the serpen

  • @newjerusalemstateofmind33
    @newjerusalemstateofmind33 10 днів тому


  • @lilyflower9330
    @lilyflower9330 7 днів тому +1

    Hi there. My name is Lisa Estrada. I have an urgent prayer request. I need deliverance.
    On June 8th I surrendered everything to the Lord, and something came in posing as the Lord and I got deceived and this demon is saying it's satan himself.
    I've been on long fast, except a few days, and have not been able to sleep for week now. I keep trying to fight and it plays roles on both sides having me go thru long durations of deliverance and it's still there.
    I acknowledged my error to The Father and repented crying out. It doesn't want me reading my bible it make me feel drowsy everytime I do.
    I would love some help and prayers thank you.

    • @tonycanaris1778
      @tonycanaris1778 22 години тому

      We pray the Devine mercy given to Sister Faustina . Pray the Devout rosary meditating on each decade. we, the annunciation, visitation, , nativity , Presentation in temple , and finding in the Temple. That's the joyful mystery

  • @sunnyblue1257
    @sunnyblue1257 12 днів тому +5

    May I make a suggestion? Read Yeshua's message in it's entirety First, then offer explanation, interjection, clarity, share etc.
    For me personally, I'd like to hear His message as He intended it First because the interruptions take away from it but I do like your explanations and sharing your thoughts, insight and scripture.
    Thank you for your obedience to the LORD......this subject matter doesn't phase me.
    I am grateful and appreciate what you're doing.
    In Yeshua's name be blessed and courageous!

  • @mycelium_6508
    @mycelium_6508 8 днів тому +1

    I’ve heard this same prophecy from another prophet!!! Another prophet had said some similar things and now u are saying something similar. It sounds to me his coming will be in this lifetime. We are living in strange times, pray for your families and your unsaved loved ones so that they can open their hearts to get saved

  • @user-re2mb1tg8q
    @user-re2mb1tg8q 11 днів тому

    Understand Rev 12.

  • @SonyaBrady
    @SonyaBrady 11 днів тому +1

    I’m confused, if we are watching and are saved why would we need to be told that we need to endure till the end, would we not be going up in the rapture? Is this an indication that some who are saved will still be left behind?

  • @Xplosion919
    @Xplosion919 11 днів тому +1

    I know the Scripture says “he who endures until the end will be saved.” Is this implying until the rapture??? Because you also said that some will be left behind. This is talking about lost people who never came to know Christ correct??

  • @tonycanaris1778
    @tonycanaris1778 22 години тому

    TO THOSE WHO DON'T BELIEVE IT . READ THE book ," MY Heart Shall Triumph by Mirjana Soldo.

  • @pekieboo
    @pekieboo 11 днів тому +5

    Jesus has sent His mother?! I've been telling my Catholic family not to pray to the idols who claim they are His mother! Brother Mike would you please ask the Lord for clarification on this.

    • @VindecarePrinCuvant
      @VindecarePrinCuvant 11 днів тому

      There is no scripture for this word about His mother so I suppose if this is the Lord's word, the mother would be the Holy Spirit who gives birth to us new born believers, and comforts us. However the Bible is silent and I am not going to believe this is a word from the Lord

    • @pekieboo
      @pekieboo 11 днів тому +3

      @@VindecarePrinCuvant As you say, Jesus never mentioned in His Word that He would be sending His mother in the Last Days! Another group on UA-cam talk about the Holy Spirit as feminine, so I stopped watching them. I think of my friend the Holy Spirit of the triune God as a dude, I don't believe in the "sacred feminine." I like Brother Mike, though this is puzzling to me. Maybe I need to get my mind around the Holy Spirit/Mother thing, but nothing has prepared us for a non-binary comforter. I personally find it unsettling rather than comforting! 😟

    • @julie-annelarose6528
      @julie-annelarose6528 11 днів тому +2

      ​@@pekiebooThis is blasphemy. The Holy Spirit is not a female. We don't worship Mary, his earthly mother. That is idolatry.
      I am guessing God is exposing him.

    • @pekieboo
      @pekieboo 11 днів тому

      @@julie-annelarose6528 Mike didn't say the Holy Spirit is female though. Another guy says that. Mike said, according to the message "I have sent My mother."

    • @accesstotheredcarpet
      @accesstotheredcarpet 11 днів тому +4

      @@pekiebooThe Holy Spirit is not female and Mary is not to be worshipped as idolatry. It’s Jesus. Eyes on Jesus. End of the story!

  • @greensage395
    @greensage395 11 днів тому +1

    Love is a bit overrated at this point, considering it is Joy that fills the Lamp! We are told that the oil can be Purchased, as told to those unwise Virgins who used up their oil to go out and Purchase it. Love cannot be Purchased, as Love is a Given and cannot be Bought or Sold.
    Joy, on the other hand, Joy can be Purchased and it can be Sold! However, Joy also can be found in the simplest of things, the smallest of things, the most obscure places it can be found. If we should find ourselves without enough Oil, we are told to "Remember our First Love", and there we shall find that drop of Oil for which all is derived. Truly!
    Fear Not, Good and Bad can Love, and Evil Lives to Love! Seek Joy in all you do and your Lamp will always be Pre-Paired for such a Journey!

  • @Jp-eo8mx
    @Jp-eo8mx 11 днів тому

    Hi Mike! I subscribe

    • @julie-annelarose6528
      @julie-annelarose6528 11 днів тому +1

      Listen again or read your Bible again. The Holy Spirit is not the Holy mother. This is blasphemy.

  • @MrSky21448
    @MrSky21448 12 днів тому +2

    Bro I have been fighting for 30 days non-stop.

    • @Bman7772
      @Bman7772 11 днів тому

      Fast. Seek God. Understand that your battles are his battles too. REST in him, relax, give it to him, and submit. Let him help you. Fasting and humbling yourself will help you greatly.

  • @DonkeyKong8
    @DonkeyKong8 10 днів тому +1

    Revelation 12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

  • @jo9795
    @jo9795 10 днів тому +1

    I've heard this. They have to tell the left behind something.

  • @user-vk9ng6mm8g
    @user-vk9ng6mm8g 10 днів тому +1

    my mother has been sent to comfort you ?

  • @lizpotter4775
    @lizpotter4775 8 днів тому

    Why would He send His mother when it was never prophesised? He never even called her "My mother" anywhere in Scripture? He only called Mary "woman". Search for yourself.

  • @davidway4259
    @davidway4259 11 днів тому

    What is a Saint/ Do you know the Lords Name. The one you speak for.

  • @birgitklentzau-busche4060
    @birgitklentzau-busche4060 11 днів тому

    Hello brother, my mother means the Holy Spirit?

    • @julie-annelarose6528
      @julie-annelarose6528 11 днів тому

      No it doesn't. The Holy Spirit is not the Holy mother. It is blasphemy.

    • @birgitklentzau-busche4060
      @birgitklentzau-busche4060 11 днів тому

      @@julie-annelarose6528 I don't understand the meaning of mother in the Word ?
      Could you please explain it to me!

  • @fullofgracehomestead
    @fullofgracehomestead 10 днів тому

    Matthew 12:39-50
    “But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:
    For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.
    The men of Nineveh shall rise in judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: because they repented at the preaching of Jonas; and, behold, a greater than Jonas is here.
    The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with this generation, and shall condemn it: for she came from the uttermost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.
    When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none.
    Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished.
    Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.
    While he yet talked to the people, behold, his mother and his brethren stood without, desiring to speak with him.
    Then one said unto him, Behold, thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desiring to speak with thee.
    But he answered and said unto him that told him, Who is my mother? and who are my brethren?
    And he stretched forth his hand toward his disciples, and said, Behold my mother and my brethren!
    For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.”

  • @jonatanwiklund2445
    @jonatanwiklund2445 10 днів тому +1

    This can’t be from the Lord because it’s not biblical. The mother?

  • @agnespeter7796
    @agnespeter7796 11 днів тому +1

    Project blue book!

  • @lucie2you462
    @lucie2you462 11 днів тому +1

    Yes, first time listening. I could see that this was difficult for you.

  • @kbro7484
    @kbro7484 10 днів тому

    Will some people taken appear as suicide?

    • @wearethesaints4854
      @wearethesaints4854  10 днів тому +1

      No, because they will be lifted up. And will meet the lord in the sky. The only thing that will be left behind might be some of their personal items, Clothes etc. Because you will be given new clothing.

  • @adnil72823
    @adnil72823 10 днів тому

    Let them alone!!!, if the blind lead the blind? U end up in the ditch..

  • @kriszab
    @kriszab 5 днів тому

    Mother? Who is "my mother" who you say will comfort us??? Why have we never heard this before?
    I have learned that there will be a 2nd Exodus of the Bride on the eve of destruction, to live and be protected in the wilderness for 3 ½ years. We will have "some" tribulation just because of life in the wilderness.
    There will be a remnant that will not go on the exodus and will live here till the end in the tribulation because they need additional sanctification, but those that are His will not be lost.
    When we see him in the clouds, that is not until the resurrection right before the millennium.

  • @joeycalico5246
    @joeycalico5246 9 днів тому

    most ppl have spent years being desensitiized, hah, wisdom is foreign to most, insects, street lights, devices, cars, are all watching ppl, part of fourth kingdom, cars will transform into beings, they watch urthing

  • @richellepeace4457
    @richellepeace4457 12 днів тому

    So he knit us for a certain purpose which means he knit us to suffer our hard knocks for a lesson. The evil has been hidden and God allowed it even though there are thousands who lived under ridicule, abuse and captivity so they could learn a lesson. Why is it my responsibility to try to convince people who were abusive to me or the sloppe' agape' church that allows all sorts of abuse with the excuse of forgive and love? Where's their bootcamp? Why are some people worth so much to him that they get the best of both worlds. I'm not socially needy so there is no inspiration..

    • @PearlofJesus747
      @PearlofJesus747 12 днів тому +2

      I do believe we're entering into just that... I pray to be counted worthy to escape 🙏🏻✝️👑❤️‍🔥

    • @INFJschoolofdiscipleship
      @INFJschoolofdiscipleship 12 днів тому

      I am not saying you’re wrong or you didn’t hear from the Lord but, when you speak about the rapture, it sounds pretty trib. Everything he has bee speaking to me suggests that there is no pre trial rapture. Maybe it’s because I’m one of the 144,000 and I’m staying. I know I’m one of them. I’m going to fast and pray on this but I would appreciate any other revelation you have. I’m sorry if you covered it already, I don’t have time to watch every video and sometimes I have to take a break from UA-cam.

  • @greensage395
    @greensage395 11 днів тому

    The Bible tells us of those Fowls of Heaven who come to eat the Flesh of all Men, both Great and Small, Rich or Poor, Free or Bondsmen, and those horses they ride upon (4 Races of Men).
    A fowl that eats flesh is called a "Raptor", and it is they who Sing that Song called the "Rapture", whereby all are Invited to the Harvest Supper of the Lamb.
    We were told, where the corpse lie, there too shall the Eagles Gather...and, that Flesh and Blood shall not Inherit the Kingdom above!
    Clearly, Mankind is the Fatling Calf! We are not alone in the Sol-Body! In the Past, written in Stone, we are shown the Anunnaki, and on the Rocks we are shown the Anasazi, as both are the same...Fallen Angels who eat Flesh are those Fowls of Heaven!
    In as much as we have forgotten them, they too have forgotten themselves...they will likely claim to be our Creator, when they are the Creation...we are simply the Beast fit for a Feast!

  • @greensage395
    @greensage395 11 днів тому

    Those who seek the End shall find the Beginning...and those who seek the Beginning shall find the End! The First is Last as the Last is First! Paul was that First-Fruit unto GOD, as he received of an Angel of Light on that Rd. to Damascus where Judas once Lived, Declaring the "Christ". Paul claims his own Translation, and so he is an Untimely Fruit as he is that stumbling-block upon all of Jer-USA-lem! Paul was Promised the First Resurrection, and yet, this is not the First Resurrection, this is the Harvest Supper of the Lamb! It should be told, that there is no place at a Wedding for a "Paul-Bearer", as that would be like asking Death itself to Attend, and although it is the Dead who Rise First, they shall be as the Living, so as to be Judged!
    Two Witnesses unto the Almighty, Goodness and Badness, and both shall Stand in the End! That which is the 6, and is of the 7, which becomes the 8, it is he who shall go into Perdition! The False Prophet who caused the Great Falling a-Way, he who Defiled the Family Unit, he who Defaced the Child for Gain!
    Upon all of Jer-USA-lem, "Spiritual" Egypt and Sodom where our Lord was Crucified, in the Heart of a Nation, One Nation Under GOD, there are 3 Unclean Spirits which leap forth from the mouths of the Beast, the False Prophet, and the Dragon...and each of these has a Role to play, as it is Written in the Book of Revelation, as that is the Testimony of Jesus Christ, he who sits upon the Right Hand, he who holds the Scroll.
    I believe we exist in a "Pair of EL", a Binary Star System called Sol, wherein the Bright Star is above us, and the Morning Star is below us, together again they are the Bright and Morning Star. A Parallel wherein EL is "L", he who Fell and went to Hell. Such a Truth should explain the Interstellar Cloud formation called the "Fluff", that which is bearing down upon the Solar System, our Sun called Sol. The Sun above us is that Lake of Fire spoken of, and it shall Consume all the World, soon enough, but not yet, as it seems the Millennial Reign of the "Christ" is just about to begin!
    Rev 11:15, "the Lord and of his Christ", and we know what the Lord told him, "Get thee behind me, Satan", and he did!
    The Accuser is not the Destroyer, they are Brothers, they are Twins! The Bright Star above us is the Accuser, wherein the Morning Star is Lucifer himself and not the Devil. Between the Accuser and the Destroyer, but one of these can Deliver us!
    When we place "EL" at the End of America, we shall get "A-Miracle"! Lucifer is the Prodigal Son/Sun, and Mankind is the Fatling Calf! The Dragon is the "Christ", that old Serpent called the "Devil", he is the Son above us, as that Crown that must be thrown down, according to the EL-Door's (Elders/24 Ribs/Saturnalia upon Mithraism). How Glorious, as Yeshua is the Son of Man and not the Son of GOD. He is of the Seed of David and that of the Bright and Morning Star, both of them! Yeshua is a Nephilim-Child, and it is he who is in the Grave Fulfilling 3-days as that First Witness unto GOD! :)
    They suffered not to Bury the Body, as they Rejoice and give unto each other "Gifts", that of the Spirit.
    The Beast is Judaism as it is Zionism. The False Prophet is Islam, the God-Child of the Catholic Church called the Jezebel. The Dragon is the Vanity of Christianity! Three Unclean Re-Legion's, for they are "Many"!

  • @lan5142
    @lan5142 5 днів тому

    Who is in the concerns me here is Mary was just a woman! Wouldnt the Lord send angels and not a woman just doesn’t make sense to me because I’ve wondered for decades how the Lord felt or what he thought about the Worshiping Mary and the Rosary! I received my answer when he said through one of the prophets this year I believe it was Kent Christmas they worship my mother and know me not!! So anytime I hear about Mary coming onto the scene I’m skeptical she was just a woman righteous but just a woman!!

  • @Jp-eo8mx
    @Jp-eo8mx 11 днів тому

    You look like dr. Drew Pinsky

  • @leroybroun4106
    @leroybroun4106 8 днів тому +1

    sorry, this is hogwash. The Holy Spirit is our comforter not Mary, and His Spirit will never depart from the believers, and Jesus comes at the end after between 6-7 bowls, see Rev 16:15, and then is the end Mat 24:29-31.

  • @WK-cr1br
    @WK-cr1br 11 днів тому

    Simon the Sorcerer
    And when *Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money, saying, "Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. But Peter said unto him, "Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money! Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee. For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.
    Acts 8 : 18-23 (KJV)
    [* Simon (of Magus) was a religious figure of the era [1st century A.D.], and is the subject of this infamous, biblical confrontation between Jesus's apostle, Simon-Peter, after Simon Magus tries to buy The Gifts of The Holy Spirit.]

  • @kbro7484
    @kbro7484 10 днів тому

    Will aliens come first or ww3? Neither are good.

  • @RxbLxx
    @RxbLxx 11 днів тому

    they are inter dimensional ..the fallen ones and if they exist then god made them so if they come in his name then ask and you shall know #yahweh

  • @WitnessForChrist0
    @WitnessForChrist0 12 днів тому +3

    This message is very similar to the word I received. I’ve started to post my words. Please take a look sir any feedback welcome 🙏🔥✝️

    • @HuhisHere
      @HuhisHere 10 днів тому +1

      You have a great channel! God bless you. ✝️

    • @WitnessForChrist0
      @WitnessForChrist0 10 днів тому +1

      @@HuhisHere ❤️ Thank you. I’ve been very blessed with God and I believe God wanted me to share my experiences 🙏🔥✝️

    • @HuhisHere
      @HuhisHere 10 днів тому

      @@WitnessForChrist0 Amen ❤️✝️

  • @RichardandJudy1
    @RichardandJudy1 9 днів тому

    the jab is the mark. there is complete biblical evidence in great detail. also it will spread to the last 1260 days. that's when the dragon pursues the rest of the woman's seed. revelation 12. also the word says there that time will be no more and that the kingdom of God has begun. God bless you brother. 🙏✝️🕊️🔥👑 also I guess you've heard about the signs in New York about the dragons are here and all must choose on the buildings and so forth in NY

  • @debbiewareing1178
    @debbiewareing1178 8 днів тому

    I hope you know what dangerous ground you tread when you claim it’s the word of the Lord! Or that God said or God told me and so on…
    You better be sure on what you claim! If you are wrong or false and it’s your own thoughts/inner voice and not Gods then you are blaspheming the Lord God Almighty!
    Think very carefully, this is serious stuff, if you are genuine or care.

  • @peertopeertherapy3720
    @peertopeertherapy3720 11 днів тому

    Have you ever been diagnosed with any kind of mental health illness?

  • @danstone8783
    @danstone8783 День тому

    My mother has been sent to comfort you?' oy vey. If you are worshipping Mary for sure you will need to endure to the end.

  • @sun_buddy
    @sun_buddy 10 днів тому

    the mark of the beast is a spiritual mark and it doesnt address any one single thing on earth. there is a mark of the beast and a mark of God
    5 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads

  • @CQ-ql8uk
    @CQ-ql8uk 10 днів тому +1

    He didn't say "worship my mother", he said my mother will bring "comfort". This isn't about Catholicism. Wouldn't it make sense that the earthly mother of Jesus that the world shall call "blessed" be in heaven providing spiritual comfort and prayers for humanity? There is nothing blasphemous about that. If we can provide spiritual comfort to one another on earth, why can't Mary do this from the Heavenly realm?

    • @fab.silva1119
      @fab.silva1119 10 днів тому +1

      What is your Biblical reference for what you’re saying?

    • @julie-annelarose6528
      @julie-annelarose6528 10 днів тому

      Because Mary was a sinner like the rest of us. So if we worship her, it's idolatry. We don't worship other humans but only Jesus Christ who is our Lord and Savior. He is our comforter.

  • @adnil72823
    @adnil72823 10 днів тому

    Just tell us what you think the lord is telling you and quit making such a bid! Deal out of it being His message, if you’ve so damn sure, get real dude, I hear from God sometime, not always that sure until I get a witness, I do know his voice, many do,but sometimes you don't know until it's spoken, please get real you act like you have a religious spirit, come down here with us

  • @withmessagesofvirtueiamunt2380
    @withmessagesofvirtueiamunt2380 10 днів тому

    The vast majority of them are demons.

  • @fab.silva1119
    @fab.silva1119 10 днів тому

    Had hopes for this channel but I smell a false prophet… UNSUBSCRIBED

  • @Migglefitch
    @Migglefitch 11 днів тому

    This has to happen. Please anoint your homes , fast and pray

  • @Migglefitch
    @Migglefitch 11 днів тому

    Soooooo. Why does collosians 1;16 tell us all things seen and unseen are created by him , for him. That includes extraterrestrials