Was the New Testament divinely inspired by the Almighty?

  • Опубліковано 15 січ 2025


  • @fredericaanderson4140
    @fredericaanderson4140 11 місяців тому +1

    Shalom brother it’s amazing the knowledge you have and you’re right on every point when it comes to write in someone’s biography it’s nothing like getting it from the horses mouth. It is funny from this statement alone. 2 Corinthians 11:4 American Standard Version (ASV)
    For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we did not preach, or if ye receive a different spirit, which ye did not receive, or a different gospel, which ye did not accept, ye do well to bear with him. If the New Testament contradicts the Old Testament, then there it is. This is called Blind Faith something that our forefathers did not do because they dealt directly with the most high and also lot of the lost tribes of Israel, who has been on the continent for thousands of years. do not use the New Testament and they were never disconnected from their roots

  • @ezrayasharahla9672
    @ezrayasharahla9672 7 місяців тому

    Shalawam brother, I hope you are well. I'm surprised how you are admitting that Genesis was written long after the events took place but when it comes to the New Testament, the same understanding cannot be applied? 🤔

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  7 місяців тому

      Shalawam my sister. You are making a good point. Yes, Genesis was written long before it's writers were born and there were other people who are anonymous, who wrote the book of Genesis or similar books that have the same content, to name but a few; Moses is one of the writers, the book of Jubilees also claims to have been written by Moses, the book of Yashar or Jasher is supposed written by unknown priests. The word Yashar is not the name of an author but its word that means the righteous one. The writings predates the existence of all these people. It is possible that Adam started writing the book of Genesis and other righteous people continued after him.
      However, what is common among these books is that they all n agreement. There are no contradictions found in them. These books are inspired by Yahuah in the sense that you can hear the voice of Yahuah as you read. e,g, In the beginning, Elohim created the heavens and the earth. In the same chapter, you find phrases such as; Elohim said, "Let there be light." Never mind the other, the writings breaths the Spirit of Yahuah as you read.
      The New Testament on the other is literature, written by many anonymous writers who contradicted each other and Christians tried to correct their mistakes. You will never find such inspiring phrases such as "Thus says Yahuah." The New Testament supplanted the so-called Old Testament. Take any quotation that is referenced from the Old Testament and compare it word for word, you will see how the Old Testament verses were changed to suit the narrative and doctrines of the church.
      I hope this answers your question. Please feel free to ask further. After all, we are all learning

    • @ezrayasharahla9672
      @ezrayasharahla9672 7 місяців тому

      @@mpumelelomkhize Shalawam brother, I am a fellow brother and a servant. I appreciate the time you took to get back to me. I'm clear on the part of Genesis being written years later as you have mentioned. Now, I would like us to firstly establish the covenant/testament in the "old testament". I am saying this because, we can look at all the contradictions in the "new testament" and discredit it, while the "old testament" has it's own fair share of contradictions. Bear in mind brother, I believe the entire book Genesis to Revelation. So, please establish the covenant that the Most High is making with the children of Israel our forefathers, what was it?

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  7 місяців тому

      Let me first apologize for assuming that you are a sister. I am thoroughly embarrassed. There are two covenants. One covenant was made into effect at Mount Sinai, the Covenant which our fathers broke.
      The second covenant is promised, it is not in effect yet but it is promised to be effected in the end times. Jeremiah 31:31-35.
      One of the things that will happen when this covenant is implemented is that, the same laws that were promulgated at Mount Sinai will no longer be cast on stone but they will be in our hearts and in our minds. it further says, no longer shall a brother teach another saying know Yahuah for they shall all know me. We are trying to teach each other right because we are still trying to establish the truth. This should tell you that this covenant is not in effect as yet. It will only come in the end times.
      Furthermore, Ezekiel 36:26-27 says; "I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh."
      Are we there yet? Are we in obedience, if so, why are we still in captivity. Why are we not in the Promised Land?
      I would like to hear from you

    • @ezrayasharahla9672
      @ezrayasharahla9672 7 місяців тому

      @@mpumelelomkhize apology acceptable brother. Well thank you once again.
      There's no covenant without the blood. The Most High allowed goats, cows and sheep to be used for the atonement of sin.
      I would like to start here, Deuteronomy 5:1-3 , Deuteronomy 4:9-14 & 5-6, Exodus 24:3-8. With these words, I am pointing out that the word of the Most High was in effect together with the sacrifices that we're supposed to be done according to the law (sin offerring and burnt offerring).
      Mind you that Moses is the one whom the Most High is using as a mediator between our forefathers and the Most High.
      I perceive that with Jeremiah 31:31-34 & Ezekiel 36:26-27 you say that will happen in the end time. Right, let's attend to Jeremiah 31, but we will start in verse 27, the seed of man and seed of beast. What is it that the Most High is saying here?
      Deuteronomy 18:18 & 15
      Psalms 50:7-15 & 5
      Psalms 40:6-8
      Psalms 22:14-19,1 (this didn't happen to David the king because the body of David saw corruption)
      Isaiah 52:13-15
      Isaiah 42:1-4
      Isaiah 61:1-3
      Isaiah 53:1-12
      Daniel 9:24-27 (in the year 70 AD Jerusalem was destroyed by the Romans and that was an indication to our forefathers that Messiah was meant to come to stop the sacrifices and make a covenant with his people by his own life and they ran away to the mountains as it is this day. The state of Israel and the people who are occupying that place are not the Jews. And the same Gentiles are going to do the abomination of desolation as Daniel is being revealed by the angel)
      Let me pause right here and wait for your response. Shalawam

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  7 місяців тому

      There's a video that I posted about the misconceptions about blood sacrifices. Please watch it. The Most High tells us that He never required blood sacrifices but He required obedience and heeding to His word. please watch it and let me know what you think. It is the New Testament that is misleading us.

  • @fredericaanderson4140
    @fredericaanderson4140 11 місяців тому +1

    2 Tim 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  11 місяців тому +1

      I could never understand what people believe when they even read such texts as the one you are quoting. What do they think it is referring to? At the time when Paul wrote this letter, there was no New Testament, it was not written yet, therefore he was talking about the "Old Testament."

    • @shawday7911
      @shawday7911 10 місяців тому +1

      @@mpumelelomkhizeexactly, people are so use to regurgitating words without any wisdom, understanding and knowledge from the spirit of The Most High YAH

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  10 місяців тому


  • @alisameireis3628
    @alisameireis3628 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for providing such truthful information about those writings that are the foundation of the Christian religion. There is no “New Covenant” that displaces the Covenant of HaShem established for all Eternity by HaShem with Am Israel at Mt Sinai. BTW - The Tanach is written in “Lashon Kodesh” called Hebrew in English. Lashon Kodesh actually means “Holy Tongue”. HaShem created the Heavens, Earth and Legions using Lashon Kodesh (or Hebrew). The Torah was written by the hand of Moshe at the command of HaShem….IN LASHON KODESH (HEBREW). The writings of Christianity were all written in GREEK….not LASHON KODESH/HEBREW….and are, therefore, clearly not of HaShem but are the crafting of people for whom Greek was their common language. Those writings of the Christian religion simply are not from HaShem and Christians are not in Covenant with HaShem. Christianity is a wholly idolatrous religion based on the definition/description of idolatry as established by HaShem in the Torah. Christianity has always been a man-devised religion and as such is its “own thing” and is not of HaShem. The Covenant of HaShem with Am Israel is Eternal……That’s According to HaShem, Creator of Heaven and Earth. The Covenant of HaShem with Am Israel is NOT a religion……Am Israel is The Eternal Covenant People Of HaShem…..According to HaShem. There is no other Nation or People in Covenant with HaShem other than Am Israel nor will there ever be……For all Eternity. ✡️

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  10 місяців тому

      Let your voice be heard, let the truth be told. I thank you my sister for your enlightenment, I feel like crying because our people will not listen. We are no different from our forefathers who turned against Hashem, and they insist on dragging this New Testament with them. You have said it better than I could have explained it.
      Thank you once more, my sister. The battle to bring back our brothers and sisters continues.

  • @mkhontomotors8080
    @mkhontomotors8080 11 місяців тому +1

    I stand on the position that some of the new testament was indeed a record of those times, but in terms of prophetic standpoint revelation carries weight because if we do take a look at the book it goes in parallel with context of the book of Daniel... and when we look as it speaks of the beast I stand to argue that this speaks of eurocentric Christianity because if you look at history it was in the name of Christianity that offerings were abolished and people were converted to Christianity with a sword and a particular image ( image of homosexual Cesare borgei) in the claim that he was the son of promise the redeemer from Yahuah, let history speak because everything that has passed is certainly truth though some not yet revealed

    • @mkhontomotors8080
      @mkhontomotors8080 11 місяців тому

      What I say is man may attempt to corrupt the book but the message of Yahuah still stays unchanged and will fulfill that which it goes forth to fulfill
      I always used to hear people say we pray to the father the son and the holy spirit. How do we pray to the son because the son is also a work of the hands of the father, how do we pray to the holy spirit, is not the father holy and is he not of spirit.... Christianity has done a number on our people so much so that our people have completely forsaken the commandment.

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  11 місяців тому +1

      "All scripture is given by inspiration of the Almighty and is profitable for..........etc. Paul, in this letter is specifically talking about the Old Testament. That is the only scripture that existed during that time. Not even the gospels were written when he wrote this letter to Timothy. Therefore, I agree with him because he is talking about the "Old Testament" not the New Testament.

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  11 місяців тому

      We know who we are because of the so-called Old Testament. The New Testament on the contrary says, there is no Jew or gentile, all are equal. Is that what you believe in? What does the book of revelation reveal that we don't know already?

    • @mkhontomotors8080
      @mkhontomotors8080 11 місяців тому

      @@mpumelelomkhize of the apostles I find myself skeptical of Paul, but it may have been tampering with the book, but it could also be interpreted as without the law of yahuah and the commandments there's nothing to separate a hebrew from a gentile... ( gentiles being the descendants of japheth) as for revelation I'd say it expands on the things which are to come but regarding the beast, mystery babylon this aligns with the religious system and political system that stemmed from Roman catholicism aka Christianity because it is in the name of these religions that burnt offerings, sin offerings and other manner of sacrifices were abolished. I think the Comments don't this discussion much justice, I'd prefer a zoom or teams meeting just so we and all our brethren could develop a full understanding of the book and the times we find ourselves heading to

    • @mkhontomotors8080
      @mkhontomotors8080 11 місяців тому

      @@mpumelelomkhize great, I was hoping that if it is possible to organize atleast a 1.5 hour long meeting with our fellow brothers that support the channel but maybe in the right time it'll happen

  • @Tshepo777Yah
    @Tshepo777Yah 11 місяців тому

    The new testament is definitely inspired by the OT because most of the prophecies in the OT were fulfilled in the NT, and a number of the prophecies given by Yashua also came to pass including the fact that there are people who claim to be Jews but they are not.

    • @mpumelelomkhize
      @mpumelelomkhize  11 місяців тому +1

      Name 1 Old Testament prophecy that was fulfilled..

    • @Tshepo777Yah
      @Tshepo777Yah 11 місяців тому

      ​@@mpumelelomkhize the birth of Yashua is one who was spoken about by Isaiah

  • @imakingwrld
    @imakingwrld 11 місяців тому
