Quiz: Fusion of bud uh boom A. Cherry bomb plus kernel pult pf B. Cherry bomb plus buttercup C. Bombegranate plus kernel pult pf D. Bombegranate plus buttercup
i just learned that all vines but the Gloom Vine attack in one lane only, Gloom Vine of course is based on the Gloom-Shroom that already existed and both attack in 8 directions.
The aquatic vine when is planted in the water, shoots a water droplet that pierces zombies and with his nutrient creates a wave that runs over the line and destroys to any zombie
Only the Ice Vine is waiting 😁
Wait how about ail,enforce, contain and enchant mint family vines?
I have a name for it "chill vine" 🧊🧊❄️❄️❄️🧊
@@sonyk7943 he is New or forgot them maybe
hypno vine also
or magic vine
You know. For being just a supporter plant, pea vine in unreasonably one of the strongest peas.
One of the strongest plants of the game too.
Good game l'M from Indonesian 😊
So how you speak English 🤔
@@TorogamingDXshut up
Wow Cool experiment ❤
Amazing keep it up
Quiz: Fusion of bud uh boom
A. Cherry bomb plus kernel pult pf
B. Cherry bomb plus buttercup
C. Bombegranate plus kernel pult pf
D. Bombegranate plus buttercup
Phase 2
@@sonyk7943I selected the same phase
i just learned that all vines but the Gloom Vine attack in one lane only, Gloom Vine of course is based on the Gloom-Shroom that already existed and both attack in 8 directions.
I thought it was 9?
@@Maklop-102He doesn't attack on his own tile 💀
@@Maklop-102And he said direction so we can't say that his own tile is a direction
@@sonham245yes! However, he said the direction
My favorite water plant tangle kelp
Ojalá a la demás enredaderas les dieran la habilidad de potenciar a las plantas de su familia, como Enredadera Guisante, o Enredadera Solar.
Wha do you mean? Pea vine and shine vine do just that
Question:your favorite water plant?
Aqua vine is the best🥳
To which family does aqua vine belong?😅
it’s modded i believe
@@legthieffmodded or chinnese version ?
20 sec ago and very early also 1st comment, 4th like
Great Video .
which vine is your favorite? my is pea and fire!
Ojala todas las enredaderas tuviesen la habilidad de potenciar a las plantas de su familia Como La enredadera Guisante
The aquatic vine when is planted in the water, shoots a water droplet that pierces zombies and with his nutrient creates a wave that runs over the line and destroys to any zombie
Until now you realize, yesterday you met pvz 😂
Quiz: The weakness of the winner
Hurray zombies
Escevator zombies
What is the strongest weapon in PvZ?
Spartan's lance
Me:Дальний дявединни абад
Explodo vine and sun vine are not here😢
I think it's because he said in the title " all best vine "
You just want him to win
Aqua vine suck
Aqua binds or cheater
I meant aqua vine is a cheater
Question:your favorite water plant?
Sea shroom
aqua vine