Is It Still Kansas? We Asked Half Ther Band that Question

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @herbcraft
    @herbcraft 5 місяців тому +9

    Rich Williams has achieved a new level of absolute awesomeness.

  • @tonypguitar
    @tonypguitar 5 місяців тому +7

    I've been making music with Joe Deninzon for over 25 years... Kansas is damn lucky to have him in the band ! Great guy, great musician!!!

  • @alexknightma
    @alexknightma 5 місяців тому +7

    Hopefully Kansas never dies!!!

  • @CuzKatieSaysSo
    @CuzKatieSaysSo 5 місяців тому +4

    I've gotten to see Kansas many times over the years. The first time I saw them was 1974, I think, in Milwaukee, when they were the backup band for Hawkwind! For some reason, they like Milwaukee, so the last was last summer for their 50th Anniversary tour. I know some key original players are missing, and they lost 💙🎻Robbie Steinhardt🎻💙, may he Rest in Peace, but Joe Deninzon is a fantastic violinist and fills the part nicely. I find their concerts continue to be powerful, beautiful
    and musically on point. Come back to Milwaukee again - soon guys!

  • @davidp2888
    @davidp2888 5 місяців тому +3

    I saw Kansas for the first time in 2022. It was the culmination of a lifelong dream since I was 12. As far as I'm concerned, even with the personnel changes, it's still Kansas.

  • @kennethsylvester4884
    @kennethsylvester4884 5 місяців тому +2

    I love listening to all of the Classic rock bands from the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's, like Boston, Kansas, Stxy, Foreigner, Journey, and I know members of the band Lynyrd Skynyrd and I also like Charlie Daniel's, the Marshall Tucker Band, Molly Hatchet, the Little River band, Yes, Jefferson Starship, I just love listening to music and going to concerts.

  • @dhrevrogers
    @dhrevrogers 5 місяців тому +3

    I accepted Ronnie Platt as a vocalist. With Billy Greer and the addition of Tom Brislin, Joe Deninzon, Eric Holmquist, and now with the return of Zac Rizvi, I am fully convinced to see this band as a continuing force in music, even when the inevitable loss of Rich Williams and Phil Ehart occurs (hopefully a long time from now).

  • @lefty5757
    @lefty5757 5 місяців тому +4

    My all time favorite band, Masque is my all time favorite album from any Band!

  • @davidtexter913
    @davidtexter913 5 місяців тому +9

    Problem I have with legacy bands with different players then original, when they Do Not continue putting out new music and only rely collect $$ touring on the fame of the Original songs...Kansas has never done this, with New Quality material worth listening to and great to see played live to this day! Respect to every Kansas member today and in past.

    • @davidp2888
      @davidp2888 5 місяців тому

      I was a Journey fan from the late 70's until around 2016. I've seen them 9 times and even though Arnel can belt out the classics, he's not Steve Perry. Their new music doesn't do anything for me. They're relying on 40+ year old music to pull in the crowds, which it does. All these years later, they're still making Perry a rich man because of the agreements he signed upon leaving.

    • @cheezhead6007
      @cheezhead6007 Місяць тому

      Oh my God you're so right when I saw Kansas a few years ago and heard one of their new songs "refugee" I bought the CD after the show and talked to Rich Williams. Definitely the best Prog rock band there ever was in my book

  • @EricBigCity1111
    @EricBigCity1111 5 місяців тому +1

    John, this 😅a such a lovely, respectful and insightful video package you’ve put together for the sake of Kansas and the passion of music fans who want to dig deeper. I love what you have achieved here and in your UA-cam career. You’ve mentioned how nice these guys are, especially Ronnie Platt. YOU are also that kind-hearted person and I so appreciate your videos. Thank you again and again! (About Ronnie, I agree. Unearthly, sincere and candid kindness, something I appreciate for in a performer. Just after he joined Kansas, I saw them play in St Cloud, MN. After the show I was walking down the city’s main street towards my car on this warm summer night, and Ronnie came up to me on the sidewalk an hour minutes after the show ended- just the two of us and no one else around- just to chat after all the people had gone. He had no reason or need. I just looked like someone at a concert or a musician to him, so he said hello and asked if I enjoyed the show. We talked for about 15-20 minutes about his sudden career move into Kansas, how he got contacted by Phil Ehart, how much of a fan of Kansas he already was and deep cut songs he was hoping to get to sing, & that it was a dream come true for him. He talked Shooting Star days, growing up in Chicago suburbs, favorite songs and what rehearsals and traveling with Kansas was like. I could ask him anything like he was a close friend and he always had a gracious, but honest answer. We took a couple pics of us together and went our own ways. He feels truly blessed to be in Kansas, and he is. His friendliness is completely genuine. Glad your videos also demonstrate that in him and other musicians, and it’s a reflection of your own sincere heart as well.)

    • @TerryKrysinski
      @TerryKrysinski 5 місяців тому +1

      Awesome post,Eric--thanks for sharing that! T

  • @michaelbaucom4019
    @michaelbaucom4019 5 місяців тому +4

    I want Kansas music to be played 100 years from now. As long as capable musicians/singers are performing. After all, Mozart, Beethoven, etc are still being performed

  • @59Niles
    @59Niles 5 місяців тому +1

    I love Kansas for years

  • @johnm1619
    @johnm1619 5 місяців тому +1

    Their story is incredible. I don't care who's in the band. The music is fantastic and they're continuing playing classic music

  • @59Niles
    @59Niles 5 місяців тому +1

    Never quit guys keep rockin

  • @rtbrain
    @rtbrain 4 місяці тому +1

    Kerry Livgrens brother in law did the honors of baptizing me a couple of months ago at the church we attend.

  • @bloodeagle4729
    @bloodeagle4729 2 місяці тому +2

    Kerry, Steve and Robbie were Kansas

  • @bevanelliott72
    @bevanelliott72 5 місяців тому +1


  • @Gk2003m
    @Gk2003m 5 місяців тому +1

    0:08: you asked Jonathan Cain if Journey is still Journey after the personnel changes? You could ask Mike Shrieve or Gregg Rolie or Neal Schon….

  • @rds3wave
    @rds3wave 18 днів тому

    Rich Williams' comments echo those made by the guys from Def Leppard. "This has been our dream since high school. Why wouldn't we want to just keep on doing it every night? Forever?" And they don't mind playing even their most popular songs again and again, and doing things you and I might think would just get tedious. Thank the music gods for groups like this!

  • @johncole015
    @johncole015 5 місяців тому +1

    As long as there are hundreds of Beethoven tribute bands performing night after night Kansas can continue on.

  • @randybristow5638
    @randybristow5638 5 місяців тому +2

    Kansas is Kansas or any band long as there is one original member still on band, in my opinion. LRB isnt the little river band anymore.. Love Kansas then and now

  • @gordoh7634
    @gordoh7634 5 місяців тому

    Absolutely! Is it still Led Zeppelin without John Bonham?
    The key is the music will live on, and it is great to see the band in its newest rendition touring and playing new music.
    It's sad but true, but we all get old, and some functions in the band are harder to duplicate than others. I'm a large Tower of Power fan and David Garibaldi, who just announced his retirement from Tower of Power. However, the band will carry on.

  • @cheezhead6007
    @cheezhead6007 Місяць тому

    My Musical and Geniuses include Paul McCartney David Gilmour Alan Parsons Rich Williams

  • @equinox7125
    @equinox7125 5 місяців тому

    I've seen numerous different line-ups of this band and gone to their shows for decades. This current line-up is as much Kansas as any other line-up (if not more so). Unlike some other bands that just regurgitate formulas over and over (if they even record new music at all), much like Styx, the last few Kansas albums are every bit on par with their old stuff. Go see Kansas if they come to your town - you'll see for yourself.

  • @ROXYMUZAK1964
    @ROXYMUZAK1964 5 місяців тому

    Today many bands are just monuments... Ac/Dc, Toto, Queen, Journey...

  • @purplesprigs
    @purplesprigs Місяць тому

    Madison Square Garden, 1979, "Rich, Phil, Dave, Steve, Kerry, I'm Robbie. We're Kansas." I lived in Kansas for ten years. I still refer to the state as "Rich, Phil, Dave, Steve, Kerry and Robbie." I have enjoyed the work of future iterations, but the original is irreplaceable.

  • @frodofraggins
    @frodofraggins 5 місяців тому +3

    Yeah they are still Kansas. But they are missing the two most important pieces in Livgren and Walsh. So there's no nostalgia with this iteration. And I'm not a big enough fan of the band to pay to see them anyway.

  • @exfedrichard
    @exfedrichard 5 місяців тому

    take your pick... some touring bands now have ZERO original members 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️

  • @racinguy17
    @racinguy17 5 місяців тому +1

    You ROCK Rich! Meatwall!

  • @Rock_Snob
    @Rock_Snob 5 місяців тому

    No original Singer, violinist singer, bass player, lead guitarist , drummer. Not Kansas 😮

  • @kratino
    @kratino 5 місяців тому


  • @tebo1958
    @tebo1958 5 місяців тому

    A great cover band without the real singers, writers, violinist, etc. Not Kansas (fan since 1st LP).

  • @ronbaker8383
    @ronbaker8383 5 місяців тому

    Seen Kansas many years ago. Outside show. I stood behind Phil and watched him play awsome drummer