Slovenian Grammar is Confusing! VLOGMAS #3

  • Опубліковано 31 гру 2024


  • @foreignersspeakslovene5659
    @foreignersspeakslovene5659  7 років тому +5

    Thanks everyone for all your comments about this mystery, I very much appreciate that! I think we solved the problem in the end :) Petra

    • @lukatepes9788
      @lukatepes9788 6 років тому +2

      By the way "v redu" is pronounced "u rédu" not "vrédu". You probably might know that the V and L make a W or a U sound sometimes and it's slightly random. Like vzglavnik is pronounced (uzglawnik) and vrv is (vru) and všeč is (ušéč) etc. There are a lot of rules to this. Same with the L (kind of like in Polish): stol (stow) dolgi (dowgi) lepel (lépew) etc. :) Also avto, Avstrija, Avtobus, cev, vhod, vstop are all pronounced as a u or a w depending on what you would think of it.

    • @Rok_Piletic
      @Rok_Piletic 3 роки тому

      Stran z nasveti: za tihega ucitelja

  •  7 років тому +36

    Metin defines possession (answer to "whose"). Ajdov defines quality (answer to "what kind").

    • @foreignersspeakslovene5659
      @foreignersspeakslovene5659  7 років тому +1

      Hm, ok, I get it from the grammar point of view but what makes you decide between whose and what kind? Logically, it is a "type of tea" and not "tea which belongs to someone whose name is Meta". It should be metov čaj :D

    • @imepriimek398
      @imepriimek398 7 років тому

      actualy, we can say also ajdin kruh (but it is rarely spoken)

    • @markohladnik
      @markohladnik 7 років тому +7

      You have zeroed in on an inconsistency, there is indeed no logic to it! The rule is as stated above, but then your language instincts identified the exceptions, well done. Here is a discussion from a monograph that takes a critical view on illogically standardized prescriptive Slovene rules: I hope it helps.

    • @foreignersspeakslovene5659
      @foreignersspeakslovene5659  7 років тому +8

      Marko, thanks for noticing and thanks for the article - it explains my trouble! It's how you say and how I thought - inconsistent and not logical, but the Slovene linguists in the past made it official :D Now I can finally sleep :)

    • @markojovanovic6181
      @markojovanovic6181 6 років тому

      Phaha ja ce si iz slovenije valda da razumes o cem se gre ampk pomoje je za druge ljudi po svetu tezko

  • @musiclover86931
    @musiclover86931 7 років тому +10

    Ajdin čaj would mean tea from a girl named Ajda.

    • @foreignersspeakslovene5659
      @foreignersspeakslovene5659  7 років тому +6

      I know. And metin čaj MEANS tea from a girl named Meta. No? :)

    • @musiclover86931
      @musiclover86931 7 років тому

      Foreigners Speak Slovene yes it doesn't really make sense XD

    • @saratuskei6604
      @saratuskei6604 6 років тому

      Oh my god english sometimes doesnt make sense to slovenian s so dont judge us please bc of our language

    • @zuzu6864
      @zuzu6864 4 роки тому

      @@saratuskei6604 they weren't judging?

  • @blotski
    @blotski 6 років тому +1

    I'm a bit late to this but it's the same in Russian. You make short possessive adjectives from nouns and names by adding -in to feminine word eg. Natashin otec (Наташин отец)/Nathasha's father and -ov to a masculine noun Adamov otec (Адамов отец)/Adam's father. They can then decline normally eg Natashina mama. It's bookish and not used much but I had to learn it when I was studying Russian.

  • @saratuskei6604
    @saratuskei6604 6 років тому +5

    Im from slovenia and i love when people try to speak slovenian😂

  • @mitoalps6398
    @mitoalps6398 6 років тому +1

    I like how people find a reason. And it might be true.
    But from my point of view, you just don't think about it, and learn everything, because thinking won't help you.
    I'm Slovenian btw.

  • @ergeography
    @ergeography 7 років тому +3

    Finally, here's an explanation: ajd (m., pagan) and ajda (f., buckwheat) are of the same origin. This is what Slovene Wikipedia says: "Ime ajda je prevzeto iz staronemškega Heiden, ki je v zvezi z nem. Heide 'ajd, pogan'. Žitarica je tako poimenovana, ker so jo v 12. stoletju iz poganskih krajev in Kitajske v Evropo prinesli križarji. Iz latinske besede Fagopyrum izhajajo angleško poimenovanje buckwheat, nizozemsko boekweit in nemško Buchweisen, ki pomenijo »bukovo žito« ali »bukova pšenica« in povedo, da so ajdini plodovi tetraederske oblike podobni bukovim."

  • @heyoweirdo9526
    @heyoweirdo9526 7 років тому +6

    This isnt sklanjanje this is pridevnik idk how to say it in english but kakšen kruh? - Ajdov čigav čaj? Metin

    • @heyoweirdo9526
      @heyoweirdo9526 7 років тому +1

      Meta je tudi ime zato je to svojilni pridevnik in ne vrstni pridevnik

    • @heyoweirdo9526
      @heyoweirdo9526 7 років тому

      Se mi zdi sedmi razred slovenščine🤷🏻

    • @heyoweirdo9526
      @heyoweirdo9526 7 років тому

      Je dugonazaj

  • @KayaTheKitty
    @KayaTheKitty 7 років тому +7

    So I had the opposite of your situation... I was the waitress and had a man order "metin čaj". Problem was, he assumed I knew his language, which was Bosnian I think. I do understand it when they speak clearly and don't mumble under their breath (these FREQUENT customers wouldn't even say hi properly). So he mumbles "čaj od mente" and I'm a bit confused at first, so I have to ask again. He mumbles the same thing again and I still don't understand, so one of his friends rudely and LOUDLY says the exact same thing. Then, of course, I understood. But even if you do say "čaj od mete" or however, a proper waiter should understand you and not make you feel like a fool. They don't know if you're a foreigner and should be polite either way. So don't worry, it was completely their fault for making you uncomfortable. We all understand what "čaj iz mete" means, it's not a big deal, the rules are so weird and we should be more understandable when someone can't really understand them like we do (my boyfriend being Macedonian whose first language is oddly Czech... I got used to some weird Slovene words :) ). Props to everyone who moves to Slovenia and learns the language!

  • @senozetski
    @senozetski 7 років тому +5

    'lipov čaj' je še bolj soroden 'metinemu čaju' (lipa, meta). Lipin čaj pa ne obstaja.))

    • @bostjantaintch205
      @bostjantaintch205 5 років тому

      Gre za pridevnike. Iz lipe je to kakšen - LIPOV (lipovo vino, lipov med, lipova deska...)
      Iz ajde je to AJDOV (ajdovo žganje, ajdov kruh, ajdova pogača)
      Iz mete pa METIN (metino pivo, metin čaj, metina esenca)

  • @polonacerne6988
    @polonacerne6988 4 роки тому

    Mogoče je tako...
    Uporabi se cela rastlina: metin čaj, melisin čaj ali pa se uporabljajo deli rastline: lipov čaj, ajdov kruh.

  • @ergeography
    @ergeography 7 років тому +6

    Well, it looks like it's "just because" :)
    ájdov -a -o prid. (á) nanašajoč se na ajdo: ajdov cvet; ajdova slama / ajdov med; ajdova moka / ajdov kruh; ajdovi žganci; ajdova kaša z mlekom
    ♦ čeb. ajdova paša; um. ajdovo zrno okras v gotskem stavbarstvu v obliki ajdovega zrna
    métin -a -o prid. (ẹ̑) nanašajoč se na meto: metini listi / metin čaj / metina potica

  • @sciencelover8719
    @sciencelover8719 5 років тому

    Actually ajdin kruh kinda makes sense but ajdov kruh is right

  • @jarlfenrir
    @jarlfenrir 7 років тому +3

    I imagined some examples of similar situations in polish language, and i came to one obvious conclusion: "gender" of the second word in sentence have absolutely nothing to do with the form of the first word.
    If i understand correctly, you are trying to create an adjective from noun. In such situation, you have some suffixes to pick from, and... I guess you just pick the one that fit's the word the best.

  • @saratuskei6604
    @saratuskei6604 6 років тому +1

    Its beacuse the adjective and it makes more sence to us slovenians bc we live here but i hate when people say we are wierd when we use words like this so dont judge us bc of our language english sometimes doesnt make sence amd everybody just goes on with tueir lives

  • @dersuuzala4017
    @dersuuzala4017 6 років тому

    kruh iz ajde je ajdin kruh
    kakšen je kruh - ajdov , kruh ima okus po ajdi, zato je ajdov
    mogoče zato?

    • @zagrizena
      @zagrizena 6 років тому

      Kruh iz ajde je še vedno (knjižno) ajdov kruh.
      Predvidevam, da je hakeljc v kakem izvoru besede, ker je ta končnica vseeno izjema za ženski spol.

  • @markojovanovic6181
    @markojovanovic6181 6 років тому

    Jaz prihajam iz Slovenije... Sej če se potrudiš lahko dejansko obvladaš slovensko pac js se ucim rusko in nemsko inja(This is in Slovenian)

  • @cerebrallyric0267
    @cerebrallyric0267 7 років тому

    Akože pre pár ludi ktory sa neučili slovenčinu alebo angličtinu a základy gramatiky tak by vám pomohli ...ten problem je v stupňovaný koncoviek podstatných mien sa mi zda xD ale ja som neni dobrý v slovenčine až tak Takže googlite pani

  • @sararehar8455
    @sararehar8455 6 років тому +1

    It is because čaj is a masculine word, while moka is feminine.

  • @igoremersic2005
    @igoremersic2005 6 років тому

    In Croatia they speak croatian, in Serbia they speak serbian,in macedonia they speak Macedonian, so in Slovenia we speak slovenian language, not Slovene. Regardless of what English, Americans and Australins think. Word Slovene sounds like Slovin, short for Slovenska Vina.

    • @nsk370
      @nsk370 5 років тому +3

      Igor Emersic that is completely wrong. There is no such thing as 'slovenian' language, the correct term is 'slovene' the same way as you would say 'greek language' and not 'grecian language'

    • @VitalijKaramakov
      @VitalijKaramakov 4 роки тому

      @@nsk370 ooooh..... but "grecian" still sounds cooler, u know xD

  • @oneoneoneman
    @oneoneoneman 4 роки тому

    zato stranci ucite oficielni jezik bivse Jugoslavie a to je srbsko hrvacki kaki slovenacki to netreba ni u po Ljubljane kamoli dalje

    • @boyan64
      @boyan64 2 роки тому

      Zato smo se pa osamosvojili ker smo imeli pol kufer vašega uradnega jezika in komandiranja.

    • @oneoneoneman
      @oneoneoneman 2 роки тому

      @@boyan64 Niste se vi osamostalili vi ste pod diktaturom Brisela pa ucite svapski uradno i neuradno drug moj proleter

    • @boyan64
      @boyan64 2 роки тому

      @@oneoneoneman ne učimo švabski. U glavnom engleski. Ali nije loše ako znaš njemački.
      A jebiga, svi smo mi proleteri

    • @oneoneoneman
      @oneoneoneman 2 роки тому

      @@boyan64 pozdrav bratu Slovencu

    • @boyan64
      @boyan64 2 роки тому

      @@oneoneoneman pozdrav i tebi u Srbiju ili odakle si več bio sam u Kovinu 84 mjesec i po dana u JNA

  • @saratuskei6604
    @saratuskei6604 6 років тому

    And if some slovenians dknt know the anwser why do you think americans will😂

  • @idakrzisnik2132
    @idakrzisnik2132 6 років тому

    ANE kok je slovenscina za***ana