You know Eric has expressed many times he doesn't always agree with Gene and Paul I wonder if he is talking about how he has to play solos and having to wear the cat makeup Don't know only Eric knows and he ain't talking
I can play double bass and point! I'm so cool. Look at the flashing lights on my drums! Ooooh pretty. My sweaty drumsticks are $16k and my sneakers are $50k, ya bunch of pervs!!!
Wow... I never thought Eric's drum solos had any style or groove to them but at least he wasn't trying to sound like Peter Criss. I could always give him that much. Not anymore. After listening to the first minute of this all I could hear was the blatant theft of Peter's Reunion Tour solo. Then as he slowly drops the P.C. wannabe playing, the solo becomes less & less memorable. Just keep toweling your arms and hitting one drum. Musical vomit. No wonder real musicians laugh at KISS. This band just gets funnier by the day. It's really sad seeing such a big part of my life go out in this fashion.
I love Eric Singer !!!!! Hugs from Brazillll
Great drummer !!
The best drummer!
You know Eric has expressed many times he doesn't always agree with Gene and Paul I wonder if he is talking about how he has to play solos and having to wear the cat makeup Don't know only Eric knows and he ain't talking
Paul’s voice is gone!
5:15 or so.
Do you feel alright?
I feel fine, but it's clear you don't, Paul.
Scabby Doo
KISS HOOTERS Maybe we're you. You comment at the same time as us. Uh--strike that. Neither one of us wants to be you, I'm sure.
I can play double bass and point! I'm so cool. Look at the flashing lights on my drums! Ooooh pretty. My sweaty drumsticks are $16k and my sneakers are $50k, ya bunch of pervs!!!
Wow... I never thought Eric's drum solos had any style or groove to them but at least he wasn't trying to sound like Peter Criss. I could always give him that much. Not anymore. After listening to the first minute of this all I could hear was the blatant theft of Peter's Reunion Tour solo. Then as he slowly drops the P.C. wannabe playing, the solo becomes less & less memorable. Just keep toweling your arms and hitting one drum. Musical vomit. No wonder real musicians laugh at KISS. This band just gets funnier by the day. It's really sad seeing such a big part of my life go out in this fashion.