Profile of the Faculty of Education, UIII

  • Опубліковано 6 жов 2024
  • The Faculty of Education offers Master's and Doctoral programs and both offer four concentrations:
    1. Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning.
    2. Educational Assessment and Evaluation.
    3. Education Policy, Management, and Leadership.
    4. Education and Society.
    These four concentrations depart from an understanding that as an interdisciplinary discipline, education needs to be studied from a number of points of view moving from a micro to a macro one.
    More specifically, the Faculty of Education borrows the Ecological System theory from psychologist Urie Bronfenbrenner which views child development as a complex system of relationships influenced by various levels of the surrounding environments, from the family and school environment to cultural values, laws, and prevailing customs. Bronfenbrenner calls these multi-layered contexts: micro (immediate context), meso, and macro (farthest contexts). The four concentrations are designed to represent the ecological system, namely those that focus on the micro context represented by the concentration of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning; the meso context represented by the concentration of Educational Assessment and Evaluation, and the concentration of Education Policy, Management, and Leadership; while the concentration on Education and Society represents the context of a larger meso layer, linking it with the macro lenses of economics, politics, anthropology, and sociology of education.