Subhan Allah, I needed to hear this and Allah SWT put it in my way and sent it to me. May Allah SWT reward Dr Haifa immensely for her work and reward every listener eager to draw closer to Him and may Allah guide us all. May Allah forgive all my sins and shortcomings and forgive the sins of the muslim Ummah and may we all come to him with a Qalb Saleen (a pure heart). Ameen ya Rab Al Alameen.
Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) gave the definition of worship as follows: "Worship is everything that Allah loves and is pleased with from the inward and outward sayings and actions."
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahil adheem wa astagfirullahal adheem wa atubu ilaih Sallallahu wa wassalam ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa ashabihi tasliman kathira
MashaAllah Dr. Haifa,may Allah bless you and reward you for all your efforts, I ❤ you for the seek of Allah and may Allah make us learn from you and apply it ...
Deed (with what Allah is pleased) + intention = act of worship. may Allah help us to turn our daily deeds, small and big, seen and hidden ones into worship 🤲🏼
...subhanallah.... Allah knows..... i needed to hear this reminder especially on the early morning getting up especially when being up till very late - almost morning... alhamdulillah.
سبحان الله الحمدلله لا اله الا الله الله اكبر These azkaar are most beloved to Allah سبحانه وتعالى Read it as many times as you can. You will get great reward on the day of judgement.
اللهم إنك انت اسلام و منك اسلام تباركت ذو الجلال والإكرام رضيت بالله تعالى ربا وبالإسلام دينا وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبياً ورسولاً.صل الله و سلم على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا ورسولنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
ارجوكم ادعوا لي ولزوجتي بالصلح العاجل حفاظاً على أسرتنا وأولادنا. نمر بمرحله عصيبه و متفارقين. واكتبوا لي دعاءكم بارك الله فيكم - فدعاء ٤٠ شخص بظهر الغيب مستجاب بإذن الله تعالى. بارك الله فيكم
***If your heart is attached to G-d, it doesn’t matter where you are*** I love this so much. This applies to everything I’m pondering. If my heart is attached to G-d, it doesn’t matter what is happening or where I’m at, whether I am married, have my dream career, ideal life, ideal living standard. If He is mine and I am His; all is as it should be; all is well for my soul. This reached me deeply. I’m not Muslim but the breakup I’m going through hurts very little because of the messages I’ve been listening to from the Islamic spiritual teachers. It’s so pure and wholesome.
Assallamualaykum Jummah Mubarak mashaallah yes We love Allah we are sincere we Worshipped him and do all Ibadah we Fear Allah and don't do Haraam things we should be punished
I think if we stop thinking of haram things as “luring” .. its like thinking about Doing drugs… but claiming tge reason not to do it is because God hates it.. rather then logical reasons. I lived amongst people who Lied so incredibly well.. by the end of the lies and lying I was begging for death… on a cliff… telling Allah I obviously did not belong here and wanted to be with Allah. We dont think about why Its “fun” to lie.. or that God will punish your for doing it…. Rather then consider.. every lie you tell .. Might be the first lie a person ever heard/herd .. or the 100th they heard/herd that day… you dont know if ur the one introducing then to people pleasing lyin.. or the last one that sent me to the cliff sick and confused.. Lying and releasing lyin(lion) onto people that devour their mind and con/sume them into your mouth.. Causes people to live in your mouth or cave .. believing you .. Lying increases expectations on people. If you lie about your SATS.. Then others think 1500 score is capable.. they strive to “beat” or out human race your falsehood score.. bar sets too high and everyones striving to be at a bar that was all based in one “innocent” lie.. Until ur the scape goat (Ha’ram) that Ends up sacrificed to the lion/lyin on repeat.. until you decide that “fun” loop’hole is a spiraling stare/staircase .. that makes you insane with every stare.. The reason not to have a tale/tail .. isnt because God will hate you or not… because he obviously Found a way to get Moses into free the slaves.. because where there is a desire to truly want to leave.. even in the lowest forms of hell.. God will find a way/weigh as Loving, merciful Gods do. Imagine coming to your senses and feeling so stupid.. you dont feel like you have a right to talk to Allah.. you think Thats for the good people who deserve God.. and He wants to prove to you youre worth the truth.. all you gotta do is SHOW him what you want and act like it matters…. Your will to demon’straight the value of truth. If you politelty tell a women she looks pretty with make up… and we cover up bags under our eyes..and Tiredness from over working ourselves.. then we our race one another over a lie being polite. And even worse.. we all start Waking up earlier to look like fake “eye”dolls (idols) .. by tge end of my time in ha’ram… (like a laughing goat that was such “fun” time amongst lyin… cowards.. Untruths. .. You begin to wonder why others say dont do it cuz God will hate you send you to hell.. Hell’low…(hello) .. the hardest hell to see clearly is middle earth…. where people lie just well enough you think they are truthful and lie about truthful people making the Truth look bad.. And youre trying desperately to understand How you dislike the “good” liars.. who are societies “saints” whilst loving the truth telling drug addicts who Others mock and make fun of , lie about and cheat out of their right to a fair trial/test. Imagine that.. social service workers that have no principles they stand on.. while drug addicts deaperate to Be seen and treated as fair have to prove the social service person is not accurate in their portrayal… (poor’trail) And people look at you.. tge one defending the truthful drug addict or standing up for the voiceless “whore” .. Because you see no one listens to the one lost and used .. Hell is Being surrounded by people who cant or wont tell the truth cuz no one sees (blind) Whats wrong with it…. If you knew you were the last “lil’lyin” that sent that women to a cliff begging for death .. or the first person to introduce People to socially accept’a’bull lyin/lion.. Its still lyin/lion and claws/clause.. its still painful when ur the goat or Lyin/lion bound and re’main silent until your first words are begging God to accept your desperate plea for death from Him. See when you say you like someone and you really dont. It makes that desperate soul stick around waiting for you to call or Want to hang out again.. and you dont realize your “polite” lyin/lion .. Made that soul lose time waiting on you to be the friend .. and really you didnt like them or want them around.. which meant rather then go seeming friend’ships they do fit with, you were off with your friend and I was Politely waiting for my new friend to Want to hang out. One “innocent” lyin tale…. Fed luke warm not even at “room” tempeture. Haram is knot fun.. its a series of Not getting the truth. Knot getting for others.. jerks and kinks in tales.. naught’ (nautt’s) y relation’ships…. Naught’see (nazi) gas lighting.. who due’nazi why this is wrong or bad.. To remember Allah (A’law) of truth.. means to speak truth and practice truth and give Allah a job to do getting you out of the lyin’ville ewe/you heard/herd Was a “fun” place and God simply just wants to keep you from all the “Fun” It wasnt fun listening to me use me .. cuz i didnt know who i was or what i liked so i sir’rounded myself with people and things i didnt like or under’stand.. Its not fun to think youre saying in english “i dont like this” and find out.. in your “hood” .. words say one thing but act’tions mean another… (a’not’her) And someones gotta be at the bottom of the imagin’nation… and Im’a’gin’nation.. gotta be the “fall” guy.. its all “fun” and game ( like prey/pray) when ur the hunted Prey.. And have zero clue why ur both hated and “loved” for all the wrong reasons .. and ya dind yourself people pleasin (please’sin) To Avoid whips and tongue lashings cuz some lyin just need to let lose on a whipping boy.. and ur avail’a’bull…. If you practice speaking truth.. it becomes easier to speak truth in a polite way.. if you practice lies.. around lyin.. you Get claws/clause.. And if youre born into lyin mouths.. you then have to practice truths against lyin who hate truth.. and Ya also arent good at it cuz you Havent seen truth much.. so You dont do it The “right” way.. or in a way that Others can accept it… so you do it all wrong.. Verbal vomit style.. angry style. .. cold hard truth style. Til ur Served enough truth those ways. Then you decide to practice serving truth politely or As Genuinely as you can Without crying from your embarrassment.. Then youre to emotional to make friends.. cuz Everyone thinks ur depressed.. and who wouldn’t be Under paws/pause of the lyin wait/weight…. No pressure there.. to be All others received , doing it righf the first time or being unwelcome.. The more we practice allah/a’law of truth. The more youre desire is to be better at it so maybe one day truth sets you free to explore what you do like amongst a desert that Lets you kick rocks and get curious about why God uses rams and is’lambs (lambs) to re’present People and places .. and Decide Bluffs and cliffs And what be’hooves others…. Is be’wildering to you .. but thats because youre the scape goat.. and Just want to Ram your way out of the unattain’a’bull Bars…. And re-veal how fun the cow-ward is.
It’s like I’m sitting in that forum and you are directly referring to me. Subhanallah I keep asking what is my relationship with Allah and I can’t get an answer still 😞☹️😢
Je pense à message pour vous je vois mets mon message ou je vois que je m'en parle pas que je veux parler avec un domani si rappeler le joujou amour par avoir la qu'est-ce qu'il faut que je voie ton message je veux dormir avec les
That doesnt seem very merciful .. or loving . Ur telling me you .. who knows your own child (your creation) would as a parent intentionally misguide them…. To confuse and send them down a path of distruction? As entertainment? To Harm? That makes less sense then .. we as people have free will and we abandon truth listening to whatever “wisdumb” thats inside us.. and It sounds good on paper but Positions us above Gods way like were grown and forgot truth of who our creator is .. and i dont see God as Eye for an eye in “watch me destroy” .. i see it as I am double minded and choose the wrong path that loop holes listening to Ideax or filling in what makes sense to me and then real’eyes why i was on the path away from loop/poles and holes. And then he gives me back his sight … because he forgives my weird human moment that tested out my way/weigh that still made the truth “look” better then to live in pit and pendulum.. Like people pit against one another Thats the “pits” And that heardened person heart (like a fruit with a solid core) that you/ewe (like what is’lam) cant pentr’ate .. versus ha’ram… butting heads with what is right versus “left” I assume that when im faced with A truth .. or a hard lesson. I earned it.. and try to think the ones who teach it are trying in their best way to Show how and what i did to them that they gave me sight of how much i hurt them by hurting me in the same way…. Thats why theres a side to Allah ee dont want to see.. but also decide long before sometimes nof understsnting how yoyr shady triggered the darkness to out dark you to Ensure you turn it around scared of it. Like when Allah redirects the one who goes to attack Muhammad…. Theres an attack .. that is legal in ignorance or trying not knowing like a child Hurting a father By accideny of being young or less capable and then there are attacks we do that require a father to show us or allow us the hearing/hereing we de’served Others. Trials i think are us in the dark and learning and in the dark trying .. and sometimes the “trip” needs to occur to have a “break through” or to break fast’ and others To see if or what you do when faced with certain pressures.. .. i used to think pressure Tells us whats on the inside of us like to’motto Tells us of were a fruit or Saws (Sauce) .. I also think one might Be say a concern directly to a person on the road to the right path.. and seems to help that in the what “wee’d” dues.. and How to get to ths one who redirects us when we remember that hooded figuring we did that later became out Uncloaked truth.. Makes me sick to think of the ones ive Not helped knowing on the flip sides id be hearing myself and knowing that was wrong but in or under different veils At the time trying to get your head straight. The straight road is easy when you say straght but if you do shady.. and cant say why.. It makes others i think ur heart was Mean.. when it was more to me about needing to dig deeper to understand why we lie or hide ir do something g stupid or seems selfish but to you its something you gotta do to survive the mind/mined games .. like getting a netflix account to disassociate Fron the world when people are starving.. but Needing the netflix to escape a world thats starving.. andthat only making sense to those who mentally Are messed up.. its why we come to the path at different times and ways/aweighs and why Were sent someone or something at that moment .. Its the wish that someone will give you a mercy when you didnt deserve it or give it when you didnt have one and others thought you should. Thereve been times i thouggf Allah wanted one thing.. did it and then Was shown how that could have been interpreted differently. Thoughts for the next round of loupholes
Je passe un message pour vous je vais donner mon message pour toi que je veux apprendre messages je veux parler à mon livre que je veux donner ça que je vois parler de Rosalie Aïcha que je vois parler de ça que je veux parler avec une justification jamais je vois oublier un jour que je vois parler de ça que je veux parler avec un justification j'ai pas oublié tu vas donner un grand donne j'ai pas oublié vous allez vous allez savoir parce que Stephen Collins vous êtes internationale avec le nom que je veux parler ça
اللهم إنك انت اسلام و منك اسلام تباركت ذو الجلال والإكرام رضيت بالله تعالى ربا وبالإسلام دينا وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبياً ورسولاً.صل الله و سلم على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا ورسولنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Subhan Allah what u said it’s 💯 true we always make excuses may Allah protect all of us and show us the right path amen
We Love you so much more than a lot
Subhan Allah, I needed to hear this and Allah SWT put it in my way and sent it to me. May Allah SWT reward Dr Haifa immensely for her work and reward every listener eager to draw closer to Him and may Allah guide us all. May Allah forgive all my sins and shortcomings and forgive the sins of the muslim Ummah and may we all come to him with a Qalb Saleen (a pure heart). Ameen ya Rab Al Alameen.
I love her may Allah grant her barakah
Ameen ya Rabbi
When we feel laziness in offering prayer/Salah recite surah tul Nas you will feel magical
Ibn Taymiyyah (rh) gave the definition of worship as follows:
"Worship is everything that Allah loves and is pleased with from the inward and outward sayings and actions."
May Almighty Allah guide and protect to the right path until the day of resuscitation
SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi SubhanAllahil adheem wa astagfirullahal adheem wa atubu ilaih Sallallahu wa wassalam ala sayyidina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa ashabihi tasliman kathira
May Allah increase you in baraka and help others through Quran and knowledge 🤲🤲
Subhanallah Lailahairallah
May Allah give u more wisdom n knowledge to teach us ameen
ALLAH SWT guide us all and forgive us our shortcomings .Aameen to all duas
Allahumma Ameen ya Rabbal Alamin ya Arhamar Rahimin
subhana Allah,may Allah grant her more wisdom ameen
MashaAllah Dr. Haifa,may Allah bless you and reward you for all your efforts, I ❤ you for the seek of Allah and may Allah make us learn from you and apply it ...
Allahumma Ameen ya Rabbal Alamin ya Arhamar Rahimin Ya ArRaheem ya ArRahman
Alhamdulillah, May Allah reward you with jannatul Firdausi.
Ma shaa ALLAH ,this is so inspiring ,ifMay we all do everything to please ALLAH SWT and gain His Pleasure always Aameen
يامقلب القلوب ثبت قلبي على دينك ❤
May Allah guide us all to the straight path and forgive us all and grant us all a good ending and grant us all jannatul firdous Aamiin yaa Rabbi 😢🤲
May Allah swt bless you in Dunya akhira .your speech es very powerful. Ameen
Ameen, may Allah SWT hear from you.
Ameen ya Rabbi
Deed (with what Allah is pleased) + intention = act of worship. may Allah help us to turn our daily deeds, small and big, seen and hidden ones into worship 🤲🏼
Beautiful reflections, May Allah make you among the people of Alfredos
Jazaallah khairan sister make duafor me indeed help I am suffering of this situation inshallah
Yes sister may Allah reward you for reminding us Al hamdulillah aamiin yaa rabb Al-Amiin
Amin ya Rabbi
Mashallah great to finally see shaykha haifaa on al maghrib
So I needed a lecturer like this exactly..alhamdulillah
SubhanAllah… so awakening! Jazakallahu khairan ustada🫂🤍
Love you for ALLAH’s doc❤ May HE protect & keep you safe always!!! You are an asset to the Ummah. Bless you loadsss
...subhanallah.... Allah knows..... i needed to hear this reminder especially on the early morning getting up especially when being up till very late - almost morning... alhamdulillah.
Masha'Allah Dr. Haifa, may Allah bless you and your family. Jazakallahu qeyr sister much needed reminder.
This is my first time to listen to your lecture I love your lecture 😘😘
Convey message of Islam to all people of the world and to everyone who will come also convey message of Islam to all world leaders..........
Masallah Masallah Allah give to you Lonig Life l m peray for you
isallah isallah you will be Lonig Life Allah give to you ❤️ 🙏 ♥️ 💙 💖 💕 ❤️ 8
Your are accurate
Amain Amain Amain Amain Amain Amain Amanin 100/100
I am fr Philippines i love to hear your dahwa dra God bless you.
سبحان الله
لا اله الا الله
الله اكبر
These azkaar are most beloved to Allah سبحانه وتعالى
Read it as many times as you can. You will get great reward on the day of judgement.
I took a lof of notes, may allah reward you D.R Haïfa ❤❤
SubhanAllah La ilaha illallah Allahu Akbar Alhamdulillah La hawla wala quwwata illa billah Ashshukrillah Astagfirullahal adheem wa atubu ilaih
Mashallah!! May Allah bless you
Subhan Allah 😢
Allahu Akbar
May Allah SWT grant you more wisdom, Amen 🙏🏼 mashallah ❤️
Assalamualaikum everyone
Shekhar you hit many nails on my head
Jazakillaah for all the food for thought provoking advices
She have baraka..may Allah increase her in baraka...ameen.❤
اللهم إنك انت اسلام و منك اسلام تباركت ذو الجلال والإكرام رضيت بالله تعالى ربا وبالإسلام دينا وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبياً ورسولاً.صل الله و سلم على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا ورسولنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Oh My God this is so deep....
so true we are caught up in rituals ,and do not know every good deed pleases ALLAH SWT and every action has to be done for ALLAHs PLeasure
Allahbless You Sitti Haifa
Masha Allah what a good advicr
Alhamdulillah may Allah bless you
Its 100% true
استغفر الله الذي لا اله الا هو الحي القيوم واتوب اليه
Masha Allah ❤ we thank Dr Haifaa for beautiful reminders ❤ Allahu Akbar ❤
Barakah llahu fiyk Dr. haifa❤
ارجوكم ادعوا لي ولزوجتي بالصلح العاجل حفاظاً على أسرتنا وأولادنا. نمر بمرحله عصيبه و متفارقين.
واكتبوا لي دعاءكم بارك الله فيكم - فدعاء ٤٠ شخص بظهر الغيب مستجاب بإذن الله تعالى.
بارك الله فيكم
***If your heart is attached to G-d, it doesn’t matter where you are***
I love this so much. This applies to everything I’m pondering. If my heart is attached to G-d, it doesn’t matter what is happening or where I’m at, whether I am married, have my dream career, ideal life, ideal living standard. If He is mine and I am His; all is as it should be; all is well for my soul.
This reached me deeply. I’m not Muslim but the breakup I’m going through hurts very little because of the messages I’ve been listening to from the Islamic spiritual teachers. It’s so pure and wholesome.
May Allah bless you 😢I have benefited a lot from your lectures
That’s what I’m just doing thinking to pray isha and looking the media subxanallaah
Masha'Allah tabarakaAllah 😍
Jajakumullahu khoiron grand'ma❤❤❤❤
As’Salamu-Ala-i-Kum: 🌹🕊️
Dr Haifaa Younis : best book 📕 My sister…
Salem aleikoum
I really liked your words of hope 😊
Beautiful beautiful speaker allahumaberek ❤
Allahuma ameen ya Rabbi al-amin jazakalahu kairan ❤❤❤
Allah bless her ameen
May Almighty Allah bless 🙌 ❤
It is my dream to become like this Dr but Im not sure how please give tips and make dua for me
In shaa Allah
May Allah help you ❤
In Sha Allah
If u study Islam and follow it. Also listen to Dr Haifa's many videos. She also has online classes through Jannah Institute 😊
U can start learning deen .. im currently studying islamic education online from zad academy are u interested its for free
ماشاء الله نحبك في الله دكتورة
Subhana Allah
Assallamualaykum Jummah Mubarak mashaallah yes We love Allah we are sincere we Worshipped him and do all Ibadah we Fear Allah and don't do Haraam things we should be punished
I want to be reflection of you Dr. Haifa 🥺
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه آجمعين
Jasak Allah Khairan Kaseeran
my favorite role model
Thank you Dr. Sb Haifa.
Ma shaa allah ✨️
If we don’t put limit to social media we will lose our health …💖💖
Amiiin to all your duas🤲❤🕌🕋🇯🇴🥀🥀🥀
Thank you❤❤❤❤I really need this lectures
Allah Akbar Alhamdullilah Subhan Allah
Thank you very much
I think the name of the book is "Sins ,The poison of the Heart"
I am going to buy it today insha Allah on Amazon ❤
May Allah reward you.Ameen
SubhanAllah such a beautiful talk. I fell in love with her.
Thank you
Real woman...goodmorning❤❤
Jazaakullah khair
I think if we stop thinking of haram things as “luring” .. its like thinking about Doing drugs… but claiming tge reason not to do it is because God hates it.. rather then logical reasons.
I lived amongst people who Lied so incredibly well.. by the end of the lies and lying I was begging for death… on a cliff… telling Allah I obviously did not belong here and wanted to be with Allah.
We dont think about why Its “fun” to lie.. or that God will punish your for doing it…. Rather then consider.. every lie you tell .. Might be the first lie a person ever heard/herd .. or the 100th they heard/herd that day… you dont know if ur the one introducing then to people pleasing lyin.. or the last one that sent me to the cliff sick and confused..
Lying and releasing lyin(lion) onto people that devour their mind and con/sume them into your mouth.. Causes people to live in your mouth or cave .. believing you ..
Lying increases expectations on people. If you lie about your SATS.. Then others think 1500 score is capable.. they strive to “beat” or out human race your falsehood score.. bar sets too high and everyones striving to be at a bar that was all based in one “innocent” lie..
Until ur the scape goat (Ha’ram) that Ends up sacrificed to the lion/lyin on repeat.. until you decide that “fun” loop’hole is a spiraling stare/staircase .. that makes you insane with every stare..
The reason not to have a tale/tail .. isnt because God will hate you or not… because he obviously Found a way to get Moses into free the slaves.. because where there is a desire to truly want to leave.. even in the lowest forms of hell.. God will find a way/weigh as Loving, merciful Gods do.
Imagine coming to your senses and feeling so stupid.. you dont feel like you have a right to talk to Allah.. you think Thats for the good people who deserve God.. and He wants to prove to you youre worth the truth.. all you gotta do is SHOW him what you want and act like it matters…. Your will to demon’straight the value of truth.
If you politelty tell a women she looks pretty with make up… and we cover up bags under our eyes..and Tiredness from over working ourselves.. then we our race one another over a lie being polite. And even worse.. we all start Waking up earlier to look like fake “eye”dolls (idols) .. by tge end of my time in ha’ram… (like a laughing goat that was such “fun” time amongst lyin… cowards.. Untruths. ..
You begin to wonder why others say dont do it cuz God will hate you send you to hell..
Hell’low…(hello) .. the hardest hell to see clearly is middle earth…. where people lie just well enough you think they are truthful and lie about truthful people making the Truth look bad.. And youre trying desperately to understand How you dislike the “good” liars.. who are societies “saints” whilst loving the truth telling drug addicts who Others mock and make fun of , lie about and cheat out of their right to a fair trial/test.
Imagine that.. social service workers that have no principles they stand on.. while drug addicts deaperate to Be seen and treated as fair have to prove the social service person is not accurate in their portrayal… (poor’trail)
And people look at you.. tge one defending the truthful drug addict or standing up for the voiceless “whore” .. Because you see no one listens to the one lost and used ..
Hell is Being surrounded by people who cant or wont tell the truth cuz no one sees (blind) Whats wrong with it….
If you knew you were the last “lil’lyin” that sent that women to a cliff begging for death .. or the first person to introduce People to socially accept’a’bull lyin/lion..
Its still lyin/lion and claws/clause.. its still painful when ur the goat or Lyin/lion bound and re’main silent until your first words are begging God to accept your desperate plea for death from Him.
See when you say you like someone and you really dont. It makes that desperate soul stick around waiting for you to call or Want to hang out again.. and you dont realize your “polite” lyin/lion .. Made that soul lose time waiting on you to be the friend .. and really you didnt like them or want them around.. which meant rather then go seeming friend’ships they do fit with, you were off with your friend and I was Politely waiting for my new friend to Want to hang out.
One “innocent” lyin tale…. Fed luke warm not even at “room” tempeture.
Haram is knot fun.. its a series of Not getting the truth. Knot getting for others.. jerks and kinks in tales.. naught’ (nautt’s) y relation’ships…. Naught’see (nazi) gas lighting.. who due’nazi why this is wrong or bad..
To remember Allah (A’law) of truth.. means to speak truth and practice truth and give Allah a job to do getting you out of the lyin’ville ewe/you heard/herd Was a “fun” place and God simply just wants to keep you from all the “Fun”
It wasnt fun listening to me use me .. cuz i didnt know who i was or what i liked so i sir’rounded myself with people and things i didnt like or under’stand..
Its not fun to think youre saying in english “i dont like this” and find out.. in your “hood” .. words say one thing but act’tions mean another… (a’not’her)
And someones gotta be at the bottom of the imagin’nation… and Im’a’gin’nation.. gotta be the “fall” guy.. its all “fun” and game ( like prey/pray) when ur the hunted Prey.. And have zero clue why ur both hated and “loved” for all the wrong reasons .. and ya dind yourself people pleasin (please’sin) To Avoid whips and tongue lashings cuz some lyin just need to let lose on a whipping boy.. and ur avail’a’bull….
If you practice speaking truth.. it becomes easier to speak truth in a polite way.. if you practice lies.. around lyin.. you Get claws/clause..
And if youre born into lyin mouths.. you then have to practice truths against lyin who hate truth.. and Ya also arent good at it cuz you Havent seen truth much.. so You dont do it The “right” way.. or in a way that Others can accept it… so you do it all wrong..
Verbal vomit style.. angry style. .. cold hard truth style. Til ur Served enough truth those ways. Then you decide to practice serving truth politely or As Genuinely as you can Without crying from your embarrassment.. Then youre to emotional to make friends.. cuz Everyone thinks ur depressed.. and who wouldn’t be Under paws/pause of the lyin wait/weight…. No pressure there.. to be All others received , doing it righf the first time or being unwelcome..
The more we practice allah/a’law of truth. The more youre desire is to be better at it so maybe one day truth sets you free to explore what you do like amongst a desert that Lets you kick rocks and get curious about why God uses rams and is’lambs (lambs) to re’present People and places .. and Decide Bluffs and cliffs And what be’hooves others…. Is be’wildering to you .. but thats because youre the scape goat.. and Just want to Ram your way out of the unattain’a’bull Bars…. And re-veal how fun the
cow-ward is.
Plz sister Ha’ifah plz only give your talks to women
إن شاءالله🌺
Umm Hamid
It’s like I’m sitting in that forum and you are directly referring to me. Subhanallah I keep asking what is my relationship with Allah and I can’t get an answer still 😞☹️😢
Allahu Akbar
The name of the book please
It's like domino effect...
Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatahu ma'am
Kya Aisa Quran me likha hai ke Jo iman nahi late unko sakhti se mar de?
Assalamualaykum, what is the name of the book?
Sins: Poison of the heart by dr Haifa Younis
Jazakallah hu khair!
@@nashrachowdhary8364 Wa antum faa jazakumullahu khair
May Allah Paak protect all of us and guide us in the right path. AIIah forgive all our sins.
Je pense à message pour vous je vois mets mon message ou je vois que je m'en parle pas que je veux parler avec un domani si rappeler le joujou amour par avoir la qu'est-ce qu'il faut que je voie ton message je veux dormir avec les
That doesnt seem very merciful .. or loving .
Ur telling me you .. who knows your own child (your creation) would as a parent intentionally misguide them…. To confuse and send them down a path of distruction? As entertainment? To Harm? That makes less sense then .. we as people have free will and we abandon truth listening to whatever “wisdumb” thats inside us.. and It sounds good on paper but Positions us above Gods way like were grown and forgot truth of who our creator is .. and i dont see God as Eye for an eye in “watch me destroy” .. i see it as I am double minded and choose the wrong path that loop holes listening to Ideax or filling in what makes sense to me and then real’eyes why i was on the path away from loop/poles and holes. And then he gives me back his sight … because he forgives my weird human moment that tested out my way/weigh that still made the truth “look” better then to live in pit and pendulum..
Like people pit against one another
Thats the “pits”
And that heardened person heart (like a fruit with a solid core) that you/ewe (like what is’lam) cant pentr’ate .. versus ha’ram… butting heads with what is right versus “left”
I assume that when im faced with A truth .. or a hard lesson. I earned it.. and try to think the ones who teach it are trying in their best way to Show how and what i did to them that they gave me sight of how much i hurt them by hurting me in the same way…. Thats why theres a side to Allah ee dont want to see.. but also decide long before sometimes nof understsnting how yoyr shady triggered the darkness to out dark you to Ensure you turn it around scared of it.
Like when Allah redirects the one who goes to attack Muhammad…. Theres an attack .. that is legal in ignorance or trying not knowing like a child Hurting a father By accideny of being young or less capable and then there are attacks we do that require a father to show us or allow us the hearing/hereing we de’served Others.
Trials i think are us in the dark and learning and in the dark trying .. and sometimes the “trip” needs to occur to have a “break through” or to break fast’ and others To see if or what you do when faced with certain pressures.. .. i used to think pressure Tells us whats on the inside of us like to’motto Tells us of were a fruit or Saws (Sauce) ..
I also think one might Be say a concern directly to a person on the road to the right path.. and seems to help that in the what “wee’d” dues.. and How to get to ths one who redirects us when we remember that hooded figuring we did that later became out Uncloaked truth..
Makes me sick to think of the ones ive Not helped knowing on the flip sides id be hearing myself and knowing that was wrong but in or under different veils At the time trying to get your head straight.
The straight road is easy when you say straght but if you do shady.. and cant say why.. It makes others i think ur heart was Mean.. when it was more to me about needing to dig deeper to understand why we lie or hide ir do something g stupid or seems selfish but to you its something you gotta do to survive the mind/mined games .. like getting a netflix account to disassociate Fron the world when people are starving.. but Needing the netflix to escape a world thats starving.. andthat only making sense to those who mentally Are messed up.. its why we come to the path at different times and ways/aweighs and why Were sent someone or something at that moment ..
Its the wish that someone will give you a mercy when you didnt deserve it or give it when you didnt have one and others thought you should.
Thereve been times i thouggf Allah wanted one thing.. did it and then Was shown how that could have been interpreted differently. Thoughts for the next round of loupholes
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اللهم إنك انت اسلام و منك اسلام تباركت ذو الجلال والإكرام رضيت بالله تعالى ربا وبالإسلام دينا وبمحمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبياً ورسولاً.صل الله و سلم على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا ورسولنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين