Man curses fiancée to death for secretly meeting her ex-fiancé.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @zackosman5166
    @zackosman5166 Рік тому +9

    I can see the lady is not being faithful

  • @YawOwusu-p2n
    @YawOwusu-p2n Рік тому +15

    Young man in a relationship with a born one.Never go into a relationship with a woman with kids

    • @loud-gh
      @loud-gh Рік тому +3

      That's true ooo. I'm going thru the same situation

    • @drlikeetv4292
      @drlikeetv4292 Рік тому

      @@loud-gh please ran for your life okay 😃😃🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣.

    • @mavisgunu8444
      @mavisgunu8444 Рік тому +3

      But is the girl not older than the boy.
      The girl accepted the boy's proposal because of the small...small money the guy was giving her.
      She does not love the guy

    • @Chelseadaqueen
      @Chelseadaqueen Рік тому +3

      Women don’t go for men with kids too!

    • @thomasagorhom1139
      @thomasagorhom1139 Рік тому

      @@Chelseadaqueen you don't realise it's not the same. A man who goes for a woman with kids has everything to invest, provision, emotions, protection and more. A woman who gets with a man with kids does provide, protect nor have any obligations to those kids. Look around you and see how many women in that situation have gotten men the neglect their own children. Men look well before you make such commitments, it's not worth it. If they were respectful most of them won't be with kids and without their fathers. Stop dating women who can't provide the life they demand from you for themselves, Stop dating broke and short sited women.

  • @joeappiah4167
    @joeappiah4167 Рік тому +3

    Karma will caught her, brother forget her

  • @MargaretManu-pd8ur
    @MargaretManu-pd8ur Рік тому +1

    How do reach the guy. I need his contact for a discussion

  • @nicoansuh1391
    @nicoansuh1391 Рік тому +13

    She just need help but She dont love him

  • @georgeappiahnuamah7708
    @georgeappiahnuamah7708 Рік тому +5

    But how u chop a woman with 2 months baby ? Eiii Braa...This lady is not correct koraa

  • @JJthemokey
    @JJthemokey Рік тому +10

    How on earth a woman with a new born baby fall in love to another man.
    Regardless of what have happening, They should separate from each order.

  • @tieroo123
    @tieroo123 Рік тому +5

    Bro don't beg a woman to marry you else you will beg your whole life...

  • @ericdofour261
    @ericdofour261 Рік тому +5

    Chris allow her to go.

  • @abigaillarby5518
    @abigaillarby5518 Рік тому +19

    If it’s mama Efe, you people will turn off the comments section that means you people are aware of her bad manners, as in how she talks to others. I see. Instead of you people advising her, rather you turn off the comment. You guys know this host isn’t rude and harsh so you’ve open the comment section!!

  • @Cutie11083
    @Cutie11083 Рік тому +7

    This girl still wants her ex

    • @samuelnanawiafe9348
      @samuelnanawiafe9348 Рік тому +1

      She's not serious and she will bare the consequences

    • @johonso414
      @johonso414 Рік тому

      Some ladies don't know what they want..the guy love for you is real so why this girl is behaving that

  • @drlikeetv4292
    @drlikeetv4292 Рік тому +14

    This young man is not serious, how can you put your trust in Born one😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 my advice for the Yong guys never dated or married any woman who have a kid or kid's your life will turn back😂😂😂😂😂😂.

    • @ruthodoom3570
      @ruthodoom3570 Рік тому +3

      Say that bro,not all women are like this lady. This girl in question isn't into the young gentleman everything shows that she went only for his help which is very bad

    • @drlikeetv4292
      @drlikeetv4292 Рік тому

      @@ruthodoom3570 😃😃😃😃

    • @Chelseadaqueen
      @Chelseadaqueen Рік тому +2

      Women never settle for a born one man!

    • @John-f9q9y
      @John-f9q9y Рік тому

      Not born one thing but the guy had a bad motive.
      Help her and chop

    • @drlikeetv4292
      @drlikeetv4292 Рік тому

      @@John-f9q9y 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @kofisarpong9038
    @kofisarpong9038 Рік тому +23

    😂😂😂 Step fathers are now struggling to raise their step babies, while Daddies are at pork joints ordering for more onions and green peppers

  • @senatsiagbe3142
    @senatsiagbe3142 Рік тому +7

    Born one wey get bad character

  • @YawOwusu-p2n
    @YawOwusu-p2n Рік тому +6

    Evil mother and daughter.

    • @John-f9q9y
      @John-f9q9y Рік тому +1

      No please
      The guy was not wise.
      How can you can you call a new born mother that you have heard that the father is not taking responsibility so you want to help her and later marry her.
      He could have waited for a year and start to push for the marriage

  • @naomiyorke9830
    @naomiyorke9830 Рік тому +1

    Honestly speaking, Theresa is not faithful.
    She's not reliable at all. It's very pity.
    Next time!!

  • @berchiejones4308
    @berchiejones4308 Рік тому

    The poor will always continue to be poor!!

  • @OnGod136
    @OnGod136 Рік тому +4

    Paddy advice ur self ...the gal is playing smart ..she wont help u but she will regert 😊😊😊

  • @emmanuelosei1452
    @emmanuelosei1452 Рік тому +2

    Please kindly let the lady talk the truth, either she likes likes the guy or not ,

  • @samueladusei
    @samueladusei Рік тому +1

    She should pay 1500 and leave the rest

  • @teyevictor
    @teyevictor Рік тому +5

    The girl is not marriage material. Dissolve the relationship and let them go their separate ways. Once the gentleman has had an affair with the lady, there is no need to pay back any monies

  • @teyevictor
    @teyevictor Рік тому +3

    You are all not serious

  • @JulietBoakye-g1p
    @JulietBoakye-g1p Рік тому +3

    My brother u are nice guy stop this duabo s3m and look sharp this lady will not help you at all

  • @AlimatuSardia-mt3ey
    @AlimatuSardia-mt3ey Рік тому +1

    Donkor ampa, that's why you killed your self for her like that,my dear ladies sometimes we have to remember who helped us on our needy days

  • @emmanuelosei1452
    @emmanuelosei1452 Рік тому +3

    It seems like, the girl wants his money to support her child for sometimes, and later go and beg the father of the child.

  • @frankackah3687
    @frankackah3687 Рік тому +2

    Useless two

  • @kwameasiedu1578
    @kwameasiedu1578 Рік тому +1

    Boy let go of the money better women's looking for you, the lady is crafty

  • @Joepasaasa95
    @Joepasaasa95 Рік тому +2

    The guy should seen the red flag a backed out before it gets to this point. Duabo is not solution. He should have walked away

  • @sammypsalm1445
    @sammypsalm1445 Рік тому

    This lady is not serious in life.

  • @christodiaboateng3000
    @christodiaboateng3000 Рік тому +1

    Foolish guy, how much is too much

  • @boatengfoster3281
    @boatengfoster3281 Рік тому +3

    This guy should leave this tonic marriage becos both the lady and her family are not saying the truth

  • @D_RanD
    @D_RanD Рік тому +1

    You are scared of Duabo but you were never scared of the money he was given to you. Shameless cheat!

  • @joeappiah4167
    @joeappiah4167 Рік тому +2

    Only God Almighty knows the truth, man leave her, she don't love you

  • @pastorkwamedebrah5214
    @pastorkwamedebrah5214 Рік тому +1

    This girl is wicked

  • @karlmax6031
    @karlmax6031 Рік тому +3

    The girls family is not a good one for the guy to enter. Her grandmother has two mouths. and the girl thinks her vagina is a precious commodity which demands and attracts money.
    Christopher also use money to lead his courting of women so he will have to learn very fast. The girl is even making fun of him.
    Chris forget about her because i think another man is talking to her so she wants to clear you. Her poverty is leading her thoughts. Take a loss and focus on yourself and a good girl will come your way. Chris note that her child will not be loyal to you in the future so you do not need to waste your time on this girl and her child. From what i hear, she still loves the guy who had a child with her and even if you continue with her, she will open her legs for the guy. For me, the guy seems to be an opportunist who does not take responsibility but have some prowess that Chris does not have.
    Note that women like players. The other guy seems to be a player for me because during the pregnancy and delivery, he was not there. He went round to look for some money to pay for her discharge from hospital then vanished again waiting for the next time to pounce. He showed up again after 4 months or so while all that while Christopher was cleaning his mess.
    The girls family accepted him which i believe if the girl refused, the guy wouldn't have had the boldness to appear.
    Chris, she is in love with a bad boy. Do not waste your time as you are too decent and disciplined for her. Leave her and her family for the bad boys.

  • @Chelseadaqueen
    @Chelseadaqueen Рік тому +7

    What type of man curses with every chance he gets? Leave before he kills you and why are you even dating another person right after birth?? Can’t you guys stay without men??

    • @John-f9q9y
      @John-f9q9y Рік тому

      There are some guys like that.they don't believe in themselves so once they use curses it makes you afraid of them.that when you leave them you will die

    • @naomimesu2414
      @naomimesu2414 Рік тому +2

      My dear say that again oooo I have been in lraq for 5 years 6 months and l never have sex. And I'm still in Iraq working hard 🪣 Hmmm

    • @tieroo123
      @tieroo123 Рік тому

      Why can't you be faithful 😜😜

    • @jojoboafo7162
      @jojoboafo7162 Рік тому +1

      U see your life that is y she is born one..

    • @Chelseadaqueen
      @Chelseadaqueen Рік тому +1

      @@tieroo123 we are learning from you men. Ask yourself why you can’t stick to one woman

  • @swanzylover2608
    @swanzylover2608 Рік тому

    Wicked girl😏😒

  • @eboakye100
    @eboakye100 Рік тому

    SMH… run from this efuom man smh

  • @beautyofafrica3222
    @beautyofafrica3222 Рік тому +1

    So many men are killing themselves for women all in the name of love.
    But guess what…..the woman is with you because of Ahokyere nti

  • @OwusuSahra
    @OwusuSahra Рік тому


  • @SamuelYeboah-y2n
    @SamuelYeboah-y2n Рік тому

    Foolish woman

  • @mistiperfectboy
    @mistiperfectboy Рік тому +1

    Seriously I will like to some how someway connect to christopher... not sure if anyone could help make that happen

  • @mohammedyussif1565
    @mohammedyussif1565 Рік тому +1

    Fear woman

  • @justicederock6642
    @justicederock6642 Рік тому

    Dear women and safe your life.

  • @B2tv1
    @B2tv1 Рік тому

    The girl does not love this guy but he should have not also course her . Better you leave her to enjoy her baby daddy

  • @dennismarfo3536
    @dennismarfo3536 Рік тому +4

    She may seem unfaithful but it is of no use cursing her.
    People even builld houses for women and such relationships still don't work out. You just have to be mindful of where you put your money.

    • @oseitututawiah2109
      @oseitututawiah2109 Рік тому +4

      Massa, 3y3 a mongyae saa nkwasiakeka no. Why do you think it's always ok for women to rip off men all the time? Mo de3 gyimii nkoaa. Kwasia hunu kwa. Ofui.

    • @brightgogo2400
      @brightgogo2400 Рік тому

      ​@@oseitututawiah2109Wo de3 wo' 😜

    • @dennismarfo3536
      @dennismarfo3536 Рік тому

      @@oseitututawiah2109 eiii Osei Tutu nono
      Pal, in as much no man wants his fellow to be ripped off, we as men must be extra careful when we have to even give them a dime

    • @auntynaana6104
      @auntynaana6104 Рік тому

      Christopher's Afro wig "baakop3"

    • @tieroo123
      @tieroo123 Рік тому

      How many houses have built for a woman?? Don't forget 10,000.00 may seem 100 to somebody and 10 may 1000000 to someone so relax..

  • @AgyeiwaaAfia-o6i
    @AgyeiwaaAfia-o6i Рік тому +1

    Shames girl

  • @theresaserwaa-nr1ro
    @theresaserwaa-nr1ro Рік тому


  • @whitesaintconsult7314
    @whitesaintconsult7314 Рік тому

    What will happen if we don’t marry at all…. Today this, the next day that

  • @patrickadabaara7302
    @patrickadabaara7302 Рік тому +1

    Advice yourself she’s not married material leave her

  • @amafrimpong9598
    @amafrimpong9598 Рік тому +4

    Why have you turn on your comments again? You guys don’t want the truth. Your hosts interfere a lot when the people are talking. You disrespect the people that comes to you. You make ridiculous comments about them. You take sides without dealing with the case. You sometimes run it like a family way of settling issues without the laws. I can go on and on. So because people talk about these bad habits you turn off your comments. The host is old let her go on retirement. The one hosting today too have to be careful sometimes you exhibit mama Afe bad habits.

  • @akua9438
    @akua9438 Рік тому

    Sweetie don't be too harsh on the old lady,the hard drink the man sent was for kwaseabuo sika and not the marriage according to her.The two of them rushed in engaging themselves yet the guy is too jealous.The curses were not the best.

  • @HansonSirip
    @HansonSirip Рік тому

    The host your behaviour is bad

  • @richmondata-poku6154
    @richmondata-poku6154 Рік тому

    I know the uncle la

  • @twumasiboateng4992
    @twumasiboateng4992 Рік тому

    the guy is dangerous