My mother aged 76 had a dream one night about her 1st boyfriend from when she was a teenager. He was in a crowd of people all facing her and she was on her own on the other side facing them. She saw him in the dream and wanted to go to him and he told her: 'No, you stay here' then he turned around and left with those people. A few months after the dream she went to the place she knew he was living and asked a neighbour about him... the neighbour told her the guy had died and the time of death was around the time she had the dream about him leaving and telling her she does not go with him. She only told me about this years later. My mother is very afraid of her dreams.
My mother just turned 90 and she too has dreams. She'll tell them, not realizing that they are messages the meanings of which we others can at least get a glimpse of.
@@redrumax He writes about his experiences of this kind but his lasted during 15+ years in dreams but also during the day,all the time. The only case of this that seems genuine. So he is well worth reading.
@@redrumax + its clear Jung was heavily influenced by Swedenborg. Jung considered that "Swedenborg had temporary access to “absolute knowledge” in a realm that transcends time and space"
Through the infinite chaos there is unfathomable order. I have no idea how everything is connected from cosmic to microcosmic, but I know it all is. And true faith comes when the mind recognizes its inability to grasp it all. Existence is more fundamental than the mind, you, and I. May spirit be with you❤️🙏🏼
This video has reminded me of something that happened to me 5 years ago which I'd forgotten about. I remember I had a dream that I walked outside my apartment and my grandfather (who passed away in 2014) was standing there. I asked him what he was doing there and said I thought he was dead and he told me that he'd decided to pay me a visit while he was on earth for two weeks, saying that he had come to collect his wife (my grandmother, who at the time we knew was terminally ill with cancer), who he said was going to 'leave' on the 21st of March. Exactly two weeks later, on the 21st of March, my grandmother passed away too and I was entirely unsurprised to find out, because of the dream I'd had.
Wow, absolutely astonishing, Xercon! Thank you for taking the time to share that, I do believe that dreams are a rich and powerful source of intuition. Happy holidays to you and yours!
a friend who recently finished the race appeared in a dream about where we both worked. Out of nowhere he presented him self sitting where he would normally sit. That part was as real as real can get. Yet before he appeared the dream was abstract. Amazing how we're spirt beings incapsulated in a biological system experiencing this amazing reality.
Wow..... awesome story, thanks for sharing.... there's definitely more to this life than many of us will ever realise.... From my experience/experimentation, I believe psychedelics/mediation/sound frequencies breaks down the barrier between our conscious and subconscious mind, allowing our conscious mind to experience our sub conscious thoughts, feelings and memories..... however I also believe, in our subconscious mind we can access the universal consciousness...... One of my first truly breakthrough experiences, during my own experimentation was this..... the words/feeling/communication I was experiencing, felt as if they were coming from someone/something/somewhere else....... """"" Hey we've been waiting for you....... don't be scared...... don't be scared....... your family is here with us..... you don't really know him well, but he's family, he's family...... it's (then proceeded to tell me a name) he's safe, he's here with us, he's your family don't worry, he's with us"""" 3 days later I was with my mum and we were talking about our family and I was asking if any of my older family members had caught or been effected by c v..... at first she said no.... then after a short pause she said her cousin..... with the same name I had heard/felt/experienced 3 days before had been in a coma for 4 days with pneumonia and died the day after my experience......... I was gobsmacked and instantly began to feel an incredibly sadness this was one of the most profound experiences of my life......... I had only ever met the man a few times and never really seen him or his family in my day to day life or on social media as I only use this......... there had been no mention from anyone or way of me knowing about his predicament in the weeks prior. I was a hard-core atheist before this....... now I have a new found sense of........ enlightenment amazement, fascination and desire to discover the world to which is there but we cannot see or experience, not in our normal state anyway. Peace, power and freedom to all the psychonauts out there.......
In September 2019 I had a meaningful dream that give me a huge impact on my journey. A strange meeting with my friend's father. In real life, we always have a good conversation and sometimes exchange a ridiculous joke. On my dream ; we're sitting together and he keeps himself in silence. Totally aware of my appearance without a single word even when I asked a question. Two days after I had that dream (in waking life), I received a message about his passing. I'm happy that I can share this story here. Thank you for your amazing video, Elson.
I had an experience, similar to what Jung describes, but I don't know if it was near death or not. I only know that I lost consciousness and came to some moments after. What I saw was a beautiful star ⭐ It was the most brilliant thing I had ever seen. It was bright blue, and so beautiful that I could feel myself flying towards it. Falling through space. I didn't fully know who I was, in that moment. Only some of my core beliefs & values. What was this overwhelming feeling, was that I had to get to this star. It was important, I had to get there. I felt as though I knew it might have meant death if I did, but that nonetheless I had to go. There was this feeling of bliss, but also deep fear. This place I went to was like the place of contradictions. It seemed to take forever, yet like there was no time at all. Everything made sense to me, while also being strange, vague & confusing. It seemed impossible to be real, that I could really be there, for I knew that if I were really floating in space, in the path of such a bright star, I would most definitely be dead, & likely blind as well - yet, this maybe felt like the most real thing I'd ever experienced. It was wonderful, but it also really shook up, and frightened me. The whole experience felt like eternity in a second, and when I spoke to my friend, he said he had two near death experiences which he described in the exact same turn of phrase. When I came to again, I was frightened, confused & full of adrenaline. I woke up with tears streaming down my face, surrounded by strange faces which it took me a moment to recognise was my grandad, the chemist and the nurse. I remember who they where before I even remembered who I was myself. Everything seemed to take a while to fall back into place. I was shaken, but relieved, and glad to be alive. Nonetheless, feeling changed (perhaps for the better) from that experience. Thankyou, if you've read this. I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar?
Wow, thanks for taking the time to share your deeply moving experience, Raven. It sounds to me that you very likely had an NDE. Dr. Bruce Greyson, in his book "After" writes that about 75% of Near Death Experiencers described a sense of timelessness, and that many of their senses like vision and hearing became more vivid than normal (E.g. seeing brilliant colours they've never seen before). Thanks again, and big love to you and yours, and best wishes for the new year!
@@ModernIntuitionist That's true, everything seemed much more vivid as well! I'm not sure if I actually died at all, since I only passed out and woke up again in a short space of time but it was very strange. I just had some kind of weird reaction to a vaccine (my family got the same vaccine and were fine, I just seem to react differently to some vaccines as it happened once before in high school. Though that time I didn't have an NDE but it was very scary.) Thanks for your reply, and thankyou for making these videos, they're very helpful and informative. Happy new year, if you're celebrating :)
I remember my first memory being quite bizarre. I won't go into it because when I've shared it on social media before I've been ridiculed because of just how unlike anything else most people have come across that it is. But when I read Car Jung's biography and got to his description of his NDE my hair stood on end. While not identical, it did share roughly 60% of my experience.
I’ve never shared my first memory in detail with anyone ever, I’ve told a very few close ones some of it, it was in 1960 when I was 3 and 1/2 , the memory never goes away like other memories, it was all about the soul, too long to go into
These videos are so packed with meaning, I have to keep rewinding to soak it all in. Thank you for spreading the message that is surely changing people's lives. Grandma!
Thanks so much, Lisa! Great to hear from you, I hope you and your family are all doing well. I'm always so grateful for your continued support. Big love and happy holidays to you!
What you are doing with these presentations is both beautiful and delicate. I have had several such experiences of varying sophistication, complexity, and insight. I've spent my life investigating the matrix that both surrounds and penetrates such experiences and have found the commonality to actually be present in every moment of what we are calling life itself. I think that what you are doing here will help heal the world.
I visited your homepage and saw your question: *"Is there room for ancient wisdom in the modern world? As technology continues to advance, our level of wisdom has not kept pace."* Sadly it is one or the other. This is why it is so important to have multi generational families. The younger generation gets swept up in the newest technologies and the oldest generation reminds them what is truly important. The young mind may not seem to have grasped the messages being recited but the subconscious mind retains everything. And under the relevant conditions like when that young child now has their own children, that wisdom is brought forth again to inspire another generation. The more social media one consumes the less connected we are to our source, our sameness. There isnt the aura connection, or the warm energy exchange via text that you get over a cup of tea and a chat. And an emoji cannot replace a hug no matter how many you add to your text. We are told technology is bringing us closer together but in reality it is pushing us farther apart.
Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective on that, Elone! I also often feel that many younger people are missing out on things like connection with nature that we enjoyed as children. Ultimately I believe that technology is simply tool, which can be used for good or bad, and I'm heartened by the people who've found me in this community to spread positive energy and share their stories. Thank you for your comment, and happy holidays to you and yours!
Despite the fact that I've moved halfway across the UK , I now end up with 2 close friends that once lived just around the corner to me,(one had lived right opposite my Aunt's house,) and our new family GP that we registered with who has now retired, lived just 3 houses away from my family when he was growing up! We never knew of each other's existences at the time, which makes it even more mysterious.
👵👵Your beautiful video reminded me of an amazing synchronicity involving two grandmothers that happened several years ago. The first was at the funeral of my paternal grandmother in 2009. While saying my final goodbye the idea of becoming a hospice volunteer entered my mind. I knew at the time I needed to overhaul my understanding of death and dying that was shaped by personal tragedy. I thought getting close to death and dying might help me while helping others. After the second occurrence of hearing an ad on the radio for a local hospice looking for volunteers at the same time I was thinking about it, I started volunteering. At the time I was doing extensive research on the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” which discusses our higher consciousness the author called “Quality”. There is a passage in the book about the Yellowstone earthquake in August of 1959 which caused a mountain to collapse. The author compared the collapse of the mountain to the collapse of his own mind in the early 60’s. In the book his son asked him after he told the story about the mountain if there was any warning. The mountain collapse killed several people. The author said “maybe there was”. I discovered during my research a friend of the author was going to take his family camping at the location and weekend that would become buried in rock. Just before leaving he had a premonition, an intuition, that something bad was going to happen and cancelled the trip. I thought about that a lot during my research. Was he the only one who responded to a “warning”? One night in 2011 I was really thinking about all of that. The next day I received a call from the hospice where I volunteered asking me to sit with a new patient, a grandmother, while her daughter went shopping. As we got acquainted she said she grew up in Wyoming. Since it was on my mind I asked her if she remembered the Yellowstone earthquake. Her answer stunned me! She told me her father was driving her and her brother to camp in the same canyon below that mountain that fateful weekend. While driving to Montana her dad said “It’s too quiet. Something is wrong”. He was so distressed by the feeling he turned around and went home, potentially avoiding the fate of many others. She was an amazing example of facing the end of her life journey with courage, faith and dignity. I will never forget that profound experience. Years later I stopped at the visitors center where the mountain fell in the middle of the night. I asked an employee if any visitors tell stories about premonitions of disaster. He said “All the time”. That same morning someone told a story. This is my grandmother and synchronicity story. Awesome video!
I’ve been thinking about my grandmas today. Dreamt the other night I was getting in a truck, she was holding open the door. Felt like dad was driving. Holding onto their love for dear life in a time of great change. Trying to plant a seed. Hoping to see it grow. Thanks for the timely video! Waters of wisdom emerging is so refreshing! 🙏🕊
Thank you for taking the time to share your deeply moving experience, Jamie! Dreams are such a powerful and rich source of intuition (and connection with the divine). My best to you and your loved ones in the new year!
With every video you're growing into a wonderful storyteller! I was open to the map of synchronicity before but after my psychedelic experience I see so many events in that lens. Stories & Experiences > Fact for the human mind, and your doing a wonderful job creating wonderful experiences for the world!
Wow, that is the highest compliment, thanks so much my friend. I am so grateful for your continued support. I'm very much looking forward to your new chapter and seeing the continued evolution in your work also!
Another excellent video. Love this channel. I experience synchronicity quite often, especially after I experienced kundalini awakening 22 years ago. The synchroncities in my opinion, are Divine guidance that either affirm the path I am on or tell me I am going the wrong way. Synchronicity to me is proof positive that all things and beings are connected...Reality is One. One that includes the many.
Thanks so much, Majik! Beautifully said, it very much aligns with my own view that synchronicities are hints and nudges that we're on the right path, and all the mysterious ways in which we're connected. Big love to you and yours in 2023!
Wonderfully done (as always), my two 👵 hold a very special place in my heart!! ❤ Speaking of synchronicity, when I have been facing a difficult moment in my life, your timely videos always manage to bring me comfort reminding me of the bigger picture. Thank you Elson for creating and sharing with us, it is greatly appreciated!! Sending much love and light your way!! 😊✌❤
You are so very welcome, NA. Thank you for taking the time to share such kind words. I truly appreciate your support. Much love and light to you and yours, and happy holidays!
And I’ve had multiple synchronicity’s. But they all seem to be associated with me being a physician. Each event seem to have a positive impact with my interaction with a patient. 1. Waking up early in the morning. Short of breath for no reason. Then later that morning, then care of a patient who woke up short of breath of the exact same time. Patient dying of cancer. When when I explain what it happened. The patient had a sense of peace. They were now feeling a sense that they’re ready to move on. They’re going to go home with their family. 2. discussing a life-saving procedure in the morning with a colleague. The colleague brought up how the procedure should be done. We went through it completely. That evening I performed that procedure to save a patient’s life. I never performed it before in my life. I have been practicing 28 years at the time. 3. visualizing event. Later that evening called into the hospital into the patient’s room. There was the exact same experience. The earlier vision made the situation, peaceful easy to manage and successful. Several other events and situations connecting myself with patience. But these are three of the most significant.
Blessed soul! God grant all physicians share even a piece of what you have. Physicians die, too. Then they are out of work as there are no physical bodies to aid. Psychologists and psychotherapists may continue to work on the Other Side as they work with mind and emotions, their “place” of work being what traditionally is called limbo or purgatory. But physicians? Dead out of luck, no body to heal. So what do they do? Become aids, teachers, guides to living physicians. They inspire breakthroughs in medicine and pop ideas into the doctor’s head, like “Oh right, I should check on that.” As I write I see portraits of physicians past and names inscribed in honor of physicians who worked at your place of work. One or more of them help you. Why? Because you listen and are open to their help. They’d help everyone but some doctors are . . . well you know how some doctors are. A huge example is the Mayo brothers. They still guide their clinics and infuse them with their spirit. How does one know who their spirit people are who are helping them? Ask. Ask and keep asking until you hear a name. Seek. Do some research into those who worked there and are now in spirit. Knock on closed doors, listen to your dreams, work through all your own projections, and heal. Because heaven is already with you. I found this link by asking to learn something about Carl Jung I didn’t already know. I didn’t know about his 1944 NDE. Synchronicity linked me to your comment. Blessings.
I have constant syncs all day every day, mostly numbers. I've never had an NDE though. I have read Life After Life and definitely believe we are Spirit having a human experience. Thank you for your post. I enjoy them very much. 💜💚💕🤗
I see or experience numbers every day and have done so for about 2yrs. The same times like 11:11, 13:13, 22:22, 01:01, 19:16, etc, etc... I don't know what to do.
@@ExtraterrestrialsareReall I believe my numbers started around 2019? Not sure. Before that, my dreams were very telling. All I've done is researched here and there & took what resonated with me. I feel like my Higher Guidance encourages me with these numbers. Go with what your intuition is telling you. 💕
We are indeed spirit beings, even the Bible says it. God is the father of the spirits in all flesh! When we die, our spirits go back to God who gave it and it is the one influencing our lives that will determine where you soul will spend eternity. In heaven with God or in hell with satan. Our body will go 6ft deep.
Awesome video, thank you. It just reminded me of something that has stayed with me for over 20 years. I used to work in a haunted building and I had a few dreams about spirits. In the dream I remember the best I was in a darkened place or room with shadowy figures, like people who were waiting, I knew they were people who had passed away. Then someone appeared and opened up a scroll, like from ancient times, and then a light appeared at the far end of the space we were in and everyone started to go towards the light. I realized in my dream that this was a waypoint for people journeying back to the other side. Well, thanks again. (And Carl Jung, what an incredible person!)
@@ModernIntuitionist Thanks, yeah, it was a trippy dream! Happy holidays to you and yours as well!!! Thanks again for your channel, it's one of my favourites!
My NDE was at age 5 and I returned to my body 6 months later with no memory of the past. The only memory is that a voice in a white but not too bright light told me everything was ok and my father was with me. In 1979 I read Moody's book Life after life and my journey of synchronicities began to reveal the conversations of my missing time. Events which occurred in my life put me on a path of experiences that brought me to today and a knowing of things I could and did only imagine without connection to any basis in my memory. The memories became real and so many questions were answered. All is good.
Thank you Bob, for sharing your very moving NDE with us all in the comments. I especially love what you wrote about how "events which occurred in my life put me on a path of experiences that brought me to today and a knowing of things I could and did only imagine without connection to any basis in my memory." It certainly rings true with my own spiritual experiences. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Excellent work. I've studied a lot on Jung but did not know her had an NDE which was a turning point. Makes sense the NDE's change a person's vibrational frequency which leads to many synchronicities. The same tends to happen when people grow spiritually.
I love your channel. The universe brought it to my attention because I have been questioning all my synchronicities. ❤thank you. I am sending out energies that your channel grows and pops up on people’s feeds.
👵🏿 I haven't had an NDE but I had an OBE through a 🍄trip recently: I was watching the whole reproduction process of everyone coming through an octopus' tentacles showing how we all come from the same source and we are one. Btw, I love your videos they're enlightening and beautifully done and I hope you and everyone have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023 🤗💛✨
Wow, thanks so much for sharing your OBE, Amanda! That sense that we all come from the same source definitely rings true with my own spiritual experiences. I am so grateful for your support, and my absolutely best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year as well!
I didn’t know that Jung had an NDE, but it does make sense! I’ve had 2, at 11 & 17, then had a similar experience to Barbara’s when my beloved Grandmother died even though she was in California and I was in Montana at the time. Thank you for this video
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your own experience with NDEs, Roxanne! That's really astonishing, I do believe our loved ones never truly leave us and remain a part of us always. My best wishes to you and yours in the new year!
Thank you. As one who has been synchronizing daily for several years. The powers increased after a near death experience I had. This phenomenon after the personal knowledge in my experience is "intelligent" as if there is a quantum rupture as a result of the experience in which the consciousness crossed in transition and back. As a result, the connection of the world beyond continues with the help of a kind of quantum communication as if to take away with their permission an "invisible telephone device".
Beautiful film. It landed in my notifications today - one week after the passing of my dear mother. We were very close and I have been struggling with the loss and longing for some hope that I will spend time with her again. I can only hope and pray it will be so. Life is a vale of tears. This film offers some hope.
I'm so very sorry for your loss Anto. The love you share with your mother will be a part of you always. It's an unbreakable bond that is stronger than anything. No one can touch or change or take it away. Over the years I've come to believe that our lives on earth are a small fragment of a much larger experience. And if there's one thing I'm convinced of, it's that what's waiting for us at the end of all of this is a place of pure love, joy, and acceptance. And we will meet our lost loved ones again. My heart goes out to you and your family during these difficult times.
@@ModernIntuitionist Thank you Elson, your words are a great support. That you take the time, as you do, to reply to your community shows great compassion and kindness. And as you have said many times to others, I say to you: I appreciate you. All of your films are beautifully produced pieces and communicate the information superbly. I am so pleased I found your channel and can draw on it now to help me through this hard time. Thank you for your great work and for helping people as you do.
Thank you very much for creating this super transcendental video! I have been studying these subjects since High School and have experienced synchronicity events many times. These events have save my life on several occasions. Thanks for mentioning these 2 authors. Grandmother emoji - I watched your video entirely and will treasure it forever! Thanks!
Been fascinated with NDE’s for several years. I’m passionate about all things spiritual. Very much enjoyed this video. I am now a subscriber to your channel. 🙏😊
Thank you for your support Kelley, and for taking the time to share your thoughts on NDEs! Happy holidays and best wishes to you and yours in the new year
As a child I questioned everything, and asked for proof that God existed. I had a series of synchronicities that led me to read books culminated with Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie which was the proof I needed. It all answered all my questions! But it got crazier after that. I started having a wild series of synchronicities that kept leading me to greater and greater understandings. I voraciously read NDE accounts and kept growing in understanding of Truth. I changed careers from architect to art therapist in order to serve humanity better. I am still on this Path of Enlightenment. I didn’t even know these terms until I did. It’s been a wild ride. I’m still amazed by it all. Acceptance and gratitude are keys to a sweeter ride. I hope all who follow will find these Truths as well 💖🙏🏼💖🤲🏼💖
Im sorry that im a year late lol but Did you stumble upon any cult or occult when you were researching? Just a question because i heard cults and secret societys have or know somethings that the general public doesnt know.But thats just a thought.
@@Hgyyji No, no cults. I just kept finding more information to answer my questions in unexpected ways. I have no doubt that I am being led by Love to understand a simple but profound truth that Love is All. That we are all One. That our lives are meant to be lived as a child would, in wonder and joy, but as an angel would also, in service to others so they too may open themselves to the joy I see.
I was feeling so lost tonight - and thought, my wouldn’t it be great if you had uploaded something, and my wish was fulfilled haha. Thank you for your work. I go through periods of time when I see synchronicities at every step - it used to scare me when I was a bit younger, but now it makes me feel whole. Then there are times when everything seems discordant. The experiences you outlined here are fascinating.. looking forward to your next video.
Thanks so much, 6adfish! I'm so grateful for your continued support. Thanks also for taking the time to share your perspective on synchronicities. I believe they are a direct connection with the divine and have the potential to transform. Happy holidays, and all the best to you and yours for 2023!
I embrace my desire to feel the rhythm, to feel connected. Enough to step aside and weep like a widow. To feel inspired, to fathom the power, to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain and to swing on the spiral. Swing on the spiral of our divinity And still be a human
Thank you for the comment, MrDhyaps! Lateralus is a great album, and Tool have done a lot to help popularize Carl Jung's work to a broader audience. Happy holidays to you and yours
I've had "Lucid Dreams" throughout my life, and 2 Out of Body Experiences. Both had a profound effect on me because they made me realise that consciousness is MORE than brain function. During my OBEs I was able to travel to certain destinations and I could later prove these experiences were real. They were not what I would consider an illusion. They were more profound than that. I entered a reality MORE real than my current waking reality. I never used to believe in such a concept UNTIL it happened to me, so I'd say keep an open mind regarding the true nature of consciousness.
I do agree and think all of this to be true, but when people say ‘we aren’t separate, we’re all one’ I cant help but disagree with that on some level. I do think we are all “one”, as in, we are connected, but I still think it true that despite being connected, being linked, we are unique and individual. I know that sounds antithetical to those terms, that being unique and individual is usually seen and being ‘separate’, but to me, we can be linked, we can be part of the same whole, yet not be just the whole, not be just the one. We can be all of us, individually, part of the one. This may be what you think, it may not be, but I felt the need to get that thought out there. Much love to all.
@@donbarile8916 I had 2 psychic things happen and loads of odd and spooky sychronicities after seeing a blacker than black fuzzy looking flying saucer in broad daylight with 3 ex neighbours in Chatteris UK on Sunday 20th August 2017. There was a hot air balloon there at the same time, and guess which hot air balloon was in the news as they said it had crashed with the gas still on but no one in the basket, and how did I know it was the same balloon before I even managed to find any photos of it? + I saw another craft the day after dreaming about it my dream gave me some info about it before i had even seen it. Odd but true. Real life is weirder than fiction.
Merry Christmas Elson I’m very happy you uploaded this past week. I so enjoy your content, all of it. Especially, Carl Jung. Any metaphysical topics is catnip to me, lol. I enjoy you and AJ at WHyfiles. I’m sure you’ll be hitting your 1 million subscribers too. God bless you and yours. 👵
Thanks so much, Silver Tree! I am so very grateful for your continued support for what I'm doing and your very kind words. It warms my heart and really made my day. The Whyfiles is a great channel as well! God bless you and yours, big love to you, and Merry Christmas!
Thanks so much, Jack! I can't tell you what your continued support means to me. Truly none of this would be possible without support from very kind and wonderful people like yourself. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your loved ones all the best for 2023 and beyond!
Thank you, Taylor! Wishing you love, happiness, and prosperity on your own journey and your own wonderful channel for 2023. May you continue to help many more people on their path to good health and personal growth
I haven't had an NDE, but I have had many synchronicities happen in my life which blow my mind. I'm trying to figure out what some of them mean, however.
I think Jung might have been onto something even more than ascribing meaning to synchronicities. I think on a fundamental level there is a logic to it. Something you comprehend as meaning can be tied directly to the reality we exist in theoretically with science. This is of course assuming a quantum component of consciousness which is a big assumption however, and the process of entanglement being much deeper than we currently understand. We all know the universe is made of patterns, and patterns of the mind mirroring phenomena isn't nearly that far of a leap.
Beautiful comment, Galvvy! Wonderfully said. Carl Jung did collaborate with the physicist Wolfgang Pauli on acausality and how synchronicity might find expression in quantum mechanics. Big love to you and yours this holiday season and all the best for 2023!
@@ModernIntuitionist Thank you for making such great vids. I love them beyond words.. You are so appreciated too. Happy Holidays and a very Happy and healthy New Year. Cheers!!!!
Great video once again, Elson! I like how it was a recap of what you’ve covered in the past year to end the year. Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year! Also have you see the movie it’s a wonderful life? It involves divine intervention. 👵
Thanks so much Sukhwinder, as always for your constant support. Yes, "It's a wonderful life" is an absolute classic, and I remember watching it many times as a kid. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours in 2023, my friend!
I have a question that I can’t find answers too. What are the chances that the grandma in the video had a rebirth and would they have met in such a case? How do we know if our loved ones who have passed away are there with us while believing in rebirth? Also thank you for your amazing content. Found your channel at the right time. #synchronicity
👵 Love your videos. They are always intriguing, very thought-provoking, entertaining and very well made. Even before I found your videos, a number of personal experiences had convinced me that something else is out there. Whatever it’s called, God, fate, destiny, matrix, Unus Mundus, or something else, there is definitely something. Your videos have helped solidify those beliefs. Hats off to you for a series of fantastic videos, including this one.
Very interessting video, kind of reminding me of another good and similar video about this topic, about an atheist that had a NDE and then told everyone he saw god and also understood how he gave himself cancer👵
Thank you for your life-changing work. You have no idea how much it has positively changed my paradigm of thinking. In my humble opinion you have got to see the movie CLOUD ATLAS
Another very incredible video Elson -- I will admit that I was never taught much about Carl Jung until I started watching your vids. In my high school psychology classes, the emphasis was mainly on Freud, Pavlov, Spencer, Skinner, Piaget, and Maslow, and they only briefly touched on Jung as being a student of Freud. I think what makes Jung so fascinating is that he not only was a towering psychologist, but also seems to have been the most spiritually-minded of all his contemporaries. The parallels between his life and Dr. Alexanders are also quite remarkable. Just curious, how did you come to be so knowledgeable about Jung's work? Were you just innately drawn to his work, or was there influence from a particular professor? Also, is there a particular book of Jung's that you'd recommend to someone who is new to his work? Take care and keep up the fantastic work! Also Merry Christmas and Happy new Year man!
Thanks so much Jonathan! I am always grateful for your thoughts and feedback. I totally agree Jung was the most spiritually minded, and it's quite impressive that you learned about all those psychologists in high school. I didn't learn about them until I was an undergraduate. I majored in Psychology and my favourite professor introduced me to Jung. The first book of his I read was "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" and I recommend it as a great introduction into his ideas like the collective unconscious. I didn't truly begin to appreciate Jung until several years later though when I began to question a lot of my own materialist assumptions at the time, and had my own spiritual experiences. Thank you for your very kind wishes. I hope you and your loved ones are all doing well! Happy holidays and all the best to you and yours in the new year, my friend!
@@ModernIntuitionist Thanks so much for the recommendations Elson! I will add Memories Dreams and Reflections to my reading list - Hope you are doing well and cheers to a New Year my friend.
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! Once again and as always, I am so grateful for your continued support. Wishing peace, love, and prosperity to you and yours for 2023!
Great work!…Always wonder what would be like if Albert Hoffman (Revealer of LSD) and Jung had met… They were both working in Switzerland at the same time.
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment, Matthew! Your comment made me so curious I did a quick google search to see if they may have crossed paths, and I was able to find an interview with Hoffman here: Hoffman says that he did have one brief meeting with Jung at an international congress of psychiatrists, but he doesn't elaborate on what they talked about (and outside of that meeting it seems they had no other contact with each other). Thanks for bringing that to my attention. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Hello Catherine. Carl Jung discusses this in his book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" in the section entitled "Visions." In my edition, it begins on page 289. Hope that helps!
This makes me think that somebody or something somewhere is trying to tell us something, i believe its working, this has been happening through out our history but we seem to think it's something new because it started being recognized in the mid 70's by Dr. Moody's book but its actually been happening for thousands of years, i believe its been happening sense the beginning of human kind, this is coming from our creator and i do believe we need to pay very very close attention to this.
Wonderful comment, Jimmy! I think you're absolutely right that NDEs have been happening throughout history and likely the beginning of human kind. In Plato's Republic, he writes about a soldier named "Er" who dies in battle, but mysteriously awakens several days later to tell everyone about the immortality of the soul. Thank you for your support, and big love to you and yours in the new year!
That's very possible! I remember listening to the Aenima album quite a lot in my high school years, and only later realized the references to Jung and Jungian concepts in it. What are your thoughts on it? Happy holidays to you and yours!
@@ModernIntuitionist All I know is synchronicities in my life have been non-stop and significant since taking ayahuasca in 2018, I guess this could count as death (of the ego). I think it has to do with letting go and going with the flow.
Hello Arif! Thanks so much for your continued support from the beginning. I truly appreciate you. To answer your question: I do all the editing and graphics by myself at the moment. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Thanks for the comment, Lulu! Here's an excerpt from Jung's book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections": "In actual fact I was [Dr. H's] last patient. On April 4, 1944 - I still remember the exact date - I was allowed to sit up on the edge of my bed for the first time since the beginning of my illness, and on this same day Dr. H took his bed and did not leave it again... Soon afterward he died of septicaemia." Thanks again. And my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
For those who think that maybe the external world is a projection: the asteroid is an eye, and the hole into which Jung entered, the pupil. Thus he was returning to the external world's origin. The figure inside would have to have been a symbol of regained balance - like the Ark of the Covenant that returned in the book of revelation - "and the Ark appeared in his temple" his temple being his forehead. These being symbols for balance, specifically, the bell curve of Normal Distribution (more detailed representations are seen in the Menorah, and Dome of the Rock). God is the law of averages - what can I say.
I almost drowned as around 10 . I did not know anything about that kinda of stuff so I know I didn't Imagine it . Short story, I slipped of the edge of the Pool and went down for the 3rd time, I started regressing backwards, the car ride there , and all the way back to brushing my teeth and getting toothpaste on my shirt ( not to glorious 🙂 but it ended when I was suddenly pulled out of the pool by the life guard
Thank you for taking the time to share your NDE, Michael! That's fascinating, would you say your experience of 'regressing backwards' was a kind of "Life Review"? I never get tired of hearing people's NDE stories, they are one of the great mysteries of consciousness and the soul. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Wow, big love and big congratulations to you Andrea! Thank you for sharing that joyful news, and my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
My mother aged 76 had a dream one night about her 1st boyfriend from when she was a teenager. He was in a crowd of people all facing her and she was on her own on the other side facing them. She saw him in the dream and wanted to go to him and he told her: 'No, you stay here' then he turned around and left with those people. A few months after the dream she went to the place she knew he was living and asked a neighbour about him... the neighbour told her the guy had died and the time of death was around the time she had the dream about him leaving and telling her she does not go with him. She only told me about this years later. My mother is very afraid of her dreams.
My mother just turned 90 and she too has dreams. She'll tell them, not realizing that they are messages the meanings of which we others can at least get a glimpse of.
Swedenborg is what people should read if they dont know whats happening with this.
@@yellow6100 care to elaborate?
@@redrumax He writes about his experiences of this kind but his lasted during 15+ years in dreams but also during the day,all the time. The only case of this that seems genuine. So he is well worth reading.
@@redrumax + its clear Jung was heavily influenced by Swedenborg. Jung considered that "Swedenborg had temporary access to “absolute knowledge” in a realm that transcends time and space"
Through the infinite chaos there is unfathomable order. I have no idea how everything is connected from cosmic to microcosmic, but I know it all is. And true faith comes when the mind recognizes its inability to grasp it all. Existence is more fundamental than the mind, you, and I. May spirit be with you❤️🙏🏼
Beautifully said, Emmanuel! Thank you for sharing that. May spirit be with you too, and big love and best wishes to you and yours for 2023!
That was very wel put thank you
This video has reminded me of something that happened to me 5 years ago which I'd forgotten about.
I remember I had a dream that I walked outside my apartment and my grandfather (who passed away in 2014) was standing there.
I asked him what he was doing there and said I thought he was dead and he told me that he'd decided to pay me a visit while he was on earth for two weeks, saying that he had come to collect his wife (my grandmother, who at the time we knew was terminally ill with cancer), who he said was going to 'leave' on the 21st of March.
Exactly two weeks later, on the 21st of March, my grandmother passed away too and I was entirely unsurprised to find out, because of the dream I'd had.
Wow, absolutely astonishing, Xercon! Thank you for taking the time to share that, I do believe that dreams are a rich and powerful source of intuition. Happy holidays to you and yours!
a friend who recently finished the race appeared in a dream about where we both worked. Out of nowhere he presented him self sitting where he would normally sit. That part was as real as real can get. Yet before he appeared the dream was abstract. Amazing how we're spirt beings incapsulated in a biological system experiencing this amazing reality.
Wow..... awesome story, thanks for sharing.... there's definitely more to this life than many of us will ever realise....
From my experience/experimentation, I believe psychedelics/mediation/sound frequencies breaks down the barrier between our conscious and subconscious mind, allowing our conscious mind to experience our sub conscious thoughts, feelings and memories..... however I also believe, in our subconscious mind we can access the universal consciousness......
One of my first truly breakthrough experiences, during my own experimentation was this..... the words/feeling/communication I was experiencing, felt as if they were coming from someone/something/somewhere else.......
""""" Hey we've been waiting for you....... don't be scared...... don't be scared....... your family is here with us..... you don't really know him well, but he's family, he's family...... it's (then proceeded to tell me a name) he's safe, he's here with us, he's your family don't worry, he's with us""""
3 days later I was with my mum and we were talking about our family and I was asking if any of my older family members had caught or been effected by c v..... at first she said no.... then after a short pause she said her cousin..... with the same name I had heard/felt/experienced 3 days before had been in a coma for 4 days with pneumonia and died the day after my experience......... I was gobsmacked and instantly began to feel an incredibly sadness this was one of the most profound experiences of my life......... I had only ever met the man a few times and never really seen him or his family in my day to day life or on social media as I only use this......... there had been no mention from anyone or way of me knowing about his predicament in the weeks prior.
I was a hard-core atheist before this....... now I have a new found sense of........ enlightenment amazement, fascination and desire to discover the world to which is there but we cannot see or experience, not in our normal state anyway.
Peace, power and freedom to all the psychonauts out there.......
That was a real spiritual contact :)
I don't think I would have forgotten that.
Your editing skills are killing it!
I'm so grateful for your continued support, EWhite! Thank you and happy holidays!
This series on NDEs was fantastic. Thank you for making it.
Thanks so much, Luke! It's my pleasure, I'm grateful for your support
In September 2019 I had a meaningful dream that give me a huge impact on my journey. A strange meeting with my friend's father. In real life, we always have a good conversation and sometimes exchange a ridiculous joke. On my dream ; we're sitting together and he keeps himself in silence. Totally aware of my appearance without a single word even when I asked a question. Two days after I had that dream (in waking life), I received a message about his passing. I'm happy that I can share this story here. Thank you for your amazing video, Elson.
I'm sorry for your loss Yohanes, thank you for taking the time to share that remarkable story, Yohanes. My best to you and yours in 2023
I had an experience, similar to what Jung describes, but I don't know if it was near death or not. I only know that I lost consciousness and came to some moments after. What I saw was a beautiful star ⭐
It was the most brilliant thing I had ever seen. It was bright blue, and so beautiful that I could feel myself flying towards it. Falling through space.
I didn't fully know who I was, in that moment. Only some of my core beliefs & values. What was this overwhelming feeling, was that I had to get to this star. It was important, I had to get there.
I felt as though I knew it might have meant death if I did, but that nonetheless I had to go. There was this feeling of bliss, but also deep fear. This place I went to was like the place of contradictions. It seemed to take forever, yet like there was no time at all. Everything made sense to me, while also being strange, vague & confusing. It seemed impossible to be real, that I could really be there, for I knew that if I were really floating in space, in the path of such a bright star, I would most definitely be dead, & likely blind as well - yet, this maybe felt like the most real thing I'd ever experienced. It was wonderful, but it also really shook up, and frightened me. The whole experience felt like eternity in a second, and when I spoke to my friend, he said he had two near death experiences which he described in the exact same turn of phrase.
When I came to again, I was frightened, confused & full of adrenaline. I woke up with tears streaming down my face, surrounded by strange faces which it took me a moment to recognise was my grandad, the chemist and the nurse. I remember who they where before I even remembered who I was myself. Everything seemed to take a while to fall back into place. I was shaken, but relieved, and glad to be alive. Nonetheless, feeling changed (perhaps for the better) from that experience.
Thankyou, if you've read this.
I'd like to know if anyone else has experienced anything similar?
Wow, thanks for taking the time to share your deeply moving experience, Raven. It sounds to me that you very likely had an NDE. Dr. Bruce Greyson, in his book "After" writes that about 75% of Near Death Experiencers described a sense of timelessness, and that many of their senses like vision and hearing became more vivid than normal (E.g. seeing brilliant colours they've never seen before). Thanks again, and big love to you and yours, and best wishes for the new year!
@@ModernIntuitionist That's true, everything seemed much more vivid as well! I'm not sure if I actually died at all, since I only passed out and woke up again in a short space of time but it was very strange. I just had some kind of weird reaction to a vaccine (my family got the same vaccine and were fine, I just seem to react differently to some vaccines as it happened once before in high school. Though that time I didn't have an NDE but it was very scary.)
Thanks for your reply, and thankyou for making these videos, they're very helpful and informative. Happy new year, if you're celebrating :)
This channel has helped me.
I'm so glad to hear it CM! Thank you and happy holidays!
I remember my first memory being quite bizarre. I won't go into it because when I've shared it on social media before I've been ridiculed because of just how unlike anything else most people have come across that it is. But when I read Car Jung's biography and got to his description of his NDE my hair stood on end. While not identical, it did share roughly 60% of my experience.
I’ve never shared my first memory in detail with anyone ever, I’ve told a very few close ones some of it, it was in 1960 when I was 3 and 1/2 , the memory never goes away like other memories, it was all about the soul, too long to go into
These videos are so packed with meaning, I have to keep rewinding to soak it all in. Thank you for spreading the message that is surely changing people's lives. Grandma!
Thanks so much, Lisa! Great to hear from you, I hope you and your family are all doing well. I'm always so grateful for your continued support. Big love and happy holidays to you!
@@ModernIntuitionist Thank you! Happy Holidays! I'm going to do some "Jungian" stuff like go up on Rigi next week. It's so exciting.
What you are doing with these presentations is both beautiful and delicate. I have had several such experiences of varying sophistication, complexity, and insight. I've spent my life investigating the matrix that both surrounds and penetrates such experiences and have found the commonality to actually be present in every moment of what we are calling life itself. I think that what you are doing here will help heal the world.
I visited your homepage and saw your question:
*"Is there room for ancient wisdom in the modern world? As technology continues to advance, our level of wisdom has not kept pace."*
Sadly it is one or the other. This is why it is so important to have multi generational families. The younger generation gets swept up in the newest technologies and the oldest generation reminds them what is truly important. The young mind may not seem to have grasped the messages being recited but the subconscious mind retains everything. And under the relevant conditions like when that young child now has their own children, that wisdom is brought forth again to inspire another generation.
The more social media one consumes the less connected we are to our source, our sameness. There isnt the aura connection, or the warm energy exchange via text that you get over a cup of tea and a chat. And an emoji cannot replace a hug no matter how many you add to your text.
We are told technology is bringing us closer together but in reality it is pushing us farther apart.
Thank you for taking the time to share your perspective on that, Elone! I also often feel that many younger people are missing out on things like connection with nature that we enjoyed as children. Ultimately I believe that technology is simply tool, which can be used for good or bad, and I'm heartened by the people who've found me in this community to spread positive energy and share their stories. Thank you for your comment, and happy holidays to you and yours!
Despite the fact that I've moved halfway across the UK , I now end up with 2 close friends that once lived just around the corner to me,(one had lived right opposite my Aunt's house,) and our new family GP that we registered with who has now retired, lived just 3 houses away from my family when he was growing up! We never knew of each other's existences at the time, which makes it even more mysterious.
What a beautiful synchronicity, thank you Annie for taking the time to share that! Best wishes to you and yours for 2023!
👵👵Your beautiful video reminded me of an amazing synchronicity involving two grandmothers that happened several years ago. The first was at the funeral of my paternal grandmother in 2009. While saying my final goodbye the idea of becoming a hospice volunteer entered my mind. I knew at the time I needed to overhaul my understanding of death and dying that was shaped by personal tragedy. I thought getting close to death and dying might help me while helping others. After the second occurrence of hearing an ad on the radio for a local hospice looking for volunteers at the same time I was thinking about it, I started volunteering. At the time I was doing extensive research on the book “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance” which discusses our higher consciousness the author called “Quality”. There is a passage in the book about the Yellowstone earthquake in August of 1959 which caused a mountain to collapse. The author compared the collapse of the mountain to the collapse of his own mind in the early 60’s. In the book his son asked him after he told the story about the mountain if there was any warning. The mountain collapse killed several people. The author said “maybe there was”. I discovered during my research a friend of the author was going to take his family camping at the location and weekend that would become buried in rock. Just before leaving he had a premonition, an intuition, that something bad was going to happen and cancelled the trip. I thought about that a lot during my research. Was he the only one who responded to a “warning”? One night in 2011 I was really thinking about all of that. The next day I received a call from the hospice where I volunteered asking me to sit with a new patient, a grandmother, while her daughter went shopping. As we got acquainted she said she grew up in Wyoming. Since it was on my mind I asked her if she remembered the Yellowstone earthquake. Her answer stunned me! She told me her father was driving her and her brother to camp in the same canyon below that mountain that fateful weekend. While driving to Montana her dad said “It’s too quiet. Something is wrong”. He was so distressed by the feeling he turned around and went home, potentially avoiding the fate of many others. She was an amazing example of facing the end of her life journey with courage, faith and dignity. I will never forget that profound experience. Years later I stopped at the visitors center where the mountain fell in the middle of the night. I asked an employee if any visitors tell stories about premonitions of disaster. He said “All the time”. That same morning someone told a story. This is my grandmother and synchronicity story. Awesome video!
I’ve been thinking about my grandmas today. Dreamt the other night I was getting in a truck, she was holding open the door. Felt like dad was driving. Holding onto their love for dear life in a time of great change. Trying to plant a seed. Hoping to see it grow. Thanks for the timely video! Waters of wisdom emerging is so refreshing! 🙏🕊
Thank you for taking the time to share your deeply moving experience, Jamie! Dreams are such a powerful and rich source of intuition (and connection with the divine). My best to you and your loved ones in the new year!
With every video you're growing into a wonderful storyteller! I was open to the map of synchronicity before but after my psychedelic experience I see so many events in that lens. Stories & Experiences > Fact for the human mind, and your doing a wonderful job creating wonderful experiences for the world!
Wow, that is the highest compliment, thanks so much my friend. I am so grateful for your continued support. I'm very much looking forward to your new chapter and seeing the continued evolution in your work also!
Another excellent video. Love this channel. I experience synchronicity quite often, especially after I experienced kundalini awakening 22 years ago. The synchroncities in my opinion, are Divine guidance that either affirm the path I am on or tell me I am going the wrong way. Synchronicity to me is proof positive that all things and beings are connected...Reality is One. One that includes the many.
Thanks so much, Majik! Beautifully said, it very much aligns with my own view that synchronicities are hints and nudges that we're on the right path, and all the mysterious ways in which we're connected. Big love to you and yours in 2023!
The best most direct method for discovering who/what we really are is to still the mind. Peace
Wonderfully said, Nelson! Thank you!
Wonderfully done (as always), my two 👵 hold a very special place in my heart!! ❤ Speaking of synchronicity, when I have been facing a difficult moment in my life, your timely videos always manage to bring me comfort reminding me of the bigger picture. Thank you Elson for creating and sharing with us, it is greatly appreciated!! Sending much love and light your way!! 😊✌❤
You are so very welcome, NA. Thank you for taking the time to share such kind words. I truly appreciate your support. Much love and light to you and yours, and happy holidays!
And I’ve had multiple synchronicity’s. But they all seem to be associated with me being a physician.
Each event seem to have a positive impact with my interaction with a patient.
1. Waking up early in the morning. Short of breath for no reason.
Then later that morning, then care of a patient who woke up short of breath of the exact same time. Patient dying of cancer. When when I explain what it happened. The patient had a sense of peace. They were now feeling a sense that they’re ready to move on. They’re going to go home with their family.
2. discussing a life-saving procedure in the morning with a colleague. The colleague brought up how the procedure should be done. We went through it completely. That evening I performed that procedure to save a patient’s life. I never performed it before in my life.
I have been practicing 28 years at the time.
3. visualizing event. Later that evening called into the hospital into the patient’s room. There was the exact same experience. The earlier vision made the situation, peaceful easy to manage and successful.
Several other events and situations connecting myself with patience. But these are three of the most significant.
Blessed soul! God grant all physicians share even a piece of what you have. Physicians die, too. Then they are out of work as there are no physical bodies to aid. Psychologists and psychotherapists may continue to work on the Other Side as they work with mind and emotions, their “place” of work being what traditionally is called limbo or purgatory. But physicians? Dead out of luck, no body to heal. So what do they do? Become aids, teachers, guides to living physicians. They inspire breakthroughs in medicine and pop ideas into the doctor’s head, like “Oh right, I should check on that.” As I write I see portraits of physicians past and names inscribed in honor of physicians who worked at your place of work. One or more of them help you. Why? Because you listen and are open to their help. They’d help everyone but some doctors are . . . well you know how some doctors are. A huge example is the Mayo brothers. They still guide their clinics and infuse them with their spirit. How does one know who their spirit people are who are helping them? Ask. Ask and keep asking until you hear a name. Seek. Do some research into those who worked there and are now in spirit. Knock on closed doors, listen to your dreams, work through all your own projections, and heal. Because heaven is already with you. I found this link by asking to learn something about Carl Jung I didn’t already know. I didn’t know about his 1944 NDE. Synchronicity linked me to your comment. Blessings.
SO happy to see you have new videos posted! Keep them coming!!!
I'm so happy you come back to watch them, Sidra! I appreciate you, and your continued support for what I'm doing
I have constant syncs all day every day, mostly numbers. I've never had an NDE though. I have read Life After Life and definitely believe we are Spirit having a human experience. Thank you for your post. I enjoy them very much. 💜💚💕🤗
Thanks so much Tonya for taking the time to share your sync experiences and wonderful perspective. Big love to you and yours, and happy holidays!
I see or experience numbers every day and have done so for about 2yrs. The same times like 11:11, 13:13, 22:22, 01:01, 19:16, etc, etc...
I don't know what to do.
@@ExtraterrestrialsareReall I believe my numbers started around 2019? Not sure. Before that, my dreams were very telling. All I've done is researched here and there & took what resonated with me. I feel like my Higher Guidance encourages me with these numbers. Go with what your intuition is telling you. 💕
We are indeed spirit beings, even the Bible says it. God is the father of the spirits in all flesh! When we die, our spirits go back to God who gave it and it is the one influencing our lives that will determine where you soul will spend eternity. In heaven with God or in hell with satan. Our body will go 6ft deep.
Awesome video, thank you. It just reminded me of something that has stayed with me for over 20 years. I used to work in a haunted building and I had a few dreams about spirits. In the dream I remember the best I was in a darkened place or room with shadowy figures, like people who were waiting, I knew they were people who had passed away. Then someone appeared and opened up a scroll, like from ancient times, and then a light appeared at the far end of the space we were in and everyone started to go towards the light. I realized in my dream that this was a waypoint for people journeying back to the other side. Well, thanks again. (And Carl Jung, what an incredible person!)
Wow, thank you for taking the time to share your astonishing experience Jeff! Happy holidays to you and yours
@@ModernIntuitionist Thanks, yeah, it was a trippy dream! Happy holidays to you and yours as well!!! Thanks again for your channel, it's one of my favourites!
My NDE was at age 5 and I returned to my body 6 months later with no memory of the past. The only memory is that a voice in a white but not too bright light told me everything was ok and my father was with me. In 1979 I read Moody's book Life after life and my journey of synchronicities began to reveal the conversations of my missing time. Events which occurred in my life put me on a path of experiences that brought me to today and a knowing of things I could and did only imagine without connection to any basis in my memory. The memories became real and so many questions were answered. All is good.
Thank you Bob, for sharing your very moving NDE with us all in the comments. I especially love what you wrote about how "events which occurred in my life put me on a path of experiences that brought me to today and a knowing of things I could and did only imagine without connection to any basis in my memory." It certainly rings true with my own spiritual experiences. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Excellent work. I've studied a lot on Jung but did not know her had an NDE which was a turning point. Makes sense the NDE's change a person's vibrational frequency which leads to many synchronicities. The same tends to happen when people grow spiritually.
I love your channel. The universe brought it to my attention because I have been questioning all my synchronicities. ❤thank you. I am sending out energies that your channel grows and pops up on people’s feeds.
👵🏿 I haven't had an NDE but I had an OBE through a 🍄trip recently: I was watching the whole reproduction process of everyone coming through an octopus' tentacles showing how we all come from the same source and we are one.
Btw, I love your videos they're enlightening and beautifully done and I hope you and everyone have a happy, healthy, and prosperous 2023 🤗💛✨
Wow, thanks so much for sharing your OBE, Amanda! That sense that we all come from the same source definitely rings true with my own spiritual experiences. I am so grateful for your support, and my absolutely best wishes to you and your loved ones for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year as well!
I microdose and have wanted to do the heroic dose. How much did you do?
@@johni4213 I did a 3.5, but please do what you feel comfortable with
@@amandaviola_ thanks
I didn’t know that Jung had an NDE, but it does make sense! I’ve had 2, at 11 & 17, then had a similar experience to Barbara’s when my beloved Grandmother died even though she was in California and I was in Montana at the time.
Thank you for this video
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your own experience with NDEs, Roxanne! That's really astonishing, I do believe our loved ones never truly leave us and remain a part of us always. My best wishes to you and yours in the new year!
@@ModernIntuitionist Yes, I believe same. My Grammie said, “I will always be here when you need me.” Here, always here👍
Wonderful. Thank you
Thanks so much, Miss Terry! My best to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Thank you.
As one who has been synchronizing daily for several years.
The powers increased after a near death experience I had.
This phenomenon after the personal knowledge in my experience is "intelligent" as if there is a quantum rupture as a result of the experience in which the consciousness crossed in transition and back. As a result, the connection of the world beyond continues with the help of a kind of quantum communication as if to take away with their permission an "invisible telephone device".
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your near death experience! I appreciate you, happy holidays!
@@ModernIntuitionist Happy Hanukkah. Merry Christmas:)
Thank you for sharing - I found the same thing, increased syncs exponentially after NDE
@@SarahMJordan Thanks so much for sharing, Sarah! Happy holidays and big love to you and yours
@@ModernIntuitionist you too 💜
Beautiful film. It landed in my notifications today - one week after the passing of my dear mother. We were very close and I have been struggling with the loss and longing for some hope that I will spend time with her again. I can only hope and pray it will be so.
Life is a vale of tears.
This film offers some hope.
I'm so very sorry for your loss Anto. The love you share with your mother will be a part of you always. It's an unbreakable bond that is stronger than anything. No one can touch or change or take it away.
Over the years I've come to believe that our lives on earth are a small fragment of a much larger experience. And if there's one thing I'm convinced of, it's that what's waiting for us at the end of all of this is a place of pure love, joy, and acceptance. And we will meet our lost loved ones again. My heart goes out to you and your family during these difficult times.
@@ModernIntuitionist Thank you Elson, your words are a great support. That you take the time, as you do, to reply to your community shows great compassion and kindness. And as you have said many times to others, I say to you:
I appreciate you.
All of your films are beautifully produced pieces and communicate the information superbly.
I am so pleased I found your channel and can draw on it now to help me through this hard time.
Thank you for your great work and for helping people as you do.
@@antoman4480 Wow, that warmed my heart so much to read and really made my day. Thank you, Anto. Big love to you and yours, and happy holidays!
@@ModernIntuitionist Thank you Elson, I feel your good wishes, and happy holidays and season's good wishes to you and your loved ones.
Thank you very much for creating this super transcendental video! I have been studying these subjects since High School and have experienced synchronicity events many times. These events have save my life on several occasions. Thanks for mentioning these 2 authors. Grandmother emoji - I watched your video entirely and will treasure it forever! Thanks!
You're so welcome, Isabel! Thank you for taking the time to share your wonderful insights, I appreciate you!
Been fascinated with NDE’s for several years. I’m passionate about all things spiritual. Very much enjoyed this video. I am now a subscriber to your channel. 🙏😊
Thank you for your support Kelley, and for taking the time to share your thoughts on NDEs! Happy holidays and best wishes to you and yours in the new year
As a child I questioned everything, and asked for proof that God existed. I had a series of synchronicities that led me to read books culminated with Embraced by the Light by Betty J. Eadie which was the proof I needed. It all answered all my questions! But it got crazier after that. I started having a wild series of synchronicities that kept leading me to greater and greater understandings. I voraciously read NDE accounts and kept growing in understanding of Truth. I changed careers from architect to art therapist in order to serve humanity better. I am still on this Path of Enlightenment. I didn’t even know these terms until I did.
It’s been a wild ride. I’m still amazed by it all. Acceptance and gratitude are keys to a sweeter ride. I hope all who follow will find these Truths as well 💖🙏🏼💖🤲🏼💖
Im sorry that im a year late lol but Did you stumble upon any cult or occult when you were researching? Just a question because i heard cults and secret societys have or know somethings that the general public doesnt know.But thats just a thought.
@@Hgyyji No, no cults. I just kept finding more information to answer my questions in unexpected ways. I have no doubt that I am being led by Love to understand a simple but profound truth that Love is All. That we are all One. That our lives are meant to be lived as a child would, in wonder and joy, but as an angel would also, in service to others so they too may open themselves to the joy I see.
I was feeling so lost tonight - and thought, my wouldn’t it be great if you had uploaded something, and my wish was fulfilled haha. Thank you for your work. I go through periods of time when I see synchronicities at every step - it used to scare me when I was a bit younger, but now it makes me feel whole. Then there are times when everything seems discordant. The experiences you outlined here are fascinating.. looking forward to your next video.
Thanks so much, 6adfish! I'm so grateful for your continued support. Thanks also for taking the time to share your perspective on synchronicities. I believe they are a direct connection with the divine and have the potential to transform. Happy holidays, and all the best to you and yours for 2023!
Happy holidays! THANK YOU
Great video! It explained everything from NDE'S to what our true essence is. Thank you Carl Jung for your contribution on earth.
I have been there and have had this experience. What an awaking!
I embrace my desire to feel the rhythm, to feel connected.
Enough to step aside and weep like a widow.
To feel inspired, to fathom the power, to witness the beauty, to bathe in the fountain and to swing on the spiral.
Swing on the spiral of our divinity
And still be a human
Thank you for the comment, MrDhyaps! Lateralus is a great album, and Tool have done a lot to help popularize Carl Jung's work to a broader audience. Happy holidays to you and yours
@@ModernIntuitionist there is a reason why you are teaching us this. Its for greater good. And thank you.
Thats amazing you understand tool.
These are great videos. Thank you.
Very well put together
I've had "Lucid Dreams" throughout my life, and 2 Out of Body Experiences. Both had a profound effect on me because they made me realise that consciousness is MORE than brain function. During my OBEs I was able to travel to certain destinations and I could later prove these experiences were real. They were not what I would consider an illusion. They were more profound than that. I entered a reality MORE real than my current waking reality. I never used to believe in such a concept UNTIL it happened to me, so I'd say keep an open mind regarding the true nature of consciousness.
👵 nicely presented, friend ❤
Interesting podcast. Thanks for putting it out there.
Thanks so much, Keith! My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year
I do agree and think all of this to be true, but when people say ‘we aren’t separate, we’re all one’ I cant help but disagree with that on some level. I do think we are all “one”, as in, we are connected, but I still think it true that despite being connected, being linked, we are unique and individual. I know that sounds antithetical to those terms, that being unique and individual is usually seen and being ‘separate’, but to me, we can be linked, we can be part of the same whole, yet not be just the whole, not be just the one. We can be all of us, individually, part of the one. This may be what you think, it may not be, but I felt the need to get that thought out there. Much love to all.
Synchronicity also happens after the spiritual awakening process not just after an NDE, great video 👍
I totally agree, thank you Tatha! My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Flying saucers too.
@@robambrose4199 so right you are. I had an NDE in 1970, a very close encounter and OOB in 1971. Related? Yes, for me, anyway.
@@donbarile8916 I had 2 psychic things happen and loads of odd and spooky sychronicities after seeing a blacker than black fuzzy looking flying saucer in broad daylight with 3 ex neighbours in Chatteris UK on Sunday 20th August 2017. There was a hot air balloon there at the same time, and guess which hot air balloon was in the news as they said it had crashed with the gas still on but no one in the basket, and how did I know it was the same balloon before I even managed to find any photos of it? + I saw another craft the day after dreaming about it my dream gave me some info about it before i had even seen it. Odd but true. Real life is weirder than fiction.
Merry Christmas Elson
I’m very happy you uploaded this past week. I so enjoy your content, all of it. Especially, Carl Jung. Any metaphysical topics is catnip to me, lol. I enjoy you and AJ at WHyfiles. I’m sure you’ll be hitting your 1 million subscribers too. God bless you and yours. 👵
Thanks so much, Silver Tree! I am so very grateful for your continued support for what I'm doing and your very kind words. It warms my heart and really made my day. The Whyfiles is a great channel as well! God bless you and yours, big love to you, and Merry Christmas!
Jung has that effect on most, so grateful for him.
👵Extraordinary. I'm always puzzled by synchronicities and have a difficult time wrestling meaning from them that is actionable. Great video.
Thanks so much Dennis! Big love to you and yours, and all the best to you in the new year!
👵 👵 👵 👵
grandma emoji...
You killed it this year, can't wait to see what the new year brings to this channel. Congrats on all your success and blessing's.
Thanks so much, Jack! I can't tell you what your continued support means to me. Truly none of this would be possible without support from very kind and wonderful people like yourself. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you and your loved ones all the best for 2023 and beyond!
Thankyou for another great video!👵
Another great video. Thank you! 👵🏼
Thank you, Taylor! Wishing you love, happiness, and prosperity on your own journey and your own wonderful channel for 2023. May you continue to help many more people on their path to good health and personal growth
I haven't had an NDE, but I have had many synchronicities happen in my life which blow my mind. I'm trying to figure out what some of them mean, however.
Thank you for the comment Jermaine! All the best to you and yours in the new year!
👵 Thank you. The stories in this video held several synchronicities for me.
You are so welcome, Debra! Thank you for taking the time to share that. Happy holidays to you and yours
I think Jung might have been onto something even more than ascribing meaning to synchronicities. I think on a fundamental level there is a logic to it. Something you comprehend as meaning can be tied directly to the reality we exist in theoretically with science. This is of course assuming a quantum component of consciousness which is a big assumption however, and the process of entanglement being much deeper than we currently understand. We all know the universe is made of patterns, and patterns of the mind mirroring phenomena isn't nearly that far of a leap.
Beautiful comment, Galvvy! Wonderfully said. Carl Jung did collaborate with the physicist Wolfgang Pauli on acausality and how synchronicity might find expression in quantum mechanics. Big love to you and yours this holiday season and all the best for 2023!
Fascinating as always ♥️👵🏽
I can't tell you how much your continued support means to me, Nelly! Thank you so much, and happy holidays to you and yours
@@ModernIntuitionist Thank you for making such great vids. I love them beyond words.. You are so appreciated too. Happy Holidays and a very Happy and healthy New Year. Cheers!!!!
Great video once again, Elson! I like how it was a recap of what you’ve covered in the past year to end the year.
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Also have you see the movie it’s a wonderful life? It involves divine intervention. 👵
Thanks so much Sukhwinder, as always for your constant support. Yes, "It's a wonderful life" is an absolute classic, and I remember watching it many times as a kid. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas and all the best to you and yours in 2023, my friend!
I have a question that I can’t find answers too. What are the chances that the grandma in the video had a rebirth and would they have met in such a case? How do we know if our loved ones who have passed away are there with us while believing in rebirth?
Also thank you for your amazing content. Found your channel at the right time. #synchronicity
Another brilliant video. Thank you 🙏 👵
Thanks so much, Marko! I'm always so grateful for your continued support
👵Thank you. Wonderful, as usual.
Thank you so much, Saleem! I am so grateful for your continued support. Happy holidays to you and yours
Thank you again for another wonderful video 👵
You're so welcome, Yayoi! Thank you for always watching. Happy holidays to you and yours!
👵🏻 thank you for the video, your work is appreciated ❤
Thanks so much, Oracle for your support as always. My best wishes to you and your loved ones, and in 2023!
👵That couple at the end standing on my van is good enuff for me! 🤭
Really appreciate this
Thanks so much, Brian! I appreciate you too. Happy holidays!
I'm so grateful for your continued support!
👵 Thank you. Happy New Year! 🌠
Thanks so much, William! Big love to you and yours and all the best in the new year!
Love your videos. They are always intriguing, very thought-provoking, entertaining and very well made.
Even before I found your videos, a number of personal experiences had convinced me that something else is out there. Whatever it’s called, God, fate, destiny, matrix, Unus Mundus, or something else, there is definitely something. Your videos have helped solidify those beliefs. Hats off to you for a series of fantastic videos, including this one.
Thanks so much, Streptomycin for taking the time to share your experience and perspective! Big love to you and yours and happy holidays!
Very interessting video, kind of reminding me of another good and similar video about this topic, about an atheist that had a NDE and then told everyone he saw god and also understood how he gave himself cancer👵
Thanks so much, Takahiro! I appreciate your comment and overall support. Happy holidays!
Thank you for your life-changing work.
You have no idea how much it has positively changed my paradigm of thinking.
In my humble opinion you have got to see the movie CLOUD ATLAS
You're so welcome, Destiny! I am so grateful for your continued support
I also have great memories of my grandmothers. They are awesome!!!
Absolutely well said! Happy holidays to you and yours, Joerg!
Another very incredible video Elson -- I will admit that I was never taught much about Carl Jung until I started watching your vids. In my high school psychology classes, the emphasis was mainly on Freud, Pavlov, Spencer, Skinner, Piaget, and Maslow, and they only briefly touched on Jung as being a student of Freud. I think what makes Jung so fascinating is that he not only was a towering psychologist, but also seems to have been the most spiritually-minded of all his contemporaries. The parallels between his life and Dr. Alexanders are also quite remarkable.
Just curious, how did you come to be so knowledgeable about Jung's work? Were you just innately drawn to his work, or was there influence from a particular professor? Also, is there a particular book of Jung's that you'd recommend to someone who is new to his work? Take care and keep up the fantastic work! Also Merry Christmas and Happy new Year man!
Thanks so much Jonathan! I am always grateful for your thoughts and feedback. I totally agree Jung was the most spiritually minded, and it's quite impressive that you learned about all those psychologists in high school. I didn't learn about them until I was an undergraduate. I majored in Psychology and my favourite professor introduced me to Jung. The first book of his I read was "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" and I recommend it as a great introduction into his ideas like the collective unconscious. I didn't truly begin to appreciate Jung until several years later though when I began to question a lot of my own materialist assumptions at the time, and had my own spiritual experiences.
Thank you for your very kind wishes. I hope you and your loved ones are all doing well! Happy holidays and all the best to you and yours in the new year, my friend!
@innerworlds2216 Beautifully said and thank you for taking the time to share your perspective on Jung! My best to you and yours in the new year
@@ModernIntuitionist Thanks so much for the recommendations Elson! I will add Memories Dreams and Reflections to my reading list - Hope you are doing well and cheers to a New Year my friend.
Oh my goodness! How magnificent!!
Thank you for this video! 👵
Another great video!! Thank you for that!👵
Thanks so much, Elizabeth! Once again and as always, I am so grateful for your continued support. Wishing peace, love, and prosperity to you and yours for 2023!
Seems like this is the same outer body experience (OBE) Robert Monroe talked about in his book Ultimate Journey.
Thank you ! 👵
You're so welcome, MJ!
Great video thank you, shout out to my jungians. One love
Thanks so much, Alejandro! Big love to you and yours as well!
Thank you for the video-very well done! 👵
Thanks so much, Amber! Big love to you and yours for 2023!
Baaabe wake up, Modern Intuitionist uploaded!!!
Thanks so much, BowlOfRice! I appreciate your support, and happy holidays to you!
@@ModernIntuitionist thank you for making great content, happy holidays to you too!
Thank God for Carl Jung!
Absolutely! And I am thankful for you and your support, Electra. Big love and best wishes to you and yours in the new year!
👵 Thank you ❤.
You're so welcome, Saintly Dullaga! Thank you for watching, and best wishes to you for 2023
Great work!…Always wonder what would be like if Albert Hoffman (Revealer of LSD) and Jung had met… They were both working in Switzerland at the same time.
Thanks so much for your wonderful comment, Matthew! Your comment made me so curious I did a quick google search to see if they may have crossed paths, and I was able to find an interview with Hoffman here:
Hoffman says that he did have one brief meeting with Jung at an international congress of psychiatrists, but he doesn't elaborate on what they talked about (and outside of that meeting it seems they had no other contact with each other).
Thanks for bringing that to my attention. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
What book is this from? I’ve read almost all his work.. this is not there.
Hello Catherine. Carl Jung discusses this in his book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections" in the section entitled "Visions." In my edition, it begins on page 289. Hope that helps!
Is the VO in this video Joe Pena?
Hello Shield Maiden! No the voice is me, Elson. Thanks for watching!
@@ModernIntuitionist Well, you have an excellent VO! Perfect for this subject matter :0). Happy Holidays 😊.
@@EmpressLestat Thanks so much, Shield Maiden. That really made my day. Big love and happy holidays to you and yours as well!
This makes me think that somebody or something somewhere is trying to tell us something, i believe its working, this has been happening through out our history but we seem to think it's something new because it started being recognized in the mid 70's by Dr. Moody's book but its actually been happening for thousands of years, i believe its been happening sense the beginning of human kind, this is coming from our creator and i do believe we need to pay very very close attention to this.
Wonderful comment, Jimmy! I think you're absolutely right that NDEs have been happening throughout history and likely the beginning of human kind. In Plato's Republic, he writes about a soldier named "Er" who dies in battle, but mysteriously awakens several days later to tell everyone about the immortality of the soul.
Thank you for your support, and big love to you and yours in the new year!
how old was he when he had the nde?
Is the Tool song H. about Dr. H?
That's very possible! I remember listening to the Aenima album quite a lot in my high school years, and only later realized the references to Jung and Jungian concepts in it. What are your thoughts on it? Happy holidays to you and yours!
@@ModernIntuitionist All I know is synchronicities in my life have been non-stop and significant since taking ayahuasca in 2018, I guess this could count as death (of the ego). I think it has to do with letting go and going with the flow.
Wow wow. Dear do u have team of graphic designer or you do it on your own? Subscriber since when you have 2k subs.
Hello Arif! Thanks so much for your continued support from the beginning. I truly appreciate you. To answer your question: I do all the editing and graphics by myself at the moment. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
@@ModernIntuitionist you Rock and happy new year to you 😊🥳❤, same wishes for ur family
Your videos are too gud.... 💕
Thanks so much, Imraan! I am so grateful for your support
@@ModernIntuitionist bro make more videos on topics like synchronicities, twinflames, destiny, law of attraction etc
Dr. H. passed on 4.4.44? 🙏
Thanks for the comment, Lulu! Here's an excerpt from Jung's book "Memories, Dreams, Reflections":
"In actual fact I was [Dr. H's] last patient. On April 4, 1944 - I still remember the exact date - I was allowed to sit up on the edge of my bed for the first time since the beginning of my illness, and on this same day Dr. H took his bed and did not leave it again... Soon afterward he died of septicaemia."
Thanks again. And my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
🧑🏾🎄🧓🏾🧑🏾🦳💖🧑🏿🎄 Very illuminating
Thank you Vivian! My best to you and yours in the new year!
Thanks 👵
Thank you, AA PP! Happy holidays!
Happy holidays 🎄
Yes we are spirits we are angels and in the end we will be saints that’s are journey
Beautifully said, Don! Thank you and happy holidays
👵 Thank you!!!
Thanks so much, Lisa! Happy holidays
For those who think that maybe the external world is a projection: the asteroid is an eye, and the hole into which Jung entered, the pupil. Thus he was returning to the external world's origin. The figure inside would have to have been a symbol of regained balance - like the Ark of the Covenant that returned in the book of revelation - "and the Ark appeared in his temple" his temple being his forehead. These being symbols for balance, specifically, the bell curve of Normal Distribution (more detailed representations are seen in the Menorah, and Dome of the Rock). God is the law of averages - what can I say.
Really wonderfully said! Thank you for taking the time to share that, and happy holidays to you and yours!
@@ModernIntuitionist Happy CHRISTMAS...!!!
@@robinhood6954 Happy Christmas Robin Hood! Thank you for your support, and all the best to you and yours in the new year
Love it
Thanks so much, Nick! Big love to you and yours, and happy holidays!
👵🏾 🙏🏻
Thanks so much for your continued support, my friend! Big love to you and yours!
I almost drowned as around 10 . I did not know anything about that kinda of stuff so I know I didn't Imagine it . Short story, I slipped of the edge of the Pool and went down for the 3rd time, I started regressing backwards, the car ride there , and all the way back to brushing my teeth and getting toothpaste on my shirt ( not to glorious 🙂 but it ended when I was suddenly pulled out of the pool by the life guard
Thank you for taking the time to share your NDE, Michael! That's fascinating, would you say your experience of 'regressing backwards' was a kind of "Life Review"? I never get tired of hearing people's NDE stories, they are one of the great mysteries of consciousness and the soul. My best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
I found out 5 days ago that I going to be a grandmother 👵
I didn't even know there was a grandmother emogi. 👵 👵
Wow, big love and big congratulations to you Andrea! Thank you for sharing that joyful news, and my best wishes to you and your loved ones in the new year!
Love🙌🏼🤩 👵🏼
Big love to you and yours Sue! All the best to you and yours this holiday seasons and in the new year